Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( ! ) "Oh so we have two mortals that need to die? Why are you hiding behind him after boasting so much?" Apollo already had arrows moving at light speed only a second away from piercing Oden in the heart from behind.
Temperance laughs and nods her head, sometimes Maya could be so adorable. "Alright, that sounds like a plan. Let's begin. Vrex." She waves her hand to Maya and steps to the side, beginning on her snowman.

"Bright white lights don't make me feel any better." Isabel had officially dropped from Seal #3 to Seal #1. Her seals started to reorganize themselves and shift from their original power order. The Birth scythe she gave to Vance would soon disappear. Flashbacks of being unable to move on a table within the light were coming back to her. All she could see was a bright white light. At this moment, Isabel was officially frozen due to both fear and fatigue. She was hallucinating once more.

The cabin was completely normal and there was a key in front of the door. It was actually true that Raz was the only one here.
Râz glances are undo one more time before picking up the key, using it to enter the cabin he looks around, wondering where that thing put him.
Light said:
Isabel felt temporarily powerful, only for that power to be drained as well. Isabel was so drained, she was set back down to Seal #3. Making her drastically weaker than she was beforehand. Her eyes go back to pink and her hair goes back to white with Blue De France tips. Isabel was gasping for air as the being within her was finally satisfied. She weakly looks up at Victoria and reaches out for her hand. "Do....doctor...please. We need a doctor...Colin."
"Well asking her should work but like I said, I can't just give things away anymore. It sucks but it's how the job of mine works now. It's harder to do fun things. Retirement isn't am option at the moment. I don't trust my current Alpha Elite Reaper. He just seems like the type that cannot be trusted. I don't think things will be run nicely if he becomes Death. My daughter would be next in line but at the moment she currently hates me. I messed up, I'll admit but did I mess up that badly to deserve this? Lives of well...everyone at risk all based on a child who refuses to come home. If I fail at moving the role of Death to the proper one, all my efforts of maintaining the laws will go to waste."

Electricity burst out of the hole as it was opening up. Seemingly limitless power was bursting from the hole as it opened and burst into one of the largest rifts to hit the Mortal realm. The rift starts pulling in reality itself. Raz was immediately sucked in and everything around him was as well.

Once Raz opens his eyes, he could see himself in forest. This forest seemed empty, not even an animal in sight. There was a two story cabin in the far distance that seemed like it could house a large number of people.

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"You seem like a nice guy and sorry if this is a bit rude but. You're a grown man housing my daughter and I don't know what you're into ssooooo. Background checks will occur, please join the line." Grimmavus walks in - as in walks through his body. The moment he does, his soul is ejected from it and it drops to the floor. A reaper collects his soul to analyse his past for any foul play. If there was, he'd experience how fast you can be shipped in an amazon box to a realm that starts with a T. If there wasn't then he would be sent back to his body.

Grimmavus literally had all matter that was in his way split apart while he was on his way to Siobhan. Gas was split apart as well, that's how much of a fuck Grimmavus could give about things that were in his way. Once he found Siobhan easily since there was nothing she could hide behind, he takes a deep breath and tosses a death scythe at her feet. He has a death scythe appear in his hands as well. "Pick it up."

He stabs and locks his death scythe into the floor and summons a new one. The death scythe that was lodged into the floor begins to have the cabin corrode. "Eventually it'll reach your friend over there and destroy his body. I'm never good at talking to you because I haven't been around. I'm not the best father, I'll admit that. I'm not the best lover either, I've failed your mother as well. I have tried my best and I'm still trying regardless of my failure. When you told me to stop pretending to love you I was upset and hurt. So I took away all the things I've been giving you in hopes that you'd realize that even if I haven't been around I have been trying. I was wrong and I'm sorry for that, I didn't know what the appropriate action to take was. As powerful as I am, I make mistakes as well. Though this may seem like me making the same extreme mistake again as an attempt to reach out to you and spend time with you. I don't think it is. It feels right and I'm doing it based on 'emotions' those things that your mother always hounds me to feel. Even though I made mistakes you need to at least be considerate of my position. I love you just as much as you love or loved me. Being away from you hurt me as much as it hurt you. Visiting you in your dreams wasn't enough for us and I thought I could solve the situation swiftly. I tried to save your mother, uphold the laws, and make sure you had a functioning roof over your head. I could only do one perfectly while the others seemed to be futile in the end."

Grimmavus looks at the death scythe in his hands. "Now I want you to fight the same fight I have. Fight to protect those close you while being unable to reach them." Grimmavus gestures to the death scythes affect slowly reaching her caretaker. "While trying to convey your emotions. I'll listen through my ears and through this blade. We can't leave until one of us falls anyways. Come."

( @GingerBread )

As a Greek god usually would appear when a mortal talks too much crap, Apollo comes down from the sky. He stands in front of the library with his bow in his hands. "Oh you mortal....I swear I will curse your entire bloodline with disease."
Siobhan looks up at him, not seeming at all moves or affected by his speech. Fury is written plain across her face, tears of frustration, anger, and bitterness welling in her eyes. Her hands clench into tight, white knuckled fists, "You... You ruin everything for me. You give me some half baked apology and now you're forcing me to fight you? And now you're going to kill Ira? I've known him only a handful of weeks and he is a better father to me than you ever were, and you're going to take him away?" She steps forward, grabbing the scythe and ripping it out of the floor. She holds it clumsily, unused to the size and shape of it, eyes burning as she looks to her father. "I hate you. I hate you so much. You've taken everything from me, disowned me, and humiliated me. You don't deserve my forgiveness. You don't even deserve to be a God," She braces herself on the floor, sliding her feet into the best position for wielding the weapon. "You want a fight? I'll give you a fight."
MTchaos1134 said:
Râz glances are undo one more time before picking up the key, using it to enter the cabin he looks around, wondering where that thing put him.
The cabin was decorated nicely. There was a basement and a staircase that would take him to the upper floor. He was currently standing in the lobby. To the left there was a door to the kitchen, to the right held the hallway of rooms, and forward held one of the many bathrooms.

CelticSol said:
Siobhan looks up at him, not seeming at all moves or affected by his speech. Fury is written plain across her face, tears of frustration, anger, and bitterness welling in her eyes. Her hands clench into tight, white knuckled fists, "You... You ruin everything for me. You give me some half baked apology and now you're forcing me to fight you? And now you're going to kill Ira? I've known him only a handful of weeks and he is a better father to me than you ever were, and you're going to take him away?" She steps forward, grabbing the scythe and ripping it out of the floor. She holds it clumsily, unused to the size and shape of it, eyes burning as she looks to her father. "I hate you. I hate you so much. You've taken everything from me, disowned me, and humiliated me. You don't deserve my forgiveness. You don't even deserve to be a God," She braces herself on the floor, sliding her feet into the best position for wielding the weapon. "You want a fight? I'll give you a fight."
Grimmavus could only frown in return. He raised his scythe so he could parry any attack she'd throw at him. His frown stayed on his face even though it wasn't to Siobhan, he was frowning at himself. "Is that so?" Is all he could say for himself.
Daphne lands with a click, her face worried. She stepped up to Isabel, and felt her forehead. "This isn't good, she is hallucinating. Go find Kai, I will keep her here." She said, walking to a storefront and busting the front window. She stepped inside and emerged with some alcohol. "I am gonna need more." She said, as she poured some down Isabel's throat.

Victoria took off, her feet pounding against the pavement. Being smart she went to the nearest bar, knowing he would go there and sit.


"What the hell is a Rabbit's Noon? " He said, as he waved the bartender over and slipped him a note. The bar tender smiled and nodded, he went out back. Kai glanced at the girl hoping to get a better idea of what she looked like.


Vance had turned around when he heard Oden talking shit.
"Seriously, you're going to talk shit. I guess he is a-" Vance stopped talking as he heard Apollo say some crap about something or other; The thing that Vance was focused on was the Light speed arrows heading towards Oden's. Moving at the speed of Darkness, Vance outstretched his hand, having the Birth scythe appear in his hand from out of his darkness realm as he did, blocking the arrows with the blade of the scythe; Vance stopped the arrows so that they would have no chance of hitting him and so that Apollo wouldn't have any glory before he died.

( ! ) Vance lifted the Scythe back over Oden's shoulder, taking some care to not touch him with the blade, though he didn't really care if Oden lived or died as long as he wasn't killed by Apollo. Vance turned to face Apollo and smirked.
"Well, I guess I've dragged this out long enough. I gave you a chance for last words at you didn't take it. So.." Vance teleported into Apollo's shadow behind him and swung the Scythe towards Apollo's neck at the speed of darkness.

@Light @LokiofSP


Maya smile up at Temperance before kneeling down in the snow and starting on her base of the snow man; She made a snowball and kept rolling it around until it was really big before repeating it with two other snowballs but she made sure to make them smaller each time. Maya then looked at the giant snowballs and tried to lift the second biggest one onto the biggest one but found that she couldn't. Maya kept trying to lift up the snowball with no success.



Colin switched the kettle on as Illyana asked her question and when Colin finally spoke the kettle was close to boiling. "Y-Yes. I-I've e-eaten recently..." Colin picked up the kettle as it boiled and started pouring the water into a mug that already had a teabag inside of it. "Th-This month"

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( @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance )

At the time the birth scythe Vance was holding killed Apollon the rift that Raz was in absorbed all of reality. A green bright light envelops all realms and pulls them in. A collection of people appear in a forest with a large cabin in the distance. Raz was already walking inside of the cabin. It was beginning to get dark and the moon was starting to appear. Each person had an orb in their hands and their old powers were shut down. Leaving them as powerless as the average human since their physiology based powers were shut down as well. The orb would give them all a specific power to work with in this rift. For now, they all had a tugging sensation that was drawing them towards the cabin.

Isabel was sitting in the snow, leaning upon a tree. She seemed extremely sick and she was currently coughing. Her condition didn't look good at all and she also couldn't stand on her own. Isabel ends up falling over on her side into the snow, barely breathing as her eyes began to close.

( So basically every character in the thread has been pulled in. Well except for those in the Anti-God Zone. I'll specify for each character which power they got. We're about to have some fun times here! )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/3a39c7a36395c94186c47ead832ef485.jpg.de675658fb337fc6fef710f7efadabbc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129728" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/3a39c7a36395c94186c47ead832ef485.jpg.de675658fb337fc6fef710f7efadabbc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

GingerBread said:
Maya smile up at Temperance before kneeling down in the snow and starting on her base of the snow man; She made a snowball and kept rolling it around until it was really big before repeating it with two other snowballs but she made sure to make them smaller each time. Maya then looked at the giant snowballs and tried to lift the second biggest one onto the biggest one but found that she couldn't. Maya kept trying to lift up the snowball with no success.

Temperance smiles and helps Maya set the second snowball on top. "You'll get it next time." She smiles at Maya and pats her forehead.

As the green light that was pulling things in to the rift comes towards the Anti-God Zone. Temperance merely glances in its direction and blocks it off. She uses her vast power to deny it's existence from coming anywhere close to the zone. She didn't bother to investigate any further, that would be Azriel's job. Temperance looks back at Maya with a smile as if nothing happened.



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Xeron instantly felt half of him being ripped in half, causing him to fall to a knee coughing up blood. He looked around, ands being drawn to the cabin, he went.

Revvar looked around the frozen forest cautiously. "It's appears that I've lost my powers and been dragged to a forest" A slight frown crossed his face but disappeared as he started looking around for someone he knew so that he could perhaps get them to enlighten him as to what was happening. "It seems I have also been given an orb, how quaint" Revvar placed the orb in his satchel before placing his arms behind his back before walking over to Oden



Colin found himself in a snowy forest still holding onto the kettle and the cup of tea. "Wh-Where are we?" Colin looked around and saw Isabel looking like she wasn't doing too good. He passed the kettle and cup of tea over to Illyana before going over to Isabel and kneeling next to her. He took off of his jacket and covered Isabel with it before moving her and propping her up against the tree. He gently waved his hand in front of Isabel's face. "I-Isabel. A-Are you a-alright?" Colin held up 3 of his fingers and held his hand in front of Isabel's face while he looked around for somewhere warmer to take her.. "H-How many fingers am I-I-I holding up?"

@Light @LokiofSP


Vance looked around the Snowy forest and shrugged. "I don't... Why are we here?" He looked around all of the people before seeing Luna. "Hey Luna" Vance walked over to her. "I Killed Apollo, his body is in my darkness realm. So, yeah" Vance shrugged . "I'm fairly sure we're stuck in here. I almost feel kinda empty, like someone took away my powers"

@Light @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance


Maya smiled up at Temperance before picking up the last big snowball, which was the smallest out of the three. She stood up on her tiptoes and pushed the snowball onto the top before summoning some cookies and placing three of them in place of buttons before looking over at Temperance. "I need a carrot! My snowman won't be complete without one!"

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Fola tossed onto his side and groaned slightly. His eyes were closed as he frowned, feeling his blankets disappear and his bed growing...cold? They promised the hotel he was spending the night in would have been well heated, but clearly that wasn't the case. He would have to have a serious fucking talk with the staf-

He opened his eyes slowly to find a forest, and he shot up. His slightly exposed back felt extremely cold as he thanked whatever god(s) existed that he wore sweatpants and an undershirt. He brushed the snow off himself and picked up his orb, holding his arms around himself tightly. He looked to Isabel and although he briefly felt bad, he quickly brushed that aside and said a simple, "Somebody take care of her or some shit, make sure she's okay or whatever..."

He cursed himself for not having any booze on him and instead looked around at the crowd of people for a moment before shaking his head and walking off to the cabin...


Illyana takes the tea in her hands and jogs to where Collin is. She kneels down onto her knees with a concerned look on her face, "Um, what's going on with her? Does she need anything? I can offer a quick prayer or something, maybe give her my tea? I really ffel kinda worthless currently, so sorry..."


Oden looks at Reevvar and sighs, placing his own orb in his own satchel. He placed his hands in his pockets as his face grew seemingly bored, "What can I do for you, 'master'? Have you finally decided to act instead of sitting around and doing nothing? I've been doing research for days by now and have yet to have a reason to use it."


Jayn bounced up and down, not in excitement or happiness, but simply because she felt like it. She looked around at everybody and upon hearing Vance she raised her hand, "Oh! Oh! Angry dude, I lost my powers to! Does that mean we have a bond now? Can we rob banks together or something? There are so many possibilities...we should start a cult! Everybody here is invited to our cult, we'll worship the cabin in front of us as our god!"

@Light @GingerBread @CelticSol @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @Daimao @metalcity @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @Daimao
Inheritance said:
Xeron instantly felt half of him being ripped in half, causing him to fall to a knee coughing up blood. He looked around, ands being drawn to the cabin, he went.
GingerBread said:
Revvar looked around the frozen forest cautiously. "It's appears that I've lost my powers and been dragged to a forest" A slight frown crossed his face but disappeared as he started looking around for someone he knew so that he could perhaps get them to enlighten him as to what was happening. "It seems I have also been given an orb, how quaint" Revvar placed the orb in his satchel before placing his arms behind his back before walking over to Oden



Colin found himself in a snowy forest still holding onto the kettle and the cup of tea. "Wh-Where are we?" Colin looked around and saw Isabel looking like she wasn't doing too good. He passed the kettle and cup of tea over to Illyana before going over to Isabel and kneeling next to her. He took off of his jacket and covered Isabel with it before moving her and propping her up against the tree. He gently waved his hand in front of Isabel's face. "I-Isabel. A-Are you a-alright?" Colin held up 3 of his fingers and held his hand in front of Isabel's face while he looked around for somewhere warmer to take her.. "H-How many fingers am I-I-I holding up?"

@Light @LokiofSP


Vance looked around the Snowy forest and shrugged. "I don't... Why are we here?" He looked around all of the people before seeing Luna. "Hey Luna" Vance walked over to her. "I Killed Apollo, his body is in my darkness realm. So, yeah" Vance shrugged . "I'm fairly sure we're stuck in here. I almost feel kinda empty, like someone took away my powers"

@Light @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance
LokiofSP said:
Fola tossed onto his side and groaned slightly. His eyes were closed as he frowned, feeling his blankets disappear and his bed growing...cold? They promised the hotel he was spending the night in would have been well heated, but clearly that wasn't the case. He would have to have a serious fucking talk with the staf-

He opened his eyes slowly to find a forest, and he shot up. His slightly exposed back felt extremely cold as he thanked whatever god(s) existed that he wore sweatpants and an undershirt. He brushed the snow off himself and picked up his orb, holding his arms around himself tightly. He looked to Isabel and although he briefly felt bad, he quickly brushed that aside and said a simple, "Somebody take care of her or some shit, make sure she's okay or whatever..."

He cursed himself for not having any booze on him and instead looked around at the crowd of people for a moment before shaking his head and walking off to the cabin...


Illyana takes the tea in her hands and jogs to where Collin is. She kneels down onto her knees with a concerned look on her face, "Um, what's going on with her? Does she need anything? I can offer a quick prayer or something, maybe give her my tea? I really ffel kinda worthless currently, so sorry..."


Oden looks at Reevvar and sighs, placing his own orb in his own satchel. He placed his hands in his pockets as his face grew seemingly bored, "What can I do for you, 'master'? Have you finally decided to act instead of sitting around and doing nothing? I've been doing research for days by now and have yet to have a reason to use it."


Jayn bounced up and down, not in excitement or happiness, but simply because she felt like it. She looked around at everybody and upon hearing Vance she raised her hand, "Oh! Oh! Angry dude, I lost my powers to! Does that mean we have a bond now? Can we rob banks together or something? There are so many possibilities...we should start a cult! Everybody here is invited to our cult, we'll worship the cabin in front of us as our god!"

@Light @GingerBread @CelticSol @Inheritance @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @Daimao @metalcity @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @Daimao
Vance's orb disappeared and he was given the ability to charge other powers. Colin's orb disappeared and he was given the ability of Abjuration but only when charged. Jayn's orb disappeared and she was given the ability to have perfect accuracy that did double the damage only when her target is less than 2 feet away from her and she's looking through a scope. Xeron was given the ability of having Cryogenic Blood once his orb disappeared. Revvar was given Dermal Armour when his orb disappeared. Oden was given the ability of tasting things really well only with a spoon when his orb disappeared. Fola was given the ability to run faster and lack a scent when his orb disappeared. Illyana was given the ability to make others feel calm and happy when her orb disappeared. Luna was given the ability to summon chains once her orb disappeared. All of them were given a mental note of what their powers were when they received them.

As people entered the cabin they could see a staircase that led to the basement. There was also a set of stairs that let to the upper floor. To their left there was a door for the kitchen. To their right there was a door for the various bedrooms. In front of them was a door that led to the bathrooms. They were currently inside of the living room.

Isabel couldn't even make out what Colin was saying. Seeing exactly how many fingers he was holding up was even harder. She tries to talk but it only comes out as incoherent mumbling. She begins to cough once more as her face gets red. She was in obvious pain and discomfort. Her head began to fall forward as she lost consciousness.

Luna stood before him in her original form, unable to celebrate the fact that she was a full Titan once more. She never thought the day she'd return back to her former glory would come. She never thought the day Apollo would pay for what he's done would come as well. She merely stared at Vance with...shock? Gratefulness? Happiness? She wouldn't know. Her face was just in a state of disbelief but she couldn't even tell. "...Thank you...so much." Was all she could say due to her state of shock.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/47177be1574c2aa04ee620fda450f2e6.jpg.2d2a8004406a47d5ce935d0df09e9321.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/47177be1574c2aa04ee620fda450f2e6.jpg.2d2a8004406a47d5ce935d0df09e9321.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

GingerBread said:
Maya smiled up at Temperance before picking up the last big snowball, which was the smallest out of the three. She stood up on her tiptoes and pushed the snowball onto the top before summoning some cookies and placing three of them in place of buttons before looking over at Temperance. "I need a carrot! My snowman won't be complete without one!"

"I'm going to show you where the carrot has been the entire time." Temperance takes Maya's hands and covers them with her own. She lifts her hands after a few seconds and reveals the carrot being there. "You had it the whole time." She pokes Maya's nose when she says this. "So are you going to put the carrot on now?"



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Daphne helped her children to the cabin, her skin becoming blue from the cold. "Inside hurry my children, These orbs are important."

"Mom, we are not two. Plus we need to help Isabel." Victoria said, her eyes tearing up.

"Vic, We cant help her. I can't feel my powers, I think we all lost them" Kai said, as he flopped down on a couch.

Reed woke up with the orb in his hands and didn't know where he was. He could teleport either so he just walked to the cabin. He looked around and wondered what had happened as he reached the cabin and the others. "What's up guys?" He looked around for Victoria. She disappeared when the whole rift thing with the creature started and he didn't know where she went.

Jackson came in after him with Theodore both not knowing what was going on.
Xeron walked into the cabin once the pain subsided. He whistled "I can't fight this feeling anymore". He couldn't say he was happy with what was going on, but he had to survive, that Hall had all the knowledge he would need....

Vance Frowned at the power that he got from the orb, assuming that everyone else got powers that were better than his. but he smiled when he looked at Luna and saw her expression. "I know, I'm the best." He looked over towards the cabin as he started to feel the cold. "We should probably go inside. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'd rather not freeze my arse off" Vance then spun around to look at Jayn, about to tell her to piss off. That was, until he remembered that he had pretty much no powers. "You're right, that's a good idea. We should start a cult; I'm self appointing myself as the leader and luna here as my second in command. Sound good? Good. Now lets get into the cabin." Vance paused for a moment when he thought about the fact that Jayn had said they should worship the Cabin. "Since our gods have obviously given it to us as shelter."

@Light @LokiofSP


Colin frowned when he saw how bad shape Isabel was in. He looked up at Illyana. "W-We need to g-get her o-out of the c-cold, I-Into the c-cabin if we can. I-I don't know wh-what's wrong with her, b-but I-I don't think th-the cold is m-making it any b-better" Colin picked Isabel up and held her in a fireman's carry position, straining slightly under the weight, even though Isabel wasn't that heavy. Colin started walking towards the Cabin, walking straight in and then down a corridor that lead to the bedrooms. Once he found a bed, Colin placed Isabel down as gently as he could before placing a blanket over her.

@Light @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance


'So I can become really defended? I can't see myself using that unless I am forced to be a distraction for everyone else' Revvar thought as he looked down at Oden. "Well It seems I've been forced to act, haven't I? I don't believe our contract had anything in it about you doing research, All I remember it saying was that I wanted to collect certain things for me. Did you really need me to guide you every step of the way?" Revvar smirked down at Oden as he covered himself with dermal armor that would block out the cold. 'I guess this power has some use'



Maya looked up at Temperance with awe as a massive smile grew on her face. "You can do Magic!? That's so cool! I wanna learn magic tricks!" Maya then remember the snowman and quickly placed the carrot on it's face before summoning two small cookies for its eyes. She then looked back over at Temperance hopefully. "Can you teach me how to do Magic tricks?! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!"

Tazmodo said:
Reed woke up with the orb in his hands and didn't know where he was. He could teleport either so he just walked to the cabin. He looked around and wondered what had happened as he reached the cabin and the others. "What's up guys?" He looked around for Victoria. She disappeared when the whole rift thing with the creature started and he didn't know where she went.
Jackson came in after him with Theodore both not knowing what was going on.
Inheritance said:
Xeron walked into the cabin once the pain subsided. He whistled "I can't fight this feeling anymore". He couldn't say he was happy with what was going on, but he had to survive, that Hall had all the knowledge he would need....
GingerBread said:
Vance Frowned at the power that he got from the orb, assuming that everyone else got powers that were better than his. but he smiled when he looked at Luna and saw her expression. "I know, I'm the best." He looked over towards the cabin as he started to feel the cold. "We should probably go inside. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I'd rather not freeze my arse off" Vance then spun around to look at Jayn, about to tell her to piss off. That was, until he remembered that he had pretty much no powers. "You're right, that's a good idea. We should start a cult; I'm self appointing myself as the leader and luna here as my second in command. Sound good? Good. Now lets get into the cabin." Vance paused for a moment when he thought about the fact that Jayn had said they should worship the Cabin. "Since our gods have obviously given it to us as shelter."

@Light @LokiofSP


Colin frowned when he saw how bad shape Isabel was in. He looked up at Illyana. "W-We need to g-get her o-out of the c-cold, I-Into the c-cabin if we can. I-I don't know wh-what's wrong with her, b-but I-I don't think th-the cold is m-making it any b-better" Colin picked Isabel up and held her in a fireman's carry position, straining slightly under the weight, even though Isabel wasn't that heavy. Colin started walking towards the Cabin, walking straight in and then down a corridor that lead to the bedrooms. Once he found a bed, Colin placed Isabel down as gently as he could before placing a blanket over her.

@Light @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance


'So I can become really defended? I can't see myself using that unless I am forced to be a distraction for everyone else' Revvar thought as he looked down at Oden. "Well It seems I've been forced to act, haven't I? I don't believe our contract had anything in it about you doing research, All I remember it saying was that I wanted to collect certain things for me. Did you really need me to guide you every step of the way?" Revvar smirked down at Oden as he covered himself with dermal armor that would block out the cold. 'I guess this power has some use'

Daphne's orb disappeared and she gained the ability of spoon mimicry. The ability to turn into either a gaint spoon, or a pile of spoons. There was also no spoons in the cabin. Victoria gained the power of True Loves Kiss. Kai gained the ability of Reforming but only three times overall or when charged. Reed gained the ability of Food creation and manipulation. Jackson gained the ability to make his palms emit harmless light like a flashlight. Theodore gained the ability of being able to find useful resources in the outdoors. All of their orbs disappeared and they were given a mental note on what their powers are.

Luna nods her head and takes Vance's hand. "You're right....but first we need to tell the others something." Luna enters the cabin with him and looks around at everyone, clearing her throat. "It looks like we've all been dragged into this forest with no knowledge as to why with no powers except the ones given to us. This may sound forceful but not a single one of you should be relaxing. This is the time you scout the area and see what it has to offer. It would be best if some of you were to search the cabin as a group while another group explores the forest. I imagine that you were all given mental note of your powers as well. So those who would be better suited for the outdoors - should be out the door at this moment." Luna had just gotten here and she was already taking charge. "That includes me. I can use these chains to leave a trail behind. I'll be outside if you need me Vance." Luna turns on her heel and walks outside the cabin. Once she left, there mysteriously seemed to be clothes to best the cold hanging outside for a large group. "Hm...."

GingerBread said:
Maya looked up at Temperance with awe as a massive smile grew on her face. "You can do Magic!? That's so cool! I wanna learn magic tricks!" Maya then remember the snowman and quickly placed the carrot on it's face before summoning two small cookies for its eyes. She then looked back over at Temperance hopefully. "Can you teach me how to do Magic tricks?! Pleeeeeeeeeeease!"

"Yes I'll teach you while we finish the adventure! So now we have to check out that castle down there right?"
Theodore and Jackson head outside. Theodore calls out "Hey wait up. Who died and made you boss." Theodore had no clue of who she was and why they should listen to her. @Light

Reed just stayed inside and made a hotdog. "Who's hungry?"

One minute the trio was on the flying shark chitchatting and the next they saw a green that sucked them in. Appearing in a forest the brothers realized that they were brought down to basic human. They had nothing besides their personalities and skills.


Crimson grew angry and his confused facial expression turned to a frown. Great just fycking great. Can we ever get a break from this type of shit. He said angrily. Now that he has no powers he's anger will always show He clenched the orbital in his hand tighter and stomped towards the cabin. He looked around at everyone and grunted he walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. I need a damn drink. Fola, Vance, Inaro I know y'all must what a drink too?? @LokiofSP @GingerBread


Cole was calmer than Crimson he relaxed on a wall smoking.


Yeah get me one. I'ma go check the upstairs.
He walked upstairs looking around the cabin. He wondered who's cabin this is and why were they brought here.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wolfboy_auction__closed__by_suzu_adopts-d6e6mea.png.b8afc559fb53ec0eaab2f5b9d0e27072.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129866" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/wolfboy_auction__closed__by_suzu_adopts-d6e6mea.png.b8afc559fb53ec0eaab2f5b9d0e27072.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


August had just appeared on earth stepping through a portal. He appeared just out the city the guild hall was located. He looked around and frowned towards what he saw and smelt. So this is the world my boys protect. He spat on the ground. Disgusting. He started walking forward deeper into the city. He walked in fist bump with everyone taken only the information he needed. Once he had almost every bit of information he need to help him function in this world he

saw a green light and was sucked into it. He looked around, then down at the orb. He looks up at the cabin seeing shadows. He tried sniffing the air smelling nothing, then he tried hearing what they were saying, hearing nothing. He feared the worst. He looked back at his tail, well his ass since his tail was gone. Anger started flowing through him, as he came to the conclusion that his powers were gone, everything was gone. He walked the forest walking around to the back of the cabin.

@Tazmodo @Light @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance



  • wolfboy_auction__closed__by_suzu_adopts-d6e6mea.png
    226 KB · Views: 23
@LokiofSP[/URL] @GingerBread


Cole was calmer than Crimson he relaxed on a wall smoking.


Yeah get me one. I'ma go check the upstairs.
He walked upstairs looking around the cabin. He wondered who's cabin this is and why were they brought here.

View attachment 289290


August had just appeared on earth stepping through a portal. He appeared just out the city the guild hall was located. He looked around and frowned towards what he saw and smelt. So this is the world my boys protect. He spat on the ground. Disgusting. He started walking forward deeper into the city. He walked in fist bump with everyone taken only the information he needed. Once he had almost every bit of information he need to help him function in this world he

saw a green light and was sucked into it. He looked around, then down at the orb. He looks up at the cabin seeing shadows. He tried sniffing the air smelling nothing, then he tried hearing what they were saying, hearing nothing. He feared the worst. He looked back at his tail, well his ass since his tail was gone. Anger started flowing through him, as he came to the conclusion that his powers were gone, everything was gone. He walked the forest walking around to the back of the cabin.

@Tazmodo @Light @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance
Jackson saw the random guy and turned on his hand light. "Hey over here. You weren't in the cabin when stuff went down but basically we're stuck here I guess and we got a power from our orb or something. I have no clue what's happening but I'll figure it out."
Tazmodo said:
Theodore and Jackson head outside. Theodore calls out "Hey wait up. Who died and made you boss." Theodore had no clue of who she was and why they should listen to her. @Light
Reed just stayed inside and made a hotdog. "Who's hungry?"
@LokiofSP[/URL] @GingerBread


Cole was calmer than Crimson he relaxed on a wall smoking.


Yeah get me one. I'ma go check the upstairs.
He walked upstairs looking around the cabin. He wondered who's cabin this is and why were they brought here.

View attachment 289290


August had just appeared on earth stepping through a portal. He appeared just out the city the guild hall was located. He looked around and frowned towards what he saw and smelt. So this is the world my boys protect. He spat on the ground. Disgusting. He started walking forward deeper into the city. He walked in fist bump with everyone taken only the information he needed. Once he had almost every bit of information he need to help him function in this world he

saw a green light and was sucked into it. He looked around, then down at the orb. He looks up at the cabin seeing shadows. He tried sniffing the air smelling nothing, then he tried hearing what they were saying, hearing nothing. He feared the worst. He looked back at his tail, well his ass since his tail was gone. Anger started flowing through him, as he came to the conclusion that his powers were gone, everything was gone. He walked the forest walking around to the back of the cabin.

@Tazmodo @Light @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance
Crimson gained the ability to unlock and lock doors from afar and his orb disappeared. Cole gained the ability to talk to deer and his orb disappeared. Inaro gained the ability to move without being sensed and his orb disappeared. August gained the ability to yell loudly and his orb disappeared. All of them were given mental note of their powers.

A chain appears and begins to hang Theodore. "I'm quite skilled with chains. Please ask me that again rebellious one and I'll show the others who's died to prove that I'm in charge." Luna has the chain release him and walks into the forest, leaving a chain trail behind. "Come...what are your powers?" Once Jackson points out August she notices him as well. "I don't know who you are but it would be best if you come with us."

Once Inaro went upstairs he could see symbols, books, old clothes, and surprisingly an old human skeleton. These symbols seemed to be for rituals and the books held knowledge on how to start them and what they were for. Though the majority of the pages were smudged. There were also books that seemed to be handwritten. If Inaro opened the book. He would see words written in old dried blood. "DON'T GO OUT INTO THE FOREST AT NIGHT." On each and every page.
Light said:
Crimson gained the ability to unlock and lock doors from afar and his orb disappeared. Cole gained the ability to talk to deer and his orb disappeared. Inaro gained the ability to move without being sensed and his orb disappeared. August gained the ability to yell loudly and his orb disappeared. All of them were given mental note of their powers.
A chain appears and begins to hang Theodore. "I'm quite skilled with chains. Please ask me that again rebellious one and I'll show the others who's died to prove that I'm in charge." Luna has the chain release him and walks into the forest, leaving a chain trail behind. "Come...what are your powers?" Once Jackson points out August she notices him as well. "I don't know who you are but it would be best if you come with us."

Once Inaro went upstairs he could see symbols, books, old clothes, and surprisingly an old human skeleton. These symbols seemed to be for rituals and the books held knowledge on how to start them and what they were for. Though the majority of the pages were smudged. There were also books that seemed to be handwritten. If Inaro opened the book. He would see words written in old dried blood. "DON'T GO OUT INTO THE FOREST AT NIGHT." On each and every page.
Theodore rubbed his throat. "God damn ok. I don't even know your name is all. And I can apparently find resources in natural."

Jackson followed her. "I'm basically a flashlight."
"WHAT THE HELL, I CAN BECOME A SPOON?" Daphne yelled, as she stomped upstairs.

"Wha- Wha- True loves kiss?" She said, walking to Isabel's side. Victoria leaned in, and kissed Isabel on the lips.

"Ill just go upstairs..." Kai said as he rushed up the stairs.

@Light @GingerBread
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@LokiofSP[/URL] @GingerBread


Cole was calmer than Crimson he relaxed on a wall smoking.


Yeah get me one. I'ma go check the upstairs.
He walked upstairs looking around the cabin. He wondered who's cabin this is and why were they brought here.

View attachment 289290


August had just appeared on earth stepping through a portal. He appeared just out the city the guild hall was located. He looked around and frowned towards what he saw and smelt. So this is the world my boys protect. He spat on the ground. Disgusting. He started walking forward deeper into the city. He walked in fist bump with everyone taken only the information he needed. Once he had almost every bit of information he need to help him function in this world he

saw a green light and was sucked into it. He looked around, then down at the orb. He looks up at the cabin seeing shadows. He tried sniffing the air smelling nothing, then he tried hearing what they were saying, hearing nothing. He feared the worst. He looked back at his tail, well his ass since his tail was gone. Anger started flowing through him, as he came to the conclusion that his powers were gone, everything was gone. He walked the forest walking around to the back of the cabin.

@Tazmodo @Light @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @MTchaos1134 @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance
Râz turns around to spot inaro, Râz was previously trying to figure out what was going on, but there was a lot more people here now." Hello there, was not expecting others here. How did you get here?"

@Tazmodo @Light @CelticSol @Lotusy @GingerBread @Daimao @The Imperial Flame @LokiofSP @metalcity @Inheritance
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Xeron leaned against the first wall he could looking around. He didn't say anything, just waited to see if anyone would come. He didn't like this. He felt very vulnerable without his other half, but he also felt a bit more free.

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