Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
I guess we're getting a big room then, and Uhhh. He looks at Jackson. It's all good man. Names Crimson by the way. He tried saying in a friendly way.

Cole watches Christina as wonders. Yeah that was my Void magic. I used it to create a portal to me when you was surrounded by those men. It comes in handy for quick travels, and for battle. He says with his normal calm emotion while holding the cig in his mouth. @Light @Tazmodo
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"I am not cursed! Let me go!" Seeing the portal caused Kytha to panic more. But after that fear had passed, angry grew. Hatred, and rage were like generators creating friction which would eventually blow up in ones face. The anger only lasted a few seconds before she went limp and glared up at her captors. Her eyes changed into a glowing orange and her body became a dogs. Then her head split into three dark, demonic heads. Some of the 'skin' on the body broke revealing that same orange of the eyes. A snarl grew on each of her deadly faces and she began snapping, pushing, and clawing those around her.
GingerBread said:
"Don't even suggest that We had fun" Vance growled, not wanting to even slightly relive that memory. Vance ran over to where Sage was being held up, dodging out of the way of Mars I can't fight him , he has the advantage here, I'll just get Sage and then go Vance thought as he started hacking away at the black wires with his sword
Mars tapped his chin and decided to let them go. He would wait until his other halves return to him.
djinnamon said:
Mars tapped his chin and decided to let them go. He would wait until his other halves return to him.
Vance finished cutting the wires that were holding Sage and then just shot a beam to destroy the ones holding neptune, not really caring about her as much. Vance then grabbed Sage and slung him over his shoulder before grabbing neptune and slinging her over the other one.

Vance teleported to the guild and dropped neptune off in the main hall before teleporting to his room and laying Sage down on his bed "Sage, you're alright, right?"

The girls returned to the guild and broke down his door in anger but it quickly ceased the second they saw Sage. They ran over to him and hugged him tightly as he hugged back. Sage then pulled away and looked at Vance. " Yeah , I'm ok. "He said

GingerBread said:
Vance finished cutting the wires that were holding Sage and then just shot a beam to destroy the ones holding neptune, not really caring about her as much. Vance then grabbed Sage and slung him over his shoulder before grabbing neptune and slinging her over the other one.
Vance teleported to the guild and dropped neptune off in the main hall before teleporting to his room and laying Sage down on his bed "Sage, you're alright, right?"

djinnamon said:
The girls returned to the guild and broke down his door in anger but it quickly ceased the second they saw Sage. They ran over to him and hugged him tightly as he hugged back. Sage then pulled away and looked at Vance. " Yeah , I'm ok. "He said
Vance just nodded and smiled at Sage before walking over to him and hugging him tightly "I'm sorry I took so long to save you" Vance apologised as he gently left the hug "I love you more than anything Sage and I'm sorry that you had to go through any of that, I promise that if you ever tell me you need help I'll come help you as soon as I can" Vance smiled warmly at Sage as he sat down on his bed and ran his hands through his hair "I can feel the alcohol wearing off, I should get more to drink" Vance mumbled to himself

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GingerBread said:
Vance just nodded and smiled at Sage before walking over to him and hugging him tightly "I'm sorry I took so long to save you" Vance apologised as he gently left the hug "I love you more than anything Sage and I'm sorry that you had to go through any of that, I promise that if you ever tell me you need help I'll come help you as soon as I can" Vance smiled warmly at Sage as he sat down on his bed and ran his hands through his hair "I can feel the alcohol wearing off, I should get more to drink" Vance mumbled to himself
Sage gave the girls a look that told them to get out. " I feel the same way. " He said truthfully as he crawled on to Vance's lap. " I think you should get that man's 'essence' off and replace it with yours. " Sage said as he rested his hands on Vance's chest.

( I feel dirty)
CelticSol said:
She blinks up at him, eyes wide as she takes in his words. A wide smile spreads across her face, and she pulls him down to kiss him, "I love you, too. Don't forget that you're mine, though; I'd hate to kill a bitch because they got too hands-y with you," She steps away to flip the pancakes and scramble the eggs, smirking.
Light said:
Suddenly Alpha could feel an arrow pierce his shoulder. Jackie could feel an arrow pierce her back. They were pretty harmless but they were love arrows. Grimm in the form of a baby in a diaper with a bow and arrow floats around. "I love you two loving each other so much! The romance is just beautiful!" The arrows disappear after this statement. "Are you making food for me too? Aaahh... Jalpha is so beautiful... I would shoot you two all over again." Cupid Grimm's voice was soft and angelic.
( ! ) Ashlyn was growing impatient and had things to do, she simply separates herself from reality and these affects from her poison no longer take place. The poison deity could feel herself being pulled apart on a subatomic level. Ashlyn was simply staring at her as she was doing this to the deity. "Honestly I don't want to kill you I just want to go home. Unless you want me to stay then... by all means." Ashlyn concentrates and causes miniature telekinetic explosions to occur on every cell of the poison deities body while she's being pulled apart on a subatomic level.

They all finally reach a town and enter the hotel. Alice was talking with Zedd since she could speak many languages. She turns to the other two and raises her eyebrow. "So how's this gonna go. Different rooms? Same room many beds? What?"

"That is true... So what are your strengths? You used an interesting power on me before." Christina stands up and dusts off her skirt, she begins walking around the area but doesn't stray too far so she can hear Cole.

"Hey stop moving around in there!" Mini Grimm continues running at high speeds and gets on a bus. Hopefully his earnings would be quiet.
Alpha grinned at Jackie's words, before spinning and almost backhanding Grimm when he shot them with "love arrows". Stopping his hand inches from Grimm. He sighed. "Grimm," he growled. "Just how long have you been here?"
Light said:
"Oh... I know where. I hope no one sees us though." Alexandria grabs Typhon's had and spreads her wings. Four angelic wings sprout from the right side of her back and four demonic wings spread from her left. She flies at near Invisible speeds towards the guild.
( @Tazmodo )

Alice was caught off guard due to the fact that it seemed so... alien. "Alright... I'll hold you to that promise!" Alice turns to Jackson once he makes his comment. "Hey... is there a problem?"

Christina smiles at Cole and nods her head. "I'll make sure you keep that promise. If you don't I'll hurt you." She was obviously joking.

The humans end up dropping Kytha several times since they couldn't handle the smoke. Eventually they made sacrifices to get her to the top of the building. A beacon of light shines indicating the start of a ritual. Grimm and Veyd could see this once they get close enough.

"Well I could make him appear here if you really want to handle the problem on your own in a safe environment." Morgan shrugs her shoulders and continues to pat Ryan's head. She ends up putting a vial to his lips to drink. "Since he is a witch." Morgan still hasn't completely explained the witch situation to A.

( The staff is planning.... watch out. )
Typhon merely allows Alexandria to carry him to their destination.
GingerBread said:
"Um, edible food I guess" Colin half smiled at his bad attempt at a joke "I'm not really a fussy eater, I'll eat pretty much whatever is put in front of me, So I'm not too bothered. But don't worry about what I want, get yourself something"

"Then let's get pizza!" She grabbed Colin and dragged him to the Italian section. She ordered a pepperoni. The wise choice.
DizjayDeathPride said:
"Then let's get pizza!" She grabbed Colin and dragged him to the Italian section. She ordered a pepperoni. The wise choice.
"Sure Pizza sounds-" Colin yelped as he was suddenly grabbed and pulled along with Anna "I take it you like Pizza then?" Conlin asked rhetorically as a wry smiled appeared on his face.

djinnamon said:
Sage gave the girls a look that told them to get out. " I feel the same way. " He said truthfully as he crawled on to Vance's lap. " I think you should get that man's 'essence' off and replace it with yours. " Sage said as he rested his hands on Vance's chest.
( I feel dirty)
Vance looked at Sage and shook his head lightly "No, not right now. Later, when I'm completely sober." Vance replied as he gave Sage a small smile. "But I'm going to go to a bar and continue getting drunk until I've forgot everything that happened today, or until my liver gives out. Whichever come first" Vance lightly pushed Sage off of him and onto the bed. "I think it would be for the best if you stayed here though, Stay with your friends. I'll be back later, I promise" Vance stood up and smiled at Sage once more before teleporting to a Bar in Russia.

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GingerBread said:
"Sure Pizza sounds-" Colin yelped as he was suddenly grabbed and pulled along with Anna "I take it you like Pizza then?" Conlin asked rhetorically as a wry smiled appeared on his face.
"It's my third favorite!" She took the plate from the cook with her pizza and looked back to Colin, smiling as she walked to the table with sleeping grey kitten
Light said:
Suddenly Alpha could feel an arrow pierce his shoulder. Jackie could feel an arrow pierce her back. They were pretty harmless but they were love arrows. Grimm in the form of a baby in a diaper with a bow and arrow floats around. "I love you two loving each other so much! The romance is just beautiful!" The arrows disappear after this statement. "Are you making food for me too? Aaahh... Jalpha is so beautiful... I would shoot you two all over again." Cupid Grimm's voice was soft and angelic.
Daimao said:
Alpha grinned at Jackie's words, before spinning and almost backhanding Grimm when he shot them with "love arrows". Stopping his hand inches from Grimm. He sighed. "Grimm," he growled. "Just how long have you been here?"
Unlike Alpha, who stopped last minute, Jackie was not so controlled; she leaps away with a startled shriek, grabbing the first thing in reach - her spatula - and throwing it. It whips through the air, smacking Grimm right in the forehead with deadly accuracy. She holds her hand to her heart, her breath uneven in her fear. "Fuck, Grimm! Get the fuck out of my apartment!" She throws a wooden spoon at Grimm viciously, her eyes bright with anger.

Light said:
( ! ) Ashlyn was growing impatient and had things to do, she simply separates herself from reality and these affects from her poison no longer take place. The poison deity could feel herself being pulled apart on a subatomic level. Ashlyn was simply staring at her as she was doing this to the deity. "Honestly I don't want to kill you I just want to go home. Unless you want me to stay then... by all means." Ashlyn concentrates and causes miniature telekinetic explosions to occur on every cell of the poison deities body while she's being pulled apart on a subatomic level.
The deity doesn't appear to be in much pain, but she does sigh in disappointment. "I suppose I'll concede," She mumurs, folding her hands in front of her. She looks to Isabel, amber eyes inquisitive and sharp, "Now, I am a woman of my word; what would you like me to do for you?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
"It's my third favorite!" She took the plate from the cook with her pizza and looked back to Colin, smiling as she walked to the table with sleeping grey kitten
"What's your first favorite then?" Colin asked as he followed Anna to the table. Of course the first person who is nice to me had to be a beautiful woman who I have next to no chance with, god fate just dislikes me today doesn't it? Colin thought as he sat down at the table and reflected on what had happened to him so far today.

GingerBread said:
"What's your first favorite then?" Colin asked as he followed Anna to the table. Of course the first person who is nice to me had to be a beautiful woman who I have next to no chance with, god fate just dislikes me today doesn't it? Colin thought as he sat down at the table and reflected on what had happened to him so far today.

Annna bit and chewed, covering her mouth as she spoke. "Probably Thanksgiving dinner. Ham over turkey of course. That... Is amazing" She took another bite and puffed her cheeks to Colin before finishing that mouthful. "So tell me Colin. What is it that you can do that allowed the guild to accept you? I assume they don't just say yes to everyone"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Annna bit and chewed, covering her mouth as she spoke. "Probably Thanksgiving dinner. Ham over turkey of course. That... Is amazing" She took another bite and puffed her cheeks to Colin before finishing that mouthful. "So tell me Colin. What is it that you can do that allowed the guild to accept you? I assume they don't just say yes to everyone"
"Not a lot really, I can heal people and that's really about it. But the way I heal people is unique... Well I hope it is, otherwise I just lost pretty much everything that sets me apart from everyone else" Colin smiled at Anna "The way I heal people is I take all their injuries onto myself, which means that if they had a broken leg, I would get a broken leg when I healed them. The injury would also be the exact same" Colin paused for a moment, mentally debating whether or not he should tell Anna about the other aspect of his power. Colin decided that there was no point in hiding that he could do that, even if he never used it "I can also transfer my injuries onto someone else, So I could go around stealing peoples wounds and try not to die in the process. Then I can give them all to someone else to quickly take them down."

DaManofWar said:
Scar could feel himself being lifted off the ground. He frowned. "Of course," he growled. But he was now figuring this into his plan. The man would be caught off guard by Scar's sheer raw strength.
Mini Grimm arrives at the black market and sells everything in the bag for a high price. Mini Grimm leaves to steal more things after the fact, not caring about what happens afterwards. The bag was thrown into the incinerator.

Sh3w0lfSp1r1t said:
"I am not cursed! Let me go!" Seeing the portal caused Kytha to panic more. But after that fear had passed, angry grew. Hatred, and rage were like generators creating friction which would eventually blow up in ones face. The anger only lasted a few seconds before she went limp and glared up at her captors. Her eyes changed into a glowing orange and her body became a dogs. Then her head split into three dark, demonic heads. Some of the 'skin' on the body broke revealing that same orange of the eyes. A snarl grew on each of her deadly faces and she began snapping, pushing, and clawing those around her.
"Yay! She's fighting back! Let's join her!" Grimm was getting ready to use his dodge ball skills.

The humans were either pushed off or killed. The portal begins to turn red rather than green.

TheMADQ said:
(Just making excuses for where Brundyn was for however long its been)
After Brundyn realised that it was futile to try and save them. "Eh, I tried." Brundyn then collectesthe corpses of the terrorists. "I might just have enough for that plan I had a while ago." Warping back to the interdimensional space. (I will just refer to this as home.) "Alright make preparations for plan G." The bodies were taken away and prepared for construction. Brundyn says walking over to the thousands of crafting constructs remaking the the mecha Zeus. "Seems like progress is going well." Brundyn personally works on some of the more delicate parts of the mecha. Spending a long time working on it. "Well I probably should get back to the guild. Keep working and keep me updated." Teleporying back to the guild at their shop. Looking over to there buddy Psyc "Soo hows business?...Yeah, didn't think it would go well the first few days...hmmm, fine. I guess I will stick up some advertisement...no, not a billboard...I guess we can hire a sign boy...why do you want to do it?...whatever fine go and have your fun just make sure you don't slack your duties."

Mecha Zeus had its own internal thoughts about the situation.

There seemed to be a staff gliding around in the guild, looking for Colin.

Alice nods her head and pays for a big room with different sections. "Alright... 3rd floor room 321. Let's go." Alice makes her way to the stairs instead of the elevator ahead of Jackson and Crimson. At this moment by the looks of her legs her ability of high speed was obvious. She makes sure to keep her body in shape.

Christina smells the air and her attention turns towards Cole. "You should invest in quitting...smoking can kill you after all." Christina lays down on her side and looks into Cole's eyes. "I have something like that... a realm. You don't want to go there though."

Daimao said:
Alpha grinned at Jackie's words, before spinning and almost backhanding Grimm when he shot them with "love arrows". Stopping his hand inches from Grimm. He sighed. "Grimm," he growled. "Just how long have you been here?"
CelticSol said:
Unlike Alpha, who stopped last minute, Jackie was not so controlled; she leaps away with a startled shriek, grabbing the first thing in reach - her spatula - and throwing it. It whips through the air, smacking Grimm right in the forehead with deadly accuracy. She holds her hand to her heart, her breath uneven in her fear. "Fuck, Grimm! Get the fuck out of my apartment!" She throws a wooden spoon at Grimm viciously, her eyes bright with anger.
"I've always been here! Not physically but yeah I saw this happening and me bothering you 500 billion years ago! I got impatient on that day and took a little peep into the future. At this moment Jackie thro-" Grimm gets hit twice and falls to the ground, producing tears. "Jackie! I just want to watch my favourite couple physically! Besides, I'm a baby...how could you hit me? Anyways I have important news to share and then I'll leave since you want me gone so much. The news of Project Hybrid is out and many are hunting the split personalities. The end of all of all shall come and the bane of God shall rise and warning does I shall not aid you. You are to tell no one of this. Bye!~" Grimm disappears leaving adoption papers for them both to sign behind.

[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]Hearing such a horrible accident, Ace felt very uncomfortable, but at the same time, excited to find out who was the killer. The female was zoned out, thinking about the murderer.

Ace could feel the guild distress signal calling her to the ritual occurring on the highest building in Detroit.
Daimao said:
Typhon merely allows Alexandria to carry him to their destination.
Alexandria lands in the entrance of the guild and hides behind Typhon. "I-I think it would be a good experience to join this guild.... I hide here sometimes and I hope this could help you... I'm sorry."
CelticSol said:
The deity doesn't appear to be in much pain, but she does sigh in disappointment. "I suppose I'll concede," She mumurs, folding her hands in front of her. She looks to Isabel, amber eyes inquisitive and sharp, "Now, I am a woman of my word; what would you like me to do for you?"
"I don't know..... wait! Be our friend!" Ashlyn smiles at the idea.
Light said:
Mini Grimm arrives at the black market and sells everything in the bag for a high price. Mini Grimm leaves to steal more things after the fact, not caring about what happens afterwards. The bag was thrown into the incinerator.
"Yay! She's fighting back! Let's join her!" Grimm was getting ready to use his dodge ball skills.

The humans were either pushed off or killed. The portal begins to turn red rather than green.

Mecha Zeus had its own internal thoughts about the situation.

There seemed to be a staff gliding around in the guild, looking for Colin.

Alice nods her head and pays for a big room with different sections. "Alright... 3rd floor room 321. Let's go." Alice makes her way to the stairs instead of the elevator ahead of Jackson and Crimson. At this moment by the looks of her legs her ability of high speed was obvious. She makes sure to keep her body in shape.

Christina smells the air and her attention turns towards Cole. "You should invest in quitting...smoking can kill you after all." Christina lays down on her side and looks into Cole's eyes. "I have something like that... a realm. You don't want to go there though."

"I've always been here! Not physically but yeah I saw this happening and me bothering you 500 billion years ago! I got impatient on that day and took a little peep into the future. At this moment Jackie thro-" Grimm gets hit twice and falls to the ground, producing tears. "Jackie! I just want to watch my favourite couple physically! Besides, I'm a baby...how could you hit me? Anyways I have important news to share and then I'll leave since you want me gone so much. The news of Project Hybrid is out and many are hunting the split personalities. The end of all of all shall come and the bane of God shall rise and warning does I shall not aid you. You are to tell no one of this. Bye!~" Grimm disappears leaving adoption papers for them both to sign behind.

Ace could feel the guild distress signal calling her to the ritual occurring on the highest building in Detroit.
Jackson scratched his head. "I'm Jackson but you probably knew that by now." He shook his hand and followed Alice.
Yeah, I know now. Zedd shrinks down to puppy size and runs up the stairs following Alice, while crimson walks into the elevator, drinking a bottle of whiskey. Crimson expected to see Alice, and her kids with Zedd when he arrived to the floor.

Cole smiles as Christina tries to give him the stop smoking talk. Yeah that would be the case if I was human but I'm not. So I'll be alright. He raised an eyebrow at she spoke about her realm. And why is that?? @Light @Tazmodo
Tazmodo said:
Jackson scratched his head. "I'm Jackson but you probably knew that by now." He shook his hand and followed Alice.
"Well it makes you smell and that scent is strong to me. Besides... It almost ruins your look." Christina pokes at a flower... delicate yet alluring. Defeating the purpose of mass grouping to not be singled out. "In the Phantom Realm. While you're in there you're dead. It's uncomfortable to most people."
Light said:
Alice was inside the designated room with Zedd and the kids, already tucking them in.
"Well it makes you smell and that scent is strong to me. Besides... It almost ruins your look." Christina pokes at a flower... delicate yet alluring. Defeating the purpose of mass grouping to not be singled out. "In the Phantom Realm. While you're in there you're dead. It's uncomfortable to most people."
Jackson sat down on one of the free beds and laid down. He took a deep breath and tried to go back to his normal form. It wouldn't work and he gave up. "How long are we staying here?" He asked aloud.

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