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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

He frowned and shook his head. “I ate at Starbucks this morning.. I’m not… I’m fine.” He told, giving her hand a squeeze, standing up and heading out to get a drink and go see if Lilah was ready to go to the toy store. He needed to have the conversation with max but he wasn’t quite ready for that.

She nodded and yawned a little, stretching out. “We can do that. You wanna go up to the outlet mall?” She asked them, rubbing at her face. “We need to start thinking about accommodation for both of you as well.” She muttered to herself. “Girls… please don’t go telling everyone at school that your brother is here. I know he’s just Lucas to us but he’s got prettt famous since he graduated. This needs to be calm and quiet for him.” She told them both
Max gave a small nod and sighed heavily "You want us to come with you? So you're not having to be out alone?" She asked as they went into the living room and he asked Lilah about the toy store.

Grace frowned some and gave a small nod "Mom....please don't take this the wrong way....but we understand whats going on. We're not gonna jeapordize Lucas like that. We'll make sure to keep down low." She said before gettimg up and huggimg her "Go lay down with Dad, I'll cook us up something."
He frowned but nodded. “Yeah that’s fine.” He mumbled tiredly, helping likah get her shoes sorted and waited by the front door with her for max and Jose to be ready to go our

Carmen sighed quietly but nodded, hugging her tightly for a moment before going up to bed and nudging Eddie to move over so she could get in, curling up next to him “mmm Grace is making dinner tonight.” She told him happily, snuggling in close.
Max smiled softly as she got to the door "You mind getting the stroller for me?" She asked as she held Jose on her hip and the little travel stroller in her other hand.

Eddie groaned softly as he pulled her in close "God bless her." He murmured kissing the top of her head "You okay?" He asked quietly as he layed there with his eyes closed.
She sighed a little and shook her head. “I’m just worrying about the kids.” She told him quietly, gently tracing the freckles on his arm,

He nodded and took it out to the car, getting lilah in her seat and then got in the car to wait for them, rubbing at his face a little.
Eddie gave a heavy sigh but nodded "I know babe, they'll be okay though okay? We got this." He said softly trying to cheer her up some.

As they finally got to the mall Max was starting to worry more about Clay. He didn't look well and she could tell something was off with him, and not the just got out of prison off that she knew about.
She sighed a little but nodded. The first few days of having Lucas home were fairly smooth sailing. He was bickering constantly with Jack but the two of them had done that for years anyway. Things only started taking a turn on the day Carmen had gone to use the bathroom and accidentally walked in on Lucas taking shirtless photos to send to Emily and she hadn’t been able to stop the giggles about it. She thought it was cute, not realising she’d struck a nerve with him.

He stood by the car holding lilah a hand to make sure she didn’t wander off in the parking lot while they got the stroller set up and then finally started heading inside with his family, shuffling his feet a little. “Hey, I’ll meet you guys at the toy store in just gonna go grab a bottle of water from the vending machines.” He told max quietly, giving her hand a squeeze and making lilah wait with her mom
Lucas frowned deeply when he heard his mom giggling "What the fuck are you laughing at huh?!" He yelled feeling something flip in him as he stormed out of the room "Think its fuckinf funny that I actually give my woman something to look at unlike my father?!" He screamed glaring at her "Where is my shit huh?! I know he fucking has a stash where is it?!"

Max smiled softly as she kissed his cheek before they all started walking. She frowned softly when he left them but took Lilah's hand "Come on baby girl, lets go. He'll meet us there." She said softly
She frowned and tensed a little. “Lucas I just thought it was sweet…. Your dad doesn’t have any drugs. He’s been sober almost 10 years now.” She reminded him calmly, not wanting to escalate this any further. She headed downstairs to let him cool off but sighed as she heard him follow her to the kitchen. “Sweetheart I’m not giving you drugs. I know it’s so hard right now but you’ll feel so much better later on.” She tried to coax him but turned around to find he was pinning her against the wall and towering over her now.

Clay met back up with them after five minutes, water bottle in hand and looking less than peachy but he smiled as he took lilahs hand, walking around the store with her to bell her pick a teddy out for Jose
Lucas followed her quickly down and slammed her against the wall when she kept telling him no "Give. Me. My goddamn. Drugs. NOW." He said in a deadly serious tone pressing his forearm to her throat.

Max frowned deeply at how bad he was looking at gave a small sigh. She pushed Jose along smiling when he squealed loudly and pointed at a Teddy bear that caught his eye "Oh I think he likes that one." She said to Clay watching as Lilah ran over to try and grab it for him.
She was getting scared now and she really wasn’t strong enough to push him off while he was like this. “Lucas:.. you’re hurting me…” she managed to get out, hearing footsteps coming up from the basement and glanced over quickly seeing Eddie coming up for a break from working on the album while Lucas continued screaming her face.

Clay smiled and looked over towards them, turning to go over there, pausing halfway down the aisle before having to lean up against the shelves and hold onto his side. He tried to make it discreet like he was looking at a toy but while he has his eyes shut he felt maxs hand go over the top of his.
Eddie was coming up from their little home studio needing a break for the time being. He frowned though when he heard Lucas yelling and quickly rushed over when he saw the scene infront of him. He pulled Lucas off immediately and held him onto the floor "Hey! Stop it! There are no drugs in this goddamn house!" He yelled

Max frowned deeply and took Lilah's hand placing it on the stroller "Lilah stay right here with your brother." She said seriously before going to Clay and placing her hand over his "Clay? You okay?" She asked softly
Carmen dropped to her knees, gasping for air for a minute until she eventually managed to calm down, hearing the two of them like she was underwater. She heard jacks voice getting home from a shift and was aware of him coming and crouching in front of her until the yelling changed and she looked over to see Lucas was now seizing instead. But for the first time in the 17 years he’d been having them she was frozen and she couldn’t help him at all just kneeling there and sobbing.

He frowned a little and nodded. “Yeah I’m fine. Just… looking at the blueh toys, she still like bluey?” He asked her quietly but the pain was still etched into his face and he just wrapped his arm around her, wandering back towards the kids with her. “Why don’t we go get the bear and then we can go get dinner?”
Eddie frowned deeply and let him go when he started to seize up. He got him on his side watching him trying to stay as calm as possible "Jack take your mother to the living room." He said quietly while he watched over Lucas.

Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod "She does, and we can do that. Once we get home though you're going to stop lying to me." She said quietly before helping him back to the kids.
He grumbled a little but stayed quiet the rest of the afternoon and evening, sneaking off once they got home to go to bed. Thinking he’d got away with it until he woke up to her shaking him and the light being turned on, just sighing a little. “God I forgot how mean you can be. Waking me up like that. What’s wrong?”

She let him take her to the other room and sat down, burying her face in her hands until she’d finally calmed down enough, sitting up and sighing at Jack a little, “you know… out of everyone I’ve ever had in my life jack… i deserve you the least.” She told him quietly, reaching over and pulling him in for a hug, her throat already going red and purple.

Lucas came out of it a few minutes later and sat up carefully, frowning a little at his dad. “What’s… why are we on the kitchen floor?” He mumbled, confused as to why Eddie looked so pisssd off
As their day progressed Max grew more worried about him. Finally after getting the kids down she made her way to the room and shook Clay awake then turned her night stand light on "Nothing is wrong with me, whats wrong with you?" She asked frowning when he went to say nothing "Uh uh, whats wrong Clay? You'rr physically in pain and unable to do things for long periods of time. You keep holding your side, whats wrong?"

Jack hugged his Mom tightly and frowned deeply "I got you Ma, don't worry okay?" He whispered quietly to her "I'm sure he didn't mean it..."

Eddie frowned deeply as Lucas came to before handing him a glass of water. He watched him a moment before giving a heavy sigh "You attacked your mother...pinned her against the wall and demanded she give you drugs." He said in an irritated tone "You need to apologize to her."
Lucas frowned and shook his head. “No. I wouldn’t do that.” He muttered, frowning as he listened, hearing his mom crying in the other room. “Shit…. Shit!” He yelled, gritting his teeth. “I didn’t…. I didn’t mean to.” He muttered.

She just nodded, wiping her eyes and sat up a bit more. “Work go okay?” She asked him quietly as it quickly became apparent she was losing her voice from it, hearing his answer before letting him go lay down and she made her way back to the kitchen

Clay frowned a little and shook his head. “When I say nothing I mean nothing… at least… that’s what they keep telling me. But it still hurts.” He muttered and rubbed at his face a little. “After I was stabbed I kept getting pain through my side and they kept getting me checked and they always said nothing was wrong. They think it’s all in my head.” He mumbled
Eddie looked over to Carmen when she came back into the room and frowned deeply seeing the marks on her neck "Babe let me look that over." He said quietly frowning at how scared she looked at Lucas "He doesn't remember what happened....he didn't mean to attack you." He told her softly

Max frowned deeply and lifted up his shirt to where he had been holding it. The wound was healed over but it looked to be more swollen than the other scars on his body "Clay you need to see a doctor, I think something might be stuck in there." She said seriously before looking up at him.
Lucas frowned, not making a move to go any closer. Knowing better than that right now “Mom…. I’m so sorry… I uh… I’m gonna go lay down… we can talk later.” He mumbled, getting up carefully and headed towards the stairs, going up to his old room to lay down.

Carmen moved over to eddie once he was gone, holding onto him tightly “I was so fucking scared.” She hoarsed out to him. “I found him taking shirtless photos in the bathroom and I thought it was cute. I just had a giggle. He flipped his shit.” Her voice was barely there.

He sighed a little and nodded, “So we can spend money for them to tell me the same thing the others did that there is nothing there and I’m fine?” He muttered. “It’s not worth it babe.” He mumbled, taking her hand and pulling her to lay down with hjm
Eddie let Lucas go and hekd Carmen close to him "Don't speak, he had a blackout....unfortunately they happen...I lashed out on Vanessa a good few times when I first tried to get clean." He said quietly before kissing the top of her head and leading her to their bathroom so they could get some oitment for her bruises.

Max frowned deeply and layed with him shaking her head some "Yes it is Clay, they obviously missed something when you were inside. Please babe....I don't want your health declining further or you dying because of stubborness."
She frowned a little and shook her head. “You don’t remember… I know they happen. You’ve done it to me.” She told him quietly, sitting on the toilet lid while he sorted out the bruises.

He frowned a little and rubbed at his face. “I’ll bring it up in my next parole meeting.” He mumbled, pulling her in close and kissing her head. “Get some sleep before one of the kids wakes up.” He kurmured
Eddie sighed heavily as started to rub the ointment gently on her bruises. "He's tearing himself up about it. I'm gonna go talk with him a little more okay?" He murmured to her.

Max cuddled up close to him and nodded some "Thank you." She murmured before she started to fall asleep as well.
She nodded and frowned going to lay down in bed , still quite shaken. Lucas was staring at his old bedroom wall when the door opened and just frowned. “Is she okay?” He asked quietly, looking over at his dad. “I didn’t mean to. I swear i don’t wanna hurt mom.” He told him quickly.

Clay woke up early to hands on his face and just groaned a little. “Lilah. It’s not even seven am yet. What do you want kiddo?” He grumbled just wanting a little more sleep.
Eddie went into Lucas' room after knocking on the door and gave a heavy sigh. He sat on the edge of his bed and gave a nod "She knows you didn't mean to...I've lashed out at her similarly when I was getting clean. She's just really shooken up right now. Given her some time and she'll be okay." He explained quietly

Jose giggled quietly as he tapped at his Dad's face "Daddy..." he whispered softly smiling some as he saw his eyes open "Mommy?" He asked pointing to the empty side of the bed not knowing that Max was just in the bathroom.
He frowned but nodded and just rubbed at his face. “I just want this to be over with.” He mumbled, turning away again and rest his head down, feeling a little weird but not wanting to cause a fuss after everything anyway. It wasn’t til much later that he ventured downstairs again and was looking through the fridge when Jack came in. “Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like I did it on purpose.” He muttered, shutting the fridge and turning to try the cupboards for a snack.

He smiled a little and lifted him up onto the bed. “She’s in the bathroom kiddo.” He told him. “Look at your crazy bed head.” He chuckled, ruffling his hair a little.

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