Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
( @Tazmodo @CelticSol )
Once Jayn answers the group ends up being pulled into the portal, ending up in the realm of the Red Orb. Ashlyn floats before the Red Orb with her arms crossed. The Red Orb was in a barrier. "You must defeat me to gain possession of the orb."

"You need to become a better person mom!" Grimm teleports them both to Dragon's Roar and runs away, his arms flailing in the air.
After falling out of the RP remaining relatively docile and quiet during the quest for the orbs, waiting for her wounds to heal to Sanctum's satisfaction, Jackie steps forward to the front of the group, walking to within a few feet of her - close enough that Ashlyn knows that Jackie trusts her with her safety, but far enough away to be able to avoid a hit if this went south. Jackie smiles warmly up at Ashlyn, crossing her arms and leaning her weight on one leg in a posture familiar to Ashlyn, "I don't get a chance to see you for a while, and you greet me with a challenge to fight," She shakes her head, mockingly appalled by Ashlyn's lack of manners, but continues as she takes another step closer, holding her hands out palms up to Ashlyn, holding her arms out for a hug, "C'mon, Ashes; don't make me fight you. I don't want to fight you."
CelticSol said:
After falling out of the RP remaining relatively docile and quiet during the quest for the orbs, waiting for her wounds to heal to Sanctum's satisfaction, Jackie steps forward to the front of the group, walking to within a few feet of her - close enough that Ashlyn knows that Jackie trusts her with her safety, but far enough away to be able to avoid a hit if this went south. Jackie smiles warmly up at Ashlyn, crossing her arms and leaning her weight on one leg in a posture familiar to Ashlyn, "I don't get a chance to see you for a while, and you greet me with a challenge to fight," She shakes her head, mockingly appalled by Ashlyn's lack of manners, but continues as she takes another step closer, holding her hands out palms up to Ashlyn, holding her arms out for a hug, "C'mon, Ashes; don't make me fight you. I don't want to fight you."
Ashlyn raises her hand and matter forms inot a solid black state in the shape of a spear. She throws it directly at Jackie, using telekinesis to guide it. She didn't seem to try too hard to harm Jackie.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Changing back to normal Draco looked at Angelica and stated, "You may be done with this. However Angelica I think I can't leave you alone. I believe in fate." He looked at her and formed an illusion of himself not trusting her to not fire at him. He moved silently in a random direction as he would watch her shoot him again.
( ! ) Angelica simply gives up. "I don't care about your stupid fate. I want you to leave me alone. I'm serious. If you don't leave me alone right now I will end your life.

( She's serious by the way. )

The Imperial Flame]"I am Free! Now to Assist Mercy said:


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Angelica simply gives up. "I don't care about your stupid fate. I want you to leave me alone. I'm serious. If you don't leave me alone right now I will end your life."
Silently Draco looks at her and sighs. He nods his head and states, "Very well Angelica. Go back to your house I will make sure no one blows it up or anything like that." He spread his wings and looked at her opened his mouth then thought better and took off into the sky. What was he doing? He had no clue.
Celeste stares at the being, her eyes analyzing it. She had never seen something like it, and so she was intrigued. Just to test the being she fired a bolt of mana at it from her cord like hair.

Light said:
Angelica rolls her eyes and walks off. "I'm done with this. I seriously am. Just leave me alone....my brother did that just fine."
"Why are you doing this to me?! Stop! Mommy no. I'll do anything!" Grimm seriously didn't understand why. He simply wanted her to love him and read him bed time stories like she used to.

When Ammax puts his hand to his chest, he digs it in deeper than he wanted to. The being in front of him has the same stab mark in its chest and whimpers. It backs away.

Ent's trial begins to form Jupiter's gases around him. Raz's trial feels one of his tentacles and backs away, firing a flamethrower in that direction. The flames push away the ash so even Ent can see he convenient fire in the distance.

( @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol )

"You're right....we should go." Alice stands up and begins walking out. Christina, Morgan, and Julie stand up. Julie teleports them all to the Red temple.
(!)Raz forms shadow armor around the web,Es and walks in the direction the fire is being shot from,when he makes it he attempts to grab onto the arm and swing where he assumes the head is.
Light said:
Ashlyn raises her hand and matter forms inot a solid black state in the shape of a spear. She throws it directly at Jackie, using telekinesis to guide it. She didn't seem to try too hard to harm Jackie.
( ! ) Angelica simply gives up. "I don't care about your stupid fate. I want you to leave me alone. I'm serious. If you don't leave me alone right now I will end your life.

( She's serious by the way. )

Grimm turns around appreciating the light. "Oh yeah. They're attacking Dragon's Roar members or something for some odd reason. There's one right there!" A portal appears behind her and a trial steps out.

View attachment 260701
Even though Jackie is surprised that Ashlyn still persisted and attacked her, tendrils all but rip out of Jackie's back, wrapping around the spear and stopping it mere centimetres before it impaled her at her heart. If she inhales deeply enough, she can feel the point of the spear graze across her ribs. Breathing in slowly and steadily, Jackie closes her eyes as she tries to even her heart rate from the unexpected near death experience.

How dare she... Sanctum growls, fury rumbling in her head. Echoing the sentiment of their true master, the serpentine heads at the ends of two tendrils snap at Ashlyn in displeasure, growling and baring their needle-like teeth, Kill her, Jackie. She is but a shadow, and you sqander time that could be used to put Isabel back together. Be done with it.

No, Jackie mentally replies, surprised that, even in her own mind, she's managing to keep her voice steady despite Ashlyn looming over her, It's still her. You and I both know she could have made that spear go several times as fast. She's holding back on me. I can convince her, I'm sure of it.

Sanctum growls, but Jackie doesn't wait for his reply before she opens her eyes, a new wariness there as regards Ashlyn. She starts speaking again, her voice steady and even. "Now that's a little mean," She tuts, tendrils slowly putting the spear back down onto the ground, Jackie keeping constant eye contact. "I don't want to hurt you, Ashlyn; I never have, and I never will. I want to help you. I know you're scared, and you're hurt, and you're defensive because you've felt you've always had to be, but I'm here. We've always talked about things if something was bothering us, remember? So let's talk. We don't have to fight."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looks at her and sighs. He nods his head and states, "Very well Angelica. Go back to your house I will make sure no one blows it up or anything like that." He spread his wings and looked at her opened his mouth then thought better and took off into the sky. What was he doing? He had no clue.
Grimm appears on a flying carpet once Draco flies away. "Wow dude....looks like she wasn't too compatible? Let's go find someone else!"

The being gets knocked back , a large hole in its chest though one of the three plugs on its chest weren't blown away. The being rises and begins draining electricity and energy from the city itself. It seemed to heal and gain more power as it did.

MTchaos1134 said:
(!)Raz forms shadow armor around the web,Es and walks in the direction the fire is being shot from,when he makes it he attempts to grab onto the arm and swing where he assumes the head is.
The trial suddenly explodes in a fury of rock and fire. The rock and fire expands towards Raz. The being uses its multiple arms and slams the ground, making dodging the fire and rock hard due to a lack of balance.

CelticSol said:
Even though Jackie is surprised that Ashlyn still persisted and attacked her, tendrils all but rip out of Jackie's back, wrapping around the spear and stopping it mere centimetres before it impaled her at her heart. If she inhales deeply enough, she can feel the point of the spear graze across her ribs. Breathing in slowly and steadily, Jackie closes her eyes as she tries to even her heart rate from the unexpected near death experience.
How dare she... Sanctum growls, fury rumbling in her head. Echoing the sentiment of their true master, the serpentine heads at the ends of two tendrils snap at Ashlyn in displeasure, growling and baring their needle-like teeth, Kill her, Jackie. She is but a shadow, and you sqander time that could be used to put Isabel back together. Be done with it.

No, Jackie mentally replies, surprised that, even in her own mind, she's managing to keep her voice steady despite Ashlyn looming over her, It's still her. You and I both know she could have made that spear go several times as fast. She's holding back on me. I can convince her, I'm sure of it.

Sanctum growls, but Jackie doesn't wait for his reply before she opens her eyes, a new wariness there as regards Ashlyn. She starts speaking again, her voice steady and even. "Now that's a little mean," She tuts, tendrils slowly putting the spear back down onto the ground, Jackie keeping constant eye contact. "I don't want to hurt you, Ashlyn; I never have, and I never will. I want to help you. I know you're scared, and you're hurt, and you're defensive because you've felt you've always had to be, but I'm here. We've always talked about things if something was bothering us, remember? So let's talk. We don't have to fight."
Ashlyn hesitates once more but raises her hand, bringing it down to havent telekinetic pressure crush Jackie. This attack misses due to Christina pulling Jackie out of the way with ectoplasmic threads. She said she wouldn't help but all the personalities felt like Jackie was their best friend due to experiencing that friendship with her together. So Christina was only helping to save her best friend. She would deny it later.

Alice gets ready to move next if Jackie were to end up in trouble. "Keep talking to her. We're not getting swept around! Meaning it's working!"
Celeste grimaced as the being healed, and began pelting the being with mana bolts. She was also slowly charging a pulse that would act as an EMP. As she ran, her mana bolts began targeting the plug on his chest. "Flaw detected, Severity; Fatal, Optimal outcome predicted" She said as she released the pulse.

Light said:
Grimm appears on a flying carpet once Draco flies away. "Wow dude....looks like she wasn't too compatible? Let's go find someone else!"
The being gets knocked back , a large hole in its chest though one of the three plugs on its chest weren't blown away. The being rises and begins draining electricity and energy from the city itself. It seemed to heal and gain more power as it did.

The trial suddenly explodes in a fury of rock and fire. The rock and fire expands towards Raz. The being uses its multiple arms and slams the ground, making dodging the fire and rock hard due to a lack of balance.

Ashlyn hesitates once more but raises her hand, bringing it down to havent telekinetic pressure crush Jackie. This attack misses due to Christina pulling Jackie out of the way with ectoplasmic threads. She said she wouldn't help but all the personalities felt like Jackie was their best friend due to experiencing that friendship with her together. So Christina was only helping to save her best friend. She would deny it later.

Alice gets ready to move next if Jackie were to end up in trouble. "Keep talking to her. We're not getting swept around! Meaning it's working!"
Jackson looks at Alice. "I guess if that's how it has to be done." Several identical clones of Jackson formed and a bright light flash blinding Alice for a second. All five Jackson's had arrows of light raining down on Alice and the ground around her was covered in flames.
One she takes out all three plugs the being disperses and dies. She gains the power of Energy Absorption. Grimm blinks at how swiftly she ended up deconstructing the being and killing it. "Wow. That was fast."

( I think that's actually a record time for beating a trial. Fastest kill.

Energy Absorption - Electricity Absorption )

Tazmodo said:
Jackson looks at Alice. "I guess if that's how it has to be done." Several identical clones of Jackson formed and a bright light flash blinding Alice for a second. All five Jackson's had arrows of light raining down on Alice and the ground around her was covered in flames.
Alice has liquid Carnage magic burst from her body and devour all of it except for the original Jackson. "What the hell dude! Why are you attacking me?!"
Grimm appears on a flying carpet once Draco flies away. "Wow dude....looks like she wasn't too compatible? Let's go find someone else!"
Silently Draco looks at Grimm and nods as he stated, "I think that would be best Grimm." He looked back then closed his eyes and then looked at Grimm waiting. Time to put that episode behind him.
Light said:
Angelica rolls her eyes and walks off. "I'm done with this. I seriously am. Just leave me alone....my brother did that just fine."
"Why are you doing this to me?! Stop! Mommy no. I'll do anything!" Grimm seriously didn't understand why. He simply wanted her to love him and read him bed time stories like she used to.

When Ammax puts his hand to his chest, he digs it in deeper than he wanted to. The being in front of him has the same stab mark in its chest and whimpers. It backs away.

Ent's trial begins to form Jupiter's gases around him. Raz's trial feels one of his tentacles and backs away, firing a flamethrower in that direction. The flames push away the ash so even Ent can see he convenient fire in the distance.

( @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol )

"You're right....we should go." Alice stands up and begins walking out. Christina, Morgan, and Julie stand up. Julie teleports them all to the Red temple.


(So wait, I dig my nails into the beings chest?)

Ammax winces at the shrill noise. "Sorry." He mumbles

"What the hell are you?"Ammax reaches out again, this time carefull not to hurt it. I swear, if this thing grabs my hand... His thoughs were interrupted when his hand came in contact with some weird type of... Skin maybe? Ammax frowns, confused.​
Supermegabrenda2 said:


(So wait, I dig my nails into the beings chest?)

Ammax winces at the shrill noise. "Sorry." He mumbles

"What the hell are you?"Ammax reaches out again, this time carefull not to hurt it. I swear, if this thing grabs my hand... His thoughs were interrupted when his hand came in contact with some weird type of... Skin maybe? Ammax frowns, confused.​
( No. You didnt touch it. You touched your own chest. There's the first clue. )

Once Ammax touches the beings chest again he only feels his own hands on his chest. The being floats away into the ash cloud.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looks at Grimm and nods as he stated, "I think that would be best Grimm." He looked back then closed his eyes and then looked at Grimm waiting. Time to put that episode behind him.
"Alllrriiiigghhhttt. Why don't we join a guild to take our minds off of her?" Grimm tilts his head and points in the direction of the guild.
Light said:
Grimm appears on a flying carpet once Draco flies away. "Wow dude....looks like she wasn't too compatible? Let's go find someone else!"
The being gets knocked back , a large hole in its chest though one of the three plugs on its chest weren't blown away. The being rises and begins draining electricity and energy from the city itself. It seemed to heal and gain more power as it did.

The trial suddenly explodes in a fury of rock and fire. The rock and fire expands towards Raz. The being uses its multiple arms and slams the ground, making dodging the fire and rock hard due to a lack of balance.

Ashlyn hesitates once more but raises her hand, bringing it down to havent telekinetic pressure crush Jackie. This attack misses due to Christina pulling Jackie out of the way with ectoplasmic threads. She said she wouldn't help but all the personalities felt like Jackie was their best friend due to experiencing that friendship with her together. So Christina was only helping to save her best friend. She would deny it later.

Alice gets ready to move next if Jackie were to end up in trouble. "Keep talking to her. We're not getting swept around! Meaning it's working!"
Tazmodo said:
Jackson looks at Alice. "I guess if that's how it has to be done." Several identical clones of Jackson formed and a bright light flash blinding Alice for a second. All five Jackson's had arrows of light raining down on Alice and the ground around her was covered in flames.
Nodding to Alice, Jackie turns her attention back to Ashlyn. She looks completely unafraid, a strange calmness sweeping her heart. She slowly walks toward Ashlyn again, keeping her movements slow and precise.

And then, the unnamed asshole Jackie had never met ruined the calm.

It takes all her power not to turn around, cuss him out for ruining a plan that was working, then shove the spear at her side down his fucking throat, but she manages. Her eyes never waver from Ashlyn's, and she moves closer to keep Ashlyn's attention on Jackie. "Don't look at them, Ashlyn. Look at me," She says, a hint of insistence moving into her calm tone in desperation to keep her calm, "Please, Ashlyn, I don't want to fight you. We can talk, and we don't have to fight each other. Please."
Light said:
Aedus's trial was unaffected by the fire and just kept on growing stronger. Raz's trial has the smoke and ash envelop everyone else to blacken the battlefield. It allows its sealing stones to float away from it in a quick burst. Aedus could notice that his trial dodged the sealing stone that flew by it before the smoke enveloped them. It seemed like Ent, Aedus, Ammax, Yer'Sat, and Raz were in a black cloud of hot ash with beings that could maneuver through it. Ammax ends up yelling still even after his sentence was finished until his vocal cords shredded themselves. Another trial for Ammax floats down from the sky and hides in the smoke and ash.
metalcity said:
Ent looked at the ash with slight confusion "This...is...interesting?" He thought out loud, he saw the ash and covered his mouth slightly. He saw his trial and smirked "Aedus! more the fire from your freak and throw it at mine. If I remember it before I killed it with lava, fire should work as well." Ent confidently explained.
@Light @GingerBread
(So I know nothing about what's happened with the trials, but I'm going to assume not much has changed. If it has, then tough :P )


Aedus looked over at Ent and fumbled around in his pocket for a match since he couldn't see anything in the ash. Once he got a match out of his pocket he struck it against the side of the box and started using the fire to move away the ash in front of him, enough so that he could see his and Ent's trial.

( ! ) Aedus then did as Ent said and Launched a fireball at his trial which exploded on contact with it, sending it into his own trial and sending them both into the sealing stone that his trial has previously dodged. Aedus hoped that after this it would be over and they wouldn't get attacked by these things anymore.
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CelticSol said:
Nodding to Alice, Jackie turns her attention back to Ashlyn. She looks completely unafraid, a strange calmness sweeping her heart. She slowly walks toward Ashlyn again, keeping her movements slow and precise.
And then, the unnamed asshole Jackie had never met ruined the calm.

It takes all her power not to turn around, cuss him out for ruining a plan that was working, then shove the spear at her side down his fucking throat, but she manages. Her eyes never waver from Ashlyn's, and she moves closer to keep Ashlyn's attention on Jackie. "Don't look at them, Ashlyn. Look at me," She says, a hint of insistence moving into her calm tone in desperation to keep her calm, "Please, Ashlyn, I don't want to fight you. We can talk, and we don't have to fight each other. Please."
( @LokiofSP @Tazmodo)

Morgan activates a peace spell she was cooking up. Once Jackie manages to calm Ashlyn down just enough the spell would activate and automatically settle the battle.

Ashlyn raises her hand to attack but slightly puts it down. Once she does so a purple flash occurs and they're all suddenly sitting outside the temple. The Red Orb floating around Jackie and Ashlyn was steaming, leaning on Alice.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/glowing-orb-4292807-1.jpg.cb08b807fddf4c1c3b0d2bf523f66089.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/glowing-orb-4292807-1.jpg.cb08b807fddf4c1c3b0d2bf523f66089.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

GingerBread said:
(So I know nothing about what's happened with the trials, but I'm going to assume not much has changed. If it has, then tough :P )

Aedus looked over at Ent and fumbled around in his pocket for a match since he couldn't see anything in the ash. Once he got a match out of his pocket he struck it against the side of the box and started using the fire to move away the ash in front of him, enough so that he could see his and Ent's trial.

( ! ) Aedus then did as Ent said and Launched a fireball at his trial which exploded on contact with it, sending it into his own trial and into the sealing stone that his trial has previously dodged. Aedus hoped that after this it would be over and they wouldn't get attacked by these things anymore.
( Fuuuuuccccckkkk I liked these two.... )

Ent's trial dies once more and slams into Aedus's trial. Once they hit the sealing stone they both end up being sealed away inside of it. Even though Aedus's trial was indestructible he managed to use his area and resources successfully to his advantage, beating what was considered to be unbeatable. Ent recieves the ability to use gas from gas planets. Though he cannot affect the planet themselves. Aedus gains volcano manipulation and tectonic plate manipulation for technically killing two trials.



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Light said:
Grimm appears on a flying carpet once Draco flies away. "Wow dude....looks like she wasn't too compatible? Let's go find someone else!"
The being gets knocked back , a large hole in its chest though one of the three plugs on its chest weren't blown away. The being rises and begins draining electricity and energy from the city itself. It seemed to heal and gain more power as it did.

The trial suddenly explodes in a fury of rock and fire. The rock and fire expands towards Raz. The being uses its multiple arms and slams the ground, making dodging the fire and rock hard due to a lack of balance.

Ashlyn hesitates once more but raises her hand, bringing it down to havent telekinetic pressure crush Jackie. This attack misses due to Christina pulling Jackie out of the way with ectoplasmic threads. She said she wouldn't help but all the personalities felt like Jackie was their best friend due to experiencing that friendship with her together. So Christina was only helping to save her best friend. She would deny it later.

Alice gets ready to move next if Jackie were to end up in trouble. "Keep talking to her. We're not getting swept around! Meaning it's working!"
(!)Raz redirects two towards the general area of his trial,but taking a couple hits and tripping.raz gets up and fires to large shadow beams form each hand,aiming where he thinks his trial is.
Ent smirk grow "Really? that was it? I thought you might be a challenge. But sure, whatever. So any ways, congrats on killing them. Lets celebrate with food." Ent smiled, gently running his hand through Aedus's hair. Then offering him his hand.

@GingerBread @Light
metalcity said:
Ent smirk grow "Really? that was it? I thought you might be a challenge. But sure, whatever. So any ways, congrats on killing them. Lets celebrate with food." Ent smiled, gently running his hand through Aedus's hair. Then offering him his hand.
@GingerBread @Light
( Wow... leaving Ammax and Raz for dead. xD )

MTchaos1134 said:
(!)Raz redirects two towards the general area of his trial,but taking a couple hits and tripping.raz gets up and fires to large shadow beams form each hand,aiming where he thinks his trial is.
The being raises a wall of magma that solidifies into rock and blocks off the two large shadow beams. The being begins to stomp it's feet and creates magma chambers under the battlefield.
Light said:
( Wow... leaving Ammax and Raz for dead. xD )
The being raises a wall of magma that solidifies into rock and blocks off the two large shadow beams. The being begins to stomp it's feet and creates magma chambers under the battlefield.
(you think ent cares? xD )
Light said:
( No. You didnt touch it. You touched your own chest. There's the first clue. )
Once Ammax touches the beings chest again he only feels his own hands on his chest. The being floats away into the ash cloud.

"Alllrriiiigghhhttt. Why don't we join a guild to take our minds off of her?" Grimm tilts his head and points in the direction of the guild.


Ammax jolted back. He snarled. Some sort of dark magic... Ammax whistled, Yer'Sat coming towards him. Ammax hopped on Yer'Sat.

"Take mo to the... Thing, Yer'Sat."

The lion roared, and began dashing around. Ammax tightened his grip on Yer'Sat's armor, knowing he was a little frisky.

The lion suddently came to a stop. Ammax jumped off. He could tell they were at the edge of the Mist cloud. He stepped out, looking into it. He could see shadows moving inside. I've seen nothing like this since... Ammax shuddered. Do not go there again.

Ammax stood inches out of the mist, watching it carefully.​
Light said:
Ent's trial dies once more and slams into Aedus's trial. Once they hit the sealing stone they both end up being sealed away inside of it. Even though Aedus's trial was indestructible he managed to use his area and resources successfully to his advantage, beating what was considered to be unbeatable. Ent receives the ability to use gas from gas planets. Though he cannot affect the planet themselves. Aedus gains volcano manipulation and tectonic plate manipulation for technically killing two trials.
(Can I get a link? Or at least a run down of how it works? Ta in advance)

metalcity said:
Ent smirk grow "Really? that was it? I thought you might be a challenge. But sure, whatever. So any ways, congrats on killing them. Let's celebrate with food." Ent smiled, gently running his hand through Aedus's hair. Then offering him his hand.
@GingerBread @Light


"Y-You shouldn't congratulate someone for killing someone else. It's wrong E-Ent" Aedus frowned up at Ent and instead of taking his Hand, He placed the bag of fish in it. "Th-there's still people getting hurt E-Ent" Aedus motioned towards the ash cloud where sounds of people fighting could still be heard. "I-I'm going to help them. I can't just leave them to d-die" Aedus smiled at Ent before taking off into the dust cloud.

Aedus came across Raz's trial first and noticed that it was using magma against whoever it was fighting. ( ! ) Aedus took out his box of matches, noting that he only had three left. He took one out and stuck it against the side of the box, he then made the flame bigger so that he had more fire to use. He then had the fire seperate around Raz's trial before splitting off into chains and chaining the trial to the ground. Aedus then had the fire slowly creep it's way over the trial's body, getting hotter and hotter. Aedus did this in hopes that the trial would give in.

@MTchaos1134 @metalcity @Light


Maya looked at the red orb that gravitated around Jackie with slight jealously. Maya skipped over to Fola and tugged on his arm slightly to get his attention. "I want an Orb like those ones. They look so Cool!" Maya pointed over at the red orb that was rotating around Jackie. "How do I get one Best Friend?! Can you get one for me? Pretty please! Pretty please with sprinkles on top!" Maya smiled up at Fola, hoping she'd said please enough to get him to get her an orb.

@LokiofSP @Light
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"Alllrriiiigghhhttt. Why don't we join a guild to take our minds off of her?" Grimm tilts his head and points in the direction of the guild.
Looking at Grimm Draco nodded. He stated, "Very well let's go." He smiled at him then changed direction smiling. He needed a distraction.
Fola sighed, "No Maya, you can't get an orb, it's dangerous..." He threw his stick to the side and looked at the personalities, "So we're just missing Alexandria or something, right? Let's get to this last one and be done with it, this entire thing has taken longer than it should have in the first place..."

@GingerBread @Light
Light said:
One she takes out all three plugs the being disperses and dies. She gains the power of Energy Absorption. Grimm blinks at how swiftly she ended up deconstructing the being and killing it. "Wow. That was fast."
( I think that's actually a record time for beating a trial. Fastest kill.

Energy Absorption - Electricity Absorption )
"I am Called Project Power for a reason." She said as she floated to Grimm. She tapped his hand, and a blue crescent appeared above the back of his hand. "Tap this and i will come." She said as she sped off to help Mercy.

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