Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
As willpowers were tested, Isabels went berserk, and thirst ran rampant throughout the Dragon's Roar world, Bob was kind of over it. With the small altercation between himself and Akki settled by the appearance of Vance, Ren, and Helena, Bob found himself just giving up for a bit. It wasn't as if he was one of those omnipotent gods with teleportation, and even elevators like those would kill his back. Instead, the Easter bunny decided to lounge back on an open balcony in the city, watching cars go by and silently judging people's clothing choices.

"Your hat is shit, Becky," he whispered, throwing back his bunny hood and staring down "Becky" until she was out of sight, before going back to judging other people. Halfway through a scathing commentary about why James shouldn't wear cargo pants, the owner of the balcony caught the Easter Bunny, shooing him off and sending him sprawling in the streets. "Should... have chosen... f*cking teleportation," he groaned, picking himself up off the sidewalk. "Fat load of hell these eggs are doing!" In a fit of rage, the man quickly bought some cheap alcohol, smashed his eggs in it, called it "eggnog", and drank it. With that, he took to the streets again.

After a bit of wandering, moaning, and hexing people for shit fashion tastes, Bob was kinda beat. Stumbling in an almost drunklike fashion into a warehouse, the exhausted Easter Bunny ended up throwing up all over Revvar's floor before looking up at the man groggily. "Oh, really hit rock bo'om. An' what the hell are you wearing?"

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Light said:
( @The Imperial Flame )
Isabel still in the fresh mud, gripping her head. She couldn't focus at all on what's going on around her. She couldn't defend herself from the attack the Pit-Lord was trying to deliver. His attack would soon...
With nothing to stop him, and rage blinding him to madness, he smashed into Isabel, sending her flying. The flat of the blade hit her, so while it did not pierce her, it did send waves of evil at her. "Come...let me taste your soul..." His mind reached out to hers, trying to knock it unconscious.
LonelyAssassin said:
@Tazmodo @Light
"We have the whole wo..."

Ren was interrupted, his warm smile flipped upside down when he looked up at the sky to see it being torn apart, one rip straight through it growing bigger and bigger. Was this a movie? He quickly stood, standing protectively in front of Kelsey. He just felt obligated to do so. He looked at Reed and Adrianna as well.

"What's happening!?"

The Beings started to attack people, it got crazy real fast. Ren summoned blue flames to his fists and readied himself to be attacked by one of the beings.

"Kelsey stay by me."
Reed looked at them. He didn't know their intentions but he didn't like it. He teleported them back to the rift and tried to put them back whenever they came back. He used his aether to try and close the rift. He manifested golden and purple hands to close the rift.

Jackson got out of the water when he saw the guy going crazy he teleported next to Isabel and made holy fire trap the demonic lord. It burned in a circle around him. "That should stop you." He turned to Isabel. "I don't know whether to smack you or poke you with a stick. Are you ok? It's Jackson. You have the power to bring back your mother's shrine and fix all of this. So come on. What are you waiting for?"
Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at them. He didn't know their intentions but he didn't like it. He teleported them back to the rift and tried to put them back whenever they came back. He used his aether to try and close the rift. He manifested golden and purple hands to close the rift.
Jackson got out of the water when he saw the guy going crazy he teleported next to Isabel and made holy fire trap the demonic lord. It burned in a circle around him. "That should stop you." He turned to Isabel. "I don't know whether to smack you or poke you with a stick. Are you ok? It's Jackson. You have the power to bring back your mother's shrine and fix all of this. So come on. What are you waiting for?"
Xeron , though completing part of the attack (smashing her with fiery evil), was now trapped in a ring of holiness. "You think this will hold me? Even now I corrupt her mind..." Xeron looked around the ring for a sign of weakness. "You are good at your craft young...priest...but I have been fighting fir a long long time. The Pit-Lord screamed a spell, and fiery meteors began to swarm out of the sky and near Isabel. "I am doing only what her father asked of me. "
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Inheritance said:
Sandro, though completing part of the attack (smashing her with fiery evil), was now trapped in a ring of holiness. "You think this will hold me? Even now I corrupt her mind..." Xeron looked around the ring for a sign of weakness. "You are good at your craft young...priest...but I have been fighting fir a long long time. The Pit-Lord screamed a spell, and fiery meteors began to swarm out of the sky and near Isabel. "I am doing only what her father asked of me. "
( ! )

Jackson laughed. "Man I've been in this business far longer then you." He points a finger at the meteor and a beam of light destroys it. He then opens his hand and thousands pour out to destroy them. "Just chill for a moment before I send you to hell. Or kill you permanently."

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Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson laughed. "Man I've been in this business far longer then you." He points a finger at the meteor and a beam of light destroys it. He then opens his hand and thousands pour out to destroy them. "Just chill for a moment before I send you to hell. Or kill you permanently."

Xeron continued this battle while he broke into Isabel's mind. "Young girl..." he whispered, "you have attacked your friends and family...you have destroyed your mother's shrine...what's your excuse for that? Your friends think your mind is weak now..." He continued to whisper in her mind. "They will never look at you again without ahint of doubt...you know this...they will always be afraid of you...look what you've done...Your family...will abandon you..."

While be was doing this, he glared at the priest. "You know nothing of hell!" He surrounded himself in fiery rock, and began pushing the ring outward, so that the priest and Isabel were in it with him. "Break your ring...it can do nothing against me..." he lied.
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Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson laughed. "Man I've been in this business far longer then you." He points a finger at the meteor and a beam of light destroys it. He then opens his hand and thousands pour out to destroy them. "Just chill for a moment before I send you to hell. Or kill you permanently."

"You disobey the father! He tasked me with this, and I can not fail! You know not how to handle this!" In the mind he continued to whisper. "You cause your friends pain...so much pain...you, are dangerous...look and see what you've done...your own father put a demon against you...because he's afraid of you! What have you done?! What would your mother think..." However, as he searched her, he uncovered a horrible truth about her heart, one that could mean doom for him.

Back to the priest: "I shall not kill her..." fire was all around now, "but she must be neutralized. You saw what she did!"
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LonelyAssassin said:
@Tazmodo @Light
"We have the whole wo..."

Ren was interrupted, his warm smile flipped upside down when he looked up at the sky to see it being torn apart, one rip straight through it growing bigger and bigger. Was this a movie? He quickly stood, standing protectively in front of Kelsey. He just felt obligated to do so. He looked at Reed and Adrianna as well.

"What's happening!?"

The Beings started to attack people, it got crazy real fast. Ren summoned blue flames to his fists and readied himself to be attacked by one of the beings.

"Kelsey stay by me."
Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at them. He didn't know their intentions but he didn't like it. He teleported them back to the rift and tried to put them back whenever they came back. He used his aether to try and close the rift. He manifested golden and purple hands to close the rift.
The aether broke apart and failed. The beings burst out of the rift again, this time stronger than before. The rift begins to pulse with power and with each pulse, reality in their area begins to crumble. A few beings move towards the group, blasting their odd fire mixed with electricity at them.

Inheritance said:
Sandro, though completing part of the attack (smashing her with fiery evil), was now trapped in a ring of holiness. "You think this will hold me? Even now I corrupt her mind..." Xeron looked around the ring for a sign of weakness. "You are good at your craft young...priest...but I have been fighting fir a long long time. The Pit-Lord screamed a spell, and fiery meteors began to swarm out of the sky and near Isabel. "I am doing only what her father asked of me. "
Tazmodo said:
( ! )
Jackson laughed. "Man I've been in this business far longer then you." He points a finger at the meteor and a beam of light destroys it. He then opens his hand and thousands pour out to destroy them. "Just chill for a moment before I send you to hell. Or kill you permanently."

Inheritance said:
Xeron continued this battle while he broke into Isabel's mind. "Young girl..." he whispered, "you have attacked your friends and family...you have destroyed your mother's shrine...what's your excuse for that? Your friends think your mind is weak now..." He continued to whisper in her mind. "They will never look at you again without ahint of doubt...you know this...they will always be afraid of you...look what you've done...Your family...will abandon you..."
While be was doing this, he glared at the priest. "You know nothing of hell!" He surrounded himself in fiery rock, and began pushing the ring outward, so that the priest and Isabel were in it with him. "Break your ring...it can do nothing against me..."
Isabella's eyes change from pink to red, the shade of red that Alice had. Isabel slowly stands up, with her own mental hallucinations and the messages Xerox was sending her, Isabel was thrown off the edge mentally and emotionally. Though more emotionally than anything. The mountain itself begins to quake and the people of Greece could feel it. Isabella's body was crackling in power, her skin began to harden as well.

With a roar of anger, a veil of thick diamond coloured power wraps around Isabel. Isabel begins to change power sets as she stands in this veil that the others couldn't see through. Jackson was pushed back by this as well and but to him this transformation is nothing but familiar.

The veil of power unravels and fades away, leaving Isabel standing before them in one of her strongest forms. She was now the Queen of Diamonds. Her skin was sparkling as if it were laced with diamonds and she had a diamond tiara on her head.

There was no power flowing off of her, as if it all faded away. Isabel leans forward and has her right foot merely pushes forward, disappearing the second after. Suddenly Xerox could feel his stomach shift as if he were sitting in a parked car that suddenly rushed forward. Isabel had rushed past him, grabbed him by his tail, and threw him into the air faster than he could perceive it all. Since they were on the tip of a mountain, Xerox was even higher than he usually would be if tossed of the ground and flew out of the mountains range.

Isabel jumps off of the mountain, catching up with him immediately afterwards. She takes a deep breath and roars, releasing one that sounds exactly like a large dragon. With her enchanced roar Xerox's ear drums are at the near point of shattering and the sound waves actually knock him back down into a Greek town. Isabel lands on the ground gently afterwards, waiting for Xerox to stand so she could crush him once more.

The calming sound of sea waves marching toward the shore ringing in his ears, he decided to stay still and listen, with his eyes still closed. He could feel a furry body rubbing against him. He opened his eyes, right before his eyes was Crimson, staring at him with an innocent face with those crimson red eyes that he was named after. He slowly lifted one of his hand sluggishly and petted the black cat, uncontrollably smiled when the cat purred and cuddled with him. He relaxed his whole body, leaning against the tree, leaving all of his weight supported on it. He gazed into the horizon blankly. Rays of sunlight pierced through the cloudless sky, extending endlessly in the sky, the sandy shore was tinted in golden yellow, while the sea glowed in a faint golden aura. For a moment he found himself completely lost and immersed in the grace of the rising sun.

Staring into the horizon blankly with his tired eyes, he laid on the sandy beach while leaning against a tree lazily.

"How long it had been?" He whispered with a barely audible voice, and let out a short sigh.

The sound of the rushing waves continues to echo in the empty and deserted bay.

It had been a long time since Earl decided to leave Dragon's Roar, it was probably for the best. He felt that solitude is just what he need for now. To be honest, he wasn't sure what else will do besides that, he couldn't find an answer, yet.

Escaping my fate for being a demon...can I really do that? What makes me then?

Brother......for you...I will live this life you offer to me the best I could......

Endless streams of thoughts started to flood into his mind.

(*this post need not to be replied, think of it like a status update. Btw, long time no see, buddies.)
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Light said:
The aether broke apart and failed. The beings burst out of the rift again, this time stronger than before. The rift begins to pulse with power and with each pulse, reality in their area begins to crumble. A few beings move towards the group, blasting their odd fire mixed with electricity at them.
Isabella's eyes change from pink to red, the shade of red that Alice had. Isabel slowly stands up, with her own mental hallucinations and the messages Xerox was sending her, Isabel was thrown off the edge mentally and emotionally. Though more emotionally than anything. The mountain itself begins to quake and the people of Greece could feel it. Isabella's body was crackling in power, her skin began to harden as well.

With a roar of anger, a veil of thick diamond coloured power wraps around Isabel. Isabel begins to change power sets as she stands in this veil that the others couldn't see through. Jackson was pushed back by this as well and but to him this transformation is nothing but familiar.

The veil of power unravels and fades away, leaving Isabel standing before them in one of her strongest forms. She was now the Queen of Diamonds. Her skin was sparkling as if it were laced with diamonds and she had a diamond tiara on her head.

There was no power flowing off of her, as if it all faded away. Isabel leans forward and has her right foot merely pushes forward, disappearing the second after. Suddenly Xerox could feel his stomach shift as if he were sitting in a parked car that suddenly rushed forward. Isabel had rushed past him, grabbed him by his tail, and threw him into the air faster than he could perceive it all. Since they were on the tip of a mountain, Xerox was even higher than he usually would be if tossed of the ground and flew out of the mountains range.

Isabel jumps off of the mountain, catching up with him immediately afterwards. She takes a deep breath and roars, releasing one that sounds exactly like a large dragon. With her enchanced roar Xerox's ear drums are at the near point of shattering and the sound waves actually knock him back down into a Greek town. Isabel lands on the ground gently afterwards, waiting for Xerox to stand so she could crush him once more.
It took a while for Xeron to comprehend what had happened. One minute he was breaking her mind, next he was blocked out and laying face down. "Y-you are..." he looked up at her... "C-chaos?" He got to a knee, trying to regenerate the energy to stand. "A...God?" He looked up, griping the sword. He knew there was a slim Chance, if he could stab her through the heart with his cursed vorpal sword he could take her down too. "W-why be a-angry at me?" His voice trying to find strength. "It wasssss your FATHER who put me against you! He said I had to go into your mind! He told me to because he's afraid!" He looked up trying to stand, hoping she was in less connection with her Diety side then he thought. "Oh God of Chaos"
Inheritance said:
It took a while for Xeron to comprehend what had happened. One minute he was breaking her mind, next he was blocked out and laying face down. "Y-you are..." he looked up at her... "C-chaos?" He got to a knee, trying to regenerate the energy to stand. "A...God?" He looked up, griping the sword. He knew there was a slim Chance, if he could stab her through the heart with his cursed vorpal sword he could take her down too. "W-why be a-angry at me?" His voice trying to find strength. "It wasssss your FATHER who put me against you! He said I had to go into your mind! He told me to because he's afraid!" He looked up trying to stand, hoping she was in less connection with her Diety side then he thought. "Oh God of Chaos"
Xerox could feel Isabel's hardened fist in his front row of teeth, sending him back into a line of cars. People begin to run away and disperse as Isabel walks forward towards Xerox. Her high heel boots make their presence known with each step she takes. Isabel raises her hand up, setting razor diamonds towards him, watching as each and every one of them cut through his side. "Disperse." The diamonds break apart into tiny fragments that glimmer in the light around Xerox. "Crush." Suddenly all the diamond fragments condense and grow larger, orbiting around him rapidly while other diamonds smash into his body mercilessly, nearly bludgeoning him to death. Isabel inhales and draws in the diamonds towards her mouth. Xerox was also being pulled towards her as well. The diamonds being pulled towards her form an open circle in front of her mouth and glow brightly in a pure white light. Isabel exhales and fires a blast of condensed transcendent energy with the addition of razor sharp diamond fragments. The beam coming out of her mouth travels through the circle and suddenly becomes a much wider blast when traveling through with pulses of energy occurring every two seconds. The blast slams into Xerox and encases his body entirely, sending him down the block and through a building.

Isabel stops once he's flung away and closes her mouth as small diamond fragments gracefully escape out the corner of her mouth, floating into the air. The diamond circle in front of her breaks apart and fades away the same way. Isabel continues to walk after Xerox, not intending to stop at all until he's crippled.

Maya was sitting up against a wall with her knees brought up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them while her head was resting ontop of her knees. "Y-Yes. I'm fine. Me and fola went on so many cool adventures..." Maya kept her head where it was, not once looking up at temperance. Even as some of her tears hit the ground.



Revvar up at the grown man who was wearing a bunny costume, that stumbled through the door before vomiting all over his floor. "I do hope you're planning on cleaning that up." Revvar looked down briefly at the vomit on the floor before looking back up at Bob. "After that you can leave, unless you're here seeking something from me. But you haven't made a good first impression, so you'd better have a good offer, if you want something from me"

Light said:
Xerox could feel Isabel's hardened fist in his front row of teeth, sending him back into a line of cars. People begin to run away and disperse as Isabel walks forward towards Xerox. Her high heel boots make their presence known with each step she takes. Isabel raises her hand up, setting razor diamonds towards him, watching as each and every one of them cut through his side. "Disperse." The diamonds break apart into tiny fragments that glimmer in the light around Xerox. "Crush." Suddenly all the diamond fragments condense and grow larger, orbiting around him rapidly while other diamonds smash into his body mercilessly, nearly bludgeoning him to death. Isabel inhales and draws in the diamonds towards her mouth. Xerox was also being pulled towards her as well. The diamonds being pulled towards her form an open circle in front of her mouth and glow brightly in a pure white light. Isabel exhales and fires a blast of condensed transcendent energy with the addition of razor sharp diamond fragments. The beam coming out of her mouth travels through the circle and suddenly becomes a much wider blast when traveling through with pulses of energy occurring every two seconds. The blast slams into Xerox and encases his body entirely, sending him down the block and through a building.
Isabel stops once he's flung away and closes her mouth as small diamond fragments gracefully escape out the corner of her mouth, floating into the air. The diamond circle in front of her breaks apart and fades away the same way. Isabel continues to walk after Xerox, not intending to stop at all until he's crippled.
He growls in pain. He realizes she's far from from sane. Perhaps if she was distracted..."I conceed! You have defeated me! But I am not your enemy!" He summoned 3 lesser devils, holding axes. They looked up horrified, but lunged at her as the dark bindings forced them to. Xeron leapt up into the air, still facing her trying to fly away. "YOU'RE KILLING THESE PEOPLE! CALM YOURSELF!" HE YELLED as he sent an Armageddon of meteors at the city and her. He knew well she couldn't be killed, but as long as she didn't use her godhood to control him, he could try to evade back to the father to find what to do. With his mind and voice, he shouted "Be better then me...for I act only in anger, with rash actions. It is too late for me, but if you stop now, the people will blame me-not you. But know if you continue, not even the spirit of your mother will love you. "
GingerBread said:
Maya was sitting up against a wall with her knees brought up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them while her head was resting ontop of her knees. "Y-Yes. I'm fine. Me and fola went on so many cool adventures..." Maya kept her head where it was, not once looking up at temperance. Even as some of her tears hit the ground.

"Really? What kind of adventures?" Temperance sits down beside Maya and holds her knees too, looking towards Maya. "Were they fun adventures Mama?"

Inheritance said:
He growls in pain. He realizes she's far from from sane. Perhaps if she was distracted..."I conceed! You have defeated me! But I am not your enemy!" He summoned 3 lesser devils, holding axes. They looked up horrified, but lunged at her as the dark bindings forced them to. Xeron leapt up into the air, still facing her trying to fly away. "YOU'RE KILLING THESE PEOPLE! CALM YOURSELF!" HE YELLED as he sent an Armageddon of meteors at the city and her. He knew well she couldn't be killed, but as long as she didn't use her godhood to control him, he could try to evade back to the father to find what to do. With his mind and voice, he shouted "Be better then me...for I act only in anger, with rash actions. It is too late for me, but if you stop now, the people will blame me-not you. But know if you continue, not even the spirit of your mother will love you. "
The reason why her power couldn't be felt before is because Isabel was holding it back. She closes her eyes and focuses on the voice in her head, Xerox. When she opens her eyes two grand things happen at the same time. The image of a dragon appears in Xerox's vision and it roars, loud enough to nearly fry but rattle his entire brain. This roar throws their mental off completely. The second thing that happens is that Isabel finally allows her power to be sensed. The pressure of her power spreads throughout the town and acts like a suffocating gravity.

The meteors ended up being crushed due to the thick power of hers in the area like a meteor would burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. Isabel back hands all three lesser devils. Their heads fly off and slam I to cars, pushing the cars to the side due to the force. Isabel looks at her hands, as if she didn't mean to hit them that hard. She seemed to be pulling her punches the entire battle. With one last step, Isabel's arm was suddenly slamming into Xerox's throat, clothe lining him with enough force to make his own throat collaspe. Isabel didn't care about a damn thing he said. She wanted him to shut up both mentally and physically.

Isabel throws him back to the ground and holds him up by his ear once they land. She uses her free hand to punch him in the stomach, knocking him back into a building. Isabel rushes after him, shouldering him. They both travel through the other side of the building and Isabel successfully rolls out her remaining momentum. She touches the ground and has a pillar of transcendent energy and diamonds rain down and encase Xerox. The force alone was enough to hold him in place as it shreds him flesh apart and begins to break bone.
Light said:
"Really? What kind of adventures?" Temperance sits down beside Maya and holds her knees too, looking towards Maya. "Were they fun adventures Mama?"
The reason why her power couldn't be felt before is because Isabel was holding it back. She closes her eyes and focuses on the voice in her head, Xerox. When she opens her eyes two grand things happen at the same time. The image of a dragon appears in Xerox's vision and it roars, loud enough to nearly fry but rattle his entire brain. This roar throws their mental off completely. The second thing that happens is that Isabel finally allows her power to be sensed. The pressure of her power spreads throughout the town and acts like a suffocating gravity.

The meteors ended up being crushed due to the thick power of hers in the area like a meteor would burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. Isabel back hands all three lesser devils. Their heads fly off and slam I to cars, pushing the cars to the side due to the force. Isabel looks at her hands, as if she didn't mean to hit them that hard. She seemed to be pulling her punches the entire battle. With one last step, Isabel's arm was suddenly slamming into Xerox's throat, clothe lining him with enough force to make his own throat collaspe. Isabel didn't care about a damn thing he said. She wanted him to shut up both mentally and physically.

Isabel throws him back to the ground and holds him up by his ear once they land. She uses her free hand to punch him in the stomach, knocking him back into a building. Isabel rushes after him, shouldering him. They both travel through the other side of the building and Isabel successfully rolls out her remaining momentum. She touches the ground and has a pillar of transcendent energy and diamonds rain down and encase Xerox. The force alone was enough to hold him in place as it shreds him flesh apart and begins to break bone.
Xeron had never felt pain like this...he had never seen such force. He knew his only chance was to escape. She wouldn't listen to him, so instead of speaking. He fell to a knee, silenced. He sat there breathing, not speaking, not daring to look up. His thoughts shot out towards her father and the priest. "I was wrong! I have no chance here. My sword is meant for killing god like creatures. He kneeled silent waiting.
Light said:
A rift appears in the ground, pretty far off from them. The black rift with green electricity begins to pulse with power. Each 5 minutes, a burst of negative energy flows out and begins to break reality.
The brothers snap their head towards the rift once they felt it's disturbance. Cole. Yeah I know. He snaps his fingers and the Void portals appear under the horses, shadow, Ryder, and Inaro transporting them into Cole's void realm. Now let's see what this is about. Cole creates a void platform under them lifting them into the air. They watched as the negative energy that was sent out the rift broke reality. So any bright ideas?? Non that's registering in my head right now. He looks at the rift again. They'll be no point in us using our abilities on that thing. It's releasing negative energy, so in theory it'll counteract our powers. Right, theory..you know what that means. Rage energy starts flowing on crimsons left hand. Let's experiment on this theory shall we. Without waiting he fires a small blast of rage energy at the rift. @Light
Light said:
"Really? What kind of adventures?" Temperance sits down beside Maya and holds her knees too, looking towards Maya. "Were they fun adventures Mama?"
The reason why her power couldn't be felt before is because Isabel was holding it back. She closes her eyes and focuses on the voice in her head, Xerox. When she opens her eyes two grand things happen at the same time. The image of a dragon appears in Xerox's vision and it roars, loud enough to nearly fry but rattle his entire brain. This roar throws their mental off completely. The second thing that happens is that Isabel finally allows her power to be sensed. The pressure of her power spreads throughout the town and acts like a suffocating gravity.

The meteors ended up being crushed due to the thick power of hers in the area like a meteor would burn up in the Earth's atmosphere. Isabel back hands all three lesser devils. Their heads fly off and slam I to cars, pushing the cars to the side due to the force. Isabel looks at her hands, as if she didn't mean to hit them that hard. She seemed to be pulling her punches the entire battle. With one last step, Isabel's arm was suddenly slamming into Xerox's throat, clothe lining him with enough force to make his own throat collaspe. Isabel didn't care about a damn thing he said. She wanted him to shut up both mentally and physically.

Isabel throws him back to the ground and holds him up by his ear once they land. She uses her free hand to punch him in the stomach, knocking him back into a building. Isabel rushes after him, shouldering him. They both travel through the other side of the building and Isabel successfully rolls out her remaining momentum. She touches the ground and has a pillar of transcendent energy and diamonds rain down and encase Xerox. The force alone was enough to hold him in place as it shreds him flesh apart and begins to break bone.
The Diamonds that encased Xerox shattered, a very high frequency ringing in the air. Victoria stood behind Isabel, her body completely crystal; well almost all of it a small piece of her heart remains. Victoria raised her arm, and from her finger tips glowing energy flowed. The energy seemed to morph, and it morphed into a battle ax. Victoria gripped the ax and swung it at Isabel's neck.
Inheritance said:
Xeron had never felt pain like this...he had never seen such force. He knew his only chance was to escape. She wouldn't listen to him, so instead of speaking. He fell to a knee, silenced. He sat there breathing, not speaking, not daring to look up. His thoughts shot out towards her father and the priest. "I was wrong! I have no chance here. My sword is meant for killing god like creatures. He kneeled silent waiting.
[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]The Diamonds that encased Xerox shattered, a very high frequency ringing in the air. Victoria stood behind Isabel, her body completely crystal; well almost all of it a small piece of her heart remains. Victoria raised her arm, and from her finger tips glowing energy flowed. The energy seemed to morph, and it morphed into a battle ax. Victoria gripped the ax and swung it at Isabel's neck.

The ax breaks upon contact with Isabel's neck. Isabel swiftly turns around and elbows Victoria in the jaw while doing so. Isabel headbutt a Victoria so hard that she flies back into the car behind them. She stomps her foot and causes the ground to split underneath Victoria and have her fall in. Isabel turns to Xerox, getting ready to fight him once more.
Light said:
The rift takes the blast of rage energy and becomes stronger. The pulses of energy slowly begins to kill them since they're related to reality.
Xeron, for the first time in his life, saw someone help him. He's never seen anyone risk their life for him. This gave him a new drive, with mind and body he shouted "THAT WAS YOUR FRIEND! HOW COULD YOU?!" He leapt up and drove his cursed blade into hethe. Did he hit the heart? He tried...but it was a wonder to him if he did. He used his demonic aura to allow him to hold on to life. However, he did not let all his power do this-he used a party to try and portal the young one who saved him back away from Isabel so that she may live
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Inheritance said:
Xeron, for the first time in his life, saw someone help him. He's never seen anyone risk their life for him. This gave him a new drive, with mind and body he shouted "THAT WAS YOUR FRIEND! HOW COULD YOU?!" He leapt up and drove his cursed blade into hethe. Did he hit the heart? He tried...but it was a wonder to him if he did. He used his demonic aura to allow him to hold on to life. However, he did not let all his power do this-he used a party to try and portal the young one who saved him back away from Isabel so that she may live
( I love how you try to kill her but put no death warning in the post. Doesn't matter anyways. )

The blade hits her heart but has no affect at all. Instead the blade is simply absorbed, disappearing from Xerox's hand and power of summoning it. Isabel grabs his skull with one hand and raises him off the ground. She finally decides on having an actual conversation with him, only to deliver, "What did you say about my mother?" She began to crush his skull, making sure he knew his response would be timed.
Light said:
( I love how you try to kill her but put no death warning in the post. Doesn't matter anyways. )
The blade hits her heart but has no affect at all. Instead the blade is simply absorbed, disappearing from Xerox's hand and power of summoning it. Isabel grabs his skull with one hand and raises him off the ground. She finally decides on having an actual conversation with him, only to deliver, "What did you say about my mother?" She began to crush his skull, making sure he knew his response would be timed.
He was stunned...how did the Vorpal sword-the one meant to slay gods- vanish?! This was beyond his comprehension. Between grunts of pain, he hissed, "I s-said she would not approve! Your father told me to do this, because he fears you and what you will do to him! I am not your enemy! I assume your father wants the best for you!" He yelled frantically. His power was running out. Nothing worked...nothing...so how? "Please...I will serve you...I don't have any quarrel...I just did what your father wanted...and the priest! He said something about your mother...I'll do anything, but know I am not your enemy any more then your father or your friend is!"
Inheritance said:
He was stunned...how did the Vorpal sword-the one meant to slay gods- vanish?! This was beyond his comprehension. Between grunts of pain, he hissed, "I s-said she would not approve! Your father told me to do this, because he fears you and what you will do to him! I am not your enemy! I assume your father wants the best for you!" He yelled frantically. His power was running out. Nothing worked...nothing...so how? "Please...I will serve you...I don't have any quarrel...I just did what your father wanted...and the priest! He said something about your mother...I'll do anything, but know I am not your enemy any more then your father or your friend is!"
Jackson appeared in his ace of spades form. He pulled back in his bow and shot arrows of spades into her shoulder. It pierced deep enough hit bone. He fired two more arrows down her arm. "Allright now let's think about this. What's wrong?"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson appeared in his ace of spades form. He pulled back in his bow and shot arrows of spades into her shoulder. It pierced deep enough hit bone. He fired two more arrows down her arm. "Allright now let's think about this. What's wrong?"
Still flinching in pain, me managed to call out. "Bad call priest. Try to get the others and attack at the same time if you're going to do this..." he was cut off as he yelled out in pain.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson appeared in his ace of spades form. He pulled back in his bow and shot arrows of spades into her shoulder. It pierced deep enough hit bone. He fired two more arrows down her arm. "Allright now let's think about this. What's wrong?"
Inheritance said:
Still flinching in pain, me managed to call out. "Bad call priest. Try to get the others and attack at the same time if you're going to do this..." he was cut off as he yelled out in pain.
Isabel drops Xerox and turns to Jackson in his Ace of Spades form. She looks at the arrows that actually pierced her skin and pulls them out. She glares at Jackson and begins to walk towards him, lightly pushing off of the ground and appearing before him. Her fist smashes into his face and sends him into a car, it seemed like she would have to use a little more strength to send him through buildings. Isabel raises her hand and has a diamond appear in it, walking towards him once more.

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