Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Maya screamed as they started to freefall but frowned when Fola put her down. "I want chocolate and strawberry and mint choc chip! That's the best flavour." Maya mouth hung open in awe as they began tilting around on the platform but not falling off it at all until everything became rightside up again. "That was so cool! Let's do it again!"



When Oden walked over Colin wanted to hide after hearing from Illyana what he'd done, but he also didn't want to believe anyone could be that evil. When Oden came over and asked for a knife, he wanted to protest but didn't, thinking it would be best for Illyana to handle. When Oden walked away, Colin turned to Illyana. "S-So you believe h-he can be a better person th-then? I-I still don't believe a-anyone could be th-that evil, w-well I don't want to b-believe anyone was that evil. B-But he does sound like he wants to become b-better, th-though I also believed him before. S-So I guess what I th-think might not be r-right"



Vance felt slightly nauseous as the platforms start to tilt all directions, making up, down and down, up. Vance looked towards the guardian and sighed, already put in a bad mood by having to do all this shit. And his mood was getting worse with the pointless questions they were being asked.
"Look, I know you're doing this just to make sure. But we've had questions about if we know of the curse, which would and stay with me here, allow us to make the assumption that we know what we're getting ourselves into. All these stupid questions are doing is making this all take longer. It isn't going to make us decide to go home and re-evaluate our life choices. We are going to go after the orb, no matter what. Same with the rest of them."

"So let us fucking past to the orb so we can get this bullcrap over and done with. We know there's danger in all forms, we know there's shit we'll have to face and deal with." Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face, really wanting to just get all this shit over and done with. "If the previous questions are anything to go by, that should answer all other questions in this and every other temple. so if you could go tell your other guardian fuck buddies so we can move through all this faster, that'd be fantastic"

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @AnyOtherTemplePeople
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GingerBread said:
"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Maya screamed as they started to freefall but frowned when Fola put her down. "I want chocolate and strawberry and mint choc chip! That's the best flavour." Maya mouth hung open in awe as they began tilting around on the platform but not falling off it at all until everything became rightside up again. "That was so cool! Let's do it again!"



When Oden walked over Colin wanted to hide after hearing from Illyana what he'd done, but he also didn't want to believe anyone could be that evil. When Oden came over and asked for a knife, he wanted to protest but didn't, thinking it would be best for Illyana to handle. When Oden walked away, Colin turned to Illyana. "S-So you believe h-he can be a better person th-then? I-I still don't believe a-anyone could be th-that evil, w-well I don't want to b-believe anyone was that evil. B-But he does sound like he wants to become b-better, th-though I also believed him before. S-So I guess what I th-think might not be r-right"



Vance felt slightly nauseous as the platforms start to tilt all directions, making up, down and down, up. Vance looked towards the guardian and sighed, already put in a bad mood by having to do all this shit. And his mood was getting worse with the pointless questions they were being asked.
"Look, I know you're doing this just to make sure. But we've had questions about if we know of the curse, which would and stay with me here, allow us to make the assumption that we know what we're getting ourselves into. All these stupid questions are doing is making this all take longer. It isn't going to make us decide to go home and re-evaluate our life choices. We are going to go after the orb, no matter what. Same with the rest of them."

"So let us fucking past to the orb so we can get this bullcrap over and done with. We know there's danger in all forms, we know there's shit we'll have to face and deal with."
Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face, really wanting to just get all this shit over and done with. "If the previous questions are anything to go by, that should answer all other questions in this and every other temple. so if you could go tell your other guardian fuck buddies so we can move through all this faster, that'd be fantastic"

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @AnyOtherTemplePeople
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao )

Once Vance answers, the platform is pulled into a black hole that appears below them and spits them out in front of the very first platform they stood on, back at square one, using the white hole as an escape. A guardian appears on the very first platform once more. When they approach it the guardian would speak. “Are you prepared for the Purple Orb and all its authority?” This seemed like the very last question.
Light said:
( @CelticSol @GingerBread @Embaga Elder )
Once Oden answers the platform shifts left to the one 30 away from it. To their far right there was was a platform 40 feet away that was sideways, as if it were a wall. Their current platform had a button on the floor on its left edge and ends up crashing into the platform they were heading towards. This platform had a basketball sized moulder on it. That platform tips over on its side as if it were a wall now due to the collision and the boulder slides off, hitting the button.

Once the button is hit the realm and platforms shift, flipping on to its side. The wall like platform they created was now like a ceiling and they were standing on what was now a wall, not even falling. The boulder slides off and falls down to the platform to their right 40 feet away because that now became a floor due to the realm tilting. The boulder hits the button on that button and causes their current platform to now hang upside as the ceiling now that the realm had shifted once more.

Right side up was now upside down. The platform continues to travel upside down until it crashes into another platform that held a boulder in a container. The crash breaks this platform apart and causes the boulder to fall down and hit another platforms button. This button causes upside down to become right side up again. A guardian appears before them, “Do you know of the dangers you shall unleash upon the world?”
GingerBread said:

Vance felt slightly nauseous as the platforms start to tilt all directions, making up, down and down, up. Vance looked towards the guardian and sighed, already put in a bad mood by having to do all this shit. And his mood was getting worse with the pointless questions they were being asked.
"Look, I know you're doing this just to make sure. But we've had questions about if we know of the curse, which would and stay with me here, allow us to make the assumption that we know what we're getting ourselves into. All these stupid questions are doing is making this all take longer. It isn't going to make us decide to go home and re-evaluate our life choices. We are going to go after the orb, no matter what. Same with the rest of them."

"So let us fucking past to the orb so we can get this bullcrap over and done with. We know there's danger in all forms, we know there's shit we'll have to face and deal with." Vance sighed and dragged his hands down his face, really wanting to just get all this shit over and done with. "If the previous questions are anything to go by, that should answer all other questions in this and every other temple. so if you could go tell your other guardian fuck buddies so we can move through all this faster, that'd be fantastic"

@LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol @AnyOtherTemplePeople
Light said:
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao )
Once Vance answers, the platform is pulled into a black hole that appears below them and spits them out in front of the very first platform they stood on, back at square one, using the white hole as an escape. A guardian appears on the very first platform once more. When they approach it the guardian would speak. “Are you prepared for the Purple Orb and all its authority?” This seemed like the very last question.
(@Daimao )

Lockette nods her head, "We are."

Jackie, on the other hand, seems a bit lost in thought; she's caught in the middle of a conversation with Sanctum, discussing use of her magic in the inevitable battle coming, but to others, she's just gazing blankly ahead of her, silently mouthing words to herself.
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
Lockette nods her head, "We are."

Jackie, on the other hand, seems a bit lost in thought; she's caught in the middle of a conversation with Sanctum, discussing use of her magic in the inevitable battle coming, but to others, she's just gazing blankly ahead of her, silently mouthing words to herself.
( @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao )

Once she answers all other platforms in the realm shatters and this first one floats forward unaffected by the black and white holes. The platform floats for what could be 97 feet until it connects with another platform and crumbles apart, making them all fall down what seems to be an endless fall down a purple cloudy abyss. In time they all gently land in the realm of the Purple Orb. There was a shrine in which the Purple Orb was being held off inside with a barrier. Morgan stands before it, her eyes completely purple. “You must defeat me to gain the rights to the Purple Orb. Make your strike.”

Fola had picked Maya back up, but once they were in front of Morgan he put her to the side, "Alright, I'm pretty sure I can reason with her, but just in case, stay over here, alright?" He stood up straight and took in a deep breath, walking forward to face the woman. he extended his arms with a smile, "Morgan! How are you, you alright? Is there any chance what so ever you might just, ya know, move so we can get to that damn orb? Consider it a favor, for me...Please?"

@GingerBread @Light


Oden dug through his messenger bag, whistling while occasionally glancing up to look to look at Morgan, waiting for somebody else to begin so he had an idea of what he was going up against...


Illyana shrugged, her hand going to her pocket and clenching around the cross in her pocket, her hand burning slightly at the touch. She attempted to use it as a way to give her strength in her convictions, she did this for a few more moments before letting go, "I have no idea. In all honesty, I don't want to even give him a chance. But I have hope...Everyone can get redemption if they try hard enough, but for people like him, it's a gargantuan task..."

Once they reached Morgan, Illyana shook a bit, but stepped forward with a smile, "Hello miss. We're supposed to fight, am I correct? Before we do so, I would like to say that whatever we do bears no ill will to you. We simply ,must do this...Okay, in any case..." She stepped back, standing there, "That's all I wanted to say. I would not like to fight her personally..."

@GingerBread @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol

Vance looked towards Morgan and noticed her eyes were completely purple. "Something tells me she's not going to hold back, maybe she doesn't want to become Isabel again. I think if she did she'd hand over the orb and let us go easily. So with that in mind" Vance turned to face the group, trying to decide who would be best to fight her. "I think you should go fight her, Lockpick. Then we'll know what she can do once you die"

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @Light


Colin wasn't sure how to feel about Oden, he had always held the belief that no one is really evil. But Oden seemed to be an exception to the rule, or at least was. "H-He does seem like h-he wants to g-get better. B-But I'm still not really sure, I-I believed him before when he was lying to m-me..."

Colin looked at Morgan when she said that they had to defeat her to get the orb. I hope this doesn't end badly, I didn't have to do anything like this last time. I don't think Death did either. But I did leave early, but I could feel the orb before Colin shook his head and shuffled more towards the back of the group than he already was. "I-I'll be here to heal you guys i-if you get h-hurt"

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light


Maya stayed where Fola had put her down, not wanting to go against him and risk not getting ice cream afterwards. Maya quickly started getting bored and began gently swaying side to side, unable to keep still for long. She looked up at Morgan and noticed her completely purple eyes. "She looks so cool! My best friend wouldn't mind if I went over to talk to her with him, would he? Nah" Maya began skipping over to Morgan. "Hi!" She smiled up at Morgan as she stopped next to Fola. "You have really cool eyes. Were you born like that? Or did you fall into toxic waste and become a superhero with purple eyes?! That would be so cool!"

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light
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"Look I don't know you and you don't know me. So back off." The man was pulled into the ground as if gravity increased.
Silently Draco groaned then stood up and looked at Angelica and stated, "Not going to give up until you tell me why I upset you." He walked after her determinedly.
Archdemon said:
The female obviously looked pissed until he said some strange things. "Human? Sweat? King? I don't know these words you chitter of! What do you mean Your Turn? I want answers not Lies! What happened to the other Xinnants? Chitter quickly!"
She didn't trust this larvae not for a single second, she expects the truth. This thing, a human he calls himself, is too unprotected, too weak minded to have defeated all of the Xinnant Warriors. They numbered far too many to have been defeated by a mere creature such as the human even if he was strong.

@Embaga Elder
Hakeem didn't like the way the female insect was speaking to him. She was too demanding and mean. He summons a rolling chair and sits down in it. If you want answers than you can ask nicely. I'm not gone entertain you any more if you keep acting like that. I mean come on be civilized. Hakeem leans back in his chair and spins around. He wasn't gone entertain the insect lady anymore, unless she charges her act. He was raised better than that. He knew that he should respect his elders, and she was clearly old. But still that rule shouldn't apply to an insect should it.

LokiofSP said:
Fola had picked Maya back up, but once they were in front of Morgan he put her to the side, "Alright, I'm pretty sure I can reason with her, but just in case, stay over here, alright?" He stood up straight and took in a deep breath, walking forward to face the woman. he extended his arms with a smile, "Morgan! How are you, you alright? Is there any chance what so ever you might just, ya know, move so we can get to that damn orb? Consider it a favor, for me...Please?"

@GingerBread @Light


Oden dug through his messenger bag, whistling while occasionally glancing up to look to look at Morgan, waiting for somebody else to begin so he had an idea of what he was going up against...


Illyana shrugged, her hand going to her pocket and clenching around the cross in her pocket, her hand burning slightly at the touch. She attempted to use it as a way to give her strength in her convictions, she did this for a few more moments before letting go, "I have no idea. In all honesty, I don't want to even give him a chance. But I have hope...Everyone can get redemption if they try hard enough, but for people like him, it's a gargantuan task..."

Once they reached Morgan, Illyana shook a bit, but stepped forward with a smile, "Hello miss. We're supposed to fight, am I correct? Before we do so, I would like to say that whatever we do bears no ill will to you. We simply ,must do this...Okay, in any case..." She stepped back, standing there, "That's all I wanted to say. I would not like to fight her personally..."

@GingerBread @Light @Embaga Elder @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
Vance looked towards Morgan and noticed her eyes were completely purple. "Something tells me she's not going to hold back, maybe she doesn't want to become Isabel again. I think if she did she'd hand over the orb and let us go easily. So with that in mind" Vance turned to face the group, trying to decide who would be best to fight her. "I think you should go fight her, Lockpick. Then we'll know what she can do once you die"

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @Light


Colin wasn't sure how to feel about Oden, he had always held the belief that no one is really evil. But Oden seemed to be an exception to the rule, or at least was. "H-He does seem like h-he wants to g-get better. B-But I'm still not really sure, I-I believed him before when he was lying to m-me..."

Colin looked at Morgan when she said that they had to defeat her to get the orb. I hope this doesn't end badly, I didn't have to do anything like this last time. I don't think Death did either. But I did leave early, but I could feel the orb before Colin shook his head and shuffled more towards the back of the group than he already was. "I-I'll be here to heal you guys i-if you get h-hurt"

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light


Maya stayed where Fola had put her down, not wanting to go against him and risk not getting ice cream afterwards. Maya quickly started getting bored and began gently swaying side to side, unable to keep still for long. She looked up at Morgan and noticed her completely purple eyes. "She looks so cool! My best friend wouldn't mind if I went over to talk to her with him, would he? Nah" Maya began skipping over to Morgan. "Hi!" She smiled up at Morgan as she stopped next to Fola. "You have really cool eyes. Were you born like that? Or did you fall into toxic waste and become a superhero with purple eyes?! That would be so cool!"

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light
( @CelticSol @Embaga Elder )

Morgan looks at Fola and summons a beast, bestowing peculiar powers upon it. Morgan blinks three times, already knowing whom was first. Colin and his staff erupt in witch mana. It begins to eat away at him and his staff's power. She had to get rid of the medic first, which is exactly what she did. Morgan sends the golem forward, having it build up light in its crystals as it towers above Fola and Maya. Morgan was preparing to target the next DR member on her hit list.

Vance watched as Morgan attacked Colin first, getting rid of the healer before going after anyone else. Interesting, she's going after the most valuable people first. Guess I'll either be next or second to last. Jackie will probably be last Vance unsheathed his dagger and stayed alert, incase Morgan did go after him next.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light


Colin felt the witch mana erupt around him and quickly pushed his staff into the ground, removing the witch mana from him and his staff and stopping anymore from getting to him. Colin looked towards Morgan and tried to think about what he should do.
I could damage her to the point of near death, but I really don't want to hurt her. Colin was internally panicking, not sure what to do. He began hyperventilating. I need to calm down, I'm no use if I'm not calm Colin altered his brain chemicals to calm him down, allowing him to think rationally. I could try to put her to sleep, put enough into her to knock her out or at least make her sleepy so someone can beat her peacefully.

( ! ) Colin created 5 clones all with enough chemicals inside of them to make them fall asleep. Colin then took remote control of the clones motor functions and had them run at Morgan and transfer their tired state to her. Colin was 99% sure that it would be enough to knock her out for at least a couple of minutes.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light


Maya looked at the giant crystal beast with complete Awe. Maya, still thinking this was just a fun
made up adventure, had a small sword made out of chocolate chip cookies to fight the crystal beast. "This is the coolest adventure I've ever been on! I wonder what treasure we'll get from this" Maya imagined that when they beat the crystal beast it would explode into cookies and other sweets. She giggled at the thought and raised her cookie sword towards the monster, not understanding the danger she was in at all.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance watched as Morgan attacked Colin first, getting rid of the healer before going after anyone else. Interesting, she's going after the most valuable people first. Guess I'll either be next or second to last. Jackie will probably be last Vance unsheathed his dagger and stayed alert, incase Morgan did go after him next.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light


Colin felt the witch mana erupt around him and quickly pushed his staff into the ground, removing the witch mana from him and his staff and stopping anymore from getting to him. Colin looked towards Morgan and tried to think about what he should do.
I could damage her to the point of near death, but I really don't want to hurt her. Colin was internally panicking, not sure what to do. He began hyperventilating. I need to calm down, I'm no use if I'm not calm Colin altered his brain chemicals to calm him down, allowing him to think rationally. I could try to put her to sleep, put enough into her to knock her out or at least make her sleepy so someone can beat her peacefully.

( ! ) Colin created 5 clones all with enough chemicals inside of them to make them fall asleep. Colin then took remote control of the clones motor functions and had them run at Morgan and transfer their tired state to her. Colin was 99% sure that it would be enough to knock her out for at least a couple of minutes.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light


Maya looked at the giant crystal beast with complete Awe. Maya, still thinking this was just a fun
made up adventure, had a small sword made out of chocolate chip cookies to fight the crystal beast. "This is the coolest adventure I've ever been on! I wonder what treasure we'll get from this" Maya imagined that when they beat the crystal beast it would explode into cookies and other sweets. She giggled at the thought and raised her cookie sword towards the monster, not understanding the danger she was in at all.

@LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @Daimao @CelticSol @Light
( @Embaga Elder )

Morgan blinks at Colin's attempt to put her to sleep through chemicals. Was he seriously trying to outdo her in one of her strengths? Morgan has the clones erupt in witch mana, eating away at them until there was nothing left. She has one last blast of witch mana hit Colin, feeding on the power that he tried to use to block it off in the first place. Once it had eaten the energy within the staff it began to stop glowing at the same time Colin's energy was devoured. Morgan glares at the golem for taking too long with the charging process. Snakes begin to rise around the golem and they begin to coil around it, they sink into the golem and it suddenly surges with power. Morgan blinks her left eye and three large snakes rise around the group of Dragon's Roar members. The golem finally fires a beam of piercing celestial light at Inaro from its mouth. Morgan has the three snakes exhale raw witch mana from their mouth, only to have them collide into an orb above their heads. This orb of raw witch mana grows bigger and bigger. Morgan sets up a sphere of raw witch mana around her for her own form of absolute defense against forms of magic and powers. Snakes coil around this sphere to protect against physical attacks as well to the best of their ability. Morgan was refraining from using any spells at the moment.

( The Golem in front of Morgan. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/0a859ae60fa7497e4fc123b27e7943ef-d3iu8qe.jpg.713c77b593d575d516fe3836acb38523.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/0a859ae60fa7497e4fc123b27e7943ef-d3iu8qe.jpg.713c77b593d575d516fe3836acb38523.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco groaned then stood up and looked at Angelica and stated, "Not going to give up until you tell me why I upset you." He walked after her determinedly.
"You're an idiot that's why. Now leave me alone. Don't you hear me?" She began to walk faster.

God, why is it always me?? Inaro teleports above the golem, dodging the attack. Crimson and Cole jumped out of the way since they were near him. While Inaro was above the golem Crimson was generating black energy, and Cole claps his hands together preparing a spell.

(!) Simultaneously the trio attacked. Inaro released a powerful TK blast, forcing it down so it can't move, Crimson released beams of null energy into the body of the golem erasing it going through and through, and Cole uses his
Splitting Void spell. Cole targets the golem's neck, he rotates his so his fingers are facing the other hands wrist. The spell activates splitting air and severing the golem's neck, separating it's head from its body. (!)

This.... Human is too stubborn, and thinks itself to be superior to the female. It then some type of object appeared and the thing sat on it demanding her to be nice and civilized? Whatever those words mean.

"I grow tired of this useless chitter human.... I will give you one more chance to tell me what I wish to know before I find out what your information you're keeping from me. Now can you just tell me what I wish to know?"

@Embaga Elder
Hakeem continues spinning in his chair. The insect lady was clueless to his words. How long has she been asleep?? Hakeem stops spinning, facing Severna. He summons a bag of gummy bears, he opens the bag and goes to town. What's the magic word? He leans back in his chair. I'm guessing you don't know what that is either. Just say please. He throws a gummy bear in his mouth. @Archdemon
The hot, dry wind gusted through the sand dunes surrounding the temple and stirred the dust into a fleeting vortex. Arwyn sat with her back against the rough stone entrance, using its shadow to escape some of the heat. Though the dragonknight was growing uncomfortably warm, Syrax was laid out upon the sands, soaking up the rays of the sun.

"How much longer will they take?" the wyvern grumbled before shifting his body to alternate the side being exposed.

"I have no idea." she replied.

She was still unhappy with the turn of events and had decided to stand watch over the entrance of the temple. It was Dragon's Roar's fight after all, though truthfully she was staying so that she could destroy the orb should they fail and cause the curse to be released.

"You know what, why don't you have a look for yourself? Grimm did give you all-seeing eyes." she said before leaning back against the wall. "Besides, we need to hone these new powers."

Slowly, the wyvern sat up and looked down into the sands below the temple.
"They are falling onto platforms that appear and disappear suddenly. Now they are falling... and now they are gone."

Arwyn looked at her companion in surprise. "Gone?" she asked.

"They have entered another realm in which I cannot see into."

"I guess we can't help them anymore, even if they needed it." she said. "I have faith that they will be successful."

"Then why are we still here?"

"You know why."
( You have no respect for golems do you? #StopGolemAbuse2016 )

When the golem was utterly destroyed the snakes that sank into it burst outwards in an explosion of raw witch mana. It hits all three put of the trio and begins to eat away at their energy supply outside and inside of them. The raw witch mana enters their system and begins to feed directly off of the secondary circulatory system. Something that doesn't even exist to them so they wouldn't be able to stop it. Though since Crimson made a wish to have potentially limitless energy, his body was practically an all you can eat buffet for raw witch mana. Julius was incredibly happy for finding good food. In time they wouldn't be able to anything when it came to powers, only physical attacks at what could be a human level. Morgan kept her sphere of raw witch mana around her for protection as well as a pile of snakes around it, big and small.

Juju said:
The hot, dry wind gusted through the sand dunes surrounding the temple and stirred the dust into a fleeting vortex. Arwyn sat with her back against the rough stone entrance, using its shadow to escape some of the heat. Though the dragonknight was growing uncomfortably warm, Syrax was laid out upon the sands, soaking up the rays of the sun.
"How much longer will they take?" the wyvern grumbled before shifting his body to alternate the side being exposed.

"I have no idea." she replied.

She was still unhappy with the turn of events and had decided to stand watch over the entrance of the temple. It was Dragon's Roar's fight after all, though truthfully she was staying so that she could destroy the orb should they fail and cause the curse to be released.

"You know what, why don't you have a look for yourself? Grimm did give you all-seeing eyes." she said before leaning back against the wall. "Besides, we need to hone these new powers."

Slowly, the wyvern sat up and looked down into the sands below the temple.
"They are falling onto platforms that appear and disappear suddenly. Now they are falling... and now they are gone."

Arwyn looked at her companion in surprise. "Gone?" she asked.

"They have entered another realm in which I cannot see into."

"I guess we can't help them anymore, even if they needed it." she said. "I have faith that they will be successful."

"Then why are we still here?"

"You know why."
Clyde stands in the hot sun, it's rare that he'd be able to experience this climate. "It's wonderful....all of this."
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Arwyn looked over to Clyde and chuckled. "I suppose, if you get past the unyielding heat and the miles of desolate sands."

She looked out across the hazed horizon to where the sun hung heavy in the sky.

"Though you are right... There is not a desert in world like this one; it's the largest one on the planet." She paused "Do you have any deserts in your realm?"

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Juju said:
Arwyn looked over to Clyde and chuckled. "I suppose, if you get past the unyielding heat and the miles of desolate sands."
She looked out across the hazed horizon to where the sun hung heavy in the sky.

"Though you are right... There is not a desert in world like this one; it's the largest one on the planet." She paused "Do you have any deserts in your realm?"

"Yes I do but none are like this. At least not anymore. Our deserts are dark and hateful. Not bright and...vastly welcoming like this." Clyde seemed to be amazed by the Sahara Desert. "Where are you from exactly. I hope you don't mind me asking."
"No, it is no problem in your asking. We did agree to learn more about each other after all." Arwyn said while watching as Syrax stretched out his wings, causing a sudden shadow to fall upon the two of them before they were folded once again against his body.

"Syrax and I were both born in the country that is now known as Wales. It is a lot less sunny and there is a lot more rain... very different from what you see here."

"And there are mountains..." Syrax rumbled out wistfully. "Ancient behemoths that tower over these shifting mounds of sand with plenty of prey skittering in the green lands between them."

The wyvern opened his jaws into an enormous yawn. "I wouldn't mind a good whale right about now."

Juju said:
"No, it is no problem in your asking. We did agree to learn more about each other after all." Arwyn said while watching as Syrax stretched out his wings, causing a sudden shadow to fall upon the two of them before they were folded once again against his body.
"Syrax and I were both born in the country that is now known as Wales. It is a lot less sunny and there is a lot more rain... very different from what you see here."

"And there are mountains..." Syrax rumbled out wistfully. "Ancient behemoths that tower over these shifting mounds of sand with plenty of prey skittering in the green lands between them."

The wyvern opened his jaws into an enormous yawn. "I wouldn't mind a good whale right about now."

"Wales? Where is this place you call Wales?" Just as Arwyn wasnot informed on the current world previously he wasn't informed on the past one all too much. Clyde looks at Syrax. "Are you alright?"
A man was walking across the Sahara Desert with a magnifying glass in his hand, looking for any trace of a golem footprint. He looks around for the other person whom always works with him in this task.

( @Juju )
Mrs. Grey was a middle aged woman with short hair the same color as her last name and blue eyes that were as piercing as a hawk. At the moment she was looking through the lens of her binoculars towards the area she had seen a movement of red beside a man-made temple

"I do believe that the tracks are leading us that way. Golems like temples after all." she said. "We should hurry."

@Light Mrs.
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Juju said:
Mrs. Grey was a middle aged woman with short hair the same color as her last name and blue eyes that were as piercing as a hawk. At the moment she was looking through the lens of her binoculars towards the area she had seen a movement of red beside a man-made temple
"I do believe that the tracks are leading us that way. Golems like temples after all." she said. "We should hurry."

@Light Mrs.
The man nods his head and begins a light jog. "Time to get this golem a good home! Or at least protect the this one better."
The insect was even more confused! She groaned in annoyance before she finally did what the human asked off her, even if she has no idea of what the word even means.

"Fine! Please? Please! Please! Please!"

She repeated the unknown word multiple times to get the idea arcross that she needs to know the information the human is withholding from her. Then he began munching on some weird object, it was green and looked absolutely disgusting.

@Embaga Elder

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