Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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The insect wasn't fast enough to dodge the attacks but she wasn't going to give up, not by a long shot. She tried her best to dodge the attacks, only really dodging the more direct frontal attacks. She needed at least one little prick to allow the fight to end but it wasn't making it easy on her. During his barrages she finally grabbed one of his arms which had hit her stomach and stabbed it though not too hard or deep. His mind immediately was burned with knowledge of some language he had never been able to speak or understand. Finally the Female insect spoke "CAN YOU UNDERSTAND ME NOW! You better! I can't believe I had to waste that on such a inferior being such as yourself! Now I have many questions that only you can answer do you better answer them Barbarian!"

((I hope this post is okay with you, if you need me to change it I will)) :)

@Embaga Elder
CelticSol said:
Jackie jumps a little bit, but sighs in relief and pulls Chihualpha off her head, holding him in her arms. Her brow is slightly creased in worry as she checks his condition, before her eyes focus on the Alpha-specific head, "Are you okay? Were you hurt at all by the being?"
Alpha nods his head at Jackie's question, not minding how Jackie check him like a child who had been out too late. " I wasn't hurt at all. I feel perfectly fine," he replied simply.

Hakeem was happy that the technique he copied from a simple show was actually working. But apparently he got to happy and lost his focus allowing the insect to stab him in his hand when she grabbed it. Immediately after some unknown language was burned into his head causing Hakeem. He held his head as he yelled in pain and fell to his knees.

The blue gem glows and Ai, the water genie, comes out with a very angry expression on her face. Don't you ever touch him again!!!! She yelled as she raised her hand. As her hand was in the sky an orb of water formed. She was about to release her attack but was stopped by Hakeem grabbing her other hand, and shaking his head. Struggling to his feet, the red gem glows and Amon comes out helping him up. Why did you stop her kid?? Hakeem looked directly at the female insect and didn't respond, after a few seconds passed. I can finally understand her. The genies looked towards her. What's your question?? He asked, whiling being unaware what the word inferior or barbarian meant. @Archdemon
The Trio

The trio chuckles at what Vance called them. Inaro turns to his friends with sadistic grin. Don't you dare say. Say it and I'll transport you too the sun. Inaro turns around, chucklefucks. A portal appears in front of Inaro and Crimson kicks him in, the portal closes behind him. He just couldn't help himself.

Cole and Crimson turns to Fola.
I can use two different forms of magic, Void and Stellar magic. He sits at smoke and puts his hands in his pockets. Although I need more training with stellar magic. I can manipulate anger, and I have the ability of quintessence force. Inaro...

As he said his name he appears next Cole basically naked with smoke coming off of him. His body was in the process of healing, since the being transported to the suns atmosphere caused sever burns to his body. He turns towards Cole and Crimson. You each owe me a new suit. He said coldly, then turns towards Fola. I can manipulate esoteric energy, and I have a Bio-metal physiology. A beer appears in his hands as he shapeshifts some black sweat pants on him. Oh and shape-shifting, special thanks to the sin I killed. He said as he held the beer bottle as if he's toasting. He pops the bottle open and drinks.

@CelticSol @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Anyone else at the guild
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Ent looked Issac up and down, he frowned. Escaping Aedus's grip he lashed out by grabbing the boy by the neck. He lifted him off the grounded and looked him in the eyes "Why the fuck are you being so nice? You only just meet us. What tricks are you hiding? you little shit." Ent growled slightly, fighting his cat like urge to eat the fish.

@GingerBread @Cadin shadow lord (SORRY ;- ;)
Lighthouse8477 said:
"Grimm! Thank you for saving my life! How can I repay you?" Grimm seemed extremely grateful for his life being saved. "I can grant you a wish!"

Silently Draco looked at the small dragon waiting for an answer. He had asked what limits on a whish he could ask for was and what his name was. He waited hovering.

"The only limits areally whatever I don't feel like granting! Go ahead and make any wish!"
Daimao said:
Alpha nods his head at Jackie's question, not minding how Jackie check him like a child who had been out too late. " I wasn't hurt at all. I feel perfectly fine," he replied simply.
Relief is written plainly across her features as she smiles, "Good," She pets Chihualpha along the top of his head, concern taking its place on her face again, "Isabel was fragmented again."
( Phone does spell checks. If any words look weird I'm sorry. )

Julie makes it to the top of the mountain, staring at the one main whom she failed to save before whom failed to raise her in return.

"Julie? Why are you here? Are you here to visit your mother? Come right this wa-"

"No. I'm not here to visit my mother. I am here for you, father." Julie's shoes settle into the snow. She had to be ready for any movement, her father was a fast one. "You need to get down this mountain now. Mother is dead....she's been dead for 16 years and you haven't moved on, nor have you stuck around for your kids. Isabel needs you right n-."

Itami chews on his lower lip and sets his hands in his pockets. "Stop."

Julie bravely glares at him. "No. Isabel needs you right now. She's split again and Dragon's Roar didn't even want to help at first. They assume she's going to destroy. I had to do something that isn't so proud to get them to refrain from making the same mistake we did. Her prophecy....it's not all about destruction. She's also destined to make all of existence prosper if she chooses. Her previous choice wasn't that at first but it was only because we did the same thing to her that they were about to do, shun her. One even offered ending her life. So what are you going to do huh? Sit here? Guard Isabel next when she's dea-" The snow behind her kicks up into the air, Itami had appeared behind her and her senses had finally picked up on it. She spins around and feels her feet lift off of the ground. Itami had used a pain pulse to push her back before she could react fast enough. Julie catches herself by revealing her dragon wings to glide out the force and balance. She couldn't see him but she could see the fury of snow going up into the air. She had to think of something to do. She ended up pissing him off. Julie summons a sword and a ring that sets all people within a certain radius of her down to her speed. She locates Itami whom is shocked by the sudden turn of events and rushes towards him, dragging the blade across his torso, only for it to break against his skin. Though this doesn't stop Julie from summoning a ring which allowed her to control ice and snow, using Itami's shock which was still apparent to her advantage. She raises her hand and has a wall of snow push Itami back to create distance between the two. Itami snaps out of his shock and has his scythe come to him.

Now that Julie has his pesky speed out of the way, she had to deal with his other powers that he would fall back on. The scythe is a danger but it's the only thing keeping him from relying on things like twilight, aether, and death flame. Itami begins his advance, throwing his scythe at her while he does so. Itami has his body get pulled towards his scythe, causing him to get closer much faster. In a second his scythe was already being swung at her. Julie barely moves out of the way back flipping away from it and sliding. While she slides, snow kicks up into the air. This snow shifts into ice shards and rockets towards Itami.

There were 13 shards total and Itami may have lost his speed but his perception was still high. Itami decides on moving forward since he doubted dodging would keep Julie from making them turn around and hit him from behind. He had to create distance between the shards and get closer to her. He slides to the right to evade the first one and continues his advance. He spins his scythe and shatters 2 against the hilt. Itami jumps upwards next and throws his scythe at the ground, slicing 3 into pieces while doing so. Itami uses replacement magic to have himself appear with his scythe down at the ground. To his suprise, Julie has a shard split in half itself and makes the new addition cut his left thigh. Itami uses replacement magic on the remaining 9 ice shards and switches them with flames. He does the same thing with himself, making his scythe already appear hooked around his neck. Julie reacts in time, causing cluster of snow to burst into the air. Julie and Itami slide out of the snow, revealing blood trailing down Julie's neck. The scythe only cut her slightly. Itami was bleeding from his left arm, he had a tennis ball wide spear of ice sticking through it. Itami's eyes meet her own, only to gain inner confusion.

Her eyes lacked the look you would give the enemy but also lacked the look you would give towards a friend. It was as if she wanted to save someone. He didn't see why she had to come to him if she wanted to save Isabel. She had the guild, Julie was fine. Itami begins to pull out the ice spear from his arm, lazily throwing it to the side as he did. His arm was slowly regenerating. Itami uses replacement magic constantly to have himself and his after images appear frequently around her in different angles. It was as if Julie kept getting images of clones running around her and then fading away. She could release an omni-directional wave of snow while she puts up a snow barrier around herself. Though he could get around it with replacement magic. Causing a blizzard in which she could control as if it were a realm could also be evaded through replacement magic. This magic couldn't be used directly on her since she had an immunity to magic but that wouldn't give her any big advantages. Julie chokes down a yell of pain once she feels his scythe cut into her left leg, slicing into her calf. Julie summons a sword with at least some magical properties to it and swings at where the attack came from, only to hit an after image. She couldn't track the real Itami. Julie receives another attack upon her right shoulder and her left leg once more. It seemed like he was trying to take out her sword arm and one of her legs. She couldn't take dragon form, nor could she go all with powers here, her mother's shrine would be put at risk. She felt like Itami was in the same position. Julie has ice cover her wounds and her body as armour while she begins to think of a counter.

Julie could feel his weapon cuttino away at the ice, which gave her an idea. It wouldn't be permanent but the damage should stall him for some time. She has the ice begin to burst outward into spikes but holds them back. They would only burst outwards the moment something makes contact with it. She creates a barrier around herself while having enough room for someone to fight within it. Once the spikes activate the barrier will as well, causing it to shrink. Just as she planned, Itami struck the ice and received a nasty suprise. Several spikes of ice fire outwards and pierce his body while the barrier keeps him from flying back away from the spikes.

Itami reacts swiftly and uses replacement magic to get outside of the barrier. He had puncture wounds nearly everywhere. Blood was beginning to soak the snow whole Julie puts down her defenses and stares Itami down. Giving him the same eyes as before. Itami slowly begins to regenerate only the serious wounds. "If you're so set on saving Isabel!" Itami leans on his scythe and takes a deep breath to yell even further since his lungs were still healing. "Stop fighting me and focus on helping that guild!"

Julie still have him that look, working on her trump card to stop his replacement magic in secrecy while she talks. "Save her? Yes that's my goal but why are you bringing it up now? I have a different intention at the moment!"

"That look in your eyes!" Itami bit the inside of his lip so hard it began to bleed. "That's the same look your mother hand when she was intent on saving someone. Go away. Help Dragon's Roar so you don't waste your determination. I can come down later to help but I'm coming back up once it's over."

"No!" Julie summons another blade and runs at her father. Her plan is complete and she just needed to give him a reason to move. She has the snow crawl up his legs to hold him in place. Just as expected, Itami uses replacement magic to appear beside her. Only for him to slam into one of the many barrier screens she's set up along the battle feild. The screen wraps around him and momentarily hold him in place long enough for Julie to turn and cut through his right side with both blades, once the barrier opens up slightly for her. "I'm not only going to save Isabel!" Itami uses replacement magic to leave but gets caught in another barrier trap. Julie has a spear appear there and strike at him. Itami uses replacement magic and gets caught in another trap. The spear bounces off that barrier and flies towards Itami from behind, piercing through his back while she says this. "I'm going to save you as well!"

Itami uses replacement magic and pulls out the spear while he does so, gritting his teeth at the pain and her comment. "Save me?! Nonsense! Save me from what?! Being with your mother?!"

Itami throws his scythe while he gets trapped once more. This time was the last time since he appeared by his scythe on the ground. He swings his scythe repeatedly in front of him to set off the traps before he reaches them.

He races towards Julie, whom runs towards him in return. "I'm going to save you from this mountain!" Julie uses her right sword to parry a downward strike from his scythe to knock his sword arm into the air, leaving an opening for her to make a jab at his stomach. The jab connects and the sword momentarily buries itself in his stomach. Though it's time is cut short due to the fact that Itami brought his scythe back down and Julie had to back away to dodge. "I'm going to save you from yourself!" Julie blocks a right swing from the staff of his scythe with both blades in an X fashion. Only to leave herself open for a punch from his left fist on supernatural levels. Julie is knocked 17 feet back with what seems to be a broken rib. This was one injury she was going to heal while she began to stand. It hurt like hell but she had to keep going. As she heals it she watches her father stalk towards her. "I'm going to save you from our mother!"

Once she stays this Itami came in swinging. She gets on the inside of his scythe, putting her blade to her side to barely hold the scythe away from her waist. The blade begins to press into her skin though, drawing blood. Julie strikes at his stomach wound again, this time pulling the blade out to the side to half way cut his body open. Itami roars in pain and covers the wound in life flame, though it's cut short by Julie's anti-fire ring. Itami headbutts her and unhooks his scythe, kicking her in her healing rib to create distance. Julie crumbles to the ground and outstretches her hand, making snow push Itami even further back. "She's gone and there's nothing you could have done about it. The most you could have done is raise both Isabella and I to the best of your ability even though Isabel was abducted afterwards. Maybe if you were there it wouldn't have happened....who the hell knows! Mother was killed....you left us behind....and my sister was abducted to become a lab rat for 11 years. I felt so alone. Even though I had Grimm and Layla....that finally wasn't mine. THAT FAMILY WASN'T MINE." Julie gets on her hands and knees, watching as her blood spills on to the snow. "Maybe if you were there things wouldn't be bad in our lives. We could say we have a father. We could say our mother has died without feeling like she visited the afterlife and dragged you with her. God damn it dad! You talk about her like she still lives!" Julie stands up and picks up her blades. It was right on time since an infuriated Itami appeared behind her and swung downward with the staff of the scythe. While Julie speaks she holds up her stronger arms blade to stop the scythe while she spins to the left and swings her sword while stepping away, cutting into his chest. "Let her go! Her life ended 16 years ago and Isabella's life almost ended every damn minute between the ages of 7 and 18. Her life is in danger now! Don't you care?! Don't you love us? You used to tell us this every day when we were young. Now? We barely see your face."

Julie approaches Itami and back flips off of the wound on his chest. "It's not too late! You may still have a chance to involve yourself in our lives and take your responsibility as our father! You used to tell us about how your father abandoned you!" Julie has a wall of snow appear mid flip and she pushes off of it. "So why are you doing the same? Ever since he killed mother, your father Lucifer has been around for us as a father figure more than you and he's only been around recently for two days!" Itami had raised his scythe but those comments made him stop in his tracks. Julie swings at a certian angle that would allow her to cut the blade and the staff, which worked. Her blade cut his scythes blade and staff in half, breaking his weapon while she uses her other sword to stab him in the chest once more. She holds the blade there as they fall back and hit the snow. Julie stays positioned on top of him to hold him down. Julie looks down at him, teary eyed and bloodied.

Itami wheezes with each breath. As severe as the wounds were he possibly wouldn't die from them. Itami stares up into his daughters teary eyes, developing tears of his own. He shifts all his regenerative energy towards his arms so he would have the strength to draw her into a hug. He does exactly this but doesn't utter a word. For Julie....this was enough. No further words or attacks needed to be exchanged. Sure he needed to make up for the years lost and make up for what he's done...but...he was ready to be their father once more and she was ready to have one. She could only hope Isabel would as well. For the first time in 16 years since he's climbed this mountain...he's actually been fully defeated. His eyes shift towards his scythe. His mother gave it to him around the time Isabel was born. It seemed like he would have to leave that behind. He would also have to leave this life of grief behind with it. The look in her eyes before....they were for him. He was saved from the beast called despair that was previous love. He could only hope that the moon would fade and the sun would shine so love's werewolf like curse would fade. Then could return the same favour to his eldest daughter. He would save her as well.

Though for now, he had to deal with the child whom passed out in his arms. Itami slips the anti-fire ring off of her finger and erupts in life flame to heal them both. In due time, they'd be ready to join the fight as well.
CelticSol said:
Relief is written plainly across her features as she smiles, "Good," She pets Chihualpha along the top of his head, concern taking its place on her face again, "Isabel was fragmented again."
Chihualpha frowned the best he could with his canine face. "Well....fuck," he said simply.
Daimao said:
Chihualpha frowned the best he could with his canine face. "Well....fuck," he said simply.
She scoffs, "You're telling me. Now we're going to have to bring all the fragments and put Humpty Dumpty back together again," She pets her Chihualpha behind his ears, but it's probably more to calm herself down than about soothing him.
( @CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @Daimao @Yaoke Saint @Juju @MTchaos1134 @GingerBread )

Julie appears in front of the guild fully healed and charged up. "Alright...I don't know if you've planned well enough but we're going for the Purple Orb first. Ready or not...." Julie snaps her fingers and they all appear before the temple in the Sahara Desert. The barrier was still up and there was a guardian on the inside of it. Julie puts down the barrier and the guardian steps forward. "Remember. You must be completely honest. They don't like liars." With that, Julie fades away.

The guardian floats forward, being no more than a purple flame. "Are you prepared to face the temple of the mind?" Once one of them said yes, the sand filling the entrance would sink down the stairway. Once they walk in and down the stairs they would be able of step into a purple portal. This portal would take them to a crystal cave. Around the corner would be another guardian.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Ice_Caverns_by_Justinoaksford.jpg.5a6805547aa2f22c3a0aa617676f7407.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Ice_Caverns_by_Justinoaksford.jpg.5a6805547aa2f22c3a0aa617676f7407.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Ice_Caverns_by_Justinoaksford.jpg
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Aedus looked at Ent in shock as he grabbed Isaac by the neck before lifting him off the ground. Aedus grabbed Ent's free arm and lightly pulled on it to get Ent's attention.
"E-Ent. don't hurt I-Isaac. H-He's nice, he even brought you fish. There's no need to hurt him" Aedus held up the bag containing the fish as if to prove the point.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity


Vance looked at the guardian.
"No, not particularly. I think we shouldn't even try. We're not going to fare well against whoever, because some impatient bitch couldn't wait for long enough. I honestly don't see how this is my, or in fact any of our problem. If The majority of Isabel's family don't want and/or care if she comes back. Why should we? answer, we shouldn't. We've all already had to bring her back once, albeit unknowingly. Her family didn't care then and they don't care now. It isn't our job to settle family disputes." Vance shrugged, feeling bored of this whole thing, since this was the second time they've had to do something like this. "But. With all that in mind. I'm still going to do it and I'm sure everyone else will as well. I want to go home and read up on greek mythology, so you better let us in soon. Or tell us to fuck off. Then I can at least say I tried. So the end answer is a yes, unless you say no and then I'll just leave"

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @Daimao @Yaoke Saint @Juju @MTchaos1134 @Light


Colin stuck to the back of the crowd of everyone, slightly leaning on his staff.. He didn't really want to go into the temple, he was scared of what would happen. He wanted to help Isabel, but he also didn't want to go through anything like last time he went into one of the temples. He thought it would be best if everyone left the orbs alone after everything that happened because of them last time. But he was afraid of voicing his complaints and getting attacked because of them.



Maya looked at the purple flame in complete awe as it talked to everyone, though she completely missed what it said.
"That thing is so cool! I want one! Can I get one Best friend?! Can I? Can I?!" Maya continued looking at the flame, not taking her eyes off of it and trying not to blink in case she missed it doing something Really cool. "I promise I'd take care of it. I'd feed it everyday and take it for walks and play with it and love it forever and ever and ever and ever! I promise"

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @Daimao @Yaoke Saint @Juju @MTchaos1134 @Light
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Silently Draco thought for a second. He sighed then stated, "To many choices. I wish for the perfect mate. That would love me just as much as I love her if that's possible." He smiled.

"The only limits are really whatever I don't feel like granting! Go ahead and make any wish!"
Two strange beings appeared out of the strange silvery objects around the fingers of the creature. One even attempted to attack the insect lady but the little thing stopped it, it's language was impossible to understand. "My question involves how did you even get in here! Past all of my brethren! Surely you couldn't have beatened all of our Xinnant Warriors! Who and what are you! And what has happened to the others!"

She finally took the time to glance around noticing the age of the stone and the terrible she it is in, how long was she truly asleep for?

@Embaga Elder
Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco thought for a second. He sighed then stated, "To many choices. I wish for the perfect mate. That would love me just as much as I love her if that's possible." He smiled.
"Your wish has been granted! You'll meet theme in due time. We should go to a town to rest up!"
Looking at Grimm Draco smiled. He stated, "Good idea Grimm hold on after all it's been a while since I have flown." He flew towards the nearest town and landed in the center subtly as he asked, "Are humans still afraid of dragons?" He saw humans with bows and snorted, "I guess that answers[quote that question."

QUOTE]"Your wish has been granted! You'll meet theme in due time. We should go to a town to rest up!"[

Well I'm King Hakeem, and I'm a human. Me getting in here was very simple. I just took the door that had this place looked up and I walked in and ended seeing you. Ms.CreepyInsectLady. Oh And your insect Ximax warriors were easy to take down. Didn't even break a sweat. Yeah because you didn't do anything. Amon chuckled. Shut up Amon. You have no proof. Boy I was there that's all the proof I need. Whatever. I'm done. Your turn. @Archdemon
Looking at Grimm Draco asked, "Can I just knock them out until we will leave or is that a no no now? We can just sleep inside this force field if need be I can create one two."

"Not all humans are though." Grimm shrugs and shifts into a pink cotton candy cloud. Grimm creates a shield bubble around them.
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Vance heard Inaro chuckling as he talked before talking to Cole. Vance assumed they were talking about him and listened in on their conversation. Vance turned around and looked over at them. "I'll assume the arsehole comment was about me and I'll let it slide this time. But in future, make sure you've grown a pair and say that stuff to my face. Otherwise, you'll be taking a one way trip to hell. and so will anyone you care about, I'm assuming you care about, who was it again? Angie? stupid name, parents must've hated them"

@Embaga Elder @TempleGroup


"sh-should I tell them th-that the orbs are d-dangerous to be around?" Colin was talking in a hushed tone to the Stickman inside of his staff, who was wearing a monocle and a top hat. In response to Colin's question the Stickman shook his head and mentally replied to him "It's best that they don't know, it might help but it might put them off more. Or put them too on edge to focus on whatever lays ahead. It is in everyone's best interest that they don't focus on all of that". Colin frowned at the stickman "B-But it could really-" He stopped talking as he heard Crimson approach. He lifted his head up and looked at Crimson while he spoke. "I-I'm fine, th-thanks. B-But better than the last wh-what?" Colin smiled awkwardly at Crimson, silently hoping he hadn't heard him talking to the stickman and assumed he was crazy since only he could hear him.

@Embaga Elder


Aedus frowned at Ent and moved closer to his arm that he was using to hold Isaac up with. He grabbed hold of Ent's arm and started to try to pry him off of Isaac.
"E-Ent there's no need to hurt him. H-He hasn't done anything wrong. W-Would you do the same to me i-if I did something n-nice for you out of the b-blue?"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
GingerBread said:

Aedus looked at Ent in shock as he grabbed Isaac by the neck before lifting him off the ground. Aedus grabbed Ent's free arm and lightly pulled on it to get Ent's attention.
"E-Ent. don't hurt I-Isaac. H-He's nice, he even brought you fish. There's no need to hurt him" Aedus held up the bag containing the fish as if to prove the point.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity


Vance looked at the guardian.
"No, not particularly. I think we shouldn't even try. We're not going to fare well against whoever, because some impatient bitch couldn't wait for long enough. I honestly don't see how this is my, or in fact any of our problem. If The majority of Isabel's family don't want and/or care if she comes back. Why should we? answer, we shouldn't. We've all already had to bring her back once, albeit unknowingly. Her family didn't care then and they don't care now. It isn't our job to settle family disputes." Vance shrugged, feeling bored of this whole thing, since this was the second time they've had to do something like this. "But. With all that in mind. I'm still going to do it and I'm sure everyone else will as well. I want to go home and read up on greek mythology, so you better let us in soon. Or tell us to fuck off. Then I can at least say I tried. So the end answer is a yes, unless you say no and then I'll just leave"

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @Daimao @Yaoke Saint @Juju @MTchaos1134 @Light


Colin stuck to the back of the crowd of everyone, slightly leaning on his staff.. He didn't really want to go into the temple, he was scared of what would happen. He wanted to help Isabel, but he also didn't want to go through anything like last time he went into one of the temples. He thought it would be best if everyone left the orbs alone after everything that happened because of them last time. But he was afraid of voicing his complaints and getting attacked because of them.



Maya looked at the purple flame in complete awe as it talked to everyone, though she completely missed what it said.
"That thing is so cool! I want one! Can I get one Best friend?! Can I? Can I?!" Maya continued looking at the flame, not taking her eyes off of it and trying not to blink in case she missed it doing something Really cool. "I promise I'd take care of it. I'd feed it everyday and take it for walks and play with it and love it forever and ever and ever and ever! I promise"

@CelticSol @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @Daimao @Yaoke Saint @Juju @MTchaos1134 @Light
CelticSol said:
(@Daimao, @Embaga Elder )
Jackie inspects the new area around her, squinting at the suddenly bright, Sahara desert. Her arms instinctively curl tighter around Chihualpha as she steps towards the stairs, looking down in the dark, "Fucking spectacular. I love it when this guild makes me go into dark, enclosed spaces underground," She shudders a bit, "Isabel better be damn glad I like her, otherwise this-" She gestures to the stairs with a wide sweeping gesture, "-would not be happening."

Her eyes snap to Vance, "Hey, death threats can be made and fulfilled later," She practically glares at the staircase, then her eyes switch back to the group, "Its time to descend into what might as well be Hell."

Lockette passes by the rest of the group, descending into the cave whilst keeping a careful hand on the wall to ground herself. Once she feels the magic of the portal brushing against her sixth sense, she heads towards it without hesitation, stepping through and coming to stand in front of the guardian. She says nothing, expecting that it will likely speak with or without her prompting it.
( @LokiofSP @OceanBunny @Juju @Yaoke Saint Lockette is about to leave all of you behind. I'd catch up now if I were you....run. )

The guardian found all of those answers acceptable and watched as Lockette passed the newly opened cave.

The guardian before Lockette speaks up. "What are you?" Once she gets through the portal a guardian stands before them. “Are you to use the orb for evil or good?”
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Grimm Draco asked, "Can I just knock them out until we will leave or is that a no no now? We can just sleep inside this force field if need be I can create one two."
"But they're only afraid. If you attack you'd only prove them right in being afraid."

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