Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax jolted back. He snarled. Some sort of dark magic... Ammax whistled, Yer'Sat coming towards him. Ammax hopped on Yer'Sat.

"Take mo to the... Thing, Yer'Sat."

The lion roared, and began dashing around. Ammax tightened his grip on Yer'Sat's armor, knowing he was a little frisky.

The lion suddently came to a stop. Ammax jumped off. He could tell they were at the edge of the Mist cloud. He stepped out, looking into it. He could see shadows moving inside. I've seen nothing like this since... Ammax shuddered. Do not go there again.

Ammax stood inches out of the mist, watching it carefully.​
GingerBread said:
(Can I get a link? Or at least a run down of how it works? Ta in advance)


"Y-You shouldn't congratulate someone for killing someone else. It's wrong E-Ent" Aedus frowned up at Ent and instead of taking his Hand, He placed the bag of fish in it. "Th-there's still people getting hurt E-Ent" Aedus motioned towards the ash cloud where sounds of people fighting could still be heard. "I-I'm going to help them. I can't just leave them to d-die" Aedus smiled at Ent before taking off into the dust cloud.

Aedus came across Raz's trial first and noticed that it was using magma against whoever it was fighting. ( ! ) Aedus took out his box of matches, noting that he only had three left. He took one out and stuck it against the side of the box, he then made the flame bigger so that he had more fire to use. He then had the fire seperate around Raz's trial before splitting off into chains and chaining the trial to the ground. Aedus then had the fire slowly creep it's way over the trial's body, getting hotter and hotter. Aedus did this in hopes that the trial would give in.

@MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Light
( @MTchaos1134 ) ( Aedus can create and control volcanoes. Simple. He can also manipulate the tectonic plates but not create any. )

Ammax continues to stare and not blink until his eyes took severe damage from the ash in the air. It seemed like nothing was coming out.

( ! ) Raz's trial lays unaffected by the fire. It's body begins to glow slowly as if it were about to explode. A rock barrier forms around them to encase them in a mile wide dome. It seemed like this explosion would push through fire. The buildings to their side had unknown chances of survival.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Grimm Draco nodded. He stated, "Very well let's go." He smiled at him then changed direction smiling. He needed a distraction.
"How do you feel about flying all the way to the Atlantic Ocean? The guild I'm speaking of is positioned on a landmass out there!" Grimm begins to fly on a magic carpet.

GingerBread said:
Maya looked at the red orb that gravitated around Jackie with slight jealously. Maya skipped over to Fola and tugged on his arm slightly to get his attention. "I want an Orb like those ones. They look so Cool!" Maya pointed over at the red orb that was rotating around Jackie. "How do I get one Best Friend?! Can you get one for me? Pretty please! Pretty please with sprinkles on top!" Maya smiled up at Fola, hoping she'd said please enough to get him to get her an orb.

@LokiofSP @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola sighed, "No Maya, you can't get an orb, it's dangerous..." He threw his stick to the side and looked at the personalities, "So we're just missing Alexandria or something, right? Let's get to this last one and be done with it, this entire thing has taken longer than it should have in the first place..."

@GingerBread @Light
( @CelticSol )

Alice nods her head. "Yeah...the most dangerous of us all. I'm going to warn you. Even if we four are here there isn't much we can do to fight her off perfectly and keep you all safe. So you need to know that you're not fighting for an orb. You're fighting not to get killed. Always cover up your vital areas at all times even if she's nowhere near you or focusing on you. She inherited Lucifer's speed, especially when she flies." Alice turns to Julie whom nods her head. Julie takes them all to a frozen forest, ending up directly in front of the Gold temple.

A golden flame appears before the group, preparing the priestess override. "Are you prepared to face the Gold Orb and it's Brilliance?"

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]"I am Called Project Power for a reason." She said as she floated to Grimm. She tapped his hand, and a blue crescent appeared above the back of his hand. "Tap this and i will come." She said as she sped off to help Mercy.

"Oooohhh a symbol!" Grimm taps it as instructed. "Come back!"

( ! ) Aedus noticed the trial glowing and decided now would be a good a time as any to try out the new power he got from his trial. Aedus focused on the spot underneath Raz's trial and a volcano started to form, enveloping the trial in the magma that was filling up the inside of the volcano as it finished forming. Aedus made sure, to the best of his abilities that the magma wouldn't spill out of the top of the volcano and destroy any nearby buildings

@metalcity @MTchaos1134 @Light
"How do you feel about flying all the way to the Atlantic Ocean? The guild I'm speaking of is positioned on a landmass out there!" Grimm begins to fly on a magic carpet.
Silently Draco looks at Grimm. He cracks his neck and states, "Yes I am fine with that. Let's go." Flying forwards he heads towards the ocean. He would have to rest at the shore before flying over it if they had to fly over it that is.
GingerBread said:

( ! ) Aedus noticed the trial glowing and decided now would be a good a time as any to try out the new power he got from his trial. Aedus focused on the spot underneath Raz's trial and a volcano started to form, enveloping the trial in the magma that was filling up the inside of the volcano as it finished forming. Aedus made sure, to the best of his abilities that the magma wouldn't spill out of the top of the volcano and destroy any nearby buildings

@metalcity @MTchaos1134 @Light
The trial was volcanic itself even in appearance. It explodes and sends searing hot flames, molten rock, and magmany outwards which also destroys it's container.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looks at Grimm. He cracks his neck and states, "Yes I am fine with that. Let's go." Flying forwards he heads towards the ocean. He would have to rest at the shore before flying over it if they had to fly over it that is.
Grimm falls asleep on his magic carpet. It seemed like it was leading Draco towards the guild. The shore grew near.

( @LokiofSP )

Christina looks at Oden. "Your parents say hello." She gives him a content smile as her tail moves from left to right.
Grimm falls asleep on his magic carpet. It seemed like it was leading Draco towards the guild. The shore grew near.
Clapping his wings loudly Draco followed Grimm and the carpet. He silently flew speaking no words. However the sound of his wings thrumming in the air did announce his prescience. He smiled flying.
@Embaga Elder[/URL]

The real Renshi quickly pulls back in the form of a lightning bolt, when he was the demonic energy emerge from the demon Hannah. He watched as the clones touched the energy and had their very on attacks back fire onto causing them to disappear in a burst of electricity. Noted. He flies into the air and looks at the spot she entered the ground at. Come on out Hannah. Don't be a scaredy cat. He said as hover, and circled high around the spot. @Light

Light said:
Alice nods her head. "Yeah...the most dangerous of us all. I'm going to warn you. Even if we four are here there isn't much we can do to fight her off perfectly and keep you all safe. So you need to know that you're not fighting for an orb. You're fighting not to get killed. Always cover up your vital areas at all times even if she's nowhere near you or focusing on you. She inherited Lucifer's speed, especially when she flies." Alice turns to Julie whom nods her head. Julie takes them all to a frozen forest, ending up directly in front of the Gold temple.
A golden flame appears before the group, preparing the priestess override. "Are you prepared to face the Gold Orb and it's Brilliance?"

The trio looked at the golden flames then at the splits. They spoke about how dangerous Alexandria is, but they hoped they weren't going in without a plan. Cole looks at Christina.
So do you have a plan for this, beside fight like your life depends on it, and work together?? He asked as he pulled out a smoke.

Hakeem was shocked that she didn't know what a pancake was, but then he realized that she was asleep for a long time. Nice to meet you. He said with a big smile. But tell me how long ago was it when you were placed in that shell of yours? He asked as he leaned forward in his chair.

Oden faces Christina with an equally content smile, "Tell them they were my best work yet...Also, tell them thank you for the money in the will, they helped more with my activities than they will ever know..." He went back to what he was doing before, recounting the supplies in his bag.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Clapping his wings loudly Draco followed Grimm and the carpet. He silently flew speaking no words. However the sound of his wings thrumming in the air did announce his prescience. He smiled flying.
The carpet lands on the shore and Grimm ends up waking up. "Are you prepared for the rest of the journey after resting."

Christina nods her head towards Cole. "Yes. Basically we need to take out her speed either through a spell or removing the air." Christina turns to Oden. "It seems like they don't like that answer. You probably don't care though." She raises an eyebrow as he shifts through his supplies. "Are you sure those will work?"
A flying being caught Celeste's eye, and her eyes analyzed his base power, and identified electricity almost instantly. "This seems to be fate at it's best. Seeing as how that being seems to have given me power absorption." She said as she removed her safety lock on her power reserves, and she began charging up and absorbing electricty all around her as well as mana. This would give her a major boost in battle but will take a few minutes.

Hannah burst from the ground, her eyes crimson, and her hands clenched tightly. "Nearby Project: Power, Classification: X Project, Status:... *Static buzzes* Attack mode engaged, Danger level: Z+" She said, as she lept into the air, and grabbed Renshi's foot. She would slam him to the ground, and bind him.

@Embaga Elder
Oden shook his head, "Nope, not at all. I'm just making sure they're on hand just in case, you never know when something may be useful after all..." He spoke to the Gaurdian without turning his head, "Yes, we are very much aware of the curse, moving on..." He spoke to Christina once more, "So...I assume you're competent to have a more detailed plan than the rather broad awnser you provided. So please, so we don't die in a moment, could you share it with us?"

@Light @Embaga Elder
Light said:
( @MTchaos1134 ) ( Aedus can create and control volcanoes. Simple. He can also manipulate the tectonic plates but not create any. )
Ammax continues to stare and not blink until his eyes took severe damage from the ash in the air. It seemed like nothing was coming out.

( ! ) Raz's trial lays unaffected by the fire. It's body begins to glow slowly as if it were about to explode. A rock barrier forms around them to encase them in a mile wide dome. It seemed like this explosion would push through fire. The buildings to their side had unknown chances of survival.

"How do you feel about flying all the way to the Atlantic Ocean? The guild I'm speaking of is positioned on a landmass out there!" Grimm begins to fly on a magic carpet.

( @CelticSol )

Alice nods her head. "Yeah...the most dangerous of us all. I'm going to warn you. Even if we four are here there isn't much we can do to fight her off perfectly and keep you all safe. So you need to know that you're not fighting for an orb. You're fighting not to get killed. Always cover up your vital areas at all times even if she's nowhere near you or focusing on you. She inherited Lucifer's speed, especially when she flies." Alice turns to Julie whom nods her head. Julie takes them all to a frozen forest, ending up directly in front of the Gold temple.

A golden flame appears before the group, preparing the priestess override. "Are you prepared to face the Gold Orb and it's Brilliance?"

"Oooohhh a symbol!" Grimm taps it as instructed. "Come back!"


Ammax rubbed his eyes. He called out to Yer'Sat, him trotting out of the ash. He hopped onto the lion.

"Get me away from this... thing, Yer'Sat."

The lion nodded, and began fliyng away.

Im not in the mood for a fight yet.... Ammax thought.​
LokiofSP said:
Oden shook his head, "Nope, not at all. I'm just making sure they're on hand just in case, you never know when something may be useful after all..." He spoke to the Gaurdian without turning his head, "Yes, we are very much aware of the curse, moving on..." He spoke to Christina once more, "So...I assume you're competent to have a more detailed plan than the rather broad awnser you provided. So please, so we don't die in a moment, could you share it with us?"

@Light @Embaga Elder
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @GingerBread )

"I wouldn't talk like that. Especially since you've answered a question that hasn't been asked. The orb asked if you're prepared to face the orbs brilliance not if you know of the curse. I have you completely figured out now and you bore me. Just a heads up. At the rate you're going you will be killed." Christina looks at the guardian briefly before turning back to Oden. "I do have a better plan. The split personalities and I shall defend Morgan so she has time to cast a spell that will cut down Alexandria's healing ability. From there we allow Morgan to cast a short spell to slow Alexandria down. Once she's slowed down it would be in our best interest to use some form of power to put a cage around her. Once the cage is up there isn't much she can do but wish, jinx, and , curse us. Though to keep her from getting the time to focus on that we have to keep attacking her to keep her on the dodging job. Once she realizes that she cannot win she'll forfeit and the orb is ours."

Supermegabrenda2 said:


Ammax rubbed his eyes. He called out to Yer'Sat, him trotting out of the ash. He hopped onto the lion.

"Get me away from this... thing, Yer'Sat."

The lion nodded, and began fliyng away.

Im not in the mood for a fight yet.... Ammax thought.​
The lion began to fly higher and higher, going much more higher than expected. The lion flapped it's wings as hard as possible, wearing them out due to tired muscles and they both begin to fall. It seemed like whatever this trials power was is still affecting them.
( @LokiofSP )

( ! ) Before the group could even answer the question to enter the portal, another one appears. Ricardo steps out and spins his staff. "Guess who's back!" Ricardo notices Julie and immediately swings his staff, pulling Fola into the Celestial Realm. It looked like a starry sky everywhere and the ground was like a non moving reflective screen of water. Ricardo begins walking towards Fola, flicking his wrist with the staff in it and causing a fury of stars to come crashing down towards Fola.

( ! ) Jayn's trial came out the portal afterwards and pulls Jayn into the Celestial Realm as well, tossing her into Fola with the stars coming at them. The being raises it's blood hand and sends countless bullets of blood towards them.

( By the way the stars are like glowing rocks. Not sun stars. )<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/6c835f46d9a9e0a939184547be1fa70b.jpg.31736981fe70f59bca542b2da9219d58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/6c835f46d9a9e0a939184547be1fa70b.jpg.31736981fe70f59bca542b2da9219d58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/46648326c77f722b49c546159a8a1105.jpg.f4206495c9ba67459b5ef918659cf9eb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117479" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/46648326c77f722b49c546159a8a1105.jpg.f4206495c9ba67459b5ef918659cf9eb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( @GingerBread )

Vance's trial cuts open a portal, entering the darkness realm. "I apologize for my earlier actions but I had to test you. Now we can have a fairer fight. Are you ready?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/ddc3200d297e383e63373868b67c145d.jpg.60dc583ea6ca00d7d950f8d7b71fc33a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117481" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/ddc3200d297e383e63373868b67c145d.jpg.60dc583ea6ca00d7d950f8d7b71fc33a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Well I doubt that if I say I'm not ready you'll leave. So I guess I'll have to be ready" Vance slowly stood up from his seat and let his hands rest by his daggers, ready to defend himself if need be. "But before we do fight, what were you testing me for? To make sure I had emotions like a normal human? Or was it for some other reason?"

"Systems Online, Project Speed Online." A voice said as the body rose, on rapidly buzzing wings.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Speed.jpg.2fa7699c4d9eb0d2433f23a546ed4518.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117484" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Speed.jpg.2fa7699c4d9eb0d2433f23a546ed4518.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Ah, It feels good to "Bee" Queen." She said laughing in a very robotic way. "Project Mercy, and Power Detected. They are joining up, I must study these so called trials. They seem to be this worlds way of upgrading." She buzzed into the air, and released her three wasps. "Scout around for life, and or disturbances in magic." She said, and she closed her robotic eyes, and a swarm of Nanobot bees emerged from her back. They spiraled around as a group, then flew off to scout.




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GingerBread said:
"Well I doubt that if I say I'm not ready you'll leave. So I guess I'll have to be ready" Vance slowly stood up from his seat and let his hands rest by his daggers, ready to defend himself if need be. "But before we do fight, what were you testing me for? To make sure I had emotions like a normal human? Or was it for some other reason?"

"Ah...I should have known you'd ask. The test wasn't really to test your emotions it was to test you as a person exactly. It was just to test you, Vance, as Vance. Mainly to deconstruct you. The other reasons behind it are unknown to me as well. I was simply ordered to and I must follow those directions. I hold no personal grudge. I hope you understand there are....what is you're a? No hard feelings? This isn't possible? Hm...never mind that. Do you have your weapons on the ready? Are you truthfully prepared? Before we start there is one thing I will promise you. I won't take involve that girl any longer and I will not put you to sleep. I'd like to see your potential and it won't be a true victory to me if I harm you while incapable of defending yourself."

Right when she sends the bots off to scout, a portal opens up behind her. A trial steps out of it, immediately wrapping her body up in blood veins. These blood veins erupt in flame.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/c1ca0e81f27e584e52077b7cd79301f5.jpg.4f94e62eed52286d801067e3f1865ef6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117487" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/c1ca0e81f27e584e52077b7cd79301f5.jpg.4f94e62eed52286d801067e3f1865ef6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"So you're not going to involve anyone else or put me to sleep? You know, words mean nothing to me. Since I'm assuming you've already lied to me" Vance looked his trial directly in the eyes as he slowly unsheathed his dagger. "You were ordered to test me and see what I'm like. Yet you've come back to, well I assume, kill me." Vance gently pressed the tip of his dagger against his finger, waiting for his trial to attack him first. Vance then thought about another reason why his trial could've been sent here. "Ooh, or you've been sent to die. So either you were pointlessly collecting information about me, or you were just sent here to die. So which was it?"

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Sandra's bees "bee-lined back to her" and Sandra summoned her blades, and sslashed the weak point in the veins. Since she was metal normal fire wouldn't hurt that bad. Whether this is normal fire or not Sandra doesn't know. This is just like a spider, I can't struggle. @Light
The carpet lands on the shore and Grimm ends up waking up. "Are you prepared for the rest of the journey after resting."
Silently Draco laid down. He whispered, "Yes I will after I rest." He rested his head and closed his eyes and slept.
GingerBread said:
"So you're not going to involve anyone else or put me to sleep? You know, words mean nothing to me. Since I'm assuming you've already lied to me" Vance looked his trial directly in the eyes as he slowly unsheathed his dagger. "You were ordered to test me and see what I'm like. Yet you've come back to, well I assume, kill me." Vance gently pressed the tip of his dagger against his finger, waiting for his trial to attack him first. Vance then thought about another reason why his trial could've been sent here. "Ooh, or you've been sent to die. So either you were pointlessly collecting information about me, or you were just sent here to die. So which was it?"

"I'm not sure which one I've been sent to do. I don't have to necessarily kill you. Just have some sort of proof that I've fought you once more."

The being runs around at high speeds, as if having super speed. The being continues to run around her, wrapping her in more blood viens completely. Once the views wrap around her, it's floating arms grab the blood cocoon and raise it into the air. Only to slam it back down while making the blood views produce acid.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco laid down. He whispered, "Yes I will after I rest." He rested his head and closed his eyes and slept.
At this moment a trial walks out of a portal behind Draco.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/e812d7dd4bc5508356857e707add5b74.jpg.8bd04c744ed9875c6d9a4558c05f0088.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/e812d7dd4bc5508356857e707add5b74.jpg.8bd04c744ed9875c6d9a4558c05f0088.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"And how would you prove that you fought me? The only foolproof way I can think of is to have my corpse with you. You can't even trust videos nowadays." Vance chuckled before shaking his head. "Anyway, I'll cut you a deal then. You give me one of your powers, Specifically the one where you can go into dreams. And I won't have to kill you. You'll have proof that you fought me, because you'll have lost a power. I'll even cut you up a bit, make it look more realistic. At least I think that's how that will work. Can you even give away powers? " Vance then got into a fighting stance, ready to dodge or attack the trial. "If you don't like that Idea or can't do it, then go ahead and attack me."

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At this moment a trial walks out of a portal behind Draco.
Silently Draco lifted his head hearing something. He looked behind him and bolted forward. He stopped then looked at the person who had come out of the portal as he asked, "Who are you?" He was ready to fight but he wanted to make sure the person was a threat before attacking.
GingerBread said:

"And how would you prove that you fought me? The only foolproof way I can think of is to have my corpse with you. You can't even trust videos nowadays." Vance chuckled before shaking his head. "Anyway, I'll cut you a deal then. You give me one of your powers, Specifically the one where you can go into dreams. And I won't have to kill you. You'll have proof that you fought me, because you'll have lost a power. I'll even cut you up a bit, make it look more realistic." Vance then got into a fighting stance, ready to dodge or attack the trial. "If you don't like that Idea, then go ahead and attack me."

( ! ) ( For her )

"No. You'd still have to kill me. That's fine though. The Unknown always respawn. We cannot be truly killed unless we're killed in the Abyssal Realm. So strike me with a deadly blow and the power shall be yours."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco lifted his head hearing something. He looked behind him and bolted forward. He stopped then looked at the person who had come out of the portal as he asked, "Who are you?" He was ready to fight but he wanted to make sure the person was a threat before attacking.
( ! ) The being extends it's hand and sharpened particles of sand rush over, slicing through Draco's side and cutting him. The being raises it's hands and a wall of sand rises rushing towards him.
The three large wasps collided with the being, their mechanisms stabbing and poisoning the being with hallucination inducing venom. They unlatched and began peppering the being with stinger shots. The swarm surrounded Sandra lifted her up and carried her away from the being. "Project:Speed overdrive." She seemed to fade from existence, and fade back in out side of the cocoon of veins. She seemed to teleport behind the being, and she slashed at its back aiming for its heart.


"So you lot can't die. I guess I'll see you again then? I've no clue what this abyssal realm is, but I'm almost certain I'll probably end up there at some point, otherwise why would you come after me?. But I guess thanks for letting me beat you, lot less effort for me."

( ! ) Vance walked over to the trial and did his best to pinpoint where he heart was, assuming her anatomy was the same as a human. Vance then plunged his dagger into that spot.


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