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Realistic or Modern Dōki no Sakura: A Tragic Yuri Roleplay Set In Wartime Japan [OOC]

Hmm, this is something i'm rather unfamiliar with as i'm coming from discord roleplaying where we usually had multiple channels or threads there, but here we're only utilizing one thread for this whole rp. However i've also taken a look around and found something like this Fantasy - New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides where they had multiple groups within one thread. So i guess we could follow their example by explicitly declaring the time and location where the rp took place as well as the participants of that particular session.

Then should we plan who's in which group beforehand as well?
Hmm, this is something i'm rather unfamiliar with as i'm coming from discord roleplaying where we usually had multiple channels or threads there, but here we're only utilizing one thread for this whole rp. However i've also taken a look around and found something like this Fantasy - New Oasis: Four Heavenly Kings — The B-Sides where they had multiple groups within one thread. So i guess we could follow their example by explicitly declaring the time and location where the rp took place as well as the participants of that particular session.
Definitely would help for people to keep track on which post theyre interacting with
I'm a bit apprehensive about that if it might complicate things,but it might help kick things off with Tsuki at the school too,I think. Maybe.
I'm a bit apprehensive about that if it might complicate things,but it might help kick things off with Tsuki at the school too,I think. Maybe.
Let's try it out then, as how things going right now, i believe it'll take a while for the main group to reach the school. so in the meantime we could play out thing happening at the same time at the school then both session will merge together at one point in the future.
Standing behind a black haired, innocent-looking girl, she hoped that her new place would be alright.
I assume Hanako is standing behind Fumiyo? In that case, she couldn't possibly saw her hair as I had established that she was wearing an red colored air-rood hood on the third paragraph.
She thought she looked silly in her red air-raid hood, which made her face look chubbier than it really was.
It looks something like this:

Also, since Hanako is coming all the way from Hokkaido, the trip must've took at least two or more days, perhaps this is a good opportunity to test out the stats mechanic. Try rolling one six-sided die (1d6). If the result is higher than Hanako's STR stats, it means that she was extremely tired from the trip. Lower the stat temporarily by 1 point.

Another thing that could be added, however not necessary, was that since the students from all over Japan are assembled at Ueno station before taking the transit train to Gunma, it means that it was the first time for many, including Hanako, to see how the capital was like with their own eyes and how different or similar it is with the place they used to live. It is also interesting if there's a family, neighbor, or former schoolmate from primary school who expresses their envy of your character of being sent away out of the sticks to the fancy capital they've probably only heard or seen through magazine or radio.
Are there vegetable garden in the Yurigaoka? Think those would be even more useful when there's food shortages due to the war.
Honestly, I was really conflicted in answering that question. I know I previously said something along the lines of encouraging OOC interactions, but at the same time I really wanted to keep all of the world-building aspects secret until discovered, sort of like the fog of war mechanic in strategy games. I guess in the future, for best practices. Everything posted here should be limited to intentions only (I want X). I will then create a situation in which that intention could materialize. For something other than that, you could put it on my dm.
Try rolling one six-sided die (1d6). If the result is higher than Hanako's STR stats, it means that she was extremely tired from the trip. Lower the stat temporarily by 1 point.
Alright, i'll use the dice function on rpn to roll.
I assume Hanako is standing behind Fumiyo? In that case, she couldn't possibly saw her hair as I had established that she was wearing an red colored air-rood hood on the third paragraph.
And oops, I'll go change that ^^
She could see Kempeitai patrolling the street, clad in their grey-green Type 98 tunic uniform, forage cap, with their "military police" armband signifying their identity. She had seen those Kempeitai sometimes scold people on the street of being Hikokumin--"unpatriotic", for reasons ranging from defeatist remarks to the slightest transgrassion of wearing clothes that were a bit too colourful.
I'm sorry, Jackson123 Jackson123 , but I can't consider this description as canon. There's no military personnel roaming around inside the academy grounds.
I'm sorry, Jackson123 Jackson123 , but I can't consider this description as canon. There's no military personnel roaming around inside the academy grounds.
I mean outside on the street (or is the school layout in such a way that you can't see outside the school from the building?)
So, Yoshitake is the tsundere type 🤭
Did he always use the -san honorific or did he grow out of using -chan at some point?
Hmm, I'd say he used -neechan suffix when he was younger and grow out of using it at some point before joining the army :D
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I'm also looking forward to the replies for the main group at the station 😊
I'll be waiting until next Friday, if there are no replies until then, I will be checking on the players personally one by one to confirm their participation in the RP.
I already sent a confirmation message to the idle participants; hopefully we will hear from them soon.

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