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Realistic or Modern Don't faulter now love

Ewan sighed heavily and nodded "I know love, its bullshit but unfortunately its what we have right now." He said heavily before he finished his bag of chips and threw it away. He was getting tired of this, constantly struggling to make ends meet. He wanted to provide for her without a worry.

Hvitserk noticed Ivar's attention focused almost soley on his phone all night. By the time he was leaving he gave him a wave "See you later Ivar, and tell that lady she must be special!" He called before quickly leaving
She sighed a little and did as many of her emails as possible before getting tired and closed the laptop, turning to face him and just smiled, about to speak when their doorbell rang

He shifted a little in his seat uncomfortable before finally calling it a night and heading up to bed.
Ewan frowned deeply when he heard the doorbell ring "Who in the bloody hell is that?" He muttered before going towards the door to open it.

Max got ready for their dinner that next evening dressing in something casual but still nice. She wanted him to see her in something other than her work out clothes or a show piece.
His mum was stood on the other side with a couple bags of groceries and just smiled wide when he got the door open. “Surprise! Don’t worry it’s just me, I told the others I was going to see a friend. I wanted to come by and welcome my favorite son home, pick you both up some groceries and check that my favorite daughter in law is doing okay.” She told him as she walked past, greeting the dogs like her own as well and went straight to the kitchen.

Ivar himself was in a turtleneck and trousers, sitting in the back of his car outside the address she had given him and texting her that he was outside when she was ready, hoping she would excuse him not going all the way up to the door with his crutch
Ewan sighed but smiled happily at his mother. He was thankful for her, she was probably the least invasive of his family and she also knew not to push him. He smiled seeing Carmen hugging his mom as he got into the kitchen "Thank you for the groceries mum." He said before giving her a proper hug and kissing her cheek.

Max smiled softly when she saw Ivar's text come through. She made her way down and thanked the driver as he opened the door for her. She slid into the back seat and smiled seeing Ivar sitting there handsome as ever "Hey there, how are you today?"
Lauren took her son outside after putting food away and lit up a cigarette, taking a seat and watching him. “I don’t know if you know or can tell but she’s sick again.” She told him gently. “Shes not had any seizures but there’s been days she can’t walk she’s so weak. I don’t know if it’s been the stress of you being gone or what but she’s not doing good Ewan.” She told him. She loved carmen like her own daughter and worried about her as much as Ewan did. Her own family had always been useless.

Ivar smiled and kissed her hand once she was in the car. “I’ve been much worse. How many days off from the show do you have?” He asked her curiously, watching her. “You look fabulous tonight.” He told her happily as he just sort of stared at her
Max blushed deep red and laughed lightly "Oh why thank you. You look very handsome as well." She said before watching him a bit "I've got a week off thankfully, my feet need the rest." She said softly "Are your legs alright?"

Ewan walked out with his mother and lit up a cigarette as well. He sighed heavily and nodded some "Yeah I've noticed how week she has gotten. I'm leaving the military....I can't go back mum. Hopefully maybe, maybe me being home can be of more help to her."
She nodded and frowned. “Ewan whatever you choose to do we all support you.” She promised him. “I’ll leave you both to it bud I just wanted to pop over and see you and get you guys some food so you don’t have to go out.” She told him, kissing his cheek and left out the side gate to go home.

Carmen stepped out a little later to let the dogs out and took a seat on the ground, trying to catch her breath a little.

He shrugged. “Never have been since birth. It’s a long story but to make it short they aren’t strong enough to hold me up and they leave me in constant pain.” He told her. “But I’m used to it. It’s fine.” He told her smiling a little.
Max gave a small nod as she listened to him. She frowned though when she noticed his uncomfortableness around it "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry or anything. If it means anything to you, I don't care, they don't change my feelings towards you." She said giving him hand a small squeeze.

Ewan nodded and put out his cigarette "Thank you mum, it means a lot." He said kissing her cheek before she left. He went inside after she was gone and rushed to Carmen's side when he saw her on the floor "Shit...Carmen you okay?"
She frowned and looked up “I’m okay just… a little winded, I think… a nap before… Tom and Jess … is needed.” She mumbled, letting him help her up and wandered through to their bedroom in the back.

He shrugged and watched the floor. “It doesn’t upset me I just have to explain it a lot. It gets boring.” He chuckled a little, waiting tik they pulled up to the restaurant and got out, helping her out as well and headed inside.
Max gave a small nod but smiled some "Well you won't hear anymore questions from me on it. Unless its to ask if you're okay." She said sweetly before getting out with him. She walked inside and smiled more when they were taken to a quieter part of the restaurant "This is a very nice place."

Ewan frowned deeply but nodded and helped her up "Maybe we should stay home, have them over here instead." He said softly not wanting her out if she was like this.
She shrugged as she lay down. “If you want… I don’t mind.” She mumbled, soon falling asleep.

He smiled and nodded, “one of my favorites. It’s quiet too. No one to bother you. No families trying to bring screaming children to a nice restaurant. And the food is good to top it off.”
Max laughed lightly but nodded some "Sounds pleasant. I'm guessing you aren't big on children?" She asked as she sat down with him.

Ewan gave a small nod and sighed heavily "I love you beautiful." He murmured getting her tucked into bed.
Tom frowned when his phone rang with Ewan’s number. “Hey, you guys still coming over? I know you only got back yesterday but it’ll be good for your jet lag.” He coaxed knowing how hermit like his good friend could get if they let him.

He shrugged. “Not in public places they don’t belong.” He muttered. “I’m sure it’s expected of me to have them though.” He mused, looking over the wine list and ordered a bottle once the waiter arrived.
Max gave a small nod "They aren't so bad if they're raised properly and know manners." She said softly before looking over the menu. She watched him some and bit her lip some "So what is you do for work?"

Ewan gave a heavy sigh as he heard his good friend's voice on the other line "Hey man, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming here? Carmen isn't doing great, I'd rather her be at home then out." He explained to him.
Tom frowned and nodded. “Yeah man that works for us. We’ll be there around 7.” He told him.

He smirked a little and looked up at her. “I’m sure you know so I’d love to hear what it is you think I do.” He chuckled as he watched her.
Max frowned softly and sighed softly "I'm unsure, I've heard you help run the city, most likely illegal things. As for a legal front, I'm unaware." She said not really liking the smug look on his face.

Ewan gave a nod and thanked him multiple times before hanging up with him. He went back in to their room and layed with Carmen just watching her carefully.
She woke up from her nap around an hour later and smiled tiredly feeling Ewan’s arms around her, “mmm I’ve missed this.” She mumbled, tilting her head back to kiss his chin.

He chuckled a little and nodded. “Boats. The very expensive kind. And the occasional boat may have some not so great people on it and as long as I have no formal knowledge of it then all is good.” He told her.
Ewan smiled some and held her close to him "Me too. I love you so much." He said quietly keeping close to her yawning a bit "You are so beautiful you know that? Even sleeping and your little drool hanging out of your mouth." He said laughing gently

Max nodded softly and sat back in her chair "I see.." she said before thanking the waiter as they brought the wine out. She sipped her drink and gave a small smile "Good choice in wine." She murmured
He smiled and watched her. “You don’t approve.” He said not really as a question. “You know I would never expect you to touch the business or have any understanding of it. There would be very few times I’d ever ask you to join me at an event.” He assured her. “I’m looking for a partner in my personal life. Not my work one.”

She rolled her eyes and smiled at him, wiping her face and sighing. “You’re so mean.” She mumbled. “What time do we need to go to toms?” She asked him quietly, shivering a little despite the temperature being higher in their small house for once.
Max gave a small nod and sighed softly "I do not....I...I'm not new to that life. I lost my sister to it five years ago, I was able to get out of it when I came here, but I am still very hesitant to associate myself with someone from the mob." She explained gently to him before looking at her hands and taking a deep breath.

Ewan chuckled some "Its because I love you." He said happily before pulling their comforter over her seeing her shivering. "They're coming here around 7. I didn't want you going out if you're feeling bad." He explained
He shrugged and watched her "So why not reject me outright?" He asked her curiously, taking a sip of the wine.

Carmen nodded then frowned "We don't have any drinks." She pointed out, "Sadie, come here." She called to their german shepherd and pat the bed, watching her jump up and come lay next to Carmen while she cuddled her for warmth. "Can we watch Troy for our movie night?" She asked Ewan
Max sipped at her wine again and sighed some "I tried...but something about you...it's stupid and cheesy really but, I feel drawn to you in a way. I'm not sure if its good or bad yet." She explained to him

Ewan groaned softly but nodded "I'll go get some in a bit and yes we can watch that movie." He murmured before kissing the top of her head smiling as their dog snuggled up to her.
Ivar smiled and watched her "Are you religious?" He asked her curiously after the waiter had come by and they'd ordered their food, just watching her and taking her in.

She nodded and frowned some, "Okay... Don't forget the caffeine free coke." She mumbled, drifting off to sleep again, all the excitement and stress of waiting for him to come home plus him finally arriving was now getting to her
Max shook her head some giving a small smile "I believe there is something higher, something in the universe bringing everything around. I'm not fully sure what it is though." She said shrugging softly "I've noticed your necklace though, do you believe in the Norse Gods?"

Ewan gave a small nod and smiled "I promise to get it." He said softly before he got up. He left the house and made it back within an hour hoping she was okay by herself. He came in smiling gently as he saw her curled up on couch in her giant oversized hoodie.

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