Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters

Fola opened his mouth to tell Vance he should, but he then found Maya on his back. He internally cursed at the child's appearance, he couldn't die in front of her, he had no idea what that might to the child mentally, so he just had to take it. He smiled at her and raised a hand behind his back to ruffle her hair, "Wow, that sounds like quiet the adventure. You'll have to tell me more about it later, but right now I just need to take care of something."

He adjusted the girl on his back so she would be more comfortable before looping his arms around her knees to keep her propped up. He spoke to Vance, "You're right, sorry. I just...I'm kind of freaking out a little bit, that's all...Anyways, lets get back on track." He turned to Arwyn, "If you and your dragon are going to be helping us out, then I need to have some sort of an idea of what you can do. That goes for everybody here, actually. If we're doing this shi- I mean...Thing." He stopped himself mid-curse after remembering the child on his back, "I need to know what we can do, that way we can send the right people to do the right tas-"

He stopped after hearing Julie's words and looking at the ring on his hand, anger rose to his face, "Stop. I understand what you want to do, but you CAN'T do this! We're all on the same damn page, and you shouldn't force others to help! Everyone here could fuck off for all I care, as long as they don't get in the way! Take the damn rings off RIGHT NOW!"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @OceanBunny @GingerBread @Juju


Oden had been mulling over the man's words one final time. He was slowly coming to grips with the idea of having his cake and eating it as well when a ring appeared on his finger. He didn't freak out, he was simply...Curious about the girl in front of him. He studied her face for a few moments before he spoke, "There's something odd about the way you've handled this situation. Wouldn't it be so much easier to exact revenge on those who didn't help later rather than now? Why now? All you've done is paint a target on your back for those who have the power to fight back later. I personally will pledge you whatever services you need, I am just...Curious, that it all."



Jayn shot back (Figuratively) at River, "Why WOULDN'T a bank be on a mountain?! That's like, the BEST place to put it... Also..." She then shot back (Literally) at Grimm, shooting him in the side, "HAHA! NOW YOU SHALL NEVER KNOW ABOUT THE DRAGON'S ROAR GUILD, AND HOW IT SAVES PEOPLE AND IS AT THESE EXACT X, Y, AND Z COORDINATES" She wrote this all down on a piece of paper before laughing maniacally and running away.

@Light @Fluffykitty9000

Vance laughed as the rings appeared on his fingers. "You could've at least brought me a drink first. skipping straight to putting a ring on my finger? I don't think that's the best way to get someone, but what do I know?" Vance shrugged and walked up to Julie. "I'm not going to help because you want me to. But I will do it because why the fuck not really? But here's my question. If you can do all this shit to us. Why the fuck do you need our help to get Isabel back? I'm not sure what we'll have to do, but with the track record of this Guild. We'll have to fight something. Now that could be Isabel, most likely the Ashlyn and all the others though. And you're fine with us beating them up, when you could by the looks of things do it yourself."

Vance stared at Julie, looking directly into her eyes. "So why don't you? Why involve the people who don't give a shit whether she forms back or not? Seems stupid to me. Involving people who don't want to do it, that will just lead to someone fucking it up somehow, trust me on this. These people tend to fuck everything up unless it benefits them. Even then they'll most likely mess it up. But by threatening people, and trust me on this. You'll just make people more reluctant to help. Maybe they'll go as far as to mess it up on purpose. Okay whatever, she's your sister or something. So? If you care that much about her you'd be out there getting them back already, not bickering amongst us" Vance chuckled again and lowered his head slightly towards the ground before lifting it back up and going back to looking Julie in the eyes. "If you don't think you stand a chance against her. How the absolute fuck would we? You've just made it clear that you can take us all out easily, but you expect us to do something you can't? Or maybe something you won't. What's the point? I'm going to help anyway. But next time, make a threat that makes sense to make"

@Juju @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny @EveryoneElseWhoIsInFrontOfTheGuild


Maya smiled at Fola.
"It would've been better of you were there. It was kinda boring. But we can go on loads of adventures together. Adventures are fun~" Maya watched as rings appeared on her fingers. "These rings look booooring. I want fun ones! Ones that are made out of Ice cream and cookies!" Maya smiled as her rings became mint choc chip Ice cream but frowned as they started to melt off of her fingers. "No! My ice cream is gone forever"

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Having been quiet the entire time,Raz was watching from The shadows,he had teleported from the station to the front of the guild.(I don't know if all the guild members were given the rings so I'll leave that out)
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OceanBunny said:
Kyoko sighed and quietly watched the group continue to converse. 'Why is it such a difficult decision to save someones life?' She wondered frowning as she listened to them. 'That should be easy. It's always best to save lives.. Especially if she created the guild.. how bad could she be if she created Dragon's Roar?' She smiled as she saw the girl jump on Fola, talking excitedly about magic gophers. She remembered seeing her before she was teleported to the pit to fight that trial. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her as she waited for her offer of help to be acknowledged. Kyoko looked down at the ring as the girl explained what it was and how things would be. She looked back up at her and smiled. This was someone who wouldn't let anything happen to her sister and Kyo respected that. Taking a small step forward she made eye contact with the priestess and curtsied. "I'm at your service." She said simply.
LokiofSP said:
Fola opened his mouth to tell Vance he should, but he then found Maya on his back. He internally cursed at the child's appearance, he couldn't die in front of her, he had no idea what that might to the child mentally, so he just had to take it. He smiled at her and raised a hand behind his back to ruffle her hair, "Wow, that sounds like quiet the adventure. You'll have to tell me more about it later, but right now I just need to take care of something."

He adjusted the girl on his back so she would be more comfortable before looping his arms around her knees to keep her propped up. He spoke to Vance, "You're right, sorry. I just...I'm kind of freaking out a little bit, that's all...Anyways, lets get back on track." He turned to Arwyn, "If you and your dragon are going to be helping us out, then I need to have some sort of an idea of what you can do. That goes for everybody here, actually. If we're doing this shi- I mean...Thing." He stopped himself mid-curse after remembering the child on his back, "I need to know what we can do, that way we can send the right people to do the right tas-"

He stopped after hearing Julie's words and looking at the ring on his hand, anger rose to his face, "Stop. I understand what you want to do, but you CAN'T do this! We're all on the same damn page, and you shouldn't force others to help! Everyone here could fuck off for all I care, as long as they don't get in the way! Take the damn rings off RIGHT NOW!"

@Light @MTchaos1134 @The Imperial Flame @Yaoke Saint @OceanBunny @GingerBread @Juju


Oden had been mulling over the man's words one final time. He was slowly coming to grips with the idea of having his cake and eating it as well when a ring appeared on his finger. He didn't freak out, he was simply...Curious about the girl in front of him. He studied her face for a few moments before he spoke, "There's something odd about the way you've handled this situation. Wouldn't it be so much easier to exact revenge on those who didn't help later rather than now? Why now? All you've done is paint a target on your back for those who have the power to fight back later. I personally will pledge you whatever services you need, I am just...Curious, that it all."

GingerBread said:
Vance laughed as the rings appeared on his fingers. "You could've at least brought me a drink first. skipping straight to putting a ring on my finger? I don't think that's the best way to get someone, but what do I know?" Vance shrugged and walked up to Julie. "I'm not going to help because you want me to. But I will do it because why the fuck not really? But here's my question. If you can do all this shit to us. Why the fuck do you need our help to get Isabel back? I'm not sure what we'll have to do, but with the track record of this Guild. We'll have to fight something. Now that could be Isabel, most likely the Ashlyn and all the others though. And you're fine with us beating them up, when you could by the looks of things do it yourself."

Vance stared at Julie, looking directly into her eyes. "So why don't you? Why involve the people who don't give a shit whether she forms back or not? Seems stupid to me. Involving people who don't want to do it, that will just lead to someone fucking it up somehow, trust me on this. These people tend to fuck everything up unless it benefits them. Even then they'll most likely mess it up. But by threatening people, and trust me on this. You'll just make people more reluctant to help. Maybe they'll go as far as to mess it up on purpose. Okay whatever, she's your sister or something. So? If you care that much about her you'd be out there getting them back already, not bickering amongst us" Vance chuckled again and lowered his head slightly towards the ground before lifting it back up and going back to looking Julie in the eyes. "If you don't think you stand a chance against her. How the absolute fuck would we? You've just made it clear that you can take us all out easily, but you expect us to do something you can't? Or maybe something you won't. What's the point? I'm going to help anyway. But next time, make a threat that makes sense to make"

@Juju @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny @EveryoneElseWhoIsInFrontOfTheGuild


Maya smiled at Fola.
"It would've been better of you were there. It was kinda boring. But we can go on loads of adventures together. Adventures are fun~" Maya watched as rings appeared on her fingers. "These rings look booooring. I want fun ones! Ones that are made out of Ice cream and cookies!" Maya smiled as her rings became mint choc chip Ice cream but frowned as they started to melt off of her fingers. "No! My ice cream is gone forever"

MTchaos1134 said:
Having been quiet the entire time,John was watching from The shadows,he had teleported from the station to the front of the guild.(I don't know if all the guild members were given the rings so I'll leave that out)
Julie has the rings fade off of Kyoko, Oden, Fola, Maya, and Vance. She also removes the soul bond. "I don't care about becoming a target or your enemy later on as long as my sister is freed. It would be better to have them all there so they can at least serve at least minimal purpose rather than take them out later." Julie looks back at Vance. "Depending on the split personality my chances shift from winning to losing. Though thats not the point." Julie blinks before continuing. "You've walked up to me with an arrogant argument when you look like a fool to those whom actually search for the rats nest releasing the snake. Based off assumptions you've juse assumed you've made a point that makes you look like even more of a leader to your fellow guild members when truthfully you're diving into things headfirst like the idiot on the front lines. So smart one. Have you ever considered the fact that I might be doing this because I can't remove the orbs from the temples myself? It seems like you have all your bases covered so you should have taken that into consideration. You haven't have you? The most I can do is offer information and plans for each of the split personalities and their fighting style. I don't care about the whole threatening factor you're all complaining about. Don't threaten to kill my sister and you won't have to deal with it. Now you all make plans amongst yourseleves." When John appears there was a knife that flew by, almost hitting him. Julie threw it while she was turning as if she knew he was going to be there. "I'll be back. I have to go kick my father's ass and get him off that mountain permanently. You could probably use him as a human meat shield of something." Julie shrugs at how lowly she spoke of her father and disappears. The rings fade off of everyone's fingers once she does.

"I don't remember implying that I was the leader, Why would I lead anyone. And if you can't do it, why can we? Why not get your grandmother or your grandfather to help? This doesn't really seem like our problem. More a family thing." Vance shrugged as Julie disappeared. "And don't worry, I've moved on from killing her to just giving her more mental trauma. It seems a lot easier, maybe I'll be able to take the entire universe out by doing that" Vance turned to address Fola. "So, Isabel is your fuckbuddy, so you have to make plans on what to do. I'll be here if you want some 'advice' though. I've fought against the most of the split personalities myself."

@Juju @LokiofSP @Light @OceanBunny @EveryoneElseWhoIsInFrontOfTheGuild
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Well things surely escalated from a simple discussion to threats being thrown around all willy nilly. It gotten so bad that since the dragon born girl over here thought about destroying the orbs caused Julie to flip out and give everyone in front of the guild cursed rings. The trio was mainly silent and now sitting in front of the guild doors finally speak. Well that was interesting. He said as he looked at his hands. One minute they're here the next they're gone. Shut Naro. Cole says as he hits him across his head. He then turns to the group in front of them. So who's the one with the master plan? It's it Vance the assassin, Fola the soon to be husband, or the dovahkiin? @Light @GingerBread @Juju @LokiofSP @OceanBunny
Light said:
Julie has the rings fade off of Kyoko, Oden, Fola, Maya, and Vance. She also removes the soul bond. "I don't care about becoming a target or your enemy later on as long as my sister is freed. It would be better to have them all there so they can at least serve at least minimal purpose rather than take them out later." Julie looks back at Vance. "Depending on the split personality my chances shift from winning to losing. Though thats not the point." Julie blinks before continuing. "You've walked up to me with an arrogant argument when you look like a fool to those whom actually search for the rats nest releasing the snake. Based off assumptions you've juse assumed you've made a point that makes you look like even more of a leader to your fellow guild members when truthfully you're diving into things headfirst like the idiot on the front lines. So smart one. Have you ever considered the fact that I might be doing this because I can't remove the orbs from the temples myself? It seems like you have all your bases covered so you should have taken that into consideration. You haven't have you? The most I can do is offer information and plans for each of the split personalities and their fighting style. I don't care about the whole threatening factor you're all complaining about. Don't threaten to kill my sister and you won't have to deal with it. Now you all make plans amongst yourseleves." When John appears there was a knife that flew by, almost hitting him. Julie threw it while she was turning as if she knew he was going to be there. "I'll be back. I have to go kick my father's ass and get him off that mountain permanently. You could probably use him as a human meat shield of something." Julie shrugs at how lowly she spoke of her father and disappears. The rings fade off of everyone's fingers once she does.
(I accidentally put John instead of Raz,my bad.)after a knife almost hit him he went over to the group."what just happened?

@Light @GingerBread @Juju @LokiofSP @OceanBunny @anyoneelseinfrontoftheguild
Syrax roared in anger and disgust when the ring appeared on one of his talons, flames flickering between his jagged teeth. It wasn't so much the threat of the curse that had caused his disquiet, but the fact that there was a physical bond on him. As a red wyvern, that was the greatest insult a person could inflict to one of his species.

Though his anger was powerful enough to even begin to affect Arwyn, she knew that he was not stupid enough to attack with the danger of the curses. Instead he settled to growl between clenched teeth and glare at the priestess with two molten disks. "To hell with the Van Fenrir." she heard him growl in her mind. "They are a plague to this world."

Arwyn returned Julie's loathsome glare with her own cool gaze, much like a lion staring out through the bars of a cage, bidding its time. "You leave little to choose from." she said flatly.

Her sullen gaze was diverted from the priestess when Fola questioned her about her and Syrax's prowess. "Syrax and I are trained in hunting down and destroying corruption." she said before summoning Dawn's Heart and the twin orbs Grimm had bestowed her, one forming a shield and the other forming a blade. "If there is any injustice or ill-intent, it stands little chance against us."

Syrax grumbled something in his own tongue, resulting in Arwyn nodding shortly. "We killed one of the deadly sins and received its power-drainage as well. Other than that we have a couple tricks up our sleeves."

She crossed her arms and waited, giving one of the newcomers a queer look when he called her 'Dovakiin', in which Syrax found highly amusing despite his current anger.

@Light @GingerBread @LokiofSP @Embaga Elder @OceanBunny
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GingerBread said:
Vance nodded along with Fola "I'll help out, just tell me what to do and when" Vance shrugged and turned around when Oden poked him, nodding along as he talked. "Right. Why the fuck did you come to me for help? I'm an assassin. But I don't know, do both? Kill the people harming others? Hell, don't even kill them, just get really good at either planning or talking people out of shit and then stabbing them when their back is turned" Vance shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I can train you if you want, I guess. But don't expect it to be easy in any way shape or form. If you don't want me to train you, I know the guild has a trainer that might be able to help you, Your choice, I honestly don't care"

Vance shrugged his shoulders and created two chairs of darkness before sitting down on one of them. "Oi. Girl, I think Isabel's friend or something. I don't know or really care. Anyway, I have an offer for you. You'll like this, I am 99% sure you will anyway. So what do you say? Wanna hear me out?" Vance created another chair made of darkness.

@LokiofSP @Light


Maya tapped her chin in thought. "Nah sounds booooring. I don't wanna stay here, it's filled with dirt" Maya turned to Grimm and tilted her head upwards and groaned before looking at Grimm again "I wanna go home and go see my Friend. I'm booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...."



Aedus smiled at Isaac. "Th-thanks. I can normally do it easily, because of my power. I control fire and stuff. So I can cook things quite quickly normally. And E-Ent likes my cooking." Aedus smiled at Ent and then looked back over at Isaac. "But your way sounds more interesting. I'm sure you know how to make more things than me, I only really know how to cook fish"

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
"Maybe I can teach you how to cook different things sometime. I'm sure Ent would like something other than fish from time to time, oh look we're here." Isaac stopped in the middle of the fish market and said, "Pick out whatever you want. i'll pay for it."
( @CelticSol )

Julie makes it to the base of the mountain having called Layla earlier for assistance. She takes a deep breath, preparing herself for what's to come. She'd have to fight and defeat her father, this is the day she surpasses him. "Alright...I'm ready." Julie begins to move up the mountain.
Light said:
Isabel stands there, unmoving. Suddenly her body glows and envelops Fola in a bright light. While this light encases him, he could her lips upon his own. Once the light fades away he's standing in the water pit with all five orbs revolving around him. The Black Orb which controls all forms of Negativity throughout all realms. The White Orb that controls all Emotions throughout all realms. The Purple Orb that controls all Minds throughout all realms. The Gold Orb that controls all Bodies throughout all realms. Lastly the Red Orb that controls all Deities throughout all realms. The orbs ignite in a bright light once more and everyone in the pit are suddenly in front of the guild, the trials have disappeared as well, all but Clyde. The orbs begin to rotate fondly around Fola once more, only for Julie to appear the second after. Each guild member could feel the presence of the orbs through the guild symbol. The orbs suddenly fly off swiftly, heading towards their temples to be guarded. It seemed like Julie's presence kept the orbs curse from spreading out. Julie could only stand there and frown towards Fola. She waits there, wondering if they'd ask about the orbs since she is the priestess of these said orbs.
(@LokiofSP, @GingerBread, @OceanBunny, @Juju, @AnyoneAtTheGuild)

Jackie's hand flies up to rest against the guild seal at her neck, feeling the orbs' power through it. She looks to her window to the outside of the guild, murmuring, "Isabel?" under her breath. Her gaze snaps back to Abyssum, and she grabs her by her bicep and pulls her to her feet, dragging Abyssum to her feet. "We don't have time to talk about this. Come with me," She tosses the towel off her chest, the membrane developing to cover her burnt chest as she pulls Abyssum through the halls of the guild until Jackie comes out the front doors. Her eyes lock on Vance, and she heads over to him, Abyssum in tow, "What happened?"

As Jackie speaks, Fola's guild symbol activates, opening a portal just tall enough for the blonde woman that steps out. She doesn't look at any of them, her face turned to the general centre of the group. Jackie regards her with a start, her eyes narrowing at the woman, "Lockette? What the hell are you doing here?"

Lockette smiles ever so slightly, the subtle curve of her lips distorted by the cruel scars along her mouth. The smile is cold and humourless as she inclines her head to Jackie. "Got a call, and I'm hear to get an objective. That's all," She turns her face to 'regard' the faces around her, though her eyes lock on no one and its clear she sees nothing at all, "Though I'm not sure the plan is put together yet."

"I-I'm not sure he would, I'm pretty sure it's the only thing he eats."
Aedus smiled over at Ent. "But I'd like to learn how to cook other things" He looked back over at Isaac when he offered to pay for what they wanted. "A-are you sure? Y-You don't have to" Aedus felt bad about having Isaac pay, when they'd only just met him.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord


Vance craned his neck slightly to look over at Jackie.
"Nothing much happened really. Fola's fuckbuddy, Isabel, got split apart again. There was a few complaints about letting her form back together. Which were justified after the whole ending reality fiasco. I'm neutral myself, but Isabel's sister threatened us with shit if we didn't help and then ran away after I pointed out why the threats were stupid. So pretty much an average day here at the guild" Vance shrugged and stood up from his chair. "But who the fuck is that? Picklock or whatever you called her? kinda stupid name if you ask me." Vance smirked at Lockette before looking back around at Jackie. "But whatever, I didn't name her. I'm assuming she's in the guild. A lot of you guys tend to come out of the woodwork when there's a massive thing happening. Just here to get your five minutes of fame I'd assume." Vance created another chair of darkness and sat down, not really caring about the whole thing. He knew if he helped he'd probably be able to get Isabel to help him kill Apollo. But he wasn't going to rush anything and he wasn't about to risk his life and go it alone. "But anyway, Fola is meant to be coming up with a plan. I can come up with one instead if you guys are desperate. It's not really like we're on a time limit. I doubt the orbs are going anywhere, so unlike the last major thing with Isabel, we can take our time"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @OceanBunny @Juju @AnyoneAtTheGuild

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GingerBread said:

"I-I'm not sure he would, I'm pretty sure it's the only thing he eats."
Aedus smiled over at Ent. "But I'd like to learn how to cook other things" He looked back over at Isaac when he offered to pay for what they wanted. "A-are you sure? Y-You don't have to" Aedus felt bad about having Isaac pay, when they'd only just met him.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord


Vance craned his neck slightly to look over at Jackie.
"Nothing much happened really. Fola's fuckbuddy, Isabel, got split apart again. There was a few complaints about letting her form back together. Which were justified after the whole ending reality fiasco. I'm neutral myself, but Isabel's sister threaten us with shit if we didn't help and then ran away after I pointed out why the threats were stupid. So pretty much an average day here at the guild" Vance shrugged and stood up from his chair. "But who the fuck is that? Picklock or whatever you called her? kinda stupid name if you ask me." Vance smirked at Lockette before looking back around at Jackie. "But whatever, I didn't name her. I'm assuming she's in the guild. A lot of you guys tend to come out of the woodwork when there's a massive thing happening. Just here to get your five minutes of fame I'd assume." Vance created another chair of darkness and sat down, not really caring about the whole thing. He knew if he helped he'd probably be able to get Isabel to help him kill Apollo. But he wasn't going to rush anything and he wasn't about to risk his life and go it alone. "But anyway, Fola is meant to be coming up with a plan. I can come up with one instead if you guys are desperate. It's not really like we're on a time limit. I doubt the orbs are going anywhere, so unlike the last major thing with Isabel, we can take out time"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @OceanBunny @Juju @AnyoneAtTheGuild

"It's fine, just think of it as a token of friendship. Now get going, we don't have all day." Isaac said, he wasn't really in a rush, he just felt like it would be the appropriate thing to say at the time.
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GingerBread said:
Vance craned his neck slightly to look over at Jackie. "Nothing much happened really. Fola's fuckbuddy, Isabel, got split apart again. There was a few complaints about letting her form back together. Which were justified after the whole ending reality fiasco. I'm neutral myself, but Isabel's sister threatened us with shit if we didn't help and then ran away after I pointed out why the threats were stupid. So pretty much an average day here at the guild" Vance shrugged and stood up from his chair. "But who the fuck is that? Picklock or whatever you called her? kinda stupid name if you ask me." Vance smirked at Lockette before looking back around at Jackie. "But whatever, I didn't name her. I'm assuming she's in the guild. A lot of you guys tend to come out of the woodwork when there's a massive thing happening. Just here to get your five minutes of fame I'd assume." Vance created another chair of darkness and sat down, not really caring about the whole thing. He knew if he helped he'd probably be able to get Isabel to help him kill Apollo. But he wasn't going to rush anything and he wasn't about to risk his life and go it alone. "But anyway, Fola is meant to be coming up with a plan. I can come up with one instead if you guys are desperate. It's not really like we're on a time limit. I doubt the orbs are going anywhere, so unlike the last major thing with Isabel, we can take our time"
Lockette doesn't react to any of Vance's barbed words, she only rolls her weight onto one leg and crosses her arms as she determines that she will likely be standing a while as the rest determine the plan. Jackie, on the other hand, swears vilely under her breath, releasing Abyssum to run her hands through her hair, then rests her hands at the back of her neck with a weary sigh. "Fuck, not this again," She looks up at Vance after a moment of slowing her breathing to calm herself down, "I think having more than one plan as an option is better. Isabel and her magic is... volatile. It's better to have something to fall back on."

"See that's where we're going to have to agree to disagree. See now, I have a somewhat loose definition of 'Plan'. I think plans work best when it's just a foundation. It leaves room for improvising, in case everything goes tits up. Because look at the people we have right now. We have, Fola, a drunk. Colin, a crybaby. Inaro and his team of chucklefucks. You, who defies all description at this point. Not a compliment by the way. Lockpick, who I've never seen before, So I'm sure as hell not going to place my trust in her. And then last but not least. You have me. The semi-retired assassin, who got in the public eye a bit too much." Vance yawned and leaned back in his chair, becoming kinda bored of the situation. "Now, most of us struggle to work together on a good day. And at least for Fola, this isn't a good day. So I suggest we build the groundwork of the plan, by pitching in everything we know about how to combat all this crap. And then improvise as we go along. Are there any objections to this. I'd love to hear them"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @OceanBunny @Juju @AnyoneAtTheGuild


"O-Okay. Thanks for paying for this. I really appreciate it and I'm sure E-Ent appreciates you buying him fish as well." Aedus went over to one of the stalls and asked for two fish, cod and salmon and then waited for Isaac to pay for it.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord
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GingerBread said:
"See that's where we're going to have to agree to disagree. See now, I have a somewhat loose definition of 'Plan'. I think plans work best when it's just a foundation. It leaves room for improvising, in case everything goes tits up. Because look at the people we have right now. We have, Fola, a drunk. Colin, a crybaby. Inaro and his team of chucklefucks. You, which defies all description at this point. Lockpick, who I've never seen before, So I'm sure as hell not going to place my trust in her. And then last but not least. You have me. The semi-retired assassin, who got in the public eye a bit too much." Vance yawned and leaned back in his chair, becoming kinda bored of the situation. "Now, most of us struggle to work together on a good day. And at least for Fola, this isn't a good day. So I suggest we build the groundwork of the plan, by pitching in everything we know about how to combat all this crap. And then improvise as we go along. Are there any objections to this. I'd love to hear them"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @OceanBunny @Juju @AnyoneAtTheGuild


"O-Okay. Thanks for paying for this. I really appreciate it and I'm sure E-Ent appreciates you buying him fish as well." Aedus went over to one of the stalls and asked for two fish, cod and salmon and then waited for Isaac to pay for it.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord
Isaac gave the money to the worker and said. "All right, let's go back to the guild and get you guys settled in your rooms."

"Grimm! Thank you for saving my life! How can I repay you?" Grimm seemed extremely grateful for his life being saved. "I can grant you a wish!"


Silently Draco looked at the small dragon waiting for an answer. He had asked what limits on a whish he could ask for was and what his name was. He waited hovering.
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Fola shook as Lockette spoke, "The plan is simple, we divide and conquer the missions and bring Isabel home. There is literally no way anybody could fuck this up, so I think it's best that we instead focus on who's doing what. I don't NEED any other options, just this one!"

@GingerBread @CelticSol
GingerBread said:
"See that's where we're going to have to agree to disagree. See now, I have a somewhat loose definition of 'Plan'. I think plans work best when it's just a foundation. It leaves room for improvising, in case everything goes tits up. Because look at the people we have right now. We have, Fola, a drunk. Colin, a crybaby. Inaro and his team of chucklefucks. You, who defies all description at this point. Not a compliment by the way. Lockpick, who I've never seen before, So I'm sure as hell not going to place my trust in her. And then last but not least. You have me. The semi-retired assassin, who got in the public eye a bit too much." Vance yawned and leaned back in his chair, becoming kinda bored of the situation. "Now, most of us struggle to work together on a good day. And at least for Fola, this isn't a good day. So I suggest we build the groundwork of the plan, by pitching in everything we know about how to combat all this crap. And then improvise as we go along. Are there any objections to this. I'd love to hear them"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @OceanBunny @Juju @AnyoneAtTheGuild


"O-Okay. Thanks for paying for this. I really appreciate it and I'm sure E-Ent appreciates you buying him fish as well." Aedus went over to one of the stalls and asked for two fish, cod and salmon and then waited for Isaac to pay for it.

@metalcity @Cadin shadow lord
LokiofSP said:
Fola shook as Lockette spoke, "The plan is simple, we divide and conquer the missions and bring Isabel home. There is literally no way anybody could fuck this up, so I think it's best that we instead focus on who's doing what. I don't NEED any other options, just this one!"

@GingerBread @CelticSol
Jackie gives Vance a strange look, but shifts her gaze to Fola as he speaks. She nods in agreement with him.

Lockette tilts her face to Fola to look as if she's paying attention, though her eyes seem to have slid shut unconsciously. "What do you know about the orbs? They might have magical attributes and side effects. Some people might be more compatible for one than another."

"Okay boss."
Vance stood up and gave Fola a mock salute. "One thing. Don't put me with Inaro and his band of merry men and we'll be good. So where do you want me to go? I reckon I should go against the cat looking one. But I honestly don't care" Vance sat back down in his chair and leaned back, waiting for Fola to make a decision. When Lockette spoke up Vance looked towards her. "Why the fuck does that matter? We need to get to them first. And I'm fairly certain we have Isabel's sister to help us, someone who can get rid of all the bad shit like she did last time. We apparently need to go get them. Because Isabel's family doesn't give two shits about her I assume."

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @GuildPeople


Maya was still hanging on Fola's back feeling kinda bored. Her eyes lit up with excitement when she heard everyone start talking about some kind of adventure. She was smiling happily at the prospect of an adventure, too caught up in the idea of going on a real one to notice Fola say a bad word.
"I wanna go on the adventure! It sounds fun! I reallllly want to go on the adventure. Can I? Can I?" Maya was almost literally bursting with excitement. "I Love adventures. They're so Fun!" Maya had gotten her hopes up to go on the adventure with Fola, so much so that she'd be crushed if he said she couldn't.



Aedus smiled at Isaac and took the fish from the worker before grabbing Ent's hand. "Okay, let's go" Aedus began walking back towards the guild, feeling happy and welcome in the guild.

@Cadin shadow lord @metalcity
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"I was a lab rat for two of the effects they had. I also heard about what they can do, I have knowledge on what they do, all I need to know is what everyone else here can do, I'll go from there. Are you done?" He turned over to Maya smiling, "SURE, I actually have an expert super secret mission for ya, alright? But before I tell you, you gotta keep it on the down low, alright?"

@GingerBread @CelticSol

"I'm fairly certain you all know what I can do at this point. I can force people to shut up and I can bend darkness to my will." Vance snapped his fingers and had his chair turn into a throne and then snapped his fingers again and had it change back to a normal chair. "Not much, but it gets me by. So do what you wish, I leave the decision in your less than capable hands"

@LokiofSP @CelticSol @GuildPeople


Maya gasped as Fola said he had a secret mission for her.
"Really!" Maya then quickled slapped a hand over her mouth before looking around to see if anyone heard her. Maya leaned in closer to Fola and started whispering. "Sorry. I super secret mega pinkie promise to keep it a secret. You can trust me, I promise!" Maya moved her head back to where it was before and looked around again to see if anyone was spying on their conversation. "This is going to be so much Fun!"

LokiofSP said:
"I was a lab rat for two of the effects they had. I also heard about what they can do, I have knowledge on what they do, all I need to know is what everyone else here can do, I'll go from there. Are you done?" He turned over to Maya smiling, "SURE, I actually have an expert super secret mission for ya, alright? But before I tell you, you gotta keep it on the down low, alright?"

@GingerBread @CelticSol
(@GingerBread )

To demonstrate, a chair of metal rises from the dirt behind Lockette, since she was tired of standing around, and she sits down, leaning back in her newly formed seat. "I have pretty sharp senses as well. I'd be able to sense any spikes of mana in the orbs."

Jackie considers how the hell to explain 'I-have-demon-residing-in-my-body-that-gives-me-powers', then sighs, and settles for, "Corruption manipulation, I guess? Fancy way to say I can make people disintegrate if I touch them. Other stuff, too, but that term gives you the gist of it."
Daimao said:
A portal opened up above Jackie's head, and Alpha dropped out of it. He was in Chihualpha form and plopped down onto Jackie's head, sitting there as if it was perfectly normal.
@CelticSol @LokiofSP @GingerBread
Jackie jumps a little bit, but sighs in relief and pulls Chihualpha off her head, holding him in her arms. Her brow is slightly creased in worry as she checks his condition, before her eyes focus on the Alpha-specific head, "Are you okay? Were you hurt at all by the being?"
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