Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters




"No I'm not hurt I just...need to switch my focus from blood to something else. There's just so much of it and..." Zalena stops talking any further on the subject as her hair begins to turn white. Her eyes begin to shift in color and the tips of her hair begins shifting to red. Her clothes begin to shift as well until she achieves her succubus form. With this her desire for blood is cut down and her desire to make both herself and Castiel feel pleasure is boosted. She would try to refrain from anything irresponsible but her goal was to keep his mind of the pain and have him relax. She sets her hand on his chest and begins lightly rubbing it, allowing pleasant sensations to pass through him. ( @GingerBread )



Cilan shakes his head as they arrive in the room and he walks down the hall. "No the poor girl didn't know her name so my wife named her Corabelle. They almost have the same eye color as well, the girl has the best magenta eyes I have ever seen. Come, right this way." Cilan types in the code for a door and enters it, allowing a room full of blood bags to become visible for the two kids. "Do you need money or a ride back? Let me know while I grab all of the things you need."  ( @LokiofSP @Tazmodo )

( Will post for @CelticSol once I discuss something with her )


Castiel opened his eyes and looked up at Zalena as he felt her rubbing his chest. He noticed that she looked different, but his attention was drawn to the fact that the tips of Zalena's hair was tinted red, which he remembered from what she told him, that the tips of her hair being red, meant that she was angry. "Zalena.. you look different. And your hair is red.. Are you angry..? Is it because of me?" Castiel started trying to move up into a sitting posision, but stopped quickly after he began. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and attempted to sit up again, pushing himself more this time.



Kristen had a moment of pause at the comment that Cilan mentioned magenta eyes. At this point Kristen there were two very specific coincidences with the details of both amnesia and magenta eyes, then it got WAY to coincidental. She needed to find a way to not only find out more on things about 'Corrablle' just so she could be absolutely sure she wasn't about to abduct some random teen, but also find a reasonable reason to come with Cilan. She looked at the doctor as they entered the room with blood bags, "Magenta eyes huh? Sound like a nice looking girl, what else does she look like since we're on the subject..."  She took a breath as she turned away from Cilan and tapped her left hand against her thigh lightly in a rhythmic pattern, turning to 'John' to ask an actual question, "So um...about those blood type things, what kind do we need here? Or can we just take whatever, doesn't really matter what we take, right?" 

@Tazmodo @Light
Yin's eyes didn't move from the burgers as she said. "Please, and thank you. The dinner must be prepared, and ready. I am sorry if i forgot my manners." She said as she Pulled out her iPod, and plugged into the stereo that sat near the dining table. "Now, What to listen to..." She paused focusing on the small glowing screen. "This One!" She said as she hit play. She pulled her long blonde hair back into a high pony. She whipped out her Spatula and flipped the grilling meats once more. The room was filled with the smell of burgers, that would drift out of the house.


RJ looked into his pockets and realized he had no money. "Well I'm broke but that atm over there should say otherwise. Follow me." He walked over to the atm and touched the side of it. He didn't bring anything to hack into it but he remembered his dad's bank account number. He used it a lot for order food and stuff and he would be mad but he couldn't be mad all day. This time however he kind of need it. He withdrew three hundred and gave it to Ree. "That should be enough. First food, clothes and soap and stuff. Then we can use the rest to get whatever else might help. Where do you want to go first." He looked around at the crowd and how they had no clue what was going on. They probably didn't even notice the missing monarch. If so they probably wouldn't be so calm knowing that some of the powerful people are being killed. The more they acted however the hard it will become.


Clark thought about the girl but didn't pick up on anything. "We can't possibly take your money after asking for free blood. I would feel worse then I already do. I'd hate for you to get in trouble." He looked to Kristen. "Well we need B+ but any other kind after that would be cool for future issues. Luckily everyone took their medical records when they left otherwise would would be in big trouble." He looked at Cilan. "Who do you mainly see certain  patient or just anyone who goes through the door. I know some doctors only deal with few people?"



Zalena gives him a sickly sweet smile and gently pushes him back on the floor, which now feels like a bed to him. "Shhh, don't worry about the details. Just pay attention to me and my voice. Let your mind be at ease." Zalena stares deeply into Castiel's eyes while she rubs her hand upon his chest. "You had a very interesting story about your mother and sister. Can you tell me more about you though? There's a lot I'd like to know after all. You are a very interesting person to me. I was serious when I said I had feelings for you earlier, with several other feelings towards you." She uses her free hand to brush her hair over her ear and takes a deep breath, allowing her chest to rise and fall within her precisely sized clothes. ( @GingerBread )



Cilan goes inside of the room and grabs a capsule filled with pills. The small capsule had at leas 40 of these pills inside of it and Cilan had no problem giving them this many. He exits the room and closes the door behind him, locking it once more. "Give two of these pills to your friend and they should dissolve rapidly and fill him with blood. Save the rest just in case you have another bleeding out issue. Let him sleep for the night and by the time he wakes up his blood should be fully restored." Cilan leaves the capsule of pills in a bag and hands the bag to Clark. "Well I do remember the girl having..." Cilan begins to think to himself on Corabelle's details and opens the elevator. He did know that Corabelle had a family to get back to but sharing too much of her private information is a bit too much. He'd just rely on keeping tabs with the police system to find her parents. After all they should have contacted the authorities to have a proper investigation. Cilan thought that they were good kids no matter how strange their situation is but that doesn't mean he should throw out Corabelle's information without her consent. "She has black hair, she's really tall, and has an athletic build." He didn't lie about her athletic build but everything else was a lie. "Just take the elevator down and the exit should be on the right. I have to go tend to a surgery now. To answer your question, I tend to whatever matter I schedule myself to. I'm the head doctor here with some permissions to ownership of the building." With this, Cilan walks down the hall and disappears after turning a corner. ( @Tazmodo @LokiofSP )





Within the kitchen with Hassan, Yin, and Alyson the light begin to flicker on and off. A lightning bolt drops from a light and takes the new form of Austrianna. The lights flicker back on leaving her standing confused at her sudden location. Her personality, appearance, and powers have been altered permanently due to Maya's cookie. Once she gains her bearings and an understanding of her powers she shifts her face to a calm expression and stares at the group. She doesn't say a word and takes a single step towards the group. She sets her hand on her sword and electricity begins to sprout out of her body violently. It seemed like she was ready to attack but all she was intending to do was put her sword down. Coincidentally her body had just discharged extra electricity. Though with her looking like a stranger now, her current position, and her closing the distance it was a complete threat. ( @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame )



As Eppie went to sleep, her dreams began to shift and mold into a snow covered forest. Before her sat a reindeer sitting within the snow, allowing the gentle snowflakes to rest upon its white and red body. Everything that Eppie has ever stolen lay around it within the snow. It seemed like the reindeer was the only heat source around and the forest around Eppie was growing colder by the moment. The reindeer didn't seem aggressive, even though it already knew of Eppie's existence right before it. ( @CelticSol )



Leo ends up in a black room with one chair underneath a single light bulb. A reaper was floating behind the chair, robes and hood on along with a jagged scythe. It gestures for Leo to sit down and the room receives a sudden chill. "Sit" The reaper's alliance was currently unknown but it was insistent on Leo sitting in the chair in front of it. ( @CelticSol )



As Eppie went to sleep, her dreams began to shift and mold into a snow covered forest. Before her sat a reindeer sitting within the snow, allowing the gentle snowflakes to rest upon its white and red body. Everything that Eppie has ever stolen lay around it within the snow. It seemed like the reindeer was the only heat source around and the forest around Eppie was growing colder by the moment. The reindeer didn't seem aggressive, even though it already knew of Eppie's existence right before it. ( @CelticSol )


For a long moment, Eppie only stares. A reindeer sitting in snow, surrounded by a huge amount of objects so diverse the only term that Eppie could use is 'stuff', ranging from food and liquor to a significant amount of expensive looking jewelry, to clothes, leading up to a brilliant, pristine, silver Porsche. Once her eyes drift to the Porsche, she freezes, eyes blowing wide as her eyes scan over the scattered objects in the snow. She kneels in the snow to grab a cluster of twisted jewelry and metal, and after a brief moment of searching through her memories, recognizes a charm bracelet that she had lifted off a woman when she was 14. She recognizes a diamond necklace twisted around it, too; something else she stole, which she had managed to pull right off of the wife of one of her mother's rivals at a gala. She also fondly remembers the small smirk of pride her mother sent her for pulling off the stunt. It was the only time she had been proud to see Eppie pocketing something that didn't belong to her.

As she scans the rest of the objects, it dawns on her that this massive collection of stuff is her amalgamated pile of everything she's ever stolen. Some of the stuff she can't distinctly recognize or recall the moment she stole it, but what she can't remember, she knows she stole those things to sell them. But what Eppie definitely knows is that this dream is too specific, drawing on details she could never plausibly remember, to be her own. She rises from the frigid snow, eyes turning instead to the fawn, her voice low, "Where am I? What is this?"


Leo ends up in a black room with one chair underneath a single light bulb. A reaper was floating behind the chair, robes and hood on along with a jagged scythe. It gestures for Leo to sit down and the room receives a sudden chill. "Sit" The reaper's alliance was currently unknown but it was insistent on Leo sitting in the chair in front of it. ( @CelticSol )


Leo knows, the minute that he enters the dream, that this dream does not belong to him. Not properly, anyway. Dreams tend to be incoherent and inconsistent, with varying unrelated details knitting themselves together into a patchwork of various thoughts and dreams that the brain then tries to make something tangible out of. Leo knows this from Usagi lessons on the mainframe of dreams - as dissecting the psychological damages revealed by dreams was part of Leo's curriculum as a healer - but also recognizes signs that this is not his own from lessons in defense from his mother. This is too vague, but also too specific. If Leo were to dream of a reaper, it would be one who's name or face he knew, or he would dream of his father, not an indistinct reaper with no clear alliance.

As much as he wants to question the reaper about his intentions, Leo steps forward, sliding into the seat, used to the chill that reapers bring. He warily watches the scythe of the unknown reaper, looking up silently at the looming figure of his dream.


"Hey! Wait, I still have more-" Kristen spoke out to the doctor, but he was gone. She grabbed the capsule and muttered quietly to herself, [SIZE= 8px]"She's fine Kristen, probably just back at the castle sleeping or something, yeah, she's fine..." [/SIZE]Kristen took a deep breath, nodding to herself before resuming with her usual talk towards Clark, "So fuck face, you ready to find a degenerate or whatever so we can get back to the dying guy? Good! Because I can't be bothered to throw you this time..." Kristen walked over to the elevator and got in, holding the door for Clark to enter before they exited the building...




Castiel looked down from Zalena's face, at her chest for a few seconds, before it registered to him, where he was looking. He looked back up at Zalena, looking into her eyes, feeling more comfortable on the ground than he did a few seconds prior.  "There's not really anything interesting about me, at least as far as I know; Everyone else seems more interesting than me.. I'm a demi-titan and the son of a goddess.. but that's not anything interesting.. compared to everyone else" Castiel laid his head back and looked up at the ceiling, starting to feel tired. "I live on a farm.. and look after animals, and crops, and stuff, That's not interesting though" Castiel started wondering if the farm was okay and if all the animal were being cared for properly. "I should check up on the farm soon; Ruby said she'd asked our neighbors to look after everything while we were gone... I should at least check up though.." Castiel lifted his head up slightly as he looked back up at Zalena. "Sorry.. I got a bit off topic.."

Yin's eyes flashed with anger as Austrianna scared her causing her to drop her burgers. She saw her begin to advance, and yelled to draw Austrianna to her. She looked at the electricity and her eyes widened. She grabbed a plate and threw it at Austrianna. "Over here!" She called in a mocking fashion. She backed toward the wall, her hands gripped tightly around her staff. She held its silver tip towards the electricity sparks. 

@Light @Embaga Elder


Clarke followed behind into the elevator. "Damn not even a minute and you're being rude. What did I do to you?" He looked at the capsules. It was like nothing he'd ever seen. He had figured they would get bags. He didn't fully trust them but he had no choice. 



The reindeer rises to it's full height, towering above Eppie's own. Instead of answering her two simple questions it stares her down. One by one the items Eppie stole disappear in a matter of seconds and appear on it's body in the form of symbols. Once all of the items disappear it makes it's way over to Eppie. With each step the snow around it's hooves melt away as it closes the distance between them with confidence. Once it's within Eppie's range of touch, it snorts profoundly. It sets down it's head within the crook of her neck, offering warmth instead of answers. ( @CelticSol )



Once Leo sat in the chair, the reaper takes hold of it's scythe. It doesn't say a word but the aura of it's affiliation was nothing but antagonizing. The dream causes Leo to tense up within the chair. A mirror was set up before him, big enough to reflect an image of his entire body. The odd aspect of this was that Leo had no part in the reflection. His father was within it, with an unknown armored entity holding a scythe behind him. Even though it was raising it's scythe to decapitate him, his father had his eyes fixed on the person behind Leo. The dream causes Leo to turn around and see that the reaper has been replaced with his sister. The dream ends with her swinging the scythe and lobbing off his head. After this, everything shifts to darkness before he ends up in a meadow. ( @CelticSol )



"It's fine, continue the story, I don't mind hearing you talk Castiel." Zalena lightly giggles at where Castiel had his eyes on. "The only thing I will question you on is what you're staring at." She wanted to toy with him so badly. Usually Castiel would come off as the type that wasn't interested in this. Right now he was definitely staring at her chest and no other opportunity like this would come around once more. "Did you like what you saw? Why didn't you tell me you were interested in me that way before Castiel? It's only natural, you and I both are growing after all. It's not like I haven't been looking at places." Zalena gives him a deceiving smile. One that would lure him right into her arms before she takes all that he is for herself. ( @GingerBread )

( @The Imperial Flame Waiting for @Embaga Elder to reply before I do )


"I.. wasn't staring at anything" Castiel would've been blushing, had he had enough blood in his body for that to actually be able to happen. He looked up at Zalena with a confused expression plastered over his face, when she seemed to be okay with where he was looking. "Um, well, Um.." Castiel was at a loss for words. "..It wasn't a bad view.." He looked down, past Zalena's body, towards the ground. He kept his gaze on the ground for a few seconds before looking back up, past Zalena's body again, before settling on her face. "So you're okay with me.. you know? ..And what places have you been looking at?" Castiel kept looking at Zalena, awaiting her answer to the questions he had about what she had just said to him; He was more awake now, the shock of what had just occurred bringing him out of his stupor. 



As the lights began to flicker, both Alyson and Hassan glanced up at them. Alyson only did a quick glance and placed her eyes back on Yin. Hassan sighed and shook his head. Looks like someone forgot to pay the damn electric bill. He said jokingly, causing Alyson to roll her eyes towards his comment, shaking her head. Soon a lightning bolt struck from a light. Hassan and Alyson both jumped back just from reaction alone. Hassan just took it a step further and drew one of his guns. He pointed it at the new and improved Austrianna having no clue who she really is. And I actually thought we could get a break, guess i thought wrong. Alyson glances over at Hassan seeing how he instantly drew his gun, then at Yin seeing how she tried getting her attention as well. It seemed that they both decided to attack first, but Alyson didn't, she lowered Hassan gun and yelled. HEY!! Much louder than Yin did. Who are you and what do you want with us?? Let's try talking before we advance to violence right away. Alyson spoke with straight confidence which surprised Hassan entirely. He was impressed just how she took over this situation. @Light @The Imperial Flame



The reindeer rises to it's full height, towering above Eppie's own. Instead of answering her two simple questions it stares her down. One by one the items Eppie stole disappear in a matter of seconds and appear on it's body in the form of symbols. Once all of the items disappear it makes it's way over to Eppie. With each step the snow around it's hooves melt away as it closes the distance between them with confidence. Once it's within Eppie's range of touch, it snorts profoundly. It sets down it's head within the crook of her neck, offering warmth instead of answers. ( @CelticSol )


Epsilon watches, for some reason entranced and mesmerized by the reindeer. She watches all of her stolen belongings vanish, then decorating the creature's hide with symbols to represent the objects. Instead of somehow answering her questions, it rests it's face in her, warmth radiating off the creature. The warmth brings to light how cold Eppie is; her fingers feel numb and frozen, her nose and cheeks flushed from the frigid cold. Without thinking, her leans her face on the reindeer, her hand cradling the other side of the creatures face as Eppie unconsciously leans into it's warmth.

Once Leo sat in the chair, the reaper takes hold of it's scythe. It doesn't say a word but the aura of it's affiliation was nothing but antagonizing. The dream causes Leo to tense up within the chair. A mirror was set up before him, big enough to reflect an image of his entire body. The odd aspect of this was that Leo had no part in the reflection. His father was within it, with an unknown armored entity holding a scythe behind him. Even though it was raising it's scythe to decapitate him, his father had his eyes fixed on the person behind Leo. The dream causes Leo to turn around and see that the reaper has been replaced with his sister. The dream ends with her swinging the scythe and lobbing off his head. After this, everything shifts to darkness before he ends up in a meadow. ( @CelticSol )


Leo's body, already tense, goes even tenser, freezing him to the spot. Whomever controls the vision, it wants Leo to pay attention to this detail, so Leo pays close attention to the mirror, trying not to look at the Reaper behind him. And then his father is in the mirror. If Leo had not been frozen against his will, he might have risen from his chair, screamed, cried, tried to free his father, but instead, he remains motionless, speechless, uselessly frozen as he looks at his father, an armoured figure behind him. His father, familiar grey-blue eyes locked not on Leo, but on the Reaper behind him. Leo's body turns, and finds that the reaper is gone, and has been replaced with his sister.

Before, he was worried. Anxious. Concerned for his father, troubled by the man that stands behind him, desperate for answers the vision is trying to give him. Now? He is terrified - Siobhan is the subject of his nightmares, his flashbacks, his anxieties and night terrors. Now, she lies behind him, a death scythe brandished proudly in her hand. Now, he is frozen in terror, not against his will, but because he could not move even if he wanted to.

She raises her scythe, cold expression giving to a smile - or maybe that was Leo, because when she tried to kill him the last time, she smiled - no, she grinned when she tried to kill him the last time - and Leo is barely able to gasp before she brings the scythe down with the entire force of her body, cutting his head cleanly from his neck with a precision only his prodigy sister could manage.

He expects darkness, death, because despite knowing it's a vision, terror has clouded his clarity. There is a long, agonizing moment where Leo isn't even able to breathe with the way anxiety has tightened around his lungs, before he is finally able to drag in a harsh breath through his teeth. He forces himself to exhale, repeating the pattern of forcing himself to breathe until he has relative control of his anxiety. He keeps his eyes shut tight, hand clenched at his side as he wards off his panic attack by sheer will alone. Right now, he can't afford to lose composure. Not in this vision, not now. Not if he wants to find his father safe and sound.

After a while, Leo opens his eyes, seeing a bright blue sky above him. That, too, helps him take a deep breath of calming, assuring him further that Siobhan has vanished. Still, he can't help but run his fingers along his throat, right where the dream-Siobhan had decapitated him. But all he finds is smooth skin, so Leo finally rises, seeing that he is now resting in a meadow. As far as his eyes can see is flowers and long grass, blowing in a soft wind under the warm sun, and the relaxing aura of the environment is enough to help ward away Leo's lingering anxieties.


Kristen shrugged, pressing the button for the lobby and flashing Clark a smile, "No reason really, just fun to piss you off really..." The elevator doors opened up before them, revealing the lobby before them. She walked towards the exit and headed out, making their way towards the parking lot they arrived in. Kristen scanned the area frowning as she looked off into the distance, "So then medic, how the hell do you find a fucking degenerate? By the way, before you say it, I know that all I would have to do is turn around and look at you, but that's not the kind of degenerate I'm talking about here."

@Tazmodo @Light
After counting up and pocketing her newly-acquired funds, Ree responds "Well, this place is so massive, we're near just about anything you can think of..."

After a bit of puzzling to herself, Ree proposes, "Maybe we should just walk around for a little bit, look for the essentials and stuff?"




Austrianna didn't talk much no matter what the situation was, especially this version of her. As she walked forward she tilts her head to the side without a margin of worry to dodge the plate. Once her eyes notice the gun, she still makes the motion of putting her sword down as she intended on doing before. Austrianna goes into one of her jackets pockets and pulls out her wallet. She opens it and shows a picture of her old self and her siblings. Without a word, she points to herself in the picture. The electricity sprouting out of her body begins to die down at this moment. ( @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder )



Once Eppie leans in and accepts it's warmth, things around them begin to get warmer. Before they knew it the snow had cleared out completely and spring had come around. The leaves growing on the trees around them weren't exactly leaves since they were pictures of Eppie's past. The reindeer back away from her and begins examining the plant life around them. Once it finds the perfect greens, it begins grazing. If it shook too much, the items in it's skin would fall off as material objects. As the day went on the leaves played actual memories from those photos. Everything was peaceful until a hunters rifle could be heard in the distance. The mere sound of the weapon made the reindeer shoot up in shock, ready to flee. ( @CelticSol )



Within the meadow stood a blonde girl with bright blue eyes around Leo's age. She seemed to be collecting flowers within a basket when she noticed him with a smile and waved. Reluctantly, she ended up approaching him for conversation. "Hello, I didn't expect to see anyone around here. There isn't a village for miles! Are you here to pick some herbs? If you are, I don't mind sharing since I have more than enough for one person." It was obvious that flowers started to bloom much faster with the girls presence. There also seemed to be glowing orbs of light dancing around the meadow. "What's your name?" ( @CelticSol )



As Kristen asked for a degenerate, one appeared and swallowed them both up. It spat them out in front of Castiel and Zalena. Once Kristen and Clark appeared, Zalena had a face of relief. "It's sad that our time is up but it's nice to see that they're back so soon." Zalena shifts out of her succubus form and tilts her head at the two. "Wait, I don't see any blood bags. Don't tell me you failed to get some!" Her face of relief instantly shifted to one of panic. ( @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @GingerBread )


Castiel's attention was taken away from Zalena when Kristen and Clark appeared in front of them. And by the time he'd looked back at Zalena, she had already changed back from her succubus form, to her normal self. "Um..Okay... I must be hallucinating, or something."  Castiel muttered to himself, before looking back over at Clark and Kristen, trying to push what he figured he'd just hallucinated out of his mind, trying not to think about the implications that it had. "So.. You guys went to get blood? That's good I guess.. I'm fine now though. Yep. Definitely fine." Castiel looked away from them, not looking them in the eye, and instead looked towards the ground. "You guys should keep that blood in case we need it though" He looked back up at Clark and Kristen, now noticing that, after Zalena had pointed it out, they had no blood with them. "So.. where is the blood? Is it in, mini pouches in your pockets, or something?" 

@Light @Tazmodo @LokiofSP


Kristen held up one of the capsules, "Don't worry about it, we did our job, just cut out the bullshit and made everything easier..." She approached Zalena and Castiel and knelled down between them, placing two of the pills in Zalena's hand, "Here, give him those and he should be fine by the morning, all he needs after that is some sleep like the rest of us..." She stood up, yawning and stretching one of her arms behind her back, "Speaking of which, have you seen Juniper tonight? I haven't seen her since we got back, and the doctor said some stuff that kinda made me worry about her a bit..."

@Light @GingerBread @Tazmodo
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Clark saw her shift back to normal and was slightly annoyed that while they were running erands and they were having fun. "Just guve him the pill and bring me back the bottle so I can keep a supply. And yeah it was kind of scetchy."


Rj shrugged his shoulders. "That sounds good to me so long as we end up with all we need." He started walking to the closest store that had clothes in it. "So what did you do for fun before all this?"



Zalena looks at Kristen and tilts her head, thinking about her sister Juniper. "Now that you mention it, no I haven't seen her. Do you think something happened?!" She stands up and rushes over to Kristen. "What did the doctor say anyways?" ( @LokiofSP @Tazmodo )


Clark had left for a quick shower. He couldn't believe how much he had missed it. When he came back he gasped. "No that's to coincidental it can't be." He looked at Zalena. "The doctor talked about a girl he and his wife had found would had amnesia and didn't even know who she was. He's a nice guy so if we go and explain I'm sure he'll be cool about it. But I think we should bring at least three people in case if it gets violent.

Clare (and friends)

Clare and her group were still in the hospital waiting to kidnap the head doctor. When they had the opportunity they would take him.Clare looked to Marshall. "I need you to go outside and let me know if anyone who can stop us comes." Marshall nodded and left. He climbed a big tree that gave him a perfect view of the parking lot. He got an arrow ready just encase. Clare turned to Grace. "Do you really think we can fight a monarch by ourselves? I'm just worried for my sister." Grace nodded. "Don't worry if we fight as a unit and keep formation we will win."
Following alongside RJ, Ree enthusiastically replies, "Oh, I have tons of hobbies! Like video games..." 

Ree opens her mouth as if to continue, but finds herself  seemingly lost for words, murmuring out, "Uhh...video games...and...uhh...hmm..."

Ree eventually falls completely silent, placing her hand to her chin in thought, letting a deafening silence take hold of the conversation.

Once the two enter the store, however, Ree abruptly breaks the silence, hastily commenting, "Oh, well lookit that, we're here! I'll uh... just head on over to girls' section and pick up some stuff."

With an awkward quickness, Ree retreats into the right side of the store's depths, labeled with an overhead sign reading "Womens'" 

The left side of the store is appropriately labeled "Mens'". 

The store's staff of bored teenagers and young adults mull about their business, completely uninterested in the pair.


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