Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"There's a difference between fate and a magically induced phenomenon by the individual." Angelica truthfully had no belief in fate. At least not anymore. She pulls the trigger, firing a beam of destructive energy at him.
Looking at her Draco waited. He sensed she would fire. Their was nothing he could do right now. He just stood and waited for her to pull the trigger. He stood unafraid at death. After all energy beams moved two quickly for him to avoid at this close. While she had been talking he had created and image of himself standing in front of her then replicated the forest scenery. He had moved aside and watched as She pulled the trigger. He saw the end of the gun glow. The energy beam ripped through his image of himself who he had fly backwards a few feet and fall to the ground bleeding and quite dead. He kept that image to see what Angelica would do. Nothing perhaps she had known it was an Image.
Supermegabrenda2 said:
Ammax growls, and takes his weapon.

"Who are you?" He said loudly. He stood infront of Aedus, Chocolate, Yer'Sat and Raz. (I missed someone, im feeling it xD )

Ammax held his weapon out infront of him.
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz forms large powerful walls,around the city,along with a dome,to protect it.
Raz then turns and faces his trial.

(!) 20 shadow beings form and they charge at the threat,all thier attacks were aimed at the head,while that was happening Raz Flew towards the being with a large shadow blade and going fast enough to break the sound barrier.raz is also aiming for the head.
GingerBread said:
Aedus looked up at the fire in the sky, he began to worry that Ent might get hurt. He decided he had to defend himself and fight back since ad fire powers. He opened his hand and held it out. The fire in the sky started heading towards his palm and shrinking down until it was nothing more than a small flame that fit in his closed hand. Aedus then opened his hand and had the fire expand into armor.

( ! ) Aedus once again took the fire from the being's head, creating a shortsword and shield out of it.

@metalcity @Light
( Once again MT you disregard the ash in the air that makes you unable to see your hand in front of your face or breathe. Whatever, it's only the second time right? )

( ! ) Both beings ignore Ammax and continue their battle. Raz's trial has sealing stones condense around it like an barrier. The moment anything touched the stones they'd be sealed away.

Aedus's trial stands still and roars as the fire on its head re-ignites. It came back stronger with even more power of fire manipulation. Aedus could feel a hoof smash into his rib cage, sending him into Ammax. It seemed like the being moved swiftly and kicked him back. A flamethrower travels their way afterwards.

GingerBread said:
Vance noticed the way Morgan, Alice, Christina, and Julie were looking at him and chuckled slightly. "So you three" Vance pointed at Morgan, Alice and Christina. "Don't want to join back together? No. Let me guess, you" Vance pointed at Morgan. "You couldn't care less, Guess you hate being a whole being then. And you" Vance moved his finger over to Alice. "You want to go see your children or fuck fire guy before you join back, right?. Next" Vance pointed at Christina. "You want to hop on Fola's dick or maybe Crybabies or possibly both. At least that's what I'm assuming based on the way you've been acting to them vs the rest of us. And finally"

Vance then moved his pointing finger over to Julie.
"You're probably scared of your sister coming back. Scared that she's going to hate you, scared that's she's going to hate everyone." Vance chuckled and stuck his hands into his pockets. "Because she seemed happy when she was alive, from what I saw. And you lot all let her die. And at first you didn't even really care that much about bringing her back, did you? Hell, you haven't even really had a hand in helping us get her back apart from dropping us off at the temples. So that's going to be a fantastic first impression, isn't it? Not even slightly having a hand in getting Her back. Cat lady has been more helpful than you have."

Vance turned his attention back to all four of them. "So don't even think about looking at me in that way. You lot have just sat here with your fingers up your arses doing nothing. Hell with the Cat, Alice, and the other one, We probably could've already got Ashlyn's orb. But no, you all want to sit around talking about how much you'd all like to fuck each other, or how and why you lot either hate or love each other."

@Light @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @GingerBread @Tazmodo @djinnamon
djinnamon said:
"Too bad no one wants to jump on yours Vance. " Noire snapped
Morgan shrugs, she didn't feel like responding. She simply goes back to reading. Alice merely blinks at Vance, not even wanting to talk to him since she'd end up killing him or he'd continue to run his mouth. She wanted nothing to do with Jackson in that sense since she only wanted her kids and Fola. Christina flashes an amused smile. It seemed like none of the other split personalities felt like arguing with him so neither would she. She had no interest in Colin beyond making him a braver person and cutting a friendly deal. Other than that she simply wanted Fola to be all hers and ignore the other split personalities. She definitely wouldn't say this since the other personalities would fight her about it. The competition would only get worse when Ashlyn and Alexandria arrive and would only be settled once they join together.

Julie doesn't even speak once Vance questions her work in this effort. She makes sure the barrier around each temple are double layered and make sure Vance can feel the changes. She also snaps her fingers and stops purifying the group, allowing the curses to rapidly take affect amongst everyone in the group except for herself, Morgan, Maya, Christina, and Alice.

While this happens Christina thinks about how she basically got them the win with the white orb while Vance sat back. Morgan thinks about how she basically saved all of their lives when they were being soul burned by Christina with the threads and basically made them achieve victory against Alice. She wondered how well they'd do if they stopped assisting them. Morgan already knew Christina was doing so but now she was on board as well.

Julie purifies them all once more of the curse and continues to stare at Vance with the same look along with Christina and Alice. Morgan just lacked the effort to care.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at her Draco waited. He sensed she would fire. Their was nothing he could do right now. He just stood and waited for her to pull the trigger. He stood unafraid at death. After all energy beams moved two quickly for him to avoid at this close. While she had been talking he had created and image of himself standing in front of her then replicated the forest scenery. He had moved aside and watched as She pulled the trigger. He saw the end of the gun glow. The energy beam ripped through his image of himself who he had fly backwards a few feet and fall to the ground bleeding and quite dead. He kept that image to see what Angelica would do. Nothing perhaps she had known it was an Image.
Angelica puts the gun down and turns away, not even batting an eyelash at his death. She walls off into the forest, trying to find the house that was the sanctuary.
Light said:
( Once again MT you disregard the ash in the air that makes you unable to see your hand in front of your face or breathe. Whatever, it's only the second time right? )
( ! ) Both beings ignore Ammax and continue their battle. Raz's trial has sealing stones condense around it like an barrier. The moment anything touched the stones they'd be sealed away.

Aedus's trial stands still and roars as the fire on its head re-ignites. It came back stronger with even more power of fire manipulation. Aedus could feel a hoof smash into his rib cage, sending him into Ammax. It seemed like the being moved swiftly and kicked him back. A flamethrower travels their way afterwards.

Morgan shrugs, she didn't feel like responding. She simply goes back to reading. Alice merely blinks at Vance, not even wanting to talk to him since she'd end up killing him or he'd continue to run his mouth. She wanted nothing to do with Jackson in that sense since she only wanted her kids and Fola. Christina flashes an amused smile. It seemed like none of the other split personalities felt like arguing with him so neither would she. She had no interest in Colin beyond making him a braver person and cutting a friendly deal. Other than that she simply wanted Fola to be all hers and ignore the other split personalities. She definitely wouldn't say this since the other personalities would fight her about it. The competition would only get worse when Ashlyn and Alexandria arrive and would only be settled once they join together.

Julie doesn't even speak once Vance questions her work in this effort. She makes sure the barrier around each temple are double layered and make sure Vance can feel the changes. She also snaps her fingers and stops purifying the group, allowing the curses to rapidly take affect amongst everyone in the group except for herself, Morgan, Maya, Christina, and Alice.

While this happens Christina thinks about how she basically got them the win with the white orb while Vance sat back. Morgan thinks about how she basically saved all of their lives when they were being soul burned by Christina with the threads and basically made them achieve victory against Alice. She wondered how well they'd do if they stopped assisting them. Morgan already knew Christina was doing so but now she was on board as well.

Julie purifies them all once more of the curse and continues to stare at Vance with the same look along with Christina and Alice. Morgan just lacked the effort to care.

Angelica puts the gun down and turns away, not even batting an eyelash at his death. She walls off into the forest, trying to find the house that was the sanctuary.
((Wait, I caught Aedus? I supose...)


Ammax caught the man, and set him back on foot. Ammax shoved him foreward. "C'mon boy, knock him out." He handed the boy a weird looking dagger. "It is very powerfull, handle it with care." Ammax stepped away, and looked around.

(!) (I guess...) Yer'Sat tackled the being, but quickly returned to Ammax upon his command.

Ammax watched the other ... things... attack someone else. Ammax shouted at Raz. "If you cant see 'em, you cant reach 'em. Get out of that... ash cloud." Ammax watched for any further movement.

@the dude that is fighting the other 2 things (I dont know the usename xD )

[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22497-gingerbread/"]@GingerBread[/URL] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/"]@Light[/URL]
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Vance ignored The comment Sage's girlfriend made. He just looked at Alice, Morgan, Julie and Christina as they all did nothing. "No response? got no way to argue against the points I made? You all silently agree that I'm right? Well if you guys don't want to form back together, who am I to force you to? I'm going to go then. Have fun, or don't. I honestly don't give a shit about any of you. It would make my life easier if you all died, but your choice on that matter."

Vance snapped his fingers and went into his darkness realm, before going and laying on the bed that was still in there. He thought about calling Luna but decided against it. Vance assumed she'd call him or something if she needed him to do anything. He started getting comfortable in the bed and just stared up at the never ending 'ceiling' of the Darkness realm.

@Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon @Embaga Elder


Aedus ignored the dagger the man gave him, deciding to just place it on the ground before turning back to the Trial.

( ! )Aedus took the fire from the being's head once again, getting more and more as it kept coming back. He surrounded the trial with fire and started trying to turn it to dust. Aedus doubted that it would kill the trial, which was fine by him since he didn't want to kill it anyway.

@Light @metalcity @Supermegabrenda2
GingerBread said:
Vance ignored The comment Sage's girlfriend made. He just looked at Alice, Morgan, Julie and Christina as they all did nothing. "No response? got no way to argue against the points I made? You all silently agree that I'm right? Well if you guys don't want to form back together, who am I to force you to? I'm going to go then. Have fun, or don't. I honestly don't give a shit about any of you. It would make my life easier if you all died, but your choice on that matter."

Vance snapped his fingers and went into his darkness realm, before going and laying on the bed that was still in there. He thought about calling Luna but decided against it. Vance assumed she'd call him or something if she needed him to do anything. He started getting comfortable in the bed and just stared up at the never ending 'ceiling' of the Darkness realm.

@Light @LokiofSP @djinnamon @Embaga Elder


Aedus ignored the dagger the man gave him, deciding to just place it on the ground before turning back to the Trial.

( ! )Aedus took the fire from the being's head once again, getting more and more as it kept coming back. He surrounded the trial with fire and started trying to turn it to dust. Aedus doubted that it would kill the trial, which was fine by him since he didn't want to kill it anyway.

@Light @metalcity @Supermegabrenda2
"Foolish boy! That dagger was one of your only hopes!"

Ammax was still looking at the cloud where Raz was, now that he had learned his name.

@GingerBread @MT something its not showing up
Light said:
( Once again MT you disregard the ash in the air that makes you unable to see your hand in front of your face or breathe. Whatever, it's only the second time right? )
( ! ) Both beings ignore Ammax and continue their battle. Raz's trial has sealing stones condense around it like an barrier. The moment anything touched the stones they'd be sealed away.

Aedus's trial stands still and roars as the fire on its head re-ignites. It came back stronger with even more power of fire manipulation. Aedus could feel a hoof smash into his rib cage, sending him into Ammax. It seemed like the being moved swiftly and kicked him back. A flamethrower travels their way afterwards.

Morgan shrugs, she didn't feel like responding. She simply goes back to reading. Alice merely blinks at Vance, not even wanting to talk to him since she'd end up killing him or he'd continue to run his mouth. She wanted nothing to do with Jackson in that sense since she only wanted her kids and Fola. Christina flashes an amused smile. It seemed like none of the other split personalities felt like arguing with him so neither would she. She had no interest in Colin beyond making him a braver person and cutting a friendly deal. Other than that she simply wanted Fola to be all hers and ignore the other split personalities. She definitely wouldn't say this since the other personalities would fight her about it. The competition would only get worse when Ashlyn and Alexandria arrive and would only be settled once they join together.

Julie doesn't even speak once Vance questions her work in this effort. She makes sure the barrier around each temple are double layered and make sure Vance can feel the changes. She also snaps her fingers and stops purifying the group, allowing the curses to rapidly take affect amongst everyone in the group except for herself, Morgan, Maya, Christina, and Alice.

While this happens Christina thinks about how she basically got them the win with the white orb while Vance sat back. Morgan thinks about how she basically saved all of their lives when they were being soul burned by Christina with the threads and basically made them achieve victory against Alice. She wondered how well they'd do if they stopped assisting them. Morgan already knew Christina was doing so but now she was on board as well.

Julie purifies them all once more of the curse and continues to stare at Vance with the same look along with Christina and Alice. Morgan just lacked the effort to care.

Angelica puts the gun down and turns away, not even batting an eyelash at his death. She walls off into the forest, trying to find the house that was the sanctuary.
(Sorry,having a bad day,and I misunderstood it,if I screw up again you can (most likely will)punish me or I'll leave the Rp for a day or more.thanks for pointing it out.)

Raz ultimately misses and the shadow people were charging based off a guess.

Raz stops and waits for the being to come to him,the shadow people disperse and blindly look for the being.
Angelica puts the gun down and turns away, not even batting an eyelash at his death. She walls off into the forest, trying to find the house that was the sanctuary.
Silently Draco removed the illusion then. He looked at her then wondered something. Silently he walked after her without a sound. Judging her trajectory he walked past her raising an illusion to hide himself. He looked at her and shook his head he wondered if he could appear to her in a different form but he might have ruined her sense of hospitality. It was worth a shot. Silently he created slashed clothes around him changed his facial features and his voice his clothing everything then he created a slash from what looked like a large predator slash and a black bruise on his head then he dropped the illusion that kept him hidden he stumbled onto the trail in front of her and looked back as if fearing something panting heavily. He doubted she would fall for it but it was worth a shot.
GingerBread said:

Aedus ignored the dagger the man gave him, deciding to just place it on the ground before turning back to the Trial.

( ! )Aedus took the fire from the being's head once again, getting more and more as it kept coming back. He surrounded the trial with fire and started trying to turn it to dust. Aedus doubted that it would kill the trial, which was fine by him since he didn't want to kill it anyway.

@Light @metalcity @Supermegabrenda2
Supermegabrenda2 said:
"Foolish boy! That dagger was one of your only hopes!"
Ammax was still looking at the cloud where Raz was, now that he had learned his name.

@GingerBread @MT something its not showing up
MTchaos1134 said:
(Sorry,having a bad day,and I misunderstood it,if I screw up again you can (most likely will)punish me or I'll leave the Rp for a day or more.thanks for pointing it out.)
Raz ultimately misses and the shadow people were charging based off a guess.

Raz stops and waits for the being to come to him,the shadow people disperse and blindly look for the being.
( Oh relax. It was just my regular snark and sarcasm. You're fine. )

( @metalcity )

Aedus's trial was unaffected by the fire and just kept on growing stronger. Raz's trial has the smoke and ash envelop everyone else to blacken the battlefield. It allows its sealing stones to float away from it in a quick burst. Aedus could notice that his trial dodged the sealing stone that flew by it before the smoke enveloped them. It seemed like Ent, Aedus, Ammax, Yer'Sat, and Raz were in a black cloud of hot ash with beings that could maneuver through it. Ammax ends up yelling still even after his sentence was finished until his vocal cords shredded themselves. Another trial for Ammax floats down from the sky and hides in the smoke and ash.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/ff0713b7f4db6d6bdc5da134e2418b69.jpg.2f9a2b82e93fcd400f2e78884eb18178.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="116952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/ff0713b7f4db6d6bdc5da134e2418b69.jpg.2f9a2b82e93fcd400f2e78884eb18178.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco removed the illusion then. He looked at her then wondered something. Silently he walked after her without a sound. Judging her trajectory he walked past her raising an illusion to hide himself. He looked at her and shook his head he wondered if he could appear to her in a different form but he might have ruined her sense of hospitality. It was worth a shot. Silently he created slashed clothes around him changed his facial features and his voice his clothing everything then he created a slash from what looked like a large predator slash and a black bruise on his head then he dropped the illusion that kept him hidden he stumbled onto the trail in front of her and looked back as if fearing something panting heavily. He doubted she would fall for it but it was worth a shot.
Angelica didn't even bat and eyelash at this random strangers distress. She didn't know it was an illusion but she still shot him. He was probably going to die anyways.



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Silently Draco avoided the shot and looked at Angelica and stated in his strangers voice, "Hey! That watch where your shooting that you could have killed me. I have plenty of fight left in me so don't point that thing at me what are you a merciless killer or something? Would you like it if I took that gun and shot you?" He looked at her wild eyed as he stated, "Besides my generation powers should kick in any second now." He gasped and had his wound on his side slowly reform as the blood slowly slid back inside. He breathed deeply as he stated, "That hurts. Please don't fire at me again miss. I'd like to live sorry for calling you a killer but you nearly killed me for being injured. What's the matter with you? I might as well ask since the worse thing you can do is shoot me and well I almost died twice today so i'd like to go for a record of three." He smiled his illusionary smile his voice way off from his normal one.

Light said:
"Please be nice to meet! I'm your long lost son I said! I love you mommy." Grimm hugs her leg, inducing the urge to stop attacking him.
The contact caused Celeste to spasm and her swirling magic closed upon Grimm, it seemed to burn like acid.
Light said:
( Oh relax. It was just my regular snark and sarcasm. You're fine. )
( @metalcity )

Aedus's trial was unaffected by the fire and just kept on growing stronger. Raz's trial has the smoke and ash envelop everyone else to blacken the battlefield. It allows its sealing stones to float away from it in a quick burst. Aedus could notice that his trial dodged the sealing stone that flew by it before the smoke enveloped them. It seemed like Ent, Aedus, Ammax, Yer'Sat, and Raz were in a black cloud of hot ash with beings that could maneuver through it. Ammax ends up yelling still even after his sentence was finished until his vocal cords shredded themselves. Another trial for Ammax floats down from the sky and hides in the smoke and ash.

View attachment 260499

Angelica didn't even bat and eyelash at this random strangers distress. She didn't know it was an illusion but she still shot him. He was probably going to die anyways.
Long tendrils start forming on Raz has he starts walking around,looking for the being,the tendrils guiding him so he doesn't run into anything.
Light said:
( Oh relax. It was just my regular snark and sarcasm. You're fine. )
( @metalcity )

Aedus's trial was unaffected by the fire and just kept on growing stronger. Raz's trial has the smoke and ash envelop everyone else to blacken the battlefield. It allows its sealing stones to float away from it in a quick burst. Aedus could notice that his trial dodged the sealing stone that flew by it before the smoke enveloped them. It seemed like Ent, Aedus, Ammax, Yer'Sat, and Raz were in a black cloud of hot ash with beings that could maneuver through it. Ammax ends up yelling still even after his sentence was finished until his vocal cords shredded themselves. Another trial for Ammax floats down from the sky and hides in the smoke and ash.

View attachment 260499

Angelica didn't even bat and eyelash at this random strangers distress. She didn't know it was an illusion but she still shot him. He was probably going to die anyways.


(Jesus that is one ugly thing!)

(Im slightly confused, the trials are evil beings, right?)

Ammax snarled, his voice gone. He feels another presence join the dark and hot ash cloud. He blindly swings his weapon around, taking a guess on where the being might be. He wont be going down like this, atleast not today.

He heard Yer'Sat snarl at something, and Ammax rushed over to see what it was. He reached Yer'Sat, feeling his soft mane brush against his leg. Ammax realized he was snarling at something infront of it. Ammax snorted, and his mane stood up. He stuck his hand out, feeling for something. His hand brushed across what felt like.... A tentacle? Ammax quickly pulled his hand back to his chest.

"What the...?"​
Jackson sat down. He didn't pay any attention to Vance and he had already moved past Alice. One thing bothered him though. "So do you guys want to join back then because it doesn't seem like you're in a rush." He looked at the personalities. @Light
Ent looked at the ash with slight confusion "This...is...interesting?" He thought out loud, he saw the ash and covered his mouth slightly. He saw his trial and smirked "Aedus! more the fire from your freak and throw it at mine. If I remember it before I killed it with lava, fire should work as well." Ent confidently explained.

@Light @GingerBread
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco avoided the shot and looked at Angelica and stated in his strangers voice, "Hey! That watch where your shooting that you could have killed me. I have plenty of fight left in me so don't point that thing at me what are you a merciless killer or something? Would you like it if I took that gun and shot you?" He looked at her wild eyed as he stated, "Besides my generation powers should kick in any second now." He gasped and had his wound on his side slowly reform as the blood slowly slid back inside. He breathed deeply as he stated, "That hurts. Please don't fire at me again miss. I'd like to live sorry for calling you a killer but you nearly killed me for being injured. What's the matter with you? I might as well ask since the worse thing you can do is shoot me and well I almost died twice today so i'd like to go for a record of three." He smiled his illusionary smile his voice way off from his normal one.
Angelica rolls her eyes and walks off. "I'm done with this. I seriously am. Just leave me alone....my brother did that just fine."

Supermegabrenda2 said:


(Jesus that is one ugly thing!)

(Im slightly confused, the trials are evil beings, right?)

Ammax snarled, his voice gone. He feels another presence join the dark and hot ash cloud. He blindly swings his weapon around, taking a guess on where the being might be. He wont be going down like this, atleast not today.

He heard Yer'Sat snarl at something, and Ammax rushed over to see what it was. He reached Yer'Sat, feeling his soft mane brush against his leg. Ammax realized he was snarling at something infront of it. Ammax snorted, and his mane stood up. He stuck his hand out, feeling for something. His hand brushed across what felt like.... A tentacle? Ammax quickly pulled his hand back to his chest.

"What the...?"​
When Ammax puts his hand to his chest, he digs it in deeper than he wanted to. The being in front of him has the same stab mark in its chest and whimpers. It backs away.

Ent's trial begins to form Jupiter's gases around him. Raz's trial feels one of his tentacles and backs away, firing a flamethrower in that direction. The flames push away the ash so even Ent can see he convenient fire in the distance.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson sat down. He didn't pay any attention to Vance and he had already moved past Alice. One thing bothered him though. "So do you guys want to join back then because it doesn't seem like you're in a rush." He looked at the personalities. @Light
( @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol )

"You're right....we should go." Alice stands up and begins walking out. Christina, Morgan, and Julie stand up. Julie teleports them all to the Red temple.
Light said:
Angelica rolls her eyes and walks off. "I'm done with this. I seriously am. Just leave me alone....my brother did that just fine."
"Why are you doing this to me?! Stop! Mommy no. I'll do anything!" Grimm seriously didn't understand why. He simply wanted her to love him and read him bed time stories like she used to.

When Ammax puts his hand to his chest, he digs it in deeper than he wanted to. The being in front of him has the same stab mark in its chest and whimpers. It backs away.

Ent's trial begins to form Jupiter's gases around him. Raz's trial feels one of his tentacles and backs away, firing a flamethrower in that direction. The flames push away the ash so even Ent can see he convenient fire in the distance.

( @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol )

"You're right....we should go." Alice stands up and begins walking out. Christina, Morgan, and Julie stand up. Julie teleports them all to the Red temple.
Jackson stood up and was teleported. "Why are we looking for the orbs when we can just have Julie bring them to us? Or am I missing something?" He looked around the temple.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson stood up and was teleported. "Why are we looking for the orbs when we can just have Julie bring them to us? Or am I missing something?" He looked around the temple.
Julie shakes her head. "I can't directly remove the orbs from the temple myself." Julie puts down the barrier of the Red Orb soon temple in the jungle. "You may enter now."
Light said:
Julie shakes her head. "I can't directly remove the orbs from the temple myself." Julie puts down the barrier of the Red Orb soon temple in the jungle. "You may enter now."
Jackson walked in. "Then what about some kind if pathway so we aren't walking around aimlessly."
Tazmodo said:
Jackson walked in. "Then what about some kind if pathway so we aren't walking around aimlessly."
"That'll happen soon." Julie points in front of him and a red flame appears. "Are you here for the Red Orb?" The flame notices the priestess and suddenly speaks up once more. "Are you interested in sending them all ahead using the priestess override?"

Julie seems confused, as if she didn't even know about this. "Yes...I'd like to do that."

The red flame flashes twice and a portal opens behind it. "Override question incoming. Are you prepared for the Red Orb and all its glory?"

The Imperial Flame]"Get away!" she said as a pulse of mana knocks the child away. She formed mana chains and binds him. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Grimm was actually trying to get away this time. "Please stop it! Who are you? You can't be my mommy! You're a monster! A child killer!"

Fola's eye twitched as he was taken away from his black coffee. He released a sigh and his hands went to his hip instinctively, but his eye twitched as he once again realized that he didn't have a sword. He looked around and picked up a stick, walking in with hunched shoulders as he got into the temple, "Let's just get this done already..."

@Light @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @GingerBread


Jayn pouted when Vance left, "Aw! I JUST thought of a witty comeback! It involved shooting him in the face..." She looked at the Guardian and put a finger to her chin, "Um...Yes? Is that the correct answer?"

"I suggest you leave me alone, otherwise I will be a child-killer." She said, as her cord like hair started glowing blue, and mana beams shot out the ends.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.6af805b11a427ee44f2c032a4aa11ab2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117027" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/maxresdefault.jpg.6af805b11a427ee44f2c032a4aa11ab2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LokiofSP said:
Fola's eye twitched as he was taken away from his black coffee. He released a sigh and his hands went to his hip instinctively, but his eye twitched as he once again realized that he didn't have a sword. He looked around and picked up a stick, walking in with hunched shoulders as he got into the temple, "Let's just get this done already..."

@Light @Tazmodo @Embaga Elder @GingerBread


Jayn pouted when Vance left, "Aw! I JUST thought of a witty comeback! It involved shooting him in the face..." She looked at the Guardian and put a finger to her chin, "Um...Yes? Is that the correct answer?"

( @Tazmodo @CelticSol )

Once Jayn answers the group ends up being pulled into the portal, ending up in the realm of the Red Orb. Ashlyn floats before the Red Orb with her arms crossed. The Red Orb was in a barrier. "You must defeat me to gain possession of the orb."

[QUOTE="The Imperial Flame]"I suggest you leave me alone, otherwise I will be a child-killer." She said, as her cord like hair started glowing blue, and mana beams shot out the ends.
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"You need to become a better person mom!" Grimm teleports them both to Dragon's Roar and runs away, his arms flailing in the air.
Angelica rolls her eyes and walks off. "I'm done with this. I seriously am. Just leave me alone....my brother did that just fine."
Changing back to normal Draco looked at Angelica and stated, "You may be done with this. However Angelica I think I can't leave you alone. I believe in fate." He looked at her and formed an illusion of himself not trusting her to not fire at him. He moved silently in a random direction as he would watch her shoot him again.
"I am Free! Now to Assist Mercy, Also child. Have this." She said handing him a ball of mana, that would provide light. "Do not hug random strangers, also do you know about these so called trials that occur on this planet?"

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