Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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GingerBread said:

Maya ran after Grimm and looked down the hole that she fell in.
"I should find a safer way down, But....." Maya jumped up into the air and down the gopher hole. "Geronimoooooo!" Maya had her arms raised up over her head and a wide smile on her face as she slid down the hole, going down the winding Gopher pathways like they were slides. "This is so much Fuuuuuuun!"



Vance just stared at Oden as he talked about torture and shit. "Okay, so life then? It sounds no different than what I go through on a daily basis. So why the everloving fuck are you complaining about it? You survived against the odds and you not in hell yet, I don't see the downside here. You can still do whatever the fuck you want to do, be it killing someone or helping people, I guess, if that's your thing"

Vance shrugged as he found himself in front of the guild. "I swear to God. Everything just wastes my time doesn't it. Oh this is a trial that will kill you. Fuck all happens and I leave. That's just fucking fantastic. Ten out of fucking Ten. Useless fucking shit. Where's Isabel? I could really go for beating the ever loving shit out of her. Since she can't die and all." Vance shook his head "So Fola, how are you? Let be guess, Isabel split again. Did you kill her? You killed her didn't you? I'm not judging, but maybe. Just Maybe we should leave her dead. As you know, when she's dead. She can't destroy the fucking universe. But if you need my help, just give me a call in a second"

( ! ) Vance smirked as a realization hit him. He looked over at The crow man and started chuckling lowly.
"Time for your prize bird fucker" Vance snapped his fingers and dragged The crow man into the light realm. "So, you have 5 seconds to give me one Good reason why I shouldn't kill you. Your time starts...Now"

@LokiofSP @Light @Yaoke Saint
When Maya reaches the end of the slide, she could see Female Grimm trying to diffuse an argument the mystic gophers were having ano argument over the cookies they had stored.

( ! ) Nothing happened to the realm as The crow man began to suck in Light, the only thing that happened was that he put Light inside of himself making it easier to kill him. "So let's see. I shouldn't kill you because you're beginning to like me. Let's see what the survey says" Vance flung one of his arms out to the side. "Erh err" Vance imitated a buzzer before snapping his fingers and binding Sanguine to the spot with tendrils made of Light. "So, Last chance. Otherwise I completely obliterate your body, leaving nothing but dust. And I'd keep you here in a little pot made of Light, so even if you could come back to life, which I doubt you'd be able to do, you'd still be stuck here"

@Yaoke Saint


Maya skipped into the room and looked between the Gophers and Grimm. "Gophers, don't worry! If you help us I will make sure all your chocolate chip cookies are safe. I'll even give you more!" Maya smiled brightly at all of them. "They are chocolate chip aren't they? They're not evil raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip and then aren't, are they?! They're the worst!"

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"The light that enters my eyes becomes shadow. And how many times must I tell you? I'm already dead. Maybe a release from this body is just what I need. Maybe thats what I've been looking for. But it doesn't matter." Wings of shadow extended from his arms, cutting the tendrils. "I won't die fighting this time. Not to be summoned by greedy necromancers again." His wings disappeared. He placed his briefcase on the ground and sat on it. "Well then, let the cremation begin. It's about time. Or have you lost your nerve, little man?"

The pod opens with ease and tons of dust flies of the pod. Inside is a creature Hakeem has never seen but from using human deduction on the body it seems to be female. The creature is alive given by the slow breaths it's taking. It's human-like yet it has a sort of insect feel to it, but onto the actual features. Hakeem is looking at a supposed female insectoid who has long pink hair, a very angular face, with a slender body and some large chitin plating on her thighs/hips.

After a few minutes the creature slowly gets up and having no strength tries to get out of the pod only to accidentally fall out and land directly on its back. It weakly says something in a language unknown to Hakeem but he could interpret it like a swear, and the voice is certainly feminine too which gives Hakeem a better idea of its gender. The creature has bright pink eyes and it's staring directly at Hakeem, surprise and fear is shown on its face as it gets up rather quickly and backs up towards the pod. It says something in its language and bumps into the pod and it reaches in while still facing Hakeem as if it is looking for something.

What does Hakeem do in this situation?

@Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:

Maya jumped out of Grimm's arms and landed successfully on the ground. She then attempted to strike what she thought looked like a heroic pose, which was just her pointing up in the air slightly. "Then lets go! The Cookies await!" Maya started to run in a random direction before tripping over and landing face first in the ground.



Aedus nodded and thought about involving Grimm, then realized he wasn't sure who Grimm was. "G-Grimm is Death, isn't he? If he is then he tried to kill me and E-Ent recently. B-but if you think he's alright then I guess he must've just been having an off day?" Aedsu didn't sound so sure of his theory, but Ent had managed to stop him last time so he assumed it'd be okay.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
metalcity said:
Ent listened, he wouldn't argue with Aedus about what he was saying as it was true. He purred when Aedus scratched behind his ear, making him run his fingers through his hair. "So where can we buy fish?" Ent asked, gaining a smile on his face.
@GingerBread @Cadin shadow lord
"Grimm tries to kill alot of people. In fact he tried to kill me with an Oddish earlier, but he's really not a bad guy once you get past that fact.

If I remember correctly there's a local fish market not far from here, I used to jump off the docks and swim down there so I got to know the owners pretty well. So we can head there then decide if we want to see Grimm, as long as that's okay with you guys."

( ! ) "I'm not quite sure you understand. No darkness can exist here, none. I'm not sure you understand the amount of effort I had to put in to stop your little wings from being instantly destroyed. This is the realm of Light, it's a bit bright if I'm honest." Vance snapped his fingers and had tendrils wrap around all of His arms and legs. "But I'll tell you what, I'll let you live on one condition. Since if I destroy your body, Grimm or another reaper I guess. Will come and take your soul and throw you in hell. I'm fairly certain that's how it works anyway." Vance shrugged and took a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and placed them on his face, helping to protect his eyes from the Light. "I'm going to definitely need these if you don't take my offer. Anyway, what you have to do, is stop being a cocky arsehole. You know what happened to the last guy that thought he was better than me and tried to act like he was? I killed him and his whole race. So do you accept? Or do I have to kill you?"

@Yaoke Saint


Aedus smiled at Ent as he brought up fish. "I-Is fish the only thing you like?" Aedus asked jokingly as he reached up to scratch behind Ent's ears again. He then turned his attention to Isaac. "But yeah, that sounds great. I've gotten good at cooking fish from pretty much scratch anyway" Aedus smiled gratefully at Isaac. "Yeah if you could take us there that'd be great"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
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He turned his head to the side. "When did I ever say I was better than you? It's quite clear you are the more powerful, or I would not be sitting here. I was simply commenting on your rudeness." His teeth chattered again. "And I don't care who you kill. As long as they deserve it. But I'm actually quite interested. How would you plan on killing the entire human race? To answer you, I accept your offer, for now. I might take up your other offer of destruction later though. I grow weary of this 'life'."

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"Are you kidding me?! This is actually the 400th time now for me watching this! Trust me I have counted." She said to the man like he was crazy. The room that they were in was covered in Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings posters covering every free space and not to mention the Harry Potter Gryphindoor common room couch they were sitting on.

"Seriously dude did you see the room you are sitting in?!" She said as she shoved some Doritos then taking a swing of 7-up.

The couch:

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"I like you." Ent purred gently, kissing Aedus lightly on the top of his head. When he removed his head "So lets go to the fish market." Ent looked at the boy "Thank you for your assistance." He then waited for the boy to show them the way.

@GingerBread @Cadin shadow lord
GingerBread said:
( ! ) "I'm not quite sure you understand. No darkness can exist here, none. I'm not sure you understand the amount of effort I had to put in to stop your little wings from being instantly destroyed. This is the realm of Light, it's a bit bright if I'm honest." Vance snapped his fingers and had tendrils wrap around all of His arms and legs. "But I'll tell you what, I'll let you live on one condition. Since if I destroy your body, Grimm or another reaper I guess. Will come and take your soul and throw you in hell. I'm fairly certain that's how it works anyway." Vance shrugged and took a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and placed them on his face, helping to protect his eyes from the Light. "I'm going to definitely need these if you don't take my offer. Anyway, what you have to do, is stop being a cocky arsehole. You know what happened to the last guy that thought he was better than me and tried to act like he was? I killed him and his whole race. So do you accept? Or do I have to kill you?"

@Yaoke Saint


Aedus smiled at Ent as he brought up fish. "I-Is fish the only thing you like?" Aedus asked jokingly as he reached up to scratch behind Ent's ears again. He then turned his attention to Isaac. "But yeah, that sounds great. I've gotten good at cooking fish from pretty much scratch anyway" Aedus smiled gratefully at Isaac. "Yeah if you could take us there that'd be great"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
metalcity said:
"I like you." Ent purred gently, kissing Aedus lightly on the top of his head. When he removed his head "So lets go to the fish market." Ent looked at the boy "Thank you for your assistance." He then waited for the boy to show them the way.
@GingerBread @Cadin shadow lord
"Oh it's no problem, really. So Aedus you cook that's cool, I cook too. How long have you been cooking?" Isaac asked leaving the guild hall, entering the town and taking a sharp right, the air smelled of sea salt and the aroma of fish being cooked was staring to emerge.
Draco Spiralwing opened his eyes. Cracking his neck he spread his large wings which brushed his cave. His eyes were a deep green with blue pupils. Yawning he revealed a set of deadly white teeth that glittered like dagger. How long had he been dreaming? He was somewhat of a prophet being able to see the future sometimes. He had seen nothing this time. He crawled out of his cave. Silently he looked around. Things had changed he had been asleep to long. He looked at his body. He was much older now and a lot larger. He jumped into the air and spiraled upwards looking around. Silently he surveyed his surroundings flapping his wings. His long red tail swirled and flicked as he surveyed everywhere. Things had changed. But how much? He would have to find out by going out their into the unknown. A daunting process. He grinned it was worth it.
Arwyn looked at Julie and then back to Clyde. "No, I do not know this woman either. Though it seems as though she knows Dragon's Roar and Isabel."

She motioned to Clyde to follow as she and Syrax moved closer to listen to what the woman had to say. By the end of it she had an uneasy frown on her face.

Syrax was the first to comment between the two. "With the risk of such curses it would be better if these orbs were left alone." The wyvern said in old draconic, though Arwyn translated it just in case the woman did not understand. Afterwards she stated her agreement with the wyvern's statement. "If even one of these 'champions' were to open the barriers containing the orbs and fail, the consequences brought by the curse would be dire. Unless of course it could be contained. But still, having a being that can destroy the universe when she gets the sudden urge is not the best thing. It is for the better if she remains in fragments."

Curious to hear what he had to say, Arwyn turned to the angelic being. "What do you think of this, Clyde?" she asked.

"OK, How on Middle Earth did Everyone find my God forsaken house!?" She said to Grimm and then man that now is in my house.

"And you! How in Gods Name DID YOU THINK THIS IS A BANK!!!!! It's On A Mountain Side!" She said very angrily to both of them really pissed off that she would now have to get two of them out of her house but really you had to be stupid to think this was a bank.

@Light @LokiofSP
Ever been lost. I mean like ah I have no clue where I am because all my landmarks are gone lost? Because that was how lost Draco was. Honestly he might have been going in circles. Higher up. Spreading his wings he zoomed high into the air. Luckily it wasn't rainy or cloudy today so he could see for miles. Nothing not even one single dragon. Figures he was alone lost and without anything to do. No prey not even water the stream which had ran by his cave was now gone underground.

"No, I've seen you being a cocky arsehole to your trial. You weren't just doing to be rude to me. You were being a complete bitch about it. You need to stop that shit. And then we have a deal, but if I catch you. I. Will. Kill. you" Vance snapped his fingers and had himself and Crow man appear back in front of the guild.

@Light @Yaoke Saint


Aedus smiled at Ent and followed Isaac out of the guild.
"I-I started cooking two years ago. E-Ent sort of made me, because he really liked Fish and wanted me to start cooking it for him. I-I actually found it quite easy. But I don't tend to cook that much because I'm a vegetarian and I tend to eat salads and sometimes fish if E-Ent leaves me any" Aedus smiled at Isaac.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord


As the pod opens Hakeem steps away. The figure was revealed as a female like insect humanoid. The very sight sent a chill down his spine. God I hate insects. The insect struggled to get out her pod only to fall out the pod. Hakeem rushed over and helped her up. When she laughed her eyes upon him she was frightened she rushed back to her pod. Speaking some unknown language. Come on not another alien I don't understand. That's just not fair. He said as he threw his arm in to the air, exaggerating his disappointment. @Light @Archdemon
The insect didn't understand the being as he spoke some barbaric language. She kept reaching into the pod for something until she got it. She was far too weak to use her secondary form and this creatures alien movements only frightened her more, she has no idea what time she's in, what this thing is, and how it even got in the chamber. She pulled out some type of needle, clearly not man made but it was dripping some type of liquid from it. She immediately rushed toward Hakeem hoping to stab his arm or something, she hoped that the creature could handle the knowledge it's about to take. She didn't want to kill it since it could give her valuable information, she just needed to pass some knowledge to it to allow easier communication.

((No this is not a poison attack, it's not really an attack as its not meant to harm Hakeem though he doesn't know that.))

@Embaga Elder
GingerBread said:
Maya skipped into the room and looked between the Gophers and Grimm. "Gophers, don't worry! If you help us I will make sure all your chocolate chip cookies are safe. I'll even give you more!" Maya smiled brightly at all of them. "They are chocolate chip aren't they? They're not evil raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip and then aren't, are they?! They're the worst!"

The Gophers simply stare at Maya, simply in complete shock due to the fact that she can make cookies. Cookies were scarce here and it's what they needed to live. "You shall stay with us forever! You were destined to be our cookie queen. You can't leave us anymore!"

Lighthouse8477 said:
Ever been lost. I mean like ah I have no clue where I am because all my landmarks are gone lost? Because that was how lost Draco was. Honestly he might have been going in circles. Higher up. Spreading his wings he zoomed high into the air. Luckily it wasn't rainy or cloudy today so he could see for miles. Nothing not even one single dragon. Figures he was alone lost and without anything to do. No prey not even water the stream which had ran by his cave was now gone underground.
Grimm appears on his back in the form of a baby. "Hey there! How are you? Are you interested in doing amazing things?"

Fluffykitty9000 said:
"OK, How on Middle Earth did Everyone find my God forsaken house!?" She said to Grimm and then man that now is in my house.
"And you! How in Gods Name DID YOU THINK THIS IS A BANK!!!!! It's On A Mountain Side!" She said very angrily to both of them really pissed off that she would now have to get two of them out of her house but really you had to be stupid to think this was a bank.

@Light @LokiofSP
( @LokiofSP )

Grimm screams and jumps out of the way. "She's going to kill us! Call the police!"

Juju said:
Arwyn looked at Julie and then back to Clyde. "No, I do not know this woman either. Though it seems as though she knows Dragon's Roar and Isabel."
She motioned to Clyde to follow as she and Syrax moved closer to listen to what the woman had to say. By the end of it she had an uneasy frown on her face.

Syrax was the first to comment between the two. "With the risk of such curses it would be better if these orbs were left alone." The wyvern said in old draconic, though Arwyn translated it just in case the woman did not understand. Afterwards she stated her agreement with the wyvern's statement. "If even one of these 'champions' were to open the barriers containing the orbs and fail, the consequences brought by the curse would be dire. Unless of course it could be contained. But still, having a being that can destroy the universe when she gets the sudden urge is not the best thing. It is for the better if she remains in fragments."

Curious to hear what he had to say, Arwyn turned to the angelic being. "What do you think of this, Clyde?" she asked.


( ! ) Julie glares at Cecelia, she could feel her mind searing in pain. She summons the death scythe she took from Fola and points it at her head. "Enter my mind once more and I'll split your skull open before I reap your soul. I actually know how to reap souls just like a reaper would. Try me." She looks at Cylde, turning her back to Fola while she tosses the scythe to him through her body. The entire scythe phases through her and heads the safe staff way towards him as she binds it to his soul once more. She looks away from Clyde and stares at Inaro. "Correct." She looks back at Cecelia. "I'd plan with these Dragon's Roar members before jumping towards the Purple Orb if I were you. You may believe you have mental blessings but the curse is nothing to scoff at. Neither is the orb itself."

Clyde thinks about the possibility of having a being that could wipe out all of existence around. "I think she should stay fragmented, she's dangerous."
GingerBread said:
"No, I've seen you being a cocky arsehole to your trial. You weren't just doing to be rude to me. You were being a complete bitch about it. You need to stop that shit. And then we have a deal, but if I catch you. I. Will. Kill. you" Vance snapped his fingers and had himself and Crow man appear back in front of the guild.

@Light @Yaoke Saint


Aedus smiled at Ent and followed Isaac out of the guild.
"I-I started cooking two years ago. E-Ent sort of made me, because he really liked Fish and wanted me to start cooking it for him. I-I actually found it quite easy. But I don't tend to cook that much because I'm a vegetarian and I tend to eat salads and sometimes fish if E-Ent leaves me any" Aedus smiled at Isaac.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord
"That's really sweet of you to cook for him, I wish my reason for learning to cook was as cool as yours. While on my way to join the guild I had to make quite a few stops to rest. I got bored of eating the same old junk food over and over again so I taught myself how to cook and it's stuck with me ever since, lame right?"
Spinning around Draco looks around. He heard a voice. Where was it coming from. He stated, "Yes and who's their?" He could feel something on his back. He spun dislodging whatever it was.
River took out both her pistols and pointed on at grimm and one at the other guy.

"OK Everyone shut up! I want answers and I want them NOW! This One is for both of you...Listening....good cause I'm not repeating it, how did you find me, Starting with you cookie boy." She said nodding towards the man holding the gun who thought this was a bank but yelled for cookies

@Light @LokiofSP
Lighthouse8477 said:
Spinning around Draco looks around. He heard a voice. Where was it coming from. He stated, "Yes and who's their?" He could feel something on his back. He spun dislodging whatever it was.
Baby Grimm rapidly falls down, the ground growing close. "Help me!"

( I don't understand why everyone on this thread thinks they don't have a soul, ahem, @Archdemon if your character didn't have a soul they wouldn't be alive. You wouldn't be in existence if you lacked a soul. Even if you you gave your soul up in a deal you still technically have a soul as in you exist. Without that your character, as I've said before, wouldn't be alive/here. )

( ! ) Julie simply takes Fola’s death scythe once more and does exactly as she promised she would, ending Cecelia's life and trapping her soul within a vial around her neck. "You're foolish. Would you like to die next? I'm open for second swings. I don't care if she can't speak through vocal cords. Don't speak to me at all then. If you stay quiet and good I may revive her. Though I dare you to speak....do it."

Fluffykitty9000 said:
River took out both her pistols and pointed on at grimm and one at the other guy.
"OK Everyone shut up! I want answers and I want them NOW! This One is for both of you...Listening....good cause I'm not repeating it, how did you find me, Starting with you cookie boy." She said nodding towards the man holding the gun who thought this was a bank but yelled for cookies

@Light @LokiofSP
Grimm was extremely terrified. He began to piss his pants at the thought of his life coming to an end.
Looking at Grimm Draco blinked, "Oops." He flapped his wings twice as he swopped and caught the baby dragon. He asked, "You okay? Sorry you appeared so quickly I didn't know where you were. My name's Draco what's yours?"

Fola looked down at the ground, at his hands. His death scythe was gone and he was left with nothing. But the words he heard when she said he could get Isabel back were enough. He took in a breath and went to speak, he needed to take charge, "Okay everybody, so here's what we're gonna do, we need to get organized and figure out who's best for which personality, then send out squads to each one. Problem is, I only have info and ideas on two of them, so I need some vets here to help me out...So let's start with Ashyln, ideas?"

@Light @GingerBread @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @Juju


Oden nodded as he mulled over the man's words, he didn't NEED to feel bad about killing...Yet something made his stomach turn at the thought of his past actions turning his stomach. He approached the man once more and tapped him on his shoulder, giving a light bow, "So sorry sir, but I face a bit of a problem with your words. You see, I've spent my entire life killing people, children to be exact, but I have never felt bad about it...Until recently that is. My problem is that, killing is the only thing I'm decent at, yet I also want to atone, what do I do?"



Jayn puts up her hands, "Woah, woah, woah! First off, why WOULDN'T a bank be on a mountain. Second, I'm a girl. Third..." She points her gun at Grimm, "YOU LET ME JOIN DRAGON'S ROAR RIGHT NOW OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!...MAYBE...PROBABLY NOT!"

@Light @Fluffykitty9000
Vance nodded along with Fola "I'll help out, just tell me what to do and when" Vance shrugged and turned around when Oden poked him, nodding along as he talked. "Right. Why the fuck did you come to me for help? I'm an assassin. But I don't know, do both? Kill the people harming others? Hell, don't even kill them, just get really good at either planning or talking people out of shit and then stabbing them when their back is turned" Vance shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I can train you if you want, I guess. But don't expect it to be easy in any way shape or form. If you don't want me to train you, I know the guild has a trainer that might be able to help you, Your choice, I honestly don't care"

Vance shrugged his shoulders and created two chairs of darkness before sitting down on one of them. "Oi. Girl, I think Isabel's friend or something. I don't know or really care. Anyway, I have an offer for you. You'll like this, I am 99% sure you will anyway. So what do you say? Wanna hear me out?" Vance created another chair made of darkness.

@LokiofSP @Light


Maya tapped her chin in thought. "Nah sounds booooring. I don't wanna stay here, it's filled with dirt" Maya turned to Grimm and tilted her head upwards and groaned before looking at Grimm again "I wanna go home and go see my Friend. I'm booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...."



Aedus smiled at Isaac. "Th-thanks. I can normally do it easily, because of my power. I control fire and stuff. So I can cook things quite quickly normally. And E-Ent likes my cooking." Aedus smiled at Ent and then looked back over at Isaac. "But your way sounds more interesting. I'm sure you know how to make more things than me, I only really know how to cook fish"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity

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