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Fantasy Dragon Era

Name: Kynerith Rain

Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Weapon (if any): Two double stilettos, and a bow.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):

Personality: Kynerith is 99.9%. negative and sarcastic. She's generally funny and cares for others, although she would never kill herself for them. She has kinda the "I don't care, lazy" attitude towards everyone and often makes sarcastic remarks.

Bio: Kynerith is very secretive about herself in general, and gets sensitive when people mention her past. Kynerith for some reasons seems to act jumpy or rude around orcs, hinting a past with some. She's never told anyone about her past, only kept to herself, though her expertise with the woods hints she grew up in them, which she did. Truth is, Kynerith can't remeber anything. She woke up at night in the middle of the woods when she was 14, she only had the memory of her name and some soft melody. She lived on her own since then in the woods, not only hunting but also into the delicious fruits. Some of her favorites being Mangos, apples, pears, peaches and grapes. She often hunted the bigger things, like monsters and giant beast, she is like a monster/beast bounty hunter.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave, Fire, water, ice, flying????, and the keepers...

How hard is Orc skin?: As hard as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?: The orginal dragon, he betrayed his siblings.
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DarknessSpirit said:
Name: Kynerith Rain
Gender: Female

Race: Elf

Weapon (if any): Two double stilettos, and a bow.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):

Personality: Kynerith is 99.9%. negative and sarcastic. She's generally funny and cares for others, although she would never kill herself for them. She has kinda the "I don't care, lazy" attitude towards everyone and often makes sarcastic remarks.

Bio: Kynerith is very secretive about herself in general, and gets sensitive when people mention her past. Kynerith for some reasons seems to act jumpy or rude around orcs, hinting a past with some. She's never told anyone about her past, only kept to herself, though her expertise with the woods hints she grew up in them, which she did. Truth is, Kynerith can't remeber anything. She woke up at night in the middle of the woods when she was 14, she only had the memory of her name and some soft melody.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave, Fire, water, ice, flying????, and the keepers...

How hard is Orc skin?: As hard as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?: The orginal dragon, he betrayed his siblings.
You forgot some tiny details but other than that it's good. ;3
Name: Ashoak the Survivor

Gender: Female

Race: Ent

Weapon : ,dart blower & various darts,and an iron mace

Appearence: 4 meters tall 2 ton

Personality: Ashoak when out of combat is kind to those who show kindness back,she is very respectful of others and usually won't interrupt and is also level headed being calm in most situations,she's not extremely talkative either but knows how to carry on a conversation,Ashoak is fully capable of defending herself but prefers not to have to fight and will try to avoid getting involved,Ashoak is not selfless but she will take as much damage as her body can bear before retreating,she is stubborn and rather stern when angered,she can go mama bear mode and fly into an angered frenzy under the right circumstances but usually knows how to keep it cool,she never cracks under pressure.

Backstory: Ashoak is an ancient ent,she was one of the first of her kind as far as she knows.When she was a young sapling she looked up to the ent older then her and followed rules and traditions of her group,it was a good life with lots of things to do and a few other ent around her age.However tradgedy struck when a rabid fire dragon was spotted by a scout a few miles off heading towards her forest,she was old enough to weild weapons of her own but the vote passed for the young and wounded to flee from the forest,as she left her home she made weapons for herself vowing she would protect those fleeing so she stayed near the flank.As she looked back she saw the giant creature burn down her forest with mighty blasts of its breath,she watched as some ent called upon nearby golems for aid only for both forces to get ravished by the beasts firey breath or claws,at last though Fernbranch her father and some of the better ent warriors defeated the dragon by stabbing it in the heart due to a scale falling out near it,but the damage had been done her entire home was wiped out along with 96% of the people.She couldn't take it she had to go back and search for survivors,she was right in front of the dragons face when it spoke to her "Why have you returned?" it said staring it her with a large eye,she glared at it "To save anyone YOU haven't destroyed" she said before turning around and searching through ash,she heard a rumbling from behind her as the dragon got weakly to its feet still bleeding from its wounds singing the area even further and blasted her full on with fire,she flailed in pain trying to put the fire out but realized it didn't seem to hurt her very much it seemed to tingle more so,she turned around slowly facing the dragon who had collapsed on its side "What did you do to me?" she asked and heard a different kind of rumbling that sounded more like a laugh "I made you more resistant to fire and in return I want you to heal me..." the dragon said letting out a wheeze,"YOU DESTROYED MY HOME AND EVERYTHING I LOVED!" Ashoak shouted enraged at the thought of even helping the fould creature.The dragon lifted its head "You are worthy though...show me kindness and I shall return it" the dragon said closing its eyes,Ashoak searched through the charred remains of her home and found herbs and rocks and mashed them together in a large hollow tree stump "Mother would be proud I finally show I can actually heal...Maybe the dragon can bring my family back" she said lugging the entire stump to the dragon and rubbing the major wounds with it,she even used a healing spell her mother taught her to help the scales regrow,as soon as she was done the dragon got up and spoke calmly "I am Costachio...because of your aid I am now bound to you whether you like it or not",at these words Ashoak went silent and spoke "Does...that mean your in debt to me?" she said causing the dragon to nod.From then out the two travelled as a nomadic duo helping the forests and protecting those who needed protecting.

Dragon peaches

Name: Costachio

Gender: Female

Race: Fire dragon (9.7 meters tall quadruped,6 tons)

Weapon (if any): Beside tooth and claw Costachio can shoot blasts of white fire,exhale thick smoke,as well as light herself on fire


Personality: Costachio is wild with all nature,she acts first and thinks later usually,she knows how to strategize but would rather take risks and live life,she isn't prone to being extremely violent but will throw tantrums and complain if she loses,she takes sarcasm and things like it too seriously so orders must be precise or she must know what the person means,her hope is nearly unbreakable and she will try and cheer others up if they're down in the dumps,but she also is uncannily greedy around gold or pearls but not to the point she would give up her partner,unfortunately she is prone to making corny or harsh jokes but she doesn't really mean it,and she has the spirit of a true warrior but also the helpfulness of one too.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave,fire,ice,water,sky,and the keepers

How hard is Orc skin?: It's rumored to be as hard as dragon scales

Who is Bedlam?: The antagonistic keeper dragon who made the world
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ManyFaces said:
Name: Ashoak the Survivor
Gender: Female

Race: Ent

Weapon : 2 vine whips as thick as a human leg,dart blower & darts,and an iron mace

Appearence: 4 meters tall 2 ton

Personality: Ashoak when out of combat is kind to those who show kindness back,she is very respectful of others and usually won't interrupt and is also level headed being calm in most situations,she's not extremely talkative either but knows how to carry on a conversation,Ashoak is fully capable of defending herself but prefers not to have to fight and will try to avoid getting involved,Ashoak is not selfless but she will take as much damage as her body can bear before retreating,she is stubborn and rather stern when angered,she can go mama bear mode and fly into an angered frenzy under the right circumstances but usually knows how to keep it cool,she never cracks under pressure.

Backstory: Ashoak is an ancient ent,she was one of the first of her kind as far as she knows.When she was a young sapling she looked up to the ent older then her and followed rules and traditions of her group,it was a good life with lots of things to do and a few other ent around her age.However tradgedy struck when a rabid fire dragon was spotted by a scout a few miles off heading towards her forest,she was old enough to weild weapons of her own but the vote passed for the young and wounded to flee from the forest,as she left her home she made weapons for herself vowing she would protect those fleeing so she stayed near the flank.As she looked back she saw the giant creature burn down her forest with mighty blasts of its breath,she watched as some ent called upon nearby golems for aid only for both forces to get ravished by the beasts firey breath or claws,at last though Fernbranch her father and some of the better ent warriors defeated the dragon by stabbing it in the heart due to a scale falling out near it,but the damage had been done her entire home was wiped out along with 96% of the people.She couldn't take it she had to go back and search for survivors,she was right in front of the dragons face when it spoke to her "Why have you returned?" it said staring it her with a large eye,she glared at it "To save anyone YOU haven't destroyed" she said before turning around and searching through ash,she heard a rumbling from behind her as the dragon got weakly to its feet still bleeding from its wounds singing the area even further and blasted her full on with fire,she flailed in pain trying to put the fire out but realized it didn't seem to hurt her very much it seemed to tingle more so,she turned around slowly facing the dragon who had collapsed on its side "What did you do to me?" she asked and heard a different kind of rumbling that sounded more like a laugh "I made you more resistant to fire and in return I want you to heal me..." the dragon said letting out a wheeze,"YOU DESTROYED MY HOME AND EVERYTHING I LOVED!" Ashoak shouted enraged at the thought of even helping the fould creature.The dragon lifted its head "You are worthy though...show me kindness and I shall return it" the dragon said closing its eyes,Ashoak searched through the charred remains of her home and found herbs and rocks and mashed them together in a large hollow tree stump "Mother would be proud I finally show I can actually heal...Maybe the dragon can bring my family back" she said lugging the entire stump to the dragon and rubbing the major wounds with it,she even used a healing spell her mother taught her to help the scales regrow,as soon as she was done the dragon got up and spoke calmly "I am Costachio...because of your aid I am now bound to you whether you like it or not",at these words Ashoak went silent and spoke "Does...that mean your in debt to me?" she said causing the dragon to nod.From then out the two travelled as a nomadic duo helping the forests and protecting those who needed protecting.

Dragon peaches

Name: Costachio

Gender: Female

Race: Fire dragon (9.7 meters tall quadruped,6 tons)

Weapon (if any): Beside tooth and claw Costachio can shoot blasts of white fire,exhale thick smoke,as well as light herself on fire


Personality: Costachio is wild with all nature,she acts first and thinks later usually,she knows how to strategize but would rather take risks and live life,she isn't prone to being extremely violent but will throw tantrums and complain if she loses,she takes sarcasm and things like it too seriously so orders must be precise or she must know what the person means,her hope is nearly unbreakable and she will try and cheer others up if they're down in the dumps,but she also is uncannily greedy around gold or pearls but not to the point she would give up her partner,unfortunately she is prone to making corny or harsh jokes but she doesn't really mean it,and she has the spirit of a true warrior but also the helpfulness of one too.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave,fire,ice,water,sky,and the keepers

How hard is Orc skin?: It's rumored to be as hard as dragon scales

Who is Bedlam?: The antagonistic keeper dragon who made the world
Accepted but I think the net has a little too many weapons. The vines can be something all tree ents have. Two weapons are the max.
Cheselth said:
Accepted but I think the net has a little too many weapons. The vines can be something all tree ents have. Two weapons are the max.
edited ^-^ now to find a time to hop in
Randi Whantrytak


  • Name: Randi Whantrytak

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Age: 20

    Height: 147 cm​

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Race: (Orc, Elf, etc)

Sky Dragon


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/night_sky_dragon_by_kokodriliscus-d4fnzkk.jpg.8e3dd0692495a9e548b391128cc89660.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109876" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/night_sky_dragon_by_kokodriliscus-d4fnzkk.jpg.8e3dd0692495a9e548b391128cc89660.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Zagar is a fierce and powerful Sky Dragon. He protects his own rather if its a dragon or non dragon. When he first meets someone he automatically doesn't like them until they prove to him that they're worth his friendship.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences):

Zagar was once the runt of the litter. He was abandoned by his mother and other siblings at a very young age. Zagar traveled alone for a very long time become more and more depressed. He had to teach himself how to survive and fly.

One day Zagar came across some bad people containing mixtures of humanoid species. Zagar at this time was only the size of a full grown beer, but still being a depressed lone young dragon. The hunters were able to capture Zagar mainly because he didn't put up much of a fight. They dragged him back to the base where they're were women and children tied up. The guys were raping the women and children. Zagar didn't like it one bit. This was the moment Zagar whole way of thinking changed. Zagar bursted through his cage and killed everyone single bag guy there was, and ate their remains. He freed the captives and left walking alone.

When Zagar became fully grown he met a kid, who interrupted his nap. Zagar challenged the kid and almost killed him, but the kid pulled through which surprised Zagar. The kid later became friends with him and traveled along with him.



  • night_sky_dragon_by_kokodriliscus-d4fnzkk.jpg
    263.7 KB · Views: 68
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Name: Brobdinageus the cannibal king

Gender: Male

Race: Water Dragon

Weapon: Natives and natural attacks like shooting water or biting

(He's half the size as how he looks in the picture along with his armor but he has gigantism)

Personality: Brobdinageus is a gentleman despite his intimidating looks,he enjoys peaceful times and enjoying things with friends,he's glad to help out his friends but will not tolerate being treated like a pet,but he is happy to try and enjoy new things for the sake of enjoying life,but sometimes he can be cranky and stuck up,even to the point of being down right mean if his mood gets set off balance but a good reminder will most likely get him back to being happy,but when in combat he turns into a ferocious monster that attacks an enemy without mercy,all his pain is turned into rage that fuels him into fighting harder,when he is enraged enough he will stop talking completely and just start roaring and muttering in dragontounge,a way to bring him out of his enraged trance is by binding him so that he can't move and he'll slowly calm down again,he also happens to be quite the glutton and it shows in his body but it should be noted he is extremely strong even for his size,but not incredibly school smart but makes it up with street smarts and knowing how to survive.

Backstory: Brodinageus was born to a brood of 215 royal eggs.

Among them he was the second to hatch,he could taste fresh blood in the murky damp seacave he was hatched in and was the first to see his parents dead bodies drifting upward tangled in thick rope and the laughing of people,perhaps on a ship but as it would seem he and his siblings were trapped together with eachother and over time desperation broke out.

any eggshells found were consumed and Brodinageus was the first to submit to eating eggs which caught on once the others saw him doing it.

It seemed like they would be big enough to safely leave after a few years but the weak began to die and the cavern began smelling like dead bodies and there was nothing anyone could do about it except perhaps eat the bodies.

Brodinageus was pressured into when his older sister refused to eat them and his younger remaining siblings wanted to see if it was safe to do,so he ate one of the bodies and was surprised at how it tasted after all he had never had meat before and offered some of the squishy parts to the others.

Though days passed and he didn't really need to eat he craved the taste of flesh and while the others slept he would eat the bodies,this went on for a while until the survivors noticed Brodinageus was gaining weight while they were losing it and his sister said they should eat him after all his fat was probably nutritious and his body could last for a while since they were all bigger now.

Well Brodinageus tried to reason "We can leave soon..but i'm just so hungry maybe I can even fish for us" he said getting nervous as his siblings began pressing him towards a wall while his sister sat back smiling pleased with herself.

She was going to bring him to justice and his siblings lunged at him and as a reflex he caught two of them in his mouth and killed them biting down leaving thirty one left to fight against him.

As he began taking chunks out of his siblings force until it was his sister and four of his other siblings left and during the fighting he began enjoying himself in the carnage and didn't stop even when the four said they wouldn't fight anymore and submitted he took their lives.

Once it was all over he gorged himself on the bodies of his siblings keeping an eye on his sister who hid in the darkest part of the cave,but he wasn't satisfied he wanted to be the oldest now ,he wanted to be the king and he knew his bloodline was royal he could feel it and he couldn't have anyone getting in his way to taking the throne he knew had to be somewhere waiting for the oldest to take it,so he dragged his sister out to fight her to the death,she didn't say anything but she glared at him disgusted and afraid.

Despite being older Brodinageus was already much larger than her and fed much better leaving him with an advantage in some ways,but she was clever and fast so knew she could eventually tire him out or bring him down since his turning radius was wide.After much circling she easily darted under him and used her back claws to rake up his chest along with his face and ended her attack by swatting him across the nose.

This only made Brodinageus angry and gave him some cuts as he charged her and slammed his head into her ribs then finished by grabbing her by the tail and flinging her into the cave wall causing it to leak water slowly from the outside and make the cave seem unstable,he didn't let up and tried to grab her by the throat.

However she jumped onto his back slamming his head into the cave floor,when she jumped down she rammed right into his gut from the side forcing him to double over in pain and slammed the back of his head into the cave wall causing a large hole to form and water to pour in.

Unfortunately this put his sister off guard and gave him time to charge her and give her a good bite,but what happened next was unexpected when he went to bite her she also opened her mouth and faced him and the bite ended up with her biting into the inside of his mouth causing it to flood with blood from his own tongue and her blood as well since he bit right into her upper jaw and some of her face,she realized it was over but had one last thing to say.

"Goodbye,be good" she said before he ripped her head off granting her swift death,the water was up to his ankles but he ignored it and devoured his last sibling but the moment after everything he did caught up with him "I...will" he said mournfully before finally swimming outside the confines of his cave leaving behind awful memories,he was already the size of an adult dragon of his species in his youth.

But he didn't seem to care he was just glad to leave his memories behind and start anew as he spread his navy blue and sea green wings pushing himself up but at the same time exhausting the rest of his energy leaving him to drift in a sort of hibernation drifting around.

Only when lots of time had gone by did he awaken covered in some kind of armor made of flora making him feel stronger yet heavier.

But his armor seemed to itch here and there like something was crawling on him and he noticed he had an infestation on his armor,it was natural and it covered every inch of him somehow he had to have been out for eternity and gave it plenty of time to bring its own ecosystem filled with plants,animals,and some non natives.Right when he was thinking about cleaning himself of the pests he remembered what his sister said and sighed "They shall stay and I shall make sure of it" he said casting a spell on himself that made his armor waterproof so that his nature could survive even when he swam.

But he didn't know how he did it and probably would never figure it out but some voice in his head told him how,over time he became even more flourishing with life and began shaping his personality with his peoples help and even got sacrafices which he didn't pass up on.

But life was only good for so long he made friends with a young lady and her family who were visiting but they were snatched away by pirates right in front of his very eyes one dawn and he wasn't about to let them die with him watching.

So he grabbed their boat and devoured it letting the family drop into one of his lakes while he enjoyed the taste of fear and wood,however the family was horrified of what he had just done and quickly fled leaving him with nothing but his normal fauna and flora.

Even though he'd only wished to find someone he could befriend and get a bit more interesting life to live instead of being a house but he doubted the guardians would care about a wish like that so he wandered sadly.
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ManyFaces said:
Name: Brobdinageus the cannibal king
Gender: Male

Race: Water Dragon

Weapon: Natives and natural attacks like shooting water or biting

(275 ft tall,so ignore the boat)

Personality: Brobdinageus is a gentleman despite his intimidating looks,he enjoys peaceful times and enjoying things with friends,he's glad to help out his friends but will not tolerate being treated like a pet,but he is happy to try and enjoy new things for the sake of enjoying life,but sometimes he can be cranky and stuck up,even to the point of being down right mean if his mood gets set off balance but a good reminder will most likely get him back to being happy,but when in combat he turns into a ferocious monster that attacks an enemy without mercy,all his pain is turned into rage that fuels him into fighting harder,when he is enraged enough he will stop talking completely and just start roaring and muttering in dragontounge,a way to bring him out of his enraged trance is by binding him so that he can't move and he'll slowly calm down again,he also happens to be quite the glutton and it shows in his body but it should be noted he is extremely strong even for his size,but not incredibly school smart but makes it up with street smarts and knowing how to survive.

Backstory: Brodinageus was born to a brood of 215 royal eggs among them he was the second to hatch,he could taste fresh blood in the murky damp seacave he was hatched in and was the first to see his parents dead bodies drifting upward tangled in thick rope and the laughing of people,perhaps on a ship but as it would seem he and his siblings were trapped together with eachother and over time desperation broke out,any eggshells found were consumed and Brodinageus was the first to submit to eating eggs which caught on once the others saw him doing it.

It seemed like they would be big enough to safely leave after a few years but the weak began to die and the cavern began smelling like dead bodies and there was nothing anyone could do about it except perhaps eat the bodies,Brodinageus was pressured into when his older sister refused to eat them and his younger remaining siblings wanted to see if it was safe to do,so he ate one of the bodies and was surprised at how it tasted after all he had never had meat before and offered some of the squishy parts to the others,though days passed and he didn't really need to eat he craved the taste of flesh and while the others slept he would eat the bodies,this went on for a while until the survivors noticed Brodinageus was gaining weight while they were losing it and his sister said they should eat him after all his fat was probably nutritious and his body could last for a while since they were all bigger now.

Well Brodinageus tried to reason "We can leave soon..but i'm just so hungry maybe I can even fish for us" he said getting nervous as his siblings began pressing him towards a wall while his sister sat back smiling pleased with herself to put him to justice,his siblings lunged at him and as a reflex he caught two of them in his mouth and killed them biting down leaving thirty one left to fight against him and he began taking chunks out of his siblings force until it was his sister and four of his other siblings left and during the fighting he began enjoying himself in the carnage and didn't stop even when the four said they wouldn't fight anymore.

Once it was all over he gorged himself on the bodies of his siblings keeping an eye on his sister who hid in the darkest part of the cave,but he wasn't satisfied he wanted to be the oldest now he wanted to be the king,he knew his bloodline was royal he could feel it and he couldn't have anyone getting in his way to taking the throne he knew had to be somewhere waiting for the oldest to take it,so he dragged his sister out to fight her to the death,she didn't say anything but she glared at him disgusted and afraid,despite being older Brodinageus was already much larger then her and fed much better leaving him with an advantage in some ways,but she was a clever dragon and knew she could eventually tire him out or bring him down since his turning radius was slow,she easily darted under him and used her back claws to rake up his chest and face and end her attack by swatting him across the nose,this only made Brodinageus angry as he charged her and slammed his head into her ribs then finished by grabbing her by the tail and flinging her into the cave wall causing it to leak water slowly from the outside and make the cave seem unstable,he didn't let up and tried to grab her by the throat but she jumped onto his back slamming his head into the cave floor,when she jumped down she rammed right into his gut from the side forcing him to double over in pain and slammed the back of his head into the cave wall causing a large hole to form and water to pour in,this put his sister off guard and gave him time to charge her and give her a good bite,but what happened next was unexpected when he went to bite her she also opened her mouth and faced him and the bite ended up with her biting into the inside of his mouth causing it to flood with blood from his own tongue and her blood as well since he bit right into her upper jaw and some of her face,she realized it was over but had one last thing to say "Goodbye,be good" before he ripped her head off granting her swift death,the water was up to his ankles but he ignored it and devoured his last sibling but the moment after everything he did caught up with him "I...will" he said mournfully before finally swimming outside the confines of his cave leaving behind awful memories,he was already the size of an adult dragon of his species in his youth.

But he didn't seem to notice as he spread his red and blue wings pushing himself up but at the same time exhausting the rest of his energy leaving him to drift in a sort of hibernation drifting around,only when lots of time had gone by did he awaken covered in some kind of armor made of flora making him feel stronger yet heavier,his armor seemed to itch some though and he noticed he had an infestation his armor,it was natural and it covered every inch of him somehow he had to have been out for eternity and gave it plenty of time to bring its own ecosystem into game and some non natives and he remembered what his sister said and sighed "They shall stay and I shall make sure of it" he said casting a spell on himself that made his armor waterproof so that his nature could survive even when he swam but he didn't know how he did it and probably would never figure it out but some voice in his head told him how,over time he became even more flourished with life and began shaping his personality with his peoples help and even got sacrafices which he didn't pass up on.

But life was only good for so long he made friends with a young lady and her family who were visiting but they were snatched away by pirates right in front of his very eyes and he wasn't about to let them die with him watching so he grabbed their boat and devoured it letting the family drop into one of his lakes while he enjoyed the taste of fear and wood,however the family was horrified of what he had just done and quickly fled leaving him with nothing but his normal fauna and flora,he'd only wished to find someone he could befriend and get a life of hijinks instead of being a house but he doubted the guardians would care about a wish.
Okay okay this backstory. Long. It's a full on run-on sentence. Sorry, dude. This just bothers me way too much. Please fix it.
Cheselth said:
Okay okay this backstory. Long. It's a full on run-on sentence. Sorry, dude. This just bothers me way too much. Please fix it.
Better?I sometimes overdo the ,'s in my post and underdo my .'s >.<
ManyFaces said:
Name: Brobdinageus the cannibal king
Gender: Male

Race: Water Dragon

Weapon: Natives and natural attacks like shooting water or biting

(He's a leviathan but not quite as big as in the picture)

Personality: Brobdinageus is a gentleman despite his intimidating looks,he enjoys peaceful times and enjoying things with friends,he's glad to help out his friends but will not tolerate being treated like a pet,but he is happy to try and enjoy new things for the sake of enjoying life,but sometimes he can be cranky and stuck up,even to the point of being down right mean if his mood gets set off balance but a good reminder will most likely get him back to being happy,but when in combat he turns into a ferocious monster that attacks an enemy without mercy,all his pain is turned into rage that fuels him into fighting harder,when he is enraged enough he will stop talking completely and just start roaring and muttering in dragontounge,a way to bring him out of his enraged trance is by binding him so that he can't move and he'll slowly calm down again,he also happens to be quite the glutton and it shows in his body but it should be noted he is extremely strong even for his size,but not incredibly school smart but makes it up with street smarts and knowing how to survive.

Backstory: Brodinageus was born to a brood of 215 royal eggs.

Among them he was the second to hatch,he could taste fresh blood in the murky damp seacave he was hatched in and was the first to see his parents dead bodies drifting upward tangled in thick rope and the laughing of people,perhaps on a ship but as it would seem he and his siblings were trapped together with eachother and over time desperation broke out.

any eggshells found were consumed and Brodinageus was the first to submit to eating eggs which caught on once the others saw him doing it.

It seemed like they would be big enough to safely leave after a few years but the weak began to die and the cavern began smelling like dead bodies and there was nothing anyone could do about it except perhaps eat the bodies.

Brodinageus was pressured into when his older sister refused to eat them and his younger remaining siblings wanted to see if it was safe to do,so he ate one of the bodies and was surprised at how it tasted after all he had never had meat before and offered some of the squishy parts to the others.

Though days passed and he didn't really need to eat he craved the taste of flesh and while the others slept he would eat the bodies,this went on for a while until the survivors noticed Brodinageus was gaining weight while they were losing it and his sister said they should eat him after all his fat was probably nutritious and his body could last for a while since they were all bigger now.

Well Brodinageus tried to reason "We can leave soon..but i'm just so hungry maybe I can even fish for us" he said getting nervous as his siblings began pressing him towards a wall while his sister sat back smiling pleased with herself.

She was going to bring him to justice and his siblings lunged at him and as a reflex he caught two of them in his mouth and killed them biting down leaving thirty one left to fight against him.

As he began taking chunks out of his siblings force until it was his sister and four of his other siblings left and during the fighting he began enjoying himself in the carnage and didn't stop even when the four said they wouldn't fight anymore and submitted he took their lives.

Once it was all over he gorged himself on the bodies of his siblings keeping an eye on his sister who hid in the darkest part of the cave,but he wasn't satisfied he wanted to be the oldest now ,he wanted to be the king and he knew his bloodline was royal he could feel it and he couldn't have anyone getting in his way to taking the throne he knew had to be somewhere waiting for the oldest to take it,so he dragged his sister out to fight her to the death,she didn't say anything but she glared at him disgusted and afraid.

Despite being older Brodinageus was already much larger than her and fed much better leaving him with an advantage in some ways,but she was clever and fast so knew she could eventually tire him out or bring him down since his turning radius was wide.After much circling she easily darted under him and used her back claws to rake up his chest along with his face and ended her attack by swatting him across the nose.

This only made Brodinageus angry and gave him some cuts as he charged her and slammed his head into her ribs then finished by grabbing her by the tail and flinging her into the cave wall causing it to leak water slowly from the outside and make the cave seem unstable,he didn't let up and tried to grab her by the throat.

However she jumped onto his back slamming his head into the cave floor,when she jumped down she rammed right into his gut from the side forcing him to double over in pain and slammed the back of his head into the cave wall causing a large hole to form and water to pour in.

Unfortunately this put his sister off guard and gave him time to charge her and give her a good bite,but what happened next was unexpected when he went to bite her she also opened her mouth and faced him and the bite ended up with her biting into the inside of his mouth causing it to flood with blood from his own tongue and her blood as well since he bit right into her upper jaw and some of her face,she realized it was over but had one last thing to say.

"Goodbye,be good" she said before he ripped her head off granting her swift death,the water was up to his ankles but he ignored it and devoured his last sibling but the moment after everything he did caught up with him "I...will" he said mournfully before finally swimming outside the confines of his cave leaving behind awful memories,he was already the size of an adult dragon of his species in his youth.

But he didn't seem to care he was just glad to leave his memories behind and start anew as he spread his navy blue and sea green wings pushing himself up but at the same time exhausting the rest of his energy leaving him to drift in a sort of hibernation drifting around.

Only when lots of time had gone by did he awaken covered in some kind of armor made of flora making him feel stronger yet heavier.

But his armor seemed to itch here and there like something was crawling on him and he noticed he had an infestation on his armor,it was natural and it covered every inch of him somehow he had to have been out for eternity and gave it plenty of time to bring its own ecosystem filled with plants,animals,and some non natives.Right when he was thinking about cleaning himself of the pests he remembered what his sister said and sighed "They shall stay and I shall make sure of it" he said casting a spell on himself that made his armor waterproof so that his nature could survive even when he swam.

But he didn't know how he did it and probably would never figure it out but some voice in his head told him how,over time he became even more flourishing with life and began shaping his personality with his peoples help and even got sacrafices which he didn't pass up on.

But life was only good for so long he made friends with a young lady and her family who were visiting but they were snatched away by pirates right in front of his very eyes one dawn and he wasn't about to let them die with him watching.

So he grabbed their boat and devoured it letting the family drop into one of his lakes while he enjoyed the taste of fear and wood,however the family was horrified of what he had just done and quickly fled leaving him with nothing but his normal fauna and flora.

Even though he'd only wished to find someone he could befriend and get a bit more interesting life to live instead of being a house but he doubted the guardians would care about a wish like that so he wandered sadly.
Okay that's better but I don't think I'm going to allow his size. It's just too big. Only the keepers can be that huge, really. To be able to hold an entire civilization on their back is kind of Sentient's thing, but you know. She's sleeping.
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Cheselth said:
Okay that's better but I don't think I'm going to allow his size. It's just too big. Only the keepers can be that huge, really. To be able to hold an entire civilization on their back is kind of Sentient's thing, but you know. She's sleeping.
What if he was a sort of demikeeper I really don't want that bio to be in vain,He's not huge though I can go into detail about his size since I was inspired to make just a living island.But this was the smallest pic of a dragon I could find,the others were all turtle based.Hmm and by the way I noticed there are no keeper images,I'd enjoy picture hunting!
ManyFaces said:
What if he was a sort of demikeeper I really don't want that bio to be in vain,He's not huge though I can go into detail about his size since I was inspired to make just a living island.But this was the smallest pic of a dragon I could find,the others were all turtle based.Hmm and by the way I noticed there are no keeper images,I'd enjoy picture hunting!
I'm gonna have to say no to the demikeeper thing. Just no. I'm not trying to sound rude in any way, I just want to be clear.




Race: (Orc, Elf, etc)

Fire Dragon

Weapon (if any):

Claws and breathing fire.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):


"Say it again. I dare you, though you might be a pile of ash and bones if you do."


Huoyan is a hothead, plain and simple. He gets mad or annoyed very easily. Only having patients for those he considers friends or those he thinks deserve his respect. Though his hotheadedness is for a reason (See in backstory). Though those he sees as allies or friends he will protect to the death, siding with them over others. Like the rest of his kind he is very loyal.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences):

Huoyan was the only hatchling to two other fire dragons. His father was an accomplished fighter, his mother protected him to no end. He had a happy life, father trained him in fighting. His mother showed him the ways of the world. Though all good things had to come to an end. He was near 20 years of age, almost ready to move from his home to go make a name for himself in the world. Coming back from a hunting trip he arrived back home to find his mother and father laying in their blood. Atop them were hunters, using knives and saws to carve away at their scales, horns, and claws. Needless to say his home would become a smoking pile of ash after that incident. After that he became bitter and angry. Trusting few, though protecting them like his mother had for him.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?:

Cave, Water, Fire, Sky, Ice.

How hard is Orc skin?:

Almost as strong as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?:

He was the Keeper of balance before turning to chaos. He is quick to anger but, still has a soft spot for his brothers and sisters.
Cheselth said:
I'm gonna have to say no to the demikeeper thing. Just no. I'm not trying to sound rude in any way, I just want to be clear.
What if he was half the size of the picture shown?I mean if there is no way for the island idea to work i'd atleast like to know if there is a way to save the bio
ManyFaces said:
What if he was half the size of the picture shown?I mean if there is no way for the island idea to work i'd atleast like to know if there is a way to save the bio
Fine with me.

ToothierTurnip5 said:



Race: (Orc, Elf, etc)

Fire Dragon

Weapon (if any):

Claws and breathing fire.

Appearence (Picture and discription accepted):


"Say it again. I dare you, though you might be a pile of ash and bones if you do."


Huoyan is a hothead, plain and simple. He gets mad or annoyed very easily. Only having patients for those he considers friends or those he thinks deserve his respect. Though his hotheadedness is for a reason (See in backstory). Though those he sees as allies or friends he will protect to the death, siding with them over others. Like the rest of his kind he is very loyal.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences):

Huoyan was the only hatchling to two other fire dragons. His father was an accomplished fighter, his mother protected him to no end. He had a happy life, father trained him in fighting. His mother showed him the ways of the world. Though all good things had to come to an end. He was near 20 years of age, almost ready to move from his home to go make a name for himself in the world. Coming back from a hunting trip he arrived back home to find his mother and father laying in their blood. Atop them were hunters, using knives and saws to carve away at their scales, horns, and claws. Needless to say his home would become a smoking pile of ash after that incident. After that he became bitter and angry. Trusting few, though protecting them like his mother had for him.

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?:

Cave, Water, Fire, Sky, Ice.

How hard is Orc skin?:

Almost as strong as dragon scales.

Who is Bedlam?:

He was the Keeper of balance before turning to chaos. He is quick to anger but, still has a soft spot for his brothers and sisters.
Good but you forgot a small detail ;)
Also was the "small details" not having a worded description of my appearance cause if that is the case I can type it out. I'm just really lazy.
Ay mate.

Name: Regahn Swift-Arm aka THE BLACK ARROW


Race: Human

Weapon (if any): Customized Sturdy Bow with Dagger attachment. (Grey coloured instead of green)


The attached dagger serves as a purpose to enhance his close-combat and giving him a higher chance of taking down his enemies effective immediately.

He has his own customized black-coloured arrows, made from a very strong and rare metal which are likely to penetrate heavy armor and even dragon scales if shot at the right angle and velocity. However, they are limited and he only intended to use them in case of emergency. His normal choice of arrows are usually steel arrows.

Meteorite Knives. Customized-built knives which he had received as a reward for taking down a rather veteran enemy. Rarely uses it. In case of emergency.


That's pretty much all he needs. His other main form of weapon is Hand-to-Hand combat. Years of physical training which focuses on his endurance and agility has paid off. He had learn many styles of Hand-to-Hand combat which, particularly martial arts. His skill in hand-to-hand combat is very well trained to the point that his skills could even match a dragonkin easily.



The above image is his usual style of armor. However, it is designed to be less bulky to maximize his agility and swift movements. He always keeps a hood on, along with a face mask to conceal his identity. It is also often in dark colours such as black or grey.


What he really looks like under the hood.


The more gold they pay me, the more likely I will get the job done.
He is a simple person. Often looking for mercenary/assassination work in order to get income. He is also quite intolerant of other races and the worst of his insults goes to Orcs and Dragonkins. However, this had not stop him from working with them when it comes to mercenaries' work but when it comes to dragons themselves, he will either avoid them completely or take them down. He has no love for such fearful creatures. Despite all of this, he is a fair man and he will not kill those who has a big family, important roles, children, etc. It depends on the situation. He is shown to be quite calm and collected but will lose his cool when stressed enough. His trust is hard to earn and will only most likely trust you if you happen to save his life. He will also never betray his closest friends and family. He likes to make sarcastic jokes as well and often comes as cold to others. One of his weak personality is that he often underestimates his enemies and can become unfocused.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences):
Regahn was born in the slums of Silatia. He was the youngest among his siblings and his mother died while giving birth to him. It was only him, his other two older brothers and his father. His family came from a very traditional and unique bloodline who were very secretive about their culture and habits. He had learn a lot from his brothers and fathers, which includes general knowledge, hand-to-hand combat, archery, harvesting, working, etc. However, one day when he was out hunting with his first-made bow, his family was killed. Only his older brother was alive when he had returned. It broke him and it made him cold. Since that day, he and his brother had live on the outskirts of the capital of the city where its quite remote.

His brother has became paralyzed due to his injuries and often subjects himself to strange and addictive herb potions which had made him drunk and unable to act on his own. However, Regahn still cares for him and often perform mercenary work to unleash his frustration and to get income to keep up the living standards of him and his brother. His mercenary and assassination works has given him quite a reputation. He was known to many as The Black Arrow

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave, Fire, Ice, Water and Sky

How hard is Orc skin?: As hard as a dragon scale.

Who is Bedlam?: The keeper of the balance. However, he was subjected to corruption and went against everything he had created.

All good ay?
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Giga said:
Ay mate.
Name: Regahn Swift-Arm aka THE BLACK ARROW


Race: Human

Weapon (if any): Customized Sturdy Bow with Dagger attachment. (Grey coloured instead of green)


The attached dagger serves as a purpose to enhance his close-combat and giving him a higher chance of taking down his enemies effective immediately.

He has his own customized black-coloured arrows, made from a very strong and rare metal which are likely to penetrate heavy armor and even dragon scales if shot at the right angle and velocity. However, they are limited and he only intended to use them in case of emergency. His normal choice of arrows are usually steel arrows.

That's pretty much all he needs. His other main form of weapon is Hand-to-Hand combat. Years of physical training which focuses on his endurance and agility has paid off. He had learn many styles of Hand-to-Hand combat which, particularly martial arts. His skill in hand-to-hand combat is very well trained to the point that his skills could even match a dragonkin easily.



The above image is his usual style of armor. However, it is designed to be less bulky to maximize his agility and swift movements. He always keeps a hood on, along with a face mask to conceal his identity. It is also often in dark colours such as black or grey.


What he really looks like under the hood.


He is a simple person. Often looking for mercenary/assassination work in order to get income. He is also quite intolerant of other races and the worst of his insults goes to Orcs and Dragonkins. However, this had not stop him from working with them when it comes to mercenaries' work but when it comes to dragons themselves, he will either avoid them completely or take them down. He has no love for such fearful creatures. Despite all of this, he is a fair man and he will not kill those who has a big family, important roles, children, etc. It depends on the situation. He is shown to be quite calm and collected but will lose his cool when stressed enough. His trust is hard to earn and will only most likely trust you if you happen to save his life. He will also never betray his closest friends and family. He likes to make sarcastic jokes as well and often comes as cold to others. One of his weak personality is that he often underestimates his enemies and can become unfocused.

Backstory (It can be short but don't put like three sentences):
Regahn was born in the slums of Silatia. He was the youngest among his siblings and his mother died while giving birth to him. It was only him, his other two older brothers and his father. His family came from a very traditional and unique bloodline who were very secretive about their culture and habits. He had learn a lot from his brothers and fathers, which includes general knowledge, hand-to-hand combat, archery, harvesting, working, etc. However, one day when he was out hunting with his first-made bow, his family was killed. Only his older brother was alive when he had returned. It broke him and it made him cold. Since that day, he and his brother had live on the outskirts of the capital of the city where its quite remote.

His brother has became paralyzed due to his injuries and often subjects himself to strange and addictive herb potions which had made him drunk and unable to act on his own. However, Regahn still cares for him and often perform mercenary work to unleash his frustration and to get income to keep up the living standards of him and his brother. His mercenary and assassination works has given him quite a reputation. He was known to many as The Black Arrow

What are ALL the kinds of dragons?: Cave, Fire, Ice, Water and Sky

How hard is Orc skin?: As hard as a dragon scale.

Who is Bedlam?: The keeper of the balance. However, he was subjected to corruption and went against everything he had created.

All good ay?
Another character (The good guy character)

Name: Az-Rel Runehill

Gender: M

Race: Human

Weapon (if any): Dual-Bladed Steel Staff. A very rare and unique weapon and the creators of this weapon are not known.


Swift Daggers. Throw-able. Perfect for swift and stealth kills


Appearance :


His usual style of outfit. Scarlet leather armor that resembles almost like a trench coat but a little more medieval and traditional as to be more lore-friendly with the current RP.


His facial appearance except a little bit more scruffy.

Personality: A rather serious but calm and collected person. He is quite modest and doesn't brag about his skills often. Known to be courageous, brave, full of action and fair individual. However, he can be too confident which can cause him to become reckless. He is often naive as well. He's been known to befriend others quite well but trust is something that needs to be earn by him. Would do anything to not see others get hurt and would give in easily when his friends/loved ones are threatened. He hates those who bullies the weak or for evil intentions. Has a strong sense of justice.

Backstory : Az-Rel is a well-known vigilante who takes matters into his hands at most of the times. He was born in a rich family in Silatia but they often initiate corruption activities and acts which involves abusing the poor, proposing xenophobic acts, etc. In the end, he could not stand this outrageous behaviour and decided to talk about it to his parents once he became older. In the end, he had to move out as he could no longer stand the treatment that was given by his family to the citizens, and especially to dragonkind and elves whom he have made quite more than just acquiantances. During the process, he loved archery and blademaster activities. He had received a dual-bladed steel staff from an unknown party and has became his main weapon of since. Many people laughed at him, as dual-bladed staves are considered impractical. But after mastering it, he had shown skills which are unimaginable with such a potential dangerous weapon. He now stops any illegal activities such as bounty hunting and often helps out whenever he can.
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Giga said:
Another character (The good guy character)
Name: Az-Rel Runehill

Gender: M

Race: Human

Weapon (if any): Dual-Bladed Steel Staff. A very rare and unique weapon and the creators of this weapon are not known.


Scarlet Composite Bow


Appearance :


His usual style of outfit. Scarlet leather armor that resembles almost like a trench coat but a little more medieval and traditional as to be more lore-friendly with the current RP.


His facial appearance except a little bit more scruffy.

Personality: A rather serious but calm and collected person. He is quite modest and doesn't brag about his skills often. Known to be courageous, brave, full of action and fair individual. However, he can be too confident which can cause him to become reckless. He is often naive as well. He's been known to befriend others quite well but trust is something that needs to be earn by him. Would do anything to not see others get hurt and would give in easily when his friends/loved ones are threatened. He hates those who bullies the weak or for evil intentions. Has a strong sense of justice.

Backstory : Az-Rel is a well-known vigilante who takes matters into his hands at most of the times. He was born in a rich family in Silatia but they often initiate corruption activities and acts which involves abusing the poor, proposing xenophobic acts, etc. In the end, he could not stand this outrageous behaviour and decided to talk about it to his parents once he became older. In the end, he had to move out as he could no longer stand the treatment that was given by his family to the citizens, and especially to dragonkind and elves whom he have made quite more than just acquiantances. During the process, he loved archery and blademaster activities. He had received a dual-bladed steel staff from an unknown party and has became his main weapon of since. Many people laughed at him, as dual-bladed staves are considered impractical. But after mastering it, he had shown skills which are unimaginable with such a potential dangerous weapon. He now stops any illegal activities such as bounty hunting and often helps out whenever he can.

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