Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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The being was weak from the poison. Too weak to move. She ends up shattering the blade that's already piercing it's heart, thus killing the being. She gains a new ability.

Blood Property Manipulation

GingerBread said:
"So you lot can't die. I guess I'll see you again then? I've no clue what this abyssal realm is, but I'm almost certain I'll probably end up there at some point, otherwise why would you come after me?. But I guess thanks for letting me beat you, lot less effort for me."

( ! ) Vance walked over to the trial and did his best to pinpoint where he heart was, assuming her anatomy was the same as a human. Vance then plunged his dagger into that spot.

Once Vance stabs the being, the crystal in her chest shatters. The being disperses and ends up back in the Abyssal Realm. Vance gains a new ability.

Dream Walking
Sandra took off agian, and thought about what new tricks she could pull off with it. She arrived next to Project Power, and began charging herself also.

Oden looks at Christina with an amused look on his face. He laughed and closed he bag, "Ah yes, you completely understand me now, do you? Just as how people before 'completely' understood me when they told me I was some kind of lunatic? Please then, enlighten me about what I am, I would LOVE to know what you think I am." Oden crosses his arms, a smile in the corner of his mouth not even attempted to be hidden.



Fola leans on Jayn's back as they both look at their respective trails. Jayn on one hand, seemed almost excited to fight her trail, while Fola's eye twitched as he felt the full brunt of all the anger he'd pushed down for the entire day...


"Yay! It's hole head guy! Remember that time you stabbed me with blood and I was naked and it hurt allot, but now you're back! This is gonna be fun!"

Jayn turned her head to Fola with a smile, "Wanna beat these guys up together?"

Fola violently nods, "FUCKING YES!"

They stood up together, Fola summoning his death scythe while Jayn simply waved at Fola's trail, "HI! My name is Jayn and we're gonna kill you together, okay?"

(!) Fola put an electromagnetic field around the stars and made it positive, he then created a field around him and Jayn and made it positive as well. The field would reflect back the stars to Ricardo. Jayn on the other hand, targeted the blood to hit the ground, making a handful target at the hole in the being's head once more. It bounced from the ground before continuing on it's path to hit the being...


"Well that was easy. Now the real question is why they were sent to fight me and gather information, when they seemed to not want to. That means someone was forcing them to. I'll figure it out later" Vance then sat back down in his chair, not sure what he should do now. I wonder if Luna is busy right now, she hasn't said anything lately. I assume she's still planning. Vance shrugged and decided he might as well see how far Luna had got with the planning. "Luna, you around?"

LokiofSP said:
Oden looks at Christina with an amused look on his face. He laughed and closed he bag, "Ah yes, you completely understand me now, do you? Just as how people before 'completely' understood me when they told me I was some kind of lunatic? Please then, enlighten me about what I am, I would LOVE to know what you think I am." Oden crosses his arms, a smile in the corner of his mouth not even attempted to be hidden.



Fola leans on Jayn's back as they both look at their respective trails. Jayn on one hand, seemed almost excited to fight her trail, while Fola's eye twitched as he felt the full brunt of all the anger he'd pushed down for the entire day...


"Yay! It's hole head guy! Remember that time you stabbed me with blood and I was naked and it hurt allot, but now you're back! This is gonna be fun!"

Jayn turned her head to Fola with a smile, "Wanna beat these guys up together?"

Fola violently nods, "FUCKING YES!"

They stood up together, Fola summoning his death scythe while Jayn simply waved at Fola's trail, "HI! My name is Jayn and we're gonna kill you together, okay?"

(!) Fola put an electromagnetic field around the stars and made it positive, he then created a field around him and Jayn and made it positive as well. The field would reflect back the stars to Ricardo. Jayn on the other hand, targeted the blood to hit the ground, making a handful target at the hole in the being's head once more. It bounced from the ground before continuing on it's path to hit the being...

Christina inspects her nails, finding this conversation boring. "You're human. Simple as that. Your entire species is corrupt and to the point in which the insane should considered normal. So no you're not a lunatic, just human."

Ricardo waves his staff and the stars are destroyed. He waves his staff again and the electromagnetic field Fola put up collapses. The blood travels through the beings face harmlessly. His blade stabs into the ground, shooting out where Jayn stands, cutting into her thigh. Once it does the being pulls the blade back and raises once finger.

Ricardo spins his staff and Absolute Darkness is casted throughout the realm. Jayn's being turns into a shadow and slips away into the darkness.

( ! ) Jayn's being uses the blood dripping from her thigh to harden and encase itself around her leg to hold her down. Ricardo has the Absolute Darkness send an obliterating wave towards Jayn. If Fola were to push her out of the way Jayn's trial would perfectly align it's blade in the way with the intention of simply cutting Fola.
GingerBread said:
"Well that was easy. Now the real question is why they were sent to fight me and gather information, when they seemed to not want to. That means someone was forcing them to. I'll figure it out later" Vance then sat back down in his chair, not sure what he should do now. I wonder if Luna is busy right now, she hasn't said anything lately. I assume she's still planning. Vance shrugged and decided he might as well see how far Luna had got with the planning. "Luna, you around?"

Luna appears in the darkness realm. "Hello Sir Vancelot. Why have you called?"

"Well I killed that thing, or rather talked it into letting me kill it. So I can now go into people's dreams. So there's some news" Vance shrugged and smiled over at Luna. "So how goes the planning? You want any help? You want to do anything else?"

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GingerBread said:
"Well I killed that thing, or rather talked it into letting me kill it. So I can now go into people's dreams. So there's some news" Vance shrugged and smiled over at Luna. "So how goes the planning? You want any help? You want to do anything else?"

"So you're Freddy Krueger?" Luna gives him an amused smirk as she approaches him. "I guess you can help out with somethings. I'd like for you to choose the place."

"I guess I'm kind of like him, but I think I can't control the dreams, just enter them." Vance shrugged and stood up from his seat. "So I get to choose where this thing will take place? Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to do this yourself? I'm not saying I don't want to help, but I've no idea what sort of place you'd like, or any sort of thing like that. Or who you're inviting, if you're inviting anyone"

@Embaga Elder[/URL]
As he hits the and becomes bonded, he looks at the demonic Hannah and grins. Honestly do you think this will help you? Hehe I mean come on you're an robot. There's electricity within your robotic body. All I'll have to do is focus on the electricity within your body, and teleport to it using it as a median. The process will destroy you. He disperse himself in electricity and travels up onto the top of the guild building where he we gathers together and stands there looking down onto Demon Hannah. He crosses his arms. But I'll play with you for awhile. His eyes turn white and he manipulates the weather causing cold winds to blow around Hannah freezing the joints in her robotic body. @The Imperial Flame

Light said:
"I wouldn't talk like that. Especially since you've answered a question that hasn't been asked. The orb asked if you're prepared to face the orbs brilliance not if you know of the curse. I have you completely figured out now and you bore me. Just a heads up. At the rate you're going you will be killed." Christina looks at the guardian briefly before turning back to Oden. "I do have a better plan. The split personalities and I shall defend Morgan so she has time to cast a spell that will cut down Alexandria's healing ability. From there we allow Morgan to cast a short spell to slow Alexandria down. Once she's slowed down it would be in our best interest to use some form of power to put a cage around her. Once the cage is up there isn't much she can do but wish, jinx, and , curse us. Though to keep her from getting the time to focus on that we have to keep attacking her to keep her on the dodging job. Once she realizes that she cannot win she'll forfeit and the orb is ours."


Cole lights his smoke, and chuckles as she insults Oden and humans. Hehe that sounds like a good plan. He spins the lighter between his left hand, while taking the smoke out his mouth, then blows it into the air. As he was smoking something hits him against his head and he just scratches the spot like an each. @Light


When the two saw that Fola was taken away by one of those beings. Surprisingly Cole didn't realize it. He was probably too into his smoke. Crimson generates energy the size of a marble and flicks it at Cole. Wow just as usual. Once smoking gets on his mind sometimes he misses the things right in front of him. Yeah so since, Fola's being is back. How much do you think ours is back also?? Inaro pops open another bottle of beer. A six pack. He chuckles then takes a swig of his beer. Crimson looks at him and shakes his head. Wow, what a drunk. Crimson opened a bottle of whiskey. But who am I to judge. He chugs the whole bottle. @Light

GingerBread said:
"I guess I'm kind of like him, but I think I can't control the dreams, just enter them." Vance shrugged and stood up from his seat. "So I get to choose where this thing will take place? Are you sure you wouldn't prefer to do this yourself? I'm not saying I don't want to help, but I've no idea what sort of place you'd like, or any sort of thing like that. Or who you're inviting, if you're inviting anyone"

"I'm sure you'll pick a great place." Luna smiles but her smile turns into a sharp glare. "Pick the wrong place and your soul is mine." Luna goes back to a smile and kisses Vance.



When the two saw that Fola was taken away by one of those beings. Surprisingly Cole didn't realize it. He was probably too into his smoke. Crimson generates energy the size of a marble and flicks it at Cole. Wow just as usual. Once smoking gets on his mind sometimes he misses the things right in front of him. Yeah so since, Fola's being is back. How much do you think ours is back also?? Inaro pops open another bottle of beer. A six pack. He chuckles then takes a swig of his beer. Crimson looks at him and shakes his head. Wow, what a drunk. Crimson opened a bottle of whiskey. But who am I to judge. He chugs the whole bottle. @Light

Christina releases a frustrated sigh. "Will any one of you answer the guardians question?" Inaro's trial steps out of a portal before them. "Now would be a good time."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/26fd57b211ac17086c31b1dfa2455458.jpg.e8527bca6f79713a0cd23b305f293e53.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/26fd57b211ac17086c31b1dfa2455458.jpg.e8527bca6f79713a0cd23b305f293e53.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vance smiled at Luna as she kissed him "That was... That was a joke right Luna? Like you're not going to take my soul like you did with the people in the bar right?" He looked at Luna wearily, deciding to assume she was joking unless proved otherwise. "But before I choose a place, anything I should know about how big the wedding is going to be?"

GingerBread said:
Vance smiled at Luna as she kissed him "That was... That was a joke right Luna? Like you're not going to take my soul like you did with the people in the bar right?" He looked at Luna wearily, deciding to assume she was joking unless proved otherwise. "But before I choose a place, anything I should know about how big the wedding is going to be?"

( Going into a movie )

"I might be joking and I might not be." Luna winks at Vance ashrugged she slowly diaappears. "The wedding won't be too big, hopefully.
The being extends it's hand and sharpened particles of sand rush over, slicing through Draco's side and cutting him. The being raises it's hands and a wall of sand rises rushing towards him.
Silently Draco ignores the minor cut and looks at the wall of Sand. He creates an image of him throwing the sand away into the wind as he transforms into a dragon and flies over the sand walls. Holding his image of him standing and fighting off the sand walls through blasts of air Draco silently lands by the being then changes so the being can see him. He smiles then punches the being in the chest with his dagger like claws as they plunge all the way unto the beings chest which is a good six inches he then plunges his other claw into the being's stomach then pulls both out and looks at the being expecting it to die.
Hannah's eyes closed for a second, and when they opened they were yellow. She felt the cold enter her body, Now in control Mercy Called for help. Not to Renshi but to her partners that had gathered to aid her. "Help me please, please." She said her eyes going blank as she fell over.

At this moment the entire area around the guild hall went silent. A Loud buzzing filled the air, Accompanied by what sounded like a firework shooting into the sky. A streak of yellow hurtled at Renshi at speeds faster than light. As it collided with him a sonic boom resonated around them. "Project:Speed, Status: Overdrive Mode." Said a voice, and as the smoke cleared Renshi would see this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Speed.jpg.f3eed9dfe2b54b95381abf60bfdf5f01.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Speed.jpg.f3eed9dfe2b54b95381abf60bfdf5f01.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And then the Firework noise grew extremely loud. A Blue streak Shot up in front of Renshi. A blast of mana pouring from it's cord like hair, it would very nearly miss renshi's head, and singe his hair. As the form became clearer beside the last one a different one appeared.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.48a97f748a951ceeb9b0506328c1d362.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.48a97f748a951ceeb9b0506328c1d362.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Oden blinked a few times at Christina's words, he then broke into laughter at her words. He wiped his eyes and continued, "You're saying the same thing I've been saying for years! Everybody on this damned planet has terrible thoughts, secrets they take to the grave. I'm one of the few smart enough to not have that burden. I act on any and all thoughts and urges I have, and I have no regrets. I'm one of the only people smart and confident enough to ACT"

"Many would rather listen to the lies and manipulations of world leaders than hear the truth in my words. They fear if they agree they'll be bad people, when in truth I lived
life the best way possible." Satisfied with his and Christina's talk, he finally gave the Gaurdian what he was looking for, "Yes, we know of the orb's brilliance..."


(!)As Jayn stuck to the ground, she pouted and spoke, "HEY! Now I can't move, no fair!" She targeted the staff in Ricardo's hand and had it stay spinning. It drifted slowly to Fola's area, and if Ricardo were to hold on, he would have to plant his feet to the ground just so he wouldn't mive WITH the staff...

Fola on the other hand, snorted at the wave of darkness, he stold the darkness and released it back to Ricardo while making an illusion of him and Jayn getting hit at the same time. He used whatever time he may have bought them to examine Jayn's wound and bind...

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"Well I'll get a medium sized place then" Vance said to Luna just before she disappeared. When Luna had left Vance stood around in his darkness realm for a couple of seconds, going back over Luna's threat in his head. I'm going to assume she isn't joking, just in case she isn't. The threat was kinda unnerving, kinda like it though. Proves she's still got that mean side to her, I'm glad she hasn't lost it.

Vance shrugged and snapped his fingers, deciding to go on a search for a nice place to have their wedding. Vance started going around the world, looking for a nice place to get, so that there was no chance of Luna taking his soul.

@Light (I will find a good picture for this)
Inaro spits out the beer in his mouth onto Crimson as his trail appears. He wipes his mouth and looks at the trail, only to be punched by Crimson square in his jaw. Inaro goes flying into a frozen tree, and chuckles. He looks at Crimson who was bringing his fist down and had his rage aura over him, slowly fading away. Crimson remained silent. Inaro chuckles then looks at his trail. So buddy, why did you come back?? He asked before he drunk his beer. Cole looked at the Guardian, and finishes the text of the answer since Oden still technically didn't answer it. And we are prepared. He turns his head to Christina. Happy now? @Light @LokiofSP

@The Imperial Flame[/URL]
wIn unison they responded "We are Unit 1, the Triumvirate, The Three Sisters, The Fates, The Moirai, and the Watchers." They said in unison, Hannah joining them. "You threaten us, therefore you must explain why you attacked us." They said, and Mercy/Hannah stepped backward. "Pick one of us to fight, Mercy will not be a choice." The two remaining were blank faced and solemn. They both were intimidating.

@Embaga Elder
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco ignores the minor cut and looks at the wall of Sand. He creates an image of him throwing the sand away into the wind as he transforms into a dragon and flies over the sand walls. Holding his image of him standing and fighting off the sand walls through blasts of air Draco silently lands by the being then changes so the being can see him. He smiles then punches the being in the chest with his dagger like claws as they plunge all the way unto the beings chest which is a good six inches he then plunges his other claw into the being's stomach then pulls both out and looks at the being expecting it to die.
The being oddly didn't seem fazed by the illusion at all. Once Draco stabs him with his claws, the beings body disperses into sand. The being appears elsewhere and the sand on his claws crawl up his arms and begin to crush his claws and the bones in his hands, wrists, and slowly his entire arms.

LokiofSP said:
Oden blinked a few times at Christina's words, he then broke into laughter at her words. He wiped his eyes and continued, "You're saying the same thing I've been saying for years! Everybody on this damned planet has terrible thoughts, secrets they take to the grave. I'm one of the few smart enough to not have that burden. I act on any and all thoughts and urges I have, and I have no regrets. I'm one of the only people smart and confident enough to ACT"

"Many would rather listen to the lies and manipulations of world leaders than hear the truth in my words. They fear if they agree they'll be bad people, when in truth I lived
life the best way possible." Satisfied with his and Christina's talk, he finally gave the Gaurdian what he was looking for, "Yes, we know of the orb's brilliance..."
Before the trial could answer or strike the remainder of the group they were all pulled into the portal. They were all sitting in a boat that was silently carrying them across gentle waters. The waters were so calm it seemed as flat and perfectly reflective as a mirror. The clouds were beautiful and the golden rays of sunlight made the effect even greater. They continue to travel until they reach a dock that led to a circular and wooden floating platform in the calm waters like an arena. In the air was the gold orb in a barrier with Alexandria standing in the center. She spreads her wings once the boat grows close. 6 angelic wings on her right and 6 demonic wings on her left. Once she does so, she simply disappears.

( What it's like. @GingerBread @CelticSol )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Life-of-Pi-250-1024x554.jpg.163ad38d594ab4458a97c29384947998.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Life-of-Pi-250-1024x554.jpg.163ad38d594ab4458a97c29384947998.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

LokiofSP said:
(!)As Jayn stuck to the ground, she pouted and spoke, "HEY! Now I can't move, no fair!" She targeted the staff in Ricardo's hand and had it stay spinning. It drifted slowly to Fola's area, and if Ricardo were to hold on, he would have to plant his feet to the ground just so he wouldn't mive WITH the staff...

Fola on the other hand, snorted at the wave of darkness, he stold the darkness and released it back to Ricardo while making an illusion of him and Jayn getting hit at the same time. He used whatever time he may have bought them to examine Jayn's wound and bind...

Ricardo simply shrugs off the affects of Jayn's powers on his staff, the wave of darkness, and destroys Fola's illusion. Doing so within a 2 second time frame after Fola's attack with the flick of his wrist. Fola can feel the blade of Jayn's trial cut his arm. The Absolute Darkness cuts off and they could see Jayn's trial lifting up another finger. Making that two. Jayn's trial flaps it's wings once and it's feathers fly outward, circling around the two like a vortex, only to crash down upon them as sharpened blades. All 209 of them. It wasn't to kill or stab, just slice into their skin.



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The being oddly didn't seem fazed by the illusion at all. Once Draco stabs him with his claws, the beings body disperses into sand. The being appears elsewhere and the sand on his claws crawl up his arms and begin to crush his claws and the bones in his hands, wrists, and slowly his entire arms.
Wincing in pain Draco roars in pain. Silently he punches the being which does nothing. He feels his entire arm cracking and groaning under the pressure. Suddenly an idea came into Draco's head. Silently he turned to the being and breathed liquid fire right into the beings face. The fire coming out of his mouth was so hot it turned the being into glass. Breaking the glass Draco removed his arm from the now glass embrace around his arm and winces. Luckily no bones were crushed he will have a heck of a bruise though. Breathing liquid fire now Draco poured it unrelentingly at the being hoping to turn it into glass completely.
As the blades 'down, Fola yells out to Jayn, "GET THE FUCK TO THE FLOOR!"

(!) Jayn hit the floor with a yelp as Fola unleashed eternal flames from his mouth and melting all the blades he could, a few cutting him on his way down. He eventually closed his mouth before whipping a blast of lightning at Jayn's trial, Jayn then stood up and made the beam target her trail. She ran towards Fola as he lifted her up and helped her jump into the air. She leaped off her friends head and took out her sniper rifle, she aimed at Ricardo and targeted the rock on his head. Before pulling the trigger she softly whispered "Bababouy..." Before pulling the trigger...


Maya looked up at the orb, deciding that this one was the prettiest. Her best friend wasn't here to say she couldn't get it, so it's okay for her to get the orb. Maya was the first to leap off of the boat and run over to the orb. She stood in front of it trying to work out how to get past the barrier. "How do I get to you Orb! You're so pretty!" Maya frowned as she couldn't think of a way to get the Orb.

( ! )She imagined how easy it would be if the orb just appeared in her hands and that no one would stop her from getting the prettiest Orb. As she imagined this her powers started to kick in....

@Light @CelticSol @Other people in the temple I forgot. sorry D:
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Lighthouse8477 said:
Wincing in pain Draco roars in pain. Silently he punches the being which does nothing. He feels his entire arm cracking and groaning under the pressure. Suddenly an idea came into Draco's head. Silently he turned to the being and breathed liquid fire right into the beings face. The fire coming out of his mouth was so hot it turned the being into glass. Breaking the glass Draco removed his arm from the now glass embrace around his arm and winces. Luckily no bones were crushed he will have a heck of a bruise though. Breathing liquid fire now Draco poured it unrelentingly at the being hoping to turn it into glass completely.
( ! ) The being reforms from new sand in the distance and whips up a tornado of sand, sending it at Draco. It didn't matter if he had liquid fire, it was still too much sand.

LokiofSP said:
As the blades 'down, Fola yells out to Jayn, "GET THE FUCK TO THE FLOOR!"

(!) Jayn hit the floor with a yelp as Fola unleashed eternal flames from his mouth and melting all the blades he could, a few cutting him on his way down. He eventually closed his mouth before whipping a blast of lightning at Jayn's trial, Jayn then stood up and made the beam target her trail. She ran towards Fola as he lifted her up and helped her jump into the air. She leaped off her friends head and took out her sniper rifle, she aimed at Ricardo and targeted the rock on his head. Before pulling the trigger she softly whispered "Bababouy..." Before pulling the trigger...

Once Fola struck Jayn's trial with lightning they could hear an inhuman shriek and roar. The flash of light from the lightning wiped out its shadow, thus killing the being. The bullet Jayn fires hits Ricardo's head orb, thus shattering it. Ricardo swung his staff to destroy it but it had already hit him. Now that his defense missed, a wave of destruction hit the ground instead of directly destroying the object itself as his powers come off as. The symbol with circles appear behind Ricardo's head and a circle flickers and turns off. Jayn receives Blood manipulation and the Bioblade drops before her feet due to also injuring Fola's trial. Ricardo spins his staff and slams it on the ground, causing the Law of gravity to work the opposite way for the two. They both begin to be uncontrollably pulled up into the starry sky.

GingerBread said:
Maya looked up at the orb, deciding that this one was the prettiest. Her best friend wasn't here to say she couldn't get it, so it's okay for her to get the orb. Maya was the first to leap off of the boat and run over to the orb. She stood in front of it trying to work out how to get past the barrier. "How do I get to you Orb! You're so pretty!" Maya frowned as she couldn't think of a way to get the Orb.

( ! )She imagined how easy it would be if the orb just appeared in her hands and that no one would stop her from getting the prettiest Orb. As she imagined this her powers started to kick in....

@Light @CelticSol @Other people in the temple I forgot. sorry D:
The orb stays right where it is, unaffected by other powers.

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