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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Jose giggled some and hid his face some before he moved to lay down on top of him "Daddy...comfy..." he whispered before yawning some and starting to drift off on him right as Max came out of the bathroom.

Jack frowned deeply as he came into the kitchen later seeing Lucas there. "Doesn't matter Lucas, you hurt her and she is scared shitless now. You need to get your shit together and stop thinking about yourself for once." He spat.
Lucas grit his teeth and glared at him “What cause you’re such a saint?! I’m shocked they haven’t kicked you out Jack. You’re the one who got our sister killed.” He spat at him, knowing he would strike a nerve with that one.

He smiled and kissed his head just watching him sleep, glancing over at max. “He looks more like you than likah ever did.” He told her quietly
Jack glared at him with rage in his eyes pushing him down without even thinking "Don't you fucking dare bring her into this!" He yelled loudly

Max smiled softly and gave a small nod "Yeah he definitely got my family's traits. Where Lilah is straight from your side." She said softly as she climbed back into bed to lay beside them "He's usually first one up."
He laughed as he lay on the floor, seeing Jack just stood there with curled fists. “Oh I’m sorry… you never did tell mom did you? How they didn’t hit you because they were racing? That they hit you cause you were racing someone and had to slam on the brakes.” He pointed out before feeling jacks foot connect with his chest, sending him sliding across the kitchen until he cracked his head on the corner of the island. Everything went blurry then and he felt like he was moving through syrup, reaching a hand up to touch the back of his head and feeling it come back wet and sticky. He looked up to see Jack leaving the room to go back upstairs but before he could shout to him for help he’d blacked out and started seizing alone on the kitchen floor as his parents and sisters had gone out for dinner.

He smiled and lay there watching him, sighing quietly. “I never wanted to miss a moment with him.” He mumbled. “You know I heard a while back that the couple I intervened with when he was beating his girlfriend… they got married. Had a kid. I got shot and thrown in prison for them to face no consequences.” He muttered, just staring at his son. “You wanna go get a coffee this morning?” He asked her quietly as he was trying to shake off the feeling of shame. Not liking to dwell on what had happened but sometimes it took over his thoughts anyway
Eddie was laughing happily with the girl's as they came home from dinner. He went to the kitchen first to grab some water but went wide eyed when he saw Lucas motionless on the floor "Carmen!! Carmen call 911!" He yelled as he dropped to the floor to start looking Lucas over.

Max frowned as she listened to him and gave a small nod "Coffee sounds good, Lilah has to go to school today so it can be us and Jose." She said softly before kissing his cheek gently "What time do you start at that shop?"
Carmen was heading inside after pulling the trash back to the house, frowning as she heard Eddie yelling, stepping into the kitchen and quickly calling emergency services, handing him the phone as she wasn’t able to talk hardly at all still. She frowned though as she noticed the blood and the way it was on the side of the island but that he was pretty far away from it. Keeping that as a mental note for later. She moved closer to help Eddie until the ems arrived.

He smiled and nodded. “Sounds good. Uh not til tomorrow but I’m gonna head down there later to grab my paperwork I gotta fill in.” He told her, just enjoying the peace and quiet until it was time to get the kids up and dressed for the day, making sure there was a quick breakfast ready for likah as well
Eddie helped EMS the best he could telling them everything before looking at Carmen with scared eyes "Do you want to come with me? If not thats fine but I'm going up there."

Max got the kids ready to go once it was time smiling softly to herself. This was what she had always wanted, them as a proper family. As they dropped Lilah at school she made her way to the coffee shop with him laughing as Jose babbled to them about nonsense in the back.
Lucas came around a little in the back of the ambulance, not hearing any sirens or seeing either of his parents just listening to the paramedic explain that they were gonna take him in and get his head sorted out, not really able to respond beyond squeezing the guys hand when he was told to. He was doing okay until about halfway there when he started feeling fuzzy again and started seizing. It only lasted a minute this time but by the time it finished he wasn’t breathing anymore and all Carmen and Eddie were aware of was the sirens being turned on and the ambulance picking up speed away from them.

Clay smiled and just chatted back to him even if they had no idea what he was saying, carrying him inside and going to get in line to get their coffees and get Jose a juice. He was starting to get nervous about this job and he knew he needed to be more honest about who he was going to be working for but he knew telling her would only make her worry more
Eddie sat in the waiting room in the late evening with Carmen. They had taken Lucas back into testing when they arrived and they couldn't go back. His nails were bitten down to the nub and his anxiety was through the roof "Why haven't they come back yet Carmen? Its been 3 hours." He said for the hundreth time.

Max smiled happily as she listened to the two of them. As they got to the coffee shop she found a space for them while Clay ordered everything. She thanked him as he sat down and took his hand in hers like she always did "So the mechanic shop is in town? Or the next town?"
Carmen was sat staring at the floor. They'd arrived in time to catch a glimpse of the medics giving Lucas cpr and she'd been like it since, just worrying over what was going on with him. "It's a busy hospital." She mumbled, hoping that was the only reason for how long it was taking them. She was worried as well about what happened for them to find him on the floor like that. "He wasn't in the right spot.... The blood... I don't understand how he hit his head like that," She mumbled, hearing someone finally calling his name.

He set Jose down in a high chair he'd grabbed and nodded, "Across town." He told her "On the outskirts." He explained, "I gotta go pick up mhy paperwork later so I can take it over to my parole officer." He told her
Eddie frowned deeply as she talked about the blood and nodded some "You're right....I need to call Jack." He whispered about to go take the phone call but stopped when he heard Lucas' name. He sped over to the nurse with Carmen and took a deep breath "Where is he? How is he?"

Max nodded some and smiled at him "You want me to drive you after this? I don't mind taking you." She said happily but gave a small frown when he said he would be fine if she didn't.
The nurse looked over at the two of them, frowning at the bruising all around the wife's throat for a moment before gesturing for them to follow. "Let me take you both somewhere more private to discuss things." They'd been briefed fairly quickly that this was to be kept hush hush to avoid any media picking it up so she led them to a private room and shut the door behind them. "Mr and Mrs Munson your son is stable for now. He had a few more seizures during tests which is why it took a lot longer to be able to do the scans we needed. He's not breathing on his own at the moment but we are hoping that will change now he has stopped having seizures... The head wound is really quite serious. He has a cracked skull and we're very concerned about more bleeding... I'm afraid though that it became quite clear quite quickly that at some point between having the head injury and arriving here he had a stroke. And we won't be able to tell what damage it's done until he wakes up."

He smiled and watched her, shaking his head some, "You'll survive not seing me for a couple hours love. I just don't wanna drag Jose all over the place for this." he told her happily, leaning back and taking a sip of his coffee. "Plus I don't want him to come down to the parole office. I don't know what a lot of these guys went away for in the first place." He muttered, frowning some.
Eddie followed the nurse into a private room and sat with Carmen while she explained everything. He squeezed his wife's hand tightly feeling a familiar dread settle into the pit of his stomach like it had when he heard about Tilly. "A stroke? Do...do you think he'll wake up on his own?" He asked quietly

Max gave a dramatic sigh but laughed lightly "You have a point." She said before sipping her coffee as well. She smiled as Jose handed Clay his crayon and moved the paper he had been coloring on over to him "He wants you to color with him. He always loves looking a your paintings."
She frowned and just shrugged "Sir I just couldn't say right now. First we want to see him make it through the night. As I said he's stable for now but that could still change. Let me take you through to his room. We will also get set up that you have to authorise any visitors." She told them, leading them down the hall and into the room where Lucas was.

He smiled a little and helped him color until Jose frowned and snatched it back "No Daddy! My color!" HE told him and pulled the paper back again while Clay rolled his eyes "You gave it to me bud, gotta make your mind up." He chuckled
Eddie nodded and thanked the nurse again as they got into the room. He shook his head softly seeing how badly he looked and quickly turned away "I can't....give me a minute." He whispered as he stepped out to catch his breath before going back inside to Carmen.

Max shook her head some and gave a small laugh "Jose what have I told you about being nice?" She said raising her eyebrow "Whay do you say?" She asked smiling as he pouted similar to her and said sorry to Clay.
Carmen frowned and glanced over at him, "Ed... You wanna stay with him or call Emily and then Jack? I wanna know what happened." She told him quietly. She could see how much he was struggling with this bit. She moved her chair a little closer once Ed agreed to make the phone calls, just smoothing Lucas' hair back gently

Jack frowned a little as his phone rang, picking it up and sighed "Hey. What is it? I was trying to get to sleep/" He muttered, rubbing at his face

Clay chuckled a little andjust enjpyed having a morning out with half his family before dropping them off at home and heading out in his car to go get the paperwork and get the errands run
Eddie agreed to take the calls so he could step out of the room and keep collected. He frowned deeply when he heard Jack's tone as he answered the phone "Your brother is in critical condition Jack. What happened? Don't say something like you don't know either, I saw where his head was hit, its not a he fell scenario."

Months passed and their lives were going so well. Clay was getting paid decently enough and he was home so much more now. They were finally having the normal life she had been wanting for them. Though, he was still having issues with his side and it was starting to concer her even more.
He’d dropped likah off on his way in to work the way he always did, even finally made the phone call to get the referral appointment booked but he’d been in pain since getting up that morning, glad to hear when he got in he would be spending most of the day on front of the computer.

Bobby was the one to call his wife later on while he watched them loading clay into the back of an ambulance frowning some. “Hey, this Maxine Cardenas? My names Bobby, I work with your husband. We wanted to let you know he’s being taken to the hospital. Collapsed about fifteen minutes ago and he wasn’t doing too good.” He told her

Jack frowned and shook his head. “Dad I don’t know.” He muttered. In reality he’d gone back down to grab a drink and even stepped over Lucas to get it. “Just ask him when he comes around.” He muttered.
Max was busy editing when she got the phone call from Clay's job. She thanked her lucky stars that Jose was in daycare now as she quickly got her things together and made her way to the hospital. She frowned though as she got inside and saw two men in biker vests come up to the nurses station when she saw Clay's name "He work with you guys?"

Eddie frowned more and shook his head some "You don't understand Jack, your brother might not be waking up!" He spat down the line growing angrier "What happened?!"
He tensed a little and frowned. “I just told you. I don’t know.” He muttered, hanging up on him then but before eddie could redial Grace was calling him, sitting on her bed and nervously shaking her leg. “Dad… what’s going on? It’s been hours and I can’t sleep.” She told him frowning.

Jax turned to face her and nodded. “Works at the garage yeah, you must be max. Talks about you all the time.” He smiled. “We just thought he should have someone here until you got here.” He asked to borrow a pen and a scrap of paper, jotting down his number to give to her. “Here. Call if he needs anything. Or you.” He told her, leaving her to it.
Eddie frowned deeply when he saw Grace's name pop up. He gave a heavy sigh and explained everything to her before pinching the bridge of his nose "Honey I gotta call Emily, but I'll call you back okay?" He said softly to her.

Max frowned deeply but gave a small nod and went to the room they said Clay was in. She came into the room and sighed heavily seeing Clay hooked up to some machines and awake "Hey....baby what happened? Your side?"
Carmen saw him eventually coming back into the room out of the corner of her eye, reaching for his hand. “What did Jack say?” She asked him quietly.

He smiled tiredly at her and reached for her. “Hey, sorry for pulling you from work…. They uh they’ve run some tests. I can go once the results are back.” He told her “if was like someone was ripping me open across my abdomen.” He told her frowning. “They think it might be my liver.”
Eddie frowned deeply as he walked into the room "Insists that he knows nothing. I know he's lying though, he didn't even seem to care Carmen...told me to ask Lucas when he wakes up." He explained before sitting down.

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Its okay, I was editing today." She said quietly before kissing his cheek gently "Lets hope they can find what this is."
He just nodded and tried to scoot over so she could sit with him, resting his head on her shoulder and frowning as he could practically feel her questions. “You okay? You always get tense when you’re not happy like this.”

Carmen frowned a little and just leaned into Eddie some. “I can’t be worrying about both of them right now. And Lucas is well overdue for our full attention.” She mumbled, looking up when a couple alarms went off before things settled again. “I’m gonna go grab a few snacks and drinks so we don’t have to leave the room again. Talk to him… it might help you.” She murmured, kissing eddies cheek before heading out of there.
Max moved to lay with him and gave a heavy sigh "You work with a motorcycle gang....Clay please tell me you're not in it or Prospecting for them." She said quietly trying to not let the fear and worry she had show through her voice.

Eddie gave a nod in agreeance before letting her leave the room. He took his youngest son's hand in his taking a shaky breath before he completely broke down. He started to tell Lucas everything, his life, how he messed everything up, all his regrets towards the children. He wanted him to know how much he loved him; and he was especially hurting more since it seemed at though their relationship had finally started to take a turn for the better.

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