Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
Oh Colin you are a perfect gentleman! She giggled and placed her hand gently in his, palm down. She stood up and entwined her fingers in his. Sure, she wasn't sure how she felt. But he seemed sweet enough to be willing to try with
Come on Mr Gentleman. Were to next on our little date? You can't end it at dinner now you've got me all flowery and bubbly!
Colin felt his cheeks tinge red again, but he ignored it the best he could. "I-I don't k-know, I-I didn't r-really th-think this far ahead. Wh-where would y-you like to go? I-I'll d-do whatever y-you want to" Colin offered as he sheepishly began walking out of the restaurant.

  • Richard walked into the interrogation room and the moment his officer walked in, he stood and immediately cut him off

    First off, let's keep in mind I'm not under arrest. No am I a material witness. That being said, I am my own lawyer and will represent myself

    Damian walked in after the man, tossing a stack of papers on the desk. No, youre not. He did the same with Derek's interrogation office, already getting his release

    Beyond the host of illegal practices, let's start with the fact you have no read any of my clients their Miranda Rights. Meaning, you can not hold any of the suspects you, also, wrongfully arrested. We are not tied to the crime and your officers were told repeatedly. That being said, those papers are a law suit of neglect, malpractice, and slander to the Dragons Roar name, the direct attachment of both Reap and Remedy. And I'm sure it'll be more than easy to prove slander. You'll also see a stack of market deflection and proof that the actions taken upon your officers is in direct tie to this deflation. See you in court

    Richard chuckled and walked up to the door. And I'll fax you a settlement offer

    The pair walked out and to Damian's parked limo. Outside of the station, Damian had already brought the press to show the release of Dragons Roar

    He stopped on the steps and spoke to the microphones. Dragon's Roars name has been cleared from this heinous crime and we assure the world people that we had absolutely nothing to do with any of this. Our organization is working full force to help in any way we can to ensure Fola is brought to justice.

    The media buzzed with questions but he ignored them after his speech, he and Richard going to the car and driving away

@Light Businessmen

@GingerBread Annalyse
DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus, feeling bad for accidentally creating monsters, spawned a portal of Light Sabers. But before be could cut it off, a thought came to him:
Morpheus.... Since the Wendigos can see.... Wouldn't they.. pick up the light sabers?

........................ Well... I didn't take that into consideration..... Well.. Lets think on that!

The gap stayed open and every few seconds, a dozen or so light sabers would roll out and fall to the ground. And every few seconds, a dozen or so wendigos would run and grab light sabers, going for Dante after the fact


Morpheus snapped and pulled Theodore to an empty sunny meadow field. Heeeey buddy. I promised to train your powers. So let's get started! Tell me just what exactly your little trick is. Last time we were together, you were but a child. And almost getting crushed by Decimus, and being around Vance, you somehow could use the darkness during our fight against Mecha Friend Killer.

Now after that, two thoughts came to hind. You could spawn mecha copies of Hades, Poseidon, etc. But you couldn't use the Hands of Hades as Decimus could. I thought, 'maybe it's a blood line trait' But after having you added to my little cult, I could feel the power of Hades deeper inside of me than it already was.

So I'm going to assume you have some sort of.... Copying and creation power? Correct me please if I'm wrong dear boy
Dante was getting more and more angry as the Wendigo's kept gaining power and weapons, seeing that his swords were having almost no effect on them he sheathed both of them and grew out his claws that were strong enough to cut through titanium and charged into the swarm of Wendigo's. Dante dodged their attacks as he began to slash them to pieces with lightning speed, he also began to use a combination of judo and krave maga to toss, disarm and kill the beasts around him. After about 5 hours of fighting the Wendigo's he killed about 7,000 of the 10,000 that Morpheus had created, despite his enhanced durability he was covered in cuts and burns from the light sabers and laser vision."if i do the math there should only be a few of you bitches left, now to deal with the rest of you." Dante said as he surveyed the room. He then jumped as high as he could, charged his foot with lightning with his lightning manipulation, and slammed his foot down on the ground creating both a giant shock wave that shattered the floor of the cave and a concussive wave of lightning that stunned the Wendigo's in their tracks and prevented them from moving. Dante then used his fire manipulation to propel himself forward and sliced hundred upon hundred of Wendigo as he went through nearly all the remaining Wendigo leaving about 500 left, Dante began to get more and more tired as the battle went on, feeling like he was on the verge of passing out a Wendigo came up from behind him and chopped one of Dante's arms off. After he felt the blade go through his arm he quickly grabbed it before it hit the ground and smashed the Wendigo's head with his arm using it like a club, one of the Wendigo's tried to used force lightning on Dante but it was as if they hit him with a shot of adrenaline, he moved even faster than before and killed all the remaining Wendigo's. As blood dripped down from the roof of the cave Dante, covered in blood and holding his severed arm exited the cave, looked at Raz and asked," You still have my sword?" Before collapsing on the ground. @DizjayDeathPride

CelticSol said:
She grins, and once she's at shore she wrings out her hair of some of the sea water. She gestures for him to go sit at the bar as she grabs a wireless phone and dials a number. She speaks almost flawless Spanish into the receiver, speaking warmly to whomever was on the other end of the line. After a chipper 'adiós', Jackie goes behind the bar and leans on the counter with a grin. "What can I get for you, stranger?"
"Honestly, it doesn't even matter," Alpha said with a shrug, taking a seat at the bar. "You know very well that I can't get drunk," he said with a wry smile, before shrugging again. "Oh well, whatever. Give me something fruity, Miss Bartender."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Hmm... How do you feel about.... A movie?! Yes a movie let's go!!! She rushed out of the restaurant but then stopped. Where.... Is there a restaurant? Lets just wallk.... This way! There has to be one somehere along the path! She turned and walked forward, leading them down the left side of the road
"S-sure a m-movie sounds g-good" Colin smiled as Anna and him walked down the road. I really like Anna, but she might not like me the same way. But she did say to see how it goes. But she's a goddess, why would she want to go out with someone like me, and I think she said she's been 26 for years now, so she probably doesn't age either. She's going to stay that pretty forever, while I age. She can probably find someone better Colin shook his head and tried to get rid of his negative thoughts and just focus on enjoying his time with Anna.
LokiofSP said:
Fola took in a deep breath, savouring the air as his rib slowly left his lung and began to get fixed. Any pain he previously felt slowly washed away as he spoke, "You should already know, I've given the same goopy seech so many times by now I'm suprised you haven't commited it to memory. Hell, I just went through a broken leg and pierced lung for her, don't ever fucking doubt how much I care for her..."

"Oooohhh....I apologise for doubting your eternal love for Isabella. It seems like I've misunderstood...though it may be a bit too late for you. Since technically she's been partially claimed as that dead man's mate. You haven't done as much with her as he has. By the way you've acted....focusing on revenge rather than going for her when you had a perfect chance it slightly proved to me that maybe your focuses are still divided. Just as you seem divided she'll grow distant. Since by instinct she'll slowly be pulled away from you, still drawn to that man you've killed. This is what you get for allowing others into your lives. Your instructions were simple and you refused to acknowledge them. Isabella existence clashes with the fate of others too heavily and only bad things are the outcome as you can see. Though with you...it's as if you two were puzzle pieces perfectly shaped for one another. You don't have a negative effect and she seems to feel the sensation of love with you even though she can't realize her feelings for you herself. When you let others interfere like you did today, things like this happen and now she'll be drawn to someone else when she wants nobody but you. For once, fate is kind enough to this girl to create you whom is meant to be happy with her. Yet at the same time if you two are to experience eternal love and happiness your thread of fate becomes fragile and easily shaken by the interference of others. I believe you do love her now that you've reminded me of your speeches. Though whether or not you'll take the actions to prove it is up to you. Your guild cannot help you in this decision, neither can I. Most of your guild has turned their backs on your anyways. Is there anything you need?"

"Just take a break from the world and Fola...do your own thing Isabel. Only speak to him when he can truthfully tell you he wants you and only you in this world. You wish for his love and what he wishes for....I'm not sure anymore. So until you're both ready to become mates and entirely dedicated to one another I don't think you should interact."

Isabel thinks about what Carnage is saying, taking it into consideration.
Embaga Elder]Zane had to take a double take after what he just witnessed. He was surprised by the face the kid made. [COLOR=#b35900]You must not like Inaro. Why? [/COLOR][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Inaro killed my sister!" Ash yells out loud, calming down afterwards. He continues to eat with more anger and wrath.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Morpheus rolled onto his back, holding Luna in is arms. Cuuuuutie you can't hide from me. He slowly lifted her up, rolling her so she was facing him Admiiit! You looooove me
Luna knew she could hide, she disappears and appears outside the cabin with her umbrella over her head. She begins to swiftly walk away. "Yes I can!"
Daimao said:
"Honestly, it doesn't even matter," Alpha said with a shrug, taking a seat at the bar. "You know very well that I can't get drunk," he said with a wry smile, before shrugging again. "Oh well, whatever. Give me something fruity, Miss Bartender."
"Yes, but then you get to see me drunk, and I'm a barrel of fun when I'm smashed," She pulls out a few different liquors and other drinks and starts to mix them with an ease brought from practice. She finishes the drink and puts it in front of him with a grin, "Pinã Colada for the Mister."

She leans on the counter again, head resting on her hands as she practically basks in the sun. "Y'know, this is a fucking crime not letting the other's have this level of R&R," She mumbles, then runs her fingers along her guild seal, opening communication with the entire group, "Most of you probably don't know me, but my name is Jackie. Since we didn't all die during the whole Isabel fiasco, I figured that we're all deserving of some heavy rest time. If any of you are interested, I own a private beach in the Caribbean. If you want to come, use the guild seal to come to me. Whoever's got Isabel, bring her along."

(@LokiofSP, @Lotusy, @djinnamon, @GingerBread, @Embaga Elder, @DizjayDeathPride, @AnthonyWrath, @Light, @Tazmodo. Sorry if I forgot anyone.)
Fola growled at Julius and shook his head, "Yeah, I need you to do something. Fuck off, you don't tell me what to do, and I REFUSE to just be her mate! A mate is what happens in the wild when two animals want to fuck so the female can get pregnant, then they NEVER see each other again! That's not what we have! And fuck off with this bullshit about devoting myself to only her! Yes, Isabel makes me happy, happier than I've EVER been, but you can't tell me to turn my back on the world entirely!"

"Sure, I might now get the same joy I get when I'm with Isabel, but the guild was the first place I felt any BIT of anything other than rage and fucking angst! There needs to be more people for Isabel to want to live for, I can't be the only one...What happens when I die?! Does she just give up?! No! I refuse to do any of the bullshit you say you damn invertebrate! Even IF I gave my life to her and ONLY her, what happens years from now? What if we have kids?! Do I just blow them off?! Fuck no, go fuck yourself..."

After venting all of his remaining rage, Fola gets up, leaving the snake to the room alone. He slams the door behind him for effect, walking briskly through the halls until he comes to a closed door. He takes in a breath and knocks on the wood...

After taking his friend into his dimension,Raz decided to check on the Litte girl and the caretaker,Raz tries to communicate with Fola."Hellocan you hear me? How is the child?"
CelticSol said:
"Yes, but then you get to see me drunk, and I'm a barrel of fun when I'm smashed," She pulls out a few different liquors and other drinks and starts to mix them with an ease brought from practice. She finishes the drink and puts it in front of him with a grin, "Pinã Colada for the Mister."
She leans on the counter again, head resting on her hands as she practically basks in the sun. "Y'know, this is a fucking crime not letting the other's have this level of R&R," She mumbles, then runs her fingers along her guild seal, opening communication with the entire group, "Most of you probably don't know me, but my name is Jackie. Since we didn't all die during the whole Isabel fiasco, I figured that we're all deserving of some heavy rest time. If any of you are interested, I own a private beach in the Caribbean. If you want to come, use the guild seal to come to me. Whoever's got Isabel, bring her along."

(@LokiofSP, @Lotusy, @djinnamon, @GingerBread, @Embaga Elder, @DizjayDeathPride, @AnthonyWrath, @Light, @Tazmodo. Sorry if I forgot anyone.)
Taking a sip of his pinã coloda, Alpha sighs, looking at Jackie. "Guess it won't be just us for much longer," he says with a smirk, before looking out at the beach. "This world truly is beautiful," he says with a small smile. "It is truly a shame that so many of its inhabitants are trying to destroy it's beauty." With that, Alpha took another sip of his drink.
CelticSol said:
"Yes, but then you get to see me drunk, and I'm a barrel of fun when I'm smashed," She pulls out a few different liquors and other drinks and starts to mix them with an ease brought from practice. She finishes the drink and puts it in front of him with a grin, "Pinã Colada for the Mister."
She leans on the counter again, head resting on her hands as she practically basks in the sun. "Y'know, this is a fucking crime not letting the other's have this level of R&R," She mumbles, then runs her fingers along her guild seal, opening communication with the entire group, "Most of you probably don't know me, but my name is Jackie. Since we didn't all die during the whole Isabel fiasco, I figured that we're all deserving of some heavy rest time. If any of you are interested, I own a private beach in the Caribbean. If you want to come, use the guild seal to come to me. Whoever's got Isabel, bring her along."

(@LokiofSP, @Lotusy, @djinnamon, @GingerBread, @Embaga Elder, @DizjayDeathPride, @AnthonyWrath, @Light, @Tazmodo. Sorry if I forgot anyone.)
DizjayDeathPride said:
Anna every so often looked over to Colin and smiled to help him. He seemed so... Worried about something. I guess he wanted an a real answer... Ooo I hope I didn't upset him! He's so sweet it's heart breaking. Siiigh. She scratched his head and wrapped her arms around his neck
Colin smiled as Anna wrapped her arms around his neck, he was about to say something when he got a message through his guild symbol about a offer to go to a private beach. "D-did you hear that message A-Anna? D-do you want t-to go to a b-beach i-instead of a-a movie?" Colin smiled up at Anna "I-I don't mind wh-which we do, i-it's up to you"
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Daimao said:
Taking a sip of his pinã coloda, Alpha sighs, looking at Jackie. "Guess it won't be just us for much longer," he says with a smirk, before looking out at the beach. "This world truly is beautiful," he says with a small smile. "It is truly a shame that so many of its inhabitants are trying to destroy it's beauty." With that, Alpha took another sip of his drink.
Jackie smiles sheepishly, moving to take the seat beside Alpha. "Sorry, but hey, everyone should get a beach day," She nods at his words, looking from the sky to him, "It really, really is beautiful. And it is a shame we take it for granted," She intertwines her fingers with his as she looks up to the cloudless blue sky, closing her eyes and humming at the warmth on her skin.
Great I knew this day might come. When Inaro's past came back to hunt us. Who was your sister? He asked curiously. Zane somewhat already had a feeling of who his sister might be from what Inaro has told him about his time here. @Light
MTchaos1134 said:
Raz nodded before his ally collapsed.raz walked over,grabbed him, and took him into his dimension."what the hell happened in that cave?"
Dante laid in Raz's dimension going in and out of consciousness, finally he manged to stay awake the last time he came to. Still clutching his severed arm he reattached it and because of his regenerative ability it healed back and worked perfectly. However, he was still extremely exhausted from his battle, he thought he should rest for a little while. He used the telepathy granted to him by the guild symbol to contact Morpheus," Hey Morpheus I finished the mission, don't I get points or something now?" @DizjayDeathPride
LokiofSP said:
Fola growled at Julius and shook his head, "Yeah, I need you to do something. Fuck off, you don't tell me what to do, and I REFUSE to just be her mate! A mate is what happens in the wild when two animals want to fuck so the female can get pregnant, then they NEVER see each other again! That's not what we have! And fuck off with this bullshit about devoting myself to only her! Yes, Isabel makes me happy, happier than I've EVER been, but you can't tell me to turn my back on the world entirely!"
"Sure, I might now get the same joy I get when I'm with Isabel, but the guild was the first place I felt any BIT of anything other than rage and fucking angst! There needs to be more people for Isabel to want to live for, I can't be the only one...What happens when I die?! Does she just give up?! No! I refuse to do any of the bullshit you say you damn invertebrate! Even IF I gave my life to her and ONLY her, what happens years from now? What if we have kids?! Do I just blow them off?! Fuck no, go fuck yourself..."

After venting all of his remaining rage, Fola gets up, leaving the snake to the room alone. He slams the door behind him for effect, walking briskly through the halls until he comes to a closed door. He takes in a breath and knocks on the wood...

( @CelticSol )

Julius shakes his serpent head and chuckles. Fola didn't even know what he's just said. He summons Layla to the room and explains the entire situation to her in detail. "He went after Isabel in the bathroom."

Carnage had just relayed the information of Fola refusing to be her mate to Isabel. Whom could only stare at the wall, refusing to move or speak. She ignores Fola at the door, her chest feeling cold.

"It seems like I was wrong. He's not even thinking about it, he doesn't want to be with you at all."


"My sister's name was Celica....Inaro helped others kill her." Ash glares and eats with more anger, food falling upon his lap.
Light said:
( @CelticSol )
Julius shakes his serpent head and chuckles. Fola didn't even know what he's just said. He summons Layla to the room and explains the entire situation to her in detail. "He went after Isabel in the bathroom."

Carnage had just relayed the information of Fola refusing to be her mate to Isabel. Whom could only stare at the wall, refusing to move or speak. She ignores Fola at the door, her chest feeling cold.

"It seems like I was wrong. He's not even thinking about it, he doesn't want to be with you at all."

"My sister's name was Celica....Inaro helped others kill her." Ash glares and eats with more anger, food falling upon his lap.
(@LokiofSP )

Layla nods as they speak to her, leaning against the wall with crossed arms, her expression the picture of perfect composure. Once they finish, she pushed off the wall, following after Fola, "I've got it."

When she sees him at the closed bathroom door, she leans her shoulder against the wall, raising an eyebrow. "So... Fola, is it? Care to explain why my granddaughter has locked herself into a bathroom? Or does my opinion not matter, since, after all, I'm mated? In your words, all I do is fuck in the woods like a wild beast in order to get pregnant. Enlighten me, the savage beast, on your wise ways, Witch."
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Zane thinks back to what he knows. Celica, Celica, Celica. That name keep repeating in his head as he tried remembering who she was. Was Celica the name of the Creed Embodiment. He thought. So I'm guessing Inaro isn't the only Dragon Roar member you hate. @Light
Fola looks at Layla oddly, studying her as if attempting to get a read on her, eyes widening as he realizes who she is, "Oh shit, you're the old lady! I heard of you, and I have to say I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to meet you! I apreciate the visit, and it's nice to know you take an active role in your granddaughter's existence, but could you kindly fuck off breifly? I need to check up on Isabel..." He attempted to walk past Layla...

LokiofSP said:
Fola looks at Layla oddly, studying her as if attempting to get a read on her, eyes widening as he realizes who she is, "Oh shit, you're the old lady! I heard of you, and I have to say I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to meet you! I apreciate the visit, and it's nice to know you take an active role in your granddaughter's existence, but could you kindly fuck off breifly? I need to check up on Isabel..." He attempted to walk past Layla...
Layla's eyes narrow sharply towards Fola as her hand wraps Fola's throat and slams him into the wall, lifting him off his feet by his jaw. She isn't quite strangling him, but she's definitely not making it easy to breathe, "I figured Isabel had better taste than a classless, ignorant moron, but apparently, I was wrong," Her voice pitches lower, eyes promising death, "I would watch the way I speak, Fola. Your words may be numbered if you don't shape up," She drops him carelessly, reigning back her temper as she steps away from him, "And talking to Isabel with the mindset you have now is possibly the worst idea I've ever heard. She's not going to be receptive since you just spat on a very important cultural custom."
As soon as he was up against a wall, Fola's hand instinctivly shot to his side. It was only when he realized he still had no weapon there that he thought about his chances of actually wining in a fight against her. She could supposedly create seals, and it was a fight he didn't want to have, so he waited the chokehold out. Falling ungracefully and rubbing his neck. Thousands of insults flooded into his mind, but this was Isabel's family, which meant he (unfortunatly) had to play nice. So he settled for a simple question, "I don't get people like you, you expect me to know customes and cultutres I've NEVER been presented with! So educate me, what time honored tradition did I break?! Did I spill to much of my damn blood?! Was I supposed to say sorry before killing somebody?! Enlighten me in your ultimate wisdom!"

@Light @CelticSol
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LokiofSP said:
As soon as he was up against a wall, Fola's hand instinctivly shot to his side. It was only when he realized he still had no weapon there that he thought about his chances of actually wining in a fight against her. She could supposedly create seals, and it was a fight he didn't want to have, so he waited the chokehold out. Falling ungracefully and rubbing his neck. Thousands of insults flooded into his mind, but this was Isabel's family, which meant he (unfortunatly) had to play nice. So he settled for a simple question, "I don't get people like you, you expect me to know customes and cultutres I've NEVER been presented with! So educate me, what time honored tradition did I break?! Did I spill to much of my damn blood?! Was I supposed to say sorry before killing somebody?! Enlighten me in your ultimate wisdom!"

@Light @CelticSol
"I don't expect you to know everything. You're human, so you have no reason to know anything about the cultural customs of a dragon or any other part that makes up Isabel," She says bluntly, going straight to the point as she regards Fola, "But even a moron would've been able to tell that mating is important to her. You said that'd you never mate her, and that you absolutely refuse to," She sighs, leaning back against the wall again with crossed arms, "Since it's coming from me, I know you probably don't care about whatever I have to say, but think about it through her perspective. You've basically said to her that she'll never be worth enough of your time for the biggest dedication she will ever make to another person. So you're sitting here having a bitch fit while Isabel is in that bathroom thinking that she isn't good enough, or that she isnt pretty enough, or funny enough, or kind enough, or smart enough and she's feeling unwanted and unwantable because of what you said to her, and you were about to go in there with the mindset that mating belonged to animals. So maybe you don't know everything; that's fine, but at least make an effort to show interest in getting to know them, because I know for a fact it would mean the world to her if you did."
Fola opened his mouth to retort, but closed it as he thought back. He'd been using mate so he didn't get killed, because it seemed to be 'normal' here. He hadn't stopped to think how much Isabel herself valued the word, he had assumed she was playing it up like he was, that she knew that she was more than that in his eyes. But this was... Odd. Mating was the word he'd used in second grade because sex sounded to icky, mating was the word that he used in seventh grade biology. It was never a real term of endearment, not to him. But now that he paused to think about it, it made sense...

"Oh shit..." He leaned against the wall and put a hand through his hair, "...So if it isn't what I described, how intimate is mating in your eyes? How bad did I fuck up?"


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