Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Inheritance said:
Xeron raised his eyes. "Wow...are you...so she is literally the most powerful being in the universe. You're saying nothing can stop her? Nothing?" Xeron sighed. He had lost the best master he could get. But perhaps this one would give him an interesting purpose. "Does she know her full potential? There's usually checks and balances. That is how it works in hell at least...but I'm not sure about the Gods how they run things."
"Nothing. No, to my knowledge she knows nothing of her full potential and even if she did know what she could do she wouldn't know how to use it." Grimm enters the castle with Xeron and looks around. This castle is specifically for Pit Lords...so tell me. What do you see?" It seemed to be a hollow castle to Grimm.
Light said:
"Nothing. No, to my knowledge she knows nothing of her full potential and even if she did know what she could do she wouldn't know how to use it." Grimm enters the castle with Xeron and looks around. This castle is specifically for Pit Lords...so tell me. What do you see?" It seemed to be a hollow castle to Grimm.
Xeron switched on his inner eyes and looked. At first he saw the seals that the 9 lords of hell (all under one lord of course) were bound under. Then it changed...instead he now saw runes and carvings. Ancient spells and stories, ways to block holiness to a degree, to craft new Vorpal Swords. Thousands of years of knowledge were in these very walls. "W-where are we?! What is this place?!" He turned to Grimm, eyes ablaze.
Inheritance said:
Xeron switched on his inner eyes and looked. At first he saw the seals that the 9 lords of hell (all under one lord of course) were bound under. Then it changed...instead he now saw runes and carvings. Ancient spells and stories, ways to block holiness to a degree, to craft new Vorpal Swords. Thousands of years of knowledge were in these very walls. "W-where are we?! What is this place?!" He turned to Grimm, eyes ablaze.
"I'm not sure myself." Grimm shrugs and spawns a phone out of thin air. He goes to Droogle and types in Where the hell am I. He didn't get any helpful answers. "Nope, still not sure. What do you say? Teeeellll mmmmeeeee."
Light said:
"I'm not sure myself." Grimm shrugs and spawns a phone out of thin air. He goes to Droogle and types in Where the hell am I. He didn't get any helpful answers. "Nope, still not sure. What do you say? Teeeellll mmmmeeeee."
Xeron had to notice how bizarre this being acted. It was refreshing in a world so dark, but could get annoying. "Spells...runes...maps...stories...all of ways to protect against holiness, build new and greater vorpal swords...maps to powerful artifacts that a Pit-Lord could use. Here's even one on how to resist the commands of most Gods!...honestly there's thousands of years of knowledge here...how did you find it?" He paced around, observing. "So could she be killed before she knew her full power? Not that I want to, it's surprising a being like that can walk around the physical plane so free."
Inheritance said:
Xeron had to notice how bizarre this being acted. It was refreshing in a world so dark, but could get annoying. "Spells...runes...maps...stories...all of ways to protect against holiness, build new and greater vorpal swords...maps to powerful artifacts that a Pit-Lord could use. Here's even one on how to resist the commands of most Gods!...honestly there's thousands of years of knowledge here...how did you find it?" He paced around, observing. "So could she be killed before she knew her full power? Not that I want to, it's surprising a being like that can walk around the physical plane so free."
"Oh I simply wanted to find it and we ended up here because um....hm....ah....candy?" Grimm shrugs and walks around with a large guitar. "I remember the good old days....when I used to be a famous musician." It was a complete lie, this is probably the first time he's touched a guitar. He thinks about the time she absorbed three death scythes and his own personal Birth scythe that could kill even Death himself. "Hhhhhmmmm....I want to say yes for the sake of optimism so...yes!"

Vance looked up from his book and over at Isabel., when she started talking he put his finger to his lips. "Shhhhh. We're in a library. You can't shout in here" Vance shook his head and placed his book off to the side upside down so that he wouldn't lose the page. "What do you mean?"



Maya thought in silence for a moment about Temperance's question, as if it was the most important question she'd have to answer. "I want Cookies and Ice cream! With chocolate sauce and more Ice cream and lots and lots of cookies!" Maya smiled excitedly up at Temperance.

Abigail continued her journey around town to try and find her hotel, her weariness continued as she didn't take any rests. "Where the fuck am I?" She questioned while starting to pull at her hair. She looked at her map again in hopes it would just pop out but all she found was a pub. "Fuck it." She aggressively moaned out as she made her way over to the local pub. Screw waiting.
GingerBread said:

Vance looked up from his book and over at Isabel., when she started talking he put his finger to his lips. "Shhhhh. We're in a library. You can't shout in here" Vance shook his head and placed his book off to the side upside down so that he wouldn't lose the page. "What do you mean?"



Maya thought in silence for a moment about Temperance's question, as if it was the most important question she'd have to answer. "I want Cookies and Ice cream! With chocolate sauce and more Ice cream and lots and lots of cookies!" Maya smiled excitedly up at Temperance.

"I'm asking if you're ready for Chinese food! I know a couple Chinese people down the street that we can kill and eat." Isabel gives Vance a duh, face. As if he were the stupid one for not figuring it out.

"Well it looks like we're getting that!" Temperance walks into a store and begins to order all of these items. "The next step to becoming cool....hmm...you and I have to explore a new world and it's secrets. It's a huge adventure, are you ready for it?"
Light said:
"Oh I simply wanted to find it and we ended up here because um....hm....ah....candy?" Grimm shrugs and walks around with a large guitar. "I remember the good old days....when I used to be a famous musician." It was a complete lie, this is probably the first time he's touched a guitar. He thinks about the time she absorbed three death scythes and his own personal Birth scythe that could kill even Death himself. "Hhhhhmmmm....I want to say yes for the sake of optimism so...yes!"
"Optimism is a curse. It isn't rational. " eyeing the guitar, he asked, "oh you play? Well if you wish to...'enlighten' our mood go ahead." There was mockery in that statement. Not at Grimm...but at the situation at hand. "I must study these spells and runes. How long do I have here?"
MTchaos1134 said:
"I don't know, she is just interesting to hang around with, and I got really nothing better to do, except probably find out what year it is and whatnot. Beacuse I was just recently revived."
He gets up. And faces Cole."one thing for sure it seems the cigarette was improved, when I was around it was more or so just starting."
Cole took a drag from his cigarette then took it out his mouth, blowing the smoke until the air. Yeah you're right. Everything seems to revolve around Isabel, bringing drama, and adventure. Would you like to go find her?? He asked looking at Anubis. Oh one more thing, cigarettes only became cool because of me. He added smirking believing in his own hype.

Light said:
Gianna was walking around the forest with a cigarette in her mouth. A baby dragon made out of fire was cradled in her arms. She seemed to be unaffected by its heat and barely notices the trio as she passes by. She was too busy looking at Junior
(I edited my recent post because o forget Cole was with Anubis so it's just Crimson and Inaro plus the hatchlings.)

Inaro smelt the smoke in the air and looked at Gianna. Crimson sat up on the bed turned around looking at Gianna. Crimson whistles towards her trying to catch her attention. Sooo you just gone walk by and not say hello?? He then looks in her hands seeing the baby dragon. It looks like her egg hatched since the last time y'all met. Yeah it seems that way doesn't. He said looking at Inaro. He turns his head back to Gianna. So what's little baby's name?? He asked her while sipping on a bottle of whiskey. @Light

"Yeah... I'm going to have to decline that offer. I don't really fancy eating people, I'm on a low fat diet. I've got to be in shape for my wedding"
Vance shook his head. He assumed that Isabel was joking so he made sure to reply as sarcastically as possible. He picked his book back up and began flipping back through before putting it back down as he had an idea. "But, ah. If you want to do me a favour, you could give me another one of those birth Scythes. The one I had broke down randomly. It was such a shame"



Maya looked up at Temperance as she said her and Maya would have to explore a new world and learn all the secrets it had. "Really? Is it a cool world? Does it have Dragons? And does it have witches? Does it have pirates? Pirates are the coolest people ever!" Maya smiled up at Temperance, her excitement growing with every question she asked. "Can I have my Ice cream and cookies while we're going on the adventure?"

MTchaos1134 said:
"Yes I would like you to show me where Isabel is please. And I assume your popular beacuse you made cigarettes. Popular?" He asks, trying to decide if he is saying the truth about cigarettes.
Cole takes the cigarette out his mouth and steps on it putting it out. Yeah I created it. He said while chuckling. He then rubs the back of the head. Let's find Isabel for you buddy. He sticks his hands out towards an open space, and a void portal appears. Cole closes his eyes and the portal opens and closes as it searches for Isabel. After a couple of tries it finds her showing her with Vance. Well there she is. Shall we Anubis. Cole walks inside appearing near the table where Vance and Isabel is. @MTchaos1134 @Light @GingerBread

Vance looked over at Cole and Anubis with a bored expression. "Hey look, Inaro's fuck buddy has finally gone his own way. I'm surprised that you're not still stuck kissing his arse" Vance turned slightly to face the both of them. "Now I suggest both of you leave right now, Or you can take an all expense vacation in my light or darkness realm. I promise it's nothing like a prison camp, though you can only leave when I say so and there's nothing to do in either of them." Vance turned back towards Isabel. "So I suggest you take your new fuckbuddy and yourself away from here. Go back to sucking Inaro's dick or something"

@Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance looked over at Cole and Anubis with a bored expression. "Hey look, Inaro's fuck buddy has finally gone his own way. I'm surprised that you're not still stuck kissing his arse" Vance turned slightly to face the both of them. "Now I suggest both of you leave right now, Or you can take an all expense vacation in my light or darkness realm. I promise it's nothing like a prison camp, though you can only leave when I say so and there's nothing to do in either of them." Vance turned back towards Isabel. "So I suggest you take your new fuckbuddy and yourself away from here. Go back to sucking Inaro's dick or something"

@Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134 @Light
"Wow is this how you treat evreyone you just meet? If so you must have many rivals. If I must leave then at least tell me your name. Beacuse you are already interesting." He said, ready to teleport at a moments notice if Vance were to try anything.

Vance placed his hands onto the table in front of him roughly before pushing himself up and turning to face Anubis. "No. That's not how I greet most people, But you made it glaringly obvious that you came here just to speak to Isabel, with absolutely no regard that I was already talking to her."Vance noticed he was getting glares sent to him by some of the other people in the library but found that he didn't give a crap at the present moment. "I know this because when you arrived here with Inaro's fuckbuddy, you completely ignored me and asked Isabel how her day was; I don't appreciate people coming over and butting into my conversations, just because you want to talk to the person I'm talking to. So, Last fucking chance, get the fuck out of this library before I force you out. And You're not getting my name, you can ask someone else about it if you're that curious"

@Light @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134
GingerBread said:
Vance placed his hands onto the table in front of him roughly before pushing himself up and turning to face Anubis. "No. That's not how I greet most people, But you made it glaringly obvious that you came here just to speak to Isabel, with absolutely no regard that I was already talking to her."Vance noticed he was getting glares sent to him by some of the other people in the library but found that he didn't give a crap at the present moment. "I know this because when you arrived here with Inaro's fuckbuddy, you completely ignored me and asked Isabel how her day was; I don't appreciate people coming over and butting into my conversations, just because you want to talk to the person I'm talking to. So, Last fucking chance, get the fuck out of this library before I force you out. And You're not getting my name, you can ask someone else about it if you're that curious"

@Light @Embaga Elder @MTchaos1134
"Oh, I see. Sorry for budding in, I'll leave, don't worry. Though I would like to talk to you later, but until then, I'll see you later." Before teleporting away he tossed an old Egyptian coin onto the table for vance's troubles. Anubis was now in a town, wondering if anyone he knew was still around."Hey Grimm? Are you still around? Please reveal yourself to me." He asked out loud.


Oden looked up from his book in the library. Why hadn't the people across from him been kicked out already? He'd been in the library almost everyday since the guild had disbanded and he'd received the offer from Reevar, studying new ways to kill along with many a mythologies so he could figure out how to kill the various beasts withing the guild. But it was so damn difficult to focus with the bellowing of the idiots. He sighed and shut the book, approaching the table just as Raz left, without skipping a beat he turned to Vance with a shy smile and keeping himself as small as possible. Upon seeing it was Vance, however, he dropped the act and cut to the chase.

"Oh, it's you...I'll try to make this quick and not waste your 'precious' time, but this is a library, and I need to focus. So I would ask that you remain quiet for the other patrons, lest somebody else with more muscle mass attempt to remove you..."

@GingerBread @Light @Embaga Elder


Illyana walked through the woods happily. She'd just wanted to take a walk freely for the first time in forever, and had already forgotten where she was. She wasn't worried, she had no need to eat or sleep, and she wasn't sure if anybody had even realized her binds were broken, so she simply enjoyed whatever time she had. It was when she came upon a house in the middle of this forest, seemingly removed from civilization that she grew curious. Why would somebody choose to be alone? Maybe they needed company and a quick chat?

She approached the door and knocked after a tad bit of hesitation, speaking through the door, "Hello? I pray I'm not intruding but, this house just seemed so far removed from everything. If anyone is there, would you need anything at all? Could I provide it for you perhaps?"


Vance looked over at Oden, still slightly riled up because of the whole thing with Anubis. "Seriously? Piss off kid, Shouldn't you be in school or something at this time of day? And I'll talk as loudly as I fucking want. If you can find someone who can forcibly remove me, I'd love to meet them" Vance shook his head as he slumped down in his seat. "I just fucking came here to find a way to kill the god of the sun, it shouldn't have been this difficult."

@Light @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder


Colin was sitting down in a chair facing the wall relaxing as he watched paint dry, metaphorically of course, since Colin had yet to actually paint the inside walls of the house. When he heard a knock at the door, he stood up and walked over to it. He heard the person talking, the voice sounded familiar to him, but he couldn't work out who it belonged to.

When he opened the door, he saw Illyana standing there. "H-Hello" Colin greeted as he smiled warmly at Illyana. "L-Long time no s-see. H-How have y-you been?" Colin stepped backwards a bit, out of the way of the doorway slightly. "W-Would you l-like to c-come in?" Even though Colin had almost nothing in his house, he still felt a bit awkward not inviting Illyana in, especially since he enough stuff to make tea.

Cole shakes his head smirking towards Vance's comment. Cole didn't show none sign of anger. He held out his left palm in front of him and used a claw on his right hand t draw a seal pattern on it. He left up his shirt and placed his left palm on his chest. Seal Release: Chronolock. He said whispering to himself. He removes his hand revealing a purple seal on his chest. He puts his shirt down, and looks at Oden then Vance. He points his hand out towards him and a sharp purple energy beam shoots out towards him. Cole holds the beam up to his neck. Vance you really need to fix that bloody bitchy attitude of yours. The slightest thing will set you off, I'll hate to see how your kids will turn out. Well that's if you ever decide to stop being such a bloody wanker. I doubt that'll happen though. He pauses and rubs his free hand through his hair. He looks around the library looking at the people with attitude. Honestly I can careless about these guys attitude towards you, or removing you by force. The only thing I do care about is you pushing my buttons and trying me as if I can't kill your bloody human ass. He spoke in a calm tone looking at Vance with a cold stare. He pushes his glasses up. Go back to your bloody conversation, before I shove this Lance up your ass. He retracts the beam then steps back into a void portal. Enjoy the rest of your day. @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light

Before Cole could fully walk through the portal, a tendril of darkness grabbed his leg and pulled him backwards and onto the floor.
"Did you really think you could threaten me and then just walk away?" Vance stood up from his chair and looked down at Cole. "I'm sure you were listening in on what I was saying to the small child here. There is almost no one in this universe that can actually take me down. Like there's two or three, not including the reapers of course, or my soon to be wife" Vance waved his hand dismissively as he stepped closer to Cole. "Someone once said, there are two things that are certain in life, death, and taxes. So I do hope you've filed your taxes" Vance stood there smiling maliciously down at Cole before having tendrils of darkness surround him in an instant and pin him to the ground. "You know, If I kill you, I'll probably have to deal with your group of chuckle fucks coming after me for revenge, won't I? But you know what? I don't care"

( ! )Vance Snapped his fingers and had absolute darkness cover Cole; The absolute darkness took away all of Cole's senses, taste, touch, sight, smell and any other ones that he may have. Vance then had walls of darkness rise up and if anything were to happen to them he would replace them again. While Cole was in the absolute darkness Vance had the tendrils constantly move him around so that he wouldn't be able to actually open a portal to get away and since Cole had no senses he wouldn't be able to feel being moved around by the Tendrils. While he was doing that, Vance got to work on reducing Cole to nothingness

@Light @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder
Victoria smiled, running to mother and clutching against her. "What happened? How did you get out of coma?" She asked sobbing into her mothers chest.

"I Felt a fire light in my loins daughter...." She said, holding the silence for a few seconds then bursting into laughter. "I have no actual idea." She rested her hand on Victoria's shoulder. "Well enough of this sappy shit." She unfurled her leathery wings and her eyes glowed purple. "I have a reaper to see, one that hopefully won't kill me.." She quickly stepped up the stairs. She emerged on the roof of a skyscraper, seeing as how they owned the 5 floors below. She looked into the sky and called "GRIMM!!. I HAVE POP TARTS!!" She waved the shiny foil packet in the air.

"Well she hasn't changed a bit." Victoria said, her eyes shooting to Kai; who seemed to be engrossed in a magazine. "Not at all, if anything she became more like herself." He said, not glancing up. "Well make sure she doesn't try to get in bed with a piece of bread like last time." She smirked, her eyes falling on the slightly ajar door. "I am going out, I wanna find Isabel. I need to beat her with the love stick. Tell mom to come get me if in like an hour." She stepped out, and she sashayed away; her white curls bobbing up and down.


Abigail strolled into the pub which caused her dry unamused lips to turn into a grin, she walked over to the bar and dropped her bags on the ground when she got their. She sat down on a stall and ordered a pint of the finest lager which was chilled. The bartender gave it to her and she downed a quarter of it instantly. "Ahhhhh, that hits the spot. Good stuff right there." She continued to smile as she placed the drink on the side, she turned her attention to the bar tender "Hey! tender! know where I can find the 'rabbits noon'?" After she finished asking the took a sip of her drink as she waited for an answer.

(anyone want to come to this pub for an interaction?)
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Kai walked into the pub, after he had left the house after Victoria. He flopped down at the bar, his blue hair ruffled and messy. "This town is so strange, I always crave bananas here." He said, whipping out a banana. He began to peel it, and he looked around.


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