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Realistic or Modern Don't faulter now love

Max gave a small nod "Yeah, I've saved up enough to take it. I just need a break from the stress of production." She explained sipping at her wine "Its hard on my body and mind."

Ewan was already awake but sitting in the chair beside her now. He glanced over seeing her start to stir from the corner of his eye "Good morning beautiful, how are you feeling?"
She sighed a little and smiled at him. “Tired. Like I’ve done a CrossFit regime.” She mumbled now that her muscles were sore from yesterday. “When can we go home?” She asked him quietly.

He just nodded and smiled at her. “What do you think you want to do once you’re done with ballet?” He asked her curiously.
Max shrugged softly "I'm not sure actually, maybe be a teacher. Open a little dance studio for children." She said giving a small smile "I've got a few years left in me though."

Ewan gave a small nod and sighed softly "Soon, they want to watch just for an hour after you're awake and then they'll bring the discharge papers." He said gentlt before kissing her hand "You hungry at all?"
She shook her head and frowned a little, “no. Not til we get home.” She mumbled just wanting their food out their fridge
He nodded and watched her. “That would be cool. Something to give back… it’s why I like doing the charity galas. Doesn’t quite make up for it but it’s a step in the right direction.”
Ewan gave a small nod and smiled softly "Alright beautiful we can do that." He said gently before giving a soft sigh "We'll be there soon enough."

Max gave a nod and smiled softly "Yeah it is, you're few people who still think to give back to the people in your line of work." She said as she relaxed back into the couch "So what did you decide for dinner?"
She just nodded tiredly and gripped at his hand for a minute, just staying quiet until they eventually came to let her go home, signing the papers and waited patiently for Ewan to get her spare clothes from the car

He smiled and watched her. “Some Italian. Never go wrong with Italian.” He smiled at her.
Ewan came back up with her clothes after they had signed the papers. He smiled softly and helped her up "Made sure to get your favorite comfies." He murmured softly to her before kissing her gently.

Max laughed lightly and smiled "Mmm you have a point." She murmured before kissing his cheek gently. She watched him a bit starting to feel the wine a bit more tonight than she had previously.
He smiled and held her close when she moved to sit with him, having to sometimes shift a bit where she was making him uncomfortable with how she was leaning on him but he didn’t want to complain.

She thanked him and headed home with him, going to lay down straight aaay. “I just got a text. They’re gonna be at the dinner with your parents tonight but they’ve agreed to otherwise stay away.” She told him as she saw the message from her father.
Max moved with him when she noticed him start to get uncomfortable trying to not hurt him "You know you can tell me to move if you need to. I won't take offense." She said softly before and giving a light laugh "This is nice though, I think I like this better than dinner at fancy restaurants."

Ewan frowned deeply as he listened to her but gave a nod "As long as they keep their distance, we'll be fine." He muttered before pulling the comforter kver her and calling the dogs in for cuddles "I'll make you a sandwhich to eat once you get up okay?"
She nodded and smiled at him. “It’ll be good to have fom as a buffer this evening. I’m glad that in the end he quit the army in the beginning. It’s always been nice having him around while you’re away. He doesn’t come close to replacing you but just for the safety aspect Yknow.” She mjmbled

He smiled and turned to face her again smiling. “Not ar all… your stomach is growling and I know mine is too, we should go have that food.” He smiled.
Max smiled softly at him and nodded some "Sounds good to me." She said before getting up and going to the kitchen to set up their food. She smiled as he came in after her "Looks like everything is ready!" She said happily.

Ewan gave a soft smile and nodded softly "I'm glad that he keeps you safe." He said softly before kissing her gently "I love you beautiful."
She smiled and watched him for a minute before falling asleep with the dogs snuggled close, Sadie in particular almost laying on top of her protectively.

Their front door opened shortly after that and his mother walked in with another bag of groceries ready to make some dinner for everyone for the evening, frowning as she walked in to find her son crying on the couch, going over to him and just held him close. “Talk to me.”

He smiled and watched her. He could certainly see him having this every night at home but he didn’t want to get too pushy with her.
Ewan looked over at his mother when he heard the door open. He made no attempt to cover up the fact he had been crying either.when he felt his mother's arms wrap around him he began to cry harder "She was doing so well Mum...now that I am back, she gets sick again. I can't help but feel responsible. We're both under so much stress with bills and how we are going to make things work while I try to get out of the army. Plus them taking her disability pay away is just....its all too much."

Max sat down with him and began to eat her food with him "Mmm this is quite delicious." She said happily while she began sipping on her second glass of wine.
She shook her head and had him look at her. “Don’t be ridiculous. She has been sick for a long time. It’s not your fault.” She told him seriously, “If you guys need help while you get on your feet out of the army then just say. Your father and I can always help.” She reminded him. “Tom might be able to get you a job.” She suggested.

He smiled and watched her. “Good. I didn’t make it though. I have someone who comes and does some meals for me every so often. She’s sort of a housekeeper sort of a cook, sort of hired to come over a few times a week to make sure I haven’t died when my family forgets about me.” He chuckled.
Ewan shook his head some and gave a heavy sigh "I can't Mum...I can't take your money again." He said softly before letting more tears fall. They had borrowed money before, when Carmen had gotten bad the first time for medical bills. He had swallowed all his pride to ask and he didn't want to do it again.

Max giggled some and smiled more at him "Well I could always check in on you too." She said softly before leaning forward and taking his hand in hers giving it a gentle squeeze. They finished up with dinner not too long after that and found themselves back on the couch "Where is your restroom?" She asked gently
I at was a lot more relaxed now along with being rather full. “Down there. Second door on the left.” He told her smiling.

She shook her head. “Then take your fathers.” She smiled. “Ewan darling I just want what is best for both of you.” She assured him, leaving him to go check on her while she went to start on dinner.
Max gave a small nod and went to do her business and freshen up a bit. She made sure to take some mouthwash not wanting to have garlic and wine breath all night either. When she made it back smiled widely at Ivar seeing him look almost completely relaxed.

Ewan gave a small nod and got himself together some "Thank you mom." He whispered before getting up and going to check on Carmen.
She was starting to stir a little and eventually woke up to see Ewan sitting on the bed and watching her. “Have you written up your resignation?”

He glanced over and smiled at her. “You okay there?” He chuckled quietly as she made her way over, his hands going up to rest on her waist when she stood in front of him.
Max smiled softly at him and nodded before she walked over to stand infront of him. She cupped his face gently and leant down gently pressing her lips to his.

Ewan gave a small nod and sighed softly "Yeah I have." He said softly kissing her gently "My mum is here, she is making us some dinner."
She smiled a little and got up carefully, reaching for one of his hoodies to chuck on. “I love her.” She told him happily, wrapping her arms around him as she moved to sit on his lap. “You doing okay?”

He smiled and kissed her back, his grip tightening a little on her waist before she pulled away and he loosened off. “What time would you like me to have you home?” He asked her quietly
Ewan smiled softly and wrapped his arms around her, thankful that she seemed to be feeling better. "Yeah I'll be alright love. Don't you worry about me." He murmured beforr pecking her lips gently.

Max smiled against his lips when she felt his grip tighten on her. She pulled away and smiled down at him "Already trying to get rid of me?" She teased before giggling at him "You can take me back whenever you'd like for me to go."
“No but I’m aware you have work tomorrow and stuff starts at around 6 in the morning for you. I don’t want to keep you up.” He explained.

Carmen nodded and smiled, just wrapping herself around him. “You wanna take the babies for a walk? Then I can have time with your mom.” She smiled a little.
Max sighed dramatically and plopped onto the couch next to him "Being an adult sucks. Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid, no care or worry in the world." She murmured before looking at him again and smiling. "I think you have the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen."

Ewan chuckled softly but smiled happily "Yeah beautiful I can do that." He murmured kissing her again and holding her for a moment. He got up and grabbed the leashes laughing some as the dogs followed him straight to the front door.
He chuckled quietly and watched her. “I think you’ve had too much to drink.” He told her smiling as he got up and went to get her some water.

She made her way into the kitchen to start getting all the plates out, smiling some. “I don’t know what we’d do without you Lauren.” She told her. She loved the woman to pieces and thought of her as a mother more than she ever had her own mom.

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