Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

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Syrax tilted his head when Clyde asked him if he was alright. "Aside from being tired and hungry, I am alright." he wondered if the being ever tired or needed sustenance.

"Wales is a country that is right beside England. Though I can tell that you most likely do not know where that is either." Arwyn said. "England is a large island that is off the coast of mainland Europe.... you know here is a better idea."

Focusing on the image of the map in Grimm's history book, she used Dawn's Heart to make a hologram of the world.

"We are here, in the Sahara Desert on the continent of Africa." she said while pointing to the northern area of Africa. "And here is Europe, England, and Wales is right over here."

Juju said:
Syrax tilted his head when Clyde asked him if he was alright. "Aside from being tired and hungry, I am alright." he wondered if the being ever tired or needed sustenance.
"Wales is a country that is right beside England. Though I can tell that you most likely do not know where that is either." Arwyn said. "England is a large island that is off the coast of mainland Europe.... you know here is a better idea."

Focusing on the image of the map in Grimm's history book, she used Dawn's Heart to make a hologram of the world.

"We are here, in the Sahara Desert on the continent of Africa." she said while pointing to the northern area of Africa. "And here is Europe, England, and Wales is right over here."

"So this is what this planet looks like. Different from the other planets with life in the mortal realm. Also different from places in the Abyssal Realm as well. Very unique. Do you miss your home?" Clyde began to slowly sink into the sand, he notices this and readjusted himself.

The darkness around Rue soothed her nerves, and she could see her mark already. The cold night air blew softly against her exposed face, as she crawled across a power line. She landed on the silently, and sprinted over to a skylight. She could see him, His slicked back hair sticking out like a sore thumb. She stared for a few seconds taking in the layout of the building. She pulled out a small controller, and pressed a button. Somewhere else in the building an explosion ripped through the air. The party below was pure chaos, there were screams, and alarms sounding. Her mark was being escorted to his safe room. She sprinted across the roof, and quickly reached a sky light above her quarry. She whipped out her Bow and shattered the glass. She plunged down into the room, she landed on the three bodyguards in front. She slashed one's throat with her bladed bow, and stabbed another with an arrow. The final one fired a gun at her, but the bullet never met its mark it was deflected back into his head by Rue's magnetic powers. The final three body guards advanced, and her mark continued to flee. Rue jumped into the air, and brought her heel down on one's head. She fired an arrow mid air, down at the second, and the third passed out from fear. Landing, Rue locked her eyes onto her quarry and fired a tracking arrow at the man's right calf. Rue jumped back up and out the sky light.

Quarry's POV The pain of being shot in the calf never subsided, as he limped down the hallway. He flopped into a doorway and closed the door. A series of clicks and clangs signaled the door locking. He felt safe, and almost instantly passed out. A few minutes later that is when he heard it, the sound of his death. A low humming, then a supersonic boom. The room ripped apart in an explosion, a large red arrow impaled the body of Rue's target.

Rue awoke in a pool of sweat, her mattress soaked. She had this dream many times it was her cleanest contract, her own father. She had not been able to use her Crimson arrow since then. Little did she know someone was about to visit her to make her deal about joining a guild.

@Light (Could you have someone come to her?)
Rue jumped up, and stood in front of Grimm in her Pajamas. Rue Splashed Grimm with a cup of water. "So you are real. Well what do you want?" She said disregarding the comment.

"There is a difference. I know you well, you won't do anything. You have no reason to. But we don't know this guy. He has no reason to do something nice to us. If we don't kill this shit now, what might he do. I don't want to take that risk with you." Ent aggressively glared down at Aedus, his eyes flicked from back from Aedus and Isaac. (!) Ent's grip tightened around the boys neck, images of the boy hurting Aedus flashed in his mind. Making his anger grow.

@GingerBread @Cadin shadow lord you there?
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"You're an idiot that's why. Now leave me alone. Don't you hear me?" She began to walk faster.
Silently Draco looked at her then stated, "I hear you I am just stubborn. And I am not an idiot I just don't know how to deal with anyone. Especially unique females like you. I just don't know what to say. Listen I am sorry now could you please forgive me for being stupid? Okay so maybe I am an idiot I want to learn how not to be one and right now no one will teach me."
Arwyn nodded her head at the angelic being's question. "Of course." she said with a sad smile. "Though I do not think I will return. I know that it will no longer be the same as it was 600 years ago and judging by the amount of land my species is destroying, I fear that I will no longer recognize it. It is better to remember it as it was."

She looked at Clyde in alarm when he started to sink into the sands. "What the!?" she said under her breath before extending her hand to help the being up onto the firmer ground.

"I want everything the world can offer! Would you like to take over the world together?" Grimm smiles and raises his arms into the air, confetti flies upward as he does.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Silently Draco looked at her then stated, "I hear you I am just stubborn. And I am not an idiot I just don't know how to deal with anyone. Especially unique females like you. I just don't know what to say. Listen I am sorry now could you please forgive me for being stupid? Okay so maybe I am an idiot I want to learn how not to be one and right now no one will teach me."
Angelica stops and turns around, scowling at him. "Give me one good reason why I should forgive you."

Juju said:
Arwyn nodded her head at the angelic being's question. "Of course." she said with a sad smile. "Though I do not think I will return. I know that it will no longer be the same as it was 600 years ago and judging by the amount of land my species is destroying, I fear that I will no longer recognize it. It is better to remember it as it was."
She looked at Clyde in alarm when he started to sink into the sands. "What the!?" she said under her breath before extending her hand to help the being up onto the firmer ground.

Clyde continues to sink down into the sand. He takes her hand to be lifted up but it seems like whatever force this is began to drag her down as well. It pulls both Arwyn and Clyde down under, dropping them inside a different realm. Syrax was left unharmed since he wasn't touched. They were inside a dark room with a pool of water. There was no one there at the moment. Clyde feels completely normal while the negative aspects like dread and other feelings bombard Arwyn. "This is my home....the Abyssal Realm."
Angelica stops and turns around, scowling at him. "Give me one good reason why I should forgive you."
Softly Draco replied, "I didn't mean to offend you for one and for another I feel bad about offending you." He looked at her gently with his green eyes and blinked. He really was sorry about offending her.
Arwyn's eyes widened in shock as she too was pulled down into the sands. She could hear Syrax's roar and the spray of sand as he lumbered towards where she was sinking, but it all faded in what seemed like a second.

It wasn't the first time that she had been separated from Syrax but something about this place made her feel vulnerable and utterly alone with the absence of her dragonoid companion.

"So this is the Abyssal Realm..." she muttered while crossing her arms across her chest in an almost defensive manner. Something about this place made her very uneasy, as if the realm itself did not want her here. It was no place for mortals.

"Are there any other creatures in this realm besides your kind?" she asked, hoping to ease the anxious wisps growing in her heart.

Juju said:
Arwyn's eyes widened in shock as she too was pulled down into the sands. She could hear Syrax's roar and the spray of sand as he lumbered towards where she was sinking, but it all faded in what seemed like a second.
It wasn't the first time that she had been separated from Syrax but something about this place made her feel vulnerable and utterly alone with the absence of her dragonoid companion.

"So this is the Abyssal Realm..." she muttered while crossing her arms across her chest in an almost defensive manner. Something about this place made her very uneasy, as if the realm itself did not want her here. It was no place for mortals.

"Are there any other creatures in this realm besides your kind?" she asked, hoping to ease the anxious wisps growing in her heart.

"Yes. This is the place in which unknown Species and beings reside. Most beings you'll see here you won't recognize at all. It's rare to see a known creature here." Clyde turns to Arwyn, his body language showing that he's calm. "Even though I say I'm an angel. I'm only referred as one here. Truthfully I'm an unknown species."

"Oh! Clyde my son! Why did you make me pull you out of the mortal realm myself? You've taken far too long to come home." In the pool of water sat a woman, smiling at her son and his guest. "Is she your...human girlfriend? If so my name is Miserae, Clyde's mother. You are?" Miserae was just messing with them, she knew Clyde wasn't into that at the moment. She just wanted to test this girl beside him. Just to see if she were like other mortals.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8a0074e1cafa649acfd40a90bdaa4620.jpg.cb3de34dc679dc399e39fbbc6b92dd67.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114378" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/8a0074e1cafa649acfd40a90bdaa4620.jpg.cb3de34dc679dc399e39fbbc6b92dd67.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

( That's what she looks like except she has the black lines and completely red eyes in this picture to add on to it. )

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-15-21-35-26-1-1.png.3a8550398c93139180b3a332aa5b2a50.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="114379" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/Screenshot_2016-03-15-21-35-26-1-1.png.3a8550398c93139180b3a332aa5b2a50.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lighthouse8477 said:
Softly Draco replied, "I didn't mean to offend you for one and for another I feel bad about offending you." He looked at her gently with his green eyes and blinked. He really was sorry about offending her.
Angelica stops moving and lessens her scowl. "Fine....we can try one more time with introductions. My name is Angelica. You are?"
Softly Draco bowed in respect as he replied, "My name is Draco Angelica." He smiled gently then looked at her.


Angelica stops moving and lessens her scowl. "Fine....we can try one more time with introductions. My name is Angelica. You are?"

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Light said:
( You have no respect for golems do you? #StopGolemAbuse2016 )
When the golem was utterly destroyed the snakes that sank into it burst outwards in an explosion of raw witch mana. It hits all three put of the trio and begins to eat away at their energy supply outside and inside of them. The raw witch mana enters their system and begins to feed directly off of the secondary circulatory system. Something that doesn't even exist to them so they wouldn't be able to stop it. Though since Crimson made a wish to have potentially limitless energy, his body was practically an all you can eat buffet for raw witch mana. Julius was incredibly happy for finding good food. In time they wouldn't be able to anything when it came to powers, only physical attacks at what could be a human level. Morgan kept her sphere of raw witch mana around her for protection as well as a pile of snakes around it, big and small.

Since the trio had their powers eaten away do to the raw witch mana they regrouped with the group. The trio was now placed at a human level. Sadly they didn't bring their weapons, and they didn't have the powers to summon them. They also didn't have their familiars. The trio couldn't do much. Cole looked around to see if there was something they could use as a weapon, so far he didn't see much, but he did see a Vance. A sinister grin grew on his face. He nudges his brothers and gestures towards Vance. Soon sinister grins all grew on their faces. The trio slowly makes their way towards Vance. Since Vance is an assassin, he should always be armed, right??

Inaro taps his shoulder.
Hey Vancey. So we don't have any powers, and we can't summon our weapons, so can you be a doll and share some weapons with us?? He asked innocently, even though he called him doll.

@GingerBread @Light @LokiofSP @CelticSol

Archdemon said:
The insect was even more confused! She groaned in annoyance before she finally did what the human asked off her, even if she has no idea of what the word even means.
"Fine! Please? Please! Please! Please!"

She repeated the unknown word multiple times to get the idea arcross that she needs to know the information the human is withholding from her. Then he began munching on some weird object, it was green and looked absolutely disgusting.

@Embaga Elder
Hakeem smiled as he got the insect woman to do what he wanted. She finally asked nicely, even though she didn't know what it meant. Hakeem throws a gummy bear in his mouth. Okay, insect lady. The truth is, it was my army against yours. Both armies killed each other off. Oh and there was another guy that was here too, but he's dead now so Hakuna Matata.
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Becoming bored Raz teleports to the front of the guild and yells out grimes name."GRIMM,help me please I'm bored."

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Arwyn nodded her head after Clyde had finished his explanation. "I see..." she said while following after him. "I guess it make sense, 'angelic' is sometimes only a point of view."

When they came across a white haired woman with pure red eyes, Arwyn's hand went instinctively to the hilt of her sword, but she rethought this action when she heard the endearing way she was talking about Clyde. Miserae; she had heard Clyde talk about his mother, which also happened to be the realm itself.

"Miserae, It is good to finally meet you." Arwyn said before bowing respectfully. "My name is Arwyn Hartwood, though I am afraid that you misunderstand my relationship with your son, we are merely allies."

She did want to point out that this woman was the one who apparently sent him to kill her, but she decided that it would be rude.


(I also forgot to mention that I loved your story about the golem. We shall use that in our commercials and it shall be the focus of Golem Awareness Day!)
Rue cocks her head slightly, and a smile crosses her face. "Then someone would have to kill me, I guess." She said, walking over to her wardrobe, she began changing. She slipped off her Pj's and her Skivvies. She quickly replaced her Skivvies, and began putting on the rest of her outfit. She turned to a glass container, and opened it, the item inside glinting sharply in the light. Rue grabbed it and twirled it in her hand, spinning around the Grimm. she looked at him and said. "Where can i start?"

Lighthouse8477 said:
Softly Draco bowed in respect as he replied, "My name is Draco Angelica." He smiled gently then looked at her.
"Why are you here Draco?" Angelica crosses her arms over her chest, slightly losing her glare. She lived in the town for peace disguising herself as a human. Other species like dragons rarely show up. She wanted to know why he did.

MTchaos1134 said:
Becoming bored Raz teleports to the front of the guild and yells out grimes name."GRIMM,help me please I'm bored."
Once he says this a meteorite the size of a truck comes speeding his way from the sky.

Juju said:
Arwyn nodded her head after Clyde had finished his explanation. "I see..." she said while following after him. "I guess it make sense, 'angelic' is sometimes only a point of view."
When they came across a white haired woman with pure red eyes, Arwyn's hand went instinctively to the hilt of her sword, but she rethought this action when she heard the endearing way she was talking about Clyde. Miserae; she had heard Clyde talk about his mother, which also happened to be the realm itself.

"Miserae, It is good to finally meet you." Arwyn said before bowing respectfully. "My name is Arwyn Hartwood, though I am afraid that you misunderstand my relationship with your son, we are merely allies."

She did want to point out that this woman was the one who apparently sent him to kill her, but she decided that it would be rude.


(I also forgot to mention that I loved your story about the golem. We shall use that in our commercials and it shall be the focus of Golem Awareness Day!)
( Thank you! )

"Why hello there Arwyn. Has that ally of yours that is my son caused you trouble? Speaking of which. Why aren't you dead? Clyde you couldn't shed a little blood? I've raised you to be too soft didn't I? I'll work on that with my future children. Why can't you be cruel like your olderection brother Grimmavus when it comes to stuff like this? You really want me to get in trouble due to your failure." Miserae shakes her head and grabs the bridge of her nose. She stands up and dusts off her dress. "Oh well. Forget that and follow me." She begins to walk out of this odd garden like room to a door. She opens it, revealing a dark portal. She steps through and once she does she ends up in a dark throne room.

Grimm has a staff appear in both of their hands. Both staff's can make things blow up at random, or shoot bubbles. "We start now!" Grimm snaps his finger and they appear in New York. It was a fake New York on a different planet he made but he wouldn't tell her that yet. "Destroy it all! Claim the world as your own!"
Light said:
"Why are you here Draco?" Angelica crosses her arms over her chest, slightly losing her glare. She lived in the town for peace disguising herself as a human. Other species like dragons rarely show up. She wanted to know why he did.
Once he says this a meteorite the size of a truck comes speeding his way from the sky.

( Thank you! )

"Why hello there Arwyn. Has that ally of yours that is my son caused you trouble? Speaking of which. Why aren't you dead? Clyde you couldn't shed a little blood? I've raised you to be too soft didn't I? I'll work on that with my future children. Why can't you be cruel like your olderection brother Grimmavus when it comes to stuff like this? You really want me to get in trouble due to your failure." Miserae shakes her head and grabs the bridge of her nose. She stands up and dusts off her dress. "Oh well. Forget that and follow me." She begins to walk out of this odd garden like room to a door. She opens it, revealing a dark portal. She steps through and once she does she ends up in a dark throne room.

Grimm has a staff appear in both of their hands. Both staff's can make things blow up at random, or shoot bubbles. "We start now!" Grimm snaps his finger and they appear in New York. It was a fake New York on a different planet he made but he wouldn't tell her that yet. "Destroy it all! Claim the world as your own!"
Raz teleports onto the meteorite and tears out a chunk then flies up into the air,letting the meteorite hit the ground."anything else?or can we party or somthing."

Raz said as he tosses the chunk into his dimension.

"Why are you here Draco?" Angelica crosses her arms over her chest, slightly losing her glare. She lived in the town for peace disguising herself as a human. Other species like dragons rarely show up. She wanted to know why he did.
Softly Draco replied, "Well you see Angelica me and the other dragon needed a place to rest. We had been flying for a while and I needed some sleep so we landed here and the villagers attacked and I tried to prove I wasn't a threat it didn't work to well perhaps I should have changed into a human and knocked the guy out but for some reason you moving away enabled me to change into a human before I couldn't. Anything else you wish to know Angelica?" He kept his voice respectful.
Before she attempted to follow Miserae, Arwyn turned to Clyde. "Don't listen to her... she mistakes mercy for weakness." she said with a stubborn look on her face.

After that the dragon knight stalked off after the woman and entered the dark throne room through the portal. "What is this place?" she asked Miserae while looking around curiously.

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz teleports onto the meteorite and tears out a chunk then flies up into the air,letting the meteorite hit the ground."anything else?or can we party or somthing."
Raz said as he tosses the chunk into his dimension.

The small piece he failed to get rid off expands and hits the bridge. An explosion goes off and it was about to annihilate not only the guild but the entire city.

Lighthouse8477 said:
Softly Draco replied, "Well you see Angelica me and the other dragon needed a place to rest. We had been flying for a while and I needed some sleep so we landed here and the villagers attacked and I tried to prove I wasn't a threat it didn't work to well perhaps I should have changed into a human and knocked the guy out but for some reason you moving away enabled me to change into a human before I couldn't. Anything else you wish to know Angelica?" He kept his voice respectful.
The other dragon seemed to be gone now. Which made his story even more confusing. "I don't see another dragon here."

Juju said:
Before she attempted to follow Miserae, Arwyn turned to Clyde. "Don't listen to her... she mistakes mercy for weakness." she said with a stubborn look on her face.
After that the dragon knight stalked off after the woman and entered the dark throne room through the portal. "What is this place?" she asked Miserae while looking around curiously.

Clyde didn't know what to do, his mother had scolded him but his ally was trying to bring him up. He keeps his distress to himself and walks through the portal.

"Oh this room? Hhhhmmmm....I don't know. I forgot. I haven't been here in years. I do know I have this though."
Miserae goes to the throne and lifts it up, revealing all types of drugs underneath. She begins to light something that wasn't a cigarette up. The smell of a certian trending drug fills the air. Miserae coughs the first few times, only to go at it again. "Man its been a while. I'm about to get fucked up in a second." Miserae looks to Arwyn while exhaling, offering her the blunt. "You are far too serious. Have you tried yoga? Your hobby? Sex? You need some inner chill. You wanna try some?" Miserae offers to Arwyn once more before walking towards the throne again. She pulls out a bag and swiftly stashes it into her pocket. It seemed to have a lot of white powder. "I'm saving this for later. Anyways you make your decision while we wait. He's coming soon."

Clyde turns to Arwyn and whispers. "As you can see my mother does a lot of drugs. It happened after the fall of the realm. I apologize."
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The other dragon seemed to be gone now. Which made his story even more confusing. "I don't see another dragon here."
Looking around Draco asked, "Grimm?" He saw nothing and stated, "That's odd he was here a second ago. Perhaps he needed to go attend something. I am not lying about the other dragon but perhaps my mind invented him it's known to happen to lonely dragons." He smiled gently.

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