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Fandom Dragon Ball: Revenant (Characters OOC Thread)



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)



Age: 23
Height: 5' 4" (162.5cm)
Weight: 125 lbs (56.5kg)
Race: Saiyan

Voice Example: Cheyanne Voice Example

Power Level: 2,000

Speciality: Ki Control

Personality: "Bubbly" and "Fearsome" aren't exactly meant to be used in the same sentence to describe one individual. But in Cheyanne's case, we can make an exception. She is also, unfortunately, an airhead. She's not stupid by any means. She knows all her technological terms, how to use technology, how to talk to people, how to have a good time, and how to fight like a champ. But she's also the first one to forget where she put her armor, or in some cases forgets to wear armor altogether before she rushes out of her room for a mission. And don't ask how many times she's lost her Scouter and needed someone to ping it for her. She's also prone to leaving the dinner table without washing her dishes because she forgets they're even there (despite how tall the stacks of plates are).

She's a far different person in private. But good luck catching her in that situation. And on the battlefield she was trained to break an enemy's will to fight before sending them to hell with a smile. And she's very good at it... Sometimes too good.

Biography: Cheyanne was born to Lower Class Saiyans on the Mother Ship, Kriito. Following her birth, her parents ceased to be lovers and became friendly comrades and split their time with raising her. She was trained largely in combat by her mother, and learned to enjoy the finer things in life from her father who was far more laid back. And while her power level isn't really anything to gawk at, her Ki control since birth has been extraordinary. At age 7 she discovered a way to generate a beam of Ki so fine it threaded a needle without damaging said needle. And at age 10 she learned to create a ball of Ki so dense it became fully solid and could be used to smash concrete slabs. Today, she's known as the Chameleon of War by those on her Mother Ship for her seemingly endless creativity and masterful control over her Ki.



Age: 25
Height: 6' 2" (188cm)
Weight: 195 lbs (88kg)
Race: Human

Voice Example: Takashi Voice Example

Power Level: 1,200

Speciality: Combat Analyst

Personality: Summed in a single word, resourceful. Takeshi's not the most powerful being in the universe. But he doesn't need to be. By keeping a low profile and thinking like a survivor, he's managed to stay alive amidst a chaotic frenzy of galactic activity as part of the Emperor's mercenary force. Though often ridiculed for his origins on "some backwater planet," Takeshi's will is strong as tempered steel and to spark his emotions takes more than a few insults. Serious and courageous, he'll never shy away from a dangerous battlefield. Though at the same time, he is patient enough to carefully analyze the battlefield to learn his enemy's weaknesses before a single punch is thrown.

Biography: Takeshi spent the majority of his early life with his father who wanted him to be a data analyst. The ability to organize information sparked Takeshi's perception as a boy, and he quickly began seeing patterns and other bits of unspoken information in almost everything he looked at. As an adult, he volunteered for a space tour around the moon. But in a case of mistaken identity, his ship was captured by the Mercenary forces of Mother Ship Kriito and the Earthlings were all brought on board and questioned until the truth was revealed. Rather than return them, they were all put into servitude. After learning to unlock his previously dormant Ki, Takeshi rapidly became a fierce combatant with his natural survivor's instinct and his rapid analytic perception of the world around him. Though not the strongest fighter, his ability to analyze the ebb and flow of battle and spot weaknesses in his opponent's fighting styles is second to none.
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