Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
"I told you no. Now stay the fuck back!" Itami turns to Xerox sharply and opens his hand, having his scythe fly to his hands. "That's your only warning." Itami turns to Isabel, keeping the weapon in his hands. "Isabel...is there something wrong?"
Isabel suddenly snaps out of whatever trance that she's in and looks around, obviously confused at whats going on. "What? Why am I here?"
Xeron was unsure how long he could take the constant threats. He could feel himself losing control, his eyes turned a blazing red and hado a soft glow to them. "Yes sir. "

When the girl awoke he looked down at her, then realizing his eyes must be giving him away, he looked up. "What can I do to help then..."
Light said:
Kelsey begins to push away once more, trying to knee Ren as she sobs. In time she grows weak and simply gives up, and holds Ren tightly, crying into his shoulder.
Ren was stubborn and this time he was glad he was, she eventually gave up and cried into his shoulder. He just hugged her and rubbed the back of her head gently, he didn't say anything this time, he just let her let it all out.
GingerBread said:
Revvar turned and looked at the Alpha elite reaper as he offered him the souls of everyone he wanted. "And why would I want just their souls?" Revvar turned back around and went back to what he was doing. "Though if you're desperate for my help, all you have to do is sign a small contract."

The Alpha Elite Reaper told him once that he'd make him help by force. He'd even given him a second chance after he denied it the first time. Now he was done giving options and chances. The reaper snaps his finger and forces Revvar to be set with only one objective. He was to get Siobhan alive and well. Then bring her back to the Alpha Elite reaper.

Inheritance said:
Xeron was unsure how long he could take the constant threats. He could feel himself losing control, his eyes turned a blazing red and hado a soft glow to them. "Yes sir. "
When the girl awoke he looked down at her, then realizing his eyes must be giving him away, he looked up. "What can I do to help then..."
Isabel holds her head as she feels a slight twinge of pain and shakes it afterwards. She stands up looks around at the shrine, falling down once she does. She uses her father to stand up, finally becoming conscious enough to completely take in her surroundings. Once she notices Itami, Xerox, Jackson, and Victoria standing around her rapid, vivid, and powerful flashbacks come back. With them all standing around her and the enclosed shrine around them, Isabel could only see herself in the interrogation room. Several scientists stood around her, bombarding her with questions about her current condition as well as checking her body for verification. They looked at her with eyes you would give an inanimate object constantly. Though this wasn't physical torture as usual it was torture mentally and especially emotionally for such a young girl.

Her flashbacks become reality in her eyes. Those whom were once family and acquaintances now became her previous owners in her eyes. The gold and jade walls became a pristine white lab. Isabel takes several steps back and sits on the couch. She sets her hands on her lap with her palms facing upwards. The scientists asked her to do this to examine the colors of her palms. Each different color between red and white along with patterns revealed a different sign. She doesn't look any of them in the eyes and simply looks forward, letting her pink eyes be available for examination. "I am of no need of assistance, doctor." Isabel says this as if she's practiced this many times before. She continues to sit still and wait for her physical and mental examination, finding it internally strange that they're not doing a thing.

She would have continued to sit there if not for a voice ringing throughout her mind. The voice was clear and impossible to ignore. "Why must you sit here and obey them? You are much stronger than them now. They can't stop you...nobody can. Remember when you were pushed so far you turned to suicide? Why must you suffer again? They're awful beings that don't deserve to exist. So....just end their lives now. Save another from suffering the same way from their experimentation. If you kill them now...you'll be free. You can't trust anyone here, nor can you trust a word that they say. Fola and Jackie are already against you so who can you actually trust? Kill them to end your suffering." The words were right to Isabel but must of all they felt right. Isabel was afraid of them and how they'd punish her if she acted out. Though most of all she was afraid of what she'd do to herself in time.

Isabel raises a finger, to her it was a finger of rebellion. She stands up and extends her hand, summoning Poseidon's trident. She swings at Itami, knocking him back with a summoned blast of scalding water. Isabel taps the bottom of the trident down on the ground and causes the ground underneath them to shatter and shift up and down. Water bursts out of these cracks and knock all of them away from her. Isabel opens her other hand and summons Death's Birth scythe. "I'm...I'm not going to let you do this to me anymore! I'm going to kill you all!"

LonelyAssassin said:
Ren was stubborn and this time he was glad he was, she eventually gave up and cried into his shoulder. He just hugged her and rubbed the back of her head gently, he didn't say anything this time, he just let her let it all out.
Adrianna gives them both a sad smile. She had a supporting shoulder, which makes her wish she had left the castle more to get more social skills. She sits on the bench, twiddling her thumbs as she crystal, feeling even worse about her life.
Light said:
The Alpha Elite Reaper told him once that he'd make him help by force. He'd even given him a second chance after he denied it the first time. Now he was done giving options and chances. The reaper snaps his finger and forces Revvar to be set with only one objective. He was to get Siobhan alive and well. Then bring her back to the Alpha Elite reaper.
Isabel holds her head as she feels a slight twinge of pain and shakes it afterwards. She stands up looks around at the shrine, falling down once she does. She uses her father to stand up, finally becoming conscious enough to completely take in her surroundings. Once she notices Itami, Xerox, Jackson, and Victoria standing around her rapid, vivid, and powerful flashbacks come back. With them all standing around her and the enclosed shrine around them, Isabel could only see herself in the interrogation room. Several scientists stood around her, bombarding her with questions about her current condition as well as checking her body for verification. They looked at her with eyes you would give an inanimate object constantly. Though this wasn't physical torture as usual it was torture mentally and especially emotionally for such a young girl.

Her flashbacks become reality in her eyes. Those whom were once family and acquaintances now became her previous owners in her eyes. The gold and jade walls became a pristine white lab. Isabel takes several steps back and sits on the couch. She sets her hands on her lap with her palms facing upwards. The scientists asked her to do this to examine the colors of her palms. Each different color between red and white along with patterns revealed a different sign. She doesn't look any of them in the eyes and simply looks forward, letting her pink eyes be available for examination. "I am of no need of assistance, doctor." Isabel says this as if she's practiced this many times before. She continues to sit still and wait for her physical and mental examination, finding it internally strange that they're not doing a thing.

She would have continued to sit there if not for a voice ringing throughout her mind. The voice was clear and impossible to ignore. "Why must you sit here and obey them? You are much stronger than them now. They can't stop you...nobody can. Remember when you were pushed so far you turned to suicide? Why must you suffer again? They're awful beings that don't deserve to exist. So....just end their lives now. Save another from suffering the same way from their experimentation. If you kill them now...you'll be free. You can't trust anyone here, nor can you trust a word that they say. Fola and Jackie are already against you so who can you actually trust? Kill them to end your suffering." The words were right to Isabel but must of all they felt right. Isabel was afraid of them and how they'd punish her if she acted out. Though most of all she was afraid of what she'd do to herself in time.

Isabel raises a finger, to her it was a finger of rebellion. She stands up and extends her hand, summoning Poseidon's trident. She swings at Itami, knocking him back with a summoned blast of scalding water. Isabel taps the bottom of the trident down on the ground and causes the ground underneath them to shatter and shift up and down. Water bursts out of these cracks and knock all of them away from her. Isabel opens her other hand and summons Death's Birth scythe. "I'm...I'm not going to let you do this to me anymore! I'm going to kill you all!"

Adrianna gives them both a sad smile. She had a supporting shoulder, which makes her wish she had left the castle more to get more social skills. She sits on the bench, twiddling her thumbs as she crystal, feeling even worse about her life.
Xeron's eyes widen at the display. At first thought he went to attack, but stopped. He drew his blade and stepped back. "This could be a good time to see the order of power now..." he thought. He tried to find whatever shadows he could, and surrounded himself. Not invisible, but enough so in her rage she wouldn't see. He also let his mind drift towards hers, not invading, but more asking to communicate.
Light said:
The Alpha Elite Reaper told him once that he'd make him help by force. He'd even given him a second chance after he denied it the first time. Now he was done giving options and chances. The reaper snaps his finger and forces Revvar to be set with only one objective. He was to get Siobhan alive and well. Then bring her back to the Alpha Elite reaper.
Isabel holds her head as she feels a slight twinge of pain and shakes it afterwards. She stands up looks around at the shrine, falling down once she does. She uses her father to stand up, finally becoming conscious enough to completely take in her surroundings. Once she notices Itami, Xerox, Jackson, and Victoria standing around her rapid, vivid, and powerful flashbacks come back. With them all standing around her and the enclosed shrine around them, Isabel could only see herself in the interrogation room. Several scientists stood around her, bombarding her with questions about her current condition as well as checking her body for verification. They looked at her with eyes you would give an inanimate object constantly. Though this wasn't physical torture as usual it was torture mentally and especially emotionally for such a young girl.

Her flashbacks become reality in her eyes. Those whom were once family and acquaintances now became her previous owners in her eyes. The gold and jade walls became a pristine white lab. Isabel takes several steps back and sits on the couch. She sets her hands on her lap with her palms facing upwards. The scientists asked her to do this to examine the colors of her palms. Each different color between red and white along with patterns revealed a different sign. She doesn't look any of them in the eyes and simply looks forward, letting her pink eyes be available for examination. "I am of no need of assistance, doctor." Isabel says this as if she's practiced this many times before. She continues to sit still and wait for her physical and mental examination, finding it internally strange that they're not doing a thing.

She would have continued to sit there if not for a voice ringing throughout her mind. The voice was clear and impossible to ignore. "Why must you sit here and obey them? You are much stronger than them now. They can't stop you...nobody can. Remember when you were pushed so far you turned to suicide? Why must you suffer again? They're awful beings that don't deserve to exist. So....just end their lives now. Save another from suffering the same way from their experimentation. If you kill them now...you'll be free. You can't trust anyone here, nor can you trust a word that they say. Fola and Jackie are already against you so who can you actually trust? Kill them to end your suffering." The words were right to Isabel but must of all they felt right. Isabel was afraid of them and how they'd punish her if she acted out. Though most of all she was afraid of what she'd do to herself in time.

Isabel raises a finger, to her it was a finger of rebellion. She stands up and extends her hand, summoning Poseidon's trident. She swings at Itami, knocking him back with a summoned blast of scalding water. Isabel taps the bottom of the trident down on the ground and causes the ground underneath them to shatter and shift up and down. Water bursts out of these cracks and knock all of them away from her. Isabel opens her other hand and summons Death's Birth scythe. "I'm...I'm not going to let you do this to me anymore! I'm going to kill you all!"

Adrianna gives them both a sad smile. She had a supporting shoulder, which makes her wish she had left the castle more to get more social skills. She sits on the bench, twiddling her thumbs as she crystal, feeling even worse about her life.
Jackson looked around then tried to escape. He didn't know what was happening but he was terrified. "I'm not the lab people I'm Jackson."

Reed hugged Adrianna. "Hey its all going to be ok. I'll still watch over you and help you with your struggle. When you feel like you don't need me then I will let you go."

Revvar turned around and looked over at the Alpha elite reaper with a raised eyebrow when he snapped his fingers. "I prefer it when people use words. Just snapping your fingers to get someone to do something is rude. But seeing as you have nothing to offer me and you're either not accepting my offer or being rude about it, you might as well leave" Revvar turned back around to what he was doing.

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Light said:
Adrianna gives them both a sad smile. She had a supporting shoulder, which makes her wish she had left the castle more to get more social skills. She sits on the bench, twiddling her thumbs as she crystal, feeling even worse about her life.
Ren reaches out with one of his hands, his other still wrapped around Kelsey. The hand rests gently on her shoulder as Ren looks at her with a sincere nod. It wasn't good to dwell on this any further,

"Come on, lets go. All of us."
"Why aren't they attacking her? She just attacked her...what father?" He thought. "They are just standing there expecting mercy?!" He couldn't fathom why on Earth they thought this was the best option! If he were in their place...well he supposed he didn't attack either. But he hid and waited! He certainly didn't just try to make peace. She's in a rage! You don't just talk about friendship, or try to talk her out of it! But then again...he supposed...perhaps Xeron got what he wanted. "They are obviously too weak to handle her," he thought again, "so she is the most powerful...unless her dad can stop her."
Inheritance said:
"Why aren't they attacking her? She just attacked her...what father?" He thought. "They are just standing there expecting mercy?!" He couldn't fathom why on Earth they thought this was the best option! If he were in their place...well he supposed he didn't attack either. But he hid and waited! He certainly didn't just try to make peace. She's in a rage! You don't just talk about friendship, or try to talk her out of it! But then again...he supposed...perhaps Xeron got what he wanted. "They are obviously too weak to handle her," he thought again, "so she is the most powerful...unless her dad can stop her."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked around then tried to escape. He didn't know what was happening but he was terrified. "I'm not the lab people I'm Jackson."
Isabel jerks out of Victoria's grasp, seeing the red headed scientist with green eyes from her past in her place. The same one whom was in charge in making observations in all of the experiments. Isabel raises the trident and Itami knows what may possibly happen. He uses replacement magic to have all but Isabel appear outside the shrine in the frozen outdoors.

A second after, the entire shrine breaks apart due to an explosion of ocean water. These gallons of water that took the building apart slam into the ground and runs towards them. It picks up snow, adding to its supply. Mud and rock end up coming with it since they were on top of a mountain. The mud and rock was fired at high speeds out of the water at them as the storm surge of ocean water came towards them. The ground underneath them becomes brittle and weak, threatening to break underneath them with one step. It seemed like Isabel was really intent on fighting them.

Itami honestly didn't know how to defend the group for long. They couldn't run for forever nor could they fight head on with her without taking high risks. He stood there...for once, frozen. He was facing a foe he couldn't just kill on the spot for once and if he'd just stuck to his old hobby he'd lost years ago, then maybe he'd be able to counter this dilemma.

GingerBread said:
Revvar turned around and looked over at the Alpha elite reaper with a raised eyebrow when he snapped his fingers. "I prefer it when people use words. Just snapping your fingers to get someone to do something is rude. But seeing as you have nothing to offer me and you're either not accepting my offer or being rude about it, you might as well leave" Revvar turned back around to what he was doing.

The Alpha Elite Reaper simply leaves, deciding on tending to his business on his own.

Tazmodo said:
Reed hugged Adrianna. "Hey its all going to be ok. I'll still watch over you and help you with your struggle. When you feel like you don't need me then I will let you go."
LonelyAssassin said:
Ren reaches out with one of his hands, his other still wrapped around Kelsey. The hand rests gently on her shoulder as Ren looks at her with a sincere nod. It wasn't good to dwell on this any further,
"Come on, lets go. All of us."
Adrianna holds Reed tightly and buries her face into his shoulder. It seemed like Adrianna wasn't ready to go anywhere yet since she was no getting started with letting her heart out.

Kelsey begins to mumble in Ren's ear, finding it hard to talk properly with him at the moment. "Where would we go?"
Light said:
Isabel jerks out of Victoria's grasp, seeing the red headed scientist with green eyes from her past in her place. The same one whom was in charge in making observations in all of the experiments. Isabel raises the trident and Itami knows what may possibly happen. He uses replacement magic to have all but Isabel appear outside the shrine in the frozen outdoors.
A second after, the entire shrine breaks apart due to an explosion of ocean water. These gallons of water that took the building apart slam into the ground and runs towards them. It picks up snow, adding to its supply. Mud and rock end up coming with it since they were on top of a mountain. The mud and rock was fired at high speeds out of the water at them as the storm surge of ocean water came towards them. The ground underneath them becomes brittle and weak, threatening to break underneath them with one step. It seemed like Isabel was really intent on fighting them.

Itami honestly didn't know how to defend the group for long. They couldn't run for forever nor could they fight head on with her without taking high risks. He stood there...for once, frozen. He was facing a foe he couldn't just kill on the spot for once and if he'd just stuck to his old hobby he'd lost years ago, then maybe he'd be able to counter this dilemma.
After that destruction, Xeron had no choice but to leave the shadows, and float over to Itami. He cast a spell, and a fiery wall separated Isabel from the rest. "Sir I know that won't hold for long, but tell me...what's the chances of us neutralizing her? I can call upon other powers, which will make me much stronger. However, I can only do this if you are intent on helping me. Our goal here is not to kill her, for that would be an extreme waste of power. The goal is to neutralize, which I can do. I need your permission, and your word that you will help me. Let us work as allies, even if we do not share a common goal." He began to call upon his cursed powers, eyes flaring red, and fiery darkness surrounded him. "On your word sir."
Light said:
Isabel jerks out of Victoria's grasp, seeing the red headed scientist with green eyes from her past in her place. The same one whom was in charge in making observations in all of the experiments. Isabel raises the trident and Itami knows what may possibly happen. He uses replacement magic to have all but Isabel appear outside the shrine in the frozen outdoors.
A second after, the entire shrine breaks apart due to an explosion of ocean water. These gallons of water that took the building apart slam into the ground and runs towards them. It picks up snow, adding to its supply. Mud and rock end up coming with it since they were on top of a mountain. The mud and rock was fired at high speeds out of the water at them as the storm surge of ocean water came towards them. The ground underneath them becomes brittle and weak, threatening to break underneath them with one step. It seemed like Isabel was really intent on fighting them.

Itami honestly didn't know how to defend the group for long. They couldn't run for forever nor could they fight head on with her without taking high risks. He stood there...for once, frozen. He was facing a foe he couldn't just kill on the spot for once and if he'd just stuck to his old hobby he'd lost years ago, then maybe he'd be able to counter this dilemma.

The Alpha Elite Reaper simply leaves, deciding on tending to his business on his own.

Adrianna holds Reed tightly and buries her face into his shoulder. It seemed like Adrianna wasn't ready to go anywhere yet since she was no getting started with letting her heart out.

Kelsey begins to mumble in Ren's ear, finding it hard to talk properly with him at the moment. "Where would we go?"
Reed stayed there with her for as long as she wanted. He rubbed her back comfortingly. "It's ok I'm here for you."

Jackson looked at him. "Does she have any weaknesses? If not we're fucked. All we can do is hope that we can survive long enough to calm her down. What rift did she touch anyway?"
"Isabel, Please..." Her voice broke off, and she began screaming her head off. Her heart was very nearly fully crystal now, and Victoria could feel something deep inside her stir. Her arms were crystal from the elbows down, and her legs were the same way. This didn't bode well for Victoria, she was now twitching on the ground.


Somewhere in Victoria's Memory...

I told him to leave me alone, he wouldn't listen.

He wouldn't listen, and that got him killed.

I killed him in cold blood.

I killed him in self defense.

He bled to death, and I let him.

He deserved it, he was mean.

I am a horrible person.

It was the right thing to do.

Victoria's body slowly was turning completely crystal, If none intervened who knows what will happen...



"TIME IS UP!" He roared. The dark power he was calling on had corrupted him too much. In his last few breathes of humanity, he shot a beam of Shadows at the crystals to try and break them. "Do not leave us! We need you!" The transformation was beginning, but while he was still connected with his humanity, he would try to save the girl. "Live again young one, for this is not the hour of your death!" He tried to break the crystal without breaking her.
Inheritance said:
"TIME IS UP!" He roared. The dark power he was calling on had corrupted him too much. In his last few breathes of humanity, he shot a beam of Shadows at the crystals to try and break them. "Do not leave us! We need you!" The transformation was beginning, but while he was still connected with his humanity, he would try to save the girl. "Live again young one, for this is not the hour of your death!" He tried to break the crystal without breaking her.
Jackson looked at both of them. "One has a crystal heart and one is consumed by darkness. Easy." Two pillars of light surround the two healing them with the purifying light. The crystal heart went back to normal and so did her body. As well did the shadow guy. The light left him with his power but he was no as clean as possible. "There you two go now back to the problem at hand."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked at both of them. "One has a crystal heart and one is consumed by darkness. Easy." Two pillars of light surround the two healing them with the purifying light. The crystal heart went back to normal and so did her body. As well did the shadow guy. The light left him with his power but he was no as clean as possible. "There you two go now back to the problem at hand."
"I thank you, but the only way to defeat this force is by using my abilities!" He began to call for his dark magic again, thinking this was truly the only way to save them all.
Inheritance said:
After that destruction, Xeron had no choice but to leave the shadows, and float over to Itami. He cast a spell, and a fiery wall separated Isabel from the rest. "Sir I know that won't hold for long, but tell me...what's the chances of us neutralizing her? I can call upon other powers, which will make me much stronger. However, I can only do this if you are intent on helping me. Our goal here is not to kill her, for that would be an extreme waste of power. The goal is to neutralize, which I can do. I need your permission, and your word that you will help me. Let us work as allies, even if we do not share a common goal." He began to call upon his cursed powers, eyes flaring red, and fiery darkness surrounded him. "On your word sir."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looked at him. "Does she have any weaknesses? If not we're fucked. All we can do is hope that we can survive long enough to calm her down. What rift did she touch anyway?"
The Imperial Flame]"Isabel said:


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Light said:
"I don't know any weaknesses on her so far so I'll just put my trust in this guy." He looks towards Xerox. "Ok, I give you permission."
Isabella's eyes slowly started to turn green, though none of them could see this since she was still in the center of the rushing water. The water smashes into all of them the moment after and throws them all down the side of the mountain with the limitless supply of waves crashing down with them. She begins to release a twisted laugh reserved only for the bordline insane. The black and green electricity from before begins to appear on her body. When this occurs, three more rifts around the world appear. Isabel continues to laugh until her eyes go back from green to pink and the electricity stops. She groans from being obviously dizzy due to whatever happened. She leans on the trident and all the water cuts off, it seemed like whatever this was completely threw her off. She was no longer hallucinating about being in the lab anymore. Before any of the others could see that she's fine or before she could see any of the others, she looks around at the destroyed shrine and the trident in her hands. "Did I...do all of this? This was my mother's....he-her shrine. I just-" Isabel drops the trident and tightly grips her head. Memories of her mother come back to her in a blurry and bright view. A loud ringing sound goes off in her head as well, making her drop to her knees wailing. It seemed like her mind was heavily damaged ever since absorbing the rift. Isabel falls to her sit in the bare ando wet mud, gritting her teeth due to the pain.

To the others, all they know is that they're currently being attacked by Isabel, since they were unable to see her stop due to being thrown off the edge.

( @LonelyAssassin )

Adrianna was about to respond but suddenly a black rip in the sky appears and begins to eject what seemed to be reaper like beings. This black rip or line in the sky grows bigger and bigger with green electricity.

View attachment 282894
"It was too late for Xeron. The permission was granted, and so the change began...He turned from his human form to this:

"YOU'RE TIME IS NOW GIRL! YOU DARE ATTACK YOUR FATHER? TASTE THE BLADE OF ASMODEUS!" Xeron, now the Pit-Lord screamed. He had already shot himself at her, and was flying towards her, prepared to swing his blade. However as he flew, the skies shook, and a orb of fire appeared, and spoke:

"XERON! YOU MEDDLE WITH POWERS BEYOND YOUR UNDERSTANDING! FOR YOUR BETRAYAL, I LEAVE YOU AT THE MERCY OF CHAOS! CHAOS, HE IS YOURS NOW...WE HAVE ABANDONED HIM!" With that it vanishes, but with it revealing a horrible truth about the now Pit-Lord, who is blind with fury and anger at being attacked.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca0039eff_PitLord.jpe.623394a91c98730af534c2cbd6d68f3f.jpe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126625" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca0039eff_PitLord.jpe.623394a91c98730af534c2cbd6d68f3f.jpe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Pit Lord.jpe
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Light said:
"I don't know any weaknesses on her so far so I'll just put my trust in this guy." He looks towards Xerox. "Ok, I give you permission."
Isabella's eyes slowly started to turn green, though none of them could see this since she was still in the center of the rushing water. The water smashes into all of them the moment after and throws them all down the side of the mountain with the limitless supply of waves crashing down with them. She begins to release a twisted laugh reserved only for the bordline insane. The black and green electricity from before begins to appear on her body. When this occurs, three more rifts around the world appear. Isabel continues to laugh until her eyes go back from green to pink and the electricity stops. She groans from being obviously dizzy due to whatever happened. She leans on the trident and all the water cuts off, it seemed like whatever this was completely threw her off. She was no longer hallucinating about being in the lab anymore. Before any of the others could see that she's fine or before she could see any of the others, she looks around at the destroyed shrine and the trident in her hands. "Did I...do all of this? This was my mother's....he-her shrine. I just-" Isabel drops the trident and tightly grips her head. Memories of her mother come back to her in a blurry and bright view. A loud ringing sound goes off in her head as well, making her drop to her knees wailing. It seemed like her mind was heavily damaged ever since absorbing the rift. Isabel falls to her sit in the bare ando wet mud, gritting her teeth due to the pain.

To the others, all they know is that they're currently being attacked by Isabel, since they were unable to see her stop due to being thrown off the edge.

( @LonelyAssassin )

Adrianna was about to respond but suddenly a black rip in the sky appears and begins to eject what seemed to be reaper like beings. This black rip or line in the sky grows bigger and bigger with green electricity.

View attachment 282894
Reed looked up at the rift. "That's new." He looked at the creature and stood up to look at it. He stepped in front of Adrianna incase if it was hostile. "Hi I'm Reed. Who are you?"

Jackson protected himself in a ball of light from the water. "God damn it." He made sure the shield wouldn't crack.

Theodore was playing with his portals and saw one of the rifts open in the distance. He stepped through one and looked up at it. "What is this?"
Light said:
Ryder was about to attack but he was tired after all. He sits down and falls asleep. His attacks end and shut off. He was a child after all.
Shadow was still asleep. It seemed like he was very tired and Tempest brushes Crimson off, falling asleep as well.
Cole smiles and and ends his attacks, and the clone disappears. He places his hands in his pockets and walks over to ryder. Hehe cute. He looks at Inaro, then Ryder's horse, then Ryder. HHmm I wonder what crimson is do now. He shrugs his shoulders then snaps his fingers creating portals beneath everyone, transporting them to Crimsons area. What's up Cole? Why don't you find you? He stuck his fist out towards him and they pump fist. Hmm so there's still shit happening even though Dragons Roar is out of commission. So the grandmother is dead now, and somewhere in the world there's debris from where the explosion did hit. Yeah we're gonna get blamed for that. Wow you're a great optimis. He said sarcastically. And you're a bloody wanker. He said mimicing Cole's British accent. @Light
Inheritance said:
"It was too late for Xeron. The permission was granted, and so the change began...He turned from his human form to this:
"YOU'RE TIME IS NOW GIRL! YOU DARE ATTACK YOUR FATHER? TASTE THE BLADE OF ASMODEUS!" Xeron, now the Pit-Lord screamed. He had already shot himself at her, and was flying towards her, prepared to swing his blade. However as he flew, the skies shook, and a orb of fire appeared, and spoke:

"XERON! YOU MEDDLE WITH POWERS BEYOND YOUR UNDERSTANDING! FOR YOUR BETRAYAL, I LEAVE YOU AT THE MERCY OF CHAOS! CHAOS, HE IS YOURS NOW...WE HAVE ABANDONED HIM!" With that it vanishes, but with it revealing a horrible truth about the now Pit-Lord, who is blind with fury and anger at being attacked.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson protected himself in a ball of light from the water. "God damn it." He made sure the shield wouldn't crack.
( @The Imperial Flame )

Isabel still in the fresh mud, gripping her head. She couldn't focus at all on what's going on around her. She couldn't defend herself from the attack the Pit-Lord was trying to deliver. His attack would soon hit her distracted body already in the mud.

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked up at the rift. "That's new." He looked at the creature and stood up to look at it. He stepped in front of Adrianna incase if it was hostile. "Hi I'm Reed. Who are you?"
The creature simply ignores Reed as more of them spill out. They attack objects and people. Whatever they stab, float by, or blast turns into the negative version of itself. It seemed like they were changing reality to their own liking.

Tazmodo said:
Theodore was playing with his portals and saw one of the rifts open in the distance. He stepped through one and looked up at it. "What is this?"
When Theodore steps in, he was already having the same affects Superman would around Kryptonite. This was not a place for him to be, it would soon kill him.

A rift appears in the ground, pretty far off from them. The black rift with green electricity begins to pulse with power. Each 5 minutes, a burst of negative energy flows out and begins to break reality.
Grimmavus sat down alone in his council room, thinking of what he should do next when it came to the problem with Siobhan. He didn't mean for things to turn out this badly but he didn't know how to approach her anymore. "Sio...how could you ever forgive me?"
Azriel and Temperance decide on visiting the children individually in their minds. Temperance goes inside of Maya's mind first. "Maya....are you alright?"

( @GingerBread )
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Overall, it seemed like the rifts appearing were destroying reality itself once more. In random realms, things began to fall apart and shatter due to the rifts mere existence. These rifts were a poison that intended to destroy everything, though knowledge on how to to stop them is currently unknown.
Light said:
( @LonelyAssassin )
Adrianna was about to respond but suddenly a black rip in the sky appears and begins to eject what seemed to be reaper like beings. This black rip or line in the sky grows bigger and bigger with green electricity.

View attachment 282894
@Tazmodo @Light
"We have the whole wo..."

Ren was interrupted, his warm smile flipped upside down when he looked up at the sky to see it being torn apart, one rip straight through it growing bigger and bigger. Was this a movie? He quickly stood, standing protectively in front of Kelsey. He just felt obligated to do so. He looked at Reed and Adrianna as well.

"What's happening!?"

The Beings started to attack people, it got crazy real fast. Ren summoned blue flames to his fists and readied himself to be attacked by one of the beings.

"Kelsey stay by me."

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