Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Theodore woke up. The last thing he remembered was Isabel losing her shit and beating the crap out of him. He slowly got up and walked down from the mountain.

Reed looked at the creature. "Because this is my home. It's where my friends are. Where past is and my future with whomever takes me. Why must you destroy it? What have we done to you?"

Jackson looked at Grimm. "I really don't want to. The ship sail long ago and nothing happened. I'm only interested in sleeping safe and sound."
Tazmodo said:
Theodore woke up. The last thing he remembered was Isabel losing her shit and beating the crap out of him. He slowly got up and walked down from the mountain.
Reed looked at the creature. "Because this is my home. It's where my friends are. Where past is and my future with whomever takes me. Why must you destroy it? What have we done to you?"

Jackson looked at Grimm. "I really don't want to. The ship sail long ago and nothing happened. I'm only interested in sleeping safe and sound."
Light said:
Grimm's voice rings throughout the area at Jackson's response. "I do believe in submarines, Jackson! You can either all fail together, win together, loose in a pair, or win in a pair. Just don't be the one to recieve the least love. Happy loving!"
"No. Being cool is never easy, that's what the real non cool people think. If you want to be the coolest then you have to work for it. I'm willing to help you if you're going to put in the effort."
(!)Victoria's eyes clenched shut, and her 20 crystals spiraled around her head. They shot at Xeron, aiming for his vitals. "If you want her love get it yourself." She yelled.



Fire swirled around him as a response, blocking any major point, but was slashed up. He stumbled and fell to his knees. "Please don't...I don't have the power to fight you after that ordeal. " he looked at them both. His human side had a voice now, as his demon was wounded. "You guys...are her friends right? Then it's only fitting that you two win. I'm not going to stand in your way anymore...I don't know what it's like to have friends, but I assume it's a treasure. " he sat back...he was thinking about death...where he'd go...it was close. "I really do wish to actually talk to you guys but...if you're intent on killing me then I can't stop you. However, I'll stay and let you guys win. For you're her friend, so I don't want to stop that. " he closed his eyes, waiting for them to kill him...his shields wouldn't last much longer...he muttered: "The silence that kills, and my heart collides, hope's mocking laugh, all those painful rides.The drips and drops like on a rainy night, though I can see no beauty, for I see no light. Hating myself,

in endless sorrow, dreading to sleep, hoping there's no tommorow. And there is no end to this painful book, for my memories end, and my heart just shook..."
Light said:
( @Daimao )
A void appears before Alpha and out of it steps out the big...and mighty...Chili Grimm. "I am back from the dead! Wait...who are you?"
Alpha looks at Chili Grimm confused. "What?" He replies stupidly.
Daimao said:
Alpha looks at Chili Grimm confused. "What?" He replies stupidly.
"I'm back from the dead and I'm wondering about your identity. Who are you?" Chibi Grimm rubs his chin. "There has to be a reason as to why I'm here....with you...hhhhmmm."
Light said:
"I'm back from the dead and I'm wondering about your identity. Who are you?" Chibi Grimm rubs his chin. "There has to be a reason as to why I'm here....with you...hhhhmmm."
Alpha looked at Chibi Grimm blankly. "Uh...I'm me...who are you?" Was his genius response.
Daimao said:
Alpha looked at Chibi Grimm blankly. "Uh...I'm me...who are you?" Was his genius response.
"I'm Chibi Grimm! Nice to meet you, Me!" Chibi Grimm raises his hand up for Me to shake. "So don't you mind telling me where we are, Me?"
Inheritance said:
Fire swirled around him as a response, blocking any major point, but was slashed up. He stumbled and fell to his knees. "Please don't...I don't have the power to fight you after that ordeal. " he looked at them both. His human side had a voice now, as his demon was wounded. "You guys...are her friends right? Then it's only fitting that you two win. I'm not going to stand in your way anymore...I don't know what it's like to have friends, but I assume it's a treasure. " he sat back...he was thinking about death...where he'd go...it was close. "I really do wish to actually talk to you guys but...if you're intent on killing me then I can't stop you. However, I'll stay and let you guys win. For you're her friend, so I don't want to stop that. " he closed his eyes, waiting for them to kill him...his shields wouldn't last much longer...he muttered: "The silence that kills, and my heart collides, hope's mocking laugh, all those painful rides.The drips and drops like on a rainy night, though I can see no beauty, for I see no light. Hating myself,
in endless sorrow, dreading to sleep, hoping there's no tomorrow. And there is no end to this painful book, for my memories end, and my heart just shook..."
"Pity is a virtue.... That I do not possess." She said, her eyes closing. The crystals near her flew to her, and positioned themselves beneath her feet, fusing together. The platform raised up, and it seemed as if Victoria was going to leave... But all of a sudden a green cloud spilled forth over Xeron, and Jackson. It was a paralysis miasma, and would paralyze anyone that inhales it.

"Hey big sister, I have been looking for you." Kai said, his hands clasped in front of him.

Light said:
Crimson and Isabel end up in a room with a pole, a chair, and a couch. Crimson was sitting on the couch with Isabel standing before him. "I'd like for you to pay upfront. Not just money though. Items or possessions of desire...depending on how good it is shows me what you want."
Crimson looked around the room he was in. It reminded him about the last time he was in a club. He looked at Isabel and raised an eyebrow towards the mention of possessions. Possessions?? I think you have enough of my possessions. Don't you?? He takes a sip from his whiskey bottle. By possessions Crimson means Zedd. You have my best friend. That's the biggest possession I can ever give you. He reaches into his coat pocket pulling out a pouch of gold. So how about we get right to the point?? @Light

MTchaos1134 said:
"Aw she dissappeared, I guess the fun is over for now. He sits in place, with a slight frown."I hope she comes back. Beacuse in going to wait here for her." He sits and starts messing with the things around him. Trying to keep himself from being bored.
Cole turns to Anubis after hearing his voice. The main question in his head was why was this God here? Is he hear on business or something else? He placed a smoke in his mouth and lights it. He walksover towards Anubis qnd stands near him. He takes a draft, removes the cig, then blows the smoke in the air. So why is the God Anubis just sitting her waiting on a malfunctioning Isabel?? He spoke looking up at the sky. @MTchaos1134
Jackson teleported away from the two using his light. "Come on Grimm she's not in a good place right now i don't want to take advantage of her." He teleported to where she was but closed his eyes when she was on the pole. "Isabel come on why are you doing this. I thought you had more respect for your body. How would Fola feel about what you are doing? You still love him don't you?" @Light

(You forgot Reed's chat with the creature)
Light said:
"I'm Chibi Grimm! Nice to meet you, Me!" Chibi Grimm raises his hand up for Me to shake. "So don't you mind telling me where we are, Me?"
"Uhh," Alpha began, shaking Chibi Grimm's small hand as he looked at his surroundings. "Well, Cheebee Grimm, we happen to be at the top of Mount Everest."
"Kai, What are you doing here?" Victoria exclaimed, her face worried and pained.

"You seemed lonely, and I heard about some thugs that were found with severed arteries. I knew it had to be you." Kai said, his eyes staring at the man he had paralyzed. "Who is that?" He said poking his face.

"He is no one, But why did you follow me? You know what happens when we are together for too long." Victoria said, glancing at her hands. They had green fingernails, and the veins in her hand were tinted green.

"Okay, the truth is Mom just came out of coma." He said, his eyes tearing up. He glanced at his hands and his fingernails were crystal, his veins were non existent. "She wants to wait till she is stronger to see us."

"Oh okay, I guess we can be together for a day at least." She said waving for him to step onto the platform. "Come on, I have a Wild Isabel to catch."

Kai Glanced at Xeron, and waves his hand. A large amount of green toxins flowed from his nose. He was now able to move. He stepped onto the platform

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"Bye cutie." Kai said as they shot off into the sky. A single piece of paper fell from the sky, written on it was Kai's contact information.

"Okay I need you to nullify everybody but Isabel. Okay?" Victoria said, stepping off the platform and onto the buildings roof. "Use the air vents." She said pointing to the ventilation shaft.

Kai nods as he raises his arm and from a vial on his belt a stream of white glittering dust shot out. It spiraled to the vent, and the fan sucked in.


[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Crimson looked around the room he was in. It reminded him about the last time he was in a club. He looked at Isabel and raised an eyebrow towards the mention of possessions. Possessions?? I think you have enough of my possessions. Don't you?? He takes a sip from his whiskey bottle. By possessions Crimson means Zedd. You have my best friend. That's the biggest possession I can ever give you. He reaches into his coat pocket pulling out a pouch of gold. So how about we get right to the point?? @LonelyAssassin )


"But that sounds Boooooooring!"
Maya groaned as she looked over at Temperance. "I don't wanna do boring things. I wanna have fun! And go on adven..tures..." Maya frowned as she remembered why she wasn't going on adventures or doing anything cool. She looked over at Temperance and sighed. "Ffiiiine" Maya moved closer to Temperance so that she could see the book better.

Light said:
"Your home must become my colony now...I must destroy it for the sake of my own people. No...I am not sorry...business is business." The being points their sword at Reed but throws a fireball at Kelsey.

Kelsey sees it coming and hides behind Ren. "Nope...you deal with it."

( @LonelyAssassin )
(Sorry I've been inactive guys T_T)
Ren didn't know what to say to this creature, and they surely couldn't escape these rifts. This might've been the only reality they have, if they die then it might be over. It was a treasure we cant just throw away right? He was about to speak but Reed beat him to the punch. He made some good points too, Ren was just starting to make friends - he'd like to keep them. He then saw the fireball head his way, Kelsey quickly hiding behind him he frowned and extended his arm to the Fireball.

"I got it."

His Dark Mark activates and absorbs the fireball into his hand, taking in the energy, taking away it's power - making it useless. He pulled his hand close and looked down at the tattoo on his palm, it flashed from purple to light blue and he grinned. With a swift motion he slams both hands onto the ground and looks at his Target. (!) From below the earth cracks and rips as the Powerful Blue Flames fire upwards, a streaming torrent to engulf the creature.
Embaga Elder]Crimson looked around the room he was in. It reminded him about the last time he was in a club. He looked at Isabel and raised an eyebrow towards the mention of possessions. [COLOR=#b30000]Possessions?? I think you have enough of my possessions. Don't you?? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He takes a sip from his whiskey bottle. By possessions Crimson means Zedd. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]You have my best friend. That's the biggest possession I can ever give you. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He reaches into his coat pocket pulling out a pouch of gold. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b30000]So how about we get right to the point?? [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:

Cole turns to Anubis after hearing his voice. The main question in his head was why was this God here? Is he hear on business or something else? He placed a smoke in his mouth and lights it. He walksover towards Anubis qnd stands near him. He takes a draft, removes the cig, then blows the smoke in the air. So why is the God Anubis just sitting her waiting on a malfunctioning Isabel?? He spoke looking up at the sky. @MTchaos1134
"I don't know, she is just interesting to hang around with, and I got really nothing better to do, except probably find out what year it is and whatnot. Beacuse I was just recently revived."

He gets up. And faces Cole."one thing for sure it seems the cigarette was improved, when I was around it was more or so just starting."
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Over the intercom a song crackles to life, and all over the building it began playing.


Victoria raises her hand, and her crystals shoot through the building. They are like little drones, and through them Victoria would find Isabel. "Okay, now send in some stuff to make them hallucinate." She said, her eyes shooting around looking at the little drone feedback things in her brain.

"I don't have any, just go in, but first. Here have this." He said, handing her two gas masks. "Give one to her, so she wont pass out." He stood up and fiddled with his belt.

"Thank You Kai, Be safe." She said as she slipped on the gas mask and leaped though the vent. The drones busted through the door that contained Isabel, they spiraled around the doorway flashing, and making whirring sounds. Victoria was crawling through the vents, her small frame making it very easy. She would arrive above the room.



@Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:

"But that sounds Boooooooring!"
Maya groaned as she looked over at Temperance. "I don't wanna do boring things. I wanna have fun! And go on adven..tures..." Maya frowned as she remembered why she wasn't going on adventures or doing anything cool. She looked over at Temperance and sighed. "Ffiiiine" Maya moved closer to Temperance so that she could see the book better.

Temperance smiles at Maya and begins to teach her about the things she's missed so far. They almost looked like mother and daughter due to having the same features.

Grimm appears before Colin and shakes his head. "Tsk...you need to get some fun things going on in your life. Leeettss go!" Grimm transports them to the strip room Isabel, Crimson, Jackson, and Victoria are in.

LonelyAssassin said:
(Sorry I've been inactive guys T_T)
Ren didn't know what to say to this creature, and they surely couldn't escape these rifts. This might've been the only reality they have, if they die then it might be over. It was a treasure we cant just throw away right? He was about to speak but Reed beat him to the punch. He made some good points too, Ren was just starting to make friends - he'd like to keep them. He then saw the fireball head his way, Kelsey quickly hiding behind him he frowned and extended his arm to the Fireball.

"I got it."

His Dark Mark activates and absorbs the fireball into his hand, taking in the energy, taking away it's power - making it useless. He pulled his hand close and looked down at the tattoo on his palm, it flashed from purple to light blue and he grinned. With a swift motion he slams both hands onto the ground and looks at his Target. (!) From below the earth cracks and rips as the Powerful Blue Flames fire upwards, a streaming torrent to engulf the creature.
"You cannot defeat me with such childish attacks!" The blue flames burst off of the being after they engulf them. The being swings it's sword and sends a moving Cresent rift at them. The rift moved swiftly but seemed to miss, mostly because water had moved the group out of the way.

"Hey sis! You called me on the phone earlier? Looks like I arrived in time." Gary flashes a grin as the water dragon he was riding on lands. "So what's going on?"

Kelsey immediately hugs Gary with a smile on her face. "Thank goodness you're okay. A lot has happened and these odd creatures are just appearing all over the place!"

The being seemed to be suffering from damage due to the blue fire even though it shrugged it off earlier.

( @Tazmodo @The Imperial Flame @GingerBread )

Isabel looks around at the display and all the people appearing in the room. She points at Colin. "Are you here for a dance or something more because these two might be getting a lil something in a few seconds." She points to Crimson and Jackson. "Whomever is trying to break in is definitely getting something. Maybe we can get some fun as a group started in this room...."
Light said:
Temperance smiles at Maya and begins to teach her about the things she's missed so far. They almost looked like mother and daughter due to having the same features.
Grimm appears before Colin and shakes his head. "Tsk...you need to get some fun things going on in your life. Leeettss go!" Grimm transports them to the strip room Isabel, Crimson, Jackson, and Victoria are in.

"You cannot defeat me with such childish attacks!" The blue flames burst off of the being after they engulf them. The being swings it's sword and sends a moving Cresent rift at them. The rift moved swiftly but seemed to miss, mostly because water had moved the group out of the way.

"Hey sis! You called me on the phone earlier? Looks like I arrived in time." Gary flashes a grin as the water dragon he was riding on lands. "So what's going on?"

Kelsey immediately hugs Gary with a smile on her face. "Thank goodness you're okay. A lot has happened and these odd creatures are just appearing all over the place!"

The being seemed to be suffering from damage due to the blue fire even though it shrugged it off earlier.

( @Tazmodo @The Imperial Flame @GingerBread )

Isabel looks around at the display and all the people appearing in the room. She points at Colin. "Are you here for a dance or something more because these two might be getting a lil something in a few seconds." She points to Crimson and Jackson. "Whomever is trying to break in is definitely getting something. Maybe we can get some fun as a group started in this room...."
A Bang was heard over head as the ceiling caved, and Victoria rolled out of the broken vent. "Ow, That fucking hurt." She said standing, and dusting herself off. She glanced around the room, and did a double take. "The hell, Why are there like a billion guys in here? AND WHY ARE TWO OF THEM NAKED?" She yelled, and the crystals that were previously guarding the door flew to her side.


@Embaga Elder

@GingerBread (? I think)

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