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Realistic or Modern Dōki no Sakura: A Tragic Yuri Roleplay Set In Wartime Japan [OOC]

I have tried reaching Blitzkrieg Bob again in Saturday last week through private message. Unfortunately I haven't gotten reply from him yet, his profile also said that the last time he logged in in RPN was July 7th, that was two weeks ago. I'm a little bit busy now but I'll try to get at least a post out in the coming days.
Oh no, I just updated the main thread to include the R18 tag and I can't remove it, I hope this will not be problem. Can you guys still see the main thread?
Ah yes, rated R18 for depiction of nudity (shower) and graphic trauma (fall and hit the head)
Ah yes, rated R18 for depiction of nudity (shower) and graphic trauma (fall and hit the head)
That, and well, ... I'm expecting someone to commit 心中 (or the solo version of it) somewhere down the line. It is a rather common trope of Japanese storytelling of the era but not exactly in line with the contemporary western zeitgeist...

While I've been putting up warning since the start that there will be sensitive themes at play, I'm also being vague at describing what exactly will come at play, because I honestly don't know. There's nothing planned in the RP, everything flows naturally. Akemi fell and hit her head was spur of the moment inspiration, and her falling was also the dice fault.

I'm updating the title and the tags because I want new people to join since many of our initial participants seemed to have abandoned their characters. I want to let the newcomers know that this RP is not entirely wholesome (Don't worry there will be wholesome moments! ;)) and I don't want them to get jumpscared when I or the others decided to play that unwholesome part and report the whole thing to the mods. :'(
That, and well, ... I'm expecting someone to commit 心中 (or the solo version of it) somewhere down the line. It is a rather common trope of Japanese storytelling of the era but not exactly in line with the contemporary western zeitgeist...

Lol I did not know 心中 had that double meaning in Japanese, I got culture shocked indeed
What does it means in Cantonese?
Same as the other meaning that's also in Japanese "in one's mind" or "in one's heart", cuz Japan had this proverb "山中の賊を破るは易く、心中の賊を破るは難し"(It is easy to defeat a bandit in the mountains, but difficult to defeat a bandit in your own heart).

For that other meaning we would say 殉情.
Maybe it's a euphemism or something.
Could be. I have also yet to find the explanation for the reason behind the usage of that compound word. All I know is that the word seemed to have already been popularly used since the Edo times.
Could be. I have also yet to find the explanation for the reason behind the usage of that compound word. All I know is that the word seemed to have already been popularly used since the Edo times.
Seems like 殉情 just means something else in Japanese. There's a lot of "false friends" like this in the two languages and got me confused when I tried to learn the language lol. like 怪我(JP: injured, CN: blame me), 大家(JP: landlord, CN: Everybody), 学長(JP: Principal of the University, CN: Senior student), 汽車(JP: train, CN: car), 親友(JP: Best Friend, CN: Relatives and Friends), 迷惑 (JP: trouble, CN: confuse), 前年 (JP: last year, CN: the year before last year). One I find particularily funny is 老婆 (JP: old woman, CN: wife).
Seems like 殉情 just means something else in Japanese. There's a lot of "false friends" like this in the two languages and got me confused when I tried to learn the language lol. like 怪我(JP: injured, CN: blame me), 大家(JP: landlord, CN: Everybody), 学長(JP: Principal of the University, CN: Senior student), 汽車(JP: train, CN: car), 親友(JP: Best Friend, CN: Relatives and Friends), 迷惑 (JP: trouble, CN: confuse), 前年 (JP: last year, CN: the year before last year). One I find particularily funny is 老婆 (JP: old woman, CN: wife).
I can't find any entry for 殉情 in JP dict, except for the meaning of the individual kanji, so this compound word is definitely not a Japanese word. I could also argue that a lot of similar languages with common roots often confuse the words for car and train. In Japanese, I noticed that the kanji 長 tends to refer to leadership position, apparently that doesn't seemed to be the case for CN?

On a side note, I guess I finally have the option remove the R18 tag. So, if any of you are having trouble accessing the main thread because of that tag, let me know.
A little bit off topic but I just watched this video essay on YouTube: and it's really an eye-opener.

Looking back on several media I've enjoyed in the past, I noticed that they incorporated this maxim to some degree, and it doesn't impair my enjoyment of them in the slightest bit.

For example, in the yuri vn series FLOWERS, which I truly love to the point I even wrote my undergraduate thesis on it, after 4 VNs (each was around 20 hours long), I never truly understood the layout of the St. Angraecum Academy because there was never a concrete description, let alone a map. There's also the fact that the characters can enter the main school building, the library, the church, etc. in the middle of the night; perhaps those buildings are not locked, perhaps the locks are broken, or perhaps they have the keys. I will never truly know, because they never told me. Just the fact that the characters in those VNs can go to certain places that exist somewhere in that world is enough to tell a compelling story and lend itself to the dreamlike quality of the classic fairytales.

Ever since the start of this RP, I've been rambling about 'diegetic experience' and 'finding out through roleplay' etc. and yet, I found myself to be contradicting my initial intentions from time to time.

All of this is because while I want to keep certain things in the dark, I am equally desperate to find and explicitly state the logical explanation why things are the way they are.

That essay video really serves as a remedy to the hiccups that I'm experiencing right now. I'm not saying that it will 100% cure my future posts of those contradictions, but now at least I could look back on it and be rest assured that it is okay to say "I don't know." and that I'm not obligated to dump the lore that is nagging to be let out from the inside of my mind.
I noticed that the kanji 長 tends to refer to leadership position, apparently that doesn't seemed to be the case for CN?
No that is the same in CN, it comes of 長官 (officer), so there's titles like 艦長(captain of warship), 船長(captain of ship), 機長 (captain of aircraft), 首長 (leader), 院長(dean/headmaster/department head), 議長(speaker of the house), 部長(minister/department head), 司長(director general/chief secretary), 局長(department head/director general), 省長(provincial governor), 州長(state governor), 市長(mayor), etc

Though it can also refer to length, same case in JP. But we don't use it for height, unlike in JP, 身長 in CN would be referring to animals that measure in horizontal length.
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Gokigenyou~ Pardon that I haven't been able to check on the RP more regularly these days as I have been busy with various things. Like usual, I would like to check up on the progress of the RP, and it seemed that the latest post for the main student group has already passed the 7-day interval, so I would really appreciate it if the participants in that group could let me know when you will be able to post your replies.

Mentions: Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy , Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples and withinasapphire withinasapphire .
Gokigenyou~ Pardon that I haven't been able to check on the RP more regularly these days as I have been busy with various things. Like usual, I would like to check up on the progress of the RP, and it seemed that the latest post for the main student group has already passed the 7-day interval, so I would really appreciate it if the participants in that group could let me know when you will be able to post your replies.

Mentions: Daylight Fantasy Daylight Fantasy , Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples and withinasapphire withinasapphire .
Will make a post tomorrow, I am feeling sick :c
Thank you for the confirmation, Daylight, Evie! ^^

I will also pray for your speedy recovery, Evie.
Planning on waiting for the arrivals to arrive before having Tsuki come out to meet them,unless there's a necessity for me to keep going with her
Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples , I only noticed just now that you were still tagging viviionne in your post. She has taken a break from roleplaying and probably won't come back in the near future. So, in order to not disturb her, perhaps it'd be good if you could remove her tag in your future posts.
As I understand it, you are looking for more people to play Christian characters.
I studied comparative world religions in college, so I think I have a fair understanding of Christianity. Especially Catholicism, but also Protestantism and Orthodoxy. I also have a basic understanding of Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. If any of those are more familiar to you, for the sake of comparison.
I am also familiar with the pagan religions. Including Shinto. Both "authentic Shinto", and "State Shinto", the latter, to my understanding, being the sort of para-fascist cult of personality in the early Showa era.
Now, I am not an expert on any of this, but I thought my knowledge might be helpful.
I could possibly make one or more of my characters be Christian, or at least interested in Christianity.
I could even make my nobleman character be a priest. Probably not a Catholic priest, though, as, from my understanding, the ordination process for Catholic priests takes a very long time and would require celibacy, which does not match my character's backstory. Anglican priesthood would be easier, although the association with British and American churches would present a problem given the hostilities with the Allied Powers. Lutheran priests do not require ordination. Lutherans believe in a "universal priesthood of all believers", and so being a Lutheran pastor is an occupation rather than a special title. Lutheranism is German in origin, Germany being in the Axis Powers, but also has American adherents, so it is a fairly neutral option. There are also other Evangelical / Protestant sects, but these probably do not match the aesthetic you are looking for, with the yuri / school genre. There is also Orthodoxy, but, to my understanding, Orthodox Christians did not have as much missionary activity in Japan as did Catholics and Protestants, which would make it historically improbable to have an Orthodox affiliated school.
A relevant concept is something called an "extraordinary minister". Basically, in Catholicism, in emergency situations, when no priest is available, any person can carry out the duties of the priesthood. I am sure that warfare would be one of those emergency situations. The use of extraordinary ministers is controversial, and it is disputed whether any administered sacraments are valid or not. But that is an option, and I think it could fit well into the story.
I could make a separate priest character, but I don't have any ideas at the moment.
I could also make a monk or a nun character, but I don't have enough understanding of monastics for me to have confidence in myself for roleplaying that.
Anyway, if anyone has any questions regarding Christianity or other religions, let me know. Whether here or by private message.
match the aesthetic you are looking for
Thank you for giving a detailed description of your knowledge on the stuff that I've been struggling the most to depicts in the RP. Most of the stuff regarding Christianity you mentioned is news to me, so I took my time to read it first. And yes, exactly like you said, I'm not particularly attached to any denomination; what I'm looking for is the one that will match the established aesthetics of the Class S and Yuri genres. The reason why I initially lean more into Catholicism is because I have this notion of aniconism in Protestantism. Reverence of the Saints, fine arts depictions of the Virgin Mary, stained glass windows, rosary or cross pendants are among the aesthetics that I'm looking to come out in play somewhere down the line.
Hey hey! A bit hesitant to do so but I decided to drop out from this rp. Writers block is hitting me hard right now and I don't want to disturbed the rp for waiting for a post on my end :>

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