Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters



The blast hits the shield the twins were holding up to protect Zalena and Mary and knocks both the twins to the side. The blast was weakened because of it but it still hit the armoured Zalena and the dying Mary. Dirt, plants, and armour bursts forth into the air once the blast connects. From the cloud of debri a shrill blood curdling scream from Zalena could be heard as if she were burning alive in a fire. Once the cloud clears Zalena's skin was extremely peeled and burned with the addition of her armour being peeled off. Her hair was still faintly flickering between gold and black. Juniper flies over with Leo almost immediately in a panic, landing horribly beside her. She turns to Leo with tears in her eyes and begins to scream with a coarse voice. "Heal her! You can do that right?! Please, s-she's dying!" ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 )



Since Castiel's time was cut down by some due to saving Suria, Ruby ended up being hit by the blast of cold. The air seemed to either gently other violently blow over her as her features obviously began to freeze. Ruby collapsed on her side as her body began to try it's best to heat up. She didn't understand why this was happening, nor did she even see her brother trying to save her. Ruby could barely pull together any last regrets or thoughts within her mind as the blast continued to pass over her. There were only seconds after her collapse before she closed her eyes and took her last breath. ( 

@King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 )


Castiel tried to push himself and run faster as he saw Ruby get hit by the blast from Augustine. As he got over to Ruby he immediately fell to his knees and grabbed Ruby and held her in his arms, hardly paying attention to how cold she was. "Ruby?" Castiel waited a couple of seconds, waiting, hoping for a response from her. "Ruby?!" Castiel tried again, louder this time, hoping that Ruby had just been knocked unconscious, and that by getting louder he could wake her. "Come on sis! Wake up... Tell me that I'm stupid for paying this much attention to you in the middle of a fight, when you're fine; Call me the biggest idiot you've ever met!" Castiel started to worry more as he continued to get no response. Tears started to build up in his eyes as the dread set in; He didn't want to check Ruby's pulse and confirm his suspicion. Castiel felt tears drop from his eyes and saw them land on Ruby's body. "Come on Ruby... Just... Just say something to me... I... I.. I just.." Castiel swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly moved his hand over to Ruby's neck, as he checked for a Pulse.

When he found no pulse, Castiel couldn't deny it anymore... His sister was dead. 'This is my fault.... I.. I could've saved her... I should've kept more of an eye on her... I should've protected her..'  Castiel couldn't begin to attempt to hold back the tears that were falling freely from his eyes. He didn't even care that he was in the open and could easily be killed right now. 'I promised I'd protect her... I.. I couldn't do that... I failed... I was too focused on everything else... and I... I... let this happen...'  Castiel took a shaky breath before sobbing and bringing his sister's dead body closer to his own, hoping beyond all reasonable thought, that maybe she'd come back to life if he willed it to happen hard enough. "I-I... I'm sorry" Castiel spoke between sobs. "I-I... I failed... I..." Castiel took another shaky breath. "I'd... I-I'd give anything to..."

Castiel slowly stood up, the only thought on his mind was just leaving and going home. As he stood up, he saw Frederick, and all his thoughts turned to anger; He started thinking about how they had ended up coming into this situation before they even had the slightest bit of a plan, because of two of the members of their group who just charged in, wanting to be heros. Castiel started walking back towards the place where he had been placed By Zalena earlier, away from the fight. 'This is their fault...They just.. They charged in... Not thinking about anyone else...'  Castiel laid Ruby's body near the roses, wanting to keep her body safe from anymore harm.. even though he couldn't keep her from harm, when she was alive.

Castiel turned around, his eyes red and puffy from crying, though now his eyes only seemed to hold a flame of anger as he looked over at Augustine. 'He's the one who... Took her life..' Castiel started slowly walking towards Augustine, his hand gripping his dagger so tightly his knuckles were turning white. He was determined to get revenge on Augustine, for what he did. Castiel broke out into a sprint towards Augustine, as he gripped the hilt of his dagger even tighter. Castiel curled his other hand into a fist, switching the properties of the darkness inside of his hand, with the properties of the light around him, making the area dark, Like the whole area was heavily shaded, even though it was in direct sunlight, and the darkness inside of his hand blinding.  

Castiel lunged towards Augustine, stabbing his dagger into him as fast he could, using the fact that nothing could pierce Augustine's skin against him, allowing him to stab him faster than he would anyone else. Castiel punched Augustine in the face before opening his fist directly into Augustine's eyes, letting the blinding darkness that was inside his hands go directly to Augustine's eyes as he continued the relentlessly stabbing him with his dagger. Castiel was almost completely driven by his rage as he continued his assault on Augustine.

@Light[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@LokiofSP  @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 
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 RJ was about to attack when he saw Ruby frozen and Castiel charge Augustine. He scan his brain for a solution when suddenly it clicked. He opened up his bag and pulled out the vile. "It's not to late." He said to himself. He was about to call to Castiel that he could save her but he was already fighting. "Fuck." He ran over to Ruby and placed a blanket in her. He opened her mouth and opened the vile. "It'll be ok I promise." He poured it in her mouth and waited for her to heal. She'd be cold but at least she'll be alive. @Light @GingerBread

Marshall pulled out his bow and started firing at Fredrick keeping his distance and trying to distract him. When he pulled back an arrow he saw Castiel charge in and things went dark. "Damn it Castiel." He put the bow down and watched looking for any sign of him. @GingerBread (Sorry I'm on my phone and Kyle got mad for not posting '^')
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The blast hits the shield the twins were holding up to protect Zalena and Mary and knocks both the twins to the side. The blast was weakened because of it but it still hit the armoured Zalena and the dying Mary. Dirt, plants, and armour bursts forth into the air once the blast connects. From the cloud of debri a shrill blood curdling scream from Zalena could be heard as if she were burning alive in a fire. Once the cloud clears Zalena's skin was extremely peeled and burned with the addition of her armour being peeled off. Her hair was still faintly flickering between gold and black. Juniper flies over with Leo almost immediately in a panic, landing horribly beside her. She turns to Leo with tears in her eyes and begins to scream with a coarse voice. "Heal her! You can do that right?! Please, s-she's dying!" ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 )



Leo is frozen in place a moment as he watches Zalena and Mary go down, unable to even breathe, much less speak. He barely hears Zalena over his own heart pounding in his ears, anxiety and ice cold terror freezing him from the inside out, every healing lesson Usagi ever taught him flying from his brain. He can't do this, he can't do this, he doesn't have the training, the experience, this is too much-

He takes a shuddering breath, trying to calm his racing heartbeat. He couldn't afford to lose his cool, not now. Later, he could cry and have a panic attack, but Zalena needs him now. His mother needs him to carry on, his father, wherever he may be, needs him alive. Leo feels a calm, so clinical and foreign that it doesn't even feel like it's his, wash over him. His shaking ceases, he is able to take a deep breath, and focuses. 

He knows it is too late for Mary; he can tell she has already gone through full heart failure, and her crucial organs have likely already lost oxygen and shut down. It chillls him, but he cannot save Mary; he does not have enough skill or magic. He turns to Zalena, inspecting her condition with a critical eye. They are blistering and look agonizing, varying between first and second degree burns, but he, at the vary least, does not have to spend mana reconstructing parts of her nervous system.  Crouching down to her as he withdraws another injection, keeping it ready at his side, he initiates his magic, warmth filling his body as Life flows through his veins and generates glowing magic in his palms, which he places at the worst of her burns, the burns gradually lessening as his magic flows over her skin, generating new skin and reviving charred flesh to knit back together.


Austrianna rips out from underneath her with a roar so vicious Eppie is almost sure that her hellhound form could not replicate it, Eppie almost leaps back into the fray, but the Monarch unleashes a heat wave against one of the children - Zalena, one of the leaders, and a girl Eppie can't name that is frighteningly still - that practically peels away Zalena's skin, and Eppie can barely even breathe, because when she stopped and took a sharp breath in shock, all she can smell is blood - so much blood - and the shock of how real this is, how people are dying around her, shifts her out of her beast form, too horrified to look away as a silver haired boy lurches forward to heal her.

Eppie, now of all times, thinks of her mother. She whispers to herself, trying to calm herself, trying to gain back some bravado and recklessness she had half a second ago, and whispers to herself sharply, frantically, "What would mom do?" What would mom tell me to do? What would mom Sapienti, vicious assassin and ruthless gang leader,  tell me to do? 

And just like that, the answer hit her with enough force, like a freight train at it's full momentum. She can almost hear her mother's voice in her ear, "You're not always going to be in a fight where you've got a knife or a gun; use what you've got on hand, and improvise."

I've got a gun. He reverted those harpoons, though, so that's out. Shifting back might be useful, but I'm also a larger target, and this Monarch would use that against me. I've got the two types of mana injections in my bag, but  I am definitely not injecting myself with the shit Zeta pumps into his veins. So... Mom's mana.

Eppie makes a dash for her bag, almost ripping it open in her haste, and grabs her mother's mana. She notices that, unlike earlier, where it had felt cool from the glass of the syringe, it felt hot. Very hot. Hot enough that Eppie's hand actually started to feel like it was burning, which should have made her drop it, but something compelled her to wrap her hand more firmly around it. Eppie would have chalked it up to the heat waves, but not only did none of them come near her bag, but the syringe was... pulsing? Like it had it's own heartbeat. 

Throwing caution to the wind and driven by a desperate desire to be strong enough to stand a chance, she injects the mana into the veins on her inner forearm and throws the empty syringe to the side. It doesn't feel like any mana she's ever felt in her life - normally, she feels warm, strong, but now she feels as if she freezes and burning at the same time, chills and heat running through her body like fire and ice through her veins. She doesn't dwell on it, igniting her magic with a snap of her finger, and Eppie is engulfed in flame. 

Except, instead of regular flame - which uses less magic than her hellfire - the flame appears to be tinged with black and grey, and if Eppie squints, she swears she can see faces flickering through the flame. This is not normal. Whatever was in that syringe, whatever her mother had repeatedly, over and over, put into her veins, is not normal.


Oh, yeah, that is not normal. Too quiet to be out loud, but too loud to be anything imagined, but definitely a voice, is deep and rumbling deep enough to be monstrous, but holds this strange tone that makes Eppie oddly compelled to hang on every word as it rings through Eppie's mind, and Eppie is overwhelmed by vertigo, her world spinning and shaking at the single word, seeing nothing but black and red a moment as she stumbles to the ground. It fades after a  moment, her vision returning to her, whole, and when she looks to her hands, she sees that every major artery and every small vein has turned charcoal black. Some part of her feels horrified, appalled at what this magic has done to her, but another part, that feels sick and twisted and dark, is... excited. Hungry. She feels so powerful... 

When she tries to bring her flames back, she hears the voice, once more, My girl, my sweet, precious doll; my darling, dearest, little host... 

Eppie is overcome by the same vertigo, stronger, and her vision goes almost entirely dark,on the verge of passing out from the power held behind the words of the unknown voice as she crumbles to the ground. She tries to stay up, opens her eyes wide in an attempt to remain consciousness.

Don't resist me, the voice coos, surrender, and I will be your SALVATION.

It takes too much to resist, and as she slumps to ground, her vision black, her flames roar back to life.

Anyone witnessing Eppie notice the shift as she stands, her composure shifting into one that clearly does not belong to her, her blue eyes almost completely black, the colour practically swallowed by her now too dilated pupils. Her flames roar to life around her, her entire body practically ignited by the grey flames. She charges Augustine, her flames flaring out to viciously burn him.


Castiel wasn't really paying attention to the fight at the moment; He couldn't really stop noticing everything that was going on, because of the way his power worked. When Augustine sent another wave of blasts, he looked around to check if he was in trouble; He assumed everyone else would be okay, at least until he noticed Suria and more importantly his own sister about to be hit, and to make matters worse they both seemed to not be paying attention. Castiel's eyes widened as he saw the events unfolding, he started running towards Ruby, passing Suria and grabbing onto his hair and dragging him along with him, out of the way of the blast, before dropping him and continuing to sprint towards Ruby, going faster now that he wasn't pulling Suria along with him.

@Light @LokiofSP



Mary wished she was on the ground so that she could've been helping people; Even though she was mainly good for healing and she knew she should stay away from the main fight for that reason, she still felt useless and wanted to do more to help; She also didn't want to fight anyone, and wished that they could've at least tried to come to a peaceful solution to the whole situation. "Can you see any-" Mary didn't even get a chance to finish her sentence as harpoons pierced through Zalena's wings and directly into her heart, giving her next to no time to heal or even comprehend the situation as she lost consciousness as her body started to shut down and die.

@King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 



The blast hits the shield the twins were holding up to protect Zalena and Mary and knocks both the twins to the side. The blast was weakened because of it but it still hit the armoured Zalena and the dying Mary. Dirt, plants, and armour bursts forth into the air once the blast connects. From the cloud of debri a shrill blood curdling scream from Zalena could be heard as if she were burning alive in a fire. Once the cloud clears Zalena's skin was extremely peeled and burned with the addition of her armour being peeled off. Her hair was still faintly flickering between gold and black. Juniper flies over with Leo almost immediately in a panic, landing horribly beside her. She turns to Leo with tears in her eyes and begins to scream with a coarse voice. "Heal her! You can do that right?! Please, s-she's dying!" ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 )



Since Castiel's time was cut down by some due to saving Suria, Ruby ended up being hit by the blast of cold. The air seemed to either gently other violently blow over her as her features obviously began to freeze. Ruby collapsed on her side as her body began to try it's best to heat up. She didn't understand why this was happening, nor did she even see her brother trying to save her. Ruby could barely pull together any last regrets or thoughts within her mind as the blast continued to pass over her. There were only seconds after her collapse before she closed her eyes and took her last breath. ( 

@King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos1134 )

Yet again, everything was happening so fast, and yet again, Ree stood stock-still, helplessly watching her friend die of exposure. Her mind was reeling, racing with questions.

Why is she dying?

Why didn't I do something?

Why didn't she stay on the bird?

Why is this happening to us?

What did we do wrong?

What did we do to deserve this?

Earlier, Ree chose to fight because she knew she had power. And yet, standing there, watching Castiel lay Ruby's body to rest, Ree never felt more powerless in all her life. Her earlier fervor for battle, smothered.

The world seemed to be melting around her. Everything seemed so surreal. Ree still wasn't sure if this wasn't all just some horrible dream and that when she closed her eyes, the demons, the king, Ruby, this prophecy, would all simply vanish 

And so Ree closed her teary eyes for a moment and thought of home, of her family, of better days and hoped that when she opened them, she would be in her bed, late for her first day at a new school.

And yet, when she opened her eyes, she found herself witness to a scene almost as gruesome as before, watching a man being restrained and brutally beaten by enraged children and monsters alike with the smell of burning flesh and hair assaulting her senses.

All doubts in Ree's mind were quashed then, this was no dream, this was reality. 

But reality can be changed for those with the power to do so, and Ree accepted then, that while she didn't have the power to save the life of her friend, she did have the power to prevent the deaths of others.


Two more demons leap upon the king's arms and holds them down behind his body, bending him backwards to the point of nearly breaking his spine and rendering him incapable of defending himself from the assault. The three demons tasked with holding down his leg, join in on the onslaught above, hacking away at his leg with claw and nail.

Suria almost instinctively put his hands up towards his hair as it felt as if it was being ripped from his scalp as he found himself being dragged from his resting spot. He was going to yell, putting up a struggle and clenching his teeth down on his lip to deal with the pain, but he then felt a wave of incredible heat pass by him very quickly, and he began to realize what was going on. Hie eyes widened and he put a hand over his heart, contemplating just how close he'd come to death. He turned around, trying to look to see who dragged him out of the way to at least acknowledge the fact the they saved his fucking life, but was stopped as they began to yell a name. He narrowed his eyes at this, following the path he was taking to see a girl lying on her side. He squinted hard to look at her, before eventually widening his eyes once more as he realized just what had happened to her. He placed a hand over his mouth, quickly bending over and placing his hands on his knees, releasing a small, "Holy fucking shit..;"  

He'd never had a problem with the idea or even sight of death, but this was entirely different. Not only was he so fucking close to the body, but just watching the reaction of the white haired guy was...off putting. It was clear they were close just by watching his reaction, but he also felt something odd, like there was something he was missing about the situation. He just looked at the sight before him, unsure of wha-

"...Oh fuck me..."

He put his hands to his temples, eyes wide as he stepped back. He was the reason wasn't he? That was...fuck. He spent time pulling him out of the way, had to carry his fucking weight! That takes time! That takes valuable time that could have been spent instead saving the person he cared about, but was instead spent on dragging his ass out of the way! Just because he wanted to fucking sleep...it was stupid, so fucking stupid.

"I'm such a fucking idiot, why would I do that?! Oh my god, that might be the most idiotic thing I've ever done!" He removed his hat, taking a deep breath and rubbing a hand through his hair. Hell, even if she did turn out alright, he'd still feel like crap. He took a moment to take in the burning flesh, the sounds of a real fight, the smell of death up close. He simply sighed at it all, like I said, it didn't bother him, but the smell also wasn't as indifferent to him as before, it was a bit more noticeable, even if only slightly. He looked at the ongoing fight, taking a moment to consider joining in, but he shrugged and sighed, "There's way to many guys for me to get involved now. God dammit, this whole situation is staring to feel a bit more weird, and it really sucks..." He then simply stood there, watching the fight go on with slight indifference while thinking about what he'd just seen...


Kristen's eyes widened when she heard her sister let loose a chilling scream, she turned from where she was watching Fredrick and took off quickly to where she had seen her sister land, going in the opposite direction than many. She arrived just in time to see her sister's burned body, putting both her hands over her mouth to keep any vomit from slipping out. A few tears slipped down her face as her heart raced, scared nearly to death at the sight in front of her. She felt unsure of what to do, and felt so anxious in that moment, the fight behind her slipping from her mind as she instead focused on watching intently as Leo attempted to heal Zalena, also trying to keep in her tears (rather unsuccessfully).

Kristen took deep breaths and sat on her knees, attempting to fill her mind with the best possible scenario, but that was difficult. She wasn't a very optimistic person to begin with, and to watch as her sister lay there like...that, it made it very difficult to think happy thoughts. She began to think about the idea of Leo not being good enough, thinking of what life would be like without her happy older sister, the one who never got upset at what she said, who never held a grudge against her... it was nearly impossible. Kristen hugged herself at the idea of those thoughts, turning to Leo quickly for some kind of way to make these thoughts seem silly and out of hand, "Sh-she's gonna be alright, right? She'll just get up and be alright like she always is, and it'll be like nothing happened, right?"

@Light @CelticSol
King Frederick Augustine ( Second Phase )


Austrianna had revenge planted in her mind when she rushed in towards Augustine but had different intentions on Eppie came running as well. Austrianna grabs Castiel and makes off with him instead. She let's him go once they're far enough just for Augustine to get hit by both the flame and Eppie since he couldn't move. Augustine was taking heavy damage at this moment in time. Sooner or later his mana would give out and he'd be unable to repel things and use his powers. This was a bad fight for him but his pride didn't let him know that.

Juniper began to watch Zalena heal slowly but still had a frown on her face. The girl in her arms was dead with a harpoon protruding from her heart. Without trying to disturb Leo and his healing  Juniper gathers Mary in her arms and flies up into the air to reach the bird. Juniper sits on her knees and rests Mary's head on her lap. They were all just kids and one of them had died....it was nothing but terrifying. Mary couldn't have been as old as Juniper, it was impossible. Juniper herself was too young to die so it's even worse for Mary. Juniper begins to fix Mary's hair and makes sure her eyes are closed. She tries to make Mary as presentable as possible so she and the others could mourn and possibly bury her with honour. Even if she barely knew her Juniper began to cry at the sight of what happened to Mary. "T-thank you. I'll make sure no one else dies before we make it to our pa-..." That's something she hadn't thought about. Juniper covers her mouth as simple crying turns into a sob and that's when the reality of it kicks in. Mary was dead a young girl who's in her lap would never breath again. They would have to tell her parents and explain how their irresponsibility got her killed. "I'm sorry Mary...I'm so sorry." Juniper wanted to reach out and hold Mary's hand to make it more meaningful as if she were alive but she couldn't. She was afraid of it feeling anymore real than it has. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )
King Frederick Augustine ( Second Phase )


Austrianna had revenge planted in her mind when she rushed in towards Augustine but had different intentions on Eppie came running as well. Austrianna grabs Castiel and makes off with him instead. She let's him go once they're far enough just for Augustine to get hit by both the flame and Eppie since he couldn't move. Augustine was taking heavy damage at this moment in time. Sooner or later his mana would give out and he'd be unable to repel things and use his powers. This was a bad fight for him but his pride didn't let him know that.

Juniper began to watch Zalena heal slowly but still had a frown on her face. The girl in her arms was dead with a harpoon protruding from her heart. Without trying to disturb Leo and his healing  Juniper gathers Mary in her arms and flies up into the air to reach the bird. Juniper sits on her knees and rests Mary's head on her lap. They were all just kids and one of them had died....it was nothing but terrifying. Mary couldn't have been as old as Juniper, it was impossible. Juniper herself was too young to die so it's even worse for Mary. Juniper begins to fix Mary's hair and makes sure her eyes are closed. She tries to make Mary as presentable as possible so she and the others could mourn and possibly bury her with honour. Even if she barely knew her Juniper began to cry at the sight of what happened to Mary. "T-thank you. I'll make sure no one else dies before we make it to our pa-..." That's something she hadn't thought about. Juniper covers her mouth as simple crying turns into a sob and that's when the reality of it kicks in. Mary was dead a young girl who's in her lap would never breath again. They would have to tell her parents and explain how their irresponsibility got her killed. "I'm sorry Mary...I'm so sorry." Juniper wanted to reach out and hold Mary's hand to make it more meaningful as if she were alive but she couldn't. She was afraid of it feeling anymore real than it has. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )

(!) the twins didn't know how to react, some of their new allies were dying left and right, they did not know much about them but it was still terrible. both of them soon snapped out of it and got up, "Hey monarch dude, your not going too like the outcome of this battle."

"yeah, what she said."

they stand close together, and use use eclipse magic too from  somewhat tall figure made of their magic, it starts too charge Augustine, in a attempt to punch them square in the face. meanwhile the twins stay still, using their focus too control the figure, like a puppet, which made them vulnerable too attack, since they cannot move while they are controlling the figure.

(Having writers block,sorry if this post is terrible.)
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Castiel wasn't paying attention to anything apart from assaulting Augustine as much as he possibly could, so when Austrianna pulled him away, it shocked him, not expecting it to happen. He quickly got over the shock and looked around, ready to attack who was holding him, if it turned out to be one of Augustine's guards. When he saw that it was Austrianna though, he just glared at her, his eyes still aflame with anger. "Why the hell did you drag me away?! I'm not finished; That arsehole is still standing." Castiel started to struggle out of Austrianna's grip, planning on running back over to Augustine and continuing his assault. 

@Light @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 
King Frederick Augustine ( Second Phase )


Austrianna had revenge planted in her mind when she rushed in towards Augustine but had different intentions on Eppie came running as well. Austrianna grabs Castiel and makes off with him instead. She let's him go once they're far enough just for Augustine to get hit by both the flame and Eppie since he couldn't move. Augustine was taking heavy damage at this moment in time. Sooner or later his mana would give out and he'd be unable to repel things and use his powers. This was a bad fight for him but his pride didn't let him know that.

Juniper began to watch Zalena heal slowly but still had a frown on her face. The girl in her arms was dead with a harpoon protruding from her heart. Without trying to disturb Leo and his healing  Juniper gathers Mary in her arms and flies up into the air to reach the bird. Juniper sits on her knees and rests Mary's head on her lap. They were all just kids and one of them had died....it was nothing but terrifying. Mary couldn't have been as old as Juniper, it was impossible. Juniper herself was too young to die so it's even worse for Mary. Juniper begins to fix Mary's hair and makes sure her eyes are closed. She tries to make Mary as presentable as possible so she and the others could mourn and possibly bury her with honour. Even if she barely knew her Juniper began to cry at the sight of what happened to Mary. "T-thank you. I'll make sure no one else dies before we make it to our pa-..." That's something she hadn't thought about. Juniper covers her mouth as simple crying turns into a sob and that's when the reality of it kicks in. Mary was dead a young girl who's in her lap would never breath again. They would have to tell her parents and explain how their irresponsibility got her killed. "I'm sorry Mary...I'm so sorry." Juniper wanted to reach out and hold Mary's hand to make it more meaningful as if she were alive but she couldn't. She was afraid of it feeling anymore real than it has. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )

RJ was still with Ruby as she was healing she would wake up any time now and he was gonna make sure she stayed alive.

Clark looked at Junniper and Mary. He didn't know the girl so her death didn't mean much to him but he was sad for the loss. "This is going to far." He knelt down to her body and pulled out the harpoon. He injected himself and healed the wound. It didn't bring her back but it closed up her chest. "This way when we have the burial she'll look more peaceful. How are you holding up do you or the others need healing? I was waiting up here but it went to fast."

( ! )

Clare saw the little girl and looked at Skylar. She had Skylar pressed against her so she wouldn't see but she could feel her tears through her shirt. "Junniper watch my sister for me please. I won't be able to fight if I know she's in danger." She patted Skylar head and wiped into her ear. Skylar nodded and let go curling into a ball. She tried nit to look but her eyes went to Mary. She kept all of what she felt inside and steady tears ran down her cheeks. Clare knew the fight would almost be over but she couldn't watch anymore. She used an injection and jumped off the bird and silently down to Augstine. He was just hit by the blasts so he should be a little off guard that and the big thing the twins just made. Her skin grew marks off red as her blood enhanced her strength her sword was drawn and for the left shoulder just behind his collar bone. If it landed it would peirce into his heart and her now super strength should be strong enough to peirce his skin she hope.
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RJ was still with Ruby as she was healing she would wake up any time now and he was gonna make sure she stayed alive.

Clark looked at Junniper and Mary. He didn't know the girl so her death didn't mean much to him but he was sad for the loss. "This is going to far." He knelt down to her body and pulled out the harpoon. He injected himself and healed the wound. It didn't bring her back but it closed up her chest. "This way when we have the burial she'll look more peaceful. How are you holding up do you or the others need healing? I was waiting up here but it went to fast."

( ! )

Clare saw the little girl and looked at Skylar. She had Skylar pressed against her so she wouldn't see but she could feel her tears through her shirt. "Junniper watch my sister for me please. I won't be able to fight if I know she's in danger." She patted Skylar head and wiped into her ear. Skylar nodded and let go curling into a ball. She tried nit to look but her eyes went to Mary. She kept all of what she felt inside and steady tears ran down her cheeks. Clare knew the fight would almost be over but she couldn't watch anymore. She used an injection and jumped off the bird and silently down to Augstine. He was just hit by the blasts so he should be a little off guard that and the big thing the twins just made. Her skin grew marks off red as her blood enhanced her strength her sword was drawn and for the left shoulder just behind his collar bone. If it landed it would peirce into his heart and her now super strength should be strong enough to peirce his skin she hope.

@Light @MTchaos1134
King Frederick Augustine ( Second Phase )


Austrianna had revenge planted in her mind when she rushed in towards Augustine but had different intentions on Eppie came running as well. Austrianna grabs Castiel and makes off with him instead. She let's him go once they're far enough just for Augustine to get hit by both the flame and Eppie since he couldn't move. Augustine was taking heavy damage at this moment in time. Sooner or later his mana would give out and he'd be unable to repel things and use his powers. This was a bad fight for him but his pride didn't let him know that.

Juniper began to watch Zalena heal slowly but still had a frown on her face. The girl in her arms was dead with a harpoon protruding from her heart. Without trying to disturb Leo and his healing  Juniper gathers Mary in her arms and flies up into the air to reach the bird. Juniper sits on her knees and rests Mary's head on her lap. They were all just kids and one of them had died....it was nothing but terrifying. Mary couldn't have been as old as Juniper, it was impossible. Juniper herself was too young to die so it's even worse for Mary. Juniper begins to fix Mary's hair and makes sure her eyes are closed. She tries to make Mary as presentable as possible so she and the others could mourn and possibly bury her with honour. Even if she barely knew her Juniper began to cry at the sight of what happened to Mary. "T-thank you. I'll make sure no one else dies before we make it to our pa-..." That's something she hadn't thought about. Juniper covers her mouth as simple crying turns into a sob and that's when the reality of it kicks in. Mary was dead a young girl who's in her lap would never breath again. They would have to tell her parents and explain how their irresponsibility got her killed. "I'm sorry Mary...I'm so sorry." Juniper wanted to reach out and hold Mary's hand to make it more meaningful as if she were alive but she couldn't. She was afraid of it feeling anymore real than it has. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )

Seeing Juniper carry the wounded girl back to the bird gave Ree a brief surge of inspiration.

Since the king was currently unable to fight back, getting anyone who couldn't defend themselves to safety before things could get hairy again seemed to be the best course of action.

After making a mad dash to RJ's side, Ree nervously pants "I-Is she gonna be okay?"

@Tazmodo @Light


Meanwhile, in the thick of melee in the center of the garden, the demon in charge of holding down left Augustine's arm merrily cackles in the king's ear, 

"Kukuku...I can't wait for this lil' magic shell a' yers t' wear out. When it does, Imma eat each and every one of yer fingers!" 

The small imp's taunting is met with a dirty glare from his more stockily-built compatriot, whom was tasked with holding down the king's right arm. With a roll of the eyes, the smaller demon petulantly sighs, "Okay, half yer fingers...And both yer eyes!"

"One eye." His companion flatly comments.

"Okay! Okay! Fine! Half 'is fingers', 'n eye and 'is tongue, deal?"

"Sure. But Lemme keep his teeth."

"Teeth!? Ya can't eat teeth, ya complainsome, gabbering halfwit! What do ya need teeth for!?"

The sterner demon answers with a slight blush on his cheeks: "A necklace. Plannin' to give it to dat Princess later."

"Zalena? Nawt ta Masta' Wicka'?"

"Naw, she don't like jewelry, rememba'?  'sides, Dat Zalena iz high-class stuff and whut's mo' high-class den a monarch's teeth"

The plump demon then turns toward his captive and murmurs in his ear, "Ey gov', You wouldn't 'appen to have any of dem gold crowns dey put on yer teeth, would ya? Lasses tend ta like a lil' flash a' gold here n' dere"
King Frederick Augustine ( Second Phase )


Austrianna had revenge planted in her mind when she rushed in towards Augustine but had different intentions on Eppie came running as well. Austrianna grabs Castiel and makes off with him instead. She let's him go once they're far enough just for Augustine to get hit by both the flame and Eppie since he couldn't move. Augustine was taking heavy damage at this moment in time. Sooner or later his mana would give out and he'd be unable to repel things and use his powers. This was a bad fight for him but his pride didn't let him know that.

Juniper began to watch Zalena heal slowly but still had a frown on her face. The girl in her arms was dead with a harpoon protruding from her heart. Without trying to disturb Leo and his healing  Juniper gathers Mary in her arms and flies up into the air to reach the bird. Juniper sits on her knees and rests Mary's head on her lap. They were all just kids and one of them had died....it was nothing but terrifying. Mary couldn't have been as old as Juniper, it was impossible. Juniper herself was too young to die so it's even worse for Mary. Juniper begins to fix Mary's hair and makes sure her eyes are closed. She tries to make Mary as presentable as possible so she and the others could mourn and possibly bury her with honour. Even if she barely knew her Juniper began to cry at the sight of what happened to Mary. "T-thank you. I'll make sure no one else dies before we make it to our pa-..." That's something she hadn't thought about. Juniper covers her mouth as simple crying turns into a sob and that's when the reality of it kicks in. Mary was dead a young girl who's in her lap would never breath again. They would have to tell her parents and explain how their irresponsibility got her killed. "I'm sorry Mary...I'm so sorry." Juniper wanted to reach out and hold Mary's hand to make it more meaningful as if she were alive but she couldn't. She was afraid of it feeling anymore real than it has. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )


Anyone close to Augustine is burned as Eppie reaches the prone Monarch, her uncontrolled flames flaring out without direction. Eppie herself does not look like she's making any effort to protect her comrades from the fire - in fact, by the blank, almost cataonic look in her now almost black eyes, it barely even looks like she's conscious, her body seeming to move without her conscious thought or will. She doesn't let up momentum, or try to stop, as she sprints towards Augustine, tanking him over in a tackle and throwing both of them to the floor. She scrambles to pin him down to the ground, her flame filled hands wrapping hard around his face as she watches him burn with flat, unresponsibe eyes.


She's looking through her own eyes, watching her body move, but she does not move, she does not view the world the same way despite it being her own eyes - there are faces everywhere, made of shadow, laughing, licking their lips and watching her maim the Monarch with malicious eyes - her vision is tinged with red, oh god, is she going blind? She has never been burned, but she is burning, her eyes and her body and her mind is burning, but she is at once so cold, ice chasing the fire through her veins, she is burning alive but freezing to death, her skin feels like it's tearing itself apart, she can feel blood on her skin - she is in AGONY - 



Kristen's eyes widened when she heard her sister let loose a chilling scream, she turned from where she was watching Fredrick and took off quickly to where she had seen her sister land, going in the opposite direction than many. She arrived just in time to see her sister's burned body, putting both her hands over her mouth to keep any vomit from slipping out. A few tears slipped down her face as her heart raced, scared nearly to death at the sight in front of her. She felt unsure of what to do, and felt so anxious in that moment, the fight behind her slipping from her mind as she instead focused on watching intently as Leo attempted to heal Zalena, also trying to keep in her tears (rather unsuccessfully).

Kristen took deep breaths and sat on her knees, attempting to fill her mind with the best possible scenario, but that was difficult. She wasn't a very optimistic person to begin with, and to watch as her sister lay there like...that, it made it very difficult to think happy thoughts. She began to think about the idea of Leo not being good enough, thinking of what life would be like without her happy older sister, the one who never got upset at what she said, who never held a grudge against her... it was nearly impossible. Kristen hugged herself at the idea of those thoughts, turning to Leo quickly for some kind of way to make these thoughts seem silly and out of hand, "Sh-she's gonna be alright, right? She'll just get up and be alright like she always is, and it'll be like nothing happened, right?"


Leonidas' eyes flick up to Kristen, so focused he had not even noticed she was there. As much as he wishes he could comfort Kristen, he also knows Zalena's condition is severe enough he needs to be completely focused on healing, so he continues his healing, focusing on the easier, lighter burns, before he focuses on the worst of the burns. The skin surrounding it is healing nicely, flesh reviving and knitting back together cleaner than he thought it would, but once he finishes up the worst of the burns, leaving only irritated, puckered skin, he looks to the most daunting - Zalena's brutally maimed stomach. Some of her clothing has melted to her skin, and he knows for a fact removing it will be not be pleasant, and he really shouldn't do it at all since it will likely tear through more of her skin, but he can't see the wound, and can't gouge how much magic is required to rebuild Zalena's body.

Leo digs around into his bag, pulling out his medical kit, and a water bottle. As much as Leo was fairly shy, this was a patient, and in his tutelage from Usagi, he'd seen enough naked, wounded patients to be completely desensitized, so he is unfazed as he cuts away as much of her shirt as he can, before dousing the rest in water. He wishes that he had the proper chemicals and ointments to properly remove the cloth from her flesh, but he has no choice but this right now. After taking a deep breathe, he switches from Life to Mercy, numbing Zalena's entire torso so he can slowly and gently peel off the cloth fused to her skin.

The burn underneath almost makes him gasp, and actually does make his eyes widen. While the rest of her body had been decorated with varying levels of first and second degree burns, her stomach is a mess of burnt flesh, third degree burns reaching almost to the bottom of her ribs He takes a sharp breath through his teeth, trying not to focus on the grotesqueness of her injury and on the clinical factors of it; her epidermis and dermis have been completely destroyed, but he is thankful that, even if by what appears to be the smallest margin, that while it is slightly burned, the hypodermis is for the most part intact, her internal organs - for the most part, at least - protected. Leo, knowing it's going to take a lot to rebuild all the skin that needs to be made, injects himself with his second injection, switching back to Life, and allows his magic to wash over her stomach, manufacturing a skin graft with his magic.
King Frederick Augustine ( Deceased )


The blast from the twins hit Augustine hard and made his mana supply cut down drastically to protect his insides from being crushed. Clare's attack did damage as well but didn't pierce through his skin. With that attack from Clare his body could no longer support pierce defense since he was far too low on mana. Once Eppie slammed into him and literally burned his face off Clare was Knocked back by the attack as well. Austrianna noticed that something was terribly wrong with Eppie a while ago, her scent was different after all. Once Clare was knocked back Austrianna nods her head to the situation as if saying that's why I pulled you back. Augustine never got the chance to fight back or reach his third phase since he was being held back and was killed beforehand. The children of the group could feel and see a blue energy flowing through their system, their souls suddenly growing stronger as they carry out a part of their task as chosen ones. On the other hand, time seemed to be off by one minute momentarily and there seemed to be large cases around the world of failed depth perception and lack of senses in others. 

Austrianna releases Castiel and keeps her hand on her sword, slowly approaching Eppie to make sure whatever has happened to her will stop. The threat of the monarch was over but they couldn't afford to have another one at their hands. "Eppie? Are you alright?" Her voice was low and purely curious, hiding any other intent as she slowly walked into Eppie's line of sight. 

"I'm not 'holding up' well at all, I feel awful. Somebody just died a-and more people keep dying!" To Juniper the concept of death and murder was world shaking. People rarely die in the Anti-God Zone and murder is seriously unheard of, this was now a reality that was hard to digest due to her culture. She begins muttering prayers to her mother in Destonian and closes her eyes. Juniper was trying seriously hard to not break out into a panic attack on the bird with the young girl beside her. She wanted to keep her composure but that alone was too hard so she couldn't stop herself from sobbing. Once the blue energy runs through her body her swords begin to resonate along with it and her emotions, letting off one pulse and then reverting back to normal. 

Ruby's eyes slowly flutter open as her soul connects with her body once more. Though instead of confusion Ruby came back in a panic, looking around frantically  for something. "W-where's Castiel?" She seemed to have cold sweats from whatever she may have seen after death. She gets up and stumbles for a moment, leaning on Ree with both hands as she did. "I need you to find Castiel and tell him this. W-when I died my soul ended up somewhere it shouldn't. I think.." Ruby needed to take deep breaths so she could find her words and further continue with her story. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )
King Frederick Augustine ( Deceased )


The blast from the twins hit Augustine hard and made his mana supply cut down drastically to protect his insides from being crushed. Clare's attack did damage as well but didn't pierce through his skin. With that attack from Clare his body could no longer support pierce defense since he was far too low on mana. Once Eppie slammed into him and literally burned his face off Clare was Knocked back by the attack as well. Austrianna noticed that something was terribly wrong with Eppie a while ago, her scent was different after all. Once Clare was knocked back Austrianna nods her head to the situation as if saying that's why I pulled you back. Augustine never got the chance to fight back or reach his third phase since he was being held back and was killed beforehand. The children of the group could feel and see a blue energy flowing through their system, their souls suddenly growing stronger as they carry out a part of their task as chosen ones. On the other hand, time seemed to be off by one minute momentarily and there seemed to be large cases around the world of failed depth perception and lack of senses in others. 

Austrianna releases Castiel and keeps her hand on her sword, slowly approaching Eppie to make sure whatever has happened to her will stop. The threat of the monarch was over but they couldn't afford to have another one at their hands. "Eppie? Are you alright?" Her voice was low and purely curious, hiding any other intent as she slowly walked into Eppie's line of sight. 

"I'm not 'holding up' well at all, I feel awful. Somebody just died a-and more people keep dying!" To Juniper the concept of death and murder was world shaking. People rarely die in the Anti-God Zone and murder is seriously unheard of, this was now a reality that was hard to digest due to her culture. She begins muttering prayers to her mother in Destonian and closes her eyes. Juniper was trying seriously hard to not break out into a panic attack on the bird with the young girl beside her. She wanted to keep her composure but that alone was too hard so she couldn't stop herself from sobbing. Once the blue energy runs through her body her swords begin to resonate along with it and her emotions, letting off one pulse and then reverting back to normal. 

Ruby's eyes slowly flutter open as her soul connects with her body once more. Though instead of confusion Ruby came back in a panic, looking around frantically  for something. "W-where's Castiel?" She seemed to have cold sweats from whatever she may have seen after death. She gets up and stumbles for a moment, leaning on Ree with both hands as she did. "I need you to find Castiel and tell him this. W-when I died my soul ended up somewhere it shouldn't. I think.." Ruby needed to take deep breaths so she could find her words and further continue with her story. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )


Eppie's eyes, dilated pupils so wide they engulf her entire iris, snap to Austrianna, flames flickering to nothing for a moment from where she sits on Augustine's corpse, before they pick up once more. The flicker is short, but it is enough to see that Eppie is not in good shape; although she has luckily not been one of the people grievously wounded, her nose is bleeding badly, blood dripping down her neck, her arms covered in wounds, burns and lacerations decorating her pale skin, which is even bruised in places from ruptured blood vessels under the skin. Three quarters of the sclera of her right eye is red from broken blood vessels. She climbs off Augustine but seems to struggle to stand, her legs shaking as if she is barely able to hold her own weight as she turns to Austrianna, mouth moving but saying nothing, blood dripping from her mouth, as she clenches and unclenches her hands at her side, her knuckles splitting from the small movement, fingertips practically black, veins even darker.  Whatever happened between point A and point B has caused serious damage to Eppie, who doesn't even appear completely responsive.


Not enough, not ENOUGH - eighteen but pure, untouched... There's too much damage... She's so PURE...  FUCK, FUCK! But soon... soon, she will be perfect... Just needs some time, some guidance... then patience will reap it's rewards...

Then, suddenly, like someone opening the blinds and letting light in, Eppie can see.  She no longer hears the voice and the maddening whispers that accompany it. She can breathe without strain, can move without needing to fight. She can barely think straight, her mind feeling like pudding, but at least they are her thoughts.

Eppie takes a step, two, almost unable to move. Her entire body is either burning, in pain, or aching, her throat sore as if she'd been screaming and her lungs burning like she'd run a marathon, her arms and leg so weak it's all Eppie can do to not to just collapse. Australia or whatever her name is... She's looking at Eppie in concern, but not concern like 'hey, man, are you okay?', but concern like she's a threat - what happened -

She smells burnt flesh, the scent so strong she turns, and finds the mutilated corpse of King Augustine.

Eppie's mouth tries to form words, but nothing comes to her, she just... stares. The once handsome face is nothing but charred flesh, hand prints burned into the skin, and she is about to ask who did this - they are all kids, they aren't fucking capable of this! - when she recognizes an impression of a ring on the handprint. She looks to her own, shaking hand, and finds her ring to be in the exact, matching position of his wound.

Eyes returning to the girl, she's about to say 'yeah, I'm fine' or 'what did I just do?' or maybe even 'well, ain't this a bitch of an unsatisfactory situation', but when she opens her mouth, she hears a very loud sob, gut wrenching and horrified. It takes her hearing three more of them, plus feeling tears running down her cheeks to realize that it's her that's crying. Her hands come up to try and muffle the noise, but another one, loud than the last, sneaks it's way past, then another, before Eppie seems to almost crumble in on herself, falling to the ground in a heap. Wrapping her arms around her head and pulling her knees up to her chest, she puts her face into her against jeans, and sobs.


Leonidas continues to heal Zalena's intensive wounds, the graft over her stomach forming nicely. Keeping one hand on her, he grabs some antiseptic from his kit to clean the wound of bacteria best he could. He's not even sure if Zalena is completely conscious, but nonetheless says, "This is going to hurt a lot, Zalena, but I can't waste magic on pain relief when you have so many wounds... If you want to cry or scream or swear, it's okay; just do it," Then he takes the antiseptic, places it on a cloth, and starts to wipe down the wounds on her stomach and the rest of her torso, his magic continuing to heal.

However, he feels a familiar but foreboding chill run down his spine, the air feeling colder and making goosebumps raise on his skin. He knows, consciously, that there is no actual change in the temperature, but it still makes him falter, eyes lifting up to look around wide, fearful eyes. He knows Mary is dead, but he saw her Reaper depart out of the corner of his eye after collecting her soul as he healed Zalena. There is no one else dead, from what he knows and sees, so -


He almost stands, almost runs to her, but Zalena, fragile and wounded, is held in his arms, and he can't do anything, he can't run, and he can't even find his voice as he finally locates the Reaper. 

The Reaper, cloaked in magic unseen and unfelt to all but Leo, is not his father's - he knows that much at a glance. It is not a Reaper of Itami, his brother, either, no emblem or magic marking them as such, and Leo is chilled to his core, arms and legs going numb as he watches the Reaper hold his finger to his ear, as if listening to an ear piece, and continues to ghost towards Ruby. Leo's stomach drops, and he's going to be sick from the conclusion that, if the reaper does not belong to either, then it is hostile. 

Leo ignores the implications of this - his father is in danger, his father is not missing, he is taken, his father might be dead and someone else has claimed his title - and he shouts - no, he screams, as the Reaper uncloaks himself to Ruby, holding his scythe aloft as the blade glows white with magic. "RUBY, LOOK OUT!" 

The Reaper swings the scythe through Ruby's body, the blade phasing through her and leaving no damage on her body. A small, wisp-like mist rips through Ruby, tearing out what appears to be her soul, snatching her life away. The Reaper, still unseen by the others, looks to Leo, flat eyes unfeeling and expressionless, before he calls his magic to summon a portal, and vanishes. 

Leo is barely able to hold his magic, shock numbing his entire body and resorting his mind to haze. He is vaguely aware that he sounds as if he is can't breathe, choking on air, as he tries to focus on Zalena's injuries and save her from the same fate.
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Leonidas continues to heal Zalena's intensive wounds, the graft over her stomach forming nicely. Keeping one hand on her, he grabs some antiseptic from his kit to clean the wound of bacteria best he could. He's not even sure if Zalena is completely conscious, but nonetheless says, "This is going to hurt a lot, Zalena, but I can't waste magic on pain relief when you have so many wounds... If you want to cry or scream or swear, it's okay; just do it," Then he takes the antiseptic, places it on a cloth, and starts to wipe down the wounds on her stomach and the rest of her torso, his magic continuing to heal.

However, he feels a familiar but foreboding chill run down his spine, the air feeling colder and making goosebumps raise on his skin. He knows, consciously, that there is no actual change in the temperature, but it still makes him falter, eyes lifting up to look around wide, fearful eyes. He knows Mary is dead, but he saw her Reaper depart out of the corner of his eye after collecting her soul as he healed Zalena. There is no one else dead, from what he knows and sees, so -


He almost stands, almost runs to her, but Zalena, fragile and wounded, is held in his arms, and he can't do anything, he can't run, and he can't even find his voice as he finally locates the Reaper. 

The Reaper, cloaked in magic unseen and unfelt to all but Leo, is not his father's - he knows that much at a glance. It is not a Reaper of Itami, his brother, either, no emblem or magic marking them as such, and Leo is chilled to his core, arms and legs going numb as he watches the Reaper hold his finger to his ear, as if listening to an ear piece, and continues to ghost towards Ruby. Leo's stomach drops, and he's going to be sick from the conclusion that, if the reaper does not belong to either, then it is hostile. 

Leo ignores the implications of this - his father is in danger, his father is not missing, he is taken, his father might be dead and someone else has claimed his title - and he shouts - no, he screams, as the Reaper uncloaks himself to Ruby, holding his scythe aloft as the blade glows white with magic. "RUBY, LOOK OUT!" 

The Reaper swings the scythe through Ruby's body, the blade phasing through her and leaving no damage on her body. A small, wisp-like mist rips through Ruby, tearing out what appears to be her soul, snatching her life away. The Reaper, still unseen by the others, looks to Leo, flat eyes unfeeling and expressionless, before he calls his magic to summon a portal, and vanishes. 

Leo is barely able to hold his magic, shock numbing his entire body and resorting his mind to haze. He is vaguely aware that he sounds as if he is can't breathe, choking on air, as he tries to focus on Zalena's injuries and save her from the same fate.

(Forgot this, but @Light reminded me. Leo's part of his post is now edited)

King Frederick Augustine ( Deceased )


The blast from the twins hit Augustine hard and made his mana supply cut down drastically to protect his insides from being crushed. Clare's attack did damage as well but didn't pierce through his skin. With that attack from Clare his body could no longer support pierce defense since he was far too low on mana. Once Eppie slammed into him and literally burned his face off Clare was Knocked back by the attack as well. Austrianna noticed that something was terribly wrong with Eppie a while ago, her scent was different after all. Once Clare was knocked back Austrianna nods her head to the situation as if saying that's why I pulled you back. Augustine never got the chance to fight back or reach his third phase since he was being held back and was killed beforehand. The children of the group could feel and see a blue energy flowing through their system, their souls suddenly growing stronger as they carry out a part of their task as chosen ones. On the other hand, time seemed to be off by one minute momentarily and there seemed to be large cases around the world of failed depth perception and lack of senses in others. 

Austrianna releases Castiel and keeps her hand on her sword, slowly approaching Eppie to make sure whatever has happened to her will stop. The threat of the monarch was over but they couldn't afford to have another one at their hands. "Eppie? Are you alright?" Her voice was low and purely curious, hiding any other intent as she slowly walked into Eppie's line of sight. 

"I'm not 'holding up' well at all, I feel awful. Somebody just died a-and more people keep dying!" To Juniper the concept of death and murder was world shaking. People rarely die in the Anti-God Zone and murder is seriously unheard of, this was now a reality that was hard to digest due to her culture. She begins muttering prayers to her mother in Destonian and closes her eyes. Juniper was trying seriously hard to not break out into a panic attack on the bird with the young girl beside her. She wanted to keep her composure but that alone was too hard so she couldn't stop herself from sobbing. Once the blue energy runs through her body her swords begin to resonate along with it and her emotions, letting off one pulse and then reverting back to normal. 

Ruby's eyes slowly flutter open as her soul connects with her body once more. Though instead of confusion Ruby came back in a panic, looking around frantically  for something. "W-where's Castiel?" She seemed to have cold sweats from whatever she may have seen after death. She gets up and stumbles for a moment, leaning on Ree with both hands as she did. "I need you to find Castiel and tell him this. W-when I died my soul ended up somewhere it shouldn't. I think.." Ruby needed to take deep breaths so she could find her words and further continue with her story. ( @King Crimson @GingerBread @Tazmodo @LokiofSP @CelticSol @The Imperial Flame @Magical Squid Senpai @Daimao @MTchaos113 )

Ree puts a concerned hand on Ruby's shoulder and another across her back to support her and exclaims "Woah! Woah! Easy! Calm down Ruby, I don't understand what you're saying!"

When Ruby's body goes limp in Ree's arms, Ree gives her a light shake and nervously chuckles "H-Hey..C'mon Ruby, d-don't scare me like that!"

When she doesn't respond, Ree's shaking begins to grow more frantic, she sets Ruby on the ground and tearfully shouts "R-Ruby!? Ruby!! Ruby, wake up! Please wake up!"


Meanwhile, Giggi and Jaggi looked down on the king's immolated face dishearteningly.

"I can't believe dis..." the smaller imp murmurs in disbelief.

"S'a real shame, 'tis" the stouter of the two responds.

Jaggi reaches down and plucks out one of the king's eyes, which disintegrates into ash within it's hand. Casting the dust into the wind, the imp explodes, "How am I s'possed ta eat dis!?"

Giggi opens the kings mouth and glumly moans "All 'is teeth 're blackened too, Can't make nothin' outta dis mess"

Walking down Augustine's arm, Jaggi then lifts up the king's hand and begrudgingly sighs, " 'Least we can still get his fings'..."

Jaggi opens it's mouth wide and bites down, only for it's teeth to harmlessly phase through the king's body as it's body loses tangibility.

The nearby presence of their host and master drags the demons away from the king's body and back to their home.

As Jaggi sulkily drifts away from it's lost meal, Giggi comments, "Don't let it getya down, gov', der'll be plenty more bodies lay'er on. Look, dere's one now!"

Suria looked at the now deceased Augustine taking a moment to inhale deeply at the feeling of some kind of blue energy flow through him. He then looked back to the corpse of the man, sneering at it. He sighed, pulling his hat further down onto his head to secure it. For the first time in a long time, he actually thought of what it would be like if he could talk to his dad to explain this all to him; how death worked, what happened to the kids that died that day, all of it. It was one of the only things he thought his father may be able to actually do better than his mother... then again, if he were around, he'd probably be to busy fucking his mom to even give a shi-

He slapped himself across the face quickly, snapping himself out of that thought process. Once he got started on that train, he wouldn't stop for a good hour, and those were the kinds of thoughts he'd rather not be having after watching kids die, added to much stress to an already stressful situation. Maybe it'd be best if he actually got off his ass and helped the group for once, go try to console people or some shit like that. At the very least it would get his mind off the situation somewhat, lord knew it was easier to listen to others bitch rather than do it yoursel-


Suria's brow furrowed quickly as he turned to the voice instinctively, watching Leonidas' shocked face. He slowly turned to look at the person he'd called out to, raising a brow as he looked at what he thought was nothing, though upon closer inspection he did see what looked to be some kind of..silhouette? He blinked a few times, confused to see if it was actually there, but sure enough, there was a fucking negative space of a figure, cutting something through her body, but...it didn't do anything? He looked on in confusion, before Ruby just dropped dead again. His eyes widening as he looked at the silhouette seemingly disappearing into nothingness. His glance turned to Leo for a moment, a sort of, 'What the fuck' look before turning back around, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders as he approached the group crowded around Fredrick...



Kristen put her hand over her mouth once more upon seeing her sister's stomach so fucked, but this time however, she couldn't hold it in. She quickly stood up, running away from the scene to bend over and throw up her non existent lunch. She stumbled away from the bile, crouching a bit farther away from the scene rather than before, watching Leo do his work once more. She wiped her mouth and pulled up her knees to her chest, clutching hugging herself slightly as she watched her sister...

@Light @CelticSol


Castiel glared at Austrianna as she walked off without saying a word, just like the last time he spoke to her. Ignoring her, He walked forwards, closer to the charred corpse of King Frederick Augustine, only just stopping himself from gagging on the stench of the corpse as it wafted through the air towards his nostrils, though it hardly bothered him; He was still furious, even more so that the other girl, Eppie, had taken away his chance for revenge on Augustine, all because she wanted to show off or some shit, just like she had done in the elevator earlier. Castiel took a couple of steps towards Augustine's corpse, the smell only getting worse, but he pushed through it.

Castiel looked down at the corpse that laid in front of him, shivers running down his spine from the way Augustine's body had been brutalized; He was comfortable with the idea of people dying, no matter who it was, But he had seen enough death today to have become numb with anger, and he was glad to see at least one person dead who deserved it. Castiel spat onto 'King' Frederick Augustine's body. "I hope you rot in the lowest depths of Hell" Castiel just glared at the dead body, wishing he could've been the one to actually finish the arsehole off, but a small part of him was glad that he didn't have to deal the finishing blow, though that feeling was completely overshadowed by the anger he felt towards almost everyone and everything right now.


Castiel whipped around, so fast he could've sworn he broke the sound barrier. His eyes widened as he saw Ruby up, and looking alive again. "Ruby?!" Castiel broke out into an all out sprint towards Ruby, happy to see her alive again. When Ruby dropped dead for the second time, Castiel didn't know how to react for the first couple of seconds, He was so happy to see his sister alive again, seeing that she'd been taken from him so suddenly. "Ruby?!" Castiel dropped down to his knees again, leaning over Ruby, looking for any sign of life. "Ruby?! Not again! You've already died once, you can't just die a second time!" He just stared at Ruby, hoping that she'd come back just for a couple of seconds. "I didn't even get to say goodbye... I had another chance..."

Castiel stood up again and looked over at Augustine's dead, charred body laying on the ground, and just felt anger well up inside of him; Castiel was really stressed about everything that had happened in the last couple of minutes, and just wanted the situation to be over and done with. Castiel placed a hand to his head as he began feeling lightheaded, he did his best to shake it off, blaming it on the stress of the situation and all the anger that it had caused. As he went to take a step forwards, he had to place his foot back down on the ground, without moving forwards as he began to feel dizzy and unsteady; Before he had any time to react, Castiel was out cold on the ground, next to Ruby's body.

Castiel looked around at his surroundings, recognising them as the surroundings of his dream world. Since he was a lucid dreamer, Castiel was used to knowing what his dreams would first look like, when he came into them. "I guess I passed out. God dammit." Castiel rubbed his temples as he looked around, wanting to do something until he woke up, since he had no idea when that'd be. "If Ruby was still alive.. Then I should be able to go into her dream... Then I'd know for sure!" Castiel didn't waste any time in having his dream hub appear, and having only people who were nearby dreams appear. When he saw a door, Castiel ran towards it, without even checking who's dream it was, since he was sure that it was only his sister who was unconscious.

@Light @King Crimson @LokiofSP[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Tazmodo[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@The Imperial Flame[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@Magical Squid Senpai[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] [/COLOR]@MTchaos1134[COLOR= rgb(90, 90, 90)] @CelticSol [/COLOR]
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Austrianna slowly moves over to Eppie once he drops to the floor and begins crying, slowly extending her arm to help her even if she's bloodied. Austrianna swallows the hungry lump in her throat and decides that maybe she should invest in eating whatever she can from Augustine's burned body once everyone leaves. Where she's from, murder is unheard of but right now she couldn't lose her cool, once again because she believed it was for her siblings. In the corner of her eyesight she could see what had happened to Zalena and could only feel her heart skip a beat. She would have to check up on her sister at a later time or as soon as she was done helping Eppie. As much as it made her want to rush this along she had to be patient. "Eppie...are you there? It's me, Austrianna." ( @CelticSol )



No matter how many times Ree called out to her Ruby was just a limp and cold dead body. Her soul had been struck by a reaper and there was no way to save her. Her face still had one of panic and fear, red eyes still open wide. All that was left of Ruby is her young body. Her soul, mind, and aspirations have left this plane a moment ago. Just like she was unable to keep her promise, she was unable to see the despair that lingered in the air after both her own and Mary's passing. ( @Tazmodo @King Crimson )



The tips of Zalena's hair stopped flickering after a certian amount of healing, showing that her life was no longer in danger. Even with that being said her hair did glow faintly, showing that Zalena was still in an unconscious state. Once Castiel begins dresmwalking, all he could see around him was a large pearl bedroom. There were finely dressed servants rushing around the room with dresses, shoes, and a tiara on a pillow. There seemed to be far too much going on in this one room. In front of a table with a mirror Zalena was sitting down white servants began braiding her hair into one long braid. She had a facial expression showing the fact that she was contemplating things in her life. The tiara Castiel saw earlier ended up being carried to her and set on her head in between her horns. These people were unable to see Castiel and were speaking in a language unlike the ones in the mortal realm. It seemed to be the same language Zalena spoke to him in earlier. Zalena was in bright blue dress since she was scheduled to appear at kindergarten play to support the daily life of her people the week before her 16th birthday. Which was a few days before her mother was taken. Once Zalena was finished with her hair she threw the braid over her shoulder to rest on her chest. There were small while flowers and ribbons aligned upon the braid as well. She stands up and turns around, only to see Castiel standing before her. "Castiel? What are you doing in the castle?" ( @GingerBread )
the twins make the apparition disappear after receiving power from ending one of the monarchs. and the twins move over too where ruby and some others are.

"Dammit, gaining and losing a new friend in one day, even though our time was short, im going to miss you ruby." pedeapsă says.

"may your hair grow fucking gloriously long in the afterlife, ill be sure the world will forever know your name."

they take off their helmets and go on one knee, and bow their head for a short minute and then put their helms back on. death did not bother them that much, their father taught them that death was common, and its always bound too happen. but it was still saddening too see someone die.

"i hope this does not happen every  monarch we battle, otherwise we will have more dead then living."

"what is going to happen here now since there is no monarch? are we going to place a rebel as a leader or something? set this as our base of operations? i hope our plan didn't end at kiling the monarch. " Judecata


@Tazmodo @King Crimson @Light
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[SIZE= 24px]Castiel[/SIZE]

When Castiel walked into the dream and saw the pearl bedroom, he was confused and started to actually doubt that it was Ruby's dream. He kept looking around the dream, in hope that he'd find Ruby in it. When he saw Zalena however, Castiel just gave up thinking that it was Ruby's dream, he accepted the fact that Ruby was dead, there was no second chance for him to talk to her; There was no chance for him to speak to her just for a couple of seconds, to tell her that he was sorry, that he loved her, that he missed her more than anything right now.

Castiel went to exit Zalena's dream as tears started to form in his eyes, but found that he couldn't. 'I can't leave? ..I don't have any mana, do I..? fantastic'  Castiel sighed, but before he could do anything, he heard Zalena start talking to him, asking him why he was there. "I..." He went to explain, that he'd come into her dream thinking it was his sisters, hoping he could talk to her and she wasn't dead; As he thought about it, he slumped against the wall, sliding down it as he started crying again, unable to handle the fact that he'd never see his sister again, and he was stuck in a dream so anyone could be doing god knows what to her body, and he wouldn't be able to say, or do anything about it.




Zalena subtly gasps once Castiel leans on the wall and cries. She didn't know why he would be crying since she was knocked unconscious before she saw Ruby or Mary die. She didn't even know how bad her own situation was as well. Zalena walks over to Castiel and holds her dress up so she could drop to her knees before him, thanking her mother for the blessing of being alone with him since the servants all left. It would be hard to explain as to why she was talking to him and how he got there since Zalena didn't know she was the only one who could see him. She reaches out to Castiel and sets her hand on his own, gripping it but not tightly. The tip of her braid, eyes, and the edges of her horns begin to glow pink. A confused frown forms upon Zalena's face as her second hand reaches out to take the same hand of his in it. She had smaller, colder, and much softer hands than Castiel. Not to say that his weren't soft since they weren't too rough or tough, they were surprisingly gentle and not calloused. His hand was very warm in comparison to hers. To the point in which he could manage to share heat evenly between them. By the time Zalena realized that his hands were smooth and nimble, she was already scooting closer. His hands made her feel comfortable, cared for, and protected even though she was supposed to protect him and a hand shouldn't make you feel that much. "Castiel, what's wrong? If you can explain to me I can try to help, I can't just let you crying pass by me without helping you." ( @GingerBread )


"I...I'm fine"Castiel didn't look up at Zalena, nor did her try to take his hands away from hers or try to move away from her. He didn't really want to talk to anyone about why he was crying, or why he was sad. 'What's the point in talking about it, it won't bring Ruby back... And it'll probably just make Zalena feel bad as well, she doesn't deserve to feel bad, it's not her fault that I was useless and couldn't save my own sister' Castiel wanted to cry even more as he kept mentally berating himself for failing. 'I just want to talk to mom about this... Oh god.. I'm going to have to tell mom and dad that Ruby is dead.. I...I.. can't'  

Castiel suddenly started sobbing, pulling his hands away from Zalena's and burying his head into them. He really felt like he needed someone to talk to about.. everything that happened. 'I could talk to Zalena.. What's the point, she probably won't remember her dreams, most people quickly forget about them anyway... If she does, then I could talk to her, and she wouldn't feel bad on my behalf when she wakes up... I'm stuck here until then anyway..'  Castiel took a couple of short shaky breaths in between his sobs, taking away his hands from his face, so that his voice wouldn't be muffled, though he kept his gaze pointed towards the ground. "I.. my sis- ..Ruby.. Sh-she died... and it was... it was my fault... I-I... I failed.... I-I failed to.." Castiel stopped and brought his hands back up to his face, going back to sobbing into them, unable to continuing explaining; He found it harder to talk about aloud, as it felt even more painful to vocalise what had happened.




Zalena finally understands why he's crying once he speaks about it, finding it hard to even begin talking about the situation herself. Zalena scoots closer to Castiel and wraps her arms around the back of his head and pull it towards her chest so he could rest it there. "Just...let it all out. I'm here for you, always. I don't think it was your fault, we were going up against a strongoing opponent. I don't blame you, it's not your fault that happened so don't blame yourself either." Zalena hugs Castiel tightly when she says this. "I'll do anything to prove it and make you feel better. Please name it and I'll do it, you don't deserve to feel this way.  You're just so kind...such a person doesn't deserve to believe they have the weight of someone's life on their shoulders. I don't think you failed her either, I never heard one thing about Ruby being dissatisfied about you being her brother even though our meeting was brief. I don't know how she died but I doubt you're the reason why. I know this seems awful for me to say but this is just how I feel, you're not that type of person to put someone in such a dangerous situation that they'd die, even by accident. So please stop blaming yourself for her death because I doubt she'd want you going around and spreading the word that her own brother was the reason why she died. Please mourn your sister properly, the way she deserves to be mourned on a good note." ( @GingerBread )

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