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Realistic or Modern Don’t Tell Me to Calm Down

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a small nod when she mentioned the twins "They say what exactly she did? I wanna make sure I got all the infor before I tell her to get the hell out." He said before starting to eat his food as well "Also, we'll need to get Lucas some clothes, make sure to get plastic on the bed too. It's gonna be a lot of sweaty nights for him here soon."

Lilah hugged him tightly and smiled wide "Uh huh, Jose is the bestest baby brother. He is never mean really, and he is quiet too, doesn't cry much." She explained while he set her down and went back to holding his hand. As they were nearing the end of their trip they ended walkimg past the toy store making Lilah get excited "Daddy! Daddy can we go in please?! Can we get something for Jose?!"
Carmen shook her head, munching on her croissant and looked back over at him. “Something about Grace being a smart ass and looking too much like you to be pretty.” She muttered frowning. “I’m not making him sleep on plastic sheets. He can have the old mattress we were gonna throw away and I got a bunch of old sheets for him to use.” She muttered, getting up once she finished eating, getting her stuff together so they could go down and collect him.

Clay was starting to feel exposed by the time they were leaving and he just wanted to get back to the comfort of their home. “You know what, we can do that one later kiddo. Come on. Your mom wants coffee and I wanna get home.” He told her. “But we can go another day.” He murmured, taking her back to the car, trying to keep calm on the outside so she didn’t worry but he just wanted to get away from people
Eddie gave a nod and frowned deeply "Yeah, she is definitely gone." He muttered before finishing his food and going down with her "I just....I hope this doesn't go too bad ya know? Us under the same roof again." He said quietly as he took her hand in his.

Max smiled happily when the two of them got home going over to Clay and taking some of the bags from him "Go lay down baby, you look worn out. I'll come get you for lunch okay?" She murmured knowing all too well the signs of him being overwhelmed and needing some space.
She nodded and sighed a little. “I think we will just have to wait and see. This is only until he chooses a rehab and then he’s going.” She told him, waiting in line with him while they checked out, heading back to the hospital. By the time they’d arrived he was sat on the bed with Emily, his suitcase had been dropped off by his band mates and he was just waiting to leave, saying one more goodbye to Emily then turning to them. ‘Can uh… could I ride back with dad?” He asked quietly, rubbing the back of his neck.

He nodded and thanked her, setting her coffee down on the table and headed up to bed for amlittkw while.
Eddie stood back when they got to the hospital letting Carmen take the lead on getting him. He went wide eyed though when he heard Lucas ask to go back with him and gave a small nod "Uh yeah...yeah you can come with me." He said before kissing Carmen's temple "Get your see you laters in with Emily, I'll take your stuff to the car." He said giving them both a small smile.

Max frowned and stopped Lilah when she tried to follow him "No baby, Daddy needs a nap. Why don't you come help me with lunch yeah? We'll get Jose in his high chair and you help me cook?" She said sweetly feeling a sense of relief wash over her when she didn't put up a fight.
Carmen stood there a little shocked after hearing that but tried not to show it, going to sit in the chair. “Make sure he drives safe with you in the car.” She told him, “So what’s the job you got in new york this week?” She asked Emily, leaning back and watching them.

She was fidgety the whole time though and kept looking towards the stairs frowning until looking back at her mom “Daddy’s coming back right? He’s not going away again is he?” She asked her
Max sighed heavily but gave her a small smile "No baby he isn't going away again. He just sometimes needs his space, he'll be back in just a few minutes." She explained quietly

Emily gave her a small smile "I've got a photoshoot coming up for a magazine. Then a little runway show. I'm hoping it won't take long." She explained watching her some "You think he'll be okay?"
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She watched Lucas go into the bathroom and sighed a little. “I hope so. You are more than welcome to come down to Hawkins if he’s still at ours once you’re done. And if you have time… you’ve got my number now. Send me a text and I can let you know how he’s doing or if there’s any updates.” She told her, seeing Eddie finally come back up to be ready to head out.

She frowned and looked up at her mom. “He said we could go to the toy store later.” She told her, looking over at Jose when he started crying “Jose still doesn’t like him very much.”
Eddie helped Lucas to the car once he came back and smiled some "Emily is a pretty girl, seems nice too." He said trying to make a bit of small talk with his youngest son.

Max nodded softly and gave Jose some more of his little puff cereal snacks "I'm sure he will take you later and Jose is still getting to know him. Unfortunately, its gonna take him sometime, but I know they'll be just as close as you are."
He nodded tiredly and rest his head against the window, using a hoodie as a pillow. “Grandma never told me that she did the same with you.” He mumbled, closing his eyes. “She just showed up one day. Wanted to connect…. Didn’t realise how bad she was tweakin til she gave me some.” He explained.

She nodded, constantly looking towards the stairs until clay came back down a couple hours later, immediately going and attaching herself to him, refusing to let go until he’d given her a hug then went to sit back down
Eddie frowned deeply as he listened to him and gave a small nod "She was always on shit....left when I was ten. My uncle Wayne took me in and tried his best to keep me straight. I was good until I hit highschool, made some friends with some dealers and started small just some weed here and there and mostly just sold the shit. Wasn't until she found out I got signed that she came back, saying how much she regretted leavin me. I believed the sob story, too young and naive to see through it." He muttered shakimg his head a bit "Your mother and Wayne both warned me, but I didn't listen."

Max gave Clay a soft smile as he came back down going over and pecking his lips gently "Hey baby. I went to wake you earlier, but you looked to be sleeping good so I didn't want to disturb you. There is some leftovers from lunch if you want any. If not I can make you a sandwhich." She said softly to him while she pushed some hair back from his face that had fallen out of place due to his sleeping.
He nodded slowly, just looking a bit dazed “I’ll eat a little later.” He mumbled, kissing her forehead and just wrapped his arms around her, swaying slowly. “I’ve uh… I’ve only been out 3 days… I’m just … still getting used to it.” He explained to her. It had been the same last time where he could hardly function as a normal person for a few weeks after getting out until he’d settled.

He just nodded and frowned, starting to shiver a little, trying to get some sleep

Carmen had got home a few hours before the boys, assuming they would take longer and have to stop a few times for Lucas anyway. She placed her parking tickets from the hospital on the kitchen counter and went to see Jack, knocking before entering but she’d heard Leilas voice and seen her car in their drive and she was fuming, “hey. I’m back, your dad and Lucas should be back soon as well. Leila I want you out of my house.” She told them seriously “frankly I don’t care what your excuse is for talking to my daughter that way but for you to speak to a child like that. In her own home. I’m appalled. Jack you’re a grown man, I don’t mind whether you go with her or stay here. But I want her gone by the time your brother gets home.” She muttered, walking away then and going to check on the girls
Max gave a small nod and kissed his temple "You let m know if you need anything okay? And don't go not eating again." She said seriously to him remembering the last time how he had almost gone a week without eating. She went back to the kids when she heard Jose getting fussy and frowned a bit "Come on, lets go potty, maybe Daddy can help you with this later. Its been a nightmare potty training him." She murmured as she helped him to the restroom.

Grace looked up from her laptop when she heard her door open smiling widely when she saw her mom's face "Mom! Maya went out to grab some snacks but she should be back soon. Is Lucas home yet?!" She asked as got up and ran to hug her.
She smiled a little, holding her close. “Not yet baby. Just hang out in here for a little while though okay? I’ve just told Leila I want her out before he’s back.” She told her. “Grace… your brother isn’t… he doesn’t look the way we remember right now. So just… take it slow with him alright?” She told her gently, kissing her head.

Clay nodded and gave her a mini salute while he grabbed himself a drink. “I’ve got a job to start next week by the way.” He told her “Start on Thursday.”
Grace frowned deeply and nodded some "I....I know...we um...he facetimes me sometimes." She admits before looking at the ground "I'm sorry I never said anything. He always made me promise not to say anything."

Max came back after getting Jose situated back with his toys. She smiled some as she came into the kitchen "Oh yeah? Where at?" She asked softly as she sat down with him at the litttle breakfast nook area.
She just nodded and smiled. “That’s good… alright you wait in here, I’m gonna go lay down.” She told her quietly, going to lay in her bed until she heard the door go downstairs and both Ed and Lucas’s voices, getting up and heading down there.

He pulled her in close, kissing her head and smiled. “Mechanic job. Earning straight.l he promised her. “Some garage over off the interstate.” He explained
Eddie got in with Lucas a little later and smiled some "Take a seat, let me get you something to drink." He murmured watching as Grace came down immediately to see her brother. He gave a small smile seeing her immediately sit beside him and give a hug. It made his heart happy to know that Lucas still kept up with his siblings at least.

Max smiled softly and pecked his lips "Sounds good, not too far away." She murmured resting her head on his shoulder "I missed you so much." She murmured gently to him smiling as Jose toddled into the room 'Juice!' She heard him say to Clay watching him with the exact same big brown eyes.
Carmen had gone to him but thought better of it and left him be with Grace for a bit, following Eddie up to their room, “What happened? He looks worse.” SHEIN bled, rubbing at her face as she sat down, watching him get changed.

Clay sighed tiredly and kissed her head, “missed you too beautiful. Juice? Okay, I think we need some water. This is like your third cup of juice already today.” He mumbled, taking him to the kitchen and really diluting it down for him then handed him the sippy cup back
Eddie frowned deeply and gave a heavy sigh "Withdrawls love...the ride really took it out of him. Had to pull over atleast ten times for him to puke. He needs some pedialyte to get his hydration up."

Jose took the juice and watched his dad for a moment "Tank oo." He said quietly before he started to drink it. He continued staring at Clay as they walked back towards Max poking at his cheek a bit trying to figure him out in some way.
She sighed quietly but nodded. “Alright. We got loads already I’ll go make him some up… oh, I got loads of parking tickets from the hospital by the way.” She told him a little sheepishly. “Mayas out at the moment but she should be back soon and Jack went with Leila back to her place…. Go lay down and rest.” She coaxed, pecking his cheek and going back to the kids. “Lucas what flavour pedialyte you want baby?” She asked him

Clay chuckled a little, puffing his cheeks out and smiling when Jose seemed to find that hilarious, feeling him continue to poke his cheek, setting him down while he sat with max again, resting his head back and watching the little boy run around the living room to play with all the different toys. “I like this messy living room more than I like the empty pizza boxes and beer cans everywhere.” He smiled at her a little remembering their first apartment
Max smiled widely when Jose went running off laughing his head off "Yeah, definitely a better fit I think." She teased before kissing his cheek gently "He's thankfully not too shy around you. Most of the time he stays away from new people." She said softly

Lucas groaned some hating that he would have to take that stuff "I guess orange....can you dilute it with some water? It helps the syrup taste." He murmured to her.
She nodded and frowned. “Yeah, you want to see if we can get some powder electrolytes instead for later?” She asked him, going to get him the drink for now though.

He nodded and sighed a little. “It’s never gonna be like what it is with likah though. Those first few months are too important and we missed it.” He muttered, annoyed with himself.
Lucas nodded some and thanked her once she brought the drink "Thanks Mom." He murmured before standing up slowly "I think....I think I'm gonna go lay down." He said softly.

Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "Honestly? I think even if you had been here, it wouldn't have been the same. You and Lilah ahve a special bond. She is 100% a daddy's girl."
Clay nodded and sighed a little, getting up to go get a drink and stumbled, catching himself on the doorframe, having to pause for a minute to collect himself.

Carmen frowned but nodded. “Come on, I’ll get the sheets put on the bed.” She told him, going to get the stuff out the closet and got his bed put together quickly for him, “you need anything just give me a shout okay? I’m just gonna be downstairs.” She told him quietly, leaving him to it
Max frowned deeply and got up as soon as she saw him start to stumble "Clay? Babe when did you last eat? You didn't have dinner yesterday and you only had a few fries at lunch." She said as she made her way over to him.

Grace was chatting with Maya when her mom came back downstairs "Mom, can we have a girls day sometime soon before we go back to school?" She asked sweetly.

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