Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Archdemon said:
The insect didn't understand the being as he spoke some barbaric language. She kept reaching into the pod for something until she got it. She was far too weak to use her secondary form and this creatures alien movements only frightened her more, she has no idea what time she's in, what this thing is, and how it even got in the chamber. She pulled out some type of needle, clearly not man made but it was dripping some type of liquid from it. She immediately rushed toward Hakeem hoping to stab his arm or something, she hoped that the creature could handle the knowledge it's about to take. She didn't want to kill it since it could give her valuable information, she just needed to pass some knowledge to it to allow easier communication.
((No this is not a poison attack, it's not really an attack as its not meant to harm Hakeem though he doesn't know that.))

@Embaga Elder
Uh-huh no you don't. He said responding to the insect pulling out some type of needle thing. He clapped his hands together and summons the door that was blocking this champer. The door was right in front of him hopefully the insect will run into it.

Light said:

( ! ) Julie glares at Cecelia, she could feel her mind searing in pain. She summons the death scythe she took from Fola and points it at her head. "Enter my mind once more and I'll split your skull open before I reap your soul. I actually know how to reap souls just like a reaper would. Try me." She looks at Cylde, turning her back to Fola while she tosses the scythe to him through her body. The entire scythe phases through her and heads the safe staff way towards him as she binds it to his soul once more. She looks away from Clyde and stares at Inaro. "Correct." She looks back at Cecelia. "I'd plan with these Dragon's Roar members before jumping towards the Purple Orb if I were you. You may believe you have mental blessings but the curse is nothing to scoff at. Neither is the orb itself."

Clyde thinks about the possibility of having a being that could wipe out all of existence around. "I think she should stay fragmented, she's dangerous."

In all honestly I agree with this guy. He points towards Clyde. Yeah, but what about Hakeem. Isabel was his new mommy. Well I guess we're putting her back together then. The trio looks towards Fola. We're in. @GingerBread @LokiofSP
Light said:
Baby Grimm rapidly falls down, the ground growing close. "Help me!"
( I don't understand why everyone on this thread thinks they don't have a soul, ahem, @Archdemon if your character didn't have a soul they wouldn't be alive. You wouldn't be in existence if you lacked a soul. Even if you you gave your soul up in a deal you still technically have a soul as in you exist. Without that your character, as I've said before, wouldn't be alive/here. )

( ! ) Julie simply takes Fola’s death scythe once more and does exactly as she promised she would, ending Cecelia's life and trapping her soul within a vial around her neck. "You're foolish. Would you like to die next? I'm open for second swings. I don't care if she can't speak through vocal cords. Don't speak to me at all then. If you stay quiet and good I may revive her. Though I dare you to speak....do it."

Grimm was extremely terrified. He began to piss his pants at the thought of his life coming to an end.
((Yeah I understand, and I admit to fucking up in that post though right now I don't think it matters anymore due to Jack being dead forever. It was a mistake though not a terribly serious one as for him it didn't mattered whether he had a soul or not, he was still gonna die. Now for my new character though is a different story as the culture she grew up around is much different than us humans.)) :)

@GingerBread[/URL] @LokiofSP
Once the door was summoned not only did the insect lady jump back quite a bit in surprise, but she just grew more pissed. She was initial surprised by the whole magic thing but she was determined to find out what had happened during the time in which she's slept. She came back around the door and literally threw herself onto the boy or at least end tried. The end result was to stab the needle thing into his arm to get some damn communication going between them. She kept yelling in her strange language at him getting more pissed by his resistance to her attempts of communication.

@Embaga Elder

Arwyn looked at the gathered people with a frown of disapproval.

"I realize that all of you have some personal feelings towards Ashlyn or Isabel, but you are letting your feelings skew your judgement! This is not about us or what we want, this is about protecting all things. Do you not remember when all of existance was 'deleted' on a whim? This woman is too dangerous as a whole... She should be kept in her fragments, for the greater good."

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light @anyoneiforgot:)

Vance stood up and looked at Arwyn. "See now that's what I said. And while at face value that may seem smarter. Think of it this way. Isabel hardly uses her powers, I'm sure Fola can back me up here. And speaking of Fola, I doubt he'd let Isabel destroy the world. Why would he let that happen? Third, if one person, who we can trust. And more importantly, who I trust. Has all that power then it's better than someone with evil intent somehow getting their hands on the power and using it for evil." Vance shrugged and walked over to Arwyn.

"So in the end, which would you prefer to have all that power? Someone who knows how to use the power and hardly does. Or someone who doesn't and will use it for Evil or their own gain. Or even worse someone who will use it for evil and knows how to use it. We won't all be here to protect everything forever. So this seems like a more permanent solution"
Vance turned around and went back to his seat, sitting down and focusing his eyes on Arwyn once again. "And I don't want Isabel to come back myself, I think she's far to powerful. I'd rather she stayed dead. But if you want things to last after we're all dead and buried. it would be in your best interests to get Isabel back. But I'm not sure I've even seen you before, are you even a part of the guild? I don't take kindly to trespassers"

Vance smirked at Arwyn as he started unsheathing his dagger, making sure to do it slowly and exaggerate it. Once he got the dagger out, Vance pointed it over at Julie. "I still want a word with you, I've still got an offer. I'm sure you'll like it" Vance then snapped back to looking at Arwyn, waiting to see what her reaction to him threatening her would be.

@LokiofSP @Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Juju
"I hope it's not an offer like the one you gave me. And I eagerly await they day I truly die. But for now, I'll help all I can. A man with nothing to lose is not as dangerous as a man with everything to gain, but I'll stick around a little longer." He looked around. "What would we gain from bringing these orbs together anyway? Why not just leave them where they are?"

@GingerBread @lots of pit people
Lighthouse8477 said:
Looking at Grimm Draco blinked, "Oops." He flapped his wings twice as he swopped and caught the baby dragon. He asked, "You okay? Sorry you appeared so quickly I didn't know where you were. My name's Draco what's yours?"
"Grimm! Thank you for saving my life! How can I repay you?" Grimm seemed extremely grateful for his life being saved. "I can grant you a wish!"

LokiofSP said:
Fola looked down at the ground, at his hands. His death scythe was gone and he was left with nothing. But the words he heard when she said he could get Isabel back were enough. He took in a breath and went to speak, he needed to take charge, "Okay everybody, so here's what we're gonna do, we need to get organized and figure out who's best for which personality, then send out squads to each one. Problem is, I only have info and ideas on two of them, so I need some vets here to help me out...So let's start with Ashyln, ideas?"

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Juju


Oden nodded as he mulled over the man's words, he didn't NEED to feel bad about killing...Yet something made his stomach turn at the thought of his past actions turning his stomach. He approached the man once more and tapped him on his shoulder, giving a light bow, "So sorry sir, but I face a bit of a problem with your words. You see, I've spent my entire life killing people, children to be exact, but I have never felt bad about it...Until recently that is. My problem is that, killing is the only thing I'm decent at, yet I also want to atone, what do I do?"

Juju said:
Arwyn looked at the gathered people with a frown of disapproval.
"I realize that all of you have some personal feelings towards Ashlyn or Isabel, but you are letting your feelings skew your judgement! This is not about us or what we want, this is about protecting all things. Do you not remember when all of existance was 'deleted' on a whim? This woman is too dangerous as a whole... She should be kept in her fragments, for the greater good."

@LokiofSP @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @Light @anyoneiforgot:)
GingerBread said:
Vance nodded along with Fola "I'll help out, just tell me what to do and when" Vance shrugged and turned around when Oden poked him, nodding along as he talked. "Right. Why the fuck did you come to me for help? I'm an assassin. But I don't know, do both? Kill the people harming others? Hell, don't even kill them, just get really good at either planning or talking people out of shit and then stabbing them when their back is turned" Vance shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I can train you if you want, I guess. But don't expect it to be easy in any way shape or form. If you don't want me to train you, I know the guild has a trainer that might be able to help you, Your choice, I honestly don't care"

Vance shrugged his shoulders and created two chairs of darkness before sitting down on one of them. "Oi. Girl, I think Isabel's friend or something. I don't know or really care. Anyway, I have an offer for you. You'll like this, I am 99% sure you will anyway. So what do you say? Wanna hear me out?" Vance created another chair made of darkness.

@LokiofSP @Light
@GingerBread[/URL] @lots of pit people
GingerBread said:
Vance stood up and looked at Arwyn. "See now that's what I said. And while at face value that may seem smarter. Think of it this way. Isabel hardly uses her powers, I'm sure Fola can back me up here. And speaking of Fola, I doubt he'd let Isabel destroy the world. Why would he let that happen? Third, if one person, who we can trust. And more importantly, who I trust. Has all that power then it's better than someone with evil intent somehow getting their hands on the power and using it for evil." Vance shrugged and walked over to Arwyn.

"So in the end, which would you prefer to have all that power? Someone who knows how to use the power and hardly does. Or someone who doesn't and will use it for Evil or their own gain. Or even worse someone who will use it for evil and knows how to use it. We won't all be here to protect everything forever. So this seems like a more permanent solution"
Vance turned around and went back to his seat, sitting down and focusing his eyes on Arwyn once again. "And I don't want Isabel to come back myself, I think she's far to powerful. I'd rather she stayed dead. But if you want things to last after we're all dead and buried. it would be in your best interests to get Isabel back. But I'm not sure I've even seen you before, are you even a part of the guild? I don't take kindly to trespassers"

Vance smirked at Arwyn as he started unsheathing his dagger, making sure to do it slowly and exaggerate it. Once he got the dagger out, Vance pointed it over at Julie. "I still want a word with you, I've still got an offer. I'm sure you'll like it" Vance then snapped back to looking at Arwyn, waiting to see what her reaction to him threatening her would be.

@LokiofSP @Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Juju
@GingerBread[/URL] @LokiofSP
Julie hands Fola his scythe once more and binds his soul to it. She continues to stare at him, waiting to see how her future elder brother in-law would react to people saying they shouldn't bring her sister, his fiancée, back. She talks to Vance whIle doing so. "I'm interested...talk."

GingerBread said:
Maya tapped her chin in thought. "Nah sounds booooring. I don't wanna stay here, it's filled with dirt" Maya turned to Grimm and tilted her head upwards and groaned before looking at Grimm again "I wanna go home and go see my Friend. I'm booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...."

Female Grimm frowns and has them both appear in front of the guild. "YAY!"

LokiofSP said:
Jayn puts up her hands, "Woah, woah, woah! First off, why WOULDN'T a bank be on a mountain. Second, I'm a girl. Third..." She points her gun at Grimm, "YOU LET ME JOIN DRAGON'S ROAR RIGHT NOW OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!...MAYBE...PROBABLY NOT!"

@Light @Fluffykitty9000
Grimm screams a girlish scream and continues to wet himself in fear, he makes Jayn a member of Dragon's Roar.
When Vance explained his points, Arwyn listened politely, but when he began explaining about Fola's ability to persuade Isabel's actions a wolfish look flared in her eyes, which immediately flickered to the one mentioned. It was an interesting concept, and one that she had seen before. She took note of this.

When Vance hinted ever so slightly of his 'disapproval' of strangers, Syrax began emitting a series of gutteral growls that sounded very much like laughter. The crimson wyvern even decided to rumble out a comment in his own language, but Arwyn didn't feel the need to translate it out of courtesy.

She allowed a faint smile to appear on her face before she addressed the saucy rouge's not-so-subtle threat. "You might not know me, Vance, but I have been an ally of Dragon's Roar for quite some time now. I may be a stranger to you, but not with your cause."

After that the both of them were silent, yet their eyes wandered from Vance, to Fola, and to the strange woman. It was as if they were thinking about the same things in perfect sync.

Suddenly Arwyn spoke. "If Isabel was restored...what would happen if Fola were to fall? Who then could stop Isabel from destroying everything? The death of a friend that close would cause great fury and sorrow.I have known wives to kill themselves out of grief, and furious husbands start wars over such matters" She tilted her head, as if listening to something unheard, but Syrax began staring intently at Fola, peering almost into him .

"Syrax wishes to know what would happen if Fola was to be captured and used as a means to control Isabel. They are close, yes?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame

(Good old 'eyes of truth'. I wonder how Fola shall react to this ^.^ also I need to go to bed before I passout. I hope you guys understand :( if you guys are being held back just move on without me)
Archdemon said:
((Yeah I understand, and I admit to fucking up in that post though right now I don't think it matters anymore due to Jack being dead forever. It was a mistake though not a terribly serious one as for him it didn't mattered whether he had a soul or not, he was still gonna die. Now for my new character though is a different story as the culture she grew up around is much different than us humans.)) :)
Once the door was summoned not only did the insect lady jump back quite a bit in surprise, but she just grew more pissed. She was initial surprised by the whole magic thing but she was determined to find out what had happened during the time in which she's slept. She came back around the door and literally threw herself onto the boy or at least end tried. The end result was to stab the needle thing into his arm to get some damn communication going between them. She kept yelling in her strange language at him getting more pissed by his resistance to her attempts of communication.

@Embaga Elder

(!) As the female insect came around the door, Hakeem teleports high into the air above the insect. As he was in the air, the door was banished and the whole floor was covered in Kunia knives infused with his summoning symbol. Hehe this kid has been watching and playing too much Naruto on his free time. What are you talking about? You'll see. Using the Amon's Powers he was covered in red aura. He used the summoning symbols on the kunais around the insect and used them to summon himself and punch and kicked the insect with fist and feet covered in blazing flames, increasing his power and speed. While doing this it was hard to predict where he would appear next. He attacked in a full out barrage. While attacking he managed to summon the knife that was given to him by Jack. He used the knife to slash the insect still following his unpredictable attack patterns.(!) @Archdemon
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Vance smirks and looks up at Julie "I'm assuming you know Isabel quite well. So with that in mind, I want you to tell me everything on how to put her back together and tips on how to do it, or even help us. Now in return, I am willing to offer you. A small thing of mine, it's unique by the way. It can block out any sound, so you can be silent. Watch. Now this is just a ran-" Vance snapped his fingers and muffled himself completely, his lips were moving but no sound was coming out. Vance snapped his fingers again.

"-how this works. Now you may be thinking you don't want this. But. This can also block telepathic stuff, so no one can talk to you through your mind. now I'm the only one who can apply this thing. So do we have a deal? you give me information and things of that nature, and I stop people getting inside your head." Vance held out his hand for Julie to shake, though he would also accept a verbal agreement. "The only downside is that it can be broken, but someone would have to expend a lot of energy and it would take some time. But apart from that, it's the best thing going"

Vance turned his attention towards Arwyn. "See now I have a backup plan for that. Don't you worry. Though, that would be my way of getting Isabel to do what I want. But trust me, if anyone kidnaps Fola. I will kill them. Not just because of the universe and all that shit. But because he's one of the most competent people here. But in any case, don't worry about Fola getting kidnapped. I've got everything in that regard under control. Just as I have a plan to kill everyone in the Guild. Someone has to account for what to do if people go rogue. It's happened before" Vance stood up and walked closer to Arwyn and smirked at her, slightly admiring the fact that she had thought of these things and brought them up when no one else did. "And as for Fola getting killed, his life belongs to me. I gave him my word that I would kill him and I intend to do so, when the time is right. But if Fola does die, I'm sure we can cross that bridge when we come to it. But in the end your opinion doesn't matter. Either you're with me, or against me. One of those is the wrong choice, I'll let you figure out which is which"

Vance then spun on his heel and walked back towards Julie. "So, what do you say to our little deal? Does it interest you? I'm assuming it is. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. No harm, No foul" Vance shrugged and created a chair of darkness before sitting down on it and looking towards Julie, waiting for her decision

@Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Light @Juju
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LokiofSP said:
Fola looked down at the ground, at his hands. His death scythe was gone and he was left with nothing. But the words he heard when she said he could get Isabel back were enough. He took in a breath and went to speak, he needed to take charge, "Okay everybody, so here's what we're gonna do, we need to get organized and figure out who's best for which personality, then send out squads to each one. Problem is, I only have info and ideas on two of them, so I need some vets here to help me out...So let's start with Ashyln, ideas?"

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Juju


Oden nodded as he mulled over the man's words, he didn't NEED to feel bad about killing...Yet something made his stomach turn at the thought of his past actions turning his stomach. He approached the man once more and tapped him on his shoulder, giving a light bow, "So sorry sir, but I face a bit of a problem with your words. You see, I've spent my entire life killing people, children to be exact, but I have never felt bad about it...Until recently that is. My problem is that, killing is the only thing I'm decent at, yet I also want to atone, what do I do?"



Jayn puts up her hands, "Woah, woah, woah! First off, why WOULDN'T a bank be on a mountain. Second, I'm a girl. Third..." She points her gun at Grimm, "YOU LET ME JOIN DRAGON'S ROAR RIGHT NOW OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!...MAYBE...PROBABLY NOT!"

@Light @Fluffykitty9000
GingerBread said:
Vance stood up and looked at Arwyn. "See now that's what I said. And while at face value that may seem smarter. Think of it this way. Isabel hardly uses her powers, I'm sure Fola can back me up here. And speaking of Fola, I doubt he'd let Isabel destroy the world. Why would he let that happen? Third, if one person, who we can trust. And more importantly, who I trust. Has all that power then it's better than someone with evil intent somehow getting their hands on the power and using it for evil." Vance shrugged and walked over to Arwyn.

"So in the end, which would you prefer to have all that power? Someone who knows how to use the power and hardly does. Or someone who doesn't and will use it for Evil or their own gain. Or even worse someone who will use it for evil and knows how to use it. We won't all be here to protect everything forever. So this seems like a more permanent solution"
Vance turned around and went back to his seat, sitting down and focusing his eyes on Arwyn once again. "And I don't want Isabel to come back myself, I think she's far to powerful. I'd rather she stayed dead. But if you want things to last after we're all dead and buried. it would be in your best interests to get Isabel back. But I'm not sure I've even seen you before, are you even a part of the guild? I don't take kindly to trespassers"

Vance smirked at Arwyn as he started unsheathing his dagger, making sure to do it slowly and exaggerate it. Once he got the dagger out, Vance pointed it over at Julie. "I still want a word with you, I've still got an offer. I'm sure you'll like it" Vance then snapped back to looking at Arwyn, waiting to see what her reaction to him threatening her would be.

@LokiofSP @Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Juju
@GingerBread[/URL] @lots of pit people
Light said:
"Grimm! Thank you for saving my life! How can I repay you?" Grimm seemed extremely grateful for his life being saved. "I can grant you a wish!"
Julie hands Fola his scythe once more and binds his soul to it. She continues to stare at him, waiting to see how her future elder brother in-law would react to people saying they shouldn't bring her sister, his fiancée, back. She talks to Vance whIle doing so. "I'm interested...talk."

Female Grimm frowns and has them both appear in front of the guild. "YAY!"

Grimm screams a girlish scream and continues to wet himself in fear, he makes Jayn a member of Dragon's Roar.
Juju said:
When Vance explained his points, Arwyn listened politely, but when he began explaining about Fola's ability to persuade Isabel's actions a wolfish look flared in her eyes, which immediately flickered to the one mentioned. It was an interesting concept, and one that she had seen before. She took note of this.
When Vance hinted ever so slightly of his 'disapproval' of strangers, Syrax began emitting a series of gutteral growls that sounded very much like laughter. The crimson wyvern even decided to rumble out a comment in his own language, but Arwyn didn't feel the need to translate it out of courtesy.

She allowed a faint smile to appear on her face before she addressed the saucy rouge's not-so-subtle threat. "You might not know me, Vance, but I have been an ally of Dragon's Roar for quite some time now. I may be a stranger to you, but not with your cause."

After that the both of them were silent, yet their eyes wandered from Vance, to Fola, and to the strange woman. It was as if they were thinking about the same things in perfect sync.

Suddenly Arwyn spoke. "If Isabel was restored...what would happen if Fola were to fall? Who then could stop Isabel from destroying everything? The death of a friend that close would cause great fury and sorrow.I have known wives to kill themselves out of grief, and furious husbands start wars over such matters" She tilted her head, as if listening to something unheard, but Syrax began staring intently at Fola, peering almost into him .

"Syrax wishes to know what would happen if Fola was to be captured and used as a means to control Isabel. They are close, yes?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame

(Good old 'eyes of truth'. I wonder how Fola shall react to this ^.^ also I need to go to bed before I passout. I hope you guys understand :( if you guys are being held back just move on without me)
GingerBread said:

Vance smirks and looks up at Julie "I'm assuming you know Isabel quite well. So with that in mind, I want you to tell me everything on how to put her back together and tips on how to do it, or even help us. Now in return, I am willing to offer you. A small thing of mine, it's unique by the way. It can block out any sound, so you can be silent. Watch. Now this is just a ran-" Vance snapped his fingers and muffled himself completely, his lips were moving but no sound was coming out. Vance snapped his fingers again.

"-how this works. Now you may be thinking you don't want this. But. This can also block telepathic stuff, so no one can talk to you through your mind. now I'm the only one who can apply this thing. So do we have a deal? you give me information and things of that nature, and I stop people getting inside your head." Vance held out his hand for Julie to shake, though he would also accept a verbal agreement. "The only downside is that it can be broken, but someone would have to expend a lot of energy and it would take some time. But apart from that, it's the best thing going"

Vance turned his attention towards Arwyn. "See now I have a backup plan for that. Don't you worry. Though, that would be my way of getting Isabel to do what I want. But trust me, if anyone kidnaps Fola. I will kill them. Not just because of the universe and all that shit. But because he's one of the most competent people here. But in any case, don't worry about Fola getting kidnapped. I've got everything in that regard under control. Just as I have a plan to kill everyone in the Guild. Someone has to account for what to do if people go rogue. It's happened before" Vance stood up and walked closer to Arwyn and smirked at her, slightly admiring the fact that she had thought of these things and brought them up when no one else did. "And as for Fola getting killed, his life belongs to me. I gave him my word that I would kill him and I intend to do so, when the time is right. But if Fola does die, I'm sure we can cross that bridge when we come to it. But in the end your opinion doesn't matter. Either you're with me, or against me. One of those is the wrong choice, I'll let you figure out which is which"

Vance then spun on his heel and walked back towards Julie. "So, what do you say to our little deal? Does it interest you? I'm assuming it is. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. No harm, No foul" Vance shrugged and created a chair of darkness before sitting down on it and looking towards Julie, waiting for her decision

@Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Light @Juju


"...ooooooooooored" Maya finished before noticing she was in front of the Guild and upon further looking around, she saw her Friend: Fola. "Yay!" Maya ran up behind Fola and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging onto him. "I'm back! Did you miss me best Friend?! I missed you. But I met magical Gophers that wanted Cookies but I left and now I'm here!"

@Light @LokiofSP
Nyomi watched the group talk curiously. She didn't know who this Isabek was or why people seemed to not want her around. 'I could probably use my compass to take some people to one if those pretty orbs.. It might be fun to go look for them.. And id be able to get to know some of the other members..' She thought to herself, pondering her next move. As she decided on her intentions, she moved forward, cautiously approaching Fola, her tail curling nervously around her. "Hey.. I'd like to help.." She said quietly when she was close to him. She held the compass in her hand, fidgeting slightly. "It can take me anywhere.. And anyone I want can come along.." She explained softly.
Fola looked from Vance, to Arwyn, to Syrax. From their insistence that Isabel stay seperate, to their questioning of what would happen if he were to die, he needed them to shut the fuck up. They needed to learn he was capable of not only protecting himself, but dealing with his mate if need be.

He began to walk twoards Vance, holding up a singular finger to Nyomi to show he only needed a second.

He stood before Vance, looking at him directly in his eyes as he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him, "I'm sensing a level of distrust in my ability to not only protect Isabel, but to not die. If that's the case, then kill me Vance. I'm not joking, slit my damn throat right here, if my life belongs to you, if many of you think I can't protect her, then you might as well kill me now and save yourself the mess later..."

@GingerBread @Juju @Light @OceanBunny
Arwyn gazed steadily back at Vance when he approached her and ensured her of his ability to control the situation, should it get out of hand.

"Every word that comes out of this one's mouth is dripping in overconfidence." Syrax muttered as Vance continued speaking.

"From what we saw, he is a competent fighter..." Arwyn pointed out, telepathically speaking to her companion.

The wyvern snorted. "I recall his defeat on the bridge against that Isabel-spawn. How could he possibly combat Isabel's full power?"

"Ah, back to Isabel... we shall not judge this on her. Again, she is too powerful, even when in fragments."

The dragon knight sighed when Vance warned her of making the wrong decision. Indeed, his words were truthful; which decision was the mistake? To help out their cause or to struggle against it?

Still, she noticed that there was another solution that neither she or the Dragon's Roar had voiced yet. Though she was sure that they might have thought of it. The option would undoubtedly meet resistance, especially with Fola.

"My opinion matters for as long as I can point out all of our possible options before you all make your choice." she said when Vance declared her opinions invalid.

Syrax observed Fola's reaction with curiosity, golden eyes shifting between him and Vance. Even Arwyn wished to see how this would play out, and waited with crossed arms while she observed the confrontation.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny
"now you mr. Peeing pants. What on earth is dragons roar!" she said then turned to the girl.

"why would a bank be on a mountain? it would be in the middle of the town! really." River then gave both of them hard looks waiting for an answer.

@Light @LokiofSP
Looking down at the dragon Draco smiled he asked, "Well first I would like to know who exactly I saved and what are the limits on the wish I ask for?" He was certain this little dragon couldn't grant any wish then again he could be wrong.
"Come on, Ash!" Lilith said while grasping for her sister's hand in an attempt to pull her along. "The world is our oyster- we can do anything we please! And with our combined power no one can tell us what to do; you could just freeze their feet to the ground and I could burn them to a crisp."

She eventually got bored of this attempt to rush her sister and decided to walk backwards in front of her somber twin. "You could walk faster, you know, and lighten up a bit. Sheesh, you look as though you've got a stick stuck up your bunghole."

Besides her sister's attempt to rush her she stayed at her own slow pace.

"I have told you about 5000 times now I am not using my powers for evil and neither are you." she said calmly to her sister.

"and besides why don't we just enjoy this walk. It's not like you can get back these moments together. And I don't want you to ruin them with your silly little choices to be evil.I not doing it and neither are you so stop nagging about it." she to her sister 100%ly calm not even her voice changed the entire time she was talking.


Vance chuckled as Fola walked in front of him and started saying he should kill him now.
"Fola, if anyone here believes in you it's me. You guys all seem to have a short memory, so let me remind you. When Isabel started destroying the world, who was the one who ordered everyone to help stop her? Fola was. Albeit, it took time for anyone beside myself to listen, but whatever." Vance turned around, facing towards Arwyn. "When Isabel decided to go through with destroying the universe, only three people actually stepped up and helped stop her. I was one of them, so was Fola. Everyone else either hid away and cowered. Or they joined Isabel to save their own skin" Vance turned so he had both Fola and Arwyn in his line of sight. "Although if I didn't try to fight against her, he probably would've joined up with her. But that's not the point. The point is you people all need to put some faith in Fola. I have already. And although his life belongs to me, I don't have to take it anytime soon.

Vance turned away Fola again and looked to the rest of the Guild members. "But that's not why I want to help. I want to help because you people forget, who and what we are. We are dragon's roar. We were, as I understand it, technically created by Isabel. And she's the leader of the guild. So whether or not it's safer to have her dead. Doesn't fucking matter. Now like I said you're either with me, or against me. I'd suggest you state which now, so I don't have to deal with the problem of killing you later" Vance shot a glare over in Arwyn and Syrax's direction before looking over at Fola. "I still can kill you, but you'd have to be against me getting Isabel back. So do you still want me to kill you?"

@Juju @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny @EveryoneElseWhoIsInFrontOfTheGuild


"...ooooooooooored" Maya finished before noticing she was in front of the Guild and upon further looking around, she saw her Friend: Fola. "Yay!" Maya ran up behind Fola and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging onto him."I'm back! Did you miss me best Friend?! I missed you. But I met magical Gophers that wanted Cookies but I left and now I'm here!"

@Light @LokiofSP (Accidently deleted this from my last post D: so it's here now. )
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Lilith gasped and brought her hand defensibly to her chest. "Me, Evil? You wound me sister! I would never" A wicked smile appeared on her face "Besides, 'evil' is just a word weak people use to scorn the strong! It's only a bit of mostly harmless fun, Miss Goody-two-shoes."

She ran ahead and jumped onto the wooden fence lining the path that was built to prevent unwanted tumbles down the cliff on the other side. Lilith extended her arms away from her sides for balance, and walked along it at the same pace her sister was strolling at. To be truthful it was a very nice view, if the fire-mage cared, and overlooked a forest of pine and spruce spotted with a deciduous tree here and there. In the distance the form of a lake could be seen, its surface glimmering like beaten copper.

"yeah, yeah... all that Carpé Diem crap. Sure, the walk is nice and all; if you enjoy insects eating you alive" as she said the last part she swatted her hand at a mosquito buzzing around her face. When it persisted she cursed loudly and conjured a blast of flame around her hand, killing the mosquito in a puff of smoke.

"Anyways, were was I? Oh yes... the real fun will begin when we get to the town." she said, continuing to walk along the fence.

Ash winced a little when she killed the mosquito because right before it died it screamed HELP!!as she gave her sister a glare when she mentioned the real fun will begin when we get to the town.

"you will do no such thing." she said to her sister stiffly. a couple of mosquitoes flue over to her and hovered next to her head and whispered something that made her snicker.she turned to her sister and shot ice at her feet that hit her knees making Lilith's entire legs up to her knee frozen.Ash let out a little laugh before she froze her sister hands so she would not burn her.

"now the fun will not begin will it?" she said with a little snicker.

"I see that there is little I can do to change your minds." Arwyn said, realizing that she would get nowhere with this. "If you wish to put your trust in Fola, then I cannot stop you. Though it is a heavy burden."

Syrax was quickly losing patience with the rouge's threats, and it took great effort for Arwyn to resist the influence of his anger and keep her voice peaceful. "Though we think it would be wiser to destroy the orbs and be rid of this threat, we are still not your enemy. If it is your choice to restore the creator of your guild, then we shall lend you our aid to ensure that the task is done with minimal damage to innocent lives."

The wyvern was greatly displeased with the turn of events but the only hint to this was his glare and the slow steady movement of his tail as it swung from side to side.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny
"Why not! It's old to begin with, we would do them a favor to get rid of some buildings. Why do you always have to ruin th- HEY!" Lilith shouted out a curse when her feet were suddenly frozen in place. Flames flickered angrily on her hands as she prepared to lob a blast of fire at her sister, but her hands quickly became enclosed in ice.

"I can still beat you bloody with these ice-cuffs" Lilith growled as she struggled to get free of her bonds. "Let me go, or you'll regret it!"

When she saw that her sister was only laughing at her situation, she couldn't help but cry out in rage. "Screw you!" she spat. "Who the heck put you in charge!"

Her rage was just seething at the moment, and she looked just about ready to strangle her twin.

"Calm down you little rage queen!" Ash snickered at her sister. she then made a shield of water around her so that when her sister was free she could not harm her. she then removed the ice from her sister and continued walking.

"hey your always saying I'm a stick in the mud but when I'm not you get angry! I'm sensing that you gave me bad advice, any ho the mosquitoes told me to do it."she let out a laugh as she continued walking.

Even though she knew it would do nothing, Lilith sent a spray of fire at her sister's shield. The flames flowed around the shield only to die a moment after, but it was satisfying in its own way.

"Oh yeah? Where are they hiding, hmm? I will kill every last one of them for that!" Lilith said while looking around for the little blood-suckers. Fortunately the mosquito problem had vanished, but for once in her life she actually wanted to see one of the buggers.

She jumped back down onto the ground when the fence ended and walked beside her sister once more. "You see the trick is that it's only funny when I do it." she said in a matter-of-fact tone. "And you are a stick in the mud most times."

Juju said:
When Vance explained his points, Arwyn listened politely, but when he began explaining about Fola's ability to persuade Isabel's actions a wolfish look flared in her eyes, which immediately flickered to the one mentioned. It was an interesting concept, and one that she had seen before. She took note of this.
When Vance hinted ever so slightly of his 'disapproval' of strangers, Syrax began emitting a series of gutteral growls that sounded very much like laughter. The crimson wyvern even decided to rumble out a comment in his own language, but Arwyn didn't feel the need to translate it out of courtesy.

She allowed a faint smile to appear on her face before she addressed the saucy rouge's not-so-subtle threat. "You might not know me, Vance, but I have been an ally of Dragon's Roar for quite some time now. I may be a stranger to you, but not with your cause."

After that the both of them were silent, yet their eyes wandered from Vance, to Fola, and to the strange woman. It was as if they were thinking about the same things in perfect sync.

Suddenly Arwyn spoke. "If Isabel was restored...what would happen if Fola were to fall? Who then could stop Isabel from destroying everything? The death of a friend that close would cause great fury and sorrow.I have known wives to kill themselves out of grief, and furious husbands start wars over such matters" She tilted her head, as if listening to something unheard, but Syrax began staring intently at Fola, peering almost into him .

"Syrax wishes to know what would happen if Fola was to be captured and used as a means to control Isabel. They are close, yes?"

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame

(Good old 'eyes of truth'. I wonder how Fola shall react to this ^.^ also I need to go to bed before I passout. I hope you guys understand :( if you guys are being held back just move on without me)
GingerBread said:

Vance smirks and looks up at Julie "I'm assuming you know Isabel quite well. So with that in mind, I want you to tell me everything on how to put her back together and tips on how to do it, or even help us. Now in return, I am willing to offer you. A small thing of mine, it's unique by the way. It can block out any sound, so you can be silent. Watch. Now this is just a ran-" Vance snapped his fingers and muffled himself completely, his lips were moving but no sound was coming out. Vance snapped his fingers again.

"-how this works. Now you may be thinking you don't want this. But. This can also block telepathic stuff, so no one can talk to you through your mind. now I'm the only one who can apply this thing. So do we have a deal? you give me information and things of that nature, and I stop people getting inside your head." Vance held out his hand for Julie to shake, though he would also accept a verbal agreement. "The only downside is that it can be broken, but someone would have to expend a lot of energy and it would take some time. But apart from that, it's the best thing going"

Vance turned his attention towards Arwyn. "See now I have a backup plan for that. Don't you worry. Though, that would be my way of getting Isabel to do what I want. But trust me, if anyone kidnaps Fola. I will kill them. Not just because of the universe and all that shit. But because he's one of the most competent people here. But in any case, don't worry about Fola getting kidnapped. I've got everything in that regard under control. Just as I have a plan to kill everyone in the Guild. Someone has to account for what to do if people go rogue. It's happened before" Vance stood up and walked closer to Arwyn and smirked at her, slightly admiring the fact that she had thought of these things and brought them up when no one else did. "And as for Fola getting killed, his life belongs to me. I gave him my word that I would kill him and I intend to do so, when the time is right. But if Fola does die, I'm sure we can cross that bridge when we come to it. But in the end your opinion doesn't matter. Either you're with me, or against me. One of those is the wrong choice, I'll let you figure out which is which"

Vance then spun on his heel and walked back towards Julie. "So, what do you say to our little deal? Does it interest you? I'm assuming it is. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. No harm, No foul" Vance shrugged and created a chair of darkness before sitting down on it and looking towards Julie, waiting for her decision

@Embaga Elder @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Light @Juju
OceanBunny said:
Nyomi watched the group talk curiously. She didn't know who this Isabek was or why people seemed to not want her around. 'I could probably use my compass to take some people to one if those pretty orbs.. It might be fun to go look for them.. And id be able to get to know some of the other members..' She thought to herself, pondering her next move. As she decided on her intentions, she moved forward, cautiously approaching Fola, her tail curling nervously around her. "Hey.. I'd like to help.." She said quietly when she was close to him. She held the compass in her hand, fidgeting slightly. "It can take me anywhere.. And anyone I want can come along.." She explained softly.
LokiofSP said:
Fola looked from Vance, to Arwyn, to Syrax. From their insistence that Isabel stay seperate, to their questioning of what would happen if he were to die, he needed them to shut the fuck up. They needed to learn he was capable of not only protecting himself, but dealing with his mate if need be.
He began to walk twoards Vance, holding up a singular finger to Nyomi to show he only needed a second.

He stood before Vance, looking at him directly in his eyes as he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him, "I'm sensing a level of distrust in my ability to not only protect Isabel, but to not die. If that's the case, then kill me Vance. I'm not joking, slit my damn throat right here, if my life belongs to you, if many of you think I can't protect her, then you might as well kill me now and save yourself the mess later..."

@GingerBread @Juju @Light @OceanBunny
Juju said:
Arwyn gazed steadily back at Vance when he approached her and ensured her of his ability to control the situation, should it get out of hand.
"Every word that comes out of this one's mouth is dripping in overconfidence." Syrax muttered as Vance continued speaking.

"From what we saw, he is a competent fighter..." Arwyn pointed out, telepathically speaking to her companion.

The wyvern snorted. "I recall his defeat on the bridge against that Isabel-spawn. How could he possibly combat Isabel's full power?"

"Ah, back to Isabel... we shall not judge this on her. Again, she is too powerful, even when in fragments."

The dragon knight sighed when Vance warned her of making the wrong decision. Indeed, his words were truthful; which decision was the mistake? To help out their cause or to struggle against it?

Still, she noticed that there was another solution that neither she or the Dragon's Roar had voiced yet. Though she was sure that they might have thought of it. The option would undoubtedly meet resistance, especially with Fola.

"My opinion matters for as long as I can point out all of our possible options before you all make your choice." she said when Vance declared her opinions invalid.

Syrax observed Fola's reaction with curiosity, golden eyes shifting between him and Vance. Even Arwyn wished to see how this would play out, and waited with crossed arms while she observed the confrontation.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny
Juju said:
"I see that there is little I can do to change your minds." Arwyn said, realizing that she would get nowhere with this. "If you wish to put your trust in Fola, then I cannot stop you. Though it is a heavy burden."
Syrax was quickly losing patience with the rouge's threats, and it took great effort for Arwyn to resist the influence of his anger and keep her voice peaceful. "Though we think it would be wiser to destroy the orbs and be rid of this threat, we are still not your enemy. If it is your choice to restore the creator of your guild, then we shall lend you our aid to ensure that the task is done with minimal damage to innocent lives."

The wyvern was greatly displeased with the turn of events but the only hint to this was his glare and the slow steady movement of his tail as it swung from side to side.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny
( @Embaga Elder @Yaoke Saint @The Imperial Flame )

Once Julie heard the suggestion of destroying the orbs, her heart froze. She thought back to the time in which she used to play with her older sister Isabel. She was never a bad girl, except for the times she steals her dolls to make a makeshift kingdom with it. The time Isabel was abducted her family was in a state of emergency, doing whatever they could to find her. Julie didn't understand the gravity of the situation so she would constantly ask her completely stressed out grandmother, why did Izzy disappear? Only to get the reply of, "You two were adopted and we sent her back because she was bad." When Layla said that Julie decided to be a good girl ever since, she never realized that was a diversion until Grimm began to train her for something completely related to her sister that she hasn't seen for 12 years.

When Isabel escaped Project Hybrid in the form of fragments, her split personalities, Julie had to step up to a job she couldn't understand. She had to become a priestess and protect orbs that held not only her sisters power, but her full potential to merge into one itself. She still couldn't understand why she would do this. Why she would stop her sister from fusing together until she personally injected the vaccination of the split personalities pain so her body could gain an immunity and understanding of it. Whatever happened in that lab....it made her different. It made her hatred grow....it made her love fade. It could be seen in all the split personalities. Each aspect of Isabel when she were whole was much more...vibrant.

This is when Julie herself stood in the same shoes as a being like Arwyn. She loved her sister but would bury that for the rest of the world. She considered her sister dangerous due to suspicion of her hatred for the world overcoming the good. Julie took her responsibilities as the orbs priestess seriously and swore that she would protect orbs but internally she also promised to protect her sister. Keeping her in the form of the orbs and split personalities would keep the world from harming her and her from harming the world.

She failed the day Lucifer managed to bring her back and her fears had come true. Isabel was intent on destroying not only the world. She was intent on destroying all realms, all different universes, and all of existence. She ran onice Isabel appeared, unintentionally hurting her sister. Whether or not she'd admit it, she stereotyped her as well. At first she didn't want to destroy all of existence. Though once she was sealed away, guarded for years, and ran away from by her own father and younger sister with the devil himself as her only person putting trust in her. You couldn't blame her for deciding on destruction from a certian view point. They accused her of wanting to destroy, intending to destroy and blocked her out without a second thought.

In the end, Julie was proven wrong. She brought things back due to falling in love with a man Julie has yet to approve of even though she doesn't have the right to. Her own hatred having taken a living body approved of him and stopped destroying, letting herself fade away to entrust Isabel to him. Things happened and she became more interested in becoming a princess and collecting tiaras than using powers. Then from that....much more interested in just being...in love. Julie couldn't help but watch Isabel throughout her return even though she wasn't there....she couldn't help it. Sooner or later they became mates, the most binding process a pair could go through that surpasses marraige. Through word of mouth she found out this same man, Fola, is intending to propose to her sister.

She had no business in that but it would make Isabel extremely happy. She's been looking forward to that proposal, only to be shunned again right here on this bridge. Thinking back on this, how could she let her sister be locked away like this again? Another note....how could she let someone whom doesn't even know a thing about her threaten her life? She wouldn't....that's how.

( ! ) Before the next word could be uttered several rings appear on all the fingers of people around them. "Each ring has a nasty little curse on them. One of them makes your body get crushed by the gravity of Jupiter at the cost of gaining cereal manipulation. Another takes you to the torture realm. Another makes your skin boil and produce bowling ball sized pimples that all continuously pop until you die. The others.......don't even get me started. The only thing holding back their curses is me. They're stuck on your fingers already, bound to your souls. If anyone wants to try any quick attacks to kill me, go right ahead and suffer with everyone else once the curses activate." Julie clears her throat and looks around. "Now. Moving on from that. Here's how things are going to go since I've changed my mind. You're all going to help me get my sister back and if you don't like that idea I'll get you a nice custom ring with all the diamonds your little heart desires. No one is to ever utter a word about smashing those orbs." Julie casts a glare of pure hatred towards Arwyn and Syrax. "If you do actually follow through with such a thing. You won't have Isabel to deal with, you'll have a war with all of the Van Fen'rir. Are we all in agreement?" The moment anyone says no, Julie would end them as swiftly as she killed Cecelia. The moment the agreed, shed take the rings off of them. She kept her senses out for future movements.

( What Julie looks like. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c2a6bbfa40298867b5e47208b8a58f89.jpg.6c689dfdbea7d833f5c023af1542a2f7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113692" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/c2a6bbfa40298867b5e47208b8a58f89.jpg.6c689dfdbea7d833f5c023af1542a2f7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LokiofSP said:
Fola looked from Vance, to Arwyn, to Syrax. From their insistence that Isabel stay seperate, to their questioning of what would happen if he were to die, he needed them to shut the fuck up. They needed to learn he was capable of not only protecting himself, but dealing with his mate if need be.
He began to walk twoards Vance, holding up a singular finger to Nyomi to show he only needed a second.

He stood before Vance, looking at him directly in his eyes as he spoke loud enough for everyone to hear him, "I'm sensing a level of distrust in my ability to not only protect Isabel, but to not die. If that's the case, then kill me Vance. I'm not joking, slit my damn throat right here, if my life belongs to you, if many of you think I can't protect her, then you might as well kill me now and save yourself the mess later..."

@GingerBread @Juju @Light @OceanBunny
Juju said:
Arwyn gazed steadily back at Vance when he approached her and ensured her of his ability to control the situation, should it get out of hand.
"Every word that comes out of this one's mouth is dripping in overconfidence." Syrax muttered as Vance continued speaking.

"From what we saw, he is a competent fighter..." Arwyn pointed out, telepathically speaking to her companion.

The wyvern snorted. "I recall his defeat on the bridge against that Isabel-spawn. How could he possibly combat Isabel's full power?"

"Ah, back to Isabel... we shall not judge this on her. Again, she is too powerful, even when in fragments."

The dragon knight sighed when Vance warned her of making the wrong decision. Indeed, his words were truthful; which decision was the mistake? To help out their cause or to struggle against it?

Still, she noticed that there was another solution that neither she or the Dragon's Roar had voiced yet. Though she was sure that they might have thought of it. The option would undoubtedly meet resistance, especially with Fola.

"My opinion matters for as long as I can point out all of our possible options before you all make your choice." she said when Vance declared her opinions invalid.

Syrax observed Fola's reaction with curiosity, golden eyes shifting between him and Vance. Even Arwyn wished to see how this would play out, and waited with crossed arms while she observed the confrontation.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny
GingerBread said:

Vance chuckled as Fola walked in front of him and started saying he should kill him now.
"Fola, if anyone here believes in you it's me. You guys all seem to have a short memory, so let me remind you. When Isabel started destroying the world, who was the one who ordered everyone to help stop her? Fola was. Albeit, it took time for anyone beside myself to listen, but whatever." Vance turned around, facing towards Arwyn. "When Isabel decided to go through with destroying the universe, only three people actually stepped up and helped stop her. I was one of them, so was Fola. Everyone else either hid away and cowered. Or they joined Isabel to save their own skin" Vance turned so he had both Fola and Arwyn in his line of sight. "Although if I didn't try to fight against her, he probably would've joined up with her. But that's not the point. The point is you people all need to put some faith in Fola. I have already. And although his life belongs to me, I don't have to take it anytime soon.

Vance turned away Fola again and looked to the rest of the Guild members. "But that's not why I want to help. I want to help because you people forget, who and what we are. We are dragon's roar. We were, as I understand it, technically created by Isabel. And she's the leader of the guild. So whether or not it's safer to have her dead. Doesn't fucking matter. Now like I said you're either with me, or against me. I'd suggest you state which now, so I don't have to deal with the problem of killing you later" Vance shot a glare over in Arwyn and Syrax's direction before looking over at Fola. "I still can kill you, but you'd have to be against me getting Isabel back. So do you still want me to kill you?"

@Juju @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny @EveryoneElseWhoIsInFrontOfTheGuild


"...ooooooooooored" Maya finished before noticing she was in front of the Guild and upon further looking around, she saw her Friend: Fola. "Yay!" Maya ran up behind Fola and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck and clinging onto him."I'm back! Did you miss me best Friend?! I missed you. But I met magical Gophers that wanted Cookies but I left and now I'm here!"

@Light @LokiofSP (Accidently deleted this from my last post D: so it's here now. )
Juju said:
"I see that there is little I can do to change your minds." Arwyn said, realizing that she would get nowhere with this. "If you wish to put your trust in Fola, then I cannot stop you. Though it is a heavy burden."
Syrax was quickly losing patience with the rouge's threats, and it took great effort for Arwyn to resist the influence of his anger and keep her voice peaceful. "Though we think it would be wiser to destroy the orbs and be rid of this threat, we are still not your enemy. If it is your choice to restore the creator of your guild, then we shall lend you our aid to ensure that the task is done with minimal damage to innocent lives."

The wyvern was greatly displeased with the turn of events but the only hint to this was his glare and the slow steady movement of his tail as it swung from side to side.

@GingerBread @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny
Kyoko sighed and quietly watched the group continue to converse. 'Why is it such a difficult decision to save someones life?' She wondered frowning as she listened to them. 'That should be easy. It's always best to save lives.. Especially if she created the guild.. how bad could she be if she created Dragon's Roar?' She smiled as she saw the girl jump on Fola, talking excitedly about magic gophers. She remembered seeing her before she was teleported to the pit to fight that trial. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her as she waited for her offer of help to be acknowledged. Kyoko looked down at the ring as the girl explained what it was and how things would be. She looked back up at her and smiled. This was someone who wouldn't let anything happen to her sister and Kyo respected that. Taking a small step forward she made eye contact with the priestess and curtsied. "I'm at your service." She said simply.

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