Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
AnthonyWrath said:
Dante heard Morpheus panicking behind him in the cave, he threw the body and ears down on the ground. He then look to Raz and said," seems there's still more to do in there, I'll be right back." Dante then drew his blades once more and sprinted towards where Morpheus' screams were coming from, when he got to Morpheus Dante saw him getting rid of wendigo's one by one in a swarm of around 10,000 wendigo's. When Dante saw this all he did was roar in murderous rage and sprinted deep into the crowd of wendigo's so he wouldn't get hit by Morpheus' blasts, he once more began killing dozens of wendigo's with each swing of his swords as the also shot out waves of fire and electricity killing even more wendigo's as he went. @MTchaos1134
"I'll just wait here I guess."raz said as he sat down on a rock.
Light said:
"My name is Ash, you're Zane right?" Ash gestures towards the tv. "Why'd you save me?"
He raised an eyebrow when the kid questioned him about saving him. He probably believed the bad press that's been going on about the guild. Even kids started to think the guild was trouble. Zane sighs. I saved you because you needed help. I wasn't gone allow myself to let a kid die from hunger. Speaking of Hunger. How long have you been gone from home? He asked simply because those who had ran away from home usually pack a bunch of food or have a full stomach before they left. Oh And yeah the names is Zane. @Light
Through the spray of blood and organs, Fola couldn't see anything. He wiped his eyes best he could in attempt to clear his vision, but couldn't get whatever was in to go. He hears the sound of something hit a wall, and reaches for something, picking up the E-pack he'd stolen from Christopher himself, he swung hard to the wind and felt it hit something hard. Fola opened an eye, red painting his vision, staining his eyes like water on a window, slowly falling down his eyes.

He looked over, finding he had batted Christopher out of the air, but not wanting to miss a chance. He took the E-pack to every part of his body that made sense, gnashing his arms so he couldn't fight back, then moving to the legs so he couldn't follow, and lastly, he began to beat in Christopher's face with the pack. He couldn't stop, not until he felt a sliver of the pain and fear he'd just put Isabel through...


Oh shit...

He dropped the pack out of Christopher's reach, looking down on the man, "This is what I wanted you to see, just for this one moment...I'm going to leave you here, and you get to live the rest of your miserable existence knowing you were beaten by me...A fucking idiot who could barley stand, who could barley walk...You get to look in the mirror every morning you were beaten by a drunk fuck up..." A metallic taste filled his mouth as he spat on the downed man, but his saliva came out thick and red...Not a good sign.

He stepped away, barley standing, he picked up the remaining E-pack a goon had on his back and put in a health booster in with trembling hands. He slipped it on his back and felt it working...Slowly. He couldn't rest though, he still had to get to Isabel! He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her because he didn't act...He took his scythe once more, using it as more of a cane as he followed the tracks...

LokiofSP said:
Through the spray of blood and organs, Fola couldn't see anything. He wiped his eyes best he could in attempt to clear his vision, but couldn't get whatever was in to go. He hears the sound of something hit a wall, and reaches for something, picking up the E-pack he'd stolen from Christopher himself, he swung hard to the wind and felt it hit something hard. Fola opened an eye, red painting his vision, staining his eyes like water on a window, slowly falling down his eyes.
He looked over, finding he had batted Christopher out of the air, but not wanting to miss a chance. He took the E-pack to every part of his body that made sense, gnashing his arms so he couldn't fight back, then moving to the legs so he couldn't follow, and lastly, he began to beat in Christopher's face with the pack. He couldn't stop, not until he felt a sliver of the pain and fear he'd just put Isabel through...


Oh shit...

He dropped the pack out of Christopher's reach, looking down on the man, "This is what I wanted you to see, just for this one moment...I'm going to leave you here, and you get to live the rest of your miserable existence knowing you were beaten by me...A fucking idiot who could barley stand, who could barley walk...You get to look in the mirror every morning you were beaten by a drunk fuck up..." A metallic taste filled his mouth as he spat on the downed man, but his saliva came out thick and red...Not a good sign.

He stepped away, barley standing, he picked up the remaining E-pack a goon had on his back and put in a health booster in with trembling hands. He slipped it on his back and felt it working...Slowly. He couldn't rest though, he still had to get to Isabel! He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to her because he didn't act...He took his scythe once more, using it as more of a cane as he followed the tracks...

Once Fola arrives he could see Isabel dipping in and out of consciousness laying down her back upon a couch. She had bruises along her neck and hickeys. Her white top was removed as well as the rest except for her female undergarments guarding her chest and hips from sight. The incubus whom couldn't handle himself only had loosened pants on. His left hand had slid down from her neck, inspecting the body area in between her stomach and her neck with no regard as to how tightly he may grip it. His lips were hovering above the piece of clothing down below he was attempting to remove. Once he notices Fola he snaps up immediately, pulling out a pistol so he could shoot Fola.

Embaga Elder]He raised an eyebrow when the kid questioned him about saving him. He probably believed the bad press that's been going on about the guild. Even kids started to think the guild was trouble. Zane sighs. [COLOR=#b35900]I saved you because you needed help. I wasn't gone allow myself to let a kid die from hunger. Speaking of Hunger. How long have you been gone from home? [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He asked simply because those who had ran away from home usually pack a bunch of food or have a full stomach before they left. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b35900]Oh And yeah the names is Zane. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"I've been gone for about an hour now...." Ash shrugs and finishes his meal. "You got anymore food?" Ash leans down on the table, sighing at the fact that his food was gone. "Why are you in Dragon's Roar?"
Fola simply extends his hand, not even bothering to ask. The pistol once in the other man's hand was now in Fola's, he pulled the trigger, hitting him in the chest. Although the E-pack was doing it's job, recovering from broken bones and a punctured lung was difficult. He sat next to Isabel, examining her body as tears began to fall down his face. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "Oh god Isabel, please tell me they didn't do anything to you. I'm so sorry I took so long, I should have been faster..."

A virtual screen popped in front of everyone on the planet as a music video came for the new Kpop group. Ace of Angels.


( Sage does the blonde girl's part, Diana does the girl who is sitting on the bleachers part and Kotori does the girl who sang first's part )
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Sage watched in shock when the music video played in front of him. " Whoa , how did the company do this. " He wondered to himself , he thought the music video would only appear on TV. He heard a knock on the door and walked over before opening. Sage didn't get a chance to speak before he was tackle hugged by Kotori , who was wearing her white ribbons , and Diana. " Our music video was released, I can't believe. " Diana squealed making Sage chuckle.
LokiofSP said:
Fola simply extends his hand, not even bothering to ask. The pistol once in the other man's hand was now in Fola's, he pulled the trigger, hitting him in the chest. Although the E-pack was doing it's job, recovering from broken bones and a punctured lung was difficult. He sat next to Isabel, examining her body as tears began to fall down his face. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it, "Oh god Isabel, please tell me they didn't do anything to you. I'm so sorry I took so long, I should have been faster..."

Isabel turns her head to the voice she wanted to hear, completely dazed. "Fola?" Isabel seems to have trouble recognizing him for a brief moment. Still unable to wrap her mind around the entire situation that happened due to being unconscious. "My neck feels weird and my chest hurts." Her neck was marked up mess and her chest had bruises developing due to how tight the dead man's grip was. "Why are you crying Fola? Please don't cry...." Isabel attempts to wipe away his tears with a weak hand. Her words were slurred as if she were slowly coming out of the effects of being drugged. ".....Fola...I'm scared." Isabel didn't have a face of sorrow but just a face of high and drowsiness yet she was still producing tears. She didn't know what was happening but everything felt so wrong with the addition of Fola's condition. It scared her and confused her so she didn't know how to take it. "Fola what's going on?" Isabel begins to turn on her side, trying to will herself over to him. "Why are you hurt? Fola, why is this man dead?! I need you to tell me!" She was becoming even more alert by the second. She looks at his hand holding her own and brings it to her face, finding comfort in his touch. She begins to mumble to herself and cry, emotions stacking up one another. "Fola....this is Fola...my Fola...The only thing that makes sense. Fola." Everything was so conflicting to her at the moment the mere presence of Fola was the only thing that made sense. The current situation was not doing good for Isabel emotionally, personally, and mentally.
Zane notices how the kid sighs at the fact the food is gone. He gets up and walks to the counter ordering more food. He takes out his credit card once again to pay for it. This kid had only been gone for an hour and he already almost died from hunger. Zane walks back over towards the kid to talk to him until his food comes. I joined Dragon war to take the place of my two brother, who actually just left. Crimson, and Cole. Plus I heard it holds lots of adventures, and strong people. He sits back down next to the kid. But back to you. You've been gone for only an hour,and you were already dying from hunger? Do your parents not feed you?? @Light
Fola's eyes went over her once more, he felt even more sick suddenly. How close had they come? What if he had waited another five minutes? The thoughts all began to blend together. What if he actually was to late, but she was to shocked to realize that he had failed her... He shuffled a bit, sliding off the E-pack that could have been the only thing that kept him standing. He gave it to her, "You need to put that on okay? We're going back to the house, we're gonna be fine..."

The pain all over his body began to flare back up. What should he do? Wait for the cops? Did this place even have cops? Were the laws any different? He may still be arrested, he could never know. That and the negative reaction Isabel herself was having made the decision of what happened next a bit more easy. He grabbed a blanket from the couch and draped it over her shoulders, before placing his shaky hands on her shoulders as well. Black spots resumed their dance in front of him, the only thing that didn't feel busted was his legs, the pack had at least somewhat healed that part... Thank god.

"We're leaving now, alright? Gonna go back home and get some rest...It's been a long day."

"No they feed me....I just get hungry really fast." Ash shrugs his shoulders. "Are those your only brothers?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola's eyes went over her once more, he felt even more sick suddenly. How close had they come? What if he had waited another five minutes? The thoughts all began to blend together. What if he actually was to late, but she was to shocked to realize that he had failed her... He shuffled a bit, sliding off the E-pack that could have been the only thing that kept him standing. He gave it to her, "You need to put that on okay? We're going back to the house, we're gonna be fine..."

The pain all over his body began to flare back up. What should he do? Wait for the cops? Did this place even have cops? Were the laws any different? He may still be arrested, he could never know. That and the negative reaction Isabel herself was having made the decision of what happened next a bit more easy. He grabbed a blanket from the couch and draped it over her shoulders, before placing his shaky hands on her shoulders as well. Black spots resumed their dance in front of him, the only thing that didn't feel busted was his legs, the pack had at least somewhat healed that part... Thank god.

"We're leaving now, alright? Gonna go back home and get some rest...It's been a long day."

"You're not not going home....not yet at least." A tall man behind Fola had suddenly appeared, holding out a card. "Officer Clay of Ulcadia Royal police force. You're not under arrest....actually we've been looking for those guys you took out. You seem to be skilled and powerful. We could use that." Clay sets the card down in front of Fola, a job offering explaining how much pay he would get and how many privileges he'd get. "Call us whenever you're ready. We'll negotiate when to have the job interview at the royal castle. That is all." The officer disappears the second after.

Isabel was extremely shocked by the turn of events. "Yes I want to go home now..." Isabel clings on to Fola, far too drugged to stand properly or even care about the E-pack. She only wanted him right now, it's what made her feel much better than a healing vial but if he instructed her to it might be for the best. Isabel puts on the E-pack and feels her body begin to heal. "Fola will you tell me what happened?" Isabel attempts to slide off the couch into his arms so she could be held princess style. There was a Primaburn in the warehouse to Fola's left. The house should be a two minute trip away using that, it wasn't even the time of night yet.
Fola slipped the card in his pocket, and attempted to carry Isabel. His arms yelled at him not to and his legs screamed with each step, but he smiled at her. He didn't want to upset her anymore than she already was, he at the very least needed to get her home. He attempts to speak, wheezing a bit as he struggled for air, "Well, some bad people tried to do bad things to you...I had to stop them, but the beat me up a bit in the process. But none of that matters now...We gotta...Get home..."

He sits down in the Primaburn and turns it on, the vechile hummed to life as Fola used it to get home, desperatly attempting to not pass out on the way. Once they arrived, he found himself unable to do even the most simple tasks, neverless carry Isabel. He could barly find the energy to even get up, but he had to. He got up, stumbling forward before turning around once more and extending a hand, "Come on, we'll get you a job tommorow, alright?"

LokiofSP said:
Fola slipped the card in his pocket, and attempted to carry Isabel. His arms yelled at him not to and his legs screamed with each step, but he smiled at her. He didn't want to upset her anymore than she already was, he at the very least needed to get her home. He attempts to speak, wheezing a bit as he struggled for air, "Well, some bad people tried to do bad things to you...I had to stop them, but the beat me up a bit in the process. But none of that matters now...We gotta...Get home..."

He sits down in the Primaburn and turns it on, the vechile hummed to life as Fola used it to get home, desperatly attempting to not pass out on the way. Once they arrived, he found himself unable to do even the most simple tasks, neverless carry Isabel. He could barly find the energy to even get up, but he had to. He got up, stumbling forward before turning around once more and extending a hand, "Come on, we'll get you a job tommorow, alright?"

Light said:
"No they feed me....I just get hungry really fast." Ash shrugs his shoulders. "Are those your only brothers?"
"You're not not going home....not yet at least." A tall man behind Fola had suddenly appeared, holding out a card. "Officer Clay of Ulcadia Royal police force. You're not under arrest....actually we've been looking for those guys you took out. You seem to be skilled and powerful. We could use that." Clay sets the card down in front of Fola, a job offering explaining how much pay he would get and how many privileges he'd get. "Call us whenever you're ready. We'll negotiate when to have the job interview at the royal castle. That is all." The officer disappears the second after.

Isabel was extremely shocked by the turn of events. "Yes I want to go home now..." Isabel clings on to Fola, far too drugged to stand properly or even care about the E-pack. She only wanted him right now, it's what made her feel much better than a healing vial but if he instructed her to it might be for the best. Isabel puts on the E-pack and feels her body begin to heal. "Fola will you tell me what happened?" Isabel attempts to slide off the couch into his arms so she could be held princess style. There was a Primaburn in the warehouse to Fola's left. The house should be a two minute trip away using that, it wasn't even the time of night yet.
In the living room in the home, there is a large chest in the middle of the floor. There is a small card on top that reads:

My dear Isabel,

Just a gift to get you started here.

I hope to see you soon,

Your grandmother,


Within the chest is almost 10,000 Eons, and laying on top of the all the money is an elegant tiara.

(@Light, you can choose the tiara.)
LokiofSP said:
Fola slipped the card in his pocket, and attempted to carry Isabel. His arms yelled at him not to and his legs screamed with each step, but he smiled at her. He didn't want to upset her anymore than she already was, he at the very least needed to get her home. He attempts to speak, wheezing a bit as he struggled for air, "Well, some bad people tried to do bad things to you...I had to stop them, but the beat me up a bit in the process. But none of that matters now...We gotta...Get home..."

He sits down in the Primaburn and turns it on, the vechile hummed to life as Fola used it to get home, desperatly attempting to not pass out on the way. Once they arrived, he found himself unable to do even the most simple tasks, neverless carry Isabel. He could barly find the energy to even get up, but he had to. He got up, stumbling forward before turning around once more and extending a hand, "Come on, we'll get you a job tommorow, alright?"

CelticSol said:
In the living room in the home, there is a large chest in the middle of the floor. There is a small card on top that reads:

My dear Isabel,

Just a gift to get you started here.

I hope to see you soon,

Your grandmother,


Within the chest is almost 10,000 Eons, and laying on top of the all the money is an elegant tiara.

(@Light, you can choose the tiara.)
Isabel takes the keys out of the Primaburn and stumbles after Fola, helping him up the stairs. She opens the door and helps him in, closing it behind her and locking it. She notices the large chest but was too concerned with Fola to check at the moment, she would check later though. She rushes Fola towards the bathroom, filling the tub with the temperature Fola desires and bubbles since she still believes bubbles makes everything better. "Fola you have to get in." Isabel still had the covers draped on herself and was eagerly waiting for him to remove his clothes and step in so he'd feel better.
Fola shook his head, "No, I'm fine...Just need some sleep..." He puts a hand to the wall to support himself, "Besides, you look like you need it more than I do..."

LokiofSP said:
Fola shook his head, "No, I'm fine...Just need some sleep..." He puts a hand to the wall to support himself, "Besides, you look like you need it more than I do..."

Isabel nods her head but at the same time she wasn't in full agreement. She loved bubble baths....but Fola was something more than that to her. So she wanted to have both. Isabel begins to remove the blanket, then starts removing her bra. "I'm going to have my bubble bath and you. Then we can sleep." Isabel didn't know what happened to her and if she did she probably wouldn't be so okay with this. "Do you bathe in clothes Fola?" She tilts her head.
GingerBread said:
Colin started fidgeting with his hands as his gaze dropped to the floor. "W-well I-I..... Wh-what way do y-you L-Like me?" Colin kept fidgeting with his hands nervously as his cheeks began to burn red from embarrassment as he waited for an answer from Anna.
Vance went to hit the ball only to have it teleport behind him and hit the floor "Well done Sage, you had to resort to cheating to beat me. You must feel so accomplished"
Anna put her elbows up on the table and entwined her fingers, looking at him Hmm... How do I like him..... He is funny and sweet. He's also frail and timid. Hmm...

While she thought to herself she tapped her index fingers together before coming to a conclusion. I don't know. Never really took any time to think about it. Never seemed... Important to our friendship. I'm willing to find out as life goes on if you're willing to as well She closed her eyes and smiled widely to him

Light said:
Luna begins to laugh while she tries to push herself off of Morpheus. "Oh stop it! You're far too dramatic! I do hate you, you're so stupid!"
Christopher snarls at Fola, blood gushing out of his mouth upon the streets. Christopher was trying his best not to howl in anger. Though his muscles were pulsing in pain. The werewolf grabs a fallen partner and rips is body in half, having the blood and organs push out in Fola's direction to distract him. Christopher jumps on to a wall and pushes off, flying down towards him with his claws and fangs ready at swift speeds.

"My name is Ash, you're Zane right?" Ash gestures towards the tv. "Why'd you save me?"
Morpheus nuzzled against her face Shhhh don't say such negative things I love tooo!!!

AnthonyWrath said:
Dante heard Morpheus panicking behind him in the cave, he threw the body and ears down on the ground. He then look to Raz and said," seems there's still more to do in there, I'll be right back." Dante then drew his blades once more and sprinted towards where Morpheus' screams were coming from, when he got to Morpheus Dante saw him getting rid of wendigo's one by one in a swarm of around 10,000 wendigo's. When Dante saw this all he did was roar in murderous rage and sprinted deep into the crowd of wendigo's so he wouldn't get hit by Morpheus' blasts, he once more began killing dozens of wendigo's with each swing of his swords as the also shot out waves of fire and electricity killing even more wendigo's as he went. @MTchaos1134
I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS SUPER WENDIGO BULLSHIT! He slammed his cane down in irritirritation and the eyes of the snake head flashed blue. A pulse rippled on the ground and the mass of wendigos tripled in size, growing to towering beasts getting stronger, faster, and worse of all: can actually see and were fire resistant now.

Morpheus looked at the snake head which has been smiling innocently.
Don't look at me like that, Mister. Don't act like a sweet smile is going to make me forgive you MAKING MONSTERS! He stared at the cane and sighed. Fiiine I forgive you. Whats next? Gonna give them lazar vision?

The cane's eyes flashed blue and a pulse shot put again. The Wendigos roared and started shooting beams of plasma from their eyes.

As they attacked he dodged and swayed.
You know what? I'm not helping on just gonna- And he disappeared


Decimus returned from his Underworld activities, going to his room to relax.

Oh... Gazelle. Its been awhile dear. How have you been? Did worldy destruction hurt you?
Fola's eyes bulged out wide, this was wrong! Nothing was wrong with her, but after what she'd just been through it would't be right! He shook his head and walked out from the bathroom, he didn't want to hurt her! He wasn't going to take advanta-

He fell to his knees, his body finally giving out. Sheer willpower could only get you so far after all. His breaths became slower and more shallow, he couldn't be here, he felt something was wrong. The blackness around his eyes quickened its dance, taking up nearly all of his vision. But he still tried to hide his injuries, despite the burning sensation he felt with every breath, despite the way his body shook, he still smiled at Isabel, "I'm fine, just take care of yourself, I'll take a bath later..."

AnthonyWrath said:
Dante heard Morpheus panicking behind him in the cave, he threw the body and ears down on the ground. He then look to Raz and said," seems there's still more to do in there, I'll be right back." Dante then drew his blades once more and sprinted towards where Morpheus' screams were coming from, when he got to Morpheus Dante saw him getting rid of wendigo's one by one in a swarm of around 10,000 wendigo's. When Dante saw this all he did was roar in murderous rage and sprinted deep into the crowd of wendigo's so he wouldn't get hit by Morpheus' blasts, he once more began killing dozens of wendigo's with each swing of his swords as the also shot out waves of fire and electricity killing even more wendigo's as he went. @MTchaos1134
Morpheus, feeling bad for accidentally creating monsters, spawned a portal of Light Sabers. But before be could cut it off, a thought came to him:

Morpheus.... Since the Wendigos can see.... Wouldn't they.. pick up the light sabers?

........................ Well... I didn't take that into consideration..... Well.. Lets think on that!

The gap stayed open and every few seconds, a dozen or so light sabers would roll out and fall to the ground. And every few seconds, a dozen or so wendigos would run and grab light sabers, going for Dante after the fact


Morpheus snapped and pulled Theodore to an empty sunny meadow field. Heeeey buddy. I promised to train your powers. So let's get started! Tell me just what exactly your little trick is. Last time we were together, you were but a child. And almost getting crushed by Decimus, and being around Vance, you somehow could use the darkness during our fight against Mecha Friend Killer.

Now after that, two thoughts came to hind. You could spawn mecha copies of Hades, Poseidon, etc. But you couldn't use the Hands of Hades as Decimus could. I thought, 'maybe it's a blood line trait' But after having you added to my little cult, I could feel the power of Hades deeper inside of me than it already was.

So I'm going to assume you have some sort of.... Copying and creation power? Correct me please if I'm wrong dear boy
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No Inaro is my brother too. The one that's always drinking beer. He's gone too. So now it's just me. And I haven't really met anyone else within the guild. The cashier calls Zane's name and he walks up to get the food. Thanks. He turns back around taking the food back towards Ash. Eat up. He said as he held the food out towards him. @Light
LokiofSP said:
Fola's eyes bulged out wide, this was wrong! Nothing was wrong with her, but after what she'd just been through it would't be right! He shook his head and walked out from the bathroom, he didn't want to hurt her! He wasn't going to take advanta-
He fell to his knees, his body finally giving out. Sheer willpower could only get you so far after all. His breaths became slower and more shallow, he couldn't be here, he felt something was wrong. The blackness around his eyes quickened its dance, taking up nearly all of his vision. But he still tried to hide his injuries, despite the burning sensation he felt with every breath, despite the way his body shook, he still smiled at Isabel, "I'm fine, just take care of yourself, I'll take a bath later..."

"Julius, Carnage! He's hurt please help him!" Julius immediately springs from behind Isabel, swallowing Fola whole with an obvious bulge in his body. His insides would act as a healing pod for Fola since he's a witch. His witch mana would be restored as well. "I shall take proper care of him, leave Fola's well-being to me." Julius slithered out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom. Once they enter and he pulls himself on the bed and begins to speak to Fola. "I'm sorry about not completely warning you of the dangers. I'll have you healed up soon...Carnage will handle....emotional and physical damage with Isabel. Tell me, how much do you care about my host?"

Isabel was in the bath, hugging her knees. She was completely and utterly destroyed by the descriptive story about what just happened to her in her sleep. "Get it off." Isabel was talking about her neck and chest. She hated the markings the man left behind on her, because of him going that far which is farther than Fola. It meant she was more closely claimed as the man's mate more that Fola's.

"Both you and Fola shall live with this. I told you both, no making friends. You will suffer for trusting and Fola shall suffer for the lack of making good decisions. For now you both must live with the fact that you were a few minutes from permanently being the mate of a currently dead man."

Isabel shakes her head in defeat, allowing it to hit the tub wall with a thud afterwards as she begins to scream and cry, putting her hands upon her face to cover them. She wanted Fola to help her right now, she wanted to get these claims of her being off of her neck and chest, and she wanted to apologize to Fola as well. "This is all my fault....ALL OF IT!" Her black barrette in her hair was on the counter. The black barrette makes the majority of her hair shrink. Now that it was off the true length of her hair which surpassed the length of her body was occupying the majority of the tub. "I don't want it....this pain...I don't want it."

"Them simply mature and learn from your mistake. If Fola shall be the only one you trust, leave it that way. Take time for your wounds to heal and once you're ready...talk to him about how you feel. You don't want this pain anymore...you want to be his mate...you also with the best for him. Tell him and express it once you're ready. I shall stay here....just cry. Fola shall be alright."

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus nuzzled against her face Shhhh don't say such negative things I love tooo!!!
Luna closes her mouth and shakes her head, refusing to say it. She closes her eyes as well and covers her ears.

Embaga Elder] [COLOR=#b35900]No Inaro is my brother too. The one that's always drinking beer. He's gone too. So now it's just me. And I haven't really met anyone else within the guild. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]The cashier calls Zane's name and he walks up to get the food. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b35900]Thanks. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] He turns back around taking the food back towards Ash. [/COLOR][COLOR=#b35900]Eat up. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He said as he held the food out towards him. [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
Ash begins to eat, a face of anger grows upon his face when the name Inaro is mentioned.
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna put her elbows up on the table and entwined her fingers, looking at him Hmm... How do I like him..... He is funny and sweet. He's also frail and timid. Hmm...
While she thought to herself she tapped her index fingers together before coming to a conclusion. I don't know. Never really took any time to think about it. Never seemed... Important to our friendship. I'm willing to find out as life goes on if you're willing to as well She closed her eyes and smiled widely to him
Seeing Anna smile like she did, cheered Colin up slightly; He smiled back at her "O-Okay. I-I'm just happy t-to be with y-you anyway" Colin gingerly waved over a waiter and asked to pay by card. Colin took his card out of his wallet and put it into the machine, hoping it wouldn't be declined. When he had successfully paid Colin breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and walked over to Anna. I really care about her, But I can't force her to like me back in the same way.... Well I could but that would be wrong and I couldn't do that to Anna anyway Colin did his best to clear his mind of the thought as he smiled and gingerly offered his hand to Anna.
Fola took in a deep breath, savouring the air as his rib slowly left his lung and began to get fixed. Any pain he previously felt slowly washed away as he spoke, "You should already know, I've given the same goopy seech so many times by now I'm suprised you haven't commited it to memory. Hell, I just went through a broken leg and pierced lung for her, don't ever fucking doubt how much I care for her..."

Light said:
"Julius, Carnage! He's hurt please help him!" Julius immediately springs from behind Isabel, swallowing Fola whole with an obvious bulge in his body. His insides would act as a healing pod for Fola since he's a witch. His witch mana would be restored as well. "I shall take proper care of him, leave Fola's well-being to me." Julius slithered out of the bathroom and towards the bedroom. Once they enter and he pulls himself on the bed and begins to speak to Fola. "I'm sorry about not completely warning you of the dangers. I'll have you healed up soon...Carnage will handle....emotional and physical damage with Isabel. Tell me, how much do you care about my host?"

Isabel was in the bath, hugging her knees. She was completely and utterly destroyed by the descriptive story about what just happened to her in her sleep. "Get it off." Isabel was talking about her neck and chest. She hated the markings the man left behind on her, because of him going that far which is farther than Fola. It meant she was more closely claimed as the man's mate more that Fola's.

"Both you and Fola shall live with this. I told you both, no making friends. You will suffer for trusting and Fola shall suffer for the lack of making good decisions. For now you both must live with the fact that you were a few minutes from permanently being the mate of a currently dead man."

Isabel shakes her head in defeat, allowing it to hit the tub wall with a thud afterwards as she begins to scream and cry, putting her hands upon her face to cover them. She wanted Fola to help her right now, she wanted to get these claims of her being off of her neck and chest, and she wanted to apologize to Fola as well. "This is all my fault....ALL OF IT!" Her black barrette in her hair was on the counter. The black barrette makes the majority of her hair shrink. Now that it was off the true length of her hair which surpassed the length of her body was occupying the majority of the tub. "I don't want it....this pain...I don't want it."

"Them simply mature and learn from your mistake. If Fola shall be the only one you trust, leave it that way. Take time for your wounds to heal and once you're ready...talk to him about how you feel. You don't want this pain anymore...you want to be his mate...you also with the best for him. Tell him and express it once you're ready. I shall stay here....just cry. Fola shall be alright."

Luna closes her mouth and shakes her head, refusing to say it. She closes her eyes as well and covers her ears.

Ash begins to eat, a face of anger grows upon his face when the name Inaro is mentioned.
Morpheus rolled onto his back, holding Luna in is arms. Cuuuuutie you can't hide from me. He slowly lifted her up, rolling her so she was facing him Admiiit! You looooove me

GingerBread said:
Seeing Anna smile like she did, cheered Colin up slightly; He smiled back at her "O-Okay. I-I'm just happy t-to be with y-you anyway" Colin gingerly waved over a waiter and asked to pay by card. Colin took his card out of his wallet and put it into the machine, hoping it wouldn't be declined. When he had successfully paid Colin breathed a sigh of relief. He stood up and walked over to Anna. I really care about her, But I can't force her to like me back in the same way.... Well I could but that would be wrong and I couldn't do that to Anna anyway Colin did his best to clear his mind of the thought as he smiled and gingerly offered his hand to Anna.
Oh Colin you are a perfect gentleman! She giggled and placed her hand gently in his, palm down. She stood up and entwined her fingers in his. Sure, she wasn't sure how she felt. But he seemed sweet enough to be willing to try with

Come on Mr Gentleman. Were to next on our little date? You can't end it at dinner now you've got me all flowery and bubbly!

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