Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
As Rue walked out of the Oval Office, she must have felt the aforementioned oil seeping through the door, on her shoes. By opening the door, the origin of the oil became very clear, as was the reason Obama had snapped his fingers earlier. There, right before her, stood an oiled-up Joe Biden, with a suit still on and everything. Suddenly, from behind Rue, the door to the Oval Office burst open, revealing an also oiled-up Obama. "Oh, Joe! Just in time!" The vice president only winked, shooting a finger gun at Barack, which he gladly returned. The two suddenly ran towards each other, jumping over Rue in a feat of extreme acrobatics and bumping fists. "OILED BIDEN DOUBLE-SUPLEX ACTIVATE!" The two middle-aged men interlocked arms and hollered as they hurtled down towards Rue at breakneck speeds, hitting her and knocking her out. As Obama stood up and brushed some of the oil off himself, he nodded at Joe, who winked at him before running away. Meanwhile, Obama stood with his hands on his hips, looking down at Rue. "Well, miss, welcome to Obama's army. Enjoy your stay."

@The Imperial Flame @Light (What do I do with the unconscious army member now?)
Lotusy said:
As Rue walked out of the Oval Office, she must have felt the aforementioned oil seeping through the door, on her shoes. By opening the door, the origin of the oil became very clear, as was the reason Obama had snapped his fingers earlier. There, right before her, stood an oiled-up Joe Biden, with a suit still on and everything. Suddenly, from behind Rue, the door to the Oval Office burst open, revealing an also oiled-up Obama. "Oh, Joe! Just in time!" The vice president only winked, shooting a finger gun at Barack, which he gladly returned. The two suddenly ran towards each other, jumping over Rue in a feat of extreme acrobatics and bumping fists. "OILED BIDEN DOUBLE-SUPLEX ACTIVATE!" The two middle-aged men interlocked arms and hollered as they hurtled down towards Rue at breakneck speeds, hitting her and knocking her out. As Obama stood up and brushed some of the oil off himself, he nodded at Joe, who winked at him before running away. Meanwhile, Obama stood with his hands on his hips, looking down at Rue. "Well, miss, welcome to Obama's army. Enjoy your stay."
@The Imperial Flame @Light (What do I do with the unconscious army member now?)
( I don't know... )

Grimm nods his head. "Wow....that was amazing. So...about this army. There are several things I have to talk about. There's a war coming...are you willing to listen?"
GingerBread said:

  • "Well I might, depends how bored I get. But I'm sure you wouldn't care about me if I killed that sick little girl of yours" Vance snapped his fingers and took the weapons he gave them back. "I should have just enough Holy oil for another coating, you didn't use it for too long. I'll have to see. Either way I'll probably have to make another trip to get more, shit isn't easy to get. Priests won't tell me how to make it, scared I'll kill angels or some shit. And they make me prove I'm holy, I'm just fucking glad I can go invisible, never would've convinced that priest otherwise. Anyway, Point is. Learn from this, be prepared. from now on, I wouldn't risk touching most of the split personalities, the cat one and Alice especially. They do some weird shit, so keep your distance from them. As for me, I'm leaving. Going to go spend time with, I don't fucking know. Maybe I'll try to get my reputation as an assassin back. I don't know"

    Vance shook his head and sighed, knowing it probably wasn't a good idea to leave.
    "Do me one thing before I leave. Make sure you, or your friends get the orbs, If you still give a shit about going after them. Then use them to completely eradicate the Van Fen'rir. Vance moved closer to Inaro and snapped his fingers, putting a muffle around him and Inaro, stopping anyone else from hearing what he was about to say. "I'm fairly certain Julie can't take the orbs from the temples, I don't know if this applies to all the temples. But I assume it does. So stay in the last temple and do it from there. I'm sure there's more than one way to get rid of the curses and if their is, I'll find it. Hell maybe destroying the orbs is the way to do it, destroy the source and get rid of everything it caused. I don't know" Vance snapped his fingers again and had the muffle disappear while he stepped back from Inaro.

    "Anyway, Like I said I'm going. Oh and tell Julie, if that curse is effecting me, which I assume it isn't at this point, there will be major consequences. Like me stopping her from ever being able to bring her sister back. She can try to stop me, But I know I'm not the only one who thinks the Van Fen'rir are better off dead. And if you keep your line of though, we may very well end up against each other. But, see you later."

    Vance snapped his fingers once more and disappeared into the darkness realm, wanting to relax for a while before he even thought about taking on another temple.
    "Hey Luna, you around? Bare in mind, I might have a really contagious curse on me. So if you want to take the risk you can. But just a warning"

(Maya - @LokiofSP )

(Vance - @Embaga Elder @Light)

(Colin - @LokiofSP @Light )
Luna appears there as well, tilting her head the moment after. "What are you talking about? Someone cough on you or something?"

MTchaos1134 said:
"No but do you want me to put some on?"Raz said as he waved his hand and Grimm and Raz were now in a very large closet.
"No for now it's fine. Would you like me to tell you something interesting?"

@Light[/URL] @Temple group
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @GingerBread @Daimao )

Julie appears and purifies them all of the curses affects. She smiles at Morgan and and Inaro. "Thank you. All of you." After this she goes back to her regular off putting face. She opens a portal that will take them to the Black Orb's temple in Greenland. "Step right up."



Grimm makes a brick wall appear in front of him. "You're going past the speed limit!"
Light said:
Luna appears there as well, tilting her head the moment after. "What are you talking about? Someone cough on you or something?"
"No for now it's fine. Would you like me to tell you something interesting?"

( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @GingerBread @Daimao )

Julie appears and purifies them all of the curses affects. She smiles at Morgan and and Inaro. "Thank you. All of you." After this she goes back to her regular off putting face. She opens a portal that will take them to the Black Orb's temple in Greenland. "Step right up."

Grimm makes a brick wall appear in front of him. "You're going past the speed limit!"
"Sure go ahead."Raz said as they were now on a large ship,on what seems to be an endless sea.

"No, Isabel got taken apart a-fucking-gain. So Since I was close to the orb, I might have a extremely contagious thing that slowly fucks with your mind till it's gone or something" Vance shrugged and sat down on a newly created bench of darkness. "But it's like a 50/50 chance I actually have it. But even if I did, you've come close to me, so you would've got it." Vance leaned back on the bench and sighed. "So how have you been since we last talked?"



Colin hesitantly walked through the portal and found himself in greenland. Colin started shaking his head, seriously not wanting to go into the temple due to how many bad memories he had associated with it.
"N-No. I-I can't go into th-that one. C-can w-we just do a different o-one?"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao


Maya smiled brightly, glad the adventure wasn't over yet. She was determined to be more involved in at least a big part of the adventure. Though she wouldn't do it if her best friend really didn't want her to, well as long as he was watching so that he wouldn't be angry at her. Maya pointed towards the portal from her place on Fola's back.
"Let's go! More adventure awaits!"

Angelica approaches her house and opens the door. "Welcome." She tilts her head as if gesturing for them to come inside. "I'll lend you to the room down the hall on the left."
Draco nodded. He walked down the hall. Silently he looked at the door and smiled. He asked, "This one?" He glanced at her.
MTchaos1134 said:
"Sure go ahead."Raz said as they were now on a large ship,on what seems to be an endless sea.
"Have you ever heard of the Deity realm?" Grimm pulls out a fishing rod and extends it out into the water.

GingerBread said:

"No, Isabel got taken apart a-fucking-gain. So Since I was close to the orb, I might have a extremely contagious thing that slowly fucks with your mind till it's gone or something" Vance shrugged and sat down on a newly created bench of darkness. "But it's like a 50/50 chance I actually have it. But even if I did, you've come close to me, so you would've got it." Vance leaned back on the bench and sighed. "So how have you been since we last talked?"



Colin hesitantly walked through the portal and found himself in greenland. Colin started shaking his head, seriously not wanting to go into the temple due to how many bad memories he had associated with it.
"N-No. I-I can't go into th-that one. C-can w-we just do a different o-one?"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao


Maya smiled brightly, glad the adventure wasn't over yet. She was determined to be more involved in at least a big part of the adventure. Though she wouldn't do it if her best friend really didn't want her to, well as long as he was watching so that he wouldn't be angry at her. Maya pointed towards the portal from her place on Fola's back.
"Let's go! More adventure awaits!"

"Wow....way to 'protect' me Vance." Luna rolls her eyes and approaches him. She straddles his lap, facing him while she wraps her arms around his neck. "Other then that how has your day gone?"

Morgan looks at Colin and sighs. "Don't worry. This is one of the shortest temples. It'll be over before you know it. Christina doesn't bite too much anyways."

Lighthouse8477 said:
Draco nodded. He walked down the hall. Silently he looked at the door and smiled. He asked, "This one?" He glanced at her.
"Yes that one. Are you hungry?" Angelica didn't eat many diverse types of food but she did know how to make cereal.
Light said:
"Have you ever heard of the Deity realm?" Grimm pulls out a fishing rod and extends it out into the water.
"Wow....way to 'protect' me Vance." Luna rolls her eyes and approaches him. She straddles his lap, facing him while she wraps her arms around his neck. "Other then that how has your day gone?"

Morgan looks at Colin and sighs. "Don't worry. This is one of the shortest temples. It'll be over before you know it. Christina doesn't bite too much anyways."

"Yes that one. Are you hungry?" Angelica didn't eat many diverse types of food but she did know how to make cereal.
"Nope,why do you ask?"

"Why are you so clingy all of a sudden? A couple of days ago you seemed like you hardly cared about me. I'm not complaining mind you. But forgive me if I don't trust this whole thing too soon." Vance smiled at Luna, still keeping his guard up slightly. "And my days been fine, I've just watched people get their arse kicked. I ended up giving away something I had spent quite a lot of my free time trying to get a hold of, but apart from that everything has been fine. Oh and I'm thinking about going out and killing all the Van Fen'rir"

Vance shrugged, seeing the topic as unimportant.
"But, you didn't answer my question. moving onto another topic though, before, when you were taking over England, You something along the lines of wanting children. And then I ended up finding out about...Yeah. So completely out of the blue. But do you still want children? Because I can probably help you there, find you someone to help you have them or something. I don't know. I'll admit I kinda like seeing you happy, or at the least not looking empty and bored like you were when I first met you, and up until recently." Vance shrugged, he didn't want to bring up any bad memories for Luna, but he did want to do something nice for her at least.



Colin shook his head again and sat down on the ground, thinking that if he wasn't standing then he couldn't even be pushed into the temple.
"I-It's not the a-actual temple th-that's the problem. J-Just bad things h-happened last time I was in th-there. I-I just can't. I-I don't w-want to be near it at all. B-But I'll wait outside for you g-guys. In case any of y-you need healing or something I-I'm not really much use otherwise"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao

MTchaos1134 said:
"Nope,why do you ask?"
"So you're a deity that hasn't been in the deity realm before? I find that hard to believe." Grimm laughs loudly and opens she up a portal. "Before I explain a story we need to go there."

GingerBread said:
"Why are you so clingy all of a sudden? A couple of days ago you seemed like you hardly cared about me. I'm not complaining mind you. But forgive me if I don't trust this whole thing too soon." Vance smiled at Luna, still keeping his guard up slightly. "And my days been fine, I've just watched people get their arse kicked. I ended up giving away something I had spent quite a lot of my free time trying to get a hold of, but apart from that everything has been fine. Oh and I'm thinking about going out and killing all the Van Fen'rir"

Vance shrugged, seeing the topic as unimportant.
"But, you didn't answer my question. moving onto another topic though, before, when you were taking over England, You something along the lines of wanting children. And then I ended up finding out about...Yeah. So completely out of the blue. But do you still want children? Because I can probably help you there, find you someone to help you have them or something. I don't know. I'll admit I kinda like seeing you happy, or at the least not looking empty and bored like you were when I first met you, and up until recently." Vance shrugged, he didn't want to bring up any bad memories for Luna, but he did want to do something nice for her at least.



Colin shook his head again and sat down on the ground, thinking that if he wasn't standing then he couldn't even be pushed into the temple.
"I-It's not the a-actual temple th-that's the problem. J-Just bad things h-happened last time I was in th-there. I-I just can't. I-I don't w-want to be near it at all. B-But I'll wait outside for you g-guys. In case any of y-you need healing or something I-I'm not really much use otherwise"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao
Luna thinks about the question, having lost her previous enthusiasm. She's wanted kids but couldn't find the right partner to do so. "Yes....I do. I'm unable to find the ideal partner though. Are you volunteering?"

Morgan sighs and pushes Colin over while he's sitting. She stops, having grown to lazy to continue and has snakes do the job for her. These snakes push Colin until he's trapped in a snowball. "Now you have no choice."

She walks forward and a guardian appears. "Are you aware of the Black Orb?"

Morgan passes by and gives it the finger. "Fuck you." The guardian finds this answer acceptable and puts down the barrier in time for the Colin ball to roll through and into the black temple. There was a portal at the end of the hall.

"Can you really not do better than me? I'm sure you can Luna." Vance chuckled and smiled at Luna. "I mean, I'm probably not the best choice, I'm not sure how long titans live for but I'm willing to bet it's more than I will. If I die a natural death of course. So I would've thought you'd want someone who'd live as long as you" Vance went silent as he thought about having children with Luna. On one hand it would create more weaknesses that people could exploit, but on the other hand if he were to die, he'd have someone to kill the person who killed him so he could have the last laugh. And it might make Luna happy. After a few seconds Vance came to a decision "But, if you'd sure you'd rather have children with me than someone else. I'll do it. Who knows, I might actually end up liking being a parent. I doubt it, but maybe"



Colin looked on in horror as he was rolled into a snowball and into the temple. "N-No. W-Why do I-I have to go in here." Colin screwed his eyes shut, hoping when he eventually opened them he'd be in his bed at the guild. "I-I've already been through here once. W-Why do I have to d-do it a-again?"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao


The trio walks inside the temple. Crimson nudges Cole. So buddy you ready to see your friend again? Fuck off Crimson. He chuckles. Love you too buddy.


Renshi crashes through the brick wall and crashes into the water. He exits his lightning ball form releasing a burst of electricity through the water. and He flies back into the air looks around. What the flying fuck was that?? I felt like I hit a damn breakwall. He stops for a moment sitting on the thought of it. The hell is a breakwall doing in the sky. @Light
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GingerBread said:
"Can you really not do better than me? I'm sure you can Luna." Vance chuckled and smiled at Luna. "I mean, I'm probably not the best choice, I'm not sure how long titans live for but I'm willing to bet it's more than I will. If I die a natural death of course. So I would've thought you'd want someone who'd live as long as you" Vance went silent as he thought about having children with Luna. On one hand it would create more weaknesses that people could exploit, but on the other hand if he were to die, he'd have someone to kill the person who killed him so he could have the last laugh. And it might make Luna happy. After a few seconds Vance came to a decision "But, if you'd sure you'd rather have children with me than someone else. I'll do it. Who knows, I might actually end up liking being a parent. I doubt it, but maybe"



Colin looked on in horror as he was rolled into a snowball and into the temple. "N-No. W-Why do I-I have to go in here." Colin screwed his eyes shut, hoping when he eventually opened them he'd be in his bed at the guild. "I-I've already been through here once. W-Why do I have to d-do it a-again?"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao
Luna shrugs and slightly smiles. "I don't know what being a parent feels like. I never got the opportunity to. Thank you though Vance."

"You're in some adventurers guild or whatever the hell you people do. Why are you such a coward?" Morgan rolls her eyes and approaches the next guardian. "Are you aware of the curse."

Morgan nods her head. "The question is are you? I know I am." Morgan found it amusing to mess with the guardians. A smile appears on her face as it opens a portal and she steps through.

"You're going too fast!" Grimm appears in a police outfit. "The speed limit here is a nice and slow 700 Sir. Do you know how fast you were going? 701!"
"Yes that one. Are you hungry?" Angelica didn't eat many diverse types of food but she did know how to make cereal.
Draco smiled and stated, "Sure I'll take whatever you make best." He knew it was cereal for some odd reason.
Light said:
Luna shrugs and slightly smiles. "I don't know what being a parent feels like. I never got the opportunity to. Thank you though Vance."
"You're in some adventurers guild or whatever the hell you people do. Why are you such a coward?" Morgan rolls her eyes and approaches the next guardian. "Are you aware of the curse."

Morgan nods her head. "The question is are you? I know I am." Morgan found it amusing to mess with the guardians. A smile appears on her face as it opens a portal and she steps through.

"You're going too fast!" Grimm appears in a police outfit. "The speed limit here is a nice and slow 700 Sir. Do you know how fast you were going? 701!"

He looks at Grimm blinking rapidly. What the deuce are you talking about? What speed limit? I never had problems with speed limits before, so why now. Why you messing with my now especially if I was only going 701 in a 700 limit? What's the big whoop? He talking while moving his arms around, making different gestures. @Light
Lighthouse8477 said:
Draco smiled and stated, "Sure I'll take whatever you make best." He knew it was cereal for some odd reason.
Angelica heads off to the kitchen and begins to make cereal. She was using the boring type of Cheerios since she didn't want to share her honey nut. Once she was done she clears her throat, "Draco! It's ready!"

"Hey are you talking back?! I'll revoke your license I think and give you three tickets! Don't test me!" Grimm points at the floating 700 MPH speed limit sign.
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"Well now you will get the opportunity, well as long as nothing kills me. But that hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will happen anytime soon." Vance smiled back at Luna, he hated how much he had started to care about Luna but at the same time he enjoyed the feeling of having someone to care about. "So you're serious about having children with me then, yeah? I know you probably are, but I just want to make sure."



Colin kept his eyes screwed shut and continued shaking his head. "B-Because last time I-I was i-in here s-someone I-I.....S-Someone I care about died. A-And I just want to forget about h-her b-because it hurts t-to remember. And th-then because of the o-orb e-everyone started doing bad th-things and everything w-went wrong"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao
Light said:
Angelica heads off to the kitchen and begins to make cereal. She was using the boring type of Cheerios since she didn't want to share her honey nut. Once she was done she clears her throat, "Draco! It's ready!"
"Hey are you talking back?! I'll recoke your license I think and give you three tickets! Don't test me!" Grimm points at the floating 700 MPH speed limit sign.
Wha-what are you talking about? Who are you anyway?? You must not know what I am. Well lemme tell you. I'm a god damn Raijuu. I don't have a license, and that... He points towards the speed limit sign. That has nothing to do with me. Renshi snaps his fingers and lightning strikes the sign down. Now if you don't mind, I'll be on my way. He turns into a ball of lightning and takes off going faster than before. @Light

Upon Morgan making contact with his lips, Fola had pushed her off, briefly grumbling something about commitment before grabbing onto Maya. First she asked his name, then she urged him forward, so he began to head into the temple as he spoke, "Actually, my name isn't Frank. You were close though! Only off by four letters...Name's Fola little miss, and it's nice to finally know your name."

@GingerBread @Light


Illyana smiled at Collin and his initial question, "There may be four more, but look on the bright side! The more we do them, the easier it'll get, right? We'll only become more and more in synch as we go, and soon we'll be a functioning uni- Why are you a snowball?" The woman yelped and jumped out of the way of the snowball as it passed, shaking her head and beginning to run after it.

"WAIT! DON'T DO THAT, YOU MIGHT HURT SOMEBODY! THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS! A HIGHER POWER IS WATCHING!" She caught up to Morgan and Collin, a bit out of breath, "Why must you be so cruel miss? Why can't we simply walk down this path like adults? Do we have to insult the kinds people watching us and asking questions?"

@Light @GingerBread @CelticSol @Embaga Elder

Oden walked forward with everyone, this part is in white text because I missed the moment for him to contribute anything intreasting so I don't want people to read it, just know he's with you lot
Arwyn held her hands out defensively when the prospect of a party came up. "No, no, there is no need for a big celebration." she said "though I swear that I shall keep this a secret."

Then she realized everyone was calling her 'Hottie'...and just like that, Arwyn began regretting her decision.

"No, my name is Arwyn!" she said to the girl who had pills shoved down her throat. "Arwyn Hartwood... not Hottie!" She looked around helplessly as she tried to persuade them of her name.

GingerBread said:

"Well now you will get the opportunity, well as long as nothing kills me. But that hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will happen anytime soon." Vance smiled back at Luna, he hated how much he had started to care about Luna but at the same time he enjoyed the feeling of having someone to care about. "So you're serious about having children with me then, yeah? I know you probably are, but I just want to make sure."

"Yes...I'm serious." Luna smiles and scoots closer to Vance. "Are you?"

GingerBread said:
Colin kept his eyes screwed shut and continued shaking his head. "B-Because last time I-I was i-in here s-someone I-I.....S-Someone I care about died. A-And I just want to forget about h-her b-because it hurts t-to remember. And th-then because of the o-orb e-everyone started doing bad th-things and everything w-went wrong"

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao
LokiofSP said:
Upon Morgan making contact with his lips, Fola had pushed her off, briefly grumbling something about commitment before grabbing onto Maya. First she asked his name, then she urged him forward, so he began to head into the temple as he spoke, "Actually, my name isn't Frank. You were close though! Only off by four letters...Name's Fola little miss, and it's nice to finally know your name."

@GingerBread @Light


Illyana smiled at Collin and his initial question, "There may be four more, but look on the bright side! The more we do them, the easier it'll get, right? We'll only become more and more in synch as we go, and soon we'll be a functioning uni- Why are you a snowball?" The woman yelped and jumped out of the way of the snowball as it passed, shaking her head and beginning to run after it.

"WAIT! DON'T DO THAT, YOU MIGHT HURT SOMEBODY! THINK ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS! A HIGHER POWER IS WATCHING!" She caught up to Morgan and Collin, a bit out of breath, "Why must you be so cruel miss? Why can't we simply walk down this path like adults? Do we have to insult the kinds people watching us and asking questions?"

@Light @GingerBread @CelticSol @Embaga Elder

Oden walked forward with everyone, this part is in white text because I missed the moment for him to contribute anything intreasting so I don't want people to read it, just know he's with you lot
Morgan doesn't even respond to Illyana, not even feeling the talking mood anymore. She begins to eat from the applesauce pack. Morgan stops in front of a gaurdian. "Your time here has been brief. Are you prepared to face the Black Orb and it's venom?" Morgan decides to use her voice one more but this would be the last. "Yes. Fuck off." Morgan looks at Illyana while saying this to the gaurdian.

The gate opens and reveals a black portal. Morgan looks at the Black Orb in a shrine which also had a barrier around it. Christina stood before it with completely black eyes. "It seems like I have guests."

Renshi ends up falling into the water. Once he opens his eyes he would realize that he's in the Finding Nemo movie.

Juju said:
Arwyn held her hands out defensively when the prospect of a party came up. "No, no, there is no need for a big celebration." she said "though I swear that I shall keep this a secret."
Then she realized everyone was calling her 'Hottie'...and just like that, Arwyn began regretting her decision.

"No, my name is Arwyn!" she said to the girl who had pills shoved down her throat. "Arwyn Hartwood... not Hottie!" She looked around helplessly as she tried to persuade them of her name.

Abyssum swallows the pills and suddenly becomes serious. "If my mother says your name is Hottie then I must assume it is. Sorry.. "

"I was only serious if you were. So yes, I am serious" Vance smiled back at at Luna, not saying a word as he thought about what he wanted to do now that he was sure that Luna wanted to have children with him. "I just wanted to make sure you were serious with having a child with me, a mortal or human. I'm not sure if there's a difference between them. Because if you were serious, which you are, It means I'll have to go do something later. But it's not too important, I'll find sometime to do it in my busy schedule"



Colin opened his eyes as he heard Illyana's voice. The moment he did however he instantly regretted it as he saw he was inside of the temple. "P-Please. I-I don't want to b-be in here. I-I don't want to e-even be near that O-Orb. I-It brings back too many bad m-memories. J-Just let me wait outside. I-I'm sure it's not too late for me t-to go back" Colin winced as he heard another voice, who he could only assume was Christina. "O-Or maybe it is..."

@Embaga Elder @LokiofSP @Light @CelticSol @Daimao


"Fola... Fo-la" Maya though for a moment on Fola's name, testing out how it sounded when she said it. "That's a cooler name than Frank! You must have the best parents to give you such a cool name! I wish I had a name as cool as yours" Maya started looking around the temple as they walked into it, once again being sent into awe at the scenery. "These places are so cool! I want to live in a place like this. Can you get me one Best friend?!"



Aedus frowned at what Ent said, not liking how opposed he was to trusting people. "S-So if you could trust me, why can't you t-trust other people E-Ent?" Aedus smiled at Ent, hoping that since Ent had a less than nice opinion in the beginning he could use that as a reason to get him to trust other people.

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Angelica heads off to the kitchen and begins to make cereal. She was using the boring type of Cheerios since she didn't want to share her honey nut. Once she was done she clears her throat, "Draco! It's ready!"
Silently Draco came. He sat down and looked at the bowl then smiled. He stated, "Cereal good I haven't eaten in ages. Thanks for this." He began eating the cheerios.

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