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Dice DnD 5e "Wings of Chaos"


New Member
Hello all ( :) ) I am redfang54 and I will be your DM for this campaign of DnD 5E!

I look forward to everyone's characters and the adventures we will have together!

I am happy to accept new and experienced players alike, you all will just have to bare with me, as this is my first time ever DMing on a forum like this one, so we may have to work through a few things and work out some kinks together.

As we will have a few people who are new to the game entirely and some who are new to this edition, we will be starting at level 1.

As i understand everyone will not want to go out and buy the necessary materials in order to play this campaign (though i hope that you end up liking this game enough to eventually get the books) I will provide a digital copy of the player's handbook, just as a thank you to all of you that are willing to play (^.^)

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to PM me, if you want to ask about character creation, how to do it or have some crazy idea about a character that you want to try just run it by me and we will chat about it!

Players Basic Rule Set: http://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/BasicRules_Playerv3.4.pdf

Upon looking around WOTC's website I found some cool character sheets that i feel would be much easier for everyone (myself included) to use and read and you can check them out, I have attached it on here.

The basics of what you'll need about your character is as follows (it's not as bad as it looks):






Character Picture (optional):

Trinket or Nicnak:

Background & backstory (at least a paragraph or two please):



Class (and level of class):

Equipment (weapons, armor, packs, food, if its not written here you don't have it ( ;) )):



Max HP:

Armor Class:



Strength & modifier: EX: 15(+2)






Saves (just write in your save for that stat)

Strength: EX: +4

Dexterity: EX: -1

Constitution: EX:+4




(if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)


Animal Handling:














Slight of Hand:



And again this can be confusing the first couple times you do it so don't feel bad if you don't understand some of it, just shoot me a PM and we can talk through it and get it worked out ( :P ). Also I will be looking over each character sheet just to double check the numbers and to read the backstories (^.^) happy character building friends!<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c465889cc_CharacterSheet_3Pgs__Complete1_pdf.eb3f1125cafde93d587e5bc69a3a8ebe" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c465889cc_CharacterSheet_3Pgs__Complete1_pdf.eb3f1125cafde93d587e5bc69a3a8ebe" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • CharacterSheet_3Pgs__Complete[1].pdf
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Name: Agent Aaron Joefiel

Race: Human

Age: 20


He's a white human male around 5' 7" tall. He has black hair tied into a very short ponytail. His skin is a bit pale, and he doesn't look like a guy who goes out into the sun a lot. His face is slightly angular. His eyes are slightly deep set and brown colored. His nose is slightly hook shaped.

Character Picture (optional):


Trinket or Nicnak:


A Silver Spoon with "M" engraved on the handle.

Background & backstory: Spy

Aaron grew up on a farm. As long as Aaron can remember, he had wanted to become a constable. So, when he became old enough, he ran off to the nearest big city and looked to see if they had any positions open. They let him onto the city watch.

He excelled in training, and was eventually approached by agents of the crown who wanted him to do a job. They had him go undercover and infiltrate the local thieve's guild. He did so, and in a sting operation, had them driven out of the city.

Later on, he began to investigate internal corruption within his own constabulary. Just as he was about to find something major, the constabulatory kicked him out and claimed it was because he "had ties to a criminal group". He was arrested, but not found guilty (the agents of the crown pulled some strings to get him out of jail).

The courts didn't find him guilty, but he was still kicked off of the city watch anyways, and his reputation took a major hit. He left town and is now an officially sanctioned spy of the crown. He also helps people catch criminals for money.

Alignment: Lawful Good


Class (and level of class): Rogue LVL 1



(+15 Gold from Background-105 total)

-Saber (stat-wise it's to be treated as a Scimitar) (35 Gold)

-Sling (1 Silver)

-25 Bullet Stones (1 Gold)

-Crowbar (Background)

-A set of black common clothes with a hood. (Background)

-A leather belt with a pouch. (Background)

-Light Crossbow (25 Gold)

-20 Crossbow Bolts (20 Gold)

-A case for the Crossbow bolts (1 Gold)

-22 Gold


Max HP: 8

Armor Class: 15

Initiative: +3

Speed: 30 Ft

Strength & modifier: 11 (+0)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 16 (+3)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 16 (+3)

Saves (just write in your save for that stat)


Dexterity: +5


Intelligence: +5


Charisma: +3

(if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: +3

Animal Handling: 0

Arcana: +3

Athletics: 0

Deception: # +5

History: +3

Insight: 0

Intimidation: +3

Investigation: #+5


Nature: +3

Perception: # +5

Performance: +3

Persuasion: +3

Religion: +3

Slight of Hand: +3

Stealth: # +5

Survival: +0













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Name: Drok Oakhoof

Race: Minotaur

Age: 26

Appearance: Drok is a seven and a half foot tall, bulky beast covered in shaggy black fur. Several burn scars crawl up his arms and across his chest, almost looking like tattoos. A pair of wicked looking horns grow out of his head, and they almost look as if they've been polished. His small brown eyes seem to glint with some hidden great intelligence and cunning. He typically wears

Character Picture (optional):



A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it.

Background: Outlander

Backstory: Drok grew up among a nomadic tribe of minotaurs, always wandering and moving to where they thought they would be far enough away from civilization to avoid being slaughtered by adventurers hoping to make a name for themselves. They've trekked through ancient forests and deep caverns, and rarely stay in a spot for more than a few months. Drok made a small family for himself in his tribe, a wife and a young calf, and was happy with his life.

That all changed one day while he was out foraging for his families dinner. A group of explorer's must have seen him, because next thing he remembered was something slamming into the back of his head and then darkness. He woke up later far far from home, chained up in some sort of dungeon or prison. Later he was sold to a man in the city, and he spent the next few years as a slave.

Recently, he found the bars on his room's window complete gone, through some miracle managed to escape the city and make it to the forest. He heard a voice in his head laughing, and found himself possessing strange powers after a few days in the wilds. Drok doesn't understand what happened, and sometimes he feels like something's watching him, but all the cares about now is looking for his tribe.

Alignment: Neutral

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Warlock 1 (Fey Pact)

Equipment (weapons, armor, packs, food, if its not written here you don't have it):

Shortbow (25 gp)

40 Arrows (2 gp)

Leather Armor (10 gp)

Staff (5 gp)

Explorer's Pack (10 gp)

Spell Component Pouch (25 gp)

3 gp

Languages: Common, Giant


Max HP: 11

Armor Class: 14

Initiative: +3

Speed: 30

Strength: 12 (+1)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 15 (+2)

Wisdom: 11 (+0)

Charisma: 18 (+4)


Strength: +1

Dexterity: +3

Constitution: +3

Intelligence: +2

Wisdom: # +2

Charisma: # +6

Skills (if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: +3

Animal Handling:

Arcana: +2

Athletics: # +3

Deception: +4

History: +2

Insight: +0

Intimidation: # +6

Investigation: +2

Medicine: +0

Nature: # +4

Perception: +0

Performance: +4

Persuasion: +4

Religion: +2

Slight of Hand: +3

Stealth: +3

Survival: # +2

Other Proficiencies

Navigators Tools

Vehicles (Water)

Instrument (Drum)

Spells Known


Eldritch Blast

Mage Hand

Level 1

Armor of Agathys

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BackGround: The man who goes by the moniker of Rum Dragon does not prefer to give out his full origins despite the colorfulness of certain aspects. What is known that at an early age he had a stint working on boats learning the trade and swapping through many position. However he would grow tired of the work as well as his lack of climbing in the ranks. He would then leave his profession and wonder until he came into a certain group who had decided to induct him into their studies within their famed thirty-six chambers. His colorful background as a sailor and love of drinking is the cause of his odd name which has taken happily. He would learn much in various arts such as Chessboxing, fighting, and brewing. However he was not one to stay cloistered and such would leave to gain further mastery of what he learned there and into the outside world.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Wu_pdf.786e9c61a4a9413c2f0e9545256bdce9" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73104" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Wu_pdf.786e9c61a4a9413c2f0e9545256bdce9" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Nathaniel Durand

Race: Human (Using the Variant option)

Age: 28

Appearance: Tall and broad of shoulder, Nathaniel's face is one of square-jawed, but fresh-faced and clean-shaven countenance. The hair upon his head is a simple dark brown in colour, kept short by regular trimmings; courtesy of the army's barber.

Character Picture (optional):

Note: The one in the middle, with the plate armour (save for the gauntlets and helmet) replaced with chainmail. The green-coloured portions of the ensemble are instead a light blue, while the shield is emblazoned with several silver stars, arranged to form the Bison's Head constellation; a symbol of Kiri-Jolith.

Trinket or Knickknack:

Background: Soldier


The tale of young Nathaniel's youth was a simple one. Born to a hardworking blacksmith and his wife, the lad's early years were simple, but far from unsatisfying. Even in his earlier years, their neighbours described the boy as 'ox-like,' and it was quite an accurate description. Nathaniel was a far cry from brilliant, but possessed immense strength, accompanied by equal levels of dedication and enthusiasm. He would gladly help out family and neighbours alike in any matter where raw might was needed, and he would rarely disappoint in that regard.

However, there must come a time where a boy truly becomes a man, and must walk down a path of his own choosing. Having little proficiency for his father's craft, Nathaniel instead chose to take up arms and serve his country. Thus, he enlisted in the army, and marched off to do battle with whomever would seek to threaten the sanctity of his homeland. Or at least, that was the intention. After completing his basic training, most of Nathaniel's military life was spent on fairly quiet patrols, with the occasional minor skirmish against some brigands.

Eventually, things took a turn for the arguably worse, as Nathaniel's patrol was ambushed in the night by a band of roving Draconians. Despite being outnumbered, the foul reptilians were more than a match for the minimally experienced soldiers. The matter was only worsened by the beasts turning to stone when slain, usually trapping whatever weapon was used to dispatch them. One of the Draconians managed to topple Nathaniel, and proceeded to bring its greataxe down towards his head. While doubtful that it would work, the young soldier brought his shield to bear, hoping it would hold strong, or at least lessen the impact.

When the axe and shield collided, however, it harmlessly bounced off, having been repulsed in a flash of light. For reasons beyond Nathaniel or his companion's comprehension, this occurrence drove back the Draconians, thus winning them the day. (Or the night, if you want to get into semantics) Before rising to his feet, the young lad looked up at the night sky, and noticed something intriguing. A particular collection of stars was shining ever so slightly brighter than the rest, as if attempting to stand out. While not all that familiar with constellations, Nathaniel could see that they formed a shape, vaguely resembling a bison's head in appearance.

Not knowing what to make of this, he sought out the guidance of the local garrison's priest. To say that the holy man's response was ecstatic would be an understatement. Taking it as a sign from the one of the gods themselves, the priest immediately took action. After 'calmly persuading' his commanding officer to discharge Nathaniel from active duty posthaste, the former soldier was taken into the fold of Kiri-Jolith's faithful. He would then spend the next two years learning the tenets of the Sword of Justice, and his future duties as an agent of His will. Coincidentally, this was when Nathaniel was also taught how to read and write, so as to better understand the holy texts.

With his enthusiasm reforged into zeal, and courage filling his heart, Nathaniel was deemed ready.

Much of his wages earned as a soldier were spent on his own arms, armour, and supplies, while his clerical mentors donated a shield to complete the ensemble. Now a newly trained Paladin of the Bison of Heaven, Nathaniel Durand set out into the world, so that he may bring justice, wherever it is required.

Alignment: Lawful Good

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Paladin, Level 1


-Chain Mail (Helmet and Gauntlets included for flavour reasons)


-Shield, serves as a Holy Symbol of Kiri-Jolith

-Light Hammer

-Deck of cards

-Common clothes

-Belt pouch (contains 10 GP)

-Military Insignia, that of a common soldier, to be precise.

-Piece of stone, chipped off a slain Draconian.

-Explorer's Pack

Languages: Common, Dwarvish


Max HP: 12

Hit Dice: 1d10

Armor Class: 18 (Chain Mail + Shield)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 30

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Strength & modifier: 18 (+4)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 6 (-2)

Wisdom: 13 (+1)

Charisma: 16 (+3)


Strength: +4

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: -2

Wisdom:# +3

Charisma:# +5


Acrobatics: +2

Animal Handling: +1

Arcana: -2

Athletics:# +6

Deception: +3

History: -2

Insight:# +3

Intimidation:# +5

Investigation: -2

Medicine: +1

Nature: -2

Perception:# +3

Performance: +3

Persuasion:# +5

Religion: -2

Sleight of Hand: +2

Stealth: +2

Survival: +1

Other Proficiencies

All armour, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons, playing cards, and land vehicles.


Shield Master

Attack Bonus and Weapon Stats

A.B.: 2 (proficiency) + 4 (Strength bonus) = +6

Longsword: 1d8 + 4 Slashing, Versatile (1d10)

Light hammer: 1d4 + 4 Bludgeoning, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60)
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  • Basics

    Name: Ashatera Rin Gollare (Ash)

    Race: Goliath

    Age: 26

    Appearance: 8ft 340lbs long black hair with a couple white streaks and never has a shirt on

    CChaotPicture (optional):

    Trinket or Nicnak: a coin with a pentagram engraved on it
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Name: Imperia Volarion

Race: Human(Variant)

Age: 23 years old

Character Picture

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/imperia.jpg.7c99ea472f9ae89abcc710a904bbbbef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/imperia.jpg.7c99ea472f9ae89abcc710a904bbbbef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance description: As you see above, minus the jolly ol' helper skeletons, don't worry they're volunteers.

Trinket or Nicnak: a 1 pound red shelled egg.

Background: Noble

Backstory: the pen is mightier then a sword, for a blade can make a man kneel, but the written word can crumple a kingdom, empty it's coffers, force it's people out of their land, with all the effort of a few swishes of a ink pen, and the press of a seal on wax. She was raised with not a care in the world, with private tutelage in the ways of wizardry, courtesy of her uncle, a man who was once a teacher of the school of necromancy before he retired due to a "horrible reanimation accident" resulting in the loss of his legs, one arm and his left eye, apparently he was lucky.

She was indeed living the high life, as anybody would expect of a noble born daughter, modesty just wasn't in her name... unless is benefited her of course, indeed that last part right there seems to be the excuse for anything she does in her life, the pursuit of self benefit. For if there is nothing she loves more, is money, and where is money? in the hands of others, that wont do at all, this conundrum continued for about a year before she spied her father paying some passing adventurers for a job, apparently some sort of kobold problem in a cave somewhere... it didn't interest her one bit until she asked them why they would even bother putting themselves in danger.. until one of them boasted how they secured more money then what their being paid now within the caves... that lit a few lightbulbs in the woman's mind. She had skills in the ways of the contract and quill, but the blade? perhaps she could mix those skills... there was only one way she could find out...

Alignment: Lawful, Evil or as I call her. Lawful,bitch.

EXP: 0

Class: Wizard 1st level


Fine clothes, signet ring, Scroll of pedigree(proof of nobility, name and standing), dagger inscribed on the side says "A sharp knife is a safe knife." in Common, backpack, Scroll case with a few blank pages of velum within, ink pen/ink bottle, spell book, diary, sealing wax, Arcane focus rod, blanket, 3 days ration, 1 water skin. Hairbrush, spell component pouch, umbrella.

Languages: Common, Elvish, Infernal, Undercommon, Dwarvish

Gold: 96

Silver: 2

Copper: 8


Max HP: 7

Hit Die: 1d6

Armor Class: 12

Initiative: 2

Speed: 30

Strength & modifier: 7 Mod: -2

Dexterity: 14 Mod: 2

Constitution: 12 mod:1

Intelligence: 15+1+1(feat) = 17 Mod: 3

Wisdom: 8 mod:-1

Charisma: 13+1= 14 mod:2

Saves (just write in your save for that stat)

Strength: -2

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 1

Intelligence:# 5

Wisdom:# 1

Charisma: 2

(if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: 2

Animal Handling: 2

Arcana:# 5

Athletics: -2

Deception: 2

History:# 5

Insight: -1

Intimidation:# 4

Investigation:# 5

Medicine: 3

Nature: 3

Perception: -1

Performance: 2

Persuasion:# 3

Religion: 3

Slight of Hand: 2

Stealth: 2

Survival: -1


(human variant) Linguist, +1 Int, +3 languages, can create written ciphers, this cannot be deciphered unless taught, succeed on a intelligence check Dc int mod + proficiency bonus or use magic.


Light Crossbow, dagger, quarterstaff, sling, dragon-chess game set,



ATT: 2(proficiency)+2(Dexterity)= 4

1d4+2 Piercing, Light, Finesse, thrown. (range 20/60)


0 level cantrips

Ray of frost, range 60 feet, ranged touch atack, on hit 1d8 + lower target's speed by 10 feet

Light, emits light, 1 hour duration.

Mage hand

1st level spells known, #= slotted

detect magic # what it says on the tin.

Witch bolt # ranged touch attack, range 30 feet, 1d12, 1d12 for each round an action is used to sustain.

Mage armor #, duration 8 hours, touch, unarmored target's AC becomes 13+dex modifier.

Magic missile range 120, 1d4+1, +1 missile if put in spell slot higher then 1.

Thunderwave, 15 foot cone, DC 13 constitution, 2d8 thunder damage and pushed 10 feet away from caster on failed save, halve damage and no push if success, unsecured objects get pushed 10 feet and blast is audible 300 feet away.

Arcane recovery: 1 first level spell each rest recoverable.



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WIP (Gonna upload the sheet any day now...)



Race: Hill Dwarf

Age: 52

Appearance: Short but deceptively strong, Tier stands at about 4'2." She has bright green eyes like the folliage she likes to call home, and hair as white as Opal.


Trinket: Wolf Tooth on a string around her neck. (Given as a gift)

Background: Outlander


Tier has always lived in the woods, though the same can't be said for her parents. Once upon a time they were part of a particularly awesome (and only partially not evil) party of adventurers. Their adventures only ended when her father took an arrow and stabbed a guard in the knee with it - while her mother held the man still - thus ending the guard's adventuring days... all "accidentally" of course.

Needless to say, the rest of the group - not to mention the remaining guards of the small town - weren't too happy with this "accident," and Tier's parents found themselves chased out of town and into the wilderness.

It was here, exiled and horrifically lost in the hills, that her parents found their true calling. They became hunters, specializing in rare and unusual creatures, and sold their wares - for ridiculous prices - to the people that passed through.

It was in this environment of extreme nature that Tier was born, and together, the family prospered. It was a good life.

At least until an angry beast attacked. Tier's parents were brutally killed, and Tier herself might have been if not for the discovery of her affinity for magic.

She was little more than a toddler - having barely learned to speak let alone do other normal proper dwarven things - when this all occurred, and suddenly found herself alone in the woods without a family.

Luckily, a pack of dire wolves came to investigate the fresh kill and found Tier. Taking pity on the young Dwarf for some reason, they took her in and fed her for the night.

That night of feeding became 45 long years of companionship as Tier lived, protected and was protected by the pack and the surrounding forest. She ran when they ran, when they moved, she moved, when they howled she howled with them. She learned all about the forest and survival, and loved every second of it. Life was good once again.

She began working as a guide through the treacherous sections of the forest, more to protect the nature from the people than vice versa. It was through these interactions that she learned her various languages and the majority of information about the non-animal world. Unfortunately, as time went on, and more parties came through, she realized that her adoptive family was in more and more danger of accidentally being attacked, and her job was getting harder and harder.

She realized that it was time to move on, so when the pack moved on - as they did every so often - she did as well, only not with them. It was time for her to be her own wolf... er... person.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Druid (Moon) 1

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Druidic, Elven, Sylvan


Strength: 15


Dexterity: 10


Constitution: 16


Intelligence: 14


Wisdom: 17


Charisma: 11



:( Sad, Poor Druid

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Now finished! Complete with fancy formatting and backstory. (Lemme know if any of the stats or skills or anything are hard to understand.)

  • .
    Name: 'Nyssa'

    Class: Rouge

    Race: Human

    Age: 24

    Background: Urchin

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Languages: Common, Theives' Cant, Infernal, Undercommon
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4844a73f_Femalemonk.jpg.82c75a66b8c18c604b8dc1c192e656fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74241" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c4844a73f_Femalemonk.jpg.82c75a66b8c18c604b8dc1c192e656fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> All of the information is in the following document:

also, here is the image^^^^^^<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c484474e1_AstriannaHorohai-Copy_pdf.20a52f8ae38bb631cf3ef8ddc69c7c0e" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74240" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/57a8c484474e1_AstriannaHorohai-Copy_pdf.20a52f8ae38bb631cf3ef8ddc69c7c0e" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Astrianna Horohai - Copy.pdf



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Protagonist said:
Name: Agent Aaron Joefiel

Race: Human

Age: 20


He's a white human male around 5' 7" tall. He has black hair tied into a very short ponytail. His skin is a bit pale, and he doesn't look like a guy who goes out into the sun a lot. His face is slightly angular. His eyes are slightly deep set and brown colored. His nose is slightly hook shaped.

Character Picture (optional):


Trinket or Nicnak:


A Silver Spoon with "M" engraved on the handle.

Background & backstory: Spy

Aaron grew up on a farm. As long as Aaron can remember, he had wanted to become a constable. So, when he became old enough, he ran off to the nearest big city and looked to see if they had any positions open. They let him onto the city watch.

He excelled in training, and was eventually approached by agents of the crown who wanted him to do a job. They had him go undercover and infiltrate the local thieve's guild. He did so, and in a sting operation, had them driven out of the city.

Later on, he began to investigate internal corruption within his own constabulary. Just as he was about to find something major, the constabulatory kicked him out and claimed it was because he "had ties to a criminal group". He was arrested, but not found guilty (the agents of the crown pulled some strings to get him out of jail).

The courts didn't find him guilty, but he was still kicked off of the city watch anyways, and his reputation took a major hit. He left town and is now an officially sanctioned spy of the crown. He also helps people catch criminals for money.

Alignment: Lawful Good


Class (and level of class): Rogue LVL 1



(+15 Gold from Background-105 total)

-Saber (stat-wise it's to be treated as a Scimitar) (35 Gold)

-Sling (1 Silver)

-25 Bullet Stones (1 Gold)

-Crowbar (Background)

-A set of black common clothes with a hood. (Background)

-A leather belt with a pouch. (Background)

-Light Crossbow (25 Gold)

-20 Crossbow Bolts (20 Gold)

-A case for the Crossbow bolts (1 Gold)

-22 Gold


Max HP: 8

Armor Class: 15

Initiative: +3

Speed: 30 Ft

Strength & modifier: 11 (+0)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 16 (+3)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 16 (+3)

Saves (just write in your save for that stat)


Dexterity: +5


Intelligence: +5


Charisma: +3

(if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: +3

Animal Handling: 0

Arcana: +3

Athletics: 0

Deception: # +5

History: +3

Insight: 0

Intimidation: +3

Investigation: #+5


Nature: +3

Perception: # +5

Performance: +3

Persuasion: +3

Religion: +3

Slight of Hand: +3

Stealth: # +5

Survival: +0














creepingShade said:
Name: Drok Oakhoof

Race: Minotaur

Age: 26

Appearance: Drok is a seven and a half foot tall, bulky beast covered in shaggy black fur. Several burn scars crawl up his arms and across his chest, almost looking like tattoos. A pair of wicked looking horns grow out of his head, and they almost look as if they've been polished. His small brown eyes seem to glint with some hidden great intelligence and cunning. He typically wears

Character Picture (optional):
creepingShade said:
Ixacise said:

Ixacise said:
BackGround: The man who goes by the moniker of Rum Dragon does not prefer to give out his full origins despite the colorfulness of certain aspects. What is known that at an early age he had a stint working on boats learning the trade and swapping through many position. However he would grow tired of the work as well as his lack of climbing in the ranks. He would then leave his profession and wonder until he came into a certain group who had decided to induct him into their studies within their famed thirty-six chambers. His colorful background as a sailor and love of drinking is the cause of his odd name which has taken happily. He would learn much in various arts such as Chessboxing, fighting, and brewing. However he was not one to stay cloistered and such would leave to gain further mastery of what he learned there and into the outside world.
Spookums said:
Name: Nathaniel Durand

Race: Human (Using the Variant option)

Age: 28

Appearance: Tall and broad of shoulder, Nathaniel's face is one of square-jawed, but fresh-faced and clean-shaven countenance. The hair upon his head is a simple dark brown in colour, kept short by regular trimmings; courtesy of the army's barber.

Character Picture (optional):

Note: The one in the middle, with the plate armour (save for the gauntlets and helmet) replaced with chainmail. The green-coloured portions of the ensemble are instead a light blue, while the shield is emblazoned with several silver stars, arranged to form the Bison's Head constellation; a symbol of Kiri-Jolith.

Trinket or Knickknack:

Background: Soldier


The tale of young Nathaniel's youth was a simple one. Born to a hardworking blacksmith and his wife, the lad's early years were simple, but far from unsatisfying. Even in his earlier years, their neighbours described the boy as 'ox-like,' and it was quite an accurate description. Nathaniel was a far cry from brilliant, but possessed immense strength, accompanied by equal levels of dedication and enthusiasm. He would gladly help out family and neighbours alike in any matter where raw might was needed, and he would rarely disappoint in that regard.

las0r0o7 said:

Name: Ashatera Rin Gollare (Ash)

Race: Goliath

Age: 26

Appearance: 8ft 340lbs long black hair with a couple white streaks and never has a shirt on

CChaotPicture (optional):

las0r0o7 said:
Trinket or Nicnak: a coin with a pentagram engraved on it

Background & backstory (at least a paragraph or two please): Ash used to live in one of his own little villages up on the summit of a mountain with people that lived up there, some of course were relatives. One day the eldest (his great grandfather) wanted to have him banished from the village for 'not doing anything' and the way that the people worked that the eldest said was law. So he waited until nightfall and took his head, it wasn't until the next morning that they took him by force and all agreed on exile for treason. He was left wandering and defending himself for a few years (can think of more as I go)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Anti-Paladin Lvl 1

Equipment (weapons, armor, packs, food, if its not written here you don't have it) : Scythe, Thorned gauntlets, Spiked tower shield, Backpack (is a drawstring leather bag made from an entire cow) for carrying miscellaneous items and gold (is currently carrying, food and water rations for himself for another month, from his last hunt, a hand grind stone, 25 gold, and a blanket for sleeping)

Languages: Common, Giant


Max HP: 12

Hit Die: 2d4 (Scythe) 1d4 (Gauntlets) 1d6 (Shield)

Armor Class: 14 (gauntlets & shield)

Initiative: 0

Speed: 30

Strength: 20 +5

Dexterity: 17 +3

Constitution: 15 +2

Intelligence:7 -2

Wisdom: 6 -2

Charisma: 9 -1

Saves (just write in your save for that stat)

Strength: +5

Dexterity: +3

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: -2

Wisdom: +0

Charisma: -1

(if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: # +5

Animal Handling: -2

Arcana: -2

Athletics: # +7

Deception: -1

History: -2

Insight: -2

Intimidation: # +1

Investigation: -2

Medicine: -2

Nature: -2

Perception: -2

Performance: -1

Persuasion: -1

Religion: -2

Slight of Hand: +3

Stealth: +3

Survival: # +0
Orikanyo said:
Name: Imperia Volarion

Race: Human(Variant)

Age: 23 years old

Character Picture

View attachment 164785

GinjaGen said:
WIP (Gonna upload the sheet any day now...)


Race: Hill Dwarf

Age: 52

Appearance: Short but deceptively strong, Tier stands at about 4'2." She has bright green eyes like the folliage she likes to call home, and hair as white as Opal.

GinjaGen said:
Trinket: Wolf Tooth on a string around her neck. (Given as a gift)

Background: Outlander


Tier has always lived in the woods, though the same can't be said for her parents. Once upon a time they were part of a particularly awesome (and only partially not evil) party of adventurers. Their adventures only ended when her father took an arrow and stabbed a guard in the knee with it - while her mother held the man still - thus ending the guard's adventuring days... all "accidentally" of course.

Needless to say, the rest of the group - not to mention the remaining guards of the small town - weren't too happy with this "accident," and Tier's parents found themselves chased out of town and into the wilderness.

It was here, exiled and horrifically lost in the hills, that her parents found their true calling. They became hunters, specializing in rare and unusual creatures, and sold their wares - for ridiculous prices - to the people that passed through.

It was in this environment of extreme nature that Tier was born, and together, the family prospered. It was a good life.

At least until an angry beast attacked. Tier's parents were brutally killed, and Tier herself might have been if not for the discovery of her affinity for magic.

She was little more than a toddler - having barely learned to speak let alone do other normal proper dwarven things - when this all occurred, and suddenly found herself alone in the woods without a family.

Luckily, a pack of dire wolves came to investigate the fresh kill and found Tier. Taking pity on the young Dwarf for some reason, they took her in and fed her for the night.

That night of feeding became 45 long years of companionship as Tier lived, protected and was protected by the pack and the surrounding forest. She ran when they ran, when they moved, she moved, when they howled she howled with them. She learned all about the forest and survival, and loved every second of it. Life was good once again.

She began working as a guide through the treacherous sections of the forest, more to protect the nature from the people than vice versa. It was through these interactions that she learned her various languages and the majority of information about the non-animal world. Unfortunately, as time went on, and more parties came through, she realized that her adoptive family was in more and more danger of accidentally being attacked, and her job was getting harder and harder.

She realized that it was time to move on, so when the pack moved on - as they did every so often - she did as well, only not with them. It was time for her to be her own wolf... er... person.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Druid (Moon) 1

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Druidic, Elven, Sylvan


Strength: 15


Dexterity: 10


Constitution: 16


Intelligence: 14


Wisdom: 17


Charisma: 11



Jaye said:
Now finished! Complete with fancy formatting and backstory. (Lemme know if any of the stats or skills or anything are hard to understand.)
  • .
    Name: 'Nyssa'

    Class: Rouge

    Race: Human

    Age: 24

    Background: Urchin

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Languages: Common, Theives' Cant, Infernal, Undercommon
[QUOTE="Thane Korino]Background:
Juno was 'born' or 'created' in a small nomadic tribe. Whether he was truely born, created or summoned is a secret that was never really revealed to him. (He was born from a female Oracle who was to give birth to the reincarnation of the Necromancer by both prophecy and an old spell that has them be born againafter a while). Either way at a young age he was often followed around and held as an inspirational figure because of their 'original' often referred to the villagers as the previous incarnation. Which was a very powerful and cunning necromancer with the same name and appearence, although their name is mostly covered up by the current religions now a days.

Juno was raised with such and never doubted the idea of being another version of the necromancer. Despite the fact they did not have or train in the power of necromancy, the villagers did not seem to mind for they knew that this was not the first time such had occured. Sooner or later, he was sent off to retrieve the ring and whatever else they desired from the original Necromancer's tomb. Not wanting to disturb it so much they nearly took the ring and an out of place interesting looking gear.

A hiearch from one of the main temples found out but the odd beliefs and the mentioning of an necromancer coming back. Viewing that said necromancer as 'evil' and thusly the rest of the villagers. Soon the village and most of the villagers were wiped out and 'cleansed' except for a few who ran. Juno himself didn't seem to be able to handle the madness and since he was consindered another version of the necromancer, although a child, he received a painful branding burned into his back in the shape of some odd rune.

That day, Juno swore to get vegeance upon hierach if not the whole temple for such an act.

Being abandoned and alone, it was quite lucky that Juno had been able to head off into another town. Having to adapt and learn how to use new skills, deceiving, persuading, stealing and running away seemed to be the got to skills. As well as the occasional odder jobs. From his work, his life has become a bit more improved, altough he still looks back on his past. Wondering more about their previous self, the mysteries left around them and their past and also the horrors for not being able to defend the village and the pain the temple hierachy caused. Although there is always the option of just trying to become a prospector or just a treasure hunter.

:( Sad, Poor Druid


Appearance description: As you see above, minus the jolly ol' helper skeletons, don't worry they're volunteers.

Trinket or Nicnak: a 1 pound red shelled egg.

Background: Noble

Backstory: the pen is mightier then a sword, for a blade can make a man kneel, but the written word can crumple a kingdom, empty it's coffers, force it's people out of their land, with all the effort of a few swishes of a ink pen, and the press of a seal on wax. She was raised with not a care in the world, with private tutelage in the ways of wizardry, courtesy of her uncle, a man who was once a teacher of the school of necromancy before he retired due to a "horrible reanimation accident" resulting in the loss of his legs, one arm and his left eye, apparently he was lucky.

She was indeed living the high life, as anybody would expect of a noble born daughter, modesty just wasn't in her name... unless is benefited her of course, indeed that last part right there seems to be the excuse for anything she does in her life, the pursuit of self benefit. For if there is nothing she loves more, is money, and where is money? in the hands of others, that wont do at all, this conundrum continued for about a year before she spied her father paying some passing adventurers for a job, apparently some sort of kobold problem in a cave somewhere... it didn't interest her one bit until she asked them why they would even bother putting themselves in danger.. until one of them boasted how they secured more money then what their being paid now within the caves... that lit a few lightbulbs in the woman's mind. She had skills in the ways of the contract and quill, but the blade? perhaps she could mix those skills... there was only one way she could find out...

Alignment: Lawful, Evil or as I call her. Lawful,bitch.

EXP: 0

Class: Wizard 1st level


Fine clothes, signet ring, Scroll of pedigree(proof of nobility, name and standing), dagger inscribed on the side says "A sharp knife is a safe knife." in Common, backpack, Scroll case with a few blank pages of velum within, ink pen/ink bottle, spell book, diary, sealing wax, Arcane focus rod, blanket, 3 days ration, 1 water skin. Hairbrush, spell component pouch, umbrella.

Languages: Common, Elvish, Infernal, Undercommon, Dwarvish

Gold: 96

Silver: 2

Copper: 8


Max HP: 7

Hit Die: 1d6

Armor Class: 12

Initiative: 2

Speed: 30

Strength & modifier: 7 Mod: -2

Dexterity: 14 Mod: 2

Constitution: 12 mod:1

Intelligence: 15+1+1(feat) = 17 Mod: 3

Wisdom: 8 mod:-1

Charisma: 13+1= 14 mod:2

Saves (just write in your save for that stat)

Strength: -2

Dexterity: 2

Constitution: 1

Intelligence:# 5

Wisdom:# 1

Charisma: 2

(if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: 2

Animal Handling: 2

Arcana:# 5

Athletics: -2

Deception: 2

History:# 5

Insight: -1

Intimidation:# 4

Investigation:# 5

Medicine: 3

Nature: 3

Perception: -1

Performance: 2

Persuasion:# 3

Religion: 3

Slight of Hand: 2

Stealth: 2

Survival: -1


(human variant) Linguist, +1 Int, +3 languages, can create written ciphers, this cannot be deciphered unless taught, succeed on a intelligence check Dc int mod + proficiency bonus or use magic.


Light Crossbow, dagger, quarterstaff, sling, dragon-chess game set,



ATT: 2(proficiency)+2(Dexterity)= 4

1d4+2 Piercing, Light, Finesse, thrown. (range 20/60)


0 level cantrips

Ray of frost, range 60 feet, ranged touch atack, on hit 1d8 + lower target's speed by 10 feet

Light, emits light, 1 hour duration.

Mage hand

1st level spells known, #= slotted

detect magic # what it says on the tin.

Witch bolt # ranged touch attack, range 30 feet, 1d12, 1d12 for each round an action is used to sustain.

Mage armor #, duration 8 hours, touch, unarmored target's AC becomes 13+dex modifier.

Magic missile range 120, 1d4+1, +1 missile if put in spell slot higher then 1.

Thunderwave, 15 foot cone, DC 13 constitution, 2d8 thunder damage and pushed 10 feet away from caster on failed save, halve damage and no push if success, unsecured objects get pushed 10 feet and blast is audible 300 feet away.

Arcane recovery: 1 first level spell each rest recoverable.

However, there must come a time where a boy truly becomes a man, and must walk down a path of his own choosing. Having little proficiency for his father's craft, Nathaniel instead chose to take up arms and serve his country. Thus, he enlisted in the army, and marched off to do battle with whomever would seek to threaten the sanctity of his homeland. Or at least, that was the intention. After completing his basic training, most of Nathaniel's military life was spent on fairly quiet patrols, with the occasional minor skirmish against some brigands.

Eventually, things took a turn for the arguably worse, as Nathaniel's patrol was ambushed in the night by a band of roving Draconians. Despite being outnumbered, the foul reptilians were more than a match for the minimally experienced soldiers. The matter was only worsened by the beasts turning to stone when slain, usually trapping whatever weapon was used to dispatch them. One of the Draconians managed to topple Nathaniel, and proceeded to bring its greataxe down towards his head. While doubtful that it would work, the young soldier brought his shield to bear, hoping it would hold strong, or at least lessen the impact.

When the axe and shield collided, however, it harmlessly bounced off, having been repulsed in a flash of light. For reasons beyond Nathaniel or his companion's comprehension, this occurrence drove back the Draconians, thus winning them the day. (Or the night, if you want to get into semantics) Before rising to his feet, the young lad looked up at the night sky, and noticed something intriguing. A particular collection of stars was shining ever so slightly brighter than the rest, as if attempting to stand out. While not all that familiar with constellations, Nathaniel could see that they formed a shape, vaguely resembling a bison's head in appearance.

Not knowing what to make of this, he sought out the guidance of the local garrison's priest. To say that the holy man's response was ecstatic would be an understatement. Taking it as a sign from the one of the gods themselves, the priest immediately took action. After 'calmly persuading' his commanding officer to discharge Nathaniel from active duty posthaste, the former soldier was taken into the fold of Kiri-Jolith's faithful. He would then spend the next two years learning the tenets of the Sword of Justice, and his future duties as an agent of His will. Coincidentally, this was when Nathaniel was also taught how to read and write, so as to better understand the holy texts.

With his enthusiasm reforged into zeal, and courage filling his heart, Nathaniel was deemed ready.

Much of his wages earned as a soldier were spent on his own arms, armour, and supplies, while his clerical mentors donated a shield to complete the ensemble. Now a newly trained Paladin of the Bison of Heaven, Nathaniel Durand set out into the world, so that he may bring justice, wherever it is required.

Alignment: Lawful Good

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Paladin, Level 1


-Chain Mail (Helmet and Gauntlets included for flavour reasons)


-Shield, serves as a Holy Symbol of Kiri-Jolith

-Light Hammer

-Deck of cards

-Common clothes

-Belt pouch (contains 10 GP)

-Military Insignia, that of a common soldier, to be precise.

-Piece of stone, chipped off a slain Draconian.

-Explorer's Pack

Languages: Common, Dwarvish


Max HP: 12

Hit Dice: 1d10

Armor Class: 18 (Chain Mail + Shield)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 30

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Strength & modifier: 18 (+4)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 6 (-2)

Wisdom: 13 (+1)

Charisma: 16 (+3)


Strength: +4

Dexterity: +2

Constitution: +2

Intelligence: -2

Wisdom:# +3

Charisma:# +5


Acrobatics: +2

Animal Handling: +1

Arcana: -2

Athletics:# +6

Deception: +3

History: -2

Insight:# +3

Intimidation:# +5

Investigation: -2

Medicine: +1

Nature: -2

Perception:# +3

Performance: +3

Persuasion:# +5

Religion: -2

Sleight of Hand: +2

Stealth: +2

Survival: +1

Other Proficiencies

All armour, shields, simple weapons, martial weapons, playing cards, and land vehicles.


Shield Master

Attack Bonus and Weapon Stats

A.B.: 2 (proficiency) + 4 (Strength bonus) = +6

Longsword: 1d8 + 4 Slashing, Versatile (1d10)

Light hammer: 1d4 + 4 Bludgeoning, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60)


A small idol depicting a nightmarish creature that gives you unsettling dreams when you sleep near it.

Background: Outlander

Backstory: Drok grew up among a nomadic tribe of minotaurs, always wandering and moving to where they thought they would be far enough away from civilization to avoid being slaughtered by adventurers hoping to make a name for themselves. They've trekked through ancient forests and deep caverns, and rarely stay in a spot for more than a few months. Drok made a small family for himself in his tribe, a wife and a young calf, and was happy with his life.

That all changed one day while he was out foraging for his families dinner. A group of explorer's must have seen him, because next thing he remembered was something slamming into the back of his head and then darkness. He woke up later far far from home, chained up in some sort of dungeon or prison. Later he was sold to a man in the city, and he spent the next few years as a slave.

Recently, he found the bars on his room's window complete gone, through some miracle managed to escape the city and make it to the forest. He heard a voice in his head laughing, and found himself possessing strange powers after a few days in the wilds. Drok doesn't understand what happened, and sometimes he feels like something's watching him, but all the cares about now is looking for his tribe.

Alignment: Neutral

EXP: 0

Class (and level of class): Warlock 1 (Fey Pact)

Equipment (weapons, armor, packs, food, if its not written here you don't have it):

Shortbow (25 gp)

40 Arrows (2 gp)

Leather Armor (10 gp)

Staff (5 gp)

Explorer's Pack (10 gp)

Spell Component Pouch (25 gp)

3 gp

Languages: Common, Giant


Max HP: 11

Armor Class: 14

Initiative: +3

Speed: 30

Strength: 12 (+1)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 16 (+3)

Intelligence: 15 (+2)

Wisdom: 11 (+0)

Charisma: 18 (+4)


Strength: +1

Dexterity: +3

Constitution: +3

Intelligence: +2

Wisdom: # +2

Charisma: # +6

Skills (if proficient put "#" and your mod for it, otherwise just put mod)

Acrobatics: +3

Animal Handling:

Arcana: +2

Athletics: # +3

Deception: +4

History: +2

Insight: +0

Intimidation: # +6

Investigation: +2

Medicine: +0

Nature: # +4

Perception: +0

Performance: +4

Persuasion: +4

Religion: +2

Slight of Hand: +3

Stealth: +3

Survival: # +2

Other Proficiencies

Navigators Tools

Vehicles (Water)

Instrument (Drum)

Spells Known


Eldritch Blast

Mage Hand

Level 1

Armor of Agathys


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Umbrie Shadowsong 5e.pdf


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Now finished! Complete with (stolen) fancy formatting.

  • .
    Name: 'Joff the Thunderaxe'

    Class: Barbarian

    Race: Half-Orc

    Age: 19

    Background: Folk Hero

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Languages: Common, Orc, Primordial
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