Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Maya leaned up against Temperance, feeling like she was going to fall asleep from boredom. The only thing that was actually stopping her from falling asleep and missing the entire lesson, was the fact that she was already asleep and in a dream.



Colin panicked as he was teleported away and into a private room in a strip club. "Wh-what? Wh-what about W-Wade?!" Colin managed to stutter out just before Grimm disappeared. He looked over at the person who offered him a 'Dance' and quickly figured out that it was Isabel, even though she looked different. "I-Isabel? Wh-why are y-you here and o-offering 'D-Dances' to p-people?" Colin was about to inquire more about why Isabel was like this, but was stopped when someone came crashing down onto the floor; The person falling down from the ceiling caused Colin to jump slightly.

He had his staff appear and send a invisible wave of healing over to her, just in case she was hurt at all. He then looked back over at Isabel and started to continue on with his questions.
"A-Are you a-alright I-Isabel? Th-this doesn't seem l-like something y-you'd do. I-I know I-I don't r-really kn-know you that w-well. B-But y-you didn't seem l-like y-you'd be th-the sort of p-person who w-would do th-this"

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder
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Jackson looked down at himself. "Ok we'll I would love to but I can't. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong but I want to help you." In an attempt to to cover his body he bursts into flames but instead of cloaking himself it burned his boxers to ash leaving himself completely exposed. He panicked and cloak himself in light. "Shit. Anyways I want to help you." He looked at Victoria. "This is all a misunderstanding."


@The Imperial Flame


@Embaga Elder

Reed locked at him in disbelief. "What's wrong with your reality? Did you fuck it up so bad that you now have to take ours?" He teleported Theodore to him. "One more question. How do your powers work? Is it like energy or like mana."

Theodore caught on and watched the creature. @Light
Light said:
( She's not on the pole yet Taz but I'll take it. )
Isabel was about to give Crimson his long awaited lap dance for the bag of gold but Jackson suddenly appeared. "I do respect my body! I know it's fine talents and I'm making sure the world knows where it sits in the ranks! I don't care about what Fola thinks, he cheated on me and threw a ring at my head! Wait...or was I the one that did that?" Isabel laughs and the candles in the room go out.

"Wwwwwweeeeeewww...something happened. Let me look around for the source!" Isabel begins to look around and after some time, a large fire occurs in the room once more. She had collected both Crimson and Jackson's clothes and set it on fire to make light. They only had their draws on. "Wow....well isn't this a sight." She was examining both of their bodies. She turns around and looks behind her, as if she were talking to a screen with a person behind it. "I'm sooooo hungry for them right now." She winks and turns back around.

She was about to take off her own clothes to add to the fire or throw in some cash to add to the fire but that was when the poison came in. "Woopsie, looks like someone is trying to do bad things to you!~ I think they're really competitive for my butt....I hope they take me now." Isabel whispers that last part as she pulls out a pistol and shoots the pole for no reason at all.

"Well I guess you're the reason why I came to life so I'm forever your slave! Wait...that came out wrong....your partner! Let's go on an adventure all about you! That sounds fun...step 1. Your past...we can do this Me!"

"Your home must become my colony now...I must destroy it for the sake of my own people. No...I am not sorry...business is business." The being points their sword at Reed but throws a fireball at Kelsey.

Kelsey sees it coming and hides behind Ren. "Nope...you deal with it."

( @LonelyAssassin )
"My past?" Alpha asked, raising an eyebrow. "What exactly are we doing with my past?"
So question time? What does a lunatic do when you forget to write about them and they fall out of the story they aren't doing lunatic things? Well most do something normal. Jayn however, had just finished robbing a museum of all it's valuables. So with King Arthur's crown on her head, Aztec gold leaking from her pockets and a gun leaning on her shoulder, she walked into a strip club and waltzed into a private room and proclaimed, "I will offer all of my money to the first person in here willing to help me go back in time and kill King Tut! His jewels looked REALLY cool and- Oh...You don't look like assassins...I could have sworn a strip club was where you found assassins..."

She pouted and looked between a naked Jackson and nearly naked Crimson. She looked at Isabel and gasped, her cheeks going slightly red, "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE SHOOTING A PORNO IN HERE! I need to call my parents and tell them I was in a porno, that will defiantly make them proud of me!" She took out her phone and began to dial, bouncing up and down excitedly...

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @GingerBread

@Embaga Elder

@GingerBread (? I think)
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked down at himself. "Ok we'll I would love to but I can't. I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong but I want to help you." In an attempt to to cover his body he bursts into flames but instead of cloaking himself it burned his boxers to ash leaving himself completely exposed. He panicked and cloak himself in light. "Shit. Anyways I want to help you." He looked at Victoria. "This is all a misunderstanding."

@The Imperial Flame


@Embaga Elder
Daimao said:
"My past?" Alpha asked, raising an eyebrow. "What exactly are we doing with my past?"
LokiofSP said:
So question time? What does a lunatic do when you forget to write about them and they fall out of the story they aren't doing lunatic things? Well most do something normal. Jayn however, had just finished robbing a museum of all it's valuables. So with King Arthur's crown on her head, Aztec gold leaking from her pockets and a gun leaning on her shoulder, she walked into a strip club and waltzed into a private room and proclaimed, "I will offer all of my money to the first person in here willing to help me go back in time and kill King Tut! His jewels looked REALLY cool and- Oh...You don't look like assassins...I could have sworn a strip club was where you found assassins..."

She pouted and looked between a naked Jackson and nearly naked Crimson. She looked at Isabel and gasped, her cheeks going slightly red, "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE SHOOTING A PORNO IN HERE! I need to call my parents and tell them I was in a porno, that will defiantly make them proud of me!" She took out her phone and began to dial, bouncing up and down excitedly...

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Embaga Elder @Tazmodo @GingerBread
GingerBread said:
Maya leaned up against Temperance, feeling like she was going to fall asleep from boredom. The only thing that was actually stopping her from falling asleep and missing the entire lesson, was the fact that she was already asleep and in a dream.



Colin panicked as he was teleported away and into a private room in a strip club. "Wh-what? Wh-what about W-Wade?!" Colin managed to stutter out just before Grimm disappeared. He looked over at the person who offered him a 'Dance' and quickly figured out that it was Isabel, even though she looked different. "I-Isabel? Wh-why are y-you here and o-offering 'D-Dances' to p-people?" Colin was about to inquire more about why Isabel was like this, but was stopped when someone came crashing down onto the floor; The person falling down from the ceiling caused Colin to jump slightly.

He had his staff appear and send a invisible wave of healing over to her, just in case she was hurt at all. He then looked back over at Isabel and started to continue on with his questions.
"A-Are you a-alright I-Isabel? Th-this doesn't seem l-like something y-you'd do. I-I know I-I don't r-really kn-know you that w-well. B-But y-you didn't seem l-like y-you'd be th-the sort of p-person who w-would do th-this"

@Light @The Imperial Flame @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder
( @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder )

Isabel looks around at all the potential in the room and listens to what Jayn says. Isabel couldn't help it, she was excited for similar things as well. She turns to the pole behind her and has it shift into a very large bed. "Now we can have some...fun together! It would be nice to have some more people...hhmm." Isabel thinks about Jackie and decides on summoning her as well. Then the though of Alpha came to mind as well. She snaps her fingers and both Alpha and Jackie appear before her. Isabel clears her throat and looks around to the group as a tray holding bottles of alcohol appearshe at the side of the room. "Hello everyone...as you can tell we have quite the number here in a private room. At least some of us." She looks at Jackson and Crimson. "Are lacking clothes so the rest of us might as well have some ah....fun. It sounds like a ludicrous idea but trust me...it won't disappoint and neither will I." Isabel turns out Colin. "Though I know there's no chance you'll participate."

Isabel smiles and has a bottle of alcohol fly towards her open hand. "Obviously I don't mind. I hope the rest of you don't." Isabel gives both Jackson and Victoria eyes better suited for the bedroom.

Tazmodo said:
Reed locked at him in disbelief. "What's wrong with your reality? Did you fuck it up so bad that you now have to take ours?" He teleported Theodore to him. "One more question. How do your powers work? Is it like energy or like mana."
Theodore caught on and watched the creature. @Light
"I run off energy....why?" The being was confused as to why this was happening.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder )
Isabel looks around at all the potential in the room and listens to what Jayn says. Isabel couldn't help it, she was excited for similar things as well. She turns to the pole behind her and has it shift into a very large bed. "Now we can have some...fun together! It would be nice to have some more people...hhmm." Isabel thinks about Jackie and decides on summoning her as well. Then the though of Alpha came to mind as well. She snaps her fingers and both Alpha and Jackie appear before her. Isabel clears her throat and looks around to the group as a tray holding bottles of alcohol appearshe at the side of the room. "Hello everyone...as you can tell we have quite the number here in a private room. At least some of us." She looks at Jackson and Crimson. "Are lacking clothes so the rest of us might as well have some ah....fun. It sounds like a ludicrous idea but trust me...it won't disappoint and neither will I." Isabel turns out Colin. "Though I know there's no chance you'll participate."

Isabel smiles and has a bottle of alcohol fly towards her open hand. "Obviously I don't mind. I hope the rest of you don't." Isabel gives both Jackson and Victoria eyes better suited for the bedroom.

"I run off energy....why?" The being was confused as to why this was happening.
Alpha looks around at his surroundings, completely straight faced. "I don't think that I have ever been more confused," he said, 600% serious.
Daimao said:
Alpha looks around at his surroundings, completely straight faced. "I don't think that I have ever been more confused," he said, 600% serious.
"Oh yyeeeaahhh. I forgot, you were just on Mount Everest. What are you confused on?" Isabel sits down on the bed and tilts her head.
Light said:
"Oh yyeeeaahhh. I forgot, you were just on Mount Everest. What are you confused on?" Isabel sits down on the bed and tilts her head.
"Oh, just the basics. Where the fuck am I, what the fuck is going on, what the fuck happened to my mini compadre, and , uh, what the fuck is going on?" Alpha asked, before pausing. "I think that's all my questions for now."
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder )
Isabel looks around at all the potential in the room and listens to what Jayn says. Isabel couldn't help it, she was excited for similar things as well. She turns to the pole behind her and has it shift into a very large bed. "Now we can have some...fun together! It would be nice to have some more people...hhmm." Isabel thinks about Jackie and decides on summoning her as well. Then the though of Alpha came to mind as well. She snaps her fingers and both Alpha and Jackie appear before her. Isabel clears her throat and looks around to the group as a tray holding bottles of alcohol appearshe at the side of the room. "Hello everyone...as you can tell we have quite the number here in a private room. At least some of us." She looks at Jackson and Crimson. "Are lacking clothes so the rest of us might as well have some ah....fun. It sounds like a ludicrous idea but trust me...it won't disappoint and neither will I." Isabel turns out Colin. "Though I know there's no chance you'll participate."

Isabel smiles and has a bottle of alcohol fly towards her open hand. "Obviously I don't mind. I hope the rest of you don't." Isabel gives both Jackson and Victoria eyes better suited for the bedroom.

"I run off energy....why?" The being was confused as to why this was happening.
Daimao said:
Alpha looks around at his surroundings, completely straight faced. "I don't think that I have ever been more confused," he said, 600% serious.
Light said:
"Oh yyeeeaahhh. I forgot, you were just on Mount Everest. What are you confused on?" Isabel sits down on the bed and tilts her head.
Jackie nods along slowly to Alpha's words, "Same," She looks at Isabel with wide eyes, "First of all, what the fuck is going on? Second, who the fuck are these people? Like? What the fuck?"
Jackson try to calm down and drinks some alcohol. He never drank before so it hit him fast and he was a little drunk already after having one. His metabolism quickly fixed him however and he went back to normal. "I don't think this would be a good idea." He said to Isabel. The truth was he was just to shy to actually do anything so he just sat down on the bed not knowing what to do.

@Light @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao
Light said:
( @CelticSol @Daimao @Embaga Elder )
Isabel looks around at all the potential in the room and listens to what Jayn says. Isabel couldn't help it, she was excited for similar things as well. She turns to the pole behind her and has it shift into a very large bed. "Now we can have some...fun together! It would be nice to have some more people...hhmm." Isabel thinks about Jackie and decides on summoning her as well. Then the though of Alpha came to mind as well. She snaps her fingers and both Alpha and Jackie appear before her. Isabel clears her throat and looks around to the group as a tray holding bottles of alcohol appearshe at the side of the room. "Hello everyone...as you can tell we have quite the number here in a private room. At least some of us." She looks at Jackson and Crimson. "Are lacking clothes so the rest of us might as well have some ah....fun. It sounds like a ludicrous idea but trust me...it won't disappoint and neither will I." Isabel turns out Colin. "Though I know there's no chance you'll participate."

Isabel smiles and has a bottle of alcohol fly towards her open hand. "Obviously I don't mind. I hope the rest of you don't." Isabel gives both Jackson and Victoria eyes better suited for the bedroom.

"I run off energy....why?" The being was confused as to why this was happening.
Reed nodded. "Anyways we can't let you just take over our reality it's not fair. So what we could do is figure out a way to do it fairly or have an all out brawl. Your choice."
Finally Xeron felt strong enough to cast and transform again. He got up. "Where too now..." He had a feeling he had to prepare for an upcoming fight with this grim character...but how? He had the contact information...perhaps he could enlighten him, though there was no way he'd be hitting on him, for he seemed to like him with the whole cutie thing. He shivered. He read the contact information out loud, and sent a mental message: "Do you have time to talk? If you can, come to where I am...I have a favor to ask."
GingerBread said:
Colin metaphorically put his hands up in the air once Jackie and Alpha appeared. "I-I'm just g-going t-to g-go then. Y-You guys h-have f-fun o-or whatever. I-I don't w-want any part of th-this" Colin walked away and out the door of the private room before using his staff to teleport away and back to his house and more importantly back to Wade.

@Light @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao @Tazmodo
Daimao said:
"Oh, just the basics. Where the fuck am I, what the fuck is going on, what the fuck happened to my mini compadre, and , uh, what the fuck is going on?" Alpha asked, before pausing. "I think that's all my questions for now."
CelticSol said:
Jackie nods along slowly to Alpha's words, "Same," She looks at Isabel with wide eyes, "First of all, what the fuck is going on? Second, who the fuck are these people? Like? What the fuck?"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson try to calm down and drinks some alcohol. He never drank before so it hit him fast and he was a little drunk already after having one. His metabolism quickly fixed him however and he went back to normal. "I don't think this would be a good idea." He said to Isabel. The truth was he was just to shy to actually do anything so he just sat down on the bed not knowing what to do.
@Light @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao
( @LokiofSP)

Isabel looks at Colin's exit. "Told you he wouldn't stay." Isabel turns to Jackie and Alpha, nodding her head. "You're in a private room I created in a strip club. To answer the question your both share on what the fuck is going on. Basically there's been a lot going on in the world lately and to relieve stress and to have a good time. I just wanted to invite you all here - especially you two, to um...do some things. I only want us all to have a fun and I've set things up accordingly." She gestures to the tray with many different types and brands of alchohol and towards the bed. "I'm assuming that this wouldn't be too much for two to handle, hopefully. Especially since we had that argument last time we saw each other Jackie. I just wanted to attempt to get closer to you again in whatever so we can talk things out once more. I've considered what you said and you're right....but I also wanted you here to enjoy yourself with the addition of that talk."

Isabel clears her throat so she can answer the remaining questions. "Well your mini compadre is patiently waiting for you on the mountian, don't worry he'll be fine." Isabel looks around at the collection of people. She points to the two beside her. "This is Jackson and Victoria. Two great friends of mine." She points towards Jayn. "That's Jayn, an ex member of Dragon's Roar and best friend to Fola." Isabel looks at Crimson. "Lastly, this is Crimson, an ex member of Dragon's Roar."

Isabel turns to Jackson whom was sitting next to her, setting her hand on his. "It's fine. You may be just a bit nervous or scared. If you were really against it you wouldn't drink the alchohol and sit down directly next to me. It's fine..I'll help you every step of the way."

Isabel decides on having Fola appear with two bottles of beer in his hands. "You're in a private room by the way."

Inheritance said:
Finally Xeron felt strong enough to cast and transform again. He got up. "Where too now..." He had a feeling he had to prepare for an upcoming fight with this grim character...but how? He had the contact information...perhaps he could enlighten him, though there was no way he'd be hitting on him, for he seemed to like him with the whole cutie thing. He shivered. He read the contact information out loud, and sent a mental message: "Do you have time to talk? If you can, come to where I am...I have a favor to ask."
Grimm appears in a burst of confetti and cake batter. "Hhhheeelllooo. I have been summoned!"

Tazmodo said:
Reed nodded. "Anyways we can't let you just take over our reality it's not fair. So what we could do is figure out a way to do it fairly or have an all out brawl. Your choice."
"I have no choice but to fight. Though you may have this final chance to leave and spare yourselves the torture."
Light said:
( @LokiofSP)
Isabel looks at Colin's exit. "Told you he wouldn't stay." Isabel turns to Jackie and Alpha, nodding her head. "You're in a private room I created in a strip club. To answer the question your both share on what the fuck is going on. Basically there's been a lot going on in the world lately and to relieve stress and to have a good time. I just wanted to invite you all here - especially you two, to um...do some things. I only want us all to have a fun and I've set things up accordingly." She gestures to the tray with many different types and brands of alchohol and towards the bed. "I'm assuming that this wouldn't be too much for two to handle, hopefully. Especially since we had that argument last time we saw each other Jackie. I just wanted to attempt to get closer to you again in whatever so we can talk things out once more. I've considered what you said and you're right....but I also wanted you here to enjoy yourself with the addition of that talk."

Isabel clears her throat so she can answer the remaining questions. "Well your mini compadre is patiently waiting for you on the mountian, don't worry he'll be fine." Isabel looks around at the collection of people. She points to the two beside her. "This is Jackson and Victoria. Two great friends of mine." She points towards Jayn. "That's Jayn, an ex member of Dragon's Roar and best friend to Fola." Isabel looks at Crimson. "Lastly, this is Crimson, an ex member of Dragon's Roar."

Isabel turns to Jackson whom was sitting next to her, setting her hand on his. "It's fine. You may be just a bit nervous or scared. If you were really against it you wouldn't drink the alchohol and sit down directly next to me. It's fine..I'll help you every step of the way."

Isabel decides on having Fola appear with two bottles of beer in his hands. "You're in a private room by the way."

Grimm appears in a burst of confetti and cake batter. "Hhhheeelllooo. I have been summoned!"

"I have no choice but to fight. Though you may have this final chance to leave and spare yourselves the torture."
Xeron grinned at seeing him. "Hello. Apologies if you were in the middle of something, I just have a few questions if you can stand to answer them. I pledge my services to you in return?" He looked at Grim. Perhaps he'd do as a master...he'd follow him, whoever he was. Assuming he was stronger then Xeron was.
Light said:
( @LokiofSP)
Isabel looks at Colin's exit. "Told you he wouldn't stay." Isabel turns to Jackie and Alpha, nodding her head. "You're in a private room I created in a strip club. To answer the question your both share on what the fuck is going on. Basically there's been a lot going on in the world lately and to relieve stress and to have a good time. I just wanted to invite you all here - especially you two, to um...do some things. I only want us all to have a fun and I've set things up accordingly." She gestures to the tray with many different types and brands of alchohol and towards the bed. "I'm assuming that this wouldn't be too much for two to handle, hopefully. Especially since we had that argument last time we saw each other Jackie. I just wanted to attempt to get closer to you again in whatever so we can talk things out once more. I've considered what you said and you're right....but I also wanted you here to enjoy yourself with the addition of that talk."

Isabel clears her throat so she can answer the remaining questions. "Well your mini compadre is patiently waiting for you on the mountian, don't worry he'll be fine." Isabel looks around at the collection of people. She points to the two beside her. "This is Jackson and Victoria. Two great friends of mine." She points towards Jayn. "That's Jayn, an ex member of Dragon's Roar and best friend to Fola." Isabel looks at Crimson. "Lastly, this is Crimson, an ex member of Dragon's Roar."

Isabel turns to Jackson whom was sitting next to her, setting her hand on his. "It's fine. You may be just a bit nervous or scared. If you were really against it you wouldn't drink the alchohol and sit down directly next to me. It's fine..I'll help you every step of the way."

Isabel decides on having Fola appear with two bottles of beer in his hands. "You're in a private room by the way."

Grimm appears in a burst of confetti and cake batter. "Hhhheeelllooo. I have been summoned!"

"I have no choice but to fight. Though you may have this final chance to leave and spare yourselves the torture."
"I'm still confused," Alpha said, looking at Jackie. "What things are she talking about?"

Light said:
( @LokiofSP)
Isabel looks at Colin's exit. "Told you he wouldn't stay." Isabel turns to Jackie and Alpha, nodding her head. "You're in a private room I created in a strip club. To answer the question your both share on what the fuck is going on. Basically there's been a lot going on in the world lately and to relieve stress and to have a good time. I just wanted to invite you all here - especially you two, to um...do some things. I only want us all to have a fun and I've set things up accordingly." She gestures to the tray with many different types and brands of alchohol and towards the bed. "I'm assuming that this wouldn't be too much for two to handle, hopefully. Especially since we had that argument last time we saw each other Jackie. I just wanted to attempt to get closer to you again in whatever so we can talk things out once more. I've considered what you said and you're right....but I also wanted you here to enjoy yourself with the addition of that talk."

Isabel clears her throat so she can answer the remaining questions. "Well your mini compadre is patiently waiting for you on the mountian, don't worry he'll be fine." Isabel looks around at the collection of people. She points to the two beside her. "This is Jackson and Victoria. Two great friends of mine." She points towards Jayn. "That's Jayn, an ex member of Dragon's Roar and best friend to Fola." Isabel looks at Crimson. "Lastly, this is Crimson, an ex member of Dragon's Roar."

Isabel turns to Jackson whom was sitting next to her, setting her hand on his. "It's fine. You may be just a bit nervous or scared. If you were really against it you wouldn't drink the alchohol and sit down directly next to me. It's fine..I'll help you every step of the way."

Isabel decides on having Fola appear with two bottles of beer in his hands. "You're in a private room by the way."

Grimm appears in a burst of confetti and cake batter. "Hhhheeelllooo. I have been summoned!"

"I have no choice but to fight. Though you may have this final chance to leave and spare yourselves the torture."
Jackson looked around at all the people there. "So how do we get the is Dragon's Roargy going? I'm not sure on how to start it." He was glad for Isabel's kindness and understanding.

@Light @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Daimao

Reed looked at him. "Well we can't just let you take over. It's our world with our people. I'm sure you can understand."

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Light said:
( @LokiofSP)
Isabel looks at Colin's exit. "Told you he wouldn't stay." Isabel turns to Jackie and Alpha, nodding her head. "You're in a private room I created in a strip club. To answer the question your both share on what the fuck is going on. Basically there's been a lot going on in the world lately and to relieve stress and to have a good time. I just wanted to invite you all here - especially you two, to um...do some things. I only want us all to have a fun and I've set things up accordingly." She gestures to the tray with many different types and brands of alchohol and towards the bed. "I'm assuming that this wouldn't be too much for two to handle, hopefully. Especially since we had that argument last time we saw each other Jackie. I just wanted to attempt to get closer to you again in whatever so we can talk things out once more. I've considered what you said and you're right....but I also wanted you here to enjoy yourself with the addition of that talk."

Isabel clears her throat so she can answer the remaining questions. "Well your mini compadre is patiently waiting for you on the mountian, don't worry he'll be fine." Isabel looks around at the collection of people. She points to the two beside her. "This is Jackson and Victoria. Two great friends of mine." She points towards Jayn. "That's Jayn, an ex member of Dragon's Roar and best friend to Fola." Isabel looks at Crimson. "Lastly, this is Crimson, an ex member of Dragon's Roar."

Isabel turns to Jackson whom was sitting next to her, setting her hand on his. "It's fine. You may be just a bit nervous or scared. If you were really against it you wouldn't drink the alchohol and sit down directly next to me. It's fine..I'll help you every step of the way."

Isabel decides on having Fola appear with two bottles of beer in his hands. "You're in a private room by the way."

Grimm appears in a burst of confetti and cake batter. "Hhhheeelllooo. I have been summoned!"

"I have no choice but to fight. Though you may have this final chance to leave and spare yourselves the torture."
Daimao said:
"I'm still confused," Alpha said, looking at Jackie. "What things are she talking about?"
Jackie blinks, absorbing this information. When she processes what Isabel has told her, her eyes blow wide, "Holy fuck. Are you inviting us to an orgy?" After a second, reading Isabel's unjoking expression, she looks Alpha, looking completely baffled, "She's totally inviting us to an orgy."
CelticSol said:
Jackie blinks, absorbing this information. When she processes what Isabel has told her, her eyes blow wide, "Holy fuck. Are you inviting us to an orgy?" After a second, reading Isabel's unjoking expression, she looks Alpha, looking completely baffled, "She's totally inviting us to an orgy."
Alpha stared at Jackie blankly. "What's an 'Or G'? Is it like a party? I like parties."
Daimao said:
Alpha stared at Jackie blankly. "What's an 'Or G'? Is it like a party? I like parties."
Jackie gives him an odd look, "Aren't you Greek?" She shakes her head, "Nevermind - it's group sex."
Victoria sighs as all her clothes fall off, and she grabs a bottle of Vodka jumps onto the bed. She downs the whole bottle, and sets it down beside the bed. "I am going to need my special brew." She said as she waves her hand an a Crystal flask appears, inside is 96% alcohol, 4% Grape juice. She takes a swig and waves Jackson over.




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CelticSol said:
Jackie gives him an odd look, "Aren't you Greek?" She shakes her head, "Nevermind - it's group sex."
"Oh. So its what the Romans did in their bath houses. I thought they were just for washing off in but nooooooo, it was for fucking in water." Alpha replied, before he realized just what was going on. "Wait. Waaaaaaiiiiit. What the fuck?" He looked around. "Here? Now? What? Why? Who? Huuuhhh?!?"
Daimao said:
"Oh. So its what the Romans did in their bath houses. I thought they were just for washing off in but nooooooo, it was for fucking in water." Alpha replied, before he realized just what was going on. "Wait. Waaaaaaiiiiit. What the fuck?" He looked around. "Here? Now? What? Why? Who? Huuuhhh?!?"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson nodded and went over to her. "Alright let's do this." He leaned in to kiss Victoria not knowing what else to do.
Jackie spots Jackson and Victoria start making out, then laughs uncomfortably, leaning into Alpha, "I figured we were going to have to be about 30 years into our marriage and needing spice in our sex life before we ever even thought about being in an orgy."
Mila looked around, uncertain where she was or where she was going, and not really caring either. With Shesha on her shoulder, Mila and her cat-sized familiar walked about, taking in the area around them.

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