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Fantasy Dragon Era

Imma put this here just in case...

Name: Sabrina Wildfire

Gender: Female

Race: Dark elf

Weapon (if any):
picture because I don't really know how to describe this. She has two, one for each hand.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):


Personality: Quite outgoing. She is very loyal to those she trusts. She can be quiet at some times, but that's only when she's super tired or super bored. She is also cool-headed enough to make logical decisions in fights.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: (read in Katara's voice from avatar: the last airbender) Water(+Ice), Earth(Cave), Fire, Air(Sky) and also Keepers

Background: Sabrina's the love child between a male dragonkin and a female dark elf. She was born very similar to a dragonkin, but resembled a dark elf very much. She was sent to an Elven school where she got her normal education, and her father taught her how to fight. She left home at the age of 16 to survive on her own, and now seeks to become more powerful so that she can impress her parents in the future. She is 17 years of age at the moment.

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as though as dragon's

Who is Bedlam?: the first keeper dragon and also the dragon that created all the other keeper dragons and the dragon that went corrupt. He also the Keeper of Mayhem

Also, I don't get the thing about apples and peaches, so I'll put it here anyway

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PeteTSs said:
Imma put this here just in case...
Name: Sabrina Wildfire

Gender: Female

Race: Half human, half fire dragon. Pretty much the love child of a dragon and a human, however TF that works

Weapon (if any):
picture because I don't really know how to describe this. She has two, one for each hand.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):



^Imagine a teen version of the dragon^

Human: 1.8 m tall; 108 lbs

Half-Half: 1.8 m tall; 160 lbs; with tail length is 3.6 m long; wingspan is 5.8 m

Dragon: 2.6 m tall; 5.2 m long, including tail obviously; 202 lbs; wingspan 8.7m wide

Personality: Quite outgoing. She is very loyal to those she trusts. She can be quiet at some times, but that's only when she's super tired or super bored. She is also cool-headed enough to make logical decisions in fights.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: (read in Katara's voice from avatar: the last airbender) Water(+Ice), Earth(Cave), Fire, Air(Sky) and also Keepers

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences): Sabrina, nickname Sab, was born to a fire dragon father and a normal human mother. Her mother had died giving birth to her and she was left in the care of her father. They lived in a nearby cave close to her mother's human town, and that is where she went to school and received her education from. She also learned from her father the art of transmutation, by forcing her to transform from human to dragon form by the means of abandonment, for example flying onto the top of a really tall tree to force her to morph wings, and the art of fire breathing. By the time she was 16 years of age, she had almost completed her human education and had almost mastered the tricks her father taught her. Her father decided she was ready to face the world by herself, and left her by herself, telling her that once she has become powerful enough, she'll be able to find him. Nowadays, she spends her time traveling to fight monsters both for money and for combat experience to become stronger so that she'll be able to see her father again. She is 18 years old at the moment.

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as though as dragon's

Who is Bedlam?: the first keeper dragon and also the dragon that created all the other keeper dragons and the dragon that went corrupt. He also the Keeper of Mayhem

Also, I don't get the thing about apples and peaches, so I'll put it here anyway

Sorry but the closest you can get with your human character being a dragon is if they were part dragonkin, not dragon. It doesn't work like that. Besides if it did I'm pretty sure that human would die instantly xD
Cheselth said:
Sorry but the closest you can get with your human character being a dragon is if they were part dragonkin, not dragon. It doesn't work like that. Besides if it did I'm pretty sure that human would die instantly xD
Nuuuuuu! That was like the one character that was appropriate to this RP!!! Oh well, I've got other ways I can legally sneak this in > :D
PeteTSs said:
Nuuuuuu! That was like the one character that was appropriate to this RP!!! Oh well, I've got other ways I can legally sneak this in > :D
You could make a dragonkin elf hybrid,that would most likely pass.
PeteTSs said:
Imma put this here just in case...
Name: Sabrina Wildfire

Gender: Female

Race: Dark elf, but got dragon part stuffed into her

Weapon (if any):
picture because I don't really know how to describe this. She has two, one for each hand.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):


Personality: Quite outgoing. She is very loyal to those she trusts. She can be quiet at some times, but that's only when she's super tired or super bored. She is also cool-headed enough to make logical decisions in fights.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: (read in Katara's voice from avatar: the last airbender) Water(+Ice), Earth(Cave), Fire, Air(Sky) and also Keepers

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences): There exists a small, extremely religious tribe of aboriginal in the depth of a particular rain forest. They do all them crazy Aztec stuff, like the 'rip heart out of living prisoners to please the Sun God' rituals or the 'lets eat the flesh of our fallen enemies to get their strengths' rituals. One day, a group of Elves were traveling through the jungle to find some land to reap resources from, and stumbled upon the aboriginals. As you might have thought, the aboriginals pretty much murdered and ate almost all the elves and took the rest as prisoners, AKA sacrifices. Among the surviving prisoners was Sabrina, 12 years old at the time, was one of the only Dark Elves in the group. Sabrina was the last of the group to be sacrificed. Little did she know, a scientist lived with the aboriginals. The scientist was pretty much worshiped by the aboriginals and took the girl to be a test subject. The scientist did many horrid experiments on, including sticking dissected dragon wings onto her back, physically changing her eyes so that they act and look similar to those of dragons' and even sticking a tail on her. After all the experiments, the scientist wasn't satisfied with the result, labeling her 'too weak' and 'needs much more power'. She was pretty much sentenced to death by impalement by the aboriginals after the scientists declared her useless. Sabrina, now completely changed by the experiments, got extremely enraged. By then, she was already 16 years of age, and much stronger than before, one because she was older and two because of her dragon parts. On the night of the impaling, she fought back and managed to escape and even kill one of two of the aboriginals. She looked back before fleeing and locked eyes with the scientist. He had a satisfied look on his face. "come find me once you are strong enough..." he had said before she ran into the forest. She arrived at a nearby dragonkin village and passed as one of them, and now she spends her time mastering flying around and killing nearby monsters for a living and to gain fighting experience.

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as though as dragon's

Who is Bedlam?: the first keeper dragon and also the dragon that created all the other keeper dragons and the dragon that went corrupt. He also the Keeper of Mayhem

Also, I don't get the thing about apples and peaches, so I'll put it here anyway

These are medieval times. If she had a dragon part just "stuffed into her", she would very much be dead from either blood loss from the surgery or from the different types of blood being mixed. I know this is fantasy but science and logic still plays a role in this.
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Cheselth said:
These are medieval times. If she had a dragon part just "stuffed into her", she would very much be dead from either blood loss from the surgery or from the different types of blood being mixed. I know this is fantasy but science and logic still plays a role in this.
Time for plan C and this STILL involves dragons.

I REALLY like dragons
PeteTSs said:
Time for plan C and this STILL involves dragons.
I REALLY like dragons
If you REALLY like dragons, I don't see why your character can't be part dragonkin? They are basically human dragons... much easier to do the do with xD
PeteTSs said:
Imma put this here just in case...
Name: Sabrina Wildfire

Gender: Female

Race: Dark elf

Weapon (if any):
picture because I don't really know how to describe this. She has two, one for each hand.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):


Personality: Quite outgoing. She is very loyal to those she trusts. She can be quiet at some times, but that's only when she's super tired or super bored. She is also cool-headed enough to make logical decisions in fights.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: (read in Katara's voice from avatar: the last airbender) Water(+Ice), Earth(Cave), Fire, Air(Sky) and also Keepers

Background: Sabrina's the love child between a male dragonkin and a female dark elf. She was born very similar to a dragonkin, but resembled a dark elf very much. She was sent to an Elven school where she got her normal education, and her father taught her how to fight. She left home at the age of 16 to survive on her own, and now seeks to become more powerful so that she can impress her parents in the future. She is 17 years of age at the moment.

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as though as dragon's

Who is Bedlam?: the first keeper dragon and also the dragon that created all the other keeper dragons and the dragon that went corrupt. He also the Keeper of Mayhem

Also, I don't get the thing about apples and peaches, so I'll put it here anyway

There you go. Accepted.
Just so everyone who wants to apply knows, @Cheselth is on a mini hiatus and has left me in charge for about a week maybe? (Not sure about the actual length or time but theymll be back soon.) that means for now, message me about your application questions and tag me in roleplay questions as well as cheselth. Okee? Happy applying!
Name: Nifer Pearldom

Nickname: The Green Hunter

Gender: Female

Race: Dark Elf

Weapon (if any):


Nifer's bow is made of some extremely rare materials. The bow is covered in colorful scales, coming from the almost extinct Jade Mountain's Wyvern.

She also has different kind of arrows. Her ordinary arrows have their tips made of a common green gem, that are surprisingly strong. These arrows can pierce some basic armor, but are bad against dragon scales. (Usually has 10 or so on her)

Now her rare arrows are seen in the picture. Their tips also are made of the scales of the Jade Mountain's Wyvern, so she can't really use them.

She always retrieves them after use, if possible. (She has in total of 8 of these). These arrows are expensive and strong. They pierce dragon scales and enchanted armor with ease, as they are forged with magic. Very often she puts some magic into her arrows, to either make them poisonous or something like that.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):



The armor she has is not the strongest, but not the weakest either. It gives her perfect agility (Though it might be because she's used to it) and protection from ranged weapons. Her armor is enchanted so that any arrow, bolt or even a rock will loose its' momentum righ before hitting the armor. Daggers are a different case, as they're complicated in shape and size. The armor is not that good against swords or dragons, it's still light armor.

As it is enchanted, she often casts protection against fire on it.

By the way, many think she's a male at the first sight if she wears the mask, as the armor doesn't really show her feminine appearance.

Personality: Nifer is a mysterious person. She's often secretive but asks a lot of questions, and she's very good at keeping secrets. She's like a sly fox, because people are often used and then abandoned into trouble by her. This dark elf doesn't feel bad for leaving someone, she's usually just doing it for her own good anyways. At first sight she might seem quite normal, but if she sticks with you, you're either important or a target. Though, her targets usually aren't humans.

Backstory: Nifer was born in a village in the middle of a forest. She lived there peacefully until the age of 15, when a humongous dragon attacked. It almost destroyed the whole village, until one of the warriors slayed it - with his bow. Nifer started admiring that person, she begged for lessons. So, the person did. They trained together, so very soon this female dark elf was a master in aiming - and magic too. Very soon after learning the hunter's tricks she left for her adventures. She decided to hunt dragons, as she saw them as dangerous monsters.

Nifer got many jobs very quickly, so she has traveled a long way. One time she got a bird friend as a payment for her job, she named him Spek.

(I know, it's a chocobo. ^^' Pretend it's not)

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Fire, Ice, Water, Cave, Sky and Keepers

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as tough as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?: The creator of all keepers, who then turned evil.

Is the fantasy bird mount thing possible? I mean, we got dragons and magic... (:

Btw second character time woo! (Or third, if you count Arkthes as a separate)
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MidnightStar89 said:
Name: Nifer Pearldom
Nickname: The Green Hunter

Gender: Female

Race: Dark Elf

Weapon (if any):


Nifer's bow is made of some extremely rare materials. The bow is covered in colorful scales, coming from the almost extinct Jade Mountain's Wyvern.

She also has different kind of arrows. Her ordinary arrows have their tips made of a common green gem, that are surprisingly strong. These arrows can pierce some basic armor, but are bad against dragon scales. (Usually has 10 or so on her)

Now her rare arrows are seen in the picture. Their tips also are made of the scales of the Jade Mountain's Wyvern, so she can't really use them.

She always retrieves them after use, if possible. (She has in total of 8 of these). These arrows are expensive and strong. They pierce dragon scales and enchanted armor with ease, as they are forged with magic. Very often she puts some magic into her arrows, to either make them poisonous or something like that.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):



The armor she has is not the strongest, but not the weakest either. It gives her perfect agility (Though it might be because she's used to it) and protection from ranged weapons. Her armor is enchanted so that any arrow, bolt or even a rock will loose its' momentum righ before hitting the armor. Daggers are a different case, as they're complicated in shape and size. The armor is not that good against swords or dragons, it's still light armor.

As it is enchanted, she often casts protection against fire on it.

By the way, many think she's a male at the first sight if she wears the mask, as the armor doesn't really show her feminine appearance.

Personality: Nifer is a mysterious person. She's often secretive but asks a lot of questions, and she's very good at keeping secrets. She's like a sly fox, because people are often used and then abandoned into trouble by her. This dark elf doesn't feel bad for leaving someone, she's usually just doing it for her own good anyways. At first sight she might seem quite normal, but if she sticks with you, you're either important or a target. Though, her targets usually aren't humans.

Backstory: Nifer was born in a village in the middle of a forest. She lived there peacefully until the age of 15, when a humongous dragon attacked. It almost destroyed the whole village, until one of the warriors slayed it - with his bow. Nifer started admiring that person, she begged for lessons. So, the person did. They trained together, so very soon this female dark elf was a master in aiming - and magic too. Very soon after learning the hunter's tricks she left for her adventures. She decided to hunt dragons, as she saw them as dangerous monsters.

Nifer got many jobs very quickly, so she has traveled a long way. One time she got a bird friend as a payment for her job, she named him Spek.

(I know, it's a chocobo. ^^' Pretend it's not)

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Fire, Ice, Water, Cave, Sky and Keepers

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as tough as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?: The creator of all keepers, who then turned evil.

Is the fantasy bird mount thing possible? I mean, we got dragons and magic... (:

Btw second character time woo! (Or third, if you count Arkthes as a separate)

I don't see a problem with having a bird friend *cough cough chocobo* as a companion, so I'll say yes to it! however if Chess comes back and says no, then their word is final :)

otherwise, Accepted!
AEchelon said:
I don't see a problem with having a bird friend *cough cough chocobo* as a companion, so I'll say yes to it! however if Chess comes back and says no, then their word is final :)
otherwise, Accepted!
Of course if Cheselth disagrees i'll remove it, but okay thanks! I think I'll post with her soon-ish.
Name: Vyramyse Urilyassa (Pronaounced vee-ray-meez yoo-rih-lee-ash-ah)

Nickname: Vyra (vee-rah)

Gender: Female

Race: (Orc, Elf, etc) 1/2 Dragonkin 1/2 human

Weapon (if any): A sword passed down to her from her maternal grandfather who was, at one point, the chief protector of Vyra's current settlement. Since it once belonged to a man, the sword is a little big for her, but she manages. It doesn't help that she is also half human, making her less muscular. It is an enchanted sword that she can summon from a far unless someone is holding it with a strong grip. After it was given to her, not even her grandfather could summon it anymore.


Appearance (Picture and description accepted):


Vyra is 5'7" and around 190 pounds (86 kilos) including the weight of her tail and wings. Otherwise, she'd be around 140 pounds (63 kilos). She wears her silver hair in buns 99% of the time. The only time she undoes them is when she is bathing or redoing them if they get messy. When her hair is down, the thin silvery hair reaches to mid butt cheek.

Personality: Even though Vyra has always been an outsider and viewed as a useless addition to her settlement, she stays chipper and happy a lot of the time. She has a lot of self image and self esteem issues since everyone other than her mother has always pointed out how strange her appearance is. Vyra is very welcoming and loves to laugh.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences): Vyra was born to the daughter of the chief protector of her home. Ever since she was young, she knew something was different about her, but her mother and grandfather insisted that she was just like everyone else. Outside of her family, the only person who ever showed her genuine compassion and friendship was a smaller dragonkin boy by the name of Jarak Kae'ra. He was her only play friend, and she figured she was his only friend as well. One day he disappeared from her life and no one would tell Vyra where he had gone or why.

All Vyra knew about her father was that he was human, but whenever Vyra asked about her father and his whereabouts, her mother would give a vague answer and change the subject. The only paternal influence Vyra had ever known was from her grandfather, who loved her dearly and protected her from some of the less open-minded members of the settlement. He had promised that on her fourteenth birthday, he would tell her everything she wanted to know about her real father. However, that day never came. One day in the spring of her 13th year, the settlement was attacked by bounty hunters who were looking for her. Vyra's mother hid her in a small, coffin-sized pit in the ground underneath their tent of a home while her grandfather fought off and killed every single bounty hunter who was after his beloved grandchild. It was a great victory, and Vyra was so proud of her grandfather, but he too had sustained major injuries. When the fight was over, Vyra ran to him and hugged him. She wasn't expecting his whole weight to sink into her arms as he fell to the ground and died in her hands. Ever since then, Vyra has been training herself to be stronger than any other dragonkin alive. She would never again let someone sacrifice themself for her.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Ice, Water, Sky, Cave, Fire

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as tough as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?: The original Keeper who created the other keepers and assigned them their roles.
AEchelon said:
Name: Vyramyse Urilyassa (Pronaounced vee-ray-meez yoo-rih-lee-ash-ah)
Nickname: Vyra (vee-rah)

Gender: Female

Race: (Orc, Elf, etc) 1/2 Dragonkin 1/2 human

Weapon (if any): A sword passed down to her from her maternal grandfather who was, at one point, the chief protector of Vyra's current settlement. Since it once belonged to a man, the sword is a little big for her, but she manages. It doesn't help that she is also half human, making her less muscular. It is an enchanted sword that she can summon from a far unless someone is holding it with a strong grip. After it was given to her, not even her grandfather could summon it anymore.


Appearance (Picture and description accepted):


Vyra is 5'7" and around 190 pounds (86 kilos) including the weight of her tail and wings. Otherwise, she'd be around 140 pounds (63 kilos). She wears her silver hair in buns 99% of the time. The only time she undoes them is when she is bathing or redoing them if they get messy. When her hair is down, the thin silvery hair reaches to mid butt cheek.

Personality: Even though Vyra has always been an outsider and viewed as a useless addition to her settlement, she stays chipper and happy a lot of the time. She has a lot of self image and self esteem issues since everyone other than her mother has always pointed out how strange her appearance is. Vyra is very welcoming and loves to laugh.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences): Vyra was born to the daughter of the chief protector of her home. Ever since she was young, she knew something was different about her, but her mother and grandfather insisted that she was just like everyone else. Outside of her family, the only person who ever showed her genuine compassion and friendship was a smaller dragonkin boy by the name of Jarak Kae'ra. He was her only play friend, and she figured she was his only friend as well. One day he disappeared from her life and no one would tell Vyra where he had gone or why.

All Vyra knew about her father was that he was human, but whenever Vyra asked about her father and his whereabouts, her mother would give a vague answer and change the subject. The only paternal influence Vyra had ever known was from her grandfather, who loved her dearly and protected her from some of the less open-minded members of the settlement. He had promised that on her fourteenth birthday, he would tell her everything she wanted to know about her real father. However, that day never came. One day in the spring of her 13th year, the settlement was attacked by bounty hunters who were looking for her. Vyra's mother hid her in a small, coffin-sized pit in the ground underneath their tent of a home while her grandfather fought off and killed every single bounty hunter who was after his beloved grandchild. It was a great victory, and Vyra was so proud of her grandfather, but he too had sustained major injuries. When the fight was over, Vyra ran to him and hugged him. She wasn't expecting his whole weight to sink into her arms as he fell to the ground and died in her hands. Ever since then, Vyra has been training herself to be stronger than any other dragonkin alive. She would never again let someone sacrifice themself for her.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Ice, Water, Sky, Cave, Fire

How hard is Orc skin?: Almost as tough as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?: The original Keeper who created the other keepers and assigned them their roles.

WOW so good you're accepted
Name: Ghorza

Gender: Female

Race: Orc

Weapon:Kitchen knife (hehe)



Personality: Sweet, Tough, Curious

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: There are Cave, Fire, Water, Sky, Ice dragon

Backstory: Ghorza is just having a normal life. She work as a servant or maid as she is good at it. She hears stories about different races and since haven't seen the outside, she is planing to go see it for herself. And meet the other races.

How hard is Orc skin?: Hard as dragon scales

Who is Bedlam?: The creator of the keepers. He went corrupt and betrayed his brothers and sisters.
JessBeth said:
Name: Ghorza
Gender: Female

Race: Orc

Weapon:Kitchen knife (hehe)



Personality: Sweet, Tough, Curious

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: There are Cave, Fire, Water, Sky, Ice dragon

Backstory: Ghorza is just having a normal life. She work as a servant or maid as she is good at it. She hears stories about different races and since haven't seen the outside, she is planing to go see it for herself. And meet the other races.

How hard is Orc skin?: Hard as dragon scales

Who is Bedlam?: The creator of the keepers. He went corrupt and betrayed his brothers and sisters.
Name: Luke


Race: Human

Weapon (if any): A sword and staff

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):

Personality: Luke is a strong (mentally and physically) type of person. He never gives up hope and is very optimistic. Luke is also friendly to stranger and very social. You will most likely see him in a crowd rather than by himself. Even though he is very kind. Luke is protective in and out of battle as well. Luke is not the bravest in any group. Even though he has a hopeful mood, he can not do anything dangerous by himself.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave, water, Ice, fire, Sky

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences): Luke has always heard the tells of the keepers, chosens, and dragons. But he has never really seen any of them. After living in the small town of Waton his whole life, he never really saw any creatures or magic. But Luke had always a thirst for knowledge and this lead him to leave his home town and explore the world. Ever since then, he had always traveled by himself, wearing a cloak. He hopes one day to see all the stories he was told. The story of keepers, dragons, and the chosens.

How hard is Orc skin?: Dragon scales

Who is Bedlam?: The first keeper who slowly got corrupted over time. He made the other keepers and Earth as well. He is also the antagonist of this RP.
Neuton said:
Name: Luke

Race: Human

Weapon (if any): A sword and staff

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):

Personality: Luke is a strong (mentally and physically) type of person. He never gives up hope and is very optimistic. Luke is also friendly to stranger and very social. You will most likely see him in a crowd rather than by himself. Even though he is very kind. Luke is protective in and out of battle as well. Luke is not the bravest in any group. Even though he has a hopeful mood, he can not do anything dangerous by himself.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave, water, Ice, fire, Sky

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences): Luke has always heard the tells of the keepers, chosens, and dragons. But he has never really seen any of them. After living in the small town of Waton his whole life, he never really saw any creatures or magic. But Luke had always a thirst for knowledge and this lead him to leave his home town and explore the world. Ever since then, he had always traveled by himself, wearing a cloak. He hopes one day to see all the stories he was told. The story of keepers, dragons, and the chosens.

How hard is Orc skin?: Dragon scales

Who is Bedlam?: The first keeper who slowly got corrupted over time. He made the other keepers and Earth as well. He is also the antagonist of this RP.
Very nice, accepted!
@Neuton 's chara can meet up first and then find the rest of the group :D
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