Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
Fola felt himself internally cringe at the apperance of the snake and how it seemed to just stare at the girl in front of him. He was thankful that there was no more mecha invasion to deal with, but the girl in front of him wasn't DOING anything. He sighed and thought of the bright side, even if there wasn't much of it. He HAD taken great strides in the guild, he HAD helped defeat major foes...Of course he'd also been responsible for the death of two people...Yeah the bright side wasn't his strong suit.

Wait did she just say witch mana? Queen of witches? What?! He raised a brow, "What's a witch mana?"

djinnamon said:
Sage was blown back from the explosion and was now laying on the ground with several burns littering his body and his clothes were in tatters. He groaned loudly as he sat up and rubbed his head before glaring playfully at his guildmates. " I took a explosion for you guys , where are my thanks. " He asked jokingly.
@Tazmodo @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Archdemon @The Otaku Diaries
Ryan walked over, light descending on Sage, healing almost immediately. "You know... We can totally go back and forth on this one" He extended his hand to help Sage, his voice and smile gentle, exhaustion apparent on every feature of his face
LokiofSP said:
Fola felt himsef internally cringe at the apperance of the snake and how it seemed to just stare at the girl in front of him. He was thankful that there was no more mecha invasion to deal with, but the girl in front of him wasn't DOING anything. He sighed and thought of the bright side, even if there wasn't much of it. He HAD taken great strides in the guild, he HAD helped defeat major foes...Of course he'd also been responsible for the death of two people...Yeah the bright side wasn't his strong suit.
Wait did she just say witch mana? Queen of witches? What?! He raised a brow, "What's a witch mana?"

"Every living being that has powers has a certain organ inside of them that acts as a secondary circulatory system. It either pumps energy, mana, or witch mana. For you it pumps witch mana since you are a witch. All the powers you have, all the things that make your supernatural is because that organ is pumping inside of you. Witch Mana is the source of power in witches, which comes from me. When a witch is born without witch mana that happened because I didn't want that witch too. Let's say you have a child with another witch, logically that child should be a witch as well. If they aren't, that means I simply think they aren't worthy and I don't grant them witch mana. Since others don't understand this secret they assume the trait skipped over the child due to natural causes in the womb. The organ I mentioned before can only be seen by witches but most don't unlock the eyes. You haven't yet and I can tell since you don't even know the language." She stands up and dusts herself off.
djinnamon said:
Sage was blown back from the explosion and was now laying on the ground with several burns littering his body and his clothes were in tatters. He groaned loudly as he sat up and rubbed his head before glaring playfully at his guildmates. " I took a explosion for you guys , where are my thanks. " He asked jokingly.
@Tazmodo @GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride @Light @Archdemon @The Otaku Diaries
"Your welcome!" Ace jokingly said as she stuck out her tongue playfully. She pulled out 9 of hearts and the card glowed as she attempted to heal him. Instead, there was another explosion and she scratched her head, embarrassed.
Morpheus spoke to the crowd, taking pictures, completely over exaggerating the whole experience, making the battle seem much more cut throat. He assured every single person that The Dragon's Rawriors siding with Dragon's Roar will defend this planet from anything, staring into cameras dramatically. He tossed Chibi Grimm up in the air repeatedly, hoping he'd cheer up, singing the song Grimm made for them. He falsified some details, saying how Chibi Grimm and he made the final blows, saving the world. From this point forward, they were celebrities. Damian's company and net worth along with Richard began to quickly regrow as Wall Street was in New York. All seemed well


djinnamon said:
Sage smiled up at him before taking his hand and getting up , blushing slightly when he touched Ryan's hand. " Thanks for healing me , you did good in the battle. " he said as he unconsciously kept hold on Ryan's hand.
@GingerBread @DizjayDeathPride
(I'm sowwy Ryan is already invested in the witch </3 and is waaay too loyal he'd be like nah Sage got a man can't do nothing)

Ryan nodded, scratching his head with the other hand. "You did nice too. Coming when you did helped a lot" He flashed a smile and pulled his hand back, stretching. "I have to deal with Morpheus before his dumbass ruins our reputation. Be safe Sage. You and Vance can't keep replying on me to save you and fix your ribs." He chuckled and patted Sage's shoulder, turning and walking away, waving back. "See you round"
Theodore laid down exhausted. "Man now I want a nap."

Jackson flew back and went into his room.

Jasmine and Derek turned back to their normal form. "Well that was fun." Jasmine said walking back.

(I'm sowwy Ryan is already invested in the witch </3 and is waaay too loyal he'd be like nah Sage got a man can't do nothing)

Ryan nodded, scratching his head with the other hand. "You did nice too. Coming when you did helped a lot" He flashed a smile and pulled his hand back, stretching. "I have to deal with Morpheus before his dumbass ruins our reputation. Be safe Sage. You and Vance can't keep replying on me to save you and fix your ribs." He chuckled and patted Sage's shoulder, turning and walking away, waving back. "See you round"
Sage glared half heartedly. " I don't always needed saving. Anyway bye. " He said to Ryan before turning to Ace and walking over. " Are you ok? "He asked as he leaned over to look down at her. He cocked his head with a curious expression on his face.
Tazmodo said:
Theodore laid down exhausted. "Man now I want a nap."
Jackson flew back and went into his room.

Jasmine and Derek turned back to their normal form. "Well that was fun." Jasmine said walking back.
Decimus groaned to himself silently. His life wasn't done just yet. He took some pictures with The Dragon's Rawrior and left Morpheus to handle the details of their memorial building. He walked away from the group, the city itself, going to an isolated area and looking to the sky. "Gazelle you and I must speak" He knew she would hear even if she had left given she was the entity of air itself. "First, I apologize for nearly killing you. Twice actually. My mind was somewhere else the first time and I didn't remember I had you in my Realm that entire time." He looked down and sighed. "I died. When the spear went through my chest. I died. And my power exploded out to keep me from COMPLETELY dying. Like a demon inside protecting its host" He took a pause and sighed. "Honestly I'm surprised I didn't just kill you. Hell the last time I died I almost killed my friends. But you I spared. So believe me when I say if I were in my right mind I wouldn't have forgotten I trapped you in there." Decimus waited another moment then spoke again. "We've only spoken once so if you don't see a way to forgive me, I understand. But it was still proper to apologize"

And Decimus began walking back
djinnamon said:
Sage glared half heartedly. " I don't always needed saving. Anyway bye. " He said to Ryan before turning to Ace and walking over. " Are you ok? "He asked as he leaned over to look down at her. He cocked his head with a curious expression on his face.
"U-Uh yeah. Sorry. I meant to heal you but wrong card." Ace laughed awkwardly before searching her deck for the correct card.
Fola was still confused, this didn't make sense...He looked at her dumbly, "But wait, how did you decide I was to have acsess to mana if I'm older than you (Im guessing), not to mention that Im only a HALF witch...So how and why?"

Jack waited for Vance but when he didn't answer he sorta went for a walk looking at the different people who had fought besides him. They didn't look much but they sure were powerful, powerful enough to make Jack think twice about attacking some of them. He walked in a motion where he was mostly surveying the area and people while flipping his knife in the air while acting it on its landing. He was bored as he has nothing to stab right now.

Archdemon said:
Jack waited for Vance but when he didn't answer he sorta went for a walk looking at the different people who had fought besides him. They didn't look much but they sure were powerful, powerful enough to make Jack think twice about attacking some of them. He walked in a motion where he was mostly surveying the area and people while flipping his knife in the air while acting it on its landing. He was bored as he has nothing to stab right now.
Richard walked straight up to Jack. "You. Mortal. You fought along side us extremely well I must say. Are you interested in joining Dragon's Roar?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Decimus groaned to himself silently. His life wasn't done just yet. He took some pictures with The Dragon's Rawrior and left Morpheus to handle the details of their memorial building. He walked away from the group, the city itself, going to an isolated area and looking to the sky. "Gazelle you and I must speak" He knew she would hear even if she had left given she was the entity of air itself. "First, I apologize for nearly killing you. Twice actually. My mind was somewhere else the first time and I didn't remember I had you in my Realm that entire time." He looked down and sighed. "I died. When the spear went through my chest. I died. And my power exploded out to keep me from COMPLETELY dying. Like a demon inside protecting its host" He took a pause and sighed. "Honestly I'm surprised I didn't just kill you. Hell the last time I died I almost killed my friends. But you I spared. So believe me when I say if I were in my right mind I wouldn't have forgotten I trapped you in there." Decimus waited another moment then spoke again. "We've only spoken once so if you don't see a way to forgive me, I understand. But it was still proper to apologize"
And Decimus began walking back
Gazelle appeared are behind him. "I know I was keeping track while locked up. The others are hiding but I'll find them. And I understand. I knew what I was walking into I'm glad to be alive and I'm glad you're alive."
Archdemon said:
Jack waited for Vance but when he didn't answer he sorta went for a walk looking at the different people who had fought besides him. They didn't look much but they sure were powerful, powerful enough to make Jack think twice about attacking some of them. He walked in a motion where he was mostly surveying the area and people while flipping his knife in the air while acting it on its landing. He was bored as he has nothing to stab right now.
Reed had left after evacuatING all the civilians. He was just walking when he found a mysterious survivor. "Hey you survived. Are you ok?"
[QUOTE="The Otaku Diaries]"U-Uh yeah. Sorry. I meant to heal you but wrong card." Ace laughed awkwardly before searching her deck for the correct card.

" Oh thank you but its ok , its the thought that counts. " he said giving Ace a large charming smile that made hearts melt. He reached a hand out to help her up.
Tazmodo said:
Gazelle appeared are behind him. "I know I was keeping track while locked up. The others are hiding but I'll find them. And I understand. I knew what I was walking into I'm glad to be alive and I'm glad you're alive."
He sighed in relief and turned to her. "Good. Glad that we're still friends. Question, where were you locked up? And I guess... Why? You burst from the ground so I'm guessing you have an earth elemental sibling"
DizjayDeathPride said:
He sighed in relief and turned to her. "Good. Glad that we're still friends. Question, where were you locked up? And I guess... Why? You burst from the ground so I'm guessing you have an earth elemental sibling"
Gazelle smiled when he did this. "My siblings are earth, water, and fire. The constantly want to see the world in chaos because they think it's fun and hate the humans. Well the weak ones. They're firm believers in natural selection. I don't let them go crazy and they don't like that. They manage to lock me up underground. And for why I cared I don't really know." She was starting to blush but quickly stopped.
djinnamon said:
" Oh thank you but its ok , its the thought that counts. " he said giving Ace a large charming smile that made hearts melt. He reached a hand out to help her up.
Ace ignored him and focused on trying to find the healing card. "Oh here it is!" She took out the 7 of spades as it glowed and exploded again. "....."
LokiofSP said:
Fola was still confused, this didn't make sense...He looked at her dumbly, "But wait, how did you decide I was to have acsess to mana if I'm older than you (Im guessing), not to mention that Im only a HALF witch...So how and why?"

"Oh that's because Julius over here handles the selection process when he has no host to do it. I was chosen 12 years ago... technically 22 year ago. I wasn't in charge at that time so I don't know why you were granted only half. I probably would've given you the full deal." She shrugs her shoulders and begins to walk off. "I'm going home."
DizjayDeathPride said:
Richard walked straight up to Jack. "You. Mortal. You fought along side us extremely well I must say. Are you interested in joining Dragon's Roar?"
Jack looked at Richard "Mortal? I wouldn't say I'm a mortal, I'm not human, nor am I a God, think of me as a chaos Demon. Now back to your original question, Would I be interested in joining Dragons roar? Well I don't know exactly what this organization is so clarification would be so sweet! Also do you think they accept insane people? Cause I am far from the sense of normal and Sane. Hehehehehehehehehehehe."


Tazmodo said:
Reed had left after evacuatING all the civilians. He was just walking when he found a mysterious survivor. "Hey you survived. Are you ok?"
Jack turned towards Reed "I'm good like the day I murdered my mother! No I didn't murder my mother it's a joke! She just died of old age so you can say Time murdered her really!"

Fola shook his head, and began to walk away, he needed to go back to tye guild and pass out on his bed. It'd been a LONG first day, and he just wanted to rest. He focused on the guild and he way there. He stubled around the living areas and chose a room and hoped it was his, he got inside, threw his sword to the side, he undressed and with a yawn, closed his eyes and slept...

(Alright, he's gonna sleep, if there's anything else just wake him up...Or don't, Im not your mom)

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