Dragon's Roar ( Future Arc )

First Seal Alice Vs Athena Pg #3&8

  • Alice

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Athena

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Tie

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters
"Don't blame me, i didn't kill her, Or fail to protect her" Vance replied as he shrugged his shoulders "Also i did warn you, you wouldn't be able to get out" Vance just stuck his hands in his pockets "Oh yeah, we lost the guild by the way, so yeah. And you wanna go somewhere specific?"

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Fola sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Great, so I fucked up on two fronts...If there's nothing for me to do right now, then just take me to the best bar you can think of...I need a drink."

"You sure it's a good idea to get drunk? I mean, Lucy is going to probably try to attack us, so you might not want to have a drink" Vance replied before shrugging "But if you want to drink, i'm not going to stop you, i don't particually care. I just need more cannon fodder for when i fight Lucy"

Vance closed his eyes and Him and Fola appeared in front of a bar.

"I could care less about Lucifer attacking, I can handle myself if I need to. Besides, liquor will make me less tense." He looked Vance in the eyes, "Before you go, promise me something...When your fighting Lucifer, let me kill him. You can beat him from here to China, I just want to watch him die...Sound good? Alright nice talking to you." He patted Vance's shoulder and went inside.



While limbs were resting and buttox was sitting upon the corpse of what once was a standing wall, Zalgo's gaze remained ever observing, and his ears were eager to soak in sounds. Yet vigilant his gaze was, all it saw was a long stretch of rubble; of wood, stone, and metal. Eager ears weren't able soak in any sort of peculiar sounds for the area only offered a song of silence and nature's whispering winds.

Feeling the strength slowly returning to his weary muscles, the Deity drew his attention away from the surroundings and onto himself. He uncrossed his arms so the hands that were hiding would come out into the open. Major injuries suffered from the first conflict were still clearly apparent on them, black and charred their flesh was while one revealed a bit of bone.

He shuddered. The burnt display wasn't the cause of his shudder, instead it was the gaping holes that took places on his palms. When the bandages that had been wrapped tightly around his hands were incinerated, it revealed the spaces lacking bone and skin, and allowed foul memories to return.

Zalgo hastily shoved his blackened hands back into the depths of his coat. His mood suddenly became quite bleak. When he felt it was time to leave his position after his body finally managed to recover from fatigue, he slowly stood up from his throne of rubble and rolled his shoulders.

'It is time for me to accomplish my original task--the reasoning behind my presence in the Mortal Realm. Yet... it is not my first priority.'

He looked in the distance where the stretch of rubble ended where shadowy structures stood tall and untainted by destruction.

'I am in need of bandages.'

Zalgo advanced towards the structures, as silent as the song the area sang.

In compliance with Ryan's request, he fell from the sky, landing on the ground at the witch's feet, a note thumbtacked to his chest saying "Have fun. And do hurry"
LokiofSP said:
"I could care less about Lucifer attacking, I can handle myself if I need to. Besides, liquor will make me less tense." He looked Vance in the eyes, "Before you go, promise me something...When your fighting Lucifer, let me kill him. You can beat him from here to China, I just want to watch him die...Sound good? Alright nice talking to you." He patted Vance's shoulder and went inside.

Vance followed slightly behind Fola "No, I'm going to be the one to kill him, and if i can't kill him, then I'll die trying" Vance replied as he stopped at the bar's doorway "But you can help me kill him, I'm slowly coming up with a plan, but i need information, That's why i tried to get as much information as possible out of the little girl" Vance paused for a second "I kinda figured that if lucy found out that she'd been telling me all this stuff, he'd kill her. I knew it was going to happen, I'm pretty sure one of the other Knights told me Lucy could get in there" Vance shrugged as he leant on the Bar's doorway "So i was trying to rush her, so i could get what i wanted before she died"

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Austria said:


STATUS: "Off-track"

ORDERS: "Escape"

His hold on her had weakened when he sat down on the silky sands, before curling into the fetal position. She had taken that moment as an opportunity to hop backwards on one leg before steadying herself back onto two, thus regaining that lost distance from before.

" That's 'cause I never was! " FOLLOWER protested, as she curiously watched the man transform into something inhuman--what took his place was a blue sphere with a face on it. It looked sad.

Soon enough the same blue spheres with sad looks on them started to replace their surrounding barren land. FOLLOWER's systems still detected them as harmless and not threatening, despite their numerous spawning.

" Hey...are you doing that mister? If you are then, can you sorta...stop that? "


Grimm takes form again and stops what he was doing before. "I just want to adopt you. Why aren't you complying?"

( @Lotusy @Dreamtique @GingerBread @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Juju @djinnamon @LokiofSP @Austria @CelticSol @Cadin shadow lord )

Grimm was thinking about the next move Dragon's Roar could take inside a dark locked away realm. He was no more than a clone but it didn't stop him from having the audacity to play chess against Death's scythe and his own. Death's scythe pushes a pawn forward, preparing to put Grimm in a checkmark position. "Hmm... So Lucifer will soon end his parade and leave a shattered Dragon's Roar. I wonder how they'll pick themselves up after utter defeat... how the world will look at them from now on. Since the world has finally taken notice of Dragon's Roar, only to see it get crushed- oh?" Grimm raises his head as a small smile grows on his face. "It seems like the deities are enraged...and another threat is rising. Maybe this could be the little break they need to wipe away their tears, brush away the dirt, and rank up. That is if they spend their rank ups wisely." Grimm makes a move to defend against the next attack instead of attacking. He looked at the queen, and rook on the side, he never plays with those two pieces on his side, as if it were a symbol his side were missing something. "Oh?" His turquoise eyes gleam For a second as he sets his open palm on his cheek, leaning towards it in a lazy fashion. This tone was towards his own scythe's hasty attack, symbolizing so much more than a simple means to win. "So is that how you feel? I'll make sure to keep that in mind." His silver hair was almost the same color of both scythes at the moment while his cold and hardened eyes reflect the property of the blades themselves. "Disappearing? Let them handle things on their own from now on?" Grimm was listening to what seemed to be words coming from both his own scythe and Death's. "I might do just that... in time. Show me how you'll unite against these next few challenges. Amaze me.... Dragon's Roar." A cruel smirk grows on the face of Grimm as he opens his hand, revealing the floating black and silver guild symbol, depicting a skeletal dragon. The guild symbol will always be the color black with the mixture of another color of the members choice and the depiction of the symbol itself would be different depending on the personality. For Grimm, it was a skeletal dragon. Once he closes his palm, the glowing symbol disappears and nothing more than only black darkness fills the realm again. The only thing in existence besides the chess board and the three players, were the continuous sounds of each chess piece hitting the board.

Athena nods her head and begins walking down the burning street with a regretful stride. She would love nothing more but to put out these fires but she had urgent business to handle to stop an immature and unnecessary war. "Do you have any allies?"

Asteria and Lelantos finally show themselves, both with embarrassed expressions. Asteria was the first to speak up. "Well our tracking abilities are quite high up but... we haven't adjusted to tracking through a city yet. Could you help us?"
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Light said:
Grimm takes form again and stops what he was doing before. "I just want to adopt you. Why aren't you complying?"
( @Lotusy @Dreamtique @GingerBread @Tazmodo @DizjayDeathPride @Embaga Elder @Juju @djinnamon @LokiofSP @Austria @CelticSol @Cadin shadow lord )

Grimm was thinking about the next move Dragon's Roar could take inside a dark locked away realm. He was no more than a clone but it didn't stop him from having the audacity to play chess against Death's scythe and his own. Death's scythe pushes a pawn forward, preparing to put Grimm in a checkmark position. "Hmm... So Lucifer will soon end his parade and leave a shattered Dragon's Roar. I wonder how they'll pick themselves up after utter defeat... how the world will look at them from now on. Since the world has finally taken notice of Dragon's Roar, only to see it get crushed- oh?" Grimm raises his head as a small smile grows on his face. "It seems like the deities are enraged...and another threat is rising. Maybe this could be the little break they need to wipe away their tears, brush away the dirt, and rank up. That is if they spend their rank ups wisely." Grimm makes a move to defend against the next attack instead of attacking. He looked at the queen, and rook on the side, he never plays with those two pieces on his side, as if it were a symbol his side were missing something. "Oh?" His turquoise eyes gleam For a second as he sets his open palm on his cheek, leaning towards it in a lazy fashion. This tone was towards his own scythe's hasty attack, symbolizing so much more than a simple means to win. "So is that how you feel? I'll make sure to keep that in mind." His silver hair was almost the same color of both scythes at the moment while his cold and hardened eyes reflect the property of the blades themselves. "Disappearing? Let them handle things on their own from now on?" Grimm was listening to what seemed to be words coming from both his own scythe and Death's. "I might do just that... in time. Show me how you'll unite against these next few challenges. Amaze me.... Dragon's Roar." A cruel smirk grows on the face of Grimm as he opens his hand, revealing the floating black and silver guild symbol, depicting a skeletal dragon. The guild symbol will always be the color black with the mixture of another color of the members choice and the depiction of the symbol itself would be different depending on the personality. For Grimm, it was a skeletal dragon. Once he closes his palm, the glowing symbol disappears and nothing more than only black darkness fills the realm again. The only thing in existence besides the chess board and the three players, were the continuous sounds of each chess piece hitting the board.

Athena nods her head and begins walking down the burning street with a regretful stride. She would love nothing more but to put out these fires but she had urgent business to handle to stop an immature and unnecessary war. "Do you have any allies?"

Asteria and Lelantos finally show themselves, both with embarrassed expressions. Asteria was the first to speak up. "Well our tracking abilities are quite high up but... we haven't adjusted to tracking through a city yet. Could you help us?"
Clones of Lucifer appeared in each of the rooms with his 4 captives. Three of which all said, "alright let's talk about... The others"

The fourth, with the witch, had different intentions. He took a seat in a chair, kicking back. "I need you to finish fixing my new apprentice. The faster the better. As my favorite grand daughter I'll provide whatever you need"
Inaro looks at the deities and takes a sip the bottle of beer in his hands. Where exactly are you trying to go? He asked nonchalantly. I could be of assistance. @Light
Sage watched Vance leave before resting a hand her stomach and rubbing. Finally she could have a kid and with the person she loved. A small smile made its way on to her face. Sarah was in her room cuddling with Terrence nefore getting up. " Lets go kill Lucifer. " Sarah said while Terrance sat up as she talked. " Why. " he asked. " Because I want to see me grandchildren. " Sarah like it was obvious causing Terrence to facepalm
Theodore was riding his skateboard and grew tired of it. He hoped off and walked to the place he saw on the news. He laughed when he saw nothing was left. He watched that news clip hundreds of times. He knew everything about it from the hundreds of different angles. He thought about bringing it back but desiderate against it. "Is anybody out there?"
DizjayDeathPride said:
Clones of Lucifer appeared in each of the rooms with his 4 captives. Three of which all said, "alright let's talk about... The others"
The fourth, with the witch, had different intentions. He took a seat in a chair, kicking back. "I need you to finish fixing my new apprentice. The faster the better. As my favorite grand daughter I'll provide whatever you need"
The girl with white hair crosses her arms and glares. "The others? What about them?"

The girl with dark ginger hair tries to hide behind her hair. "Oh... I-I don't know... is that really okay? Oh... I think they might be angry with me."

Ashlyn looks up at him and frowns, holding in tears the best she can.

"Favourite? Really now?" She had finished examining the realm and continues to examine Lucifer. "Oh, Ryan. It seems like you joined him." She continues to examine Lucifer first.

Embaga Elder]Inaro looks at the deities and takes a sip the bottle of beer in his hands. [B]Where exactly are you trying to go?[/B] He asked nonchalantly. [B]I could be of assistance. [/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10734-light/ said:
"Um... we're trying to find the members of Dragon's Roar." Asteria looks around, unable to see the stars due to the city lights.
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Light said:
The girl with white hair crosses her arms and glares. "The others? What about them?"
The girl with dark ginger hair tries to hide behind her hair. "Oh... I-I don't know... is that really okay? Oh... I think they might be angry with me."

"Favourite? Really now?" She had finished examining the realm and continues to examine Lucifer. "Oh, Ryan. It seems like you joined him." She continues to examine Lucifer first.

"Um... we're trying to find the members of Dragon's Roar." Asteria looks around, unable to see the stars due to the city lights.
"Simple. How do you feel about them? And why? Why aren't you all a big old happy family?"

"Now why on earth would they be angry with you sweetie? You could do no wrong"

Luci got up, his arms extended. "Come here"

Lucifer nodded. "Your boyfriend wants to be complete. And if I help he will join me." Lucifer extended his hand and a little white dense orb appeared, floating. "Do you know what this is?"
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(Didn't realize you posted, sorry bout that @GingerBread )

Fola stopped suddenly, hisfists clenched and his hands shook. His breathing became hard and forced as he turned around to face Vance with death in his eyes, "You knew he was coming... Yet you left me to rot? You let her die, even though you could have stopped it! What, the FUCK is wrong with you?!"

Theodore manifests a little house where the guild used to be. Sense this area no longer in use he thought why not. He went inside and laid on the bed.
Tazmodo said:
Theodore manifests a little house where the guild used to be. Sense this area no longer in use he thought why not. He went inside and laid on the bed.
Theodore's house was engulfed in an black fire, burning
DizjayDeathPride said:
And again, the house caught fire. An arrow wizzed by and stuck into the wall of the house, a note saying "leave my land"
Theodore watched with curiousity. "Who owns this land?" The house was just made again.
LokiofSP said:
(Didn't realize you posted, sorry bout that @GingerBread )
Fola stopped suddenly, hisfists clenched and his hands shook. His breathing became hard and forced as he turned around to face Vance with death in his eyes, "You knew he was coming... Yet you left me to rot? You let her die, even though you could have stopped it! What, the FUCK is wrong with you?!"

"Calm down, why didn't you do something against Lucy? what do you really think i could've done?" Vance continued leaning against the wall, staying calm "And anyways, even if hypothetically, I could save her, Why should I? She was with them and therefore deserved to die"

"YOU SHOULD HAVE HIDDEN HER SOMEWHERE SAFE! SHE WAS A CHILD DAMMIT! I KNOW I MESSED UP BUT THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO, HE JUST SNAPPED HIS FINGERS AND SHE WAS DEAD!..." He yelled in frustration and slammed his fist into a wall, trying to find some way to deal with how he felt, "SHE DIDN'T WANT THAT! SHE NEVER ASKED TO BE A KNIGHT! WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES?! TELL ME WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!" It was clear at this point that the man before Vance was a wreck, he was yelling as tears streamed down his face, the bar went deathly silent at his outburst and just watched for Vance's reaction.



STATUS: "Off-track"

ORDERS: "Escape"


When a blue sphere with sadness etched into its face began to develop beneath her feet, she was tempted on stomping down on it. But even if she had done that she would most likely have just thumped her black foot against the grains of sand and not with the blue ball, no matter how solid it looked. The temptation passed by without being taken. The man before her had returned to his original form, a form that suited him more than the ball that looked like it was feeling the blues.

" I just want to adopt you. Why aren't you complying? "

FOLLOWER crossed her arms across her chest and her lips pursed into a straight line.

" Because I
don't have to! You're really weird and a bit gross. "

There was also the matter with her systems on this situation, the male was not one
or any of her commanders. Complying to him was not absolutely necessary then.


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LokiofSP said:
"YOU SHOULD HAVE HIDDEN HER SOMEWHERE SAFE! SHE WAS A CHILD DAMMIT! I KNOW I MESSED UP BUT THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO, HE JUST SNAPPED HIS FINGERS AND SHE WAS DEAD!..." He yelled in frustration and slammed his fist into a wall, trying to find some way to deal with how he felt, "SHE DIDN'T WANT THAT! SHE NEVER ASKED TO BE A KNIGHT! WHO ARE YOU TO DECIDE WHO LIVES AND WHO DIES?! TELL ME WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!" It was clear at this point that the man before Vance was a wreck, he was yelling as tears streamed down his face, the bar went deathly silent at his outburst and just watched for Vance's reaction.
"Why was it my job to keep her safe? You asked me to keep her in my realm and i did. If she wasn't in there she had a better chance of living" Vance replied as he stood up straight and shrugged his shoulders "And even then, she deserved everything that happened to her, You can't honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that she was innocent, can you? Because why would a innocent little girl be chosen as a knight of hell?"

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