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Fantasy Divinity Unbound OOC

ChoShadow ChoShadow

Um curious about the dragon form thing, should I fill that out or no? I don't think I should but I'm just checking to make sure.
ChoShadow ChoShadow

Um curious about the dragon form thing, should I fill that out or no? I don't think I should but I'm just checking to make sure.

If your character is in fact one of the Dragon Race, then yes, please fill out the Dragon Form section of the profile. If they're not a Dragon, then you can omit that from your profile.
If your character is in fact one of the Dragon Race, then yes, please fill out the Dragon Form section of the profile. If they're not a Dragon, then you can omit that from your profile.
Oh! Okay... Yeah I figured that was the case. But thanks for clarifying.

Anyways please check my character out to see if everything's okay, like stuff that doesn't break stuff up like my magic choice or her backstory.
Oh! Okay... Yeah I figured that was the case. But thanks for clarifying.

Anyways please check my character out to see if everything's okay, like stuff that doesn't break stuff up like my magic choice or her backstory.

I just finished checking, and you're all good. I like what you did for her back story and how it's her heart that draws her to the Dragon's side where most of the rest of the world turns a deaf ear. It makes her more endearing for the character I'm currently fine tuning and preparing to add to the RP.
btw, finished my character if you wanna scrutinise it?

Your profile is just about done, but I need a bit more in the bio section. The paragraphs you have fall short of the seven sentence minimum requirement, so once you fatten those up with a few more details you'll be good to go.

And yes, there's a method to the madness when asking for that much in a single paragraph. What's the madness? That's for me to know.

Anyway, something that might help buff up the bio would be to consider and potentially answer the following questions I thought up while reading through your profile:

* Even if the Fisi and Duma don't know what they're fighting over, do you?
* And if the answer to the above is "yes," then may we please be enlightened as well? (It would help us empathize with both the two races as well as your character)

* What specifically about Mwana helped him survive the torturous conditions he was living under?
- Was it his own willpower? His determination to survive? His quick wits? What was special about him to help him survive and, in a very odd sense, thrive under the pressure?

* As he grew up, how did his relationship with Savannah develop and change?
- Was it always platonic? Were there any romantic feelings involved or which developed?

* Also, as he grew, what about his practice with magic was most grueling and dangerous for him?
- Being a creature with fur covering his body, it couldn't have been easy learning to use something that would naturally harm his body if used incorrectly. Fur burns really easily, especially in drier climates as the hairs dry out due to lack of moisture. Was he in a well moisturized climate, a dry climate, did the changing of seasons play a role? How did his practice in magic change as he learned to harness and control the magic? How did his approach to practicing magic change?

* And perhaps the biggest question... How did he successfully hide his magic practice from the Duma for so long before fleeing?

If you can answer these questions with any level of detail, the sentence requirement should be fulfilled in no time. When you're finished, let me know and I'll count them up and make sure they're all there and you should be golden.
I just finished checking, and you're all good. I like what you did for her back story and how it's her heart that draws her to the Dragon's side where most of the rest of the world turns a deaf ear. It makes her more endearing for the character I'm currently fine tuning and preparing to add to the RP.
Sweet! Yeah, it was kinda hard for me to use seven sentences since I prefer using the standard five for my characters. Anyways I may need some Light spells because I have no idea what to do for those, if you don't mind helping me out.
Sweet! Yeah, it was kinda hard for me to use seven sentences since I prefer using the standard five for my characters. Anyways I may need some Light spells because I have no idea what to do for those, if you don't mind helping me out.

Light Magic is, essentially, the focusing of electromagnetic radiation (light) to alter the light levels of your immediate environment or, if you're more aggressively inclined, focus them into deadly concentrated beams of lethal force.

A Light Mage, if trained properly, could focus enough Light Magic to punch a hole clean through the planet. Though that hole would be very small, likely only the size of your thumb nail, punching a hole through the planet is no joke or laughing matter.

Often times things don't go that far. Rather the concentrated beams of light are about as thick as your arm and can knock foes clean off their feet and potentially burn their clothing and armor (if they're wearing armor).

Most commonly Light Magic is used to brighten or darken specific areas around the user at will depending on the situation. And when it comes to offense and defense, it can vary as to what kinds of spells you want to use, again, depending on the situation.

If, for example, you are alone and facing a group of around 5 or 6 enemies who are intent on just robbing you and running off, simply darkening the immediate environment (kind of like creating a dome of now decreasing light turning the dome pitch black) would be enough for you to get away clean without causing any real damage. But let's say those same guys want to kill you... Well, if you darken the environment, you could also potentially strip away the heat from that dome and freeze them to death in self defense.

Light is, after all, still a form of heat energy. The less light there is, the colder it gets. When you strip all light from a specific zone, temperatures can drop to Absolute Zero, or Zero Degrees Kelvin. And how does the user protect themselves from that extreme drop of temperature? Encase their bodies in a tightly compact bubble (if you will) of natural light so they feel the same temperature as that outside the dome while their enemies freeze.

Again, that's an extreme example of what a Light Mage can do and it almost never has to go that far. But if in the event things do get that bad, sometimes you have no choice and this is the quickest way to get the job done.

All forms of magic in this RP have some extremely powerful uses when their wielders are backed into a corner and have no other alternative. Light Magic, as with Darkness Magic, is powerful enough to do what I mentioned above in dire straits.
ChoShadow ChoShadow I couldn’t help but notice that Mending healing magic manipulated the body. Is there a way for me to make a character that uses Mending on himself to grant him enhanced regeneration and weaponised body modifications?
ChoShadow ChoShadow I couldn’t help but notice that Mending healing magic manipulated the body. Is there a way for me to make a character that uses Mending on himself to grant him enhanced regeneration and weaponised body modifications?

Unfortunately, no. This isn't that kind of RP.

Mending Magic is going to be focused around the word "mending" in its most basic definition of "fixing" the body rather than enhancing it.

Yes. That's much better. Thank you.

You're good to go.

Once I complete my other profiles which I've since added below Sil'Eph Niir's profile, and perhaps if we can get a couple more people involved if my strict adherence to the way I've set up RP world doesn't drive them off before hand, we can get started soon.
Unfortunately, no. This isn't that kind of RP.

Mending Magic is going to be focused around the word "mending" in its most basic definition of "fixing" the body rather than enhancing it.

Not sure what you mean by "that kind or RP" but okay~!

So what about that dark magic? Can I use something to with that or is there a rule I missed?
Not sure what you mean by "that kind or RP" but okay~!

So what about that dark magic? Can I use something to with that or is there a rule I missed?

You can use dark magic, yes.

And when I say "that kind of RP" I mean an RP where bodily modification is a thing at all. About the most you'll see of body modification here is a wooden peg leg or a piece of hooked metal replacing what used to be a hand. Yarr matey!
You can use dark magic, yes.

And when I say "that kind of RP" I mean an RP where bodily modification is a thing at all. About the most you'll see of body modification here is a wooden peg leg or a piece of hooked metal replacing what used to be a hand. Yarr matey!

I couldn't find anything specific to dark magic, so what exactly are the applications of it? Or do I just include "dark magic" in the cs and play it by ear?
Also, do I get my own pet demon friend? : D
I couldn't find anything specific to dark magic, so what exactly are the applications of it? Or do I just include "dark magic" in the cs and play it by ear?
Also, do I get my own pet demon friend? : D

Dark Magic is very similar to Light Magic which is why they're considered "equals and opposites" in the RP.

They are both forms of control over light (or electromagnetic radiation). But where Light Mages use light to adjust and focus various levels of light in their environment, Dark Mages by contrast exclusively sap the electromagnetic radiation from the air entirely which essentially strips the area of light altogether.

If a Darkness Mage and a Light Mage entered battle against one another, it's anyone's guess as to who would win. Likely the faster Mage would be the victor. The Light Mage, if they were fast enough, could greatly enhance the light in the ambient environment robbing the Dark mage of any viable material to use against them thus rendering them essentially powerless. The Darkness Mage, if they were fast enough, could strip all light from the area entirely rendering the Light Mage powerless.

Equals and opposites. Focusing light levels, and stripping it entirely.

Even when a Light Mage turns down the lights into pitch black levels and Absolute Zero temperatures, there is still traces of the light present which is how they can turn the lights back on. But a Dark Mage strips all light from the area so it cannot be turned back on until their spell is either broken by a more powerful spell or forcibly removed by the caster themselves.

At the same time, Dark Mages can also use the darkness in a similar manner as Light Mages can use the light. But if Light represents Order, Darkness represents Chaos. Light is very linear which is why it forms beams which are fired in straight lines. Darkness, on the other hand, can be used to create wild and almost flame-like bursts of power which are unpredictable and, while not as lethal from a straight on impact, just as dangerous with all the various angles from which they can strike you.

And as for a Demon pet/friend. No.

The Demons of the Nether Realm are all Dark Gods, equal and opposite to the Gods in the Higher Realm. They abhor the light and life created by the Gods in all of its forms. No matter how evil a mortal is, the Nether Realm Demons would never ally themselves with them or view them as friends enough to fight beside them.

The only reason they are currently using "minions" in their quest to revive Maglissos is because they do not have to interact with them directly to make it happen, and at the same time they don't have to use or waste their own power. Their dark influence slips through dimensions and taints the hearts of mortals who are sensitive to their power, and this allows the Demons to whisper in the mortal's ears from the Nether Realm and force them to do their bidding. Useful pawns, but not allies. Once Maglissos is revived, all the mortal pawns used will be slaughtered just as quickly and mercilessly as those who resist them.
would it make sense for a dragon to be a follower of another god?


The Dragons know exactly who it was who created them, and Sil'Eph Niir is physically there sleeping beneath the Earth in a massive cave system beneath their home.

They know of the other Gods because She told the first Dragons about them, but they do not worship the Gods at all. They don't even worship Sil'Eph Niir. Rather they simply revere Her as their Mother. But they don't worship.

The Dragons know exactly who it was who created them, and Sil'Eph Niir is physically there sleeping beneath the Earth in a massive cave system beneath their home.

They know of the other Gods because She told the first Dragons about them, but they do not worship the Gods at all. They don't even worship Sil'Eph Niir. Rather they simply revere Her as their Mother. But they don't worship.

fair enough :)

say, would anyone like to do a character with pre-relations to mine? (i could make a new one, and do it that way if needed)

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