Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
GingerBread said:
Colin froze when Anna slapped him, unsure of how to react. Colin's expression stayed blank until he was pushed onto the ground whereupon everything that had happened finally finished processing in his head. He burst into tears and curled up into the fetal position; Each of Anna's words hurt more than all the pain he had gone through in his life combined. "I-I-I-I'm S-s-sorry. I-I-I-I-" Colin tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths but all he could manage was short shaky erratic breaths. "I-I-I sh-shouldn't h-have d-done i-it. B-b-but I-I-I w-wanted t-to a-ap-apologise. I-I-I c-can ch-change y-you b-back. I-I-I just wanted t-to pre-pretend I-I-I h-had a g-good ch-childhood. I-I-I kn-know i-it w-was s-selfish. I-I-I'm S-s-sorry" Colin's voice had become whisper as he felt worse and worse.
Annalyse stood there staring at him angrily. Part of her wanted to stomp his face in. Part of her want to hold him. Being unable to decide, she just stared at him silently. But finally that love within her broke her hold. Fine.

She walked away and sat back in the corner, huddling herself closely
Sage was practicing in a park. He was half way through the dance before he noticed people had gathered around and were looking at him. Whispers of ' He looks so similar to Sage Altair' , ' Are they related' and ' Maybe the kid is his son cause I'm pretty sure Sage said he was a only child in a interview' filled the park. Sage gapped as people approached him causing him to back up in fear. Sage instantly stomped his foot on the ground and a large wall of ice appeared between him and the people before he began running as rumours spread that Sage had child and the mother was unknown.

Sage stopped in a alley and panted heavily. ' This is bad , this is really bad.' He repeated in his head.

@Light @anyone
DizjayDeathPride said:
. Fine.
She walked away and sat back in the corner, huddling herself closely

Colin tried to get his breath under control once again but only managed to make a minor difference. He stood up and had his staff appear in his hand; Colin found his staff hard to hold as it now towered over him, he ended up dropping it onto the floor, causing it to roll near Anna. He gingerly walked closer to Anna and picked the staff back up and tried to hold it without it falling out of his grip.

Colin held the staff up the best he could and gingerly placed a hand on Anna's arm, choosing to transmit the signal via touch instead of waves as he assumed it would be easier. Colin started making Anna older, making her age up to 26 as quickly as he could so that she would be less mad at him for touching her.
djinnamon said:
Sage was practicing in a park. He was half way through the dance before he noticed people had gathered around and were looking at him. Whispers of ' He looks so similar to Sage Altair' , ' Are they related' and ' Maybe the kid is his son cause I'm pretty sure Sage said he was a only child in a interview' filled the park. Sage gapped as people approached him causing him to back up in fear. Sage instantly stomped his foot on the ground and a large wall of ice appeared between him and the people before he began running as rumours spread that Sage had child and the mother was unknown.
Sage stopped in a alley and panted heavily. ' This is bad , this is really bad.' He repeated in his head.

@Light @anyone
Police officers arrive at the scene and raise their guns. "Put the child down now!"
LokiofSP said:
Jayn puffed out her cheeks and shrugged, "I don't get the big deal, just trying to relive my childhood a bit here. Other kids threw rocks at me ALL the time when I was six, it's a normal thing to do...I think... Anyways, it's nothing to throw us out of the beach for, it's just a game!"
(@Daimao )

"I grew up in a mafia. We broke the bones of people who threw rocks at us," Jackie comments, leaning her elbow on her knee and resting her head on her hand, her other arm wrapped loosely around Alpha's neck so she doesn't fall as she looks down at Jayn, her face almost expressionless, "And again, this is my fucking house. You don't throw rocks or attempt to have a fight with the host if you don't want to be kicked out. If you want to relieve your childhood, fine, but you're doing it somewhere else."
GingerBread said:
Vance kept moving around and ended up rolling off of the couch and hitting the floor. His eyes started to groggily open up and he found himself staring at the ceiling. "Holy crap my head hurts" Vance rolled onto his stomach and tried to push himself up, but as he was still slightly dizzy, he ended up falling back down onto the floor.
The girl with the brown hair gasps and steps over to him. "Vance! Are you alright?!"

CelticSol said:
(@Daimao )
"I grew up in a mafia. We broke the bones of people who threw rocks at us," Jackie comments, leaning her elbow on her knee and resting her head on her hand, her other arm wrapped loosely around Alpha's neck so she doesn't fall as she looks down at Jayn, her face almost expressionless, "And again, this is my fucking house. You don't throw rocks or attempt to have a fight with the host if you don't want to be kicked out. If you want to relieve your childhood, fine, but you're doing it somewhere else."
( @LokiofSP )

Roman freezes Jayn's sense of time and begins to build a sand castle around Jayn. Once he was finished, he unfreeze her sense of time. Five minutes of Alpha and Jackie watching Roman do this in his reaper form had passed.
Light said:
Roman freezes Jayn's sense of time and begins to build a sand castle around Jayn. Once he was finished, he unfreeze her sense of time. Five minutes of Alpha and Jackie watching Roman do this in his reaper form had passed.
Jackie squints at Roman, her expression the perfect definition of 'why? why would you do that?'.
Light said:
Police officers arrive at the scene and raise their guns. "Put the child down now!"
Sage screamed and froze the police officers. Sage hid in the corner of the alley and hugged his himself. " I hate this , I hate being ten again. " He said
Light said:
The girl with the brown hair gasps and steps over to him. "Vance! Are you alright?!"
Vance winced when the brown girl spoke. "Not so loud, everything is awful right now. I didn't think about the hangover I would have because of this crap. Do you have any painkillers. or something"
Raz opened one of Jo's candies then a gust of wind took his candy.he looks up and it was his portal that took it.the portal has gotten slightly bigger and is brining more things into his dimension."Oh shit!"Raz said as he quickly got up and took some steps back as he looked at the unstable portal.

CelticSol said:
Jackie squints at Roman, her expression the perfect definition of 'why? why would you do that?'.
( @LokiofSP )

Roman shrugs his shoulders and freezes both hers and Alpha's sense of time as well. To them Jackie suddenly has a sand trident, a castle behind her with a flag, and an army of sand reapers behind her at her command. The same appeared with Jayn. "I don't know....Just being childish. Capture the flag, sand wars?"

djinnamon said:
Sage screamed and froze the police officers. Sage hid in the corner of the alley and hugged his himself. " I hate this , I hate being ten again. " He said
The officers ended up dying, all 9 of them. They didn't have the secondary circulatory system to keep them alive. Sage was not only a pedophile, he was also a child abductor and a police murderer. Civilians began to run, all of Sage's fans hated him and everyone wanted him in prison. The majority of those people wanted him to face execution. Sage was no longer labeled as a good Dragon's Roar member. He was labeled as a demon. Demons took offense to this and wanted to kill Sage as well since they were categorized with him.

GingerBread said:
Vance winced when the brown girl spoke. "Not so loud, everything is awful right now. I didn't think about the hangover I would have because of this crap. Do you have any painkillers. or something"
The girl with the brown hair already had them ready in case he woke up and asked. There were about 32 in there. She hands it to Vance as silently as possible.

( @LokiofSP )

Isabel was laying beside Fola on a summoned large rose petal. She smiles at him and kisses him, standing up afterwards. "Alright! Time to get to my other responsibilities." She begins to put new clothes on. Isabel looks back at her mate and smiles. "It was....unexpected. I didn't see that skill coming...it was extremely alarming. Sorry if I got a bit....wild." She gives him an apologetic smile as she finishes dressing. "Wow...I can't believe we did this on an erupting volcanic mountain." Isabel glances at the lava flow that's no more than 18 feet away from them. "Are you okay Fola? You look a bit...soulless." Isabel has clothes for Fola appear. "Get dressed, I'm reclaiming the guild." Isabella's eyes drift towards something she was previously interacting with. She turns around to resist temptation. She takes a few awkward limps, getting used to walking after the event she just went through. "Make haste, Póir."

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/356f13237c3eec1c4a185ba4fc66ac0b.jpg.b75819fd80f609e1eb8770218ca41a7b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/356f13237c3eec1c4a185ba4fc66ac0b.jpg.b75819fd80f609e1eb8770218ca41a7b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jerry then thought for a bit and so he decided "Sure, I will join your guild", as Jerry continued to watch over the sunset, he had a flash vision of war and destruction, though he just ignored it and thought of it as telepathy being used by a random person. @Embaga Elder
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Light said:
The girl with the brown hair already had them ready in case he woke up and asked. There were about 32 in there. She hands it to Vance as silently as possible.
"Thanks" Vance took the painkillers from the brown haired girl. He put the bottle of painkillers to his lips and swallowed 10 of them. "It's funny how that drink did more to me than people who wanted to kill me" Vance chuckled dryly before wincing in pain and putting a hand to his forehead. "Anyway, I still owe you girls something for the alcohol and taking care of me, So anything you want from me. I'll do it. If it's within my limits, I can't give you Zeus lighting bolt or something" Vance shrugged as the painkillers started to slowly take effect.
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Light said:
( @LokiofSP )
Roman shrugs his shoulders and freezes both hers and Alpha's sense of time as well. To them Jackie suddenly has a sand trident, a castle behind her with a flag, and an army of sand reapers behind her at her command. The same appeared with Jayn. "I don't know....Just being childish. Capture the flag, sand wars?"

The officers ended up dying, all 9 of them. They didn't have the secondary circulatory system to keep them alive. Sage was not only a pedophile, he was also a child abductor and a police murderer. Civilians began to run, all of Sage's fans hated him and everyone wanted him in prison. The majority of those people wanted him to face execution. Sage was no longer labeled as a good Dragon's Roar member. He was labeled as a demon. Demons took offense to this and wanted to kill Sage as well since they were categorized with him.

The girl with the brown hair already had them ready in case he woke up and asked. There were about 32 in there. She hands it to Vance as silently as possible.

( @LokiofSP )

Isabel was laying beside Fola on a summoned large rose petal. She smiles at him and kisses him, standing up afterwards. "Alright! Time to get to my other responsibilities." She begins to put new clothes on. Isabel looks back at her mate and smiles. "It was....unexpected. I didn't see that skill coming...it was extremely alarming. Sorry if I got a bit....wild." She gives him an apologetic smile as she finishes dressing. "Wow...I can't believe we did this on an erupting volcanic mountain." Isabel glances at the lava flow that's no more than 18 feet away from them. "Are you okay Fola? You look a bit...soulless." Isabel has clothes for Fola appear. "Get dressed, I'm reclaiming the guild." Isabella's eyes drift towards something she was previously interacting with. She turns around to resist temptation. She takes a few awkward limps, getting used to walking after the event she just went through. "Make haste, Póir."

View attachment 244611
Sage decided to hold a press conference. Sage sat on the stage as his employers sat next to him. Sage looked St the raging people who were mad at him for killing police officers. " For those of you who are wondering why a 'child' is here , its because one of my guildmates turned me into a child. " Sage said as he glared out at the majority of the press. " Ok , lets start rebuking some statements. First off people , I'm not a paedophile and I never will be. I was never sexually involved with a child and for all you who say I am where is your evidence. You don't have any , you decided to listen to someone who had no evidence of such and decided to come after me. Second , me having a son. I can safely say I don't have a son considering the fact I'm a homosexual who has never had contact with a woman as you all can clearly see I'm actually Sage. Third , me killing police officers. Those polices officers came after someone they thought was a child and were aiming guns at me. I at the moment are weaker than I was before because I have deaged, I was scared out of my mind when they pointed their guns at me so I accidentally froze them. " Sage said sadly before he stood up. " I'm very sorry. " He said as he bowed down and bit his lip shocking all of the press and the people watching the broadcast. " I was scared out of mind and I felt weak so my body worked faster than my mind and froze them so I could save my self. For that I'm so sorry , I left children with fathers and wives without husbands. " He gasped out. The vast majority of the population was moved. The a little more than black community on the other hand turned on the police for not thinking before raising THIER guns and was angry at Sage for appogizing when he was trying to protect himself. Fans began to like Sage again but the damage was done. 85% of AOA'a fans didn't like them anymore.
djinnamon said:
Sage decided to hold a press conference. Sage sat on the stage as his employers sat next to him. Sage looked St the raging people who were mad at him for killing police officers. " For those of you who are wondering why a 'child' is here , its because one of my guildmates turned me into a child. " Sage said as he glared out at the majority of the press. " Ok , lets start rebuking some statements. First off people , I'm not a paedophile and I never will be. I was never sexually involved with a child and for all you who say I am where is your evidence. You don't have any , you decided to listen to someone who had no evidence of such and decided to come after me. Second , me having a son. I can safely say I don't have a son considering the fact I'm a homosexual who has never had contact with a woman as you all can clearly see I'm actually Sage. Third , me killing police officers. Those polices officers came after someone they thought was a child and were aiming guns at me. I at the moment are weaker than I was before because I have deaged, I was scared out of my mind when they pointed their guns at me so I accidentally froze them. " Sage said sadly before he stood up. " I'm very sorry. " He said as he bowed down and bit his lip shocking all of the press and the people watching the broadcast. " I was scared out of mind and I felt weak so my body worked faster than my mind and froze them so I could save my self. For that I'm so sorry , I left children with fathers and wives without husbands. " He gasped out. The vast majority of the population was moved. The a little more than black community on the other hand turned on the police for not thinking before raising THIER guns and was angry at Sage for appogizing when he was trying to protect himself. Fans began to like Sage again but the damage was done. 85% of AOA'a fans didn't like them anymore.
( In this case the people are under my control in terms of reaction. Though if you want to control them so badly.... )

The judge looks at the video evidence of Sage touching both Vance as a child sexually and the young boy at the park. He also watched how easily Sage killed the officers in the video, finding it hard to believe that Sage was 'weak'. The judge sentences Sage life in prison which enraged the African Americans even further. Causing mass riots and carnage all over America. It was another civil war, all because of Sage many people will die and America would never be the same again. Sage was taken to a power nullifying prison and was locked away. From this day forward, America would be drowning in blood.

( Welcome to America. )
Alright hmm. Zane starts rubbing his chin. Who to send you to? Actually I know just the guy. He looks up and yells. Inaro!! We got a knew one. A couple of minutes later a clone of Inaro appears with a beer bottle in his left hand. Alright who's the person that wants to join this wonderful guild? He asked as he looked at the ocean. @ShadowEntity
Korea's government was extremely angered by this and called for the government to release Sage while. Neptune , Blanc , Vert and Noire cut all connections with America. " You have managed to piss off four Goddesses. " The voice rained over America.

Light said:
( In this case the people are under my control in terms of reaction. Though if you want to control them so badly.... )
The judge looks at the video evidence of Sage touching both Vance as a child sexually and the young boy at the park. He also watched how easily Sage killed the officers in the video, finding it hard to believe that Sage was 'weak'. The judge sentences Sage life in prison which enraged the African Americans even further. Causing mass riots and carnage all over America. It was another civil war, all because of Sage many people will die and America would never be the same again. Sage was taken to a power nullifying prison and was locked away. From this day forward, America would be drowning in blood.

( Welcome to America. )
djinnamon said:
Korea's government was extremely angered by this and called for the government to release Sage while. Neptune , Blanc , Vert and Noire cut all connections with America. " You have managed to piss off four Goddesses. " The voice rained over America.
When Raz heard the voice,it surprised him even more,he had to deal with his no black hole like portal and four angry goddesses.raz teleported himself into a secret millatary base."guys before you do anything,do you know how to fix a black hole like portal?"

Jayn gasped as the castle was built, jumping up on a rail and blowing a raspberry at Jackie and Alpha, "Stay there fools! I'm the queen of THIS castle foolish fools who are very foolish!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol


Fola simply looked at the sky for a few moments, completely dazed and drained from the whole ordeal. The world spun and his legs shook, he only came to when Isabel kissed him, even then he was still slightly out of it, not answering any of her questions until clothes fell into his arms, he raised a brow, "So quickly? I mean, it's your choice, but that's a very sudden decision, but I suppose it's up to you..." He stood up on his own two unsteady legs and began to get dressed himself, keeping Isabel's hat for...Reasons. He paused to attempt to hold in a laugh at her name for him, "Póir? That's fucking precious, Bell. I love it!"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/SkypePhoto_20160302_190917.jpg.5e78611bcff9fb0ed0fc289c55b6a2e6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/SkypePhoto_20160302_190917.jpg.5e78611bcff9fb0ed0fc289c55b6a2e6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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djinnamon said:
Korea's government was extremely angered by this and called for the government to release Sage while. Neptune , Blanc , Vert and Noire cut all connections with America. " You have managed to piss off four Goddesses. " The voice rained over America.

( ! ) The American government refused to let Sage go. America only uses 4,234/8,848 of its tanks against all 2,381 of South Korea's tanks. These tanks were brought over to South Korea by 5,739 of America's Transport Aircrafts. Wiping them out. 1,451 of South Korea's total aircrafts were completely wiped out by only 5,687/13,444 of America's total aircrafts. America only uses 400,000 of their active front line personnel out of 1,400,000 of its active front line personnel with the addition of 20 out of 75 of its submarines. America ends up destroying South Korea's only aircraft carrier. South Korea only had 625,000 active front line personnel over all and 15 submarines over all. They had South Korea blocked off from the coast and we're pushing the country and its forces back into North Korea.

( So I'm going to help you out because I feel bad. You can have South Korea retreat into North Korea and cause conflict, which wild allow me to sandwich South Korea as North Korea helps me obliterate them. Then North Korea runs up to is ally China. Only for America to back off since China is #3, which would get worse if Russia #2 jumped in. Though in the end of that A part of Korea was still completely wiped out. Or North Korea and South Korea fight together while you unavoidably retreat and still lose. Though that's unless China storms in to assist you. Though by the time China comes in America would ha e easily finished Korea off and could handle China. I'm just worried about Russia coming in with China. Though I'm sure Russia doesn't give two shits about their affairs other than trade, stocks, and other things. Hopefully I'm right @Daimao so Djinn. The reason why I say retreat all the time is became if you don't you'll be annihilated much faster. What I did were just warning shots. Oooorr you can just let Sage stay arrested and let Korea give up so I don't have to slaughter them all. Either way you look at it I still win. So make your choice. :D Also if you even think about attacking America that's thinning out your troops too much uselessly. Since America has the strongest Navy in the world guarding the country, you'd just approach it and get blasted down. That would be killing off your people uselessly to the point in which there will be no one left to defend South Korea. Have fun with your choice my friend. Just give up, it's that simple. )

LokiofSP said:
Jayn gasped as the castle was built, jumping up on a rail and blowing a raspberry at Jackie and Alpha, "Stay there fools! I'm the queen of THIS castle foolish fools who are very foolish!"

@Light @Daimao @CelticSol


Fola simply looked at the sky for a few moments, completely dazed and drained from the whole ordeal. The world spun and his legs shook, he only came to when Isabel kissed him, even then he was still slightly out of it, not answering any of her questions until clothes fell into his arms, he raised a brow, "So quickly? I mean, it's your choice, but that's a very sudden decision, but I suppose it's up to you..." He stood up on his own two unsteady legs and began to get dressed himself, keeping Isabel's hat for...Reasons. He paused to attempt to hold in a laugh at her name for him, "Póir? That's fucking precious, Bell. I love it!"

View attachment 244634

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @ShadowEntity )

Isabel awkwardly walks over and hugs him. "Yes, It's my name for you." Isabel appears before the guild building with Fola. "This time I'm ready...." Isabel calls all guild members to the guild building, letting out the distress signal. "Now we wait." Once they accept the distress signal they would no longer be 10 when they appear. Isabel stood waiting, holding Fola's hand.

( Just use the guild symbol to teleport there. @GingerBread take that as the reply for Vance. )
The clone of Inaro, and Zane hears Isabel's call. Inaro grabs Jerry and teleports to the guild. While Zane teleports to Hakeem, grabbing him and taking him back to the guild.

Inaro when he grabbed Jerry he gave him the guild symbol giving him the title of an official dragon roar member. When Zane and Hakeem appeared the Inaro clone tabbed his left shoulder taking him out. When Inaro tabbed Hakeem the guild symbol appeared on him too. Hakeem's symbol took the form of a cross swords symbol.

Hakeem after getting tabbed he looked and saw Isabel and Fola. Yet again the kid became very excited and stood there speechless. Zane shook his head. Here we go again. @Light @ShadowEntity @everyone else at the guild
Light said:
( ! ) The American government refused to let Sage go. America only uses 4,234/8,848 of its tanks against all 2,381 of South Korea's tanks. These tanks were brought over to South Korea by 5,739 of America's Transport Aircrafts. Wiping them out. 1,451 of South Korea's total aircrafts were completely wiped out by only 5,687/13,444 of America's total aircrafts. America only uses 400,000 of their active front line personnel out of 1,400,000 of its active front line personnel with the addition of 20 out of 75 of its submarines. America ends up destroying South Korea's only aircraft carrier. South Korea only had 625,000 active front line personnel over all and 15 submarines over all. They had South Korea blocked off from the coast and we're pushing the country and its forces back into North Korea.

( So I'm going to help you out because I feel bad. You can have South Korea retreat into North Korea and cause conflict, which wild allow me to sandwich South Korea as North Korea helps me obliterate them. Then North Korea runs up to is ally China. Only for America to back off since China is #3, which would get worse if Russia #2 jumped in. Though in the end of that A part of Korea was still completely wiped out. Or North Korea and South Korea fight together while you unavoidably retreat and still lose. Though that's unless China storms in to assist you. Though by the time China comes in America would ha e easily finished Korea off and could handle China. I'm just worried about Russia coming in with China. Though I'm sure Russia doesn't give two shits about their affairs other than trade, stocks, and other things. Hopefully I'm right @Daimao so Djinn. The reason why I say retreat all the time is became if you don't you'll be annihilated much faster. What I did were just warning shots. Oooorr you can just let Sage stay arrested and let Korea give up so I don't have to slaughter them all. Either way you look at it I still win. So make your choice. :D Also if you even think about attacking America that's thinning out your troops too much uselessly. Since America has the strongest Navy in the world guarding the country, you'd just approach it and get blasted down. That would be killing off your people uselessly to the point in which there will be no one left to defend South Korea. Have fun with your choice my friend. Just give up, it's that simple. )

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @ShadowEntity )

Isabel awkwardly walks over and hugs him. "Yes, It's my name for you." Isabel appears before the guild building with Fola. "This time I'm ready...." Isabel calls all guild members to the guild building, letting out the distress signal. "Now we wait." Once they accept the distress signal they would no longer be 10 when they appear. Isabel stood waiting, holding Fola's hand.

( Just use the guild symbol to teleport there. @GingerBread take that as the reply for Vance. )
( what if the goddesses help Korea and/or if Taiwan joined in ?)
Light said:
( ! ) The American government refused to let Sage go. America only uses 4,234/8,848 of its tanks against all 2,381 of South Korea's tanks. These tanks were brought over to South Korea by 5,739 of America's Transport Aircrafts. Wiping them out. 1,451 of South Korea's total aircrafts were completely wiped out by only 5,687/13,444 of America's total aircrafts. America only uses 400,000 of their active front line personnel out of 1,400,000 of its active front line personnel with the addition of 20 out of 75 of its submarines. America ends up destroying South Korea's only aircraft carrier. South Korea only had 625,000 active front line personnel over all and 15 submarines over all. They had South Korea blocked off from the coast and we're pushing the country and its forces back into North Korea.

( So I'm going to help you out because I feel bad. You can have South Korea retreat into North Korea and cause conflict, which wild allow me to sandwich South Korea as North Korea helps me obliterate them. Then North Korea runs up to is ally China. Only for America to back off since China is #3, which would get worse if Russia #2 jumped in. Though in the end of that A part of Korea was still completely wiped out. Or North Korea and South Korea fight together while you unavoidably retreat and still lose. Though that's unless China storms in to assist you. Though by the time China comes in America would ha e easily finished Korea off and could handle China. I'm just worried about Russia coming in with China. Though I'm sure Russia doesn't give two shits about their affairs other than trade, stocks, and other things. Hopefully I'm right @Daimao so Djinn. The reason why I say retreat all the time is became if you don't you'll be annihilated much faster. What I did were just warning shots. Oooorr you can just let Sage stay arrested and let Korea give up so I don't have to slaughter them all. Either way you look at it I still win. So make your choice. :D Also if you even think about attacking America that's thinning out your troops too much uselessly. Since America has the strongest Navy in the world guarding the country, you'd just approach it and get blasted down. That would be killing off your people uselessly to the point in which there will be no one left to defend South Korea. Have fun with your choice my friend. Just give up, it's that simple. )

( @Tazmodo @Dreamtique @Embaga Elder @djinnamon @Fluffykitty9000 @Juju @Lotusy @Austria @CelticSol @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @LokiofSP @Daimao @metalcity @AnthonyWrath @MTchaos1134 @ShadowEntity )

Isabel awkwardly walks over and hugs him. "Yes, It's my name for you." Isabel appears before the guild building with Fola. "This time I'm ready...." Isabel calls all guild members to the guild building, letting out the distress signal. "Now we wait." Once they accept the distress signal they would no longer be 10 when they appear. Isabel stood waiting, holding Fola's hand.

( Just use the guild symbol to teleport there. @GingerBread take that as the reply for Vance. )
Jackson teleported there. "Hey what's going on?" He turned back to normal and sat down.

Jasmine and Derek appeared as well.
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djinnamon said:
( I just realised , how can Sage who is a deity be punished by mortals who he could kill )
( Honestly the reapers should be punishing you now for dabbling in human affairs so much and killing 9 of them. Soooo. @LokiofSP )

A reaper takes Sage out of prison and drops him in front of Oden.
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