Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at the shoes and he had given up. Rip to his bank account. He knew he should have gone to Walmart. In all honesty he had hoped she would just wear some of his clothes or maybe by some PJs. "If you want them go ahead." He tried to mask his pain. He didn't want to go back in his word.
Adrianna takes the shoes without hesitation and heads off towards the pants section. She sets her sights on the most expensive pair of pants and takes it as well. So far she had a total of 7,000 dollars.

The being begins to fall to the floor when hot by the objects but tries her best to get her words out. "This won't kill me. Not unnnttiilll we spot the rift~" She begins to hum a child's song as she's brutally beaten by the objects. "Hehehehehe!~"

LonelyAssassin said:
Ki rolled his eyes at her comment that completely nullified his own as he is them pulled away with Kelsey, "Oh come on, that's so soppy, you're gonna make me puke."
As she looking around Ki's mood was killed and his hair became Cyan again and Ren returned, he quickly used his spare hand to put his Glasses back on to regain his vision. He looked around and then looked at Kelsey.

"Thank you Kelsey."
"It's alright, I did mean it anyways." Kelsey finds a phone but notictes that it needs 50 cents to operate. "Um.....help?"

GingerBread said:

Vance looked blankly at Hermes.
"You know, you're almost on Apollo's level of stupidity. Almost. Serious your fucking stupid if you think that's me. For one, I don't wear white and orange. And I'm not fucking Blue, do I look like I have blue skin? Are you that fucking stupid? This is why you're only the bitch boy of the gods and nothing more" Vance started walking down towards his inversed clone, noting that his shadow had seemed to have disappeared .

( ! )
"So either you're a complete Copy of me, which is unlikely since you waved at me. So you have exactly five seconds to tell me who the actual fuck you are, where my shadow has gone and why the fuck you look like me. Because so help me god, I will fucking end you if you give me even the slightest reason." Vance glared at his inverse clone, taking note of how similar it looked to him and figuring that it had the same weaknesses as he did.



( ! )Colin placed up a hand in defense of the blast of piss that was sent towards his eyes. Colin moved Wade behind him before standing in front of him protectively, noting that he didn't seem to have a shadow anymore. Colin had his staff appear as he looked towards the inversed clone of Wade. "W-Who are you? A-Are you a friend of W-Wades?"

Hermes thought Vance was pretty fashionable and that was why. Luna did actually like the color white after all so he only assumed. Hermes flies off after this, leaving Vance alone to deal with things.

The negative version of him and sits down, calm as ever. "My name is Vance. Your shadow is right here." He points to himself. " I look like you because I am the actual you. No scam, no bullshit." This one seemed pretty calm and not that into violence.

"pppppyyyyyYYYYYAAAAAAHHH!!!!!" The negative version of Wade squeals and gets jittery. He jumps on to Colin as if he had fucking rabies and begins to claw, piss, and bite.
Victoria still says nothing, but the crystals begin to clink off one another making a music box sounding lullaby. This drowns out the others voice completely, and Victoria finally stands but does not open her eyes. She just stands there, swaying to the lullaby.



(What is this rift you speak of? xD )

( ! ) "Okay, so say you are me or my shadow or whatever bullcrap you're trying to sell. How the hell do I get my Shadow back? Do I just need to to kill you? Because I can do that, if that's all it takes." Vance shrugged as he took out his dagger, pointing it towards his 'shadow'.



Colin quickly pushed Negative-Wade off of him as he healed himself. Colin then tapped his staff into the ground and had a cage made of tree roots spring up around Negative-Wade, trapping him.
"I-I guess y-you're not a-a friend of W-Wade's then"

@Light (This better not be a massive quest I have to go on.)
The Crystals all stop, and there is a scary second of silence before Victoria screams, the ground shaking. Every crystalline substance within a 30 mile radius shattered. The scream continued as Victoria's face turned from one of pain to one of anger. Another part of her heart became crystalline, as her emotions flared and near hundreds of millions of grape sized shards flew at the doppelganger.


(Well if i can't kill her, I can still make her bleed.(} :) )(>BD))
Isabel felt the rush of danger and figured this would only take her a few hours now. She had previously dried her skin and her hair. She was wearing a long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans mostly because she threw just about anything on. Isabel was in the mortal realm once more, speeding in a car she remembered how to drive because of Alice. She was still very drunk hitting high speeds in a fast car. Isabel was on a wide but empty road heading towards the pulling sensation. In the horizon she could see a large black rip in a mountain. It seemed to be the rift in reality that Azriel mentioned that Isabel had to take care of. She begins to go faster to save time on the hours it will take to reach it. Loving the feeling of the danger once more.

GingerBread said:
( ! ) "Okay, so say you are me or my shadow or whatever bullcrap you're trying to sell. How the hell do I get my Shadow back? Do I just need to to kill you? Because I can do that, if that's all it takes." Vance shrugged as he took out his dagger, pointing it towards his 'shadow'.



Colin quickly pushed Negative-Wade off of him as he healed himself. Colin then tapped his staff into the ground and had a cage made of tree roots spring up around Negative-Wade, trapping him.
"I-I guess y-you're not a-a friend of W-Wade's then"

@Light (This better not be a massive quest I have to go on.)
The negative Vance shrugs his shoulders and sits up. Suddenly his grin becomes wide and he chuckles maniacally. "Maybe! There's always fun in a good killing!" Scratch bring calm or an opposite of Vance, this one was insane just like the others.

Negative Wade begins to thrash around, attempting to escape the cage.


(Well if i can't kill her, I can still make her bleed.(} :) )(>BD))
( Please don't )

The negative Victoria holds out her hand and releases the power she's been charging. The crystals burst off of her skin and begin to push away all things around her like a protective bubble.

( ! ) Vance stepped backwards as Anti-Vance started being insane."So, I'm just meant to kill you? That will be it? I can deal with that. Though if that doesn't work, then I'll probably just torture you until I do get my shadow back" Vance fired shards of darkness at Anti-Vance's forehead, neck, heart and in between his eyes.



Colin stepped back from the Cage that Anti-Wade resided in. He picked up Wade as he walked backwards, keeping the cage and Anti-Wade in his view. Colin noticed that Wade didn't have a shadow and started to put two and two together. "Y-You're W-Wade's shadow aren't y-you? O-Or y-you took i-it, r-right?" Colin hoped he could talk to the seemingly Rabid Anti version of Wade.

GingerBread said:
( ! ) Vance stepped backwards as Anti-Vance started being insane."So, I'm just meant to kill you? That will be it? I can deal with that. Though if that doesn't work, then I'll probably just torture you until I do get my shadow back" Vance fired shards of darkness at Anti-Vance's forehead, neck, heart and in between his eyes.



Colin stepped back from the Cage that Anti-Wade resided in. He picked up Wade as he walked backwards, keeping the cage and Anti-Wade in his view. Colin noticed that Wade didn't have a shadow and started to put two and two together. "Y-You're W-Wade's shadow aren't y-you? O-Or y-you took i-it, r-right?" Colin hoped he could talk to the seemingly Rabid Anti version of Wade.

Negative Vance gets hit and tumbles to the floor. He was facing the sky with a dazed expression. "Torture me more Mr. Wonka." He seemed to be talking to Willy Wonka in the sky. "You gotta love the candles this weekend Charlie Brown! Right Gat?" Negative Vance looks towards Vance once he says this.

The Negative Wade continues to thrash around. It completely ignores Colin's words but tries it's hardest to kill him.
Light said:
"It's alright, I did mean it anyways." Kelsey finds a phone but notictes that it needs 50 cents to operate. "Um.....help?"
Ren blushed slightly and looked away. He then realized that they were probably somewhere in America, from the currency stated on the phone machine anyways. He blinked and looked at Kelsey, an awkward grin stretched across his face "Uh.. well you see I only have British Currency."
Victoria sighed as she directed the crystals to strike more, stalling the weird ugly version of herself . Victoria ran out of the building into the parking lot, she fell to the ground exhausted.


( ! )Vance had the shards of darkness run through all of the Anti-Vance's body as they joined up together. Vance then had absolute Darkness surround just the Anti-Vance before he completely disintegrated him to nothing.



Colin just watched the Negative wade with caution as he continued to thrash around in the Cage

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Light said:
Adrianna takes the shoes without hesitation and heads off towards the pants section. She sets her sights on the most expensive pair of pants and takes it as well. So far she had a total of 7,000 dollars.
The being begins to fall to the floor when hot by the objects but tries her best to get her words out. "This won't kill me. Not unnnttiilll we spot the rift~" She begins to hum a child's song as she's brutally beaten by the objects. "Hehehehehe!~"

"It's alright, I did mean it anyways." Kelsey finds a phone but notictes that it needs 50 cents to operate. "Um.....help?"

Hermes thought Vance was pretty fashionable and that was why. Luna did actually like the color white after all so he only assumed. Hermes flies off after this, leaving Vance alone to deal with things.

The negative version of him and sits down, calm as ever. "My name is Vance. Your shadow is right here." He points to himself. " I look like you because I am the actual you. No scam, no bullshit." This one seemed pretty calm and not that into violence.

"pppppyyyyyYYYYYAAAAAAHHH!!!!!" The negative version of Wade squeals and gets jittery. He jumps on to Colin as if he had fucking rabies and begins to claw, piss, and bite.
Reed sat down and watched her go for the pants. At least she was happy and that's all he cared about. He didn't know why but he wanted to keep her happy. He might have needed to tap into his Dragon's Roar saving that he kept or the organization saving he had stashed away. "Are you having fun?" He said with a smile.
LonelyAssassin said:
Ren blushed slightly and looked away. He then realized that they were probably somewhere in America, from the currency stated on the phone machine anyways. He blinked and looked at Kelsey, an awkward grin stretched across his face "Uh.. well you see I only have British Currency."
"You know the nice things I said about you to Ki? I take it all back." Kelsey groans and walks over to a chair, sitting down in it to rest her head in her hands. "What are we going to do?"

The negative Victoria breaks apart into pieces of crystal and flows towards Victoria. She reforms and squats down, brushing her hair roughly. "We're gonna play doll house first before I throw you into the rift! Okay?!" She had a twisted grin on her face. "We'll be the best of friends!" She begins to drag Victoria by her hair towards a car.

GingerBread said:
( ! )Vance had the shards of darkness run through all of the Anti-Vance's body as they joined up together. Vance then had absolute Darkness surround just the Anti-Vance before he completely disintegrated him to nothing.



Colin just watched the Negative wade with caution as he continued to thrash around in the Cage

The absolute darkness harmlessly passes over Negative Vance. He claps his hands swiftly and stomps his feet as if he were excited. He was releasing a stupid chuckle as well. "By the way! Neither you or I can die anymore until one of us are thrown into the rift! LOOK FOR YOURSELF?????" He says a statement in the form of an eager question. He attempts to obliterate Vance with absolute darkness as well but it useless passes over him. "So. Can I toss you in the rift buddy ol pal?"

The negative Wade begins to chew on the cage.

Tazmodo said:
Reed sat down and watched her go for the pants. At least she was happy and that's all he cared about. He didn't know why but he wanted to keep her happy. He might have needed to tap into his Dragon's Roar saving that he kept or the organization saving he had stashed away. "Are you having fun?" He said with a smile.
"Oh course I am! This place has so much to look at. I never knew travel would be this amazing. Reed, how would this look on me?" She presents a shirt to him, setting down all the bags of clothes she intends to have Reed by for her down as well.

( The lucky winner iiiiissss @Embaga Elder )

The old queen appears before Inaro, with hatred in her eyes. "You...." She raises her hand and fires a blast of cosmic fire at him.
Light said:
"You know the nice things I said about you to Ki? I take it all back." Kelsey groans and walks over to a chair, sitting down in it to rest her head in her hands. "What are we going to do?"
The negative Victoria breaks apart into pieces of crystal and flows towards Victoria. She reforms and squats down, brushing her hair roughly. "We're gonna play doll house first before I throw you into the rift! Okay?!" She had a twisted grin on her face. "We'll be the best of friends!" She begins to drag Victoria by her hair towards a car.

The absolute darkness harmlessly passes over Negative Vance. He claps his hands swiftly and stomps his feet as if he were excited. He was releasing a stupid chuckle as well. "By the way! Neither you or I can die anymore until one of us are thrown into the rift! LOOK FOR YOURSELF?????" He says a statement in the form of an eager question. He attempts to obliterate Vance with absolute darkness as well but it useless passes over him. "So. Can I toss you in the rift buddy ol pal?"

The negative Wade begins to chew on the cage.

"Oh course I am! This place has so much to look at. I never knew travel would be this amazing. Reed, how would this look on me?" She presents a shirt to him, setting down all the bags of clothes she intends to have Reed by for her down as well.

( The lucky winner iiiiissss @Embaga Elder )

The old queen appears before Inaro, with hatred in her eyes. "You...." She raises her hand and fires a blast of cosmic fire at him.
Reed looked at the shirt. "It looks great just let me know when your ready to check out." He looked at the bags and could see his bank account diminishing by the second. "Hey what if we just shoplift and spare me the money massacre." He made sure he was quiet enough so no one else could hear.

"Wait. So while you're alive and not in whatever rift you're talking about, I'm immortal? I can't be killed or seemingly even get hurt. And I don't seem to share pain with you or anything... Okay, just give me a second" Vance walked away from his negative version, going just out of earshot from him. "Yo Grimm, you still around and stalking me? I've got a offer for you"



Colin just kept watching the Negative Wade as he chewed on the Cage. Colin was constantly repairing the cage every time Negative wade made even a dent in it.

The Negative Victoria's hand would start bleeding, as regular Victoria's hair is pure crystal. Regular Victoria would savagely bite Negative's calf. Then claw her arm with her fingernails. All while saying words in Latin. "Vitreus incido rota"(Crystal Slash tires) she screamed, and all the cars in the parking lot, tires were slashed open.

Tazmodo said:
Reed looked at the shirt. "It looks great just let me know when your ready to check out." He looked at the bags and could see his bank account diminishing by the second. "Hey what if we just shoplift and spare me the money massacre." He made sure he was quiet enough so no one else could hear.
"I think I might be done. Should I get more stuff?" Adrianna looks around at the near empty store since she's practically collected all the clothes.

GingerBread said:
"Wait. So while you're alive and not in whatever rift you're talking about, I'm immortal? I can't be killed or seemingly even get hurt. And I don't seem to share pain with you or anything... Okay, just give me a second" Vance walked away from his negative version, going just out of earshot from him. "Yo Grimm, you still around and stalking me? I've got a offer for you"



Colin just kept watching the Negative Wade as he chewed on the Cage. Colin was constantly repairing the cage every time Negative wade made even a dent in it.

A very pissed off reaper appears in Grimm's place. "Hello...I am the Alpha Elite reaper. Grimm is currently busy trying to fix the obvious blunder in the flow of the laws. How can I help you?"

Negative Wade stops fighting and begins to relax in the cage. He lays down and breathes normally, only glancing at Colin occasionally.

The negative Victoria lets go of her hair and begins to kick Victoria in the face. "You're so mean to me big sister!" She begins to laugh as her foot connects with her cheek.

"I save this guys wife and he can't even be bothered to show up in person, the nerve of some people" Vance sighed and shook his head. "Anyway. I've got a shadow copy thing, of myself over there, it's making me immortal. So do you want to fix that? Or you could lock him up and keep him alive for all eternity so that I can't be killed" Vance shrugged. "I cool with either thing you decide to do"



Colin looked towards the negative Wade, smiling as it seemed to calm down. 'If it's a copy of wade, it's probably only a baby as well. Should I be keeping it locked up. It might hurt someone or itself if I don't though' Colin lightly shook as he gingerly walked over to the Negative Wade. "A-Are you o-okay little g-guy?"

Light said:
"I think I might be done. Should I get more stuff?" Adrianna looks around at the near empty store since she's practically collected all the clothes.
A very pissed off reaper appears in Grimm's place. "Hello...I am the Alpha Elite reaper. Grimm is currently busy trying to fix the obvious blunder in the flow of the laws. How can I help you?"

Negative Wade stops fighting and begins to relax in the cage. He lays down and breathes normally, only glancing at Colin occasionally.

The negative Victoria lets go of her hair and begins to kick Victoria in the face. "You're so mean to me big sister!" She begins to laugh as her foot connects with her cheek.
Reed shook his head and they teleported back to his place with all the clothes. "No there was nothing left in the store you took everything. Anyways now that you have clothes there shouldn't be any problems with living here."
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The pain in her cheek was little compared to what Victoria felt in her heart. More of Victoria's heart became crystal, as her hatred for this stupid bitch that was attacking her grew. "JUST DIE YOU TALLOW FACED BAGGAGE." She screamed sinking her fingernails into her calf. "I will kill myself, before I say you are My sister. She said ripping deeper into her leg.

(I am turning Victoria into a psychopathic serial killer (' :| ))

Light said:
Once Hakeem arrives with Emily, he could see Red and Blue already reading books with the Jäqren. "Come along. You two must read up on the language. Getting to know this zone perfectly is crucial."
All of the smoke begins to move and flows towards them. It seemed like this smoke would make absorb things into a void pocket dimension based off the fact that the plants it touched ended up going through that.

"My name...is Kenzing." The projection of the boy's soul fades away after this. Tempest stays on the ground, still feeling a bit tired.
Light said:
The old queen appears before Inaro, with hatred in her eyes. "You...." She raises her hand and fires a blast of cosmic fire at him.

He grunted. He grabbed a book, sat on the floor, and started reading.


The Hunter took a beg leap back creating some distance between him and the smoke. Cole, from above, created a void portal beside the smoke. This portal started swirling acting like a vortex sucking in the gas. The Hunter summons his bow readying it waiting to see what happens.


Inaro walks over to the boy's body and picks it up. He looks over at Tempest and sees how tired he is. You can rest here buddy, I'm going to go bury the boy's body. He started to fade away until a woman appeared in front of him with eyes filled with anger. He stopped fading away and jumped into the air as she fired cosmic fire at him, avoiding the flames. He landed and looked at the old woman then at the boy. I'm guessing you're the grandmother. He said slowly looking back towards the woman. You don't look sick to me. He lays the boy back down leaning him up against Tempest. I was just about to go bury your grandson's body. I asked him about. He pops open a bottle of beer and takes a sip. The question was if your powerful or not. He seemed pretty unsure. I hope you can clear that up for me. He finishes the beer and drops the bottle and dashes backwards creating some distance while firing TK bullets. If things gets bad I might need my brothers' help. @Light
GingerBread said:
"I save this guys wife and he can't even be bothered to show up in person, the nerve of some people" Vance sighed and shook his head. "Anyway. I've got a shadow copy thing, of myself over there, it's making me immortal. So do you want to fix that? Or you could lock him up and keep him alive for all eternity so that I can't be killed" Vance shrugged. "I cool with either thing you decide to do"



Colin looked towards the negative Wade, smiling as it seemed to calm down. 'If it's a copy of wade, it's probably only a baby as well. Should I be keeping it locked up. It might hurt someone or itself if I don't though' Colin lightly shook as he gingerly walked over to the Negative Wade. "A-Are you o-okay little g-guy?"

"Trust me...you will die." The elite reaper casts a glare to Vance as he says this. It seemed like this one was much more stern with the laws than Grimm was. "Grimm is currently working on things at the moment. Though I believe I should be the one working on it since I'm stronger than him. You'll have to wait until we learn of what to do. For now I've been ordered to refrain from meddling with them. It could possibly make things worse. Please be patient." This reaper had bitter anger in his eyes as he speaks about Grimm and the orders he's received from him. "That is all." The alpha elite reapers disappears.

Negative Wade makes cute little noises and rolls around in the cage. It gives Colin sad eyes and approaches the edge of the cage.

Tazmodo said:
Reed shook his head and they teleported back to his place with all the clothes. "No there was nothing left in the store you took everything. Anyways now that you have clothes there shouldn't be any problems with living here."
"Wait...we didn't buy any of the clothes though. We should go back Reed."

"Oopsie. You forgot we can't die. So sister, what should we do today?" She seemed to be oblivious to the pain. It could be because of her own insanity.

The smoke ends up in the portal but Ryder and his horse are nowhere to be seen. That's because they are the smoke itself.

Tempest gives Inaro a look that practically disagrees with the dead body laying on him. Tempest scoots away rudely and allows the boys head to hit the floor with an audible crack.

( ! ) The old Queen uses Aether to heal herself as soon as the bullets hit her. She raises her hands and has the air pressure lessen drastically. She opens her mouth and fires a violent blast of liquid fire, light, darkness, destructive energy, and nether from her mouth. If the blast didn't hit Inaro it would hit Tempest.

"That one must have a stick eternally up his arse. It sounds like I'm not the only one who's got a shadow and become immortal; Who knew Reapers were so shit at their jobs. I doubt it would take long to fix, just one slice with one of their scythes and boom.The problem would be gone"
Vance shrugged as he walked back to his Shadow version of himself.

As he was walking towards him, Vance had some chains appear in his hands. He quickly and efficiently wrapped them around the negative Vance, so that he couldn't move or get out of them. He then used darkness to break the lock before pushing his negative version down on the ground and walking away.



Colin started to feel bad about locking Negative Wade in a cage as it started to look at him with sad looking eyes. Colin had his staff disappear as he had no intention of letting the negative Wade out, since he could just as easily be faking acting nice to get him to let him out. He had learnt that lesson from his experiences with Oden.

Colin picked the bag of marshmallows and walked over to the Cage, pushing a couple of them through the gap so that the negative Wade could have some. Colin was assuming that since the real wade liked them, his shadow clone thing would like them as well.

Light said:
"You know the nice things I said about you to Ki? I take it all back." Kelsey groans and walks over to a chair, sitting down in it to rest her head in her hands. "What are we going to do?"
"Hey hey don't say that..." Ren was a little hurt, his sensitive little self tried to redeem himself, "If we find a bank or post office I could easily exchange the currency for american dollars!" He looked around and started wandering off on his own to get this over and done with. Luckily there was no communication barrier in this country since it's english speaking.
Victoria uses this moment to roll into the road, and over the bank into a river. "Haha, I am rolling away from your insane ass." She yelled as she fell.


(Lol recreating a moment from finding nemo)

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