Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Sage yelped and stood up. " That hurt like hell. Damn it the world is in chaos . " He muttered before the four goddesses appearedd in front of him and glomped him. " Sage tell the truth , are you a paedophile. " Neptune asked and Sage shook his headd. " No , i'm not I promise. " He said truthfully. Sage noticed Oden before looking around. " How did you get on this private beach. " He asked

Tazmodo said:
Jackson teleported there. "Hey what's going on?" He turned back to normal and sat down.
Jasmine and Derek appeared as well.
"I'm fighting the entire guild to reclaim it. Just waiting to see who'll go first." Isabel stood on the large bridge, a helicopter swinging over to record the event. How they knew this was happening was unknown.
(!) Oden had already been at his own limit, barely able to contain his own excitement for the work of art he was about to make. It was when a child was dropped in front of him, power disabling handcuffs on and everything, that he thanked whatever cruel god was out there. Here was a chance to rid himself of stress, to rid himself of wanting to rush this process! A quick session before his grand works, he looked the child up and down and smiled, "You'll do nicely for now..." He grabbed out a syringe with 2-4 milligrams of Etorphine and jabbed it into Sage's neck, and covered his mouth, waiting for the minute or two the drug would take to work so Sage would pass out...

Light said:
"I'm fighting the entire guild to reclaim it. Just waiting to see who'll go first." Isabel stood on the large bridge, a helicopter swinging over to record the event. How they knew this was happening was unknown.
Jackson didn't like this. "Well sense Ashlyn was the creator of the guild it would be a touchy subject. Why do you care anyway? I thought you didn't like violence or did you change?"
Light said:
Isabel sighs and looks at the group, frowning slightly at Zane's comment. "I plan to take back the guild. I'm going to fight each guild member one by one. Who's first?"
Zane And Inaro looked at each other towards Isabel's statement then shrugs. Even though I enjoy a good fight I know when and when not to fight. I don't have a problem with you here, so I'm out. You probably wanna fight Morpheus or someone else. He popped open a bottle of beer and took a swig.

Hakeem on the other hand was still in shock. It was when he heard the popping of Inaro's bottle when he snapped back to his senses. He runs up and hugs Isabel, with a big smile.
Please allow me into your guild. It's my dream. Hakeem was too excited that he didn't even realize he was already in. @Light

LokiofSP said:
(!) Oden had already been at his own limit, barely able to contain his own excitement for the work of art he was about to make. It was when a child was dropped in front of him, power disabling handcuffs on and everything, that he thanked whatever cruel god was out there. Here was a chance to rid himself of stress, to rid himself of wanting to rush this process! A quick session before his grand works, he looked the child up and down and smiled, "You'll do nicely for now..." He grabbed out a syringe with 2-4 milligrams of Etorphine and jabbed it into Sage's neck, and covered his mouth, waiting for the minute or two the drug would take to work so Sage would pass out...

Sage fell backwards but Neptune caught him and turned into goddesses form along with the other goddesses. Neptune flew up into the air still holding a knocked out Sage before teleporting to Planeptune while the other goddesses glared down at Oden.
Tazmodo said:
Jackson didn't like this. "Well sense Ashlyn was the creator of the guild it would be a touchy subject. Why do you care anyway? I thought you didn't like violence or did you change?"

Isabel smiles and hugs Hakeem. "You're already in the guild." She continues to hug him as if he were her own child. She looks up at Jackson, Inaro, and Zane. "I'm going to ignore your extremely ignorant comment. Jackson you've always ran your mouth in such a stupid manner, makes me regret kissing you that one time. When I created this guild it wasn't meant to be like this. Whatever happened in my absence definitely isn't the way Dragon's Roar was dreamed up." Isabel looks at Inaro, a scowl forming as she does. "I expect that Zedd and Crimson have been upholding our promise. He's been visiting my kids Emily, Red, and Blue right?" Isabel closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. "Look. Whether you like it or not and as rudely as you disregard me, this is a guild challenge. You'll have to accept. So as I've said before. Who's first?" Isabel's fanblade appears in it's sheath. A sniper rifle appears strapped to her back and her crossbow gauntlet appears on her left arm.
GingerBread said:
"Thanks" Vance took the painkillers from the brown haired girl. He put the bottle of painkillers to his lips and swallowed 10 of them. "It's funny how that drink did more to me than people who wanted to kill me" Vance chuckled dryly before wincing in pain and putting a hand to his forehead. "Anyway, I still owe you girls something for the alcohol and taking care of me, So anything you want from me. I'll do it. If it's within my limits, I can't give you Zeus lighting bolt or something" Vance shrugged as the painkillers started to slowly take effect.
"N-no. It's fine! Are you okay?"
Oden's smile only grew once he realized that Sage would actually be a bit of a challenge! All thoughts of the children on the beach left his mind, his mind racing as he snapped his fingers a red glow flashing under his clothing as he called out, "Illyana! Take care of them!" Acting with no will of her own, only a flash of a black coat was seen and a trigger was pulled s a bullet hit Neptune's arm. Sage began to fall and Oden caught him, smiling and throwing down a magic powder that wouldn't allow him to be tracked...

Then he was gone...

(!) When Sage awoke, there would once again be a sharp pain in his neck as Oden injected the antidote. When he opened his eyes Oden would be leaning in a chair, facing him as Sage himself was tied to a wall, his cuffs still on. Oden smiled,
"Hey there buddy...You ready to have some fun, because I am..."

Hakeem turned his head towards Vance as he was still hugging Isabel. He released her and turned his full body towards him. Vaannccee. He was yet again speakless. Vance was one of his favorite guild members. When he asked for a weapon. He reached behind him grabbing his wooden sword. You're so awesome. Please use my sword. He held it out towards Vance.

Inaro looked at the scowling Isabel and smiles.
Of course Zedd and Crimson are keeping their promises. They'll be visiting the kids soon. But I'll fight you after Vance does, if it'll make you happy to beat our assess. This will be the first L I take within the guild. @GingerBread @Light
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LokiofSP said:
Oden's smile only grew once he realized that Sage would actually be a bit of a challenge! All thoughts of the children on the beach left his mind, his mind racing as he snapped his fingers a red glow flashing under his clothing as he called out, "Illyana! Take care of them!" Acting with no will of her own, only a flash of a black coat was seen and a trigger was pulled s a bullet hit Neptune's arm. Sage began to fall and Oden caught him, smiling and throwing down a magic powder that wouldn't allow him to be tracked...
Then he was gone...

(!) When Sage awoke, there would once again be a sharp pain in his neck as Oden injected the antidote. When he opened his eyes Oden would be leaning in a chair, facing him as Sage himself was tied to a wall, his cuffs still on. Oden smiled,
"Hey there buddy...You ready to have some fun, because I am..."

Sage's eyes opened slowly. " Where am I , who are you. " Sage muttered as he regained his bearings. Sage looked around before glaring at Oren. " Normally I would actually like these kinds of things but I don't particularly like you and my body has been deaged so I know this is going to be sexual in anyway unless your a paedophile. Now I'm a little scared for myself , please don't tell you are a paedophile. " Sage muttered but Oden could hear.

" So anyway , tell where is this and is there any reason you have kidnapped me. " Sage asked as he squirmed and he noticed the handcuffs. " If you are planning to kill me , can't we strike a deal or something. I could make a great slave or butler. " Sage said as he got carried away in thought.
Receiving the distress signal,Raz teleported to the guild."Let's make this quick I accidentally made somthing like a black hole at the beach."He looked at Isabel."so you want to rule the guild?sure that's fine I dress,but I don't know why you would have to fight us,and when you do become ruler.you should make some changes,and stock up on candy."
(!) Oden shook his head and continued smiling, Illyana in the corner with her hat over her eyes, not wanting to see the scene. Oden walked up to Sage, his hand behind his back. He brushed Sage's hair from his eyes before jabbing another syringe full of Modafinil in his neck, keeping him awake without making him stronger. It would keep him awake NO MATTER WHAT! He then unsheathed his ice pick, revealing a knife. He then plunged it into Sage's stomach and shushed him, "Sh...Sh... It's okay...We're gonna have LOTS of fun, okay?!"

Sage bit his lip to keep from screaming out in pain and dare he admit it pleasure. " You sicko , this isn't fun in the least. " Sage gasped out. After a few seconds he calmed down. " You are a terrible person you know that. " Sage said as he contemplated going to the star statue but decided against it for now. " So this is what you call fun you must have some serious issues if you think torturing children is fun. " Sage said before he cast his gaze onto Illyana. " J thought you were a nice person , I thought you were kind but your as much of a monster as him. " He said jerking his head in Oden's direction. " When are you going to kill me? " He asked.
(!) Oden chuckled once, before breaking out into mad laughter as he pushed his knife over Sage's stomach, sudden jerking motions stopping one moment and continuing the next. By the time he reached the end of his stomach, his innards were spilling out onto the floor. He slapped Sage's cheek, "Come on, stay awake for this part! This is were the art gets GOOD! COME ON!!!!" Illyana went to say something, a sorry more than likely, tears began to well up in his eyes but Oden yelled, "STAY OUT OF IT ILLYANA!" And she had to...

He began to string up Sage's insides on the wall behind him, pinning it in in various places before stepping back, once he did, Oden smiled, wide eyed as if he was looking at something beautiful. Strung up on the wall, Sage's intestines had spelled out,

LokiofSP said:
(!) Oden chuckled once, before breaking out into mad laughter as he pushed his knife over Sage's stomach, sudden jerking motions stopping one moment and continuing the next. By the time he reached the end of his stomach, his innards were spilling out onto the floor. He slapped Sage's cheek, "Come on, stay awake for this part! This is were the art gets GOOD! COME ON!!!!" Illyana went to say something, a sorry more than likely, tears began to well up in his eyes but Oden yelled, "STAY OUT OF IT ILLYANA!" And she had to...
He began to string up Sage's insides on the wall behind him, pinning it in in various places before stepping back, once he did, Oden smiled, wide eyed as if he was looking at something beautiful. Strung up on the wall, Sage's intestines had spelled out,

Sage vision was turning blurry. Sage looked up at Oden's face and glared , his dark blue eyes staring into the man's soul. " You are a disgusting creature who should be allowed to walk the planet. " Sage growled out as waves of killer intent radiated off him and surrounded Oden making the man feel as if he was being choked. Sage's cold gaze set on Illyana. " You who is obiviously stronger than this disgusting creature takes orders from. Do you have no pride in your self , you obiviously don't want this happen but let you let it happen. " Sage said angrily as he glared at her and the killer intent surroaded the girl as well. The force of the killer intent was enough to knock Oden out cold. Sage looked down at Oren before turning to Illyana . " Kill him , do it. Do you really want to be controlled by him. I can see you are a kind person so fight back. " Sage said as his piercing eyes held kindness.
LokiofSP said:
(!) Oden chuckled once, before breaking out into mad laughter as he pushed his knife over Sage's stomach, sudden jerking motions stopping one moment and continuing the next. By the time he reached the end of his stomach, his innards were spilling out onto the floor. He slapped Sage's cheek, "Come on, stay awake for this part! This is were the art gets GOOD! COME ON!!!!" Illyana went to say something, a sorry more than likely, tears began to well up in his eyes but Oden yelled, "STAY OUT OF IT ILLYANA!" And she had to...
He began to string up Sage's insides on the wall behind him, pinning it in in various places before stepping back, once he did, Oden smiled, wide eyed as if he was looking at something beautiful. Strung up on the wall, Sage's intestines had spelled out,

Sage's eyes were getting blurry but with the last bit of his strength he glared up at Oden. " I may not kill you , no one will avenge me. But I can tell you this , you will pay everything you have done. " Sage said before he turned to Illyana. " Don't allow him to control you anymore , I know you are a good person. A person like shouldn't follow what a monster like says. You may not know me and I don't know you but do me a favour and leave this guy. " Sage said weakly as his bright blue eyes slowly started to dim and his breath became shallow. All the good memories he had with his family and friends flashed in his head. " I'm so sorry. " He said as images of Diana , Terrence, Sarah , Kotori and the goddesses flashed in his head until finally Vance appeared. " Goodbye , I wish I could say goodbye in person. I love you all. " He muttered as a tear rolled down his cheek. This eyes completely lost THIER colour and his breathing stopped as the tear hit the floor. A light appeared in front of Illyana before it revealed a purple gem, it was Sage's CPU memory.

@GingerBread @Light
djinnamon said:
Sage's eyes were getting blurry but with the last bit of his strength he glared up at Oden. " I may not kill you , no one will avenge me. But I can tell you this , you will pay everything you have done. " Sage said before he turned to Illyana. " Don't allow him to control you anymore , I know you are a good person. A person like shouldn't follow what a monster like says. You may not know me and I don't know you but do me a favour and leave this guy. " Sage said weakly as his bright blue eyes slowly started to dim and his breath became shallow. All the good memories he had with his family and friends flashed in his head. " I'm so sorry. " He said as images of Diana , Terrence, Sarah , Kotori and the goddesses flashed in his head until finally Vance appeared. " Goodbye , I wish I could say goodbye in person. I love you all. " He muttered as a tear rolled down his cheek. This eyes completely lost THIER colour and his breathing stopped as the tear hit the floor. A light appeared in front of Illyana before it revealed a purple gem, it was Sage's CPU memory.
@GingerBread @Light
Raz heard the voice of vengance,he immediately used his guild tatto to teleport over with two shadow figures."I heard someone call for vengance,or at least a form of it."and with that he destroyed nearby lights,making his shadow figures stronger,and Raz could now do as he pleased with the darkness."who called?"
Sage's dead body almost called for attention , it was obvious his death was gruesome.

MTchaos1134 said:
Raz heard the voice of vengance,he immediately used his guild tatto to teleport over with two shadow figures."I heard someone call for vengance,or at least a form of it."and with that he destroyed nearby lights,making his shadow figures stronger,and Raz could now do as he pleased with the darkness."who called?"
djinnamon said:
Sage's dead body almost called for attention , it was obvious his death was gruesome.
Raz looks at the corpse."ah I see."he looks at the killer."Why did you even do this anyways?"he said as he then saw the child killer on the wall.by now he had four more shadow figures around him.
GingerBread said:
(You know the reapers will Kill Sage anyway right? Also how did they know where he was? )
Vance heard the distress signal and stood up, gripping his head. "Of course I'm fine, but I do still owe you, I am a man of my word. Well ladies, I've got to go. Guild sounds like it's falling apart without me. If you decide what you want from me, you know where to find me. At the guild"

Vance touched his guild symbol and teleported to Isabel. "So you want a fight? I'll go first since these chucklefucks are probably too scared, I mean I'll have no chance of beating you anyway. But I do like a good fight, and I've wanted a rematch against Alice and Ashlyn for a while. But this is probably the best I'm going to get isn't it" Vance smirked at Isabel. "Well bring it on Isabel, though before we do fight. Can I borrow a weapon? Like a dagger of some sort"
@GingerBread[/URL] @Light
Isabel summons a dagger for Vance. "Alright. No powers, just weapons." Isabel turns to Fola and smiles, kissing his cheek as she does so. She shifts to his ear and whispers. "Keep an eye out for me okay?" Isabel leans away and smiles, turning back to Vance. She raises her left arm and fires an arrow from her crossbow brace.
Light said:
Isabel summons a dagger for Vance. "Alright. No powers, just weapons." Isabel turns to Fola and smiles, kissing his cheek as she does so. She shifts to his ear and whispers. "Keep an eye out for me okay?" Isabel leans away and smiles, turning back to Vance. She raises her left arm and fires an arrow from her crossbow brace.
Vance picked up the dagger and held it up to cut the crossbow bolt in twine but only managed to get the bolt to clink off his dagger. "Why does cool stuff never work for me? I try and it never works, this is some bullshit" Vance sighed before running towards Isabel with his dagger raised to about chest hight, so that he would be able to defect anymore crossbow bolts; Vance made sure to keep an eye on the crossbow brace.

@LokiofSP @Light
GingerBread said:
Vance picked up the dagger and held it up to cut the crossbow bolt in twine but only managed to get the bolt to clink off his dagger. "Why does cool stuff never work for me? I try and it never works, this is some bullshit" Vance sighed before running towards Isabel with his dagger raised to about chest hight, so that he would be able to defect anymore crossbow bolts; Vance made sure to keep an eye on the crossbow brace.
@LokiofSP @Light
Isabel takes out her fanblade and spins, missing her strike. Her fanblade opens, the blades deflecting the dagger as she makes a full rotation, pointing the crossbow at him and firing at his pants to pin him down.

Oden watches as Illyana extends a hand to the CD, he simply sighs, "Don't do it, blood lust is gone and I don't trust whatever this guy had..." He cleans up his tools and takes a picture of his work before pouring solution over Sage's body, making it slowly dissolve... He walked away and to the door, "Alright, come then Illyana we have work to d-" He pauses when he see's across the street, a new report...Dragon's Roar, that was were it was this entire time? What shite...He began to walk...

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