Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Noivian said:
Mila looked around, uncertain where she was or where she was going, and not really caring either. With Shesha on her shoulder, Mila and her cat-sized familiar walked about, taking in the area around them.
Athena so the girl and went to her. "Hi I'm Athena. I'm lost too. What's your name?" (She's on the 8th page of character sign ups)
CelticSol said:
Jackie spots Jackson and Victoria start making out, then laughs uncomfortably, leaning into Alpha, "I figured we were going to have to be about 30 years into our marriage and needing spice in our sex life before we ever even thought about being in an orgy."
Alpha sat down on the floor, before laying on his back. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. It's like Rome all over again!" He said, flopping his arms for emphasis. "Humans and their blue body parts," he grumbled, just laying there.
Victoria was used to this by now, seeing as how she slept her way to the top of a drug ring to take it down. She accepted the kiss, and returned the favor by lightly biting Jackson's lip. She needed a distraction, and here is one...





@Embaga Elder


Kai was wondering around, his eyes dark. "Ugh, Victoria always has all the fun without me." He said kicking a pebble off the roof. "Where is a knight in shining armor when you need him?" He laid down, closing his eyes.
Tazmodo said:
Athena so the girl and went to her. "Hi I'm Athena. I'm lost too. What's your name?" (She's on the 8th page of character sign ups)
"I'm Mila, and this is Shesha," Mila pointed to the owlcat on her shoulder, who in turn gave an odd meow-hoot call, fluttering her wings and jumping to the ground. She didn't like to ride on Mila's shoulder much, as that meant digging her claws in, and Shesha didn't want to hurt Mila.
Noivian said:
"I'm Mila, and this is Shesha," Mila pointed to the owlcat on her shoulder, who in turn gave an odd meow-hoot call, fluttering her wings and jumping to the ground. She didn't like to ride on Mila's shoulder much, as that meant digging her claws in, and Shesha didn't want to hurt Mila.
Athena knelt down to pet the little creature. "Aww it's adorable." She stood up. "Anyways this is good you can help me find someone I've been looking for a while now. I don't know where he is he likes to disappear everyone I get close without knowing it. But before that let's get to know each other more. Tell me about yourself."
Shesha purred and cooed affectionately at the pets, and rubbed up against Athena's leg when she stood up again. "It looks like she likes you," Mila commented. "I'm what's called a Nature Sage, meaning I protect the natural world from those who wish it harm. Shesha is my familiar. She's an Owlcat, and a small one at that. I guess she's just young is all. Some say Owlcats stay the size of a housecat forever, others say they grow to the size of griffins. Shesha's one of the last of her kind." Mila explained. "How about you?"
Noivian said:
Shesha purred and cooed affectionately at the pets, and rubbed up against Athena's leg when she stood up again. "It looks like she likes you," Mila commented. "I'm what's called a Nature Sage, meaning I protect the natural world from those who wish it harm. Shesha is my familiar. She's an Owlcat, and a small one at that. I guess she's just young is all. Some say Owlcats stay the size of a housecat forever, others say they grow to the size of griffins. Shesha's one of the last of her kind." Mila explained. "How about you?"
Athena looked at the owlcat. "Well I'm just a girl really. I don't have anything really special other then a power and an old brake up story. Sorry for being so boring."
"It's okay," Mila shrugged. "Not all of us have to have abilities. How about we go and find someone?"

Jayn looked at the scene with wide eyes and put her phone on camera mode and began to film, "I'm gonna win an award for this shot. Don't know what awards there are in porn, but I'm gonna win it..." She walked over to the bed and stuck out her tongue as she flipped her phone in attempts to get a better shot, "I can't be in front of the camera after all, my acting is to dull, but I refused to not receive an award for best amateur scene!" She zoomed in on Victoria and Jackson and yelled at them, "Use a condom, I refuse to have my porno be associated with a pregnancy sandal!"

@Tazmodo @The Imperial Flame @Light


Fola winced as he opened his eyes to bright light, he looked around dazed and confused as he attempted to get a grip of the situation. It was when he heard the comment about the private room that he breathed a sigh of relief. He must've passed out before he left to the hotel...Yeah...He'd imagined everything and didn't have to worry about disappointing anybody.

He threw the beer bottles to the side and hopped over the bar. He pulled out the biggest and clearest bottle of liquor he could find and opened it before chugging the entire thing. That plus him already being tipsy from before put him out, he threw the empty bottle to the side as the glass broke against the wall. He walked unsteadily to the girl with the blue hair, the face of whom had become to blurry for him to realize. He spoke with one hand in his pocket as he scratched the back of his head, unable to make out the mess of shapes around him,
"So what the hell is going on here? And why does this bar have a fucking private room..."

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo
Noivian said:
"It's okay," Mila shrugged. "Not all of us have to have abilities. How about we go and find someone?"
Athena nodded. "Ok sounds fun. I haven't seen him in a long time but I gotta find him. He mind of can be anywhere. Literally anywhere."
Inheritance said:
Xeron grinned at seeing him. "Hello. Apologies if you were in the middle of something, I just have a few questions if you can stand to answer them. I pledge my services to you in return?" He looked at Grim. Perhaps he'd do as a master...he'd follow him, whoever he was. Assuming he was stronger then Xeron was.
"Sure. I don't mind answering a few questions! What are they?" Grimm summons a couch for them to sit on. "Ooohhh...is this an interview?"





@Embaga Elder


Kai was wondering around, his eyes dark. "Ugh, Victoria always has all the fun without me." He said kicking a pebble off the roof. "Where is a knight in shining armor when you need him?" He laid down, closing his eyes.
Daimao said:
Alpha sat down on the floor, before laying on his back. "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh. It's like Rome all over again!" He said, flopping his arms for emphasis. "Humans and their blue body parts," he grumbled, just laying there.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson nodded and went over to her. "Alright let's do this." He leaned in to kiss Victoria not knowing what else to do.
CelticSol said:
Jackie spots Jackson and Victoria start making out, then laughs uncomfortably, leaning into Alpha, "I figured we were going to have to be about 30 years into our marriage and needing spice in our sex life before we ever even thought about being in an orgy."
LokiofSP said:
Jayn looked at the scene with wide eyes and put her phone on camera mode and began to film, "I'm gonna win an award for this shot. Don't know what awards there are in porn, but I'm gonna win it..." She walked over to the bed and stuck out her tongue as she flipped her phone in attempts to get a better shot, "I can't be in front of the camera after all, my acting is to dull, but I refused to not receive an award for best amateur scene!" She zoomed in on Victoria and Jackson and yelled at them, "Use a condom, I refuse to have my porno be associated with a pregnancy sandal!"

@Tazmodo @The Imperial Flame @Light


Fola winced as he opened his eyes to bright light, he looked around dazed and confused as he attempted to get a grip of the situation. It was when he heard the comment about the private room that he breathed a sigh of relief. He must've passed out before he left to the hotel...Yeah...He'd imagined everything and didn't have to worry about disappointing anybody.

He threw the beer bottles to the side and hopped over the bar. He pulled out the biggest and clearest bottle of liquor he could find and opened it before chugging the entire thing. That plus him already being tipsy from before put him out, he threw the empty bottle to the side as the glass broke against the wall. He walked unsteadily to the girl with the blue hair, the face of whom had become to blurry for him to realize. He spoke with one hand in his pocket as he scratched the back of his head, unable to make out the mess of shapes around him,
"So what the hell is going on here? And why does this bar have a fucking private room..."

@Light @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo
Isabel was sitting on the edge of the extremely large bed as Jackson and Victoria were enjoying themselves. She was wearing a crop top and jeans shorts, nothing underneath. One leg was resting on the bed curled up while Isabel had her back to the bed post on the four poster bed. Her right leg was hanging off the edge of the bed while she had a bottle of alchohol in her hands. She looks towards Alpha and takes a sip from the bottle.

She directs her eyes towards Jackie afterwards and gets up, smiling as she saunters towards Jackie. "Hey...so...I really want you two to join but I can only do so much for him." She glances behind her, gesturing towards Alpha. "The party wouldn't be the same without you two so if you could just get him into the flow of things then it would be nice. Want a drink first?" Isabel gestures to the various choices of alchohol beside them. Isabel turns back to Fola, her pink eyes practically asking for his body but at this moment she seemed like a tough nut to crack, focusing on everyone else first. "Basically we're all doing the birds and the bees as a group." She winks at him the moment after she says this, turning back to Jackie afterwards. "Well?"
Tazmodo said:
Athena nodded. "Ok sounds fun. I haven't seen him in a long time but I gotta find him. He mind of can be anywhere. Literally anywhere."
"This is going to be quite the search, then," Mila stated. Shesha looked to Mila, who offered a series of tongue clicks in return. The small Owlcat spread her wings and took off down the hall in the way Mila had come from. "Alright, let's head that way." Mila pointed and started walking in the opposite direction that Shesha had went towards.
Jackson pressed himself against her and pulled away teasing her. "Your pretty good at this. I guess I should drop the innocent act it'd be more fun this way." He slight pulled her hair as he kissed. He was surprised no one else was joining in but he didn't care he was having fun.

@The Imperial Flame

Noivian said:
"This is going to be quite the search, then," Mila stated. Shesha looked to Mila, who offered a series of tongue clicks in return. The small Owlcat spread her wings and took off down the hall in the way Mila had come from. "Alright, let's head that way." Mila pointed and started walking in the opposite direction that Shesha had went towards.
Athena happy walked along with her. "So how old are you kid? You look pretty young. Maybe it's those antlers but I say they're adorable."
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Victoria grabs the empty bottle of Vodka and throws it at Jayn. She continued making out with Jackson, She pulled away for a few seconds yelling "GET SOME MUSIC GOING" She then went back making out with Jackson, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Trust me pretty boy, I am a veteran at this." She said as she flipped them both over, and remaining on top she kissed all the way up his neck, ending on his lips.





@Embaga Elder


The bottle hits Jayn as she rubs her head, sniffing at Victoria, "I was just trying to practice safe sex and protect my future stars, but I see how it is! You care nothing of the lowly camera woman simply trying to make a living...Fine..." She sniffled as she zoomed in even closer despite her being told she couldn't do it, determined to prove everyone wrong and win that award...

@Tazmodo @The Imperial Flame


Fola raised a brow as he thought, "Birds and the bees? The fuck is that...OH! You're all fucking...Oh shit, well...I guess I should join in or something huh? Would be awkward for me to just leave..." He sighed and shrugged one last time before leaning down on Isabel and placing his hands on her shoulders, he tired his best to steady his drunk mind and focus on her face, but he couldn't. Instead he simply stared at what he assumed were her eyes, "Okay, let me say one thing before we start here. Absolutely no names, I don't know you, and you don't know me. We all fuck, we leave, and we never speak again, got it?"

LokiofSP said:
The bottle hits Jayn as she rubs her head, sniffing at Victoria, "I was just trying to practice safe sex and protect my future stars, but I see how it is! You care nothing of the lowly camera woman simply trying to make a living...Fine..." She sniffled as she zoomed in even closer despite her being told she couldn't do it, determined to prove everyone wrong and win that award...

@Tazmodo @The Imperial Flame


Fola raised a brow as he thought, "Birds and the bees? The fuck is that...OH! You're all fucking...Oh shit, well...I guess I should join in or something huh? Would be awkward for me to just leave..." He sighed and shrugged one last time before leaning down on Isabel and placing his hands on her shoulders, he tired his best to steady his drunk mind and focus on her face, but he couldn't. Instead he simply stared at what he assumed were her eyes, "Okay, let me say one thing before we start here. Absolutely no names, I don't know you, and you don't know me. We all fuck, we leave, and we never speak again, got it?"

( @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo )

Isabel has her arms drop to her sides with the bottle still in her right hand. She nods her head in response to Fola, looking him in the eyes as she does so. "I think I can follow that..." She slightly stands on her toes and places her hand on his chest. She presses her lips to his but it's so light and slow their lips seemed to barely touch. She pulls away gently and slowly, sliding her hand down his chest as she does so. Isabel leans in once more, almost putting her lips fully upon his own on the second kiss. Her left hand hand found itself upon his belt buckle, successfully taking it off singlehandedly and throwing it to the side.

Isabel slips her fingers into his pants and uses this to get a grip on Fola and pull him close. Isabel and Fola were body to body with her hand still holding his pants while her right hand was at her side with the bottle. Isabel closes her eyes and begins to slowly kiss Fola at a continued pace, making sure he could feel her chest pressing against his own but it could be tighter if Fola were to hold her. She pulls away for a moment and looks at Jackie. "Hey...if I don't have at least three bottles of alchohol in me by the end of this I'll be a little disappointed. Same goes for you so, make sure to keep the bottles coming for both you and I okay?" Isabel turns back to Fola and continues on with kissing. If Fola would even try to remove any of her clothes, she'd swat his hand away with the addition of shaking her head while their foreheads are still together. She'd also exhale the word no as lightly as possible, continuing on afterwards.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo )
Isabel has her arms drop to her sides with the bottle still in her right hand. She nods her head in response to Fola, looking him in the eyes as she does so. "I think I can follow that..." She slightly stands on her toes and places her hand on his chest. She presses her lips to his but it's so light and slow their lips seemed to barely touch. She pulls away gently and slowly, sliding her hand down his chest as she does so. Isabel leans in once more, almost putting her lips fully upon his own on the second kiss. Her left hand hand found itself upon his belt buckle, successfully taking it off singlehandedly and throwing it to the side.

Isabel slips her fingers into his pants and uses this to get a grip on Fola and pull him close. Isabel and Fola were body to body with her hand still holding his pants while her right hand was at her side with the bottle. Isabel closes her eyes and begins to slowly kiss Fola at a continued pace, making sure he could feel her chest pressing against his own but it could be tighter if Fola were to hold her. She pulls away for a moment and looks at Jackie. "Hey...if I don't have at least three bottles of alchohol in me by the end of this I'll be a little disappointed. Same goes for you so, make sure to keep the bottles coming for both you and I okay?" Isabel turns back to Fola and continues on with kissing. If Fola would even try to remove any of her clothes, she'd swat his hand away with the addition of shaking her head while their foreheads are still together. She'd also exhale the word no as lightly as possible, continuing on afterwards.
Jackie looks at Isabel dumbly, expression so shocked and confused that it's simply become blank. She heads over to the alcohol, looking through the labels to find the highest alcohol content, then drinks a third of that bottle.
Light said:
Isabel pulls away from Fola once more and grins at Jackie. "There you go." She begins to drink from her own bottle and turns to Jackson. "I'll make my way over there soon!" Isabel turns to Jackie once more. "You'll be enjoying yourself soon. I'll see to it personally." Isabel's eyes seem to move up and down Jackie's body before she turns to Fola, putting her hands on the center of his pants and sliding it down. She grabs on to whatever she feels within it.
Jackie catches Isabel looking her up and down, then sits down, putting the bottle back to her lips and drinking more.
Tazmodo said:
Athena happy walked along with her. "So how old are you kid? You look pretty young. Maybe it's those antlers but I say they're adorable."
"Oh, uh... I lost count once I hit the hundreds, actually," Mila responded. "But thanks anyways! It's common for Nature Sages to stop aging at a certain point."
CelticSol said:
Jackie catches Isabel looking her up and down, then sits down, putting the bottle back to her lips and drinking more.
( @LokiofSP )

Isabel was suddenly getting hit the the affects of the alchohol. Her movements were slowed and her grip on the bottle wasn't as tight. She throws her right arm around Fola's neck to hold herself up due to the lack of balance. Fola had a new sensation on his chest other than her heartbeat. Even though she was kissing Fola, her eyes were half lidded, staring into Jackie's.
Noivian said:
"Oh, uh... I lost count once I hit the hundreds, actually," Mila responded. "But thanks anyways! It's common for Nature Sages to stop aging at a certain point."
Athena looked at her antlers and touched them. "I don't even know what a nature Sage is but all I know is your friendly and I don't dislike you. Especially your cute owlcat."
"Hehe, well, thanks," Mila responded, but ducked away awkwardly when Athena touched her antlers. While they weren't overly sensitive, it was still kind of impolite for someone to just reach out and touch someone else's antlers. Mila half considered making her antlers go away, but decided against it.
Noivian said:
"Hehe, well, thanks," Mila responded, but ducked away awkwardly when Athena touched her antlers. While they weren't overly sensitive, it was still kind of impolite for someone to just reach out and touch someone else's antlers. Mila half considered making her antlers go away, but decided against it.
Athena pulled her hand back. "Oh sorry I got carried away." She silently walked along side her.
"It's okay, you didn't know. It's not like humans have antlers or anything else of the sort," Mila said with a shrug, and continued walking.

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