Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DaManofWar said:
Hans Frankenstein deactivated the rune. Scar was now stuck in the darkness realm. Pity. Hans had some plans for Scar.
Deciding to investigate the matter, Hans ended his holographic projection. Now, he would talk to Clair directly. Waving a hand, Hans teleported to the guild of Dragon's Roar. He had learned it's location thanks to Scar. He had a connection to him, one that let him track him anywhere.

Hans walked over to Clair. "Miss Clair," he said to her, smiling, "we must talk concerning Scar."

( ! )

Clair looked at him. "You have 2.5 seconds to leave before I kill you."
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Clair looked at him. "You have 2.5 seconds to leave before I kill you."
Hans laughed out loud at the comment. "You think I would come here unprepared? Ha! I have safeguards against your abilities. They're called intelligence, strategy, and above all," Hans was now right in front of Clair, "superiority. But I am not here to fight. I wish for you to return Scar to me. He is very important in my plans. Do so, and I assure you, he won't bother you whatsoever. Refuse, and you will find yourself in a world of mental anguish. Well, not you," Hans smirked coldly, "your family will." He had a very sadistic idea for her torture. He had made life once: did it not stand to reason he could do it again? It would be a simple task to accomplish. He knew she would try to kill him anyway, but he would easily stop her. Portals mean nothing when you know how to counteract them.
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DaManofWar said:
Hans laughed out loud at the comment. "You think I would come here unprepared? Ha! I have safeguards against your abilities. They're called intelligence, strategy, and above all," Hans was now right in front of Clair, "superiority. But I am not here to fight. I wish for you to return Scar to me. He is very important in my plans. Do so, and I assure you, he won't bother you whatsoever. Refuse, and you will find yourself in a world of mental anguish. Well, not you," Hans smirked coldly, "your family will." He had a very sadistic idea for her torture. He had made life once: did it not stand to reason he could do it again? It would be a simple task to accomplish. He knew she would try to kill him anyway, but he would easily stop her. Portals mean nothing when you know how to counteract them.
Clair looked at him. She opened a portal inside his skull and cut his brain into two. Several more ape eared turning his brain into mincemeat and killing him. She looked over to Jessica and nodded. Spikes of darkness went into Scar and obliterated his body killing him as well.
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson lands on the ground and gets up. He used absolute light and sent him and Crimson to the light realm cutting off his supply of rage. Jackson shot fire at him.

His arm was cut off but he easily regrew it. He knew the energy would run out sense the spear wasn't much. He charged in with his blade and stabbed into his chest.
Crimson growls as he Aura flow shrunk down a little. He summons his sword, and starts spinning it send waves of rage energy that was already stored within the sword.

(!) Inaro charges towards Brock with the wind flowing around his right hand as if it's a drill. He did this by using elemental manipulation meaning he's no longer using vectors. The blade phases through Inaro's chest and he sticks the Wind drill into Brock's chest, drilling. A massive hole into it. (!) @Tazmodo
DaManofWar said:
Hans felt it all happen. Just one problem with her plan: he had seen it coming. He knew she would try to cut his body up with portals. And of course, it wouldn't work.
"That was rude," Hans muttered as he reassembled. "I experimented on myself endlessly." Blood, flesh, bone, the components of the human body were all reemerging together. "I have healing abilities superior to you. Destroy my body, and I will reassemble in moments." Hans now stood, completely reborn. As if the portals had never happened. "I have a hand in both the occult and science realms. The act of opening a portal to cut my brain in half is pointless. So, just stop trying to kill me. It won't work." Hans stretched his back, feeling it to make sure it was there.

( ! )

"I see you tried to kill Scar. Sad. You see," now Hans grabbed Clair by the throat, "death is not permanent for him. Not yet anyway. Even now, he is most likely finding himself in some other location, in a new body. Soul transference," Hans had a dangerous look in his eyes. "Now," he told Clair, holding a hand in front of her face, "die." In a flash of energy and speed, a massive explosion of green fire and magic occurred, one that would engulf everyone who stood against him. Hans would of course resemble. His enemies? Not so much.
(Yeah I had a look at you character sheet and you are still human. That means when your brain is destroyed there is no going back. Healing would work on a arm or leg. Not brain. He's dead.)

(You know what I like you I'll let it go.)

The drill killed Brock. Inaro was sent out of the darkness realm. Now it was just the other two. Scott looked at him and waited.
Inaro was out of the shadow realm and he looks around for Cole who was still there. Cole was just cooling in the void chair he created when they first entered. When he saw his buddy leave, he looked at Scott. So how is this gone go, still wanna fight? He asked as he smoked.

Inaro looks at the crowd of people in front of the guild, and grins. He's body turns into metal and his hands turn into metallic sharp claws.
So who wants to play with the alcoholic?? @Tazmod (Don't forget about crimson)

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus followed happily, having caught on by the second time he was here. He wondered Ashlyn had too or was just following the path. He ignored the thought and just met the guardian for the third time. "Why would you ask why I'm persistent? How can I say I want to protect her yet also give up when I'm sent in loops? Those contradict silly. Yes, I'm sure I do. Yes, I always am. And of course I am. They both seem lovely from what I've heard. Unless you mean something else by Death..." Morpheus turned around and leaned back on his Cane, looking where he came. He squinted and had a thought but pushed it aside, turning back to the guardian. "How many more times will you send us through this lovely loop? Nothing looks different. I'm mildly sad"
The guardian refrains from answering Morpheus's question and presses the button. The stairs behind them disappear as well as Ashlyn. There was a cave exit and a crystal bridge leading to the cave left of the original bridge seen when they first started. There was a straight path inside that cave and a guardian standing at a dead end.

Tazmodo said:
Juliette runs for her. "Wait no please stop. I'm a friend of Ashlyn's I came to help protect you. My name is Juliette." Her voice echoed though out the temple making sure she heard her.
DizjayDeathPride said:
A wall of darkness rose up directly in front of her, letting her crash into it. "Stop yelling. You're only making it worse. She doesn't know you. She doesn't trust you. And chasing her isn't making it better." Decimus went around her and continued after Alexandria
Alexandria was still hiding from Julliette, thinking that she's here to kill her.

Lotusy said:
Malren could feel a sense of acknowledgement from the other side, then braced himself for the teleport nausea. The woman in front of him seemed to be struggling to open some vials, and though Malren had no idea what she had to do with the race for the orbs, he decided to help he nonetheless. Tapping her on the shoulder, he leaned down and asked, "Excuse me. Do you need any help, ma'am?"
Alice turns around to reveal red puffy eyes similar to her iris. "Oh... It's you sister slayer." She didn't drop the f bomb because her children were right in front of her. "I'm fine, I don't need help there's no problem at all. Everything is fine." By looks of her tear covered face and her two children Red and Blue being trapped in vials that she can't open. The words about everything being fine was to reassure not only herself but her kids. "Why are you here?"

Juju said:
For a brief moment all Arwyn could observe was a sea of dazzling gold before it was blotted out by a mass of red and dusky scales that was Syrax. "Oi, get off! You are going to crush me!" She hissed in surprise while thumping a hand on Syrax's side. The sudden weight shifted off of her legs once more as the wyvern got back to his feet and shook the dust from his hide. Teeth grasped the dragon knight's cloak and dragged her up off of the shimmering ground as if she was nothing more than a kitten and then placed her down on her feet.
"I didn't realize you were so delicate." the wyvern responded before dislodging some of the stubborn dirt clinging onto his scales with a barbed tongue. Arwyn smiled at this, "If you weren't so fat, this wouldn't have been a problem!" she teased. Now that she thought about it, it almost seemed as if the wyvern had grown a bit since their slumber beneath the mountains. He wasn't quite yet the size his mother had been, but she wondered just how big red wyverns grew.

Tan colored dust fell from the nooks and crannies of Arwyn's armor as she dusted herself off as best she could. 'I'm going to have bits of sand and dust in my armour for weeks.' she thought as she flicked away a tangled mess of some dried up plant.

After they recovered from their abrupt teleportation the two began walking through the golden city, looking in wonder at the strange area.

"I didn't think there was this much gold in all the world..." Arwyn said as they passed by a cafe coated in gold. Even the food and the potted plants were entirely made of gold, giving the location an almost eerie look. "It is so beautiful, yet so desolate." she observed out loud.

As soon as she caught sight of the river a strange sensation overcame her. "We need to go down there." she said suddenly to her dragonoid companion. "I don't know what's down there but we need to go."

The wyvern shrugged his shoulders and allowed Arwyn to climb onto his back. "Lets go then." he said before taking off in the direction of the river. He landed upon the bank closest to the city and sniffed down suspiciously at the water.

The golden water flows into the cities sewers through a wide tunnel.
( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @CelticSol @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t @Daimao )

The Black Orb and its affects had already spread to several other countries. The Black Orb's aura infected all things within a mile radius of an already infected object or being. The aura seemed to spread around the Earth's atmosphere like an almost slowed down flash due to the air being corrupted as well. From outside the Earth a being could see the atmosphere turning black. In mere minutes most all of Earth would end up being affected by the Black Orb's evil. Light shining upon the Earth was just glowing grey, the brightest color in the sky since it was black. The oceans would soon become the Styx and humanity would hate each other. The affects of the Black Orb was slowly traveling towards the Sun using the cursed light waves.

Grimmavus whom is in a different realm shifts into his balance aspect once more. For Earth the flame of good was dwindling. "Whomever removed the Black Orb from the temple has completely thrown off the balance!"

( We must hurry and collect all the other orbs! )
"This way." Arwyn said before striding up to the tunnel and peering in. "It leads into the sewers..." she turned her head back to Syrax whom was waiting expectantly. "I don't think it is wide enough for a wyvern" she explained.

"Why do our paths always lead into some tunnel?" the wyvern asked rhetorically. He lowered his head so he could look into the tunnel as well and took a sniff. Much to his pleasure there was no signature scent of feces in the air, most likely caused by the fact that everything was made of gold.


(I don't think the tunnel is that wide is it?)
Juju said:
"This way." Arwyn said before striding up to the tunnel and peering in. "It leads into the sewers..." she turned her head back to Syrax whom was waiting expectantly. "I don't think it is wide enough for a wyvern" she explained.
"Why do our paths always lead into some tunnel?" the wyvern asked rhetorically. He lowered his head so he could look into the tunnel as well and took a sniff. Much to his pleasure there was no signature scent of feces in the air, most likely caused by the fact that everything was made of gold.


(I don't think the tunnel is that wide is it?)
( I made it wide enough for you both to hopefully fit. )

A portal appears once they grow close enough and pull them in, spitting them out into some random area of the sewer in golden water. The water begins to pull them towards what seems to be a sewer waterfall. A strange square glowing symbol was to the left of Arwyn on a wall 15 feet away. It seemed useless as if it was just an indicator.

The man in armor looked at Alice. He genuinely felt bad for her. "Alright stop crying I am a man of my word. I want to fight you Alice and if you beat me I'll free your kids. Hell even if I beat you I'll free your kids. I mean them no harm. It's just how things work."
Light said:
The guardian refrains from answering Morpheus's question and presses the button. The stairs behind them disappear as well as Ashlyn. There was a cave exit and a crystal bridge leading to the cave left of the original bridge seen when they first started. There was a straight path inside that cave and a guardian standing at a dead end.
Alexandria was still hiding from Julliette, thinking that she's here to kill her.

Alice turns around to reveal red puffy eyes similar to her iris. "Oh... It's you sister slayer." She didn't drop the f bomb because her children were right in front of her. "I'm fine, I don't need help there's no problem at all. Everything is fine." By looks of her tear covered face and her two children Red and Blue being trapped in vials that she can't open. The words about everything being fine was to reassure not only herself but her kids. "Why are you here?"

The golden water flows into the cities sewers through a wide tunnel.

Morpheus sighed and just walked forward to the next guardian


Decimus sighed and the darkness sucked Juliette into the shadow realm. "Alexandria she's gone. Please come back"
Tazmodo said:
Juliette sat down and sighed. "I only want to help out sense Ashlyn showed me the temple. Sorry for scaring you." She leaned against the wall of darkness and looked at her knee. When she hit it she cut it by accident and it was bleeding. She put a bandage on it hoping it wouldn't start stinging.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus sighed and the darkness sucked Juliette into the shadow realm. "Alexandria she's gone. Please come back"
Alexandria stops hiding and peaks around the corner. "R-Really?" Once she sees Julliette get sucked into the darkness realm she flinches. "Oh..."

Tazmodo said:
The man in armor looked at Alice. He genuinely felt bad for her. "Alright stop crying I am a man of my word. I want to fight you Alice and if you beat me I'll free your kids. Hell even if I beat you I'll free your kids. I mean them no harm. It's just how things work."
( @Lotusy )

( ! ) "Really? Oh Gavon!~" Alice holds out her hand expectantly for a moment, as if waiting for an item.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed and just walked forward to the next guardian
"The Red Orb will create chaos throughout the realm. Are you prepared to sacrifice that for her?"
Light said:
Alexandria stops hiding and peaks around the corner. "R-Really?" Once she sees Julliette get sucked into the darkness realm she flinches. "Oh..."
( @Lotusy )

( ! ) "Really? Oh Gavon!~" Alice holds out her hand expectantly for a moment, as if waiting for an item.

"The Red Orb will create chaos throughout the realm. Are you prepared to sacrifice that for her?"
Decimus nodded to her. "I said I would protect you. You were upset. She had to go"

Morpheus actually thought that over. Was the world worth her life? After a second he nodded and said, "absolutely"
(Sorry @Dreamtique, I need to move on for slightly selfish reasons :/ . I will say he kept the cat on his shoulder for when you come back)

Fola looked around, new feelings begining to pop into his mind as he looked around, the urge to steal, the urge to attack, and more coming into his head as he stepped away from the raling he was on. He shoved his hands in his pockets and grit his teeth as he began to think of other things he could do to busy himself. He banged on his head as he remembred something, 'Shit, I forgot about Morgan. Might want to check up on her just in case. Need to talk to her anyways...'

He began to sweat a bit as the thoughts began to grow in his head, becoming harder to ignore. He pat the cat's head as he got ready to leave, "Well, I'm gonna take a little trip. If you want to stay on my shoulder, that's alright I suppose. Could really care less." He then got teleported to the witch.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus nodded to her. "I said I would protect you. You were upset. She had to go"

Morpheus actually thought that over. Was the world worth her life? After a second he nodded and said, "absolutely"
"Oh.... okay..." Alexandria slowly walks deeper into the temple and stands before the guardian. "What is the Gold Orb's value?"

The guardian presses the button behind it and the dead end opens to reveal a U turn that would bring him back to the bridge that was in between the cave above and below. This bridge was the one that was to the right of the cave Morpheus recently entered. Morpheus would be at his official starting point except there was a guardian at the other side of the bridge with no cave entrance.

LokiofSP said:
(Sorry @Dreamtique, I need to move on for slightly selfish reasons :/ . I will say he kept the cat on his shoulder for when you come back)
Fola looked around, new feelings begining to pop into his mind as he looked around, the urge to steal, the urge to attack, and more coming into his head as he stepped away from the raling he was on. He shoved his hands in his pockets and grit his teeth as he began to think of other things he could do to busy himself. He banged on his head as he remembred something, 'Shit, I forgot about Morgan. Might want to check up on her just in case. Need to talk to her anyways...'

He began to sweat a bit as the thoughts began to grow in his head, becoming harder to ignore. He pat the cat's head as he got ready to leave, "Well, I'm gonna take a little trip. If you want to stay on my shoulder, that's alright I suppose. Could really care less." He then got teleported to the witch.

Morgan was in her room reading a book when Fola appeared. "Let me guess you're here for my orb." Morgan doesn't look up from her book.

By now Fola would want to forcibly take her and force her to take him to the orb. The orbs power could and should be all his.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Alexei's voice echoed back to him, though it had different words. "Yes! Yes I'm here! Hello!"

"What a sassy place,"
Alexei muttered, keeping his hand on the makeshift paintbrush spear. With a heavy sigh, he plopped down on the ground, drawing a small stick-figure man and watched as it came to life. "Oh, hello," he muttered, as the paint man shook its head and stood up. It looked up to Alexei with a curious glance before climbing up his leg.

(I'll get him out later.)

Light said:
( @Lotusy )
( ! ) "Really? Oh Gavon!~" Alice holds out her hand expectantly for a moment, as if waiting for an item.
"Sister... slayer? What do you... oh." Malren's face turned a bright red as he understood what she was talking about. The woman in front of him... well, he'd seen her before. On the bridge during the mech siege, hadn't she called herself... Alice? At that point in time a random armored man showed up, offering to free Alice's "children", a red and blue organism in two separate vials. She had already accepted his help, so Malren stood back, waiting for what would happen next.

(@Dreamtique Same thing goes for me. Sorry, but I'll need to advance the plot forward.)

Boris sighed as Earl gave no response to his question. With a flick of his wrist, a couple nanobots got to work sealing him into the wall with molding paste. With a dissatisfied sigh, Boris turned around... only to realize that he didn't know where the hell he was. Deciding he would ask the man whose room he came through for directions, he slowly pushed the door open, only to find said man weeping into his pillow, and the wall masked with molding paste. "Privet?" He asked quietly. "Is everything making alright in here?"


(@Light don't forget the girl D: )
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DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus sighed and just walked forward to the next guardian


Decimus sighed and the darkness sucked Juliette into the shadow realm. "Alexandria she's gone. Please come back"
Juliette looked around not knowing where she was or how she got there. "Is anyone there." She called out to the darkness. She was all alone.

Light said:
Alexandria stops hiding and peaks around the corner. "R-Really?" Once she sees Julliette get sucked into the darkness realm she flinches. "Oh..."
( @Lotusy )

( ! ) "Really? Oh Gavon!~" Alice holds out her hand expectantly for a moment, as if waiting for an item.

"The Red Orb will create chaos throughout the realm. Are you prepared to sacrifice that for her?"
The man nodded and got ready. He pulled out his dragon slaying sword and waited for her to attack.
Lotusy said:
Boris sighed as Earl gave no response to his question. With a flick of his wrist, a couple nanobots got to work sealing him into the wall with molding paste. With a dissatisfied sigh, Boris turned around... only to realize that he didn't know where the hell he was. Deciding he would ask the man whose room he came through for directions, he slowly pushed the door open, only to find said man weeping into his pillow, and the wall masked with molding paste. "Privet?" He asked quietly. "Is everything making alright in here?"
Colin looked up when he heard someone talking to him. Colin wasn't sure how to answer Boris's question If he thinks I'm fine then he'll leave and I won't be able to cause him to get hurt as well Colin looked down at the floor as he made a decision on what to say."I-I'm f-fine" Colin felt bad for lying to Boris but thought it was the best thing to do.

The reaper Ethan entered Chicago, he looked down on the souls fighting and rioting. Empathic weather manipulation allowed a bright full rainbow bloom behind himself, due to the joy and happiness he was feeling. He made his way through the streets, dancing and joyfully humming as people killed each other around him. Ethan started a conga line with the souls, each one branched off to there respective afterlife.

(@Light hope this is ok)
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Light said:
"Oh.... okay..." Alexandria slowly walks deeper into the temple and stands before the guardian. "What is the Gold Orb's value?"
The guardian presses the button behind it and the dead end opens to reveal a U turn that would bring him back to the bridge that was in between the cave above and below. This bridge was the one that was to the right of the cave Morpheus recently entered. Morpheus would be at his official starting point except there was a guardian at the other side of the bridge with no cave entrance.

Morgan was in her room reading a book when Fola appeared. "Let me guess you're here for my orb." Morgan doesn't look up from her book.

By now Fola would want to forcibly take her and force her to take him to the orb. The orbs power could and should be all his.
Decimus shrugged. "I have no idea what it's numerical value is. It's intrinsic value is her life"

Don't blow the place up. Don't blow the place up. Do not. Blow. The place. Up. Is all he thought has he walked

Ryan got up from the rubble and just teleported to Morgan's room. He sat down in his chair and just relaxed. He figured he'd just listen

GingerBread said:
Colin looked up when he heard someone talking to him. Colin wasn't sure how to answer Boris's question If he thinks I'm fine then he'll leave and I won't be able to cause him to get hurt as well Colin looked down at the floor as he made a decision on what to say."I-I'm f-fine" Colin felt bad for lying to Boris but thought it was the best thing to do.
Boris looked at the boy with a concerned frown. Though he respected Ivan, Boris wasn't really in the mood to face his cranky leader, and he could easily tell that the stuttering young man on the bed was bluffing. "It does not make of sounding fine, though. Something weighs on your mind, da?"
"N-no I'm...." Colin sat up on his bed and looked at the man before sighing, realizing that it wasn't worth lying to him. "I-I just feel useless. E-everytime I-I try to help I-I make things worse" Colin looked down at the ground again "A-all I-I want to do is help p-people"

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Fola's breaths quickend as he finally gave in, not holding back anymore. Before Morgan knew it he'd slammed his hands in front of her and yanked her arm, "W-Where is it?! Where's the orb?"

@Light (Thought I posted this earlier)

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