Don't Go Out After Dark.

Serena: She would let go of his hair then motion for Sangus to get off him. She would give a small huff then watch the girl and the guy talk.

Sangus: He got off the kid and went to stand by Serena. He nuzzled her side with the tip of his nose, sending her a small thank you for getting the guy off him.

Serena & Sangus: Watched the two silently before they walked back to his house. Serena decided to stay the night with him tonight.
She looked over to Shadow and gave him a huff. She turned and walked off. "Why should I listen to anyone" She moved to her cabin and looked around. plopping on the bed that was there. She groaned and thought. I don't need to leave this cabin. I won't eat or anything. She looked over at the clock and then outside the window

Wrex cowered back and looked around. He moved on top of a cabin and smiled down at shadow. "Watch your back pup" he moved into the darkness with a laugh
"Watch yours too..."He growled at Wrex,this one was older then him but why'd he look so...little?And he had no right to call him a pup,it irritated him but he let it go.These people here had many issues that he didn't want to deal with. Shadow just continued walking and went to his cabin,when he got in he sighed and just fell back on his bed."How annoying..."He said to himself as he just laid there,not going to sleep.
Serena: She curls up on Sangus's bed, leaving room for him to crawl in with her. He has given her some of his extra shorts to wear for the night and a baggy tee-shirt. His clothing barely hangs on her thin boney body, making it more comfortable for her this way. She would pull her hair up into a messy bun then lay back down.

Sangus: He looks at her with a little grin, shaking his head as he can't help but to think how beautiful she looks. He would jump into his bed, laying next to her with his arms behind his head.

Serena and Sangus: Curl up in his king sized bed, talking the night away.
Wrex watched Shadows cabin closely with a grin. He looks to kale's cabin with a sigh. He changed into a black wolf and layed on top of his cabin falling asleep.


Kaleo woke up about 5 am and moved outside after a shower. She looked around and moved back out to the woods with her guitar. She moves deep into the forest and climbs a tree and starts playing her guitar
Serena: Looks over to Sangus as he falls asleep and slips out of his cabin and into the darkness of the night. She walks to Shadow's cabin and softly knocks at his door. She would wait there for a little bit, still in her baggy basketball shorts and baggy tee-shirt that nearly goes to her wrist.

Sangus: Falls into a deep sleep, dreaming of the times when him and Serena were younger and only care in the world was hanging out with each other.

((skipping to morning later on... ))
Shadow didn't sleep at all,he just laid there staring at the ceiling.He was thinking everything though and made sure not to forget anything important,he didn't want to go back out or he'd have to deal with something else.So he just stayed there on his bed,he had taken off his top since it got hot and it was just laying beside him.
Shadow sighed finally deciding to answer the door,he opened it and looked at her."Yes?..."He wondered what she would want at this time,after all that's happened so far."Your one of the ones from before..."He pointed out as he leaned on the door frame crossing his arms.
She would tilt her head slightly and give him a small smile. "Yeah.. My friend and I were trying to keep you and that other girl safe. I just thought I would come and introduce myself.. Since I didn't get the chance earlier.." She extends out one of her cold pale hands to him, wondering if he will accept her handshake. She give him a little grin before speaking again. "I am Serena.. The guy with me is Sangus.. What's your name? Oh! And I hope I am not bothering you too much..." She laughs softly after speaking.
He smiled as he took her hand and lightly shook it,"I'm Shadow,and don't worry I was just...lying around."He chuckled.He let go of her hand,"Where is the other one?In his cabin?"He wondered where he was since he usually sees them together.
Serena : "Yeah, he fell asleep a little while ago.." She said softly as she rubbed her arms and looked around. "It's nice to meet you, Shadow." She smiled to him and would pull her arms into her baggy shirt."Sangus is my best friend from back home.. He followed me out here so I wouldn't have to be completely alone.." She would explain to him in a soft voice.
Shadow figured she blamed herself for him being here but that might not be it."I see...Do you know why you are here?It seems we all have different reasons..."He asked since he was curious,he wondered if it was anything bad since it seemed all of them were. But what could this one do?
She laughed a little, looking at Shadow and thought to herself. *Maybe I should mess with his head and tell him I got sent her because I was sleeping around too much.* She laughed a little more, deciding to just tell him the truth. Serena let out a small sigh and looked inside his cabin. "I'll make you a deal.. If you invite me in I will tell you why I am here." She said with innocence in her eyes and on her lips.
Shadow looked inside his cabin then back to her,he shrugged his shoulders and pushed off of the door frame."Why not,come on in."He said now walking in and kept the door opened for her as he walked over to his bed and flopped back on it with his hands under his head,this was more comfy then standing at the door. He didn't really care what the girl did since if she tried anything funny he'd just rip her apart,but he had a feeling it'd all be good.
Serena: She walks in after him and laughs a little. She would sit on the floor with her knees to her chest an her arms wrapped around them tightly. "So, you want to know why I am here, eh?" She let out a little laugh then pulled out her bag of weed, tossing it towards his bed then held up her arms, letting her scars show. She gave a small shrug and looked around. "I am into that self harm, non-sense, Y'know?" Her brown eyes looked to him as she finished off speaking for a few moments. She would say flatly. "I am not a big fan of the way the world is going.. So I've been trying to numb it all out for years and years... then finally I went ballistic on this person.. Next thing I know I end up being shipped here." Her eyes would drop to her scars as she let her left hand feel over them, barley touching them with her finger tips. A small sigh escaped her lips as she covered her arms back up and wrapped them around her legs again. "What about you? What's your story?"
Kaleo walked around the area, looking at all the things that was left here by past deferents. A small sigh came from her lips as she moved to her cabin. She was hungry again but she really didn't wanna go bother Shadow... He didn't seem to care for her much because of the scene last night. She stripped down and went to take a shower. She let the warm water rundown her body. She moves from the shower and drys off. She walks to the main room of the dark cabin and pulls on her panties and bra. She pulls out her long batman shirt and slips it on. She climbs onto her bed and pulls out her laptop. She then starts to write.

Wrex slept on the roof of Shadows cabin. He was going to attack him until he heard a female and him talking. Wrex huffed some and shook his head. He flicked his black ears and his black tail. He looked around watching Kaleo move to her cabin. He sighed and thought. 'Father wanted me to watch you sister....' He shook his head once more and jumped off the roof and ran into the woods.
Shadow had turned on his side to look at her,when she asked for his story he held his head up with his arm as he thought."I lived in a forest,a large one and I loved it...But the only issue were hunters...There were three villages in my forest and they hunted for there food since there wasn't much else."He sighed."Well,lets say I'd be confused for game sometimes and it never did me good..."he said as he sat up,lifting up his vest which he had put on before answering the door.There were scars of arrows and bullets hitting him all over."As you can see,i didn't always make it out unharmed..."He lowered his vest."And one day I just broke...I got shot in the back and all of a sudden I had attacked and killed the man that did it. The people then saw me as a monster and forced me here...It's not like the scene has changed much for me,but..."
Serena: "Oh.. I am sorry that happened to you Shadow." She would say softly to him before standing up. She would see the sun starting to rise from under his door and would start to walk towards it. "I think I should get going now, but hopefully I will see you around." She smiled to him for a few moments then slipped out of his door and ran back to Sangus's cabin. She would sneak in, kicking off her shoes then silently slide into bed with him. Her brown eyes would shut instantly as she fell asleep for the time being.

Sangus: Heard Serena sneak back in with him and thought to himself, *She better not have gotten into any trouble.*, then he rolls over and pretends he is still sleeping for an hour before getting up out of his bed carefully then heads off to take a shower. He would let out a groan as the ice cold water covered every inch of his thin yet muscular body and would grab the soap to start washing his body.

Serena & Sangus: After he got out of his shower, Sangus went to hunt for breakfast for him and Serena, letting her sleep in for a few extra hours.
Shadow smiled back when she left and sighed in relief when she was gone,he saw the sun coming up when she opened the door and got up from his bed. He stretched his arms over his head and let them fall over it as he walked to the door bringing one down to open it,when he did he looked around and saw no one was out yet. His stomach growled and he looked down at it now remembering he never got something to eat before when it did that,he walked out shutting the door behind him. And to his luck when he looked around once more he caught a rabbit hopping off into the woods in his sights,he smiled as he ran after it into the woods.
Kaleo sighed and got dressed. She will walk the other way away from Shadow. She didn't wanna meet up with any one and take their life for a bite. She then started to worry about her brother... Wrex was here and her father wanted her dead because of what she was.she sighed and headed up a tree. "Time for a coon or a rabbit.

Wrex say quietly and watched shadow run into the forest. He didn't move from his spot in is tree. "Hmmm... I havent seen this pup change" she silently jumped from tree to tree following Shadow
Shadow hid in a bush close to where the rabbit was,his nails had extended and teeth sharpened.Being very quiet he watched until it stopped and then pounced on it,driving his nails into it so it wouldn't get away.He licked his lips finally being able to eat something but he stopped,and snapped back as he heard movement in the trees.He growled as he looked around,why was there always someone around. It was just like before,those stupid hunters were always there but this was more troublesome since everyone here wasn't human.
Wrex stopped and watched him quietly. He shook his head and decided to **** with him. So he tilted his head back and let out a sad piercing howl. He looked down with a grin
Shadow heard Wrex howl and then glared right at him,howling pin pointed exactly where he was and Shadow could see it was that one from before.'watch you back' he remembered him saying and that he did,but Shadow wasn't one to run away and hid. He stood his ground as he stared up at Wrex and it was obvious that he was in no mood to play.
Wrex grined and gave Shadow a wink. He moved in The tree above shadow and moved to a lower branch "Awe whats wrong pup?" she smiled as his black hair fell into his face.

Kaleo heard the howl and she groaned as she drank from a rabbit. She cleaned herself up and walked back to camp. Siting in a chair that was set around a empty fire pit.

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