Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
"I-I don't think it c-can. Can it s-stop people I-I care about f-from dying? C-Can it b-bring them back when they g-get killed b-because of m-me?" Colin screwed his eyes shut as he felt tears prick in them. "C-Can it stop the p-person I am- W-Was in love with f-from h-hating m-me and n-never w-wanting to see me a-again b-because of a p-problem that I-I caused?" Colin looked Christina directly in the eye as he tried to not cry over what had happened with Anna. "I-I don't th-think it can h-help with a-any of those th-things. S-So please d-don't lie to me and t-tell me that it c-can solve a-any of the problems th-that I-I'm l-likely to f-face. B-Because th-that's a l-lie"

"Alright then. Forget all about it but when you're in that position don't say I tried to help." Christina was done helping since every attempt she's made has been shot down. She'd just continue to be the Supreme bitch of the group and wait until they regret their choices.

Supermegabrenda2 said:



He rubbed his wrists. Ammax laughed. "Alright then." He grabbed the chocolate bar. "You sure do look delicious... A bite wont hurt....Me."

Ammax grinned.

"What do you think, buddy?"

Yer'Sat stopped snarling, and looked at Ammax. He nodded, and patiently sat next to Ammax.

"Hm... Let hear the chocolate's opinion..."​
"I don't know who you think you are but you should learn some respect now before I blast both you and your friend into oblivion!" The chocolate appears out of his grasp and all his powers were completely gone. Yer'sat suddenly turns into a flea. "That's a warning!"

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco flew along quickly. Figuring she had fled very far west he speed up. He was flying at his top speed very high up. At this height he had less air resistance however he didn't have as much air so he would have to come lower in a bit or risk suffocating. He sniffed the wind nothing. When he caught up he should either create an image of just sky so he was invisible to her or change his shape so he looked different. How else could he get her to listen to him?" He pondered that thought.
( ! ) Suddenly a beam of destructive energy flies towards Draco. The beam splits off into smaller beams that surround him from all angles.
Light said:
"Alright then. Forget all about it but when you're in that position don't say I tried to help." Christina was done helping since every attempt she's made has been shot down. She'd just continue to be the Supreme bitch of the group and wait until they regret their choices.
"I don't know who you think you are but you should learn some respect now before I blast both you and your friend into oblivion!" The chocolate appears out of his grasp and all his powers were completely gone. Yer'sat suddenly turns into a flea. "That's a warning!"

( ! ) Suddenly a beam of destructive energy flies towards Draco. The beam splits off into smaller beams that surround him from all angles.



Ammax stepped back, and picked up Yer'Sat. He looked at the chocolate bar.

"What have you done?" He whispered

"Give me back my powers! And Yer'Sat!" He sneered.

After a while, he said. "What must I do? To get my powers, and Yer'Sat back."​
Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax stepped back, and picked up Yer'Sat. He looked at the chocolate bar.

"What have you done?" He whispered

"Give me back my powers! And Yer'Sat!" He sneered.

After a while, he said. "What must I do? To get my powers, and Yer'Sat back."​
"Admit that chocolate is the best and uuuuhhh....hmm....you two will be my traveling buddies!" The chocolate bar seemed content with this decision.
( ! ) Suddenly a beam of destructive energy flies towards Draco. The beam splits off into smaller beams that surround him from all angles.
Silently Draco closes his eyes conjuring up an image of him vanishing into a portal he holds that as he pins his wings and plunges downwards. Hopefully who ever was guiding those energy beams was fooled by the image of now empty sky that Draco had just formed. It was harder to hit what you couldn't see. Speaking of not seeing who was firing these energy beams? He looked around for a source as he kept his image up around him. All just normal sky blending in with the scenery all around him. To keep the image up was difficult because it had to change with the sky which did change especially with clouds being blown by wind. To much the image cracked and shattered falling apart. Draco sighed. He couldn't do that again he was spent. Oh well just kill him now. He waited for those energy beams to come back.



Ammax grumbled.

"Fine. Chocolate is the best. The mighty and Holy chocolate, all hail it."

He'd bow his head, and then look at it.

"You are not really a floating chocolate bar, are you? You have another form out there hiding..."

He looked around. Nothing. Ammax snorted, and looked back at the chocolate.​
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Vance watched as Christina tried to convince people she wasn't as useless as Fola made out.
"So since you're done failing to prove what Fola said is wrong. Can we just hurry up and get this shit over and done with? Can just move onto fighting Ashlyn for her orb? I've got things to do and places to be" Vance shook his head and leaned back in his seat getting comfortable assuming they'd all probably end up waiting even longer for some reason.

@Light @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @djinnamon


"I-I'm not s-saying y-you didn't try. B-But j-just that y-you j-just made it s-sound like i-it would help me wh-when you have no guarantee th-that it will. N-None of my p-problems so f-far could've been s-solved b-by the r-riddle you t-told me" Colin looked away from Christina and slumped down in a nearby seat. He felt guilty because he thought he'd upset Christina by telling her she was wrong yet again.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco closes his eyes conjuring up an image of him vanishing into a portal he holds that as he pins his wings and plunges downwards. Hopefully who ever was guiding those energy beams was fooled by the image of now empty sky that Draco had just formed. It was harder to hit what you couldn't see. Speaking of not seeing who was firing these energy beams? He looked around for a source as he kept his image up around him. All just normal sky blending in with the scenery all around him. To keep the image up was difficult because it had to change with the sky which did change especially with clouds being blown by wind. To much the image cracked and shattered falling apart. Draco sighed. He couldn't do that again he was spent. Oh well just kill him now. He waited for those energy beams to come back.
The energy beams head towards him but dip down due to gravity pulling on it. The energy beams hit the forest and explode. Though the person whom helped him didn't show themselves.

Supermegabrenda2 said:



Ammax grumbled.

"Fine. Chocolate is the best. The mighty and Holy chocolate, all hail it."

He'd bow his head, and then look at it.

"You are not really a floating chocolate bar, are you? You have another form out there hiding..."

He looked around. Nothing. Ammax snorted, and looked back at the chocolate.​
"Nuh uh! I am a chocolate bar!" Ammax and Yer'Sat were reverted back to normal. "You! Now we can take over the world to! Where are we actually? Did I travel to the wrong dimension?"

GingerBread said:

Vance watched as Christina tried to convince people she wasn't as useless as Fola made out.
"So since you're done failing to prove what Fola said is wrong. Can we just hurry up and get this shit over and done with? Can just move onto fighting Ashlyn for her orb? I've got things to do and places to be" Vance shook his head and leaned back in his seat getting comfortable assuming they'd all probably end up waiting even longer for some reason.

@Light @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @djinnamon


"I-I'm not s-saying y-you didn't try. B-But j-just that y-you j-just made it s-sound like i-it would help me wh-when you have no guarantee th-that it will. N-None of my p-problems so f-far could've been s-solved b-by the r-riddle you t-told me" Colin looked away from Christina and slumped down in a nearby seat. He felt guilty because he thought he'd upset Christina by telling her she was wrong yet again.

( @GingerBread @Daimao @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @LokiofSP @djinnamon

"Are you all ready?" Julie looks at the others at the table. "If so we can go for the Red Orb."
Celeste's eyes scanned the bag, and gave her information abut the enchantment. She focused on burning all the mana held within this bag, which would bee a lot considering it is magic. This would cause a mini explosion.

Light said:
The energy beams head towards him but dip down due to gravity pulling on it. The energy beams hit the forest and explode. Though the person whom helped him didn't show themselves.
"Nuh uh! I am a chocolate bar!" Ammax and Yer'Sat were reverted back to normal. "You! Now we can take over the world to! Where are we actually? Did I travel to the wrong dimension?"

( @GingerBread @Daimao @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @LokiofSP @djinnamon

"Are you all ready?" Julie looks at the others at the table. "If so we can go for the Red Orb."



"Hm Hm... Chocolate bar... We are in earth. "

He looked to his side, Yer'Sat back to his usual size.

He hopped on Yer'Sat.

"I wanna pay a visit to our Dragon's Roar friends, shall we?"

He patted a place on Yer'Sat's back, motioning for it to sit.​
"If there is cooked meat, I will join in your festivities." Syrax stated simply, swishing his tail languidly.


Arwyn was taken aback, trying to decipher whether Abyssum was serious, or if this was supposed to be a compliment. In the end she decided it was more so the latter and stammered a quick. "Uh, thanks... I think."

The golden cloth swirled prettily about her legs, shimmering when the air moved it as the dragonknight strode from the room and down the hallway after Abyssum. Though it may look nice, Arwyn never liked how restricting dresses were for one's movement. At least this one wasn't constricting her rib cage like the others she had been forced to wear in the past, which she was immensely grateful for.

Still, she felt proud that she had been able to harness her gold manipulation with such finesse and held her head high as she stalked into the throne room at Abbysum's side.

When she caught sight of the red wyvern sitting beside the throne, a smile crept onto
Hottie's Arwyn's face. In a flutter of golden cloth she quickly made her way over to the dragon and placed a bare hand onto his head, which he had graciously lowered down for her. The dragonknight could not remember the last time she had not donned her armor. It felt nice to feel the warmth radiating from his scales.

"I'm sorry, but you have been dragged into this too" she muttered with a sheepish smile.

She could tell that the wyvern had been worried about her, but knew that he would be too proud to admit it aloud. His two copper eyes stared at her for a moment before blinking slowly.

After her brief greeting, Arwyn turned towards Miserae. "So when is this 'party' starting?" she asked.

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The energy beams head towards him but dip down due to gravity pulling on it. The energy beams hit the forest and explode. Though the person whom helped him didn't show themselves.
Looking at the forest below Draco closes his eyes. Silently he turns around. Angelica. She had the ability to affect gravity he knew that from experience. Was their other energy beams coming. He glanced quickly around. He could sense things he could smell things he could smell Angelica howbeit ever so softly as if very far away to many other scents to focus on hers. He sighed then landed on the forest below. He was exhausted he was panting heavily. He changed into a man and leaned against a tree as he gulped for air as he stood bended over he was losing his grip on the world it was spinning he blinked black spots he was going to feint he thought. He shook his head not now he needed to stay awake.

Jayn frowned and leaned back in her chair, letting out a exasperated sigh, "But that's BORING! Why do we have to save the person who's gonna blow up the universe when we could do it OURSELVES?! So much more fun, I like that plan. All who like that plan raise your hand." Jayn raised her own hand, "There, my votes count as infinity votes. We're gonna do my plan now!"

@GingerBread @Light @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @djinnamon


Fola sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a few moments before smiling and ruffling Maya's hair, "I have no idea what I'm going to do with you..." He looked at Julie and raised his hand quickly, "Before we go, can we find a way to keep Maya safe for this one? I don't want to risk a child getting hurt while we do this."

@Light @GingerBread
Angelica explosion of milk occurs and a sour patch kid appears. "Hello. What are you here for? Unlimited power? I can give that to you if you help me out in return!" The sour patch Grimm seemed oblivious to the situation at hand.

Supermegabrenda2 said:



"Hm Hm... Chocolate bar... We are in earth. "

He looked to his side, Yer'Sat back to his usual size.

He hopped on Yer'Sat.

"I wanna pay a visit to our Dragon's Roar friends, shall we?"

He patted a place on Yer'Sat's back, motioning for it to sit.​
"Oh that sounds nice! Let's go my buddies!" The chocolate bar, Ammax, and Yer'Sat appear in front of the guild on the bridge. "So...what's next?"

Juju said:
"If there is cooked meat, I will join in your festivities." Syrax stated simply, swishing his tail languidly.

Arwyn was taken aback, trying to decipher whether Abyssum was serious, or if this was supposed to be a compliment. In the end she decided it was more so the latter and stammered a quick. "Uh, thanks... I think."

The golden cloth swirled prettily about her legs, shimmering when the air moved it as the dragonknight strode from the room and down the hallway after Abyssum. Though it may look nice, Arwyn never liked how restricting dresses were for one's movement. At least this one wasn't constricting her rib cage like the others she had been forced to wear in the past, which she was immensely grateful for.

Still, she felt proud that she had been able to harness her gold manipulation with such finesse and held her head high as she stalked into the throne room at Abbysum's side.

When she caught sight of the red wyvern sitting beside the throne, a smile crept onto
Hottie's Arwyn's face. In a flutter of golden cloth she quickly made her way over to the dragon and placed a bare hand onto his head, which he had graciously lowered down for her. The dragonknight could not remember the last time she had not donned her armor. It felt nice to feel the warmth radiating from his scales.

"I'm sorry, but you have been dragged into this too" she muttered with a sheepish smile.

She could tell that the wyvern had been worried about her, but knew that he would be too proud to admit it aloud. His two copper eyes stared at her for a moment before blinking slowly.

After her brief greeting, Arwyn turned towards Miserae. "So when is this 'party' starting?" she asked.

"Oh the party will start soon....just give the Four pillars ready themselves. They need to clear the area of all life. Our parties get a bit wild." Miserae smiles and gestures for Hottie to come closer. "Come. Right this way Hottie."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at the forest below Draco closes his eyes. Silently he turns around. Angelica. She had the ability to affect gravity he knew that from experience. Was their other energy beams coming. He glanced quickly around. He could sense things he could smell things he could smell Angelica howbeit ever so softly as if very far away to many other scents to focus on hers. He sighed then landed on the forest below. He was exhausted he was panting heavily. He changed into a man and leaned against a tree as he gulped for air as he stood bended over he was losing his grip on the world it was spinning he blinked black spots he was going to feint he thought. He shook his head not now he needed to stay awake.

"You really are worthless." Angelica had her arms crossed in the distance, tapping her foot on the ground angrily. "Those were defense systems. Are you here to destroy the only sanctuary I have left after you destroyed my brothers house?"

LokiofSP said:
Jayn frowned and leaned back in her chair, letting out a exasperated sigh, "But that's BORING! Why do we have to save the person who's gonna blow up the universe when we could do it OURSELVES?! So much more fun, I like that plan. All who like that plan raise your hand." Jayn raised her own hand, "There, my votes count as infinity votes. We're gonna do my plan now!"

@GingerBread @Light @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @djinnamon


Fola sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a few moments before smiling and ruffling Maya's hair, "I have no idea what I'm going to do with you..." He looked at Julie and raised his hand quickly, "Before we go, can we find a way to keep Maya safe for this one? I don't want to risk a child getting hurt while we do this."

@Light @GingerBread
"Well there are several safe places to put her but she doesn't want to leave your side. " Julie gives Fola a strange look. "Before we go though...can we talk over there?" She points away from the table.

Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'd suggest you don't try to blow up the universe because, Dragon's Roar. And I'm a part of that little group, meaning I'd be able to kill you with no negative repercussions. And your vote doesn't count for anything anyway, you are literally worthless without your reaper stalker by your side. So shut up and let the adults talk" Vance then turned to Julie, wanting to get this over with right now if it was possible. "Yes, I'm ready. So lets go"

@LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @djinnamon


Maya giggled happily as Fola ruffled her hair, taking that as a sign that her best friend wouldn't hand her off to some random person. "Yay! Does this mean we're going to be together forever and ever best friend?!" She asked rhetorically as she assumed the answer was going to be yes. When Fola said he didn't want to risk her getting hurt she looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean best friend? This is just a fun adventure, I won't get hurt!" Maya then looked over and pointed at Christina. "Unless the nasty cat lady gets involved. She's mean!"

@LokiofSP @Light


Colin looked nervously over at Julie, not really wanting to go inside another temple and face everything that was in there. But he assumed that he was the only one who stood a good chance of beating Ashlyn, because of what Christina said.
"I-I'm ready, I-I guess. C-Can we go now?" Colin didn't want to spend anymore time waiting. Because he knew the more he thought about the task at hand, the more likely he'd be to chicken out.



"Now we go in." He tightened his hold on Yer'Sat's reigns, and they appeared in the complex. Ammax placed his weapon on his lap. Just in case. He thought.

"No one will be here to receive us? Really?" He thought out loud. He took the chocolate bar and placed it on his broad shoulders.

(@AnyoneInThe Dragon'sRoar))

Light said:
Angelica explosion of milk occurs and a sour patch kid appears. "Hello. What are you here for? Unlimited power? I can give that to you if you help me out in return!" The sour patch Grimm seemed oblivious to the situation at hand.
"Oh that sounds nice! Let's go my buddies!" The chocolate bar, Ammax, and Yer'Sat appear in front of the guild on the bridge. "So...what's next?"

"Oh the party will start soon....just give the Four pillars ready themselves. They need to clear the area of all life. Our parties get a bit wild." Miserae smiles and gestures for Hottie to come closer. "Come. Right this way Hottie."

"You really are worthless." Angelica had her arms crossed in the distance, tapping her foot on the ground angrily. "Those were defense systems. Are you here to destroy the only sanctuary I have left after you destroyed my brothers house?"

"Well there are several safe places to put her but she doesn't want to leave your side. " Julie gives Fola a strange look. "Before we go though...can we talk over there?" She points away from the table.
Light said:
Angelica explosion of milk occurs and a sour patch kid appears. "Hello. What are you here for? Unlimited power? I can give that to you if you help me out in return!" The sour patch Grimm seemed oblivious to the situation at hand.
"Oh that sounds nice! Let's go my buddies!" The chocolate bar, Ammax, and Yer'Sat appear in front of the guild on the bridge. "So...what's next?"

"Oh the party will start soon....just give the Four pillars ready themselves. They need to clear the area of all life. Our parties get a bit wild." Miserae smiles and gestures for Hottie to come closer. "Come. Right this way Hottie."

"You really are worthless." Angelica had her arms crossed in the distance, tapping her foot on the ground angrily. "Those were defense systems. Are you here to destroy the only sanctuary I have left after you destroyed my brothers house?"

"Well there are several safe places to put her but she doesn't want to leave your side. " Julie gives Fola a strange look. "Before we go though...can we talk over there?" She points away from the table.
Jackson appeared in in burst of flames. "Hey team long time no see. Sorry for the disappearance I had to handle some business with the fire elemental guy and I got the embodiment. So what's new?"
Supermegabrenda2 said:



"Now we go in." He tightened his hold on Yer'Sat's reigns, and they appeared in the complex. Ammax placed his weapon on his lap. Just in case. He thought.

"No one will be here to receive us? Really?" He thought out loud. He took the chocolate bar and placed it on his broad shoulders.

(@AnyoneInThe Dragon'sRoar))

"It seems like they're all busy doing something. Let's look around some more. Maybe we can find something." They seemed to be in a lobby and a staircase was down the hall.

Tazmodo said:
Jackson appeared in in burst of flames. "Hey team long time no see. Sorry for the disappearance I had to handle some business with the fire elemental guy and I got the embodiment. So what's new?"
GingerBread said:
Vance pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "I'd suggest you don't try to blow up the universe because, Dragon's Roar. And I'm a part of that little group, meaning I'd be able to kill you with no negative repercussions. And your vote doesn't count for anything anyway, you are literally worthless without your reaper stalker by your side. So shut up and let the adults talk" Vance then turned to Julie, wanting to get this over with right now if it was possible. "Yes, I'm ready. So lets go"

@LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Embaga Elder @djinnamon


Maya giggled happily as Fola ruffled her hair, taking that as a sign that her best friend wouldn't hand her off to some random person. "Yay! Does this mean we're going to be together forever and ever best friend?!" She asked rhetorically as she assumed the answer was going to be yes. When Fola said he didn't want to risk her getting hurt she looked up at him in confusion. "What do you mean best friend? This is just a fun adventure, I won't get hurt!" Maya then looked over and pointed at Christina. "Unless the nasty cat lady gets involved. She's mean!"

@LokiofSP @Light


Colin looked nervously over at Julie, not really wanting to go inside another temple and face everything that was in there. But he assumed that he was the only one who stood a good chance of beating Ashlyn, because of what Christina said.
"I-I'm ready, I-I guess. C-Can we go now?" Colin didn't want to spend anymore time waiting. Because he knew the more he thought about the task at hand, the more likely he'd be to chicken out.
Alice still seemed to dazed to recognize much around her. Morgan's spells sometimes have that added affect.




Ammax glided down the stairs, Yer'Sat following closely behind. He landed on the tiled floor, his hoofs clicking as he walked. He casually spun his weapon around.

Tired of no action, he bellowed, hopefully atracting some attention from inside the compound.​


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Finally deciding to leave the deity realm,raz teleports to the town near dragons roar.and starts walking around,wondering what to do now.
"You really are worthless." Angelica had her arms crossed in the distance, tapping her foot on the ground angrily. "Those were defense systems. Are you here to destroy the only sanctuary I have left after you destroyed my brothers house?"
Looking at her for a second Draco shook his head. He stated, "I didn't destroy your house. It was my new power malfunctioning. I didn't know I had the power until after the fact. I can create illusions things that aren't their. I created the earthquake everything with illusions without even realizing I did it so your brother's house is still their intact as it was when you left thankfully. I came to tell you not to destoy the sanctuary you have. I don't have defenses against energy beams I don't have gravity powers. Illusions, Fire, and use my claws as daggers to fight I have no other abilities so I have no defenses against Enegry beams. As for being worthless well perhaps I am." He smiled gently at her as he looked at her and stated, "I'll draw whoever fired at me away if I can." He was okay now that he had that small breather.
"Yea, sure." Ent shrugged, he followed Aedus towards the guild hall. "What do you plan on doing to the fish? are you going to spice it up a bit? metaphorically and literally." Ent smiled at Aedus.

Supermegabrenda2 said:




Ammax glided down the stairs, Yer'Sat following closely behind. He landed on the tiled floor, his hoofs clicking as he walked. He casually spun his weapon around.

Tired of no action, he bellowed, hopefully atracting some attention from inside the compound.​


metalcity said:
"Yea, sure." Ent shrugged, he followed Aedus towards the guild hall. "What do you plan on doing to the fish? are you going to spice it up a bit? metaphorically and literally." Ent smiled at Aedus.
MTchaos1134 said:
Finally deciding to leave the deity realm,raz teleports to the town near dragons roar.and starts walking around,wondering what to do now.
"Oh crap! It seems like there are some guild members nearby. Ones coming and the other is in the city across the bridge."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at her for a second Draco shook his head. He stated, "I didn't destroy your house. It was my new power malfunctioning. I didn't know I had the power until after the fact. I can create illusions things that aren't their. I created the earthquake everything with illusions without even realizing I did it so your brother's house is still their intact as it was when you left thankfully. I came to tell you not to destoy the sanctuary you have. I don't have defenses against energy beams I don't have gravity powers. Illusions, Fire, and use my claws as daggers to fight I have no other abilities so I have no defenses against Enegry beams. As for being worthless well perhaps I am." He smiled gently at her as he looked at her and stated, "I'll draw whoever fired at me away if I can." He was okay now that he had that small breather.
Angelica sets her left hand on her hip and sighs, raising a gun with her other hand. The gun seemed to be able to shoot energy beams. "I was the one who fired. Why should I believe that story of yours?"
Angelica sets her left hand on her hip and sighs, raising a gun with her other hand. The gun seemed to be able to shoot energy beams. "I was the one who fired. Why should I believe that story of yours?"
Looking at the gun in her hand Draco shows no fear. Silently he looked at her and stated, "For one I vanished when you fired at me so that proves I can do illusions plus I am telling the truth. I am not lying Angelica. If I have to prove it I will."
Light said:
"It seems like they're all busy doing something. Let's look around some more. Maybe we can find something." They seemed to be in a lobby and a staircase was down the hall.
Alice still seemed to dazed to recognize much around her. Morgan's spells sometimes have that added affect.



Ammax smiled.

"Yes, finally some people!" Amax set his weapon down, it looking like a staff. Yer'Sat sat next to him, waiting for his master's command. Ammax looked closely at the door, watching. He hummed softly to himself what sounded like a '50's tune.


"Wh-what other ways can I spice up foods apart from literally?" Aedus shook his head. "But No, I-I don't have any spices with me. They're all back at our apartment. Sorry E-Ent" Aedus smiled apologetically at Ent, feeling like he'd let him down because he didn't have anything to add more flavour to the fish.


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