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Realistic or Modern Dōki no Sakura: A Tragic Yuri Roleplay Set In Wartime Japan [OOC]

I'll get a reply up eirher tonight or tomorrow, at work right now plus had assignments for college to do the past week. It never ends.
I'll get a reply up eirher tonight or tomorrow, at work right now plus had assignments for college to do the past week. It never ends.
Thanks for the reply in the main RP thread. I'm sorry for not being able to reply to this message sooner. I, too, was a little distracted a few days ago with the preparation for my university graduation next Saturday.
Thanks for the reply in the main RP thread. I'm sorry for not being able to reply to this message sooner. I, too, was a little distracted a few days ago with the preparation for my university graduation next Saturday.
Congrats on graduation! I'll be there myself in three years. c: Exciting times!
Congrats on graduation! I'll be there myself in three years. c: Exciting times!
Thank you! And I wish you good luck on finishing your study on time!

I'm grateful to be able to graduate earlier than most of my classmates, only two of us out of 25+ peoples in the class graduated this semester (of course there are other students from other classes and faculties but I barely know them). So while next Saturday will certainly be festive, I expect it'll be a little lonely for me as well. ^^;
So, Jackson123 recently sent a PM to me regarding the ambulance emergency number. He said that the number that Rena dialed was in fact wrong; that it was not 99 but 119.

I said to him that I use this article as my source: 東京消防庁<消防マメ知識><消防雑学事典>

However, I also told him that I actually stumbled upon another article when I was writing my latest reply, which, unfortunately for my case, states that the emergency number was 119 (『『9月9日 救急の日』 ~救急車の歴史~』)

Since I already stated that Rena was going to call 99 in the previous post, I decided to go along with my initial source. In hindsight, it could be that my first source might be alluding to the attempt, not the actual implementation of the emergency number. Well, there goes the pun. I already edited the previous two posts with Rena according to the correct information.

Thank you, Jackson123 for pointing this out to me. For anyone else who might notice other inaccuracies, don't be shy to talk it out with me! ^^

Mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Jackson123 Jackson123 Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob
On another note, I've been thinking about the Christian aspect of the school. I really wanted to incorporate this theme into the roleplay, not just because it was a popular trope in the Yuri genre. Christian all-girls' schools really were prolific in Japan just a few decades prior to the start of the RP. However, unfortunately for me, I was not raised in a family with Judeo-Christian traditions, so I know next to nothing about Christianity. I tried talking to both Jackson123 and Blitzkrieg Bob about whether they'd be familiar enough to comfortably write a Catholic character... And well, if you look at the CS thread, you'll notice that there are no characters that are explicitly mentioned to be Christians...

I had an inkling that this might be a denominational problem; it could be that you guys were familiar with Christianity but more with Protestantism than Catholicism. So, I tried reading up again on the topic of Christianity in Japan, and that got me to find out about Anglicanism and the Nippon Sei-Ko-Kai (Japanese Holy Catholic Church), which I found to be quite the perfect fit for our RP setting. I learned that the denomination promotes, via media, a middle way between Catholicism and Reformed Christianity. Some of them were also rather defiant against the military government, hence the suspicion from the Kempeitai in the RP.

With that, I would definitely appreciate it if any of you guys would like to play a Christian teacher. They don't need to be teaching theology, obviously, but I was hoping they could give occasional sermons to the students. If you don't think you could do it, you could also bring a friend who might be interested in joining the RP as a new participant.
Sei-ko-kai is 聖公会, it's one of the province of Anglican Church, not Catholic.
Sei-ko-kai is 聖公会, it's one of the province of Anglican Church, not Catholic.
Hmm, this might be a translation issue. The wikipedia page on Nippon Seikokai translated it as Japanese Holy Catholic Church. I tried checking the kanji on Jisho and Takoboto for the translation, and there's indeed no mention of Catholic.

Still, the NSKK considers itself to be both Catholic and Reformed.
Hmm, this might be a translation issue. The wikipedia page on Nippon Seikokai translated it as Japanese Holy Catholic Church. I tried checking the kanji on Jisho and Takoboto for the translation, and there's indeed no mention of Catholic.

Still, the NSKK considers itself to be both Catholic and Reformed.

This is from the NSKK official website, the first paragraph already mentions 聖公会(せいこうかい)」は、カンタベリー大主教を精神的指導者とするイングランド国教会から生れ、世界165ヵ国以上に広がる42の管区(Province)と5つの特別管区(Extra-Provincial 小規模な自治区)からなるキリスト教会です。

“Seikokai is a Christian church born out of the Church of England with Archbishop of Canterbury as spiritual leader. With 42 province and 5 extra provinces in 165 nations”

Maybe unrelated but I attended primary school that’s established by the equivalent 聖公會 in Hong Kong (romanise as Sheng Kung Hui), it's not Catholic lol.
I attended primary school that’s established by the equivalent 聖公會 in Hong Kong
Well, isn't that great? I would greatly appreciate it if you could also flesh out the religious side of things in the RP setting! ^^
Tbh it’s been too long lol, and I don’t know if secondary schools were different. If this can serve as inspiration I remember there’s prayer at the end of every morning assembly (though I don’t think Japanese school does that? Never seen it in any media anyway), we had to recite a prayer before lunch, there’s a religious study class once a week and there’s a church at the back of the playground that we attend once a year. The school anthem is to the tune of Man of Harlech and the motto was “Not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45)”, school anthem and motto were standardised in all SKH primary school in HK but secondary school would have their own.
Since Tsuki didn't seem to see off the ambulance outside the dormitory and instead immediately went to Akemi's room:
Without a further word, she began heading back to Kitazono-sensei's room, her head heavy and her heart clouded.
I assume the line below happened inside the bathing room? Jackson123 Jackson123
As the paramedics loaded Akemi into the ambulance, Kazuyo took a moment to breathe deeply. She turned to Tsuki, Aiko, and Rena, who had been watching at the side. “Thank you for your help everyone. You all did incredibly well.”
Good day, everyone! A week has passed since the last post for the main student group.
Me and the other participants would greatly appreciate it if you could notify us when you might be able to post the reply.
Here's the link to the latest post: Realistic or Modern - Dōki no Sakura: A Yuri Roleplay Set in Wartime Japan

Mentions: Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy viviionne viviionne withinasapphire withinasapphire
Sorry that I haven't posted anything, things got a bit busy. I'll have a post out this week.
Thank you, Daylight, for your post yesterday.

Today I checked that the most recent post for the second group was seven days ago, and it seems like it was Blitzkrieg Bob Blitzkrieg Bob 's turn. As always, we would like to know if you need additional time to write your response or if you are having problems writing it; if so, discussing it with us, either here or via private message, could hopefully be of help.
Viviione actually informed me awhile ago that she would be taking breaks, not just from this RP but others as well.

We had been actively roleplaying a mystery story together since March over in Discord, and she is also the first one whom I talk to about this Doki no Sakura project, so it is rather unfortunate to have her go, but things happen to all of us.

I just wanted to say that the RP here, while you might see me and some other players really do put effort into the research behind it, I don't want it to be seen as difficult or scary. All of this won't work without all of you as participants, so thank you for sticking around, and I hope you will be with us until the very end.

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