Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
DizjayDeathPride said:
MT watched the mech fall. "You have done well young one. EVERYONE! FORMATION 5!"
( ! ) The group striked the head of the mech one after the other.
First Ryan flashed, his speed and strength heightened with Twilight. His fist connected and he was gone. Then Decimus, a left then right swing, strengthed with Darkness then disappeared. Then a rapid quick barrage of powerful blinding strikes from Damian. Left and right, shaking the head then teleporting away. Then Richard who fell from above who drop kicked the head, teleporting away. Followed lastly by Morpheus who uppercutted, a full 20 Ton-Force punching up
djinnamon said:
Sage made a large sword of fire and slashed at the mecha's legs , completely destroying them. He then flew and landed in front of Vance as the sword disappeared. " Its so good to have back my powers. " He said as he ran a hand through his hair.
Embaga Elder]Inaro lands on top of the Mecha after it was punched. Inaro inhales deeply once more. The air was visible as it enters his mouth. [B]Obliterating Roar [/B] he roars releasing a blast of destructive energy from his mouth. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
GingerBread said:
Vance glared at Sage as he attacked the mecha Well at least it seems to be weakened, Sage has less chance of being hurt at least Vance thought as he sat back down against the wall, not feeling like he was in any condition to fight, even with no injuries Guess this is because i tried to manipulate a shadow of a living being, never doing that again, I feel like crap now
Archdemon said:
Jack, having followed Vande to the war zone was taking care of whatever machinery that was attacking stuff. He turned to see the giant robot fall and having its head beat the fuck up. "Hahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah yes!!! We're winning! Now time for the blade special!"
Jack who was getting in the spirit of things decided to help with the onslaught appearing on the robot. He raised his storm of blades and sending thousands of blades of different sizes crashing into the Giant mech's head and body. Hell he even teleported onto it just to slash it a couple times before pulling out. He just let his hell storm of blades attack it. He stopped the storm as he began attacking/Stabbing the robot in a flurry of stabs. He turned to see Vance hurt or at least look it, while he would love to stab this thing more he teleported next to Vance yelling at the robot "DIE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Need help Vance? Or you want me to keep stabbing the robot?" He said as he noticed light healing him "Oh, Nevermind I'll just keep stabbing!" He then teleported back to stabbing the mech.

@GingerBread @Light
Tazmodo said:
Jackson made more hammer and kept going.
Theodore shot the Mecha Typhoeus will a much light and dark as he can muster. Had the three mechs he controled attack.

Jasmine turned into a giant axe while Derek hit Typhoeus with the blade.
TheMADQ said:
Brundyn wasn't doing much fighting, for the most part if the mechas left them alone, they had no intentions of doing anything about them. Instead Brundyn finds it more important that they repair and reprogram the mechas, turning them I to there own constructs. In doing so they remove there AI functions so that the mechas can't rebell against there new master. Even if they are destroyed completely whats left of them makes for good material that they can use when crafting or repairing other mechas. Brundyn had already teleported in many of there repair constructs. "Ahhhh, though who could have thought all this chaos and destruction could be so profitable." They say as they look up at the mecha Zuse with a smile. "I just need to be patient, soon enough I will have you for my own." They just can't wait to see what kind of wonderful things they can do with this masterpiece. When it got its legs blown off it just made Brundyn that much happier knowing it was even closer to being theres. Though they got a little frustrated when the quake hit. "Gosh, I am working here can't you people keep things stable." They were quite aware that probably no one was listening.
( @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Lotusy )

While the Mecha Typhoeus was being destroyed, it activates its last resort. Atomic Bombs along its body reveal themselves and a satellite had finally aligned above them, firing a large destructive beam. There were 10 atomic bombs on its body.

Alice was flying high up with the shy girl when she turns around, only to be hugged by this beam. "What the hell?!" She had her hands on it trying to push it back, using carnage magic as well too eat through the center of the beam and connect to the satellite. Alice was being pushed back swiftly though so the shy girl flies into her back to help her. "Uuuhh... we need more force behind us!"

At this moment, Christina appears behind them, light pushing out of her back. "Hhhmmm you called?" A smirk grows upon her face which angers Alice.

"I thought I told you too stay away from us Christina!" She continues too push against the beam that was headed towards Mecha Typhoeus. They were still extremely high up in the air. At her statement, Ashlyn appears behind Christina to help push against the beam as well. "Alice leave Christina alone for now!"

Christina flashes a satisfied smile and then sticks out her tongue towards Alice.

Alice growls and looks at the shy girl sandwiched between them. "Yo! Slap Christina for me."

"I...I- I don't know if I should. She might get angry." She looks away since she can't hide her face with her wing at the moment.

"My face is right here if you want too hit it so badly Alice!" Christina was taunting the already angered Alice. It made her day to do this all the time.

"Screw you! Ashlyn! Christina has been getting it in with one of your guild members!"

"She what?!" Ashlyn was extremely shocked so shocked she forgot to push against the beam.

"I won't deny it." Christina shrugs her shoulders and releases a pleasant victorious smile.

The witch with black hair and purple eyes rides on the head of a large snake and spreads her arms when she notices the four coming her way. "I've got y-" Was all she got out before they slammed into her and added her to the line of girls pushing back the beam. The snake shakes his head and sighs, disappearing.

The carnage magic hits the satellite and blows it apart, though the leftover beam still continues.

The black haired girl with purple eyes uses a spell too make the beam disperse at the cost of blowing them away. The girl with black hair lands in the battle zone. "Ooooowww...." Her body begins too magically heal immediately. Fola can feel a strange connection with her. Ashlyn lands directly on top of her, followed by Christina, the shy girl, and Alice. "Girls... get off me. I feel so broken." Every other girl nods their head in agreement but refuse to get off of her since they can barely move.

At this moment, Grimm appears floating in the air with a band. "Alright guys! I've finally come up with a theme song too help you fight! Ahem!" The city gets dark and a light shines down upon him.

Alice looks up at her grandfather with wide eyes. "Oh no... stop." Alice and the other four girls try to crawl away as swiftly as possible.

"You wanna be the very best

Like no guild ever was

To rank up is your real test

Victory is your cause

You can travel across the realms

Searching far and wide

Each enemy to understand

The power that's inside

Dragon's Roar! Gottakill 'em all! It's you and me

I know it's your destiny,

Dragon's Roar! Oh you're my bestfriend

In a world you must defend

Dragon's Roar! A heart so true

Your courage will pull you through,

You teach me and I'll teach you,

Dragon's Roar! Gotta kill'em all!x2

Dragon's Roar!

Grimm was obviously taking deep breaths. "So? How was it?"

Mecha Typhoeus stares at Grimm with wide eyes as he's being killed. First the first time he actually speaks. "Who the Fu-. Why the he-. What the fu-. Get the fuck out of here." Mecha Typhoeus points away and Grimm floats out of the area. Crying since he worked hard to steal and rearrange those lyrics. "Before you all kill me. Was he with you guys because that must be embarrassing."

Grimm sits in top of a destroyed building and cries, looking through his high school photos. He still had headgear and braces Senior year. His silver hair was a mess, and his turquoise eyes weren't as charming. He was a failure and he knew it now.
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Light said:
"I didn't make her angry. You did." Christina fixes his hair from his earlier battle and smiles. "Just let her into your harem. The more you say no the angrier she gets. She feels like you're rejecting and breaking up with her for a harem. She doesn't want to get in the way of your happiness so she won't stop you from having one. She just wants to be included in it."
Malren's face grew red, half from anger, and half from complete and total embarassment. "F-fine," he sputtered. "Ok, ok. Kinziel, please join this 'harem' of mine," he said, making air quotes around the word. "Which, by the way, does not exist, and it means nothing. Kinz please, trust me on this one..."

(Whip Malren! Whip Malren! Kick the crap out of him xD )
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djinnamon said:
Sage sighed. " I was thinking about when you die then I'll be left alone. " He said truthfully. @GingerBread
Vance watched the entire scene unfold before he shook his head slightly and made a mental note to talk to Grimm later. Vance turned his attention back towards Sage "Well yeah, The only way I'm going to die is of old age, So you won't be too far behind me.... You are younger than me right?" Vance was sure Sage was younger than him as he looked Younger
Light said:
( @Dreamtique @LokiofSP @The Otaku Diaries @Lotusy )
While the Mecha Typhoeus was being destroyed, it activates its last resort. Atomic Bombs along its body reveal themselves and a satellite had finally aligned above them, firing a large destructive beam. There were 10 atomic bombs on its body.

Alice was flying high up with the shy girl when she turns around, only to be hugged by this beam. "What the hell?!" She had her hands on it trying to push it back, using carnage magic as well too eat through the center of the beam and connect to the satellite. Alice was being pushed back swiftly though so the shy girl flies into her back to help her. "Uuuhh... we need more force behind us!"

At this moment, Christina appears behind them, light pushing out of her back. "Hhhmmm you called?" A smirk grows upon her face which angers Alice.

"I thought I told you too stay away from us Christina!" She continues too push against the beam that was headed towards Mecha Typhoeus. They were still extremely high up in the air. At her statement, Ashlyn appears behind Christina to help push against the beam as well. "Alice leave Christina alone for now!"

Christina flashes a satisfied smile and then sticks out her tongue towards Alice.

Alice growls and looks at the shy girl sandwiched between them. "Yo! Slap Christina for me."

"I...I- I don't know if I should. She might get angry." She looks away since she can't hide her face with her wing at the moment.

"My face is right here if you want too hit it so badly Alice!" Christina was taunting the already angered Alice. It made her day to do this all the time.

"Screw you! Ashlyn! Christina has been getting it in with one of your guild members!"

"She what?!" Ashlyn was extremely shocked so shocked she forgot to push against the beam.

"I won't deny it." Christina shrugs her shoulders and releases a pleasant victorious smile.

The witch with black hair and purple eyes rides on the head of a large snake and spreads her arms when she notices the four coming her way. "I've got y-" Was all she got out before they slammed into her and added her to the line of girls pushing back the beam. The snake shakes his head and sighs, disappearing.

The carnage magic hits the satellite and blows it apart, though the leftover beam still continues.

The black haired girl with purple eyes uses a spell too make the beam disperse at the cost of blowing them away. The girl with black hair lands in the battle zone. "Ooooowww...." He body begins too magically heal immediately. Fola can feel a strange connection with her. Ashlyn lands directly on top of her, followed by Christina, the shy girl, and Alice. "Girls... get off me. I feel so broken." Every other girl nods their head in agreement but refuse to get off of her since they can barely move.

At this moment, Grimm appears floating in the air with a band. "Alright guys! I've finally come up with a theme song too help you fight! Ahem!" The city gets dark and a light shines down upon him.

Alice looks up at her grandfather with wide eyes. "Oh no... stop." Alice and the other four girls try to crawl away as swiftly as possible.

"You wanna be the very best

Like no guild ever was

To rank up is your real test

Victory is your cause

You can travel across the realms

Searching far and wide

Each enemy to understand

The power that's inside

Dragon's Roar! Gottakill 'em all! It's you and me

I know it's your destiny,

Dragon's Roar! Oh you're my bestfriend

In a world you must defend

Dragon's Roar! A heart so true

Your courage will pull you through,

You teach me and I'll teach you,

Dragon's Roar! Gotta kill'em all!x2

Dragon's Roar!

Grimm was obviously taking deep breaths. "So? How was it?"

Mecha Typhoeus stares at Grimm with wide eyes as he's being killed. First the first time he actually speaks. "Who the Fu-. Why the he-. What the fu-. Get the fuck out of here." Mecha Typhoeus points away and Grimm floats out of the area. Crying since he worked hard to steal and rearrange those lyrics. "Before you all kill me. Was he with you guys because that must be embarrassing."

Grimm sits in top of a destroyed building and cries, looking through his high school photos. He still had headgear and braces Senior year. His silver hair was a mess, and his turquoise eyes weren't as charming. He was a failure and he knew it now.
Ryan watched the scene, proudly. "That's my girl" is all he said. A light whisper. Not really indicating which.

Morpheus walled up, The Dragon's Rawriors behind him. "Alright let's end this. Formation 6!"

( ! ) Morpheus made 3 more clones, each standing around the mech in a quad formation. They extended their hands and held the mech in place with his kinetic energy manipulation.
A blanket of darkness grew, wrapping around the mech. And in the last closing hole, Ryan shot an arrow of light directly at a bomb. It exploded, blowing up the bombs safely contained in the now covered blanket of darkness that expanded with the chain explosion inside of it
GingerBread said:
Vance watched the entire scene unfold before he shook his head slightly and made a mental note to talk to Grimm later. Vance turned his attention back towards Sage "Well yeah, The only way I'm going to die is of old age, So you won't be too far behind me.... You are younger than me right?" Vance was sure Sage was younger than him as he looked Younger
Sage shook his head. " I have no age but I am physically 19 , I'm immortal. " He said before he got up and mode portals in the way on the beams and sent them to outer space in a direction clear of anything. He then turned to Vance again. " How old are you again? " he asked

@Light @GingerBread
Lotusy said:
Malren's face grew red, half from anger, and half from complete and total embarassment. "F-fine," he sputtered. "Ok, ok. Kinziel, please join this 'harem' of mine," he said, making air quotes around the word. "Which, by the way, does not exist, and it means nothing. Kinz please, trust me on this one..."
(Whip Malren! Whip Malren! Kick the crap out of him xD )

Sage appeared out of no where and clung to Malren's arm tightly. " Harem king-sama , can I have your first child. " He asked

( Don't take this seriously. )

Lotusy said:
Malren's face grew red, half from anger, and half from complete and total embarassment. "F-fine," he sputtered. "Ok, ok. Kinziel, please join this 'harem' of mine," he said, making air quotes around the word. "Which, by the way, does not exist, and it means nothing. Kinz please, trust me on this one..."
(Whip Malren! Whip Malren! Kick the crap out of him xD )
Kinziel throws a pillow at him and the moment after uses her belt to hit him. "Stop trying too hide the harem from me! What are you afraid of?! You obviously weren't afraid of doing that one chick. Is there something so repulsive about me?! If there is let me know now because you've never shown sexual interest in me before even though we're 'dating.'"

At this moment, Christina appears looking tired. "Hey... oh so the topic is the dirties." She looks at Malren with a confused look. "Yeah Malren why haven't you done anything with poor Kinziel over here? She's attractive and quite infatuated with you." Christina knew exactly what she was about to start up.

DizjayDeathPride said:
Ryan watched the scene, proudly. "That's my girl" is all he said. A light whisper. Not really indicating which.

Morpheus walled up, The Dragon's Rawriors behind him. "Alright let's end this. Formation 6!"

( ! ) Morpheus made 3 more clones, each standing around the mech in a quad formation. They extended their hands and held the mech in place with his kinetic energy manipulation.
A blanket of darkness grew, wrapping around the mech. And in the last closing hole, Ryan shot an arrow of light directly at a bomb. It exploded, blowing up the bombs safely contained in the now covered blanket of darkness that expanded with the chain explosion inside of it
Mecha Typhoeus explodes and falls apart but The Zeus springs out of it high into the sky, a thunderstorm begins to form. This was the last stand.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/deryl-braun-zeus-by-derylbraun-d7i8afj.jpg.2729406794d840ea60cabc6c025a63a9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/deryl-braun-zeus-by-derylbraun-d7i8afj.jpg.2729406794d840ea60cabc6c025a63a9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • deryl-braun-zeus-by-derylbraun-d7i8afj.jpg
    377.8 KB · Views: 30
djinnamon said:
Sage shook his head. " I have no age but I am physically 19 , I'm immortal. " He said before he got up and mode portals in the way on the beams and sent them to outer space in a direction clear of anything. He then turned to Vance again. " How old are you again? " he asked
@Light @GingerBread
"Oh, so that's why you were thinking about me dying, cause you'll live forever and I won't" Vance replied as a frown appeared on his face "And I'm 24 by the way"

Sage nodded sadly. " Yeah , lets not talk about it anymore. " He said as he bit his lip. He then got an idea. " I could give up my powers and become mortal. " He contemplated that choice

Light said:
Kinziel throws a pillow at him and the moment after uses her belt to hit him. "Stop trying too hide the harem from me! What are you afraid of?! You obviously weren't afraid of doing that one chick. Is there something so repulsive about me?! If there is let me know now because you've never shown sexual interest in me before even though we're 'dating.'"
At this moment, Christina appears looking tired. "Hey... oh so the topic is the dirties." She looks at Malren with a confused look. "Yeah Malren why haven't you done anything with poor Kinziel over here? She's attractive and quite infatuated with you." Christina knew exactly what she was about to start up.

Mecha Typhoeus explodes and falls apart but The Zeus springs out of it high into the sky, a thunderstorm begins to form. This was the last stand.

View attachment 221991
( ! ) Before he moved so much a foot Morpheus' was slamming their fist, 10 Ton-Force, ripping him apart. "THIS IS FOR KILLING MY FRIEND YOU NO GOOD METALLIC PIECE OF SHIT!" Morpheus teleported above and slammed his foot into the Zeus' top skull with the same force
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Before he moved so much a foot Morpheus' was slamming their fist, 10 Ton-Force, ripping him apart. "THIS IS FOR KILLING MY FRIEND YOU NO GOOD METALLIC PIECE OF SHIT!" Morpheus teleported above and slammed his foot into the Zeus' top skull with the same force
Tazmodo said:
Theodore looked at Zeus with rage. Posiedan, Hades, and Medusa glare up at him. He blasted him with both light and dark energy.
Morpheus was electrocuted and the Zeus reforms elsewhere. Lightning bolts pierce through The Poseidon, The Hades, and The Medusa. A burst of electricity leaves the Zeus's body and four orbs appear around the battle field.
djinnamon said:
Sage nodded sadly. " Yeah , lets not talk about it anymore. " He said as he bit his lip. He then got an idea. " I could give up my powers and become mortal. " He contemplated that choice
"No" Vance replied bluntly "You're not going to give up your powers, just so you can live as long as an idiot like me. You already almost die enough with your powers, getting rid of them would not be good for either of us" Vance looked towards Zeus, not wanting to stay in this discussion any longer Vance ran towards Zeus and sent shards of darkness at it as he teleported behind it and muffled himself before he went invisible in a nearby shadow.

@djinnamon @Light
As Brundyn was looking up at the Mecha Zuse and smiles. "Interesting, this one really can take everything and keep going." You could see how much they wanted this. "Its only a matter of time." Brundyn walks off towards the battle. "Might as well start my clean up." They were leaving the repairs and reprogramming of the mechas to the repair constructs. Teleporting to where the mecha typhoeus had fallen apart. "Ahhh, all of this for the taking." Brundyn sighs knowing this was going to take a lot of energy to teleport all of this to there interdepartmental space. It took them a while to focus all the power it took to teleport it all away. They look up seeing the electrical balls surrounding the battle field. "Well that can't be good."
Light said:
Morpheus was electrocuted and the Zeus reforms elsewhere. Lightning bolts pierce through The Poseidon, The Hades, and The Medusa. A burst of electricity leaves the Zeus's body and four orbs appear around the battle field.
Theodore shot light and dark energy at Zues. They spiraled around each other and was coated in flames and rock creating magma.
Light said:
Morpheus was electrocuted and the Zeus reforms elsewhere. Lightning bolts pierce through The Poseidon, The Hades, and The Medusa. A burst of electricity leaves the Zeus's body and four orbs appear around the battle field.
( ! ) Decimus stared to the orbs curiously, opening the Darkness Realm and spitting Gazelle out. The shadow wrapped around one and sucked it into the Realm

( ! ) Morpheus fried, his eyes rolling back, and poofed in smoke. Another one popped up next to Decimus. "Dear God he won't die! KILL THE FUCKING ORBS!" He swung his arm to an orb and chunks of earth flew to it, compounding on it

( ! ) Ryan shot a pale green arrow into another, sucking the life-force out of it

( ! ) The remaining one Damian ran around rapidly, dust kicking up around it like a tornado, creating a vacuum inside. Richard jumped into it and grabbed the orb, draining it of electricity and slamming it to the ground
As the last round began, Fola bum rushed past everybody else to get to the black haired girl. There was a strange pull in his gut, this feeling he had that he wanted an explanation to, although during the middle of the fight was no time to do so, he was going to make sure to keep her safe. He got in front of the girl and turned to the Zeus, and spread his hands out wide and concentrated. (!) There was a flash from the sky as a giant hammer of lightning came from the sky and crashed into the mecha! Fola stumbled forward and put a hand to his head after such a use of mana, he turned to the girl with black hair and pointed at her, "You, I have a weird feeling in my gut when I look at you, tell me why, and no smart ass answers please!"

DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Decimus stared to the orbs curiously, opening the Darkness Realm and spitting Gazelle out. The shadow wrapped around one and sucked it into the Realm

( ! ) Morpheus fried, his eyes rolling back, and poofed in smoke. Another one popped up next to Decimus. "Dear God he won't die! KILL THE FUCKING ORBS!" He swung his arm to an orb and chunks of earth flew to it, compounding on it

( ! ) Ryan shot a pale green arrow into another, sucking the life-force out of it

( ! ) The remaining one Damian ran around rapidly, dust kicking up around it like a tornado, creating a vacuum inside. Richard jumped into it and grabbed the orb, draining it of electricity and slamming it to the ground
Gazelle gasped for air. Air spun around her and she was gone.
(i'm so sorry @Light, I've been so preoccupied with studies recently and I will probably not be able to post much this week and nothing next week because of exams. I was thinking of making Arwyn go off to some place in the meantime so that I don't drag down the RP while i'm busy.

...heh, i'm studying while Arwyn is studying history... how fitting..)

And so the dragonknight continued reading through the pages of the book. Even Syrax had leaned his head over the woman and read with her so that they could absorb twice the amount of information in the same amount of time due to their shared memories. If Arwyn had looked over to her companion she would have chuckled at the sight of him being so enthralled by the actions of humans throughout the decades, however she was too mesmerized by the text to even notice.

"We have missed much war and bloodshed" the dragon rumbled lowly. "Two major ones and countless strife before and after. The Church did take up arms against the city in the sand, and even after the long years that followed another man decided to eradicate its people like filth." He ended the last bit with a disgusted tone.

"And you humans even used those horrible hydrogen bombs to create desolation and called it peace. I see death and carnage in their past, and death and carnage in their future." A puff of smoke escaped Syrax's jaws as he hissed softly.

"The world has not changed" said the dragon.

"My species has always been wayward to the path of light." The dragonknight said sadly as she gazed at the pages. "But it is always balanced by the everyday actions of the common folk that truly keep the dark at bay, and diminish it when they gather their strength and resolve. I see revolutions for justice both bloody and peaceful but always ending with something better. The cost is bitter, yes, but I know there is hope for us. We can be better. " Arwyn said to the wyvern determinedly.

"Only time can tell..." he said. " Corruption has spread like wildfire and roots itself deep. It has seeped into their nature."

"Then we must uproot it. It is our duty." she said stubbornly.

"You don't give up easily, do you?"

"You know the answer to that."

BOSS THEME: [media]



Jack had a huge grin on his face as this is the end, can the robot live up to the expectations that this whole fight has built up, only one way to find out!

(!) Jack began teleporting into a mass flurry of slashes and stabs on ZEUS, mainly it consisted of a slash and teleport strategy. He stabbed the thing on it's back and using his feet he jumped right off holding his arm upwards and pointing at the large robot. A storm of blades appeared and began raining sharp things at the robot as Jack teleported back to the ground still aiming at his target.

(!) Vance launched a barrage of shadow swords at the Zeus mech, aiming them for its torso, doing his best to avoid hitting the other guild members, especially Sage.


(I'm going to go to sleep, Please don't do all the cool stuff without me :P Wish I didn't have to sleep )
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( @Embaga Elder @Dreamtique @The Otaku Diaries @Tazmodo )

GingerBread said:
"No" Vance replied bluntly "You're not going to give up your powers, just so you can live as long as an idiot like me. You already almost die enough with your powers, getting rid of them would not be good for either of us" Vance looked towards Zeus, not wanting to stay in this discussion any longer Vance ran towards Zeus and sent shards of darkness at it as he teleported behind it and muffled himself before he went invisible in a nearby shadow.
@djinnamon @Light
Archdemon said:
BOSS THEME: [media]



Jack had a huge grin on his face as this is the end, can the robot live up to the expectations that this whole fight has built up, only one way to find out!

(!) Jack began teleporting into a mass flurry of slashes and stabs on ZEUS, mainly it consisted of a slash and teleport strategy. He stabbed the thing on it's back and using his feet he jumped right off holding his arm upwards and pointing at the large robot. A storm of blades appeared and began raining sharp things at the robot as Jack teleported back to the ground still aiming at his target.

djinnamon said:
Sage jumped above Zeus and land on his head before summoning a ice sword and enchanting it so it could short circuit things. (!) He then went to stab the robot in the head. @Light @GingerBread
DizjayDeathPride said:
( ! ) Decimus stared to the orbs curiously, opening the Darkness Realm and spitting Gazelle out. The shadow wrapped around one and sucked it into the Realm

( ! ) Morpheus fried, his eyes rolling back, and poofed in smoke. Another one popped up next to Decimus. "Dear God he won't die! KILL THE FUCKING ORBS!" He swung his arm to an orb and chunks of earth flew to it, compounding on it

( ! ) Ryan shot a pale green arrow into another, sucking the life-force out of it

( ! ) The remaining one Damian ran around rapidly, dust kicking up around it like a tornado, creating a vacuum inside. Richard jumped into it and grabbed the orb, draining it of electricity and slamming it to the ground
TheMADQ said:
As Brundyn was looking up at the Mecha Zuse and smiles. "Interesting, this one really can take everything and keep going." You could see how much they wanted this. "Its only a matter of time." Brundyn walks off towards the battle. "Might as well start my clean up." They were leaving the repairs and reprogramming of the mechas to the repair constructs. Teleporting to where the mecha typhoeus had fallen apart. "Ahhh, all of this for the taking." Brundyn sighs knowing this was going to take a lot of energy to teleport all of this to there interdepartmental space. It took them a while to focus all the power it took to teleport it all away. They look up seeing the electrical balls surrounding the battle field. "Well that can't be good."
LokiofSP said:
As the last round began, Fola bum rushed past everybody else to get to the black haired girl. There was a strange pull in his gut, this feeling he had that he wanted an explanation to, although during the middle of the fight was no time to do so, he was going to make sure to keep her safe. He got in front of the girl and turned to the Zeus, and spread his hands out wide and concentrated. (!) There was a flash from the sky as a giant hammer of lightning came from the sky and crashed into the mecha! Fola stumbled forward and put a hand to his head after such a use of mana, he turned to the girl with black hair and pointed at her, "You, I have a weird feeling in my gut when I look at you, tell me why, and no smart ass answers please!"

The black haired girl simply looks up at Fola and laughs. Goal can suddenly feel completely filled with witch mana again. "Julius look! I have a knight in shinning armour, how nice." A purple snake made out of raw witch mana slithers out of her collar and coils around her shoulders. "Oh my, how cute Morgana." Morgan purses her lips and pokes the snake. "You insist on calling me by my full name for 12 years now."

"Of course I do, idiot. I'm not going to call you Morgan like all these mortals do!" The snake flicks it's tongue and looks at Fola.

"Look dude, I'll cook you. I swear I will!" Morgan glares at Julius." Which makes the snake turn to her once more.
"Do it, I implore you."

To Fola the snake had just appeared and Morgan was just staring at it, her lips not moving at all. They were speaking in the language of the witches which couldn't be heard or seen at all by those whom aren't witches. Fola couldn't see it even though he was a witch because they were speaking in the most ancient of witch language. "Look the reason why you feel that way is because I'm the host of the center and creator of witches and all witch mana. Basically I'm like the Queen of Witches or something like that. Nothing major."

The four orbs were destroyed and the Zeus was completely destroyed as well and explodes with Sage on it. It couldn't reform since the Dragon's Roar members had damaged it too much. With that, the Electronic Rebellion was over but the world had too pick itself up and bring itself too trust technology once more.

Morpheus ranks up from Beta to Alpha. Fola and Vance go from Iota to Epsilon, almost touching Delta. Earl goes from Pi to Mu. Ace goes from Omega to Iota. Jasmine and Derek go from Omicron to Theta. Jackson goes from Lambda to Epsilon. Theodore gets put up to Zeta. Inaro goes up from Theta to Beta. Damian goes from Kap-pa to Beta. Richard goes up from Lambda too Gamma. Ryan goes up from Delta to Beta. Sage goes up from Theta to Eta. Decimus goes up to Eta.

( You have to tell me what you spent your rank up points on over PM or put it on your character sheet. )

Juju said:
(i'm so sorry @Light, I've been so preoccupied with studies recently and I will probably not be able to post much this week and nothing next week because of exams. I was thinking of making Arwyn go off to some place in the meantime so that I don't drag down the RP while i'm busy.
...heh, i'm studying while Arwyn is studying history... how fitting..)

And so the dragonknight continued reading through the pages of the book. Even Syrax had leaned his head over the woman and read with her so that they could absorb twice the amount of information in the same amount of time due to their shared memories. If Arwyn had looked over to her companion she would have chuckled at the sight of him being so enthralled by the actions of humans throughout the decades, however she was too mesmerized by the text to even notice.

"We have missed much war and bloodshed" the dragon rumbled lowly. "Two major ones and countless strife before and after. The Church did take up arms against the city in the sand, and even after the long years that followed another man decided to eradicate its people like filth." He ended the last bit with a disgusted tone.

"And you humans even used those horrible hydrogen bombs to create desolation and called it peace. I see death and carnage in their past, and death and carnage in their future." A puff of smoke escaped Syrax's jaws as he hissed softly.

"The world has not changed" said the dragon.

"My species has always been wayward to the path of light." The dragonknight said sadly as she gazed at the pages. "But it is always balanced by the everyday actions of the common folk that truly keep the dark at bay, and diminish it when they gather their strength and resolve. I see revolutions for justice both bloody and peaceful but always ending with something better. The cost is bitter, yes, but I know there is hope for us. We can be better. " Arwyn said to the wyvern determinedly.

"Only time can tell..." he said. " Corruption has spread like wildfire and roots itself deep. It has seeped into their nature."

"Then we must uproot it. It is our duty." she said stubbornly.

"You don't give up easily, do you?"

"You know the answer to that."

( It's alright. With the absence you can say Arwyn was reading the entire book and she was adjusting too the world with first hand experiences since Grimm could summon objects. )
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Jack smiled as he stared at the falling robotic pieces, he waited until Vance was on ground floor before going up to him "YES! I think I'm going to like you a lot Vance! This was fun, say you know most of these people, could you um clarify on what organization you possibly work for? Don't worry, I won't stab anyone in it, at least not yet."

Light said:
( @Embaga Elder @Dreamtique @The Otaku Diaries @Tazmodo )
The black haired girl simply looks up at Fola and laughs. Goal can suddenly feel completely filled with witch mana again. "Julius look! I have a knight in shinning armour, how nice." A purple snake made out of raw witch mana slithers out of her collar and coils around her shoulders. "Oh my, how cute Morgana." Morgan purses her lips and pokes the snake. "You insist on calling me by my full name for 12 years now."

"Of course I do, idiot. I'm not going to call you Morgan like all these mortals do!" The snake flicks it's tongue and looks at Fola.

"Look dude, I'll cook you. I swear I will!" Morgan glares at Julius." Which makes the snake turn to her once more.
"Do it, I implore you."

To Fola the snake had just appeared and Morgan was just staring at it, her lips not moving at all. They were speaking in the language of the witches which couldn't be heard or seen at all by those whom aren't witches. Fola couldn't see it even though he was a witch because they were speaking in the most ancient of witch language. "Look the reason why you feel that way is because I'm the host of the center and creator of witches and all witch mana. Basically I'm like the Queen of Witches or something like that. Nothing major."

The four orbs were destroyed and the Zeus was completely destroyed as well and explodes with Sage on it. It couldn't reform since the Dragon's Roar members had damaged it too much. With that, the Electronic Rebellion was over but the world had too pick itself up and bring itself too trust technology once more.

Morpheus ranks up from Beta to Alpha. Fola and Vance go from Iota to Epsilon, almost touching Delta. Earl goes from Pi to Mu. Ace goes from Omega to Iota. Jasmine and Derek go from Omicron to Theta. Jackson goes from Lambda to Epsilon. Theodore gets put up to Zeta. Inaro goes up from Theta to Beta. Damian goes from Kap-pa to Beta. Richard goes up from Lambda too Gamma. Ryan goes up from Delta to Beta. Sage goes up from Theta to Eta. Decimus goes up to Eta.

( You have to tell me what you spent your rank up points on over PM or put it on your character sheet. )

( It's alright. With the absence you can say Arwyn was reading the entire book and she was adjusting too the world with first hand experiences since Grimm could summon objects. )
The Dragon's Rawriors all fell to their knees, Morpheus laying back. "Thank... Fucking... God."

@djinnamon @Tazmodo @anyone else I can't remember

Power flickered back on in the city, powering back up. Out of the rubble walked a man in all black, a little Chibi man riding his back. "Well well now wasn't that impressive. I guess I'll do my part." A vial glowed around his neck, breaking. Thousands upon millions of faint green lights shot into the air and arched, going to the corpses of the innocent killed. Their memories retained. Crowds started to spill to the group, cheering, prasing Dragon's Roar and The Dragon's Rawriors. Death chuckled and handed Chibi Grimm to Morpheus. "Have fun. Bye" And he was gone
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