Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Light said:
The small piece he failed to get rid off expands and hits the bridge. An explosion goes off and it was about to annihilate not only the guild but the entire city.
The other dragon seemed to be gone now. Which made his story even more confusing. "I don't see another dragon here."

Clyde didn't know what to do, his mother had scolded him but his ally was trying to bring him up. He keeps his distress to himself and walks through the portal.

"Oh this room? Hhhhmmmm....I don't know. I forgot. I haven't been here in years. I do know I have this though."
Miserae goes to the throne and lifts it up, revealing all types of drugs underneath. She begins to light something that wasn't a cigarette up. The smell of a certian trending drug fills the air. Miserae coughs the first few times, only to go at it again. "Man its been a while. I'm about to get fucked up in a second." Miserae looks to Arwyn while exhaling, offering her the blunt. "You are far too serious. Have you tried yoga? Your hobby? Sex? You need some inner chill. You wanna try some?" Miserae offers to Arwyn once more before walking towards the throne again. She pulls out a bag and swiftly stashes it into her pocket. It seemed to have a lot of white powder. "I'm saving this for later. Anyways you make your decision while we wait. He's coming soon."

Clyde turns to Arwyn and whispers. "As you can see my mother does a lot of drugs. It happened after the fall of the realm. I apologize."
Raz quickly uses his chaos magic,which turns the explosion into quickly expanding on fire Cotton candy.which when touched feels like liquid fire."well it's better then a explosion at least.."Raz said as he protects himself and the guild with a large shadow ball,he did not have enough power to save the city from the burning candy.

Vance looked at Inaro and shook his head. "I've got no weapons on me. Well none that any of you can use anyway. You said you could easily kick my arse. Why are you so scared of the witch right now? Hell there's a little girl going against her, but you're too scared to do anything about it? Go punch her or kill her or whatever the fuck you threatened to do to me. This isn't my fight. I don't even care if Isabel comes back. I agreed with Arwyn. She has no reason to come back. I have no real reason to want her back. Everything is better off without her anyway, I only came because I was forced to. I could be out getting drunk right now."

Vance created a chair of darkness and sat down, showing no interest in the fight whatsoever. "But, no. Isabel had to self destruct and we have to save her because either her family can't or doesn't care about bringing her back. And if her family doesn't care if she comes back or not, why the fuck should we? Like the guild is half decent I guess, but think about it. This guild has brought nothing but trouble so far. So has the Van fucking Fen'rir. Instead of bringing Isabel back we should be killing all of the Van Fen'rir. Then the world would be fucking safe. All of the problems in this fucking world are either caused by the Guild or the Van Fen'rir. So do you really think we should care about bringing Isabel back? Or even helping any of the Van Fucking Fen'rir?"

@Embaga Elder @Light @LokiofSP @GingerBread @CelticSol
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Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking around Draco asked, "Grimm?" He saw nothing and stated, "That's odd he was here a second ago. Perhaps he needed to go attend something. I am not lying about the other dragon but perhaps my mind invented him it's known to happen to lonely dragons." He smiled gently.
"I need visual proof. I don't care for these jokes and games. It's not funny." Angelica was prepared to walk away once more. "I want proof of this Grimm character."

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz quickly uses his chaos magic,which turns the explosion into quickly expanding on fire Cotton candy.which when touched feels like liquid fire."well it's better then a explosion at least.."Raz said as he protects himself and the guild with a large shadow ball,he did not have enough power to save the city from the burning candy.
Grimm stops the burning candy and eats it. "That would have been bad if it hit the city. Hmmm....this makes me think." Grimm disappears, preparing to kick up his plan.
"I need visual proof. I don't care for these jokes and games. It's not funny." Angelica was prepared to walk away once more. "I want proof of this Grimm character."
Silently Draco looked at her. He looked around and called, "Grimm please come on out." He looked at Angelica and stated, "He was the one who made that shield around us i can't make that. Come on he thought. Grimm I kind of need you if your wish is going to come true i think so please appear i only need you for a minuet. He looked at Angelica and smiled gently. He almost said something then didn't. Softly he stated, "Please wait a minuet Angelica. Before you go."
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at her. He looked around and called, "Grimm please come on out." He looked at Angelica and stated, "He was the one who made that shield around us i can't make that. Come on he thought. Grimm I kind of need you if your wish is going to come true i think so please appear i only need you for a minuet. He looked at Angelica and smiled gently. He almost said something then didn't. Softly he stated, "Please wait a minuet Angelica. Before you go."
Grimm appears in a burst of cake frosting. "Hellllooo! You called?"

Angelica jumps back at this, she was utterly speechless.
Grimm appears in a burst of cake frosting. "Hellllooo! You called?"
Angelica jumps back at this, she was utterly speechless.
Silently Draco sighs in relief as he states, "Grimm i want you to meet Angelica. She wanted visual proof you existed so i called you hoping you would come. Angelica this is Grimm." He said this all very kindly and in a way that didn't say i told you so or see?
Light said:
"I need visual proof. I don't care for these jokes and games. It's not funny." Angelica was prepared to walk away once more. "I want proof of this Grimm character."
Grimm stops the burning candy and eats it. "That would have been bad if it hit the city. Hmmm....this makes me think." Grimm disappears, preparing to kick up his plan.
Raz sighs and goes into his dimension.and waits until someone requests for his help,or when someone needs some vengance.
Rue looked Grimm in the eyes. "Take me to Washington D.C, I will start by cutting off the head of this snake." She handed the staff back to Grimm, and tapped her foot impatiently.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco sighs in relief as he states, "Grimm i want you to meet Angelica. She wanted visual proof you existed so i called you hoping you would come. Angelica this is Grimm." He said this all very kindly and in a way that didn't say i told you so or see?
"Alright....I believe you. So all you came down here to do is rest right?" Angelica stops looking so defensive.

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz sighs and goes into his dimension.and waits until someone requests for his help,or when someone needs some vengance.
Grimm appears in his dimension, smiling while he sits down in the chair. "So....how does it feel? Knowing that what you rule over will be used against you?"

Grimm snaps his fingers and they both appear there. "Well...I'm curious. Do what you must."
"Alright....I believe you. So all you came down here to do is rest right?" Angelica stops looking so defensive.
Smiling Draco replied, "Yes I told you that and it's true we came to rest. Aside from that I guess getting everyone here not to fire at us was a secondary objective that we didn't think of until we arrived here. " He smiled gently.
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Light said:
"Alright....I believe you. So all you came down here to do is rest right?" Angelica stops looking so defensive.
Grimm appears in his dimension, smiling while he sits down in the chair. "So....how does it feel? Knowing that what you rule over will be used against you?"

Grimm snaps his fingers and they both appear there. "Well...I'm curious. Do what you must."
"Are you talking about my chaos magic?or my dimension?"doomguy said as he was in the sitting position,but floating around."hold on I want expecting visitors."Raz say as he snaps his finger and then the dimension changes from nothingness to The inside of a small cottage,whip the pre prepared tea and sandwiches.
Rue sprints to the Corporate mansion, her strange attire weirdly not drawing any attention. She was on top of a power line, her feet steady and trained. She walked across the power lines like they were as wide as a sidewalk. She quickly approached the mansion ,Not to her amazement the current CEO was corrupt and evil minded. She would be doing this nation a favor. She spotted some guards and quickly sniped them both, she vaulted over the gate. She strode to the front door, and kicked it in. She was a flurry of arrows and slashes, she took down around 5 guards at the door. She pressed forward, her flowing skirt billowing behind her. She walked to the CEO's office, and she pushed open the door. She saw the CEO sitting there, his hands folded. She look him straight in the eye, and then shot that one out with an arrow. Her eyes flicked to the other, and she loosed another arrow. His screams filled the night, and his blood stained the silk carpets.

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GingerBread said:
Vance looked at Inaro and shook his head. "I've got no weapons on me. Well none that any of you can use anyway. You said you could easily kick my arse. Why are you so scared of the witch right now? Hell there's a little girl going against her, but you're too scared to do anything about it? Go punch her or kill her or whatever the fuck you threatened to do to me. This isn't my fight. I don't even care if Isabel comes back. I agreed with Arwyn. She has no reason to come back. I have no real reason to want her back. Everything is better off without her anyway, I only came because I was forced to. I could be out getting drunk right now."

Vance created a chair of darkness and sat down, showing no interest in the fight whatsoever. "But, no. Isabel had to self destruct and we have to save her because either her family can't or doesn't care about bringing her back. And if her family doesn't care if she comes back or not, why the fuck should we? Like the guild is half decent I guess, but think about it. This guild has brought nothing but trouble so far. So has the Van fucking Fen'rir. Instead of bringing Isabel back we should be killing all of the Van Fen'rir. Then the world would be fucking safe. All of the problems in this fucking world are either caused by the Guild or the Van Fen'rir. So do you really think we should care about bringing Isabel back? Or even helping any of the Van Fucking Fen'rir?"

@Embaga Elder @Light @LokiofSP @GingerBread @CelticSol

I'll drink with you later but first. Inaro looked at Vance with a disappointed look. Vance, why the hell don't you have any weapons for back up. I thought you're always planning for things. Did you not plan on this? ShIt, because I sholl didn't. He pauses changing his facial expression. It changes from a disappointed look to more of a frown mixed with confusion. What gave you the idea that I was afraid?? We just want the weapons so we can break the chick. If I could do what I threatened you with to get then I would. But sadly it's too late.

So kill the Van Fen'rir and forget about Isabel. Woow you're heartless, which is now a shocker.
He crosses his arms looking at Vance. Let's say your ideal comes true. Do you really think the guild will even "sacrifice" themselves to sign up for a suicide mission. The Van Fen'rir are too powerful, Vance, how you think you got into this situation. If we try to go after them then they will find some bazzar and weird way to kill us all one by one. Not fun, not fun at all. So instead of complain about being forced to help Isabel, Just try to make the most of it and enjoy the fight. He said with a happy smile.


Vance shook his head while leaning forwards in his chair. He looked down at the ground briefly before looking back up at Inaro. "Look at all of you guys. Do you really think we couldn't take on the Van Fen'rir? Hell I'd say we're taking on the most powerful one right now, well one part of her. And I don't see any other Van Fen'rir here, do you? If we can take all 5 parts of Isabel out, why couldn't we take the whole god damn family out. Hell we could use the orbs we get from this to take them all out. But no, you chickenshits are too scared to. It could be so easy if we did it properly." Vance shrugged and leaned backwards in his chair, still looking at Inaro.

"I have weapons for back up. But if I give you them I'll be seen as a target. Meaning I can't just sit back and watch. And I assume you're afraid because you've come to me for help. Tell me did your little chucklefucks who called me an arsehole want you to do this? Because if you've come crawling to me for help, then you're afraid. Otherwise you wouldn't have bothered and you would've just tried to punch her to death. But you're afraid, so you come to me for help."

Vance shrugged and stood up. "But, It doesn't mean I won't help. Just know by taking these weapons from me, you owe your life to me. If I say jump, you don't even ask how high, you just fucking do it. Understand? Good" Vance snapped his fingers and opened a portal of darkness. 20 daggers fell out of the portal. "Don't know how you feel about daggers, but I'm assuming they're not your type." Vance then snapped his fingers again, causing a weapon rack to appear out of the darkness. On the weapon rack was a battle axe, a shortsword and a greatsword. "The battleaxe is sharp, that's pretty much it. The greatsword can fire out a blade from the middle of it before closing itself up, making the blade slightly weaker, though not by much, it can still take a great deal of force before it will break. The short sword is coated in Holy Oil, it will burn until you put it out with holy water. Which is the only way to put it out as far as I know."

Vance created another portal of darkness and had a flint and steel appear. "It will do more against unholy things, like vampires and demons. It is also capable of killing some celestial beings, like angels for example. I'm fairly certain it won't hurt any normal humans though. But be careful with it. It shouldn't spread off of the blade. But I've not really tested it" Vance threw the flint and steel to Inaro. "I got that sword to help me kill Lucifer, so be careful with it. That sort of shit is hard to get ahold of. The greatsword was something I was trying to get a more compact design of, but I never really got around to it. I'm not even sure when I got the battle axe, but I'm kind of a hoarder anyway" Vance shrugged and snapped his fingers once more, having a flask of holy water appear in his hands. "You should probably take this as well" Vance chucked the holy water over to Inaro. "I better not die because of this"

@Embaga Elder @Light @LokiofSP @GingerBread @CelticSol
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Fola scooped up Maya and ran to the back, casting glances at the giant orb of mana growing from the snake's mouths. He grit his teeth and put a hand to his chest and attempted to charge some magic, glancing at Maya briefly, "Hey! Um...Girl! Shit I don't know your fucking name...This is WAY more dangerous than you might think! Don't rush in unless I give you the go ahead, okay?"



Oden simply stood there, looking forward at the orb, mind racing as he thought about what to do. It was then he blinked and scoffed, hitting his head with the palm of his hand. He opened his bag and threw a poison knife at a snake, it fell off and withered, and Oden whistled as he began to think, a plan forming in his head as he went on to make it detailed, thinking back throughout the entire fight...

'So, the woman he a field around her...Looked similar to the things that took away the four pawns abilities. Might be a magic disabler or something, but...Hm... The snakes seem to just be snakes. They're only covering the orb...'

He laughed and snapped his fingers as he came to a solution,

@GingerBread @CelticSol @Light @Embaga Elder @DungeonCrew

Maya frowned as Fola told her not to run out and fight in the really cool battle.
"But it's reeally cool best friend! Why do you want to have all the fun without me? I think your a meanie for doing that." Maya pouted before crossing her arms and turning away from Fola. "A big fat meanie!" Maya frowned as she imagined the cool battle that must've been going on behind her.

( ! ) She imagined a giant monster eating the orb of witch mana and getting rid of it completely before exploding into a rain of swords heading straight for Morgan before being stopped by a flying dinosaur that got hit by them causing it to spin out of control and crash and explode like an aeroplane would. Maya then imagined Dragon's, who were the flying dinosaurs best friend, showed up and blamed it on Morgan and started attacking her relentlessly, stomping on her and Roasting her. When Maya imagined all of this stuff it actually happened.

Maya turned around to see the Dragon's attacking Morgan and completely forgot she was made at Fola. She looked up at Fola and assumed he took her away from the fight because he knew all of that stuff would happen and didn't want the dragon's to think she was the bad person there.
"Did you know all of that was going to happen? That's why you said I had to stay here isn't it? You're the best Friend EVER!"

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol


Aedus stood in front of Ent and looked at him, avoiding eye contact because he was slightly scared of what Ent might do if he was pushed to his limit. "E-Ent. D-Don't h-hurt him. Th-there's no need to. W-We can just leave" Aedus then turned around to face Isaac. "I-I think it's best that m-me and E-Ent leave. I-I hope E-Ent is in a better mood when I-I see you again" Aedus smiled at Isaac before walking off, hoping Ent would Follow without killing Isaac.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
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So use the orbs huh?? He shakes his head. Weren't you the one to say that most of the world's problems is caused by the guild and the Van Fen'rir, so why do you want to use the very things that will cause even more problems on the world. Did you forget about the orbs' curses. Oh, and there's only one person who can shut off the curses, and she's a Van Fen'rir. Am I right? Of course I'm right. He pauses for a second. Look Vance, honestly I have no problems with this shit we go through in this guild. It actually gives me a reason for living, well actually the reason for staying. The Van Fen'rir, the guild, and their problems are all a package deal. So since we joined the guild we gotta deal with it, and probably even the rest of our Kin. Look we can talk about this later. But first the weapons situation.

Inaro chuckles towards Vance after he gives his statement about them being afraid. If they were afraid they wouldn't have asked for weapons to go back and fight. So because we asked for weapons, to go back and fight her we're scared, okay Vancey. He said with a chuckle. He grabbed two daggers and threw them towards Cole, he grabbed the battleaxe and threw at Crimson. He grabbed the shortsword, to soon catch flint and steel, and holy water soon after. Thanks Vance we owe you one, but I'm not sure about that life thing. Inaro spins the sword and walks towards his brothers, who're holding they're new weapons. Alright boys let's play. It's about time, you two were just chit chatting back there. Yeah they hell y'all were talking about. You'll see later on. Crimson and Cole shrugs. Inaro looks back at Vance. You won't die, we got your back buddy.



"The orbs curses only spread if I'd leave the temple or go near other people. One of the orbs lets me control all deities. I could use that to help me kill the Van fen'rir without ever leaving the temple. I would pretty much become the new guardian, I'm stronger than most, mentally anyway so the curses would take a while to effect me. I could have most of this over and done with before the curses destroyed me. Especially if you guys helped me kill them. The world would become a safer place if I were to do this. I honestly have no desire to live anymore than I do right now. But I joined the guild to help protect and save the world, and I will do that by any means necessary"
Vance shrugged and sat back down in his seat, snapping his fingers and having all the weapons Inaro didn't take disappear so that they couldn't be used against them.

"And yes, you owe me your lives. Or I take the lives of the people closest to you. It's all very simple. I'm good at hunting people down, trust me. If you get on my bad side, which is hard to do for the most part. I will kill everything you hold dear, anyone you even slightly care about. In other words, I will ruin your life. Those weapons aren't easy to get a hold of, especially the short sword and holy water. Took me weeks to find and then to actually get it. I wanted to use it to kill Lucifer. I can find a way to kill anyone, take that short sword as proof"
Vance shook his head and snapped his fingers again, having armor made of shadows appear on Cole, Crimson and Inaro. "That should provide some small amount of protection at least. Good luck. Don't die. If you do, try to at least keep those weapons intact"

@Embaga Elder @CelticSol @Light @GingerBread @LokiofSP
Ent grunted and threw the boy to the ground, he looked down on the boy before turning and walking behind Aedus. "You are too trusting to these dipshits." His tone was cold and emotionless, showing clear disappointment with how over-trusting Aedus was to strangers.


Aedus frowned at Ent, not liking how untrusting he was of everyone.. "Y-You're not trusting enough, E-Ent. N-Not everyone is going to attack us, y-you can't just attack people because y-you think they might attack u-us. D-Did you think the same of me at first E-Ent?" Aedus asked, assuming Ent had trusted him for a long time.

(Yay, Vance has joined the anti-VanFenrir side!)

Arwyn coughed and waved away the vile fumes with a hand when they made contact with her lungs. The stench was overpowering, causing her to cough even more, and was even starting to make her head dizzy.

"No- thank you..." Arwyn managed to say between coughs. "I am no fan of these... 'recreational substances'."

A slight scowl appeared on her face when she was also accused of being overly uptight. "I can be "chill" if I want to!" she said defensibly, though it was true what this woman was saying about her. "I just... have too many duties to attend to at the moment." she finished in a matter-of-fact tone.

She nodded her head in understanding when Clyde explained his mother's condition. "It is alright, I knew similar people." she responded calmly.

Her gaze shifted back to Miserae when she mentioned that someone would be coming soon.
"Who is this "He" that is going to show up?" she asked suspiciously, looking at both Clyde and his mother.

@Light (sorry, I didn't get an alert! O.o )
Lighthouse8477 said:
Smiling Draco replied, "Yes I told you that and it's true we came to rest. Aside from that I guess getting everyone here not to fire at us was a secondary objective that we didn't think of until we arrived here. " He smiled gently.
"Fine." Angelica turns around, walking towards her home. "I'll let you rest only for a short moment. Follow me."

MTchaos1134 said:
"Are you talking about my chaos magic?or my dimension?"doomguy said as he was in the sitting position,but floating around."hold on I want expecting visitors."Raz say as he snaps his finger and then the dimension changes from nothingness to The inside of a small cottage,whip the pre prepared tea and sandwiches.
"No....I'm talking about Vengeance. How does it feel? Knowing that in time....it will be used against you." Grimm tilts his head and smiles.

"Uuuummm. Yeah. I'm gonna go now. Yeah....this was weird. I had a great time though! Yeah.... continue destroying for me. Definitely not my fault." Grimm begins to scoot away.


LokiofSP said:
Fola scooped up Maya and ran to the back, casting glances at the giant orb of mana growing from the snake's mouths. He grit his teeth and put a hand to his chest and attempted to charge some magic, glancing at Maya briefly, "Hey! Um...Girl! Shit I don't know your fucking name...This is WAY more dangerous than you might think! Don't rush in unless I give you the go ahead, okay?"



Oden simply stood there, looking forward at the orb, mind racing as he thought about what to do. It was then he blinked and scoffed, hitting his head with the palm of his hand. He opened his bag and threw a poison knife at a snake, it fell off and withered, and Oden whistled as he began to think, a plan forming in his head as he went on to make it detailed, thinking back throughout the entire fight...

'So, the woman he a field around her...Looked similar to the things that took away the four pawns abilities. Might be a magic disabler or something, but...Hm... The snakes seem to just be snakes. They're only covering the orb...'

He laughed and snapped his fingers as he came to a solution,

@GingerBread @CelticSol @Light @Embaga Elder @DungeonCrew
GingerBread said:

Maya frowned as Fola told her not to run out and fight in the really cool battle.
"But it's reeally cool best friend! Why do you want to have all the fun without me? I think your a meanie for doing that." Maya pouted before crossing her arms and turning away from Fola. "A big fat meanie!" Maya frowned as she imagined the cool battle that must've been going on behind her.

( ! ) She imagined a giant monster eating the orb of witch mana and getting rid of it completely before exploding into a rain of swords heading straight for Morgan before being stopped by a flying dinosaur that got hit by them causing it to spin out of control and crash and explode like an aeroplane would. Maya then imagined Dragon's, who were the flying dinosaurs best friend, showed up and blamed it on Morgan and started attacking her relentlessly, stomping on her and Roasting her. When Maya imagined all of this stuff it actually happened.

Maya turned around to see the Dragon's attacking Morgan and completely forgot she was made at Fola. She looked up at Fola and assumed he took her away from the fight because he knew all of that stuff would happen and didn't want the dragon's to think she was the bad person there.
"Did you know all of that was going to happen? That's why you said I had to stay here isn't it? You're the best Friend EVER!"

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol


Aedus stood in front of Ent and looked at him, avoiding eye contact because he was slightly scared of what Ent might do if he was pushed to his limit. "E-Ent. D-Don't h-hurt him. Th-there's no need to. W-We can just leave" Aedus then turned around to face Isaac. "I-I think it's best that m-me and E-Ent leave. I-I hope E-Ent is in a better mood when I-I see you again" Aedus smiled at Isaac before walking off, hoping Ent would Follow without killing Isaac.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
Out of Fola's mouth came a snake. The snake slithers free and drops to the floor, growing bigger once it does. Once it's big enough to hold a person it begins to choke, coughing up Morgan the second after. Once she stands up with snake saliva and stomach fluid covering her body she looks around at everyone. Illyana, Maya, Oden, and Lockette erupt in raw witch mana that enters their secondary circulatory system. It eats away at it until they can no longer use magic or powers and are at the basic physical level. Morgan has snakes seperate Maya and Fola. The snakes trap Fola and Morgan in the same barrier from before. Raw Witch mana and snakes. She needed to keep Fola within her range since he was like a teleport point. She's also noticed his lack in attacking but just in case he tried to she has snakes coil around his body to hold him still and keep his arms to his sides.

Juju said:
(Yay, Vance has joined the anti-VanFenrir side!)
Arwyn coughed and waved away the vile fumes with a hand when they made contact with her lungs. The stench was overpowering, causing her to cough even more, and was even starting to make her head dizzy.

"No- thank you..." Arwyn managed to say between coughs. "I am no fan of these... 'recreational substances'."

A slight scowl appeared on her face when she was also accused of being overly uptight. "I can be "chill" if I want to!" she said defensibly, though it was true what this woman was saying about her. "I just... have too many duties to attend to at the moment." she finished in a matter-of-fact tone.

She nodded her head in understanding when Clyde explained his mother's condition. "It is alright, I knew similar people." she responded calmly.

Her gaze shifted back to Miserae when she mentioned that someone would be coming soon.
"Who is this "He" that is going to show up?" she asked suspiciously, looking at both Clyde and his mother.

@Light (sorry, I didn't get an alert! O.o )
( Not a very good side to be on. This will be a great friendship. Arwyn and Miserae. )

"Oh come on! The way you said it already spells I'm super serious. You really don't know how to relax do you? Sit down sit down! From now on I'm calling you Hottie since you have no chill." Miserae takes another hit and coughs. "Oh him is my husband in a sense. You know my son Grimmavus right? Yes him. He has one older sister and a younger sister. Those three are my only biological children. 'He' is their biological father. We're gonna make you a great deal Hottie!"

A portal opens before them and a being similar to Grimm in his life and death aspect steps out. His astral body was white with gleaming red lights for eyes. Without even introducing himself he turns to Arwyn. "How do you feel about eliminating all the evil the world has to offer?"

( He's about to continue but I'll tell you what he says in PM and then you can respond to it in your next post. Can't spoil. )
"Fine." Angelica turns around, walking towards her home. "I'll let you rest only for a short moment. Follow me."
Silently Draco looked at her. He replied, "Thank you Angelica it's appreciated." He looked at her silently. Looking at Grimm he thought. This is not going to be easy when my perfect mate is a recluse. He then smiled and followed her.
(!) I guess you don't want to talk about it later. You must've really thought about this a lot didn't you. Inaro and his brothers charge forward. We joined because we got bored on our planet and we thought it would be fun, going against different people, and protecting the world. Inaro teleports above the sphere protecting Morgan and Fola with a raw witch mana and snakes. He lights the short sword with the flint and steel and slashes at the snakes. The fire travels from snake to snake burning them. Inaro teleports back to the ground and turns to look at Vance. So when you say you'll kill everyone I care about, will you also kill yourself. As Inaro spoke Crimson and Cole teleports inside the sphere of raw witch mana. Cole slashed at the snakes releasing Fola, while Crimson swings the battle axe towards Morgan's neck (!) @Light @GingerBread @LokiofSP
Light said:
"Fine." Angelica turns around, walking towards her home. "I'll let you rest only for a short moment. Follow me."
"No....I'm talking about Vengeance. How does it feel? Knowing that in time....it will be used against you." Grimm tilts his head and smiles.

"Uuuummm. Yeah. I'm gonna go now. Yeah....this was weird. I had a great time though! Yeah.... continue destroying for me. Definitely not my fault." Grimm begins to scoot away.

Out of Fola's mouth came a snake. The snake slithers free and drops to the floor, growing bigger once it does. Once it's big enough to hold a person it begins to choke, coughing up Morgan the second after. Once she stands up with snake saliva and stomach fluid covering her body she looks around at everyone. Illyana, Maya, Oden, and Lockette erupt in raw witch mana that enters their secondary circulatory system. It eats away at it until they can no longer use magic or powers and are at the basic physical level. Morgan has snakes seperate Maya and Fola. The snakes trap Fola and Morgan in the same barrier from before. Raw Witch mana and snakes. She needed to keep Fola within her range since he was like a teleport point. She's also noticed his lack in attacking but just in case he tried to she has snakes coil around his body to hold him still and keep his arms to his sides.

( Not a very good side to be on. This will be a great friendship. Arwyn and Miserae. )

"Oh come on! The way you said it already spells I'm super serious. You really don't know how to relax do you? Sit down sit down! From now on I'm calling you Hottie since you have no chill." Miserae takes another hit and coughs. "Oh him is my husband in a sense. You know my son Grimmavus right? Yes him. He has one older sister and a younger sister. Those three are my only biological children. 'He' is their biological father. We're gonna make you a great deal Hottie!"

A portal opens before them and a being similar to Grimm in his life and death aspect steps out. His astral body was white with gleaming red lights for eyes. Without even introducing himself he turns to Arwyn. "How do you feel about eliminating all the evil the world has to offer?"

( He's about to continue but I'll tell you what he says in PM and then you can respond to it in your next post. Can't spoil. )
"I am vengance,I manipulate the very feeling of it,though I can only redirect it so much.even though I enjoy being in this guild I joined.it made my job difficult."Raz said,sitting down on a chair and offering Grimm to sit."the answer to your question is that I would not be happy at that time."

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