Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Abigail listened to the bartender while he told her that he isn't completely sure where it is. Abigail sighed and started to look strangely at Kai as he came in and make his comment on bananas. "Not sure how it could cause that. But that sure is strange." She took another mouth-full of the lager before turning back to the new guy. "So why do you like bananas so much?" She asked out of boredom while she started to drink again.

@The Imperial Flame
GingerBread said:

Before Cole could fully walk through the portal, a tendril of darkness grabbed his leg and pulled him backwards and onto the floor.
"Did you really think you could threaten me and then just walk away?" Vance stood up from his chair and looked down at Cole. "I'm sure you were listening in on what I was saying to the small child here. There is almost no one in this universe that can actually take me down. Like there's two or three, not including the reapers of course, or my soon to be wife" Vance waved his hand dismissively as he stepped closer to Cole. "Someone once said, there are two things that are certain in life, death, and taxes. So I do hope you've filed your taxes" Vance stood there smiling maliciously down at Cole before having tendrils of darkness surround him in an instant and pin him to the ground. "You know, If I kill you, I'll probably have to deal with your group of chuckle fucks coming after me for revenge, won't I? But you know what? I don't care"

( ! )Vance Snapped his fingers and had absolute darkness cover Cole; The absolute darkness took away all of Cole's senses, taste, touch, sight, smell and any other ones that he may have. Vance then had walls of darkness rise up and if anything were to happen to them he would replace them again. While Cole was in the absolute darkness Vance had the tendrils constantly move him around so that he wouldn't be able to actually open a portal to get away and since Cole had no senses he wouldn't be able to feel being moved around by the Tendrils. While he was doing that, Vance got to work on reducing Cole to nothingness

@Light @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder
Cole had only a smirk as his world turned dark. He had no idea what was going on or where he is. But then again he didn't care because he had a way out. A spiral void portal appeared and started spinning sucking up the darkness. Hopefully freeing cole.
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metalcity said:
Abigail listened to the bartender while he told her that he isn't completely sure where it is. Abigail sighed and started to look strangely at Kai as he came in and make his comment on bananas. "Not sure how it could cause that. But that sure is strange." She took another mouth-full of the lager before turning back to the new guy. "So why do you like bananas so much?" She asked out of boredom while she started to drink again.
@The Imperial Flame
Kai contemplated this for a few seconds and smirked "I have no idea, I just do." He turned to the bar tender and requested some water. He gulped down the water, and finished off his banana. "Okay now to practice my generation skills." He closed his eyes, and in front of him a swirling vortex of noxious fumes spiraled. They changed hues, and consistencies. "What type of poison should I make?" He asked, his eyes still shut.

Inheritance said:
"Optimism is a curse. It isn't rational. " eyeing the guitar, he asked, "oh you play? Well if you wish to...'enlighten' our mood go ahead." There was mockery in that statement. Not at Grimm...but at the situation at hand. "I must study these spells and runes. How long do I have here?"
"You have all of time to study these so take as long as you like! Give me a moment here to um...." Grimm was trying to figure out how a guitar worked.

"Oh it's you guys again. Sorry...I didn't see you." Gianna looks at her baby then back up at Crimson and Inaro. "His name is Junior."

GingerBread said:
Maya looked up at Temperance as she said her and Maya would have to explore a new world and learn all the secrets it had. "Really? Is it a cool world? Does it have Dragons? And does it have witches? Does it have pirates? Pirates are the coolest people ever!" Maya smiled up at Temperance, her excitement growing with every question she asked. "Can I have my Ice cream and cookies while we're going on the adventure?"

"Yes you can! There will be all kinds of things there and if we find any species, you get to name them!" Temperance finally gets all of the cookies and ice cream Maya wants and smiles at her. She opens up a portal and steps into a new part of the Anti-God Zone. "We're back at our home realm now Maya. You and I need to explore!" She made sure Maya had warm clothes on.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/a5dcada202840be8c7fe1e5eaf715c19.jpg.7d9664ce92bb865fe9959e094b9fbeaf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/a5dcada202840be8c7fe1e5eaf715c19.jpg.7d9664ce92bb865fe9959e094b9fbeaf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

LokiofSP said:
Oden looked up from his book in the library. Why hadn't the people across from him been kicked out already? He'd been in the library almost everyday since the guild had disbanded and he'd received the offer from Reevar, studying new ways to kill along with many a mythologies so he could figure out how to kill the various beasts withing the guild. But it was so damn difficult to focus with the bellowing of the idiots. He sighed and shut the book, approaching the table just as Raz left, without skipping a beat he turned to Vance with a shy smile and keeping himself as small as possible. Upon seeing it was Vance, however, he dropped the act and cut to the chase.

"Oh, it's you...I'll try to make this quick and not waste your 'precious' time, but this is a library, and I need to focus. So I would ask that you remain quiet for the other patrons, lest somebody else with more muscle mass attempt to remove you..."

@GingerBread @Light @Embaga Elder
"Uuuggghhh...I wanted to have a murder party but it got interrupted! I think it's about time I do something....hhhmm." Isabel turns to Oden. "Hey! Would you like to kill people?! We can kill millions of people! Sounds fun right?" Isabel pulls out a gun and shoots the nearest person, killing them immediately. "Great! It's nice that you've accepted! You're apart of my new team now!" Oden could suddenly feel a marking appear on his chest. It was a simple black circle. "That's the symbol of our new organization!" Isabel's eyes flicker from pink to green. She pulls Oden towards the place Vance and Cole are at. "Oh...there seems to be a non genocidal degenerate fuck here! We can't have a fart in the soup party!" She waves her hand and sends Cole away towards the trio. "Now! You will join us!" Isabel has the symbol appear on Vance without asking. She hands him a birth scythe and turns to Oden, summoning a stick from some random tree for him. "These are the weapons you shall use to kill everyone! Isn't this a great picnic?!" Green and black electricity flashes through her hair as her eyes flicker green, as if she were malfunctioning. "I'll use a rubber ducky!" Isabel summons a giant rubber ducky that floats above them. "We have abbboouuuutt....an hour to kill at least 317 people. Don't mess up my friends! Go team!" With that, Isabel disappears.

Grimm appears and snatches the pop tarts out of her hands. "Hhhhheellllooo. You called? How may I help you today?" He lightly bows as he swallows the entire thing hole like a vacuum.

Once Victoria walked far enough, she could see Isabel skipping around in the city while humming. There seemed to be a really big shadow above her. "Oooohhhh Victoria! It's great that you're here!" She has the same symbol she hit Vance and Oden with appear on Victoria. "Now you're apart of my murder organization! We have to kill 317 people in an hour! Here's your lucky weapon of the day!" A zombie bomb appears within Victoria's hand. "Just throw that at a group of people and you've officially started the zombie apocalypse!" Isabel gasps at a new idea that comes up in her head. "We should totally team up and kill together! You know...like a date!" Isabel points up above her, showing Victoria the giant rubber ducky floating above the city. "I'm going to squash people with the Ducky of Doom! This will be sssssoooooo good for the environment!"



  • a5dcada202840be8c7fe1e5eaf715c19.jpg
    191.4 KB · Views: 41

Oden looks at the stick in interest and turns the stick in his palm. He had no problem killing people, but not with a stick. There was no build up, there was no thrill, it was just a senseless massacre. He put the stick in his pant side and shrugs, "This doesn't seem fun at all. This is just...senseless killing. No sneaking, no tailing, no look of betrayal in their eyes. All I come across as is some homicidal lunatic, there's no thrill...it's just...Pointless."

He touched the black symbol on his chest with interest and turned to Vance, "So...would you like to help me kill Isabel? I've been contracted to do so, and I could use the help with the research. We both have the perfect chance to do so, and I would appreciate your superior skills in many areas..."

@GingerBread @Light


Illyana looked at Colin with initial surprise before a small smile appeared on her face, "Colin! What a pleasant surprise, I didn't realize you were living here now..." She briefly opened her arms as if going for a hug but retracted them as she thought it might unsettle him. She stepped inside slowly and looked around with a tentative look, "Well this house is defiantly...barren...did somebody rob you of all your furniture?"

Light said:
"You have all of time to study these so take as long as you like! Give me a moment here to um...." Grimm was trying to figure out how a guitar worked.
"Oh it's you guys again. Sorry...I didn't see you." Gianna looks at her baby then back up at Crimson and Inaro. "His name is Junior."

"Yes you can! There will be all kinds of things there and if we find any species, you get to name them!" Temperance finally gets all of the cookies and ice cream Maya wants and smiles at her. She opens up a portal and steps into a new part of the Anti-God Zone. "We're back at our home realm now Maya. You and I need to explore!" She made sure Maya had warm clothes on.

View attachment 287875

"Uuuggghhh...I wanted to have a murder party but it got interrupted! I think it's about time I do something....hhhmm." Isabel turns to Oden. "Hey! Would you like to kill people?! We can kill millions of people! Sounds fun right?" Isabel pulls out a gun and shoots the nearest person, killing them immediately. "Great! It's nice that you've accepted! You're apart of my new team now!" Oden could suddenly feel a marking appear on his chest. It was a simple black circle. "That's the symbol of our new organization!" Isabel's eyes flicker from pink to green. She pulls Oden towards the place Vance and Cole are at. "Oh...there seems to be a non genocidal degenerate fuck here! We can't have a fart in the soup party!" She waves her hand and sends Cole away towards the trio. "Now! You will join us!" Isabel has the symbol appear on Vance without asking. She hands him a birth scythe and turns to Oden, summoning a stick from some random tree for him. "These are the weapons you shall use to kill everyone! Isn't this a great picnic?!" Green and black electricity flashes through her hair as her eyes flicker green, as if she were malfunctioning. "I'll use a rubber ducky!" Isabel summons a giant rubber ducky that floats above them. "We have abbboouuuutt....an hour to kill at least 317 people. Don't mess up my friends! Go team!" With that, Isabel disappears.

Grimm appears and snatches the pop tarts out of her hands. "Hhhhheellllooo. You called? How may I help you today?" He lightly bows as he swallows the entire thing hole like a vacuum.

Once Victoria walked far enough, she could see Isabel skipping around in the city while humming. There seemed to be a really big shadow above her. "Oooohhhh Victoria! It's great that you're here!" She has the same symbol she hit Vance and Oden with appear on Victoria. "Now you're apart of my murder organization! We have to kill 317 people in an hour! Here's your lucky weapon of the day!" A zombie bomb appears within Victoria's hand. "Just throw that at a group of people and you've officially started the zombie apocalypse!" Isabel gasps at a new idea that comes up in her head. "We should totally team up and kill together! You know...like a date!" Isabel points up above her, showing Victoria the giant rubber ducky floating above the city. "I'm going to squash people with the Ducky of Doom! This will be sssssoooooo good for the environment!"
"Don't worry I have no idea how to use it. I will study here-just tell me if you need me to do anything for you." He began reading how to craft a new Vorpal Sword. More powerful. There had to be a way to but balances on Isabel...There had to be.
After dealing with the woman in his dimension, râz appears in a town and starts to walk, thinking about the recent events that has happened. And"what the fuck happened to evreyone in the guild? I have not seen a single one really since the guild disbanded." He spoke to himself. Walking, and not paying attention to what's going on around him, like one could be next to him right now. But he isn't paying attention, so he would not know.


Maya just started digging into her cookies and ice cream, finishing it in a couple so seconds. "Ahhhhhhhhh! My brain feels cold! Am I freezing?!" Maya started running around in circles as Ice started to descend down and cover her head. "I'M GOING TO FREEZE! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"



Vance smiled at the Birth Scythe in his hands before looking over Oden. "Why would I want to help you do that? I'm going to go kill Apollo, you know that god of the sun. So why don't you take a hike out of here. I don't care about you're stupid desire to kill Isabel. I have no want or need to kill her. In fact she's more useful to me alive anyway"



Colin gently closed the door behind Illyana as she walked in. "N-No. I-I just don't have any f-furniture. I-I just got th-this house r-recently. A-And I was given a b-baby, s-so I-I didn't really have a-a lot of time t-to go o-out and buy s-stuff. E-Even in I had th-the money to. B-But do you w-want to sit down?" Colin motioned over to a small wooden chair that was sitting up against a wall. "I-I can g-get you a cup of t-tea if you'd like"

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]
Kai contemplated this for a few seconds and smirked "I have no idea, I just do." He turned to the bar tender and requested some water. He gulped down the water, and finished off his banana. "Okay now to practice my generation skills." He closed his eyes, and in front of him a swirling vortex of noxious fumes spiraled. They changed hues, and consistencies. "What type of poison should I make?" He asked, his eyes still shut.

"I don't think you should use that in here, you might hurt some of the locals and as I'm talking to you, that would probably cause trouble for me. So you should use the no poison type of poison. That would be best." Abigail looked at him with annoyance due to the fact her even threatened to make that in here. She then took another gulp of her lager and turned back to the boy with her drink in hand.
metalcity said:
"I don't think you should use that in here, you might hurt some of the locals and as I'm talking to you, that would probably cause trouble for me. So you should use the no poison type of poison. That would be best." Abigail looked at him with annoyance due to the fact her even threatened to make that in here. She then took another gulp of her lager and turned back to the boy with her drink in hand.
Light said:
"You have all of time to study these so take as long as you like! Give me a moment here to um...." Grimm was trying to figure out how a guitar worked.
"Oh it's you guys again. Sorry...I didn't see you." Gianna looks at her baby then back up at Crimson and Inaro. "His name is Junior."

"Yes you can! There will be all kinds of things there and if we find any species, you get to name them!" Temperance finally gets all of the cookies and ice cream Maya wants and smiles at her. She opens up a portal and steps into a new part of the Anti-God Zone. "We're back at our home realm now Maya. You and I need to explore!" She made sure Maya had warm clothes on.

View attachment 287875

"Uuuggghhh...I wanted to have a murder party but it got interrupted! I think it's about time I do something....hhhmm." Isabel turns to Oden. "Hey! Would you like to kill people?! We can kill millions of people! Sounds fun right?" Isabel pulls out a gun and shoots the nearest person, killing them immediately. "Great! It's nice that you've accepted! You're apart of my new team now!" Oden could suddenly feel a marking appear on his chest. It was a simple black circle. "That's the symbol of our new organization!" Isabel's eyes flicker from pink to green. She pulls Oden towards the place Vance and Cole are at. "Oh...there seems to be a non genocidal degenerate fuck here! We can't have a fart in the soup party!" She waves her hand and sends Cole away towards the trio. "Now! You will join us!" Isabel has the symbol appear on Vance without asking. She hands him a birth scythe and turns to Oden, summoning a stick from some random tree for him. "These are the weapons you shall use to kill everyone! Isn't this a great picnic?!" Green and black electricity flashes through her hair as her eyes flicker green, as if she were malfunctioning. "I'll use a rubber ducky!" Isabel summons a giant rubber ducky that floats above them. "We have abbboouuuutt....an hour to kill at least 317 people. Don't mess up my friends! Go team!" With that, Isabel disappears.

Grimm appears and snatches the pop tarts out of her hands. "Hhhhheellllooo. You called? How may I help you today?" He lightly bows as he swallows the entire thing hole like a vacuum.

Once Victoria walked far enough, she could see Isabel skipping around in the city while humming. There seemed to be a really big shadow above her. "Oooohhhh Victoria! It's great that you're here!" She has the same symbol she hit Vance and Oden with appear on Victoria. "Now you're apart of my murder organization! We have to kill 317 people in an hour! Here's your lucky weapon of the day!" A zombie bomb appears within Victoria's hand. "Just throw that at a group of people and you've officially started the zombie apocalypse!" Isabel gasps at a new idea that comes up in her head. "We should totally team up and kill together! You know...like a date!" Isabel points up above her, showing Victoria the giant rubber ducky floating above the city. "I'm going to squash people with the Ducky of Doom! This will be sssssoooooo good for the environment!"
"Hello Grimm, I see you still enjoy the wrapper." she said as she waved her hands. "I need to know where I can find Aphrodite's belt... You know the one that makes people fall in love." She said in a pleading tone.

"Oh, um okay... What purpose does this serve?" She said stuffing the bomb in her purse. "Also, Can you die? I feel like you can't. But just in case I will protect you." She said, placing her hand on Isabel's shoulder. She closed her eye and the entire street they were on shook. They seemed to be surrounded by Jewelry store, and the glass windows erupted into a blizzard of flying jewelry. They tore through anyone in their path, cutting down a middle aged man.

"Poison isn't always harmful, Poison just causes disturbances in cells. Meaning some poison can change moods, appearances, and chemical make up." He said as the cloud became fluorescent yellow and flew at the man whom was silently sobbing. His bald head instantly became a mop of hair, and he stopped crying and stood up. He looked around and yelled "A round on me!" Kai smirked as he waited for a response from the woman. "Well at least that is what I can do with poison."

Inheritance said:
"Don't worry I have no idea how to use it. I will study here-just tell me if you need me to do anything for you." He began reading how to craft a new Vorpal Sword. More powerful. There had to be a way to but balances on Isabel...There had to be.
( @CelticSol )

Grimm thinks about the trouble this may cause but decides against doing anything about it. "Alright. I'll leave you to it then, I'll also call you if I need anything!" With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of confetti.

The real Grimmavus appears not too far away from where Siobhan is. "Alright....it's about time I've talked with my daughter."

MTchaos1134 said:
After dealing with the woman in his dimension, râz appears in a town and starts to walk, thinking about the recent events that has happened. And"what the fuck happened to evreyone in the guild? I have not seen a single one really since the guild disbanded." He spoke to himself. Walking, and not paying attention to what's going on around him, like one could be next to him right now. But he isn't paying attention, so he would not know.
( Let me make him the center of the next plot dilemma here. )

A small oval hole that was black with green electricity sprouting out appears before Raz. It was floating in the air and it was no more than 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. It was calling for Raz to open it up even more than it already is, like a moth drawn to a light. The hole seemed to whisper to him as it drew him close, making him feel more empowered as he would get closer.

GingerBread said:
Maya just started digging into her cookies and ice cream, finishing it in a couple so seconds. "Ahhhhhhhhh! My brain feels cold! Am I freezing?!" Maya started running around in circles as Ice started to descend down and cover her head. "I'M GOING TO FREEZE! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"No silly. You're not going to freeze. You just ate your ice cream too fast in a very cold place. That's called a brain freeze, it's not dangerous." Temperance begins to explain what a brain freeze is to Maya while she swats the snow off of her head. Each time Temperance touches Maya, she feels warmer and her brain freeze fades away. "Alright Maya. You're in charge of this adventure. What should we do first?"

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]
"Hello Grimm, I see you still enjoy the wrapper." she said as she waved her hands. "I need to know where I can find Aphrodite's belt... You know the one that makes people fall in love." She said in a pleading tone.
"Oh, um okay... What purpose does this serve?" She said stuffing the bomb in her purse. "Also, Can you die? I feel like you can't. But just in case I will protect you." She said, placing her hand on Isabel's shoulder. She closed her eye and the entire street they were on shook. They seemed to be surrounded by Jewelry store, and the glass windows erupted into a blizzard of flying jewelry. They tore through anyone in their path, cutting down a middle aged man.

Grimm frowns at the request, he just got I'm trouble for this too. She was an old friend of his but business is business. "I can't exactly do that. I got in trouble with my boss for just giving things away. Though I can tell you where it is and help you get it. I can't have it simply appear though...we'll have to steal from Aphrodite herself."

Isabel actually thinks about the first question. What purpose did this serve? Even she didn't know what it did, it just felt right to her. "I don't know if I can die. I've never tried." Isabel looks around at the crystal display and smiles. "Wwwoowww. That's so pretty! I wish my rubber ducky could do all that! I have a great idea n-" Isabel was about to continue but her head suddenly began to feel like it was being crushed by immense pressure with the addition of heat. Her eyes turned green once more and her hair began to turn black. The rubber ducky began to shrink and she drops down to her knees, feeling like she was about to throw up as she did. "I'm going to need your power...and a lot of it. I'm making a small test run."
Victoria blinked, her eyes flicking from her hair to her eyes. She knew not to question it, and placed her hands in Isabel and said "Translatio temporaria potentia." Victoria shivered as 90% of her power left her body and shot into Isabel. She handed Isabel her necklace, which before handing it to her she shattered the small gem. In an explosion, the power held within the necklace rushed into Isabel. After this Victoria would feel faint, and dizzy.

"Well, I can ask her to lend it to me. It's not like she is the mean one, that is Artemis." She said, her voice weakening as she said Artemis. She looked at Grimm pleadingly again.

Light said:
( @CelticSol )
Grimm thinks about the trouble this may cause but decides against doing anything about it. "Alright. I'll leave you to it then, I'll also call you if I need anything!" With that, Grimm disappears in a burst of confetti.

The real Grimmavus appears not too far away from where Siobhan is. "Alright....it's about time I've talked with my daughter."

( Let me make him the center of the next plot dilemma here. )

A small oval hole that was black with green electricity sprouting out appears before Raz. It was floating in the air and it was no more than 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. It was calling for Raz to open it up even more than it already is, like a moth drawn to a light. The hole seemed to whisper to him as it drew him close, making him feel more empowered as he would get closer.

"No silly. You're not going to freeze. You just ate your ice cream too fast in a very cold place. That's called a brain freeze, it's not dangerous." Temperance begins to explain what a brain freeze is to Maya while she swats the snow off of her head. Each time Temperance touches Maya, she feels warmer and her brain freeze fades away. "Alright Maya. You're in charge of this adventure. What should we do first?"

Grimm frowns at the request, he just got I'm trouble for this too. She was an old friend of his but business is business. "I can't exactly do that. I got in trouble with my boss for just giving things away. Though I can tell you where it is and help you get it. I can't have it simply appear though...we'll have to steal from Aphrodite herself."

Isabel actually thinks about the first question. What purpose did this serve? Even she didn't know what it did, it just felt right to her. "I don't know if I can die. I've never tried." Isabel looks around at the crystal display and smiles. "Wwwoowww. That's so pretty! I wish my rubber ducky could do all that! I have a great idea n-" Isabel was about to continue but her head suddenly began to feel like it was being crushed by immense pressure with the addition of heat. Her eyes turned green once more and her hair began to turn black. The rubber ducky began to shrink and she drops down to her knees, feeling like she was about to throw up as she did. "I'm going to need your power...and a lot of it. I'm making a small test run."
Râz looks at it for a moment, before walking up to it slowly, when Râz was close enough, he started to try and open it more then It already was, he was not even trying to resist, the feeling he has is promising. And is going to trust the feeling of empowerment.
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Xeron looked in disgust at the confetti, then just started studying.That priest will be in for a surprise... He thought as he began to map out locations for a new weapon.

metalcity said:
Abigail shrugged "I still don't agree with using poison inside, but oh well." And with that she finished her lager "Ahhhhhhh, that was great." She then raised her hand with a grin "HEY BARTENDER! I'll buy another one." Abigail then lowered her arm and turned to the guy "So what's your name and story?" She asked while being given another lager.
@The Imperial Flame
"I am Kai Rose, The underdog in a family. My sister is the star child, I am the "mess up"." he said, his eye adverted to floor. He glanced around.
Light said:
The real Grimmavus appears not too far away from where Siobhan is. "Alright....it's about time I've talked with my daughter."
Grimm appears within a high, snow capped mountain range. Around him, the beginnings of a blizzard blows flurries of snow through the air, the temperature easily below freezing. Ahead of him, a stone and log house seemingly out of the Middle Ages stands against the cold. Through the glass windows, he can see a lit hearth roaring, Siobhan huddled in a cocoon of blankets and furs. A handful of moments after Grimm appears, her head snaps to the side, making direct eye contact with Grimm. Her eyes blow wide in initial surprise, then narrow in bitter hatred as she stands and heads further into the house without casting so much as a glance behind her. After a few long minutes, the door to the home opens slowly, revealing a tall, dark skinned man. He tilts his head, golden eyes on Grimm. "She will not come out as long as you are here, but I will not turn you away. Would you like to come in?"
Isabel felt temporarily powerful, only for that power to be drained as well. Isabel was so drained, she was set back down to Seal #3. Making her drastically weaker than she was beforehand. Her eyes go back to pink and her hair goes back to white with Blue De France tips. Isabel was gasping for air as the being within her was finally satisfied. She weakly looks up at Victoria and reaches out for her hand. "Do....doctor...please. We need a doctor...Colin."

"Well asking her should work but like I said, I can't just give things away anymore. It sucks but it's how the job of mine works now. It's harder to do fun things. Retirement isn't am option at the moment. I don't trust my current Alpha Elite Reaper. He just seems like the type that cannot be trusted. I don't think things will be run nicely if he becomes Death. My daughter would be next in line but at the moment she currently hates me. I messed up, I'll admit but did I mess up that badly to deserve this? Lives of well...everyone at risk all based on a child who refuses to come home. If I fail at moving the role of Death to the proper one, all my efforts of maintaining the laws will go to waste."

MTchaos1134 said:
Râz looks at it for a moment, before walking up to it slowly, when Râz was close enough, he started to try and open it more then It already was, he was not even trying to resist, the feeling he has is promising. And is going to trust the feeling of empowerment.
Electricity burst out of the hole as it was opening up. Seemingly limitless power was bursting from the hole as it opened and burst into one of the largest rifts to hit the Mortal realm. The rift starts pulling in reality itself. Raz was immediately sucked in and everything around him was as well.

Once Raz opens his eyes, he could see himself in forest. This forest seemed empty, not even an animal in sight. There was a two story cabin in the far distance that seemed like it could house a large number of people.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/95811f8d92d53f8756fd68471f19e9e3.jpg.3722cb270e17e5d1747f68eb976f4398.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129483" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/95811f8d92d53f8756fd68471f19e9e3.jpg.3722cb270e17e5d1747f68eb976f4398.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

CelticSol said:
Grimm appears within a high, snow capped mountain range. Around him, the beginnings of a blizzard blows flurries of snow through the air, the temperature easily below freezing. Ahead of him, a stone and log house seemingly out of the Middle Ages stands against the cold. Through the glass windows, he can see a lit hearth roaring, Siobhan huddled in a cocoon of blankets and furs. A handful of moments after Grimm appears, her head snaps to the side, making direct eye contact with Grimm. Her eyes blow wide in initial surprise, then narrow in bitter hatred as she stands and heads further into the house without casting so much as a glance behind her. After a few long minutes, the door to the home opens slowly, revealing a tall, dark skinned man. He tilts his head, golden eyes on Grimm. "She will not come out as long as you are here, but I will not turn you away. Would you like to come in?"
"You seem like a nice guy and sorry if this is a bit rude but. You're a grown man housing my daughter and I don't know what you're into ssooooo. Background checks will occur, please join the line." Grimmavus walks in - as in walks through his body. The moment he does, his soul is ejected from it and it drops to the floor. A reaper collects his soul to analyse his past for any foul play. If there was, he'd experience how fast you can be shipped in an amazon box to a realm that starts with a T. If there wasn't then he would be sent back to his body.

Grimmavus literally had all matter that was in his way split apart while he was on his way to Siobhan. Gas was split apart as well, that's how much of a fuck Grimmavus could give about things that were in his way. Once he found Siobhan easily since there was nothing she could hide behind, he takes a deep breath and tosses a death scythe at her feet. He has a death scythe appear in his hands as well. "Pick it up."

He stabs and locks his death scythe into the floor and summons a new one. The death scythe that was lodged into the floor begins to have the cabin corrode. "Eventually it'll reach your friend over there and destroy his body. I'm never good at talking to you because I haven't been around. I'm not the best father, I'll admit that. I'm not the best lover either, I've failed your mother as well. I have tried my best and I'm still trying regardless of my failure. When you told me to stop pretending to love you I was upset and hurt. So I took away all the things I've been giving you in hopes that you'd realize that even if I haven't been around I have been trying. I was wrong and I'm sorry for that, I didn't know what the appropriate action to take was. As powerful as I am, I make mistakes as well. Though this may seem like me making the same extreme mistake again as an attempt to reach out to you and spend time with you. I don't think it is. It feels right and I'm doing it based on 'emotions' those things that your mother always hounds me to feel. Even though I made mistakes you need to at least be considerate of my position. I love you just as much as you love or loved me. Being away from you hurt me as much as it hurt you. Visiting you in your dreams wasn't enough for us and I thought I could solve the situation swiftly. I tried to save your mother, uphold the laws, and make sure you had a functioning roof over your head. I could only do one perfectly while the others seemed to be futile in the end."

Grimmavus looks at the death scythe in his hands. "Now I want you to fight the same fight I have. Fight to protect those close you while being unable to reach them." Grimmavus gestures to the death scythes affect slowly reaching her caretaker. "While trying to convey your emotions. I'll listen through my ears and through this blade. We can't leave until one of us falls anyways. Come."

( @GingerBread )

As a Greek god usually would appear when a mortal talks too much crap, Apollo comes down from the sky. He stands in front of the library with his bow in his hands. "Oh you mortal....I swear I will curse your entire bloodline with disease."



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Vance turned towards Apollo as he said something about cursing him with a disease. "Seriously? You're 'going to curse my bloodline'? That's what you're going to do? Just give me some minor disease that I could go to any half rate healer and get fixed? Hell I even know a Guy I could probably trick into healing me" Vance shook his head and started walking towards Apollo, completely forgetting Oden was in the room. "But I guess I'm glad you showed up, Now I don't have to make the trek up to you to kill you. But before I do, any last words?" Vance smirked at Apollo; He had the death scythe in his darkness realm so that Apollo wouldn't know he had it.

@Light @LokiofSP


"I knew that..." Maya looked around the snowy mountains for something they could explore so that she could move away from the fact that she thought she was freezing. She looked down at the city that looked carved into the mountain in front of them. "We should Make snowmen! And then we should go and explore that big house! And then we should make Pirate snowmen and go on a pirate adventure in the snow!"


Oden sighed and took the book from under his arm. He looked between Apollo and a page on the book before laughing a bit, a smile threatening to break out on his lips, "Well hello there sir, you're the second best archer of the Greek's gods, are you not? How far you must have fallen, to go from a god of music and of sun, to being a relic seventh graders learn of in history class. You've been reduced to fighting mere men and appearing as a background character in young adult fiction."

He looked at Vance for a moment before going back to the book, "You probably want to kill me and him right now, but what woukd that prove? That you have to get involved with us in such a public place so you may remind people that you exist? That you are relevant? Face it, the only reason people ever adored you was because you were intreasting before people made soap operas..." He stepped behind Vance abd waited. In the book he had read various myths, many of which told of just how easily Apollo could lose his temper when provoked. If he got upset, he may get sloppy, and if so, the fight would be won before it begun...

@Light @GingerBread


Illyana sat dowm and nodded at the offer of tea, "Colin, don't take this the wrong way, but this is...sad. It's so barren, you look like you lack money and- Wait...ha e you eaten at all recently?"

"Well, I say talk to her. Children are a handful, find out what she wants in life, try to incorporate that into being Death." Daphne said, her eyes far away. "I know this is a bad time but, would anyone be willing to take me to Olympus?" She said, grabbing Grimm's hand. She secretly wanted to help Grimm, but was afraid to offer.

Victoria took Isabel's hand and heaved her over her back.
"Isabel, it is gonna be okay. Think about a white light bathing you and washing away the pain. The soothing serenity of sleep, one that you should enter." Victoria said, walking slowly to an abandoned couch on the side walk. She would set Isabel down and Pull an crystal from her pocket, it was small and clear. She stabbed her hand with it, and then sat the crystal down on the couch. A Beam of rainbow light shot from it, reaching far above the tallest skyscrapers.

Daphne's eyes went dark when she saw the beam.
"That means help, so I am going to help my daughter." She said, he strong leathery wings lifting her above the sky, she shot the beacons location.

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]"I am Kai Rose, The underdog in a family. My sister is the star child, I am the "mess up"." he said, his eye adverted to floor. He glanced around.

"Well, it seems some what better now. Any who, I'm Abigail." Abigail replied while taking a sip of her drink, she didn't think his reaction was anything to care about. Abigail put her drink down and turned to Kai again. "On another note, do you know where 'rabbits noon' is? been looking for it all day." She asked with a confused tone.
Light said:
Isabel felt temporarily powerful, only for that power to be drained as well. Isabel was so drained, she was set back down to Seal #3. Making her drastically weaker than she was beforehand. Her eyes go back to pink and her hair goes back to white with Blue De France tips. Isabel was gasping for air as the being within her was finally satisfied. She weakly looks up at Victoria and reaches out for her hand. "Do....doctor...please. We need a doctor...Colin."
"Well asking her should work but like I said, I can't just give things away anymore. It sucks but it's how the job of mine works now. It's harder to do fun things. Retirement isn't am option at the moment. I don't trust my current Alpha Elite Reaper. He just seems like the type that cannot be trusted. I don't think things will be run nicely if he becomes Death. My daughter would be next in line but at the moment she currently hates me. I messed up, I'll admit but did I mess up that badly to deserve this? Lives of well...everyone at risk all based on a child who refuses to come home. If I fail at moving the role of Death to the proper one, all my efforts of maintaining the laws will go to waste."

Electricity burst out of the hole as it was opening up. Seemingly limitless power was bursting from the hole as it opened and burst into one of the largest rifts to hit the Mortal realm. The rift starts pulling in reality itself. Raz was immediately sucked in and everything around him was as well.

Once Raz opens his eyes, he could see himself in forest. This forest seemed empty, not even an animal in sight. There was a two story cabin in the far distance that seemed like it could house a large number of people.

View attachment 288589

"You seem like a nice guy and sorry if this is a bit rude but. You're a grown man housing my daughter and I don't know what you're into ssooooo. Background checks will occur, please join the line." Grimmavus walks in - as in walks through his body. The moment he does, his soul is ejected from it and it drops to the floor. A reaper collects his soul to analyse his past for any foul play. If there was, he'd experience how fast you can be shipped in an amazon box to a realm that starts with a T. If there wasn't then he would be sent back to his body.

Grimmavus literally had all matter that was in his way split apart while he was on his way to Siobhan. Gas was split apart as well, that's how much of a fuck Grimmavus could give about things that were in his way. Once he found Siobhan easily since there was nothing she could hide behind, he takes a deep breath and tosses a death scythe at her feet. He has a death scythe appear in his hands as well. "Pick it up."

He stabs and locks his death scythe into the floor and summons a new one. The death scythe that was lodged into the floor begins to have the cabin corrode. "Eventually it'll reach your friend over there and destroy his body. I'm never good at talking to you because I haven't been around. I'm not the best father, I'll admit that. I'm not the best lover either, I've failed your mother as well. I have tried my best and I'm still trying regardless of my failure. When you told me to stop pretending to love you I was upset and hurt. So I took away all the things I've been giving you in hopes that you'd realize that even if I haven't been around I have been trying. I was wrong and I'm sorry for that, I didn't know what the appropriate action to take was. As powerful as I am, I make mistakes as well. Though this may seem like me making the same extreme mistake again as an attempt to reach out to you and spend time with you. I don't think it is. It feels right and I'm doing it based on 'emotions' those things that your mother always hounds me to feel. Even though I made mistakes you need to at least be considerate of my position. I love you just as much as you love or loved me. Being away from you hurt me as much as it hurt you. Visiting you in your dreams wasn't enough for us and I thought I could solve the situation swiftly. I tried to save your mother, uphold the laws, and make sure you had a functioning roof over your head. I could only do one perfectly while the others seemed to be futile in the end."

Grimmavus looks at the death scythe in his hands. "Now I want you to fight the same fight I have. Fight to protect those close you while being unable to reach them." Grimmavus gestures to the death scythes affect slowly reaching her caretaker. "While trying to convey your emotions. I'll listen through my ears and through this blade. We can't leave until one of us falls anyways. Come."

( @GingerBread )

As a Greek god usually would appear when a mortal talks too much crap, Apollo comes down from the sky. He stands in front of the library with his bow in his hands. "Oh you mortal....I swear I will curse your entire bloodline with disease."
Râz looks around for a minute before making thier to the cabin, wondering if this was a trap or not.
GingerBread said:
Vance turned towards Apollo as he said something about cursing him with a disease. "Seriously? You're 'going to curse my bloodline'? That's what you're going to do? Just give me some minor disease that I could go to any half rate healer and get fixed? Hell I even know a Guy I could probably trick into healing me" Vance shook his head and started walking towards Apollo, completely forgetting Oden was in the room. "But I guess I'm glad you showed up, Now I don't have to make the trek up to you to kill you. But before I do, any last words?" Vance smirked at Apollo; He had the death scythe in his darkness realm so that Apollo wouldn't know he had it.

@Light @LokiofSP
LokiofSP said:
Oden sighed and took the book from under his arm. He looked between Apollo and a page on the book before laughing a bit, a smile threatening to break out on his lips, "Well hello there sir, you're the second best archer of the Greek's gods, are you not? How far you must have fallen, to go from a god of music and of sun, to being a relic seventh graders learn of in history class. You've been reduced to fighting mere men and appearing as a background character in young adult fiction."

He looked at Vance for a moment before going back to the book, "You probably want to kill me and him right now, but what woukd that prove? That you have to get involved with us in such a public place so you may remind people that you exist? That you are relevant? Face it, the only reason people ever adored you was because you were intreasting before people made soap operas..." He stepped behind Vance abd waited. In the book he had read various myths, many of which told of just how easily Apollo could lose his temper when provoked. If he got upset, he may get sloppy, and if so, the fight would be won before it begun...

@Light @GingerBread
( ! ) "Oh so we have two mortals that need to die? Why are you hiding behind him after boasting so much?" Apollo already had arrows moving at light speed only a second away from piercing Oden in the heart from behind.

GingerBread said:
"I knew that..." Maya looked around the snowy mountains for something they could explore so that she could move away from the fact that she thought she was freezing. She looked down at the city that looked carved into the mountain in front of them. "We should Make snowmen! And then we should go and explore that big house! And then we should make Pirate snowmen and go on a pirate adventure in the snow!"

Temperance laughs and nods her head, sometimes Maya could be so adorable. "Alright, that sounds like a plan. Let's begin. Vrex." She waves her hand to Maya and steps to the side, beginning on her snowman.

"Bright white lights don't make me feel any better." Isabel had officially dropped from Seal #3 to Seal #1. Her seals started to reorganize themselves and shift from their original power order. The Birth scythe she gave to Vance would soon disappear. Flashbacks of being unable to move on a table within the light were coming back to her. All she could see was a bright white light. At this moment, Isabel was officially frozen due to both fear and fatigue. She was hallucinating once more.

MTchaos1134 said:
Râz looks around for a minute before making thier to the cabin, wondering if this was a trap or not.
The cabin was completely normal and there was a key in front of the door. It was actually true that Raz was the only one here.

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