Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

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  • Athena

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Xeron, still stumbling around, finally gives up on finding civilization. He sits down and lights a patch of land ablaze for warmth. He then sits there in a half sleep phase, waiting for dawn...
Inheritance said:
Xeron travels by himself for a while...searching...At times he doesn't know what he's searching for, only that he wants something...needs something...The more human part of him can still come out on occasion, usually to feel pain, remorse, fear...this was one of those times. He walked in the wild for hours searching...wanting something...needing something...
( @The Imperial Flame )

Suddenly a black rift opens underneath him and sucks him. He ends up falling before Victoria and Isabel inside the rift in reality that they were trying to close. Isabel turns to Xeron and gives him a tired expression since she was still suffering from a hangover. "Who are you?"

Tazmodo said:
Reed stood up. "Well your highness I am the former jester of the Van Fen'rir castle and I am now here to protect you and keep you happy." He bowed. "My name is Reed I have no last name nor middle name and I don't know about any siblings. I will allow you to live here with me until the day you are safe and no longer need me. Please allow me to stay with you until that time comes."
"We should get back into contact with Kelsey and Ren...just to check up on them before I stay the night." Adrianna seemed a bit nervous. Though it wasn't defined if she was nervous for herself.

LonelyAssassin said:
Ren is taken by surprise, he is a little red and puzzled, his fingers fiddling with one another you could see the nerves literally radiate from him.
"Uh...well, you see... Uh... I don't... I never really.... Uh." He takes a deep breath, and exhales - waiting a moment, "I've never really experienced such a thing..." He looked away, he was slightly hurt - being lonely wasn't fun for him, not with his personality. He tried to quickly move on.

"Uh, how many Siblings do you have?"
Kelsey raises one finger and closes her eyes, already having this question in the bag. "I have ele-....." Kelsey's voice dies and her hand grows stiff. She's seen many of her siblings die because of this and she didn't know how many she's lost while she herself had died. Kelsey sits down, covers her face, and begins to sob.

GingerBread said:
Vance ignored the feeling he was getting since he was immortal for the time being. He continued walking forwards, towards the top of the mountain without a care in the world, well at least without a care about getting killed right there.



Colin realised that he was near a crazy man, who also had a gun. He figured that he shouldn't make any sudden movements or say anything that might set the man off. "Y-Yeah. E-Everyone e-else is in th-that d-direction. I-If you h-hurry you might be a-able to c-catch up to th-them" Colin lied, hoping he was convincing enough to get the man to go away. "I-I was o-ordered to s-stay here and t-tell a-any latecomers wh-where they w-were"

Suddenly Itami's scythe flies towards Vance. It bounces off Vance's immortal chest and flies back to Itami's hand. "Leave or die...I'll only warn you once."

"Great! Go World War 1!" Negative Vance skips off and jumps, clicking his heels together as he does so.
Light said:
( I already knew you were going to do that posts ago. )
Each arrow was simply sucked away into the smoke and was spit out in the form of Astral light. The smoke travels into the air and spreads out like a cloud. It begins to rain Astral light down upon the battlefield.

( ! ) She couldn't answer since she was getting killed. She decides to make it her goal to at least leave a mark before she dies. With all off the elements ando energy within her body, she explodes. All fires, all different types of winds, nether, aether, different types of darkness, and light burst forth from her body in one swift explosion that would spread for miles.
(I know, The technique is used many times)

Cole smiled as Ryder used all attack similar to the Hunter. In order to protect himself Cole created a void above him to sunk in any astral light that came towards him. The Hunter on the other hand was taken out and turned to ash by from various light hitting him. The Spell circle fades away, and Cole takes a draft from his cigarette. He turns his head to the distance and floats into a different void portal leaving Ryder alone.

As the explosion Inaro used TK to quickly pull himself and the body away from it. The next thing he did was create a force field trying to contain it. The field was big enough to contain it but wasn't strong enough to last. Inaro is running low on steam especially since he's been in the Elder State for too long. He needed some help. He eyes shine brighter as he spoke. Cole I need your help come quick. He spoke out to the open as the explosion started leaking through the field. Soon Cole appeared smoking a fresh cigarette. He looked at Inaro then at the explosion. He clapped his hands together and several void portals opened up around the field. Like before they started swirling acting like a vortex sucking in the explosion once Inaro dropped what was left of the field. When it was all said and down the void portals closed and Cole stuck his fist out towards Inaro. Inaro fist bumped with Cole passing on the information then collapsed to the ground. Cole sighs and grabs Inaro stepping into a portal. He appeared back at the field where he left Ryder. He lightly tossed Inaro to the side and looks at Ryder. So where did we leave off??

Crimson awoke from a nice sleep. He stood up and stretched his arms out. He turned looking around and the first thing he notices is Tempest. Uhhh??? Yo? @Light
Light said:
( @The Imperial Flame )
Suddenly a black rift opens underneath him and sucks him. He ends up falling before Victoria and Isabel inside the rift in reality that they were trying to close. Isabel turns to Xeron and gives him a tired expression since she was still suffering from a hangover. "Who are you?"

"We should get back into contact with Kelsey and Ren...just to check up on them before I stay the night." Adrianna seemed a bit nervous. Though it wasn't defined if she was nervous for herself.

Kelsey raises one finger and closes her eyes, already having this question in the bag. "I have ele-....." Kelsey's voice dies and her hand grows stiff. She's seen many of her siblings die because of this and she didn't know how many she's lost while she herself had died. Kelsey sits down, covers her face, and begins to sob.

Suddenly Itami's scythe flies towards Vance. It bounces off Vance's immortal chest and flies back to Itami's hand. "Leave or die...I'll only warn you once."

"Great! Go World War 1!" Negative Vance skips off and jumps, clicking his heels together as he does so.
Reed nods. "Ok then we'll go now." He teleported them to Kelsey and Ren. "Hey you to Adrianna wanted to check up on things. What's been up?"
Light said:
( @The Imperial Flame )
Suddenly a black rift opens underneath him and sucks him. He ends up falling before Victoria and Isabel inside the rift in reality that they were trying to close. Isabel turns to Xeron and gives him a tired expression since she was still suffering from a hangover. "Who are you?"
Xeron is appalled that these two could just teleport him there. He looks at them both, and not believing they can pose a real threat, rises to his full height. "That's an interesting question. A bad one, unintelligent though...a better question-how did you do that?
"We did do it, I got here the same way. She is having a hangover, excuse her." Victoria said, Plucking a crystal from the ground nearby. She Stared intently at it then tossed it up into the air. It exploded in a puff of pink dust. "Hmm, Seems to have a explosive properties. Interesting, Perhaps when combined with onyx, it could produce a smoke screen." Victoria said, talking to herself and continuing to spew properties.



Vance looked down at where the scythe had hit him, then up at Itami, then back down to his chest and then finally back up to Itami. He then burst out laughing and held up one finger, implying that he wanted Itami to give him a second to recover. Vance eventually stopped laughing, after a minute or so. "Sorry, That's just hilarious. You can try to kill me if you want, it's not going to work though. God you're stupid"



Colin breathed a sigh of relief as Negative Vance skipped off. 'That was too close, I just hope he doesn't come back or hurt anyone else or himself' Colin shook his head and lowered himself to the ground before laying on his back and staring up at the clear sky, trying to relax, since having an insane man with a gun come up to him put him on edge.

Xeron was impressed they didn't pursue the question, or dodge it. "Xeron is my name. Xeron Zaydar. May I ask yours, or is that too bold?" He hunched over a bit, or at least no longer stood up straight. While he was well versed in portals, he was still greatly impressed about what these two could do. "Hangover? You still got any alcohol left over? I could use a few barrels..."


It was Isabel's first time drinking and it was only a bottle that got her drunk. She continues to lean on the scythe to help her get to her destination. "Neither of us pulled you in here. It was the rift." Isabel gestures around them towards the scenery. "It's like a rip in reality, not a good thing. I'm trying to close it...we're almost at its core anyways." Isabel continues moving, completely forgetting to introduce herself.

GingerBread said:
Vance looked down at where the scythe had hit him, then up at Itami, then back down to his chest and then finally back up to Itami. He then burst out laughing and held up one finger, implying that he wanted Itami to give him a second to recover. Vance eventually stopped laughing, after a minute or so. "Sorry, That's just hilarious. You can try to kill me if you want, it's not going to work though. God you're stupid"



Colin breathed a sigh of relief as Negative Vance skipped off.
'That was too close, I just hope he doesn't come back or hurt anyone else or himself' Colin shook his head and lowered himself to the ground before laying on his back and staring up at the clear sky, trying to relax, since having an insane man with a gun come up to him put him on edge.

( ! ) Itami begins to warp reality, use aether, and manipulates Vance's supernatural properties. Suddenly, Vance could die once more. "What was that?"

Light said:
( @LonelyAssassin )

Adrianna sees Kelsey sobbing on a bench with her face in her hands. Her odd feeling of wanting to come through for Kelsey was luckily correct. Adrianna sits down beside her crying sister and looks up at Ren, no anger in her eyes. She was just trying to understand the situation. "What happened?"
Ren felt bad, he didn't realise how his question would hurt her - though she had not long ago died, family problems. There was a lot of things that could be the cause of this, he was just the catalyst. He puts an arm on her back.

"I'm sorry."

His attention then turns to Adrianna who turned up suddenly, she looked familiar. Oh that's right, she was also in the room when the attack happened, he just stood there and let it all unfold.

"We were playing 21 Questions, I... asked her something sensitive."
Light said:
Ryder leaves his smoke form and solidifies. The crescents around his staff fly towards Cole and each of them tries to attack a limb. Ryder begins to flow again while they keep Cole distracted, attempting to take his centaur form.
Tempest looks at Crimson but turns his head away, refusing to acknowledge him.

( @LonelyAssassin )

Adrianna sees Kelsey sobbing on a bench with her face in her hands. Her odd feeling of wanting to come through for Kelsey was luckily correct. Adrianna sits down beside her crying sister and looks up at Ren, no anger in her eyes. She was just trying to understand the situation. "What happened?"

It was Isabel's first time drinking and it was only a bottle that got her drunk. She continues to lean on the scythe to help her get to her destination. "Neither of us pulled you in here. It was the rift." Isabel gestures around them towards the scenery. "It's like a rip in reality, not a good thing. I'm trying to close it...we're almost at its core anyways." Isabel continues moving, completely forgetting to introduce herself.

( ! ) Itami begins to warp reality, use aether, and manipulates Vance's supernatural properties. Suddenly, Vance could die once more. "What was that?"
Xerox, despite himself, was impressed. "What would you be doubt that for? I'll help in any way I can..." Xerox was unsure if these could be the one to lead him to greatness. "Why are you trying to close it?" Xenon smirked, then added "strange questions for strange people. And I didn't catch the name. "
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LonelyAssassin said:
Ren felt bad, he didn't realise how his question would hurt her - though she had not long ago died, family problems. There was a lot of things that could be the cause of this, he was just the catalyst. He puts an arm on her back.
"I'm sorry."

His attention then turns to Adrianna who turned up suddenly, she looked familiar. Oh that's right, she was also in the room when the attack happened, he just stood there and let it all unfold.

"We were playing 21 Questions, I... asked her something sensitive."
"What did you ask her? Adrianna raises an eyebrow and leans closer to Ren. "Kelsey isn't one to cry. Not like this."

Inheritance said:
Xerox, despite himself, was impressed. "What would you be doubt that for? I'll help in any way I can..." Xerox was unsure if these could be the one to lead him to greatness. "Why are you trying to close it?" Xenon smirked, then added "strange questions for strange people. And I didn't catch the name. "
"We're trying to close them because they're destroying reality itself. Which is why they're called rifts in reality." Isabel keeps moving until there's a glowing green and black orb in the distance.
Light said:
"We're trying to close them because they're destroying reality itself. Which is why they're called rifts in reality." Isabel keeps moving until there's a glowing green and black orb in the
Xerox decided to play it dumb, lest these people turn out to be a real threat. "AHilary yes. Forgive me, I know little in these matters. I try to stay on the physical plane...what can I do to help-if any. Honestly no more liquor?" Xerox really could just a drink right about then. He hadn't ever dealt with anything like this.

"God you must be deaf. I said, You. Can't. Kill. Me."
Vance shook his head and looked over at Itami. "Was I clear enough that time, or should I say it even slower? Just so you can actually comprehend it since you seem to be Slow. Why do you care if I'm on this certain bit of mountain anyway? I was just passing over it and I don't see your name on it anywhere. So why are you putting on the Big Bad 'I'm going to kill you act'?"

Light said:
"What did you ask her? Adrianna raises an eyebrow and leans closer to Ren. "Kelsey isn't one to cry. Not like this."
Ren leaned closer to Adrianna and whispered his question into her ear, he didn't want Kelsey to think about it again and set her off even more. He then leaned back and looked at Kelsey Sadly, his heart riddled with guilt.
( @LonelyAssassin @CelticSol @GingerBread @Tazmodo @MTchaos1134 )


The black and green orb seemed to burst with immense power. This power seemed to be not only giving Victoria and Xerox a feeling that they shouldn't be there but it also began to slowly kill them. It was like a poison to their existence.

"It'll only continue to rip reality apart and open more rifts if I don't close it." Isabel walks over to the orb and touches it, instantly she begins to absorb it. "This should be over quic-" Isabel begins to scream and drops to her knees as the rift orb willingly rushes into her with power equal to her own. Her hand that was touching the orb was holding her up. Inside of her mind, the mental block that was put on her so she wouldn't suffer from mental trauma due to her past shatters. She could feel the rift core pulsing throughout her body, poisoning it as it did. "Belllllaaaa!~ It's me! Don't you remember?" A voice bombards Isabel's mind while the chaos in her mind occurs. Memories that were locked away due to the mental block floods back, even the memories of the split personalities during their time in the lab. Christina, Alice, Morgan, Alexandria, and Ashlyn. All the memories they had that was destroyed when they fused back together into her come back at the same time. "We'll be together again...once more. Don't worry...nothing will hurt anymore. Just give in." Isabel couldn't focus on this voice in her head and if she could, she wouldn't understand a word.

Around Victoria and Xerox, beings began to rise out of the ground around them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/f3deb3f6e5fbe4e59b2d230c6c572dcc.jpg.2255eefe6c222be757118c97cd199469.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126105" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/f3deb3f6e5fbe4e59b2d230c6c572dcc.jpg.2255eefe6c222be757118c97cd199469.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The rift began to quake as Isabel finally absorbed the core completely and collapsed. All the negative versions of others that escaped were sucked back into the rift from all places around the mortal realm. These 5 beings were about to attack Xerox and Victoria but they simply stopped...and flowed into Isabel, seemingly causing her more pain.

The rift seems to collapse and fall apart with an eruption of dark mist. Once the dark mist passes over them all, they could find themselves on Mount Olympus on Greece with Itami and Vance. Isabel was laying on her stomach tightly gripping the snow on the ground, closing her eyes and biting her tongue to hide her screams of pain. Black and green electricity was flowing off of her body. With all the burning pain in her mind, Isabel hears one thing in her mind before she passes out. "That's was only the first of many."



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LonelyAssassin said:
Ren leaned closer to Adrianna and whispered his question into her ear, he didn't want Kelsey to think about it again and set her off even more. He then leaned back and looked at Kelsey Sadly, his heart riddled with guilt.
Once Adrianna hears the question, she holds Kelsey and begins to cry too.

Inheritance said:
Though he attempted to stay calm, he was unable to keep composure. He yelled out, trying to conjure fire that would destroy his foes, yet felt the magic he called for slip away. He backed up drawing a blade, then saw Isabel's spectacular stunt. When it was over, he saw her laying down, passed out. "True power...unlike any I've ever seen..." he murmured. "Where is she from...this is true power..."
Itami notices the fact that his daughter, a man, and another woman dropped out of dark mist on the mountain. He forgets about Vance and rushes over to Isabel, making an attempt to pick her up. Once he makes contact with her he takes note that the electricity is harmless and completely carries her in his arms. He turns to Xerox with concerned eyes. "What happened?!"
Light said:
Once Adrianna hears the question, she holds Kelsey and begins to cry too.
Itami notices the fact that his daughter, a man, and another woman dropped out of dark mist on the mountain. He forgets about Vance and rushes over to Isabel, making an attempt to pick her up. Once he makes contact with her he takes note that the electricity is harmless and completely carries her in his arms. He turns to Xerox with concerned eyes. "What happened?!"
Xeron hasn't lifted his gaze from the girl. But when she is lifted he glares at the man. "She used her power to combat something...a rift...and expected it to work out apparently." He thought for a moment. "But she did it...how I don't know, for I've never seen someone able to use such power. " He sheathed the sword and started storming over to the man cradling the girl. "Who are you...and who is she" His eyes seemed to glow with anticipation. "Tell me your secrets..." He reached out with magic into the man's mind, attempting to search his memories for knowledge of the girl.
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Light said:
Once Adrianna hears the question, she holds Kelsey and begins to cry too.
Of course, Ren looked at them both, his head moving side to side as a worried expression crossed his face. He didn't know what to do so just hugged both of them. He didn't know what it was like to lose a sibling, especially so many so quickly, but it obviously wasn't going to be a good feeling

"Everything is going to be alright. You have each other Now."
Inheritance said:
Xeron hasn't lifted his gaze from the girl. But when she is lifted he glares at the man. "She used her power to combat something...a rift...and expected it to work out apparently." He thought for a moment. "But she did it...how I don't know, for I've never seen someone able to use such power. " He sheathed the sword and started storming over to the man cradling the girl. "Who are you...and who is she" His eyes seemed to glow with anticipation. "Tell me your secrets..." He reached out with magic into the man's mind, attempting to search his memories for knowledge of the girl.
Itami glares and completely blocks Xerox out of his mind. He causes Xerox's power to diminish and forces his body to move against him. Xerox's body ended up bowing before Itami against his own will. "Who I am is none of your business. Don't you come close to my daughter..." Itami begins to walk off and gives Xerox his power and free will back. "I want you all off of my mountian in thirty seconds." Itami wasn't a friendly man but now he's even angrier. ( ! )

LonelyAssassin said:
Of course, Ren looked at them both, his head moving side to side as a worried expression crossed his face. He didn't know what to do so just hugged both of them. He didn't know what it was like to lose a sibling, especially so many so quickly, but it obviously wasn't going to be a good feeling
"Everything is going to be alright. You have each other Now."
"Everything won't be alright. How could you say that?! Our family has been wiped out and torn apart over some stupid feud over whom will become ruler. Nothing is okay!" Kelsey violently shakes out of Ren's grasp and breathes heavily. She was now angry with her sadness. "How could you say that?!" Kelsey turns to Ren and begins to hit him frantically.
Light said:
"Everything won't be alright. How could you say that?! Our family has been wiped out and torn apart over some stupid feud over whom will become ruler. Nothing is okay!" Kelsey violently shakes out of Ren's grasp and breathes heavily. She was now angry with her sadness. "How could you say that?!" Kelsey turns to Ren and begins to hit him frantically.
Ren holds up his arms to guard him from Kelsey's strike, she hit hard even without her powers, his arms didn't help him much so he quickly grabbed her wrists and tried to restrain her from hitting him. He looked sadly at her,

"Because there is still something that you can do, you've still got your Sister and i'm sure you've got others left. If they've got any feelings they'll understand too that this is tearing their lives apart, you still have a chance to unite what's left of you family. Pick up the pieces and make something new of them. Something wonderful."

He let go of her wrists and quickly hugged her, his hand gently rubbing her back.

"Anything's Possible, You're a walking Miracle Kelsey."
Victoria speaks up, her eyes strong and confident. "Excuse me, Sir . Could you perhaps direct me to the best healer you know?" She glanced at her now crystal fingernails, and sparkling silver eyes.


Once everyone showed up, Vance began walking off. He got off of the mountain before Itami could threaten him for a second time. Once off of the mountain, Vance looked around for something to do before shrugging and going into his darkness realm, away from everyone else, apart from Luna and anyone who had darkness manipulation and wanted to come and annoy him. But all in all, he was relatively safe from anyone deciding to annoy or try to kill him.
Light said:
Itami glares and completely blocks Xerox out of his mind. He causes Xerox's power to diminish and forces his body to move against him. Xerox's body ended up bowing before Itami against his own will. "Who I am is none of your business. Don't you come close to my daughter..." Itami begins to walk off and gives Xerox his power and free will back. "I want you all off of my mountian in thirty seconds." Itami wasn't a friendly man but now he's even angrier.
Xeron is again shocked by such power. Rarely was his matched when it came to invading the mind. "Sir I meant no harm. I simply wish to know the extent and source of such power. You see I, look only for a master to serve. " Xeron bows again, this time of free will. "I have no purpose. And I was brought here. Call it what you will, Fate, Mistake, Luck-but know that I am a faithful servant, and was only curious to the power she holds. Yet you seem to hold the same power...May I ask who you are, not as one who wants your secrets, but as one who is awestruck by such might!"
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