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Without a word, pause, or even the slightest modicum of shame, he whipped it out and showed her.

It wasn't.

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"Eighty-nine points...!"


"What in the goddamn 'ell...that wasn't an invitation to show it off, you fucking idiot!"
“So, ‘ey, bouncer lady, robots or anybody even slightly related to the security of this place...if I really went to put a boot up this idiot’s clunge, would that get me DQ’d or thrown out or somethin’ like that?”

She was real tempted to actually do it.​
“So, ‘ey, bouncer lady, robots or anybody even slightly related to the security of this place...if I really went to put a boot up this idiot’s clunge, would that get me DQ’d or thrown out or somethin’ like that?”

She was real tempted to actually do it.


"Are you talking to me?"

The Ace's bouncer inquired from nearby, mystified as to why the hell she'd know. The nearest server droid was more helpful, chiming in with a polite intonance. "All acts of aggression between competitors are strictly forbidden outside of officially designated Semblance Pit objectives. Disputes may be resolved with both parties' consent using the sparring arena on the gymnasium level."

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"Are you talking to me?"

The Ace's bouncer inquired from nearby, mystified as to why the hell she'd know. The nearest server droid was more helpful, chiming in with a polite intonance. "All acts of aggression between competitors are strictly forbidden outside of officially designated Semblance Pit objectives. Disputes may be resolved with both parties' consent using the sparring arena on the gymnasium level."

Her gaze drifted back to the big guy’s face after the droid was finished speaking, a single eyebrow quirking up in silent ask.​
Her gaze drifted back to the big guy’s face after the droid was finished speaking, a single eyebrow quirking up in silent ask.

"Pass. Only a fool gives a foe insight to their abilities hours before going to war with them." He threw back dismissively, finally and mercifully rebuckling his belt.​

"Pass. Only a fool gives a foe insight to their abilities hours before going to war with them." He threw back dismissively, finally and mercifully rebuckling his belt.​

“As I figured. All bark and no bite.” She shrugged, not the least bit disappointed. “Keep your voice down from now on or better yet, just keep your mouth shut, you giant blowhard.” With that, she walked away, no longer bothering to give that oaf even the slightest amount of attention.​
“As I figured. All bark and no bite.” She shrugged, not the least bit disappointed. “Keep your voice down from now on or better yet, just keep your mouth shut, you giant blowhard.” With that, she walked away, no longer bothering to give that oaf even the slightest amount of attention.


The thunder in his voice was louder than ever.​
Neo pressed even farther against the wall as Char stepped closer and squeezed her eyes shut and turned away from what she seemed to think was an inevitable oncoming hit, her whole body shivering as... nothing happened. She cracked one eye open as he spoke, and once it was apparent that she wasn't about to get battered around or run through, her shoulders sagged as she let out a deep, shaky breath and gave him a wan smile as he turned to leave. Apparently, just because he was an assassin didnt' mean he was a complete monster, willing to show mercy or keep innocents out of the line of fire.

She'd absolutely keep that in mind while she was kicking his ass.

Char looked back over his shoulder and saw the smile.

"Nice kid."

midway through his last sentence, his steps were interrupted as Neo slid between his legs from behind with a deathly silent step, using her size to her advantage as she situated the parasol so that one end was pressed against the front of one of Char's legs and the other side against the back of the other leg before she twisted it with all her might at the same time that she stood up, intent on sending him sprawling through the air in time for her to complete a full rotation and plant a foot square into his side and send him tumbling down the hallway. She planted her feet afterwards in a dancer's pirouette and patiently waited for him to get his bearings, a light smile on her face and with Hush resting across her shoulders.

She didn't really know who the Bound Ashes were outside of that brief conversation earlier, or why they'd send a freaking hitman team after Mercury, but none of that matter now that they were here;

Wait, what???

He immediately reached for the hilt of Riot Breaker but it was too late. Neo's plan went off without a hitch and he was left flat on his back.

Huh. So that was a thing that just happened.

Hopping back onto his feet, Char couldn't help but grumble.


"Nobody likes a liar, little lady. I asked if you wanted to fight and you shook your head. Jeez, you trying to break my neck with all that tumblin??"

Still, those were some pretty classy moves. Someone with more grace like Vanile might have appreciated it more. Char was a lot of things but he would never have put graceful and or nimble as one of them. Brushing himself off, he scoffed. "You're not half bad, y'know? Most people usually run when they figure out what I've done. You know what that is, don't you? You seem like a smart kid." He drew Riot Breaker from it's scabbard and the humming began anew. "Manipulation of the elements, illusions, tricks of the mind, whatever. It's all kaput, zilch, im-po-tent now. In other words you better be damn good with that parasol because..." He tucked the scabbard away and watched as the hallway was illuminated by the shine of the electricity surging from Riot Breaker's blade. "Your semblance is worth about jackshit and jack left town."

Fighting in a relatively tight space like this hallway hadn't been his first choice. He was hoping to find and fight Black's kid and his friends in a wide open space like the front end or something. IIn a hallway there was no dancing around it. Things were going to get wrecked and that really pained him.

Ah well, he'd have Blanche take the bartender out on a date and pay for the damages once all was said and done. His partner was good at smoothing things over like that.

'Speakin of Blanche, what the hell could be the problem out there? Half this street should have been geriatrics by now. Yet I don't even hear him yelling.'

He knew his partner's semblance needed some time to get rolling. The mist needed to spread and it got the most effectiveness out of non-fighters/civilians. If anything had gone wrong like a drunken bandit sticking her nose in their business...Well, he was gonna be occupied for the time being. He'd just have to hope that Blanche could handle things himself for a bit.


"Three minutes. Three minutes is my prediction."

He spread his feet apart and started to sprint down the hall towards Neo, the humming growing louder as he dragged Riot Breaker's blade across the wall, streaks of electricity flowing along the tears in the wood as he did so. Once he drew close enough, he swung downwards with the blunt side of Riot Breaker to try and induce an electric shock through contact alone. Cold-blooded as these kids apparently were to off Malachite, Char didn't know how to explain it but unless his hands were tied? He didn't really wanna kill the kid. He'd been mostly joking before but if he'd taken that tumble the wrong way in a one-in a million-chance, he could have broken his neck.

Besides, they were here to see if they were worth recruiting right? The last thing he wanted was to off em before the fun really got underway!

"Show me your stuff, kid! C'MON!!!!"
"Stress relief." She hissed out with a voice heavy with that irritation. Her eyes darkened again, but this time it was different. She went back to using her semblance, but instead of doing it for a lengthy blindness, she went to use it in a burst this time so that it did not put too much of a strain on her aura. To leave as much of it as possible to help slow the effect of that guy's own semblance. The short time of blindness Blanche got stricken with, followed by him seeing just fine...it gave Vernal the appearance that she had just teleported, given how she was suddenly in a different position than she had been when he last saw her. He didn't have much time to appreciate that fact though, since by the time his sight returned, her fist was already on its way towards smashing his nose.

Maybe it was due to his lengthy carer as a hitman but he just couldn't understand Vernal's reasoning.

He didn't believe that she wasn't fighting for someone or something. Was she friends with Black's kid and the friends Aurora had mentioned? The timing of her attack didn't leave it open to many more possibilities than that. Why stick your nose out for someone when you could avoid it entirely by staying quiet and out of the way? Instead here she was duking it out with him on the streets of Mistral. Oh and there went her eyes again. "Damn it!" He cried out while trying to lash out at where Vernal had been. If he could just knock her out then he could stop and catch his breath. Al of this fighting while keeping his semblance active was quickly growing into quite the problem.

It was to late, he was blind yet again. His fist hit nothing but air.


Blanche stumbled back and as Vernal pulled her fist back, she'd see it covered in a healthy gloss of blood.

"Oh..Ok. Now you've gone and done it.."
The moment it hit, or it was dodged in an impressive display of reflex, either way his vision darkened again and when it lit back up a second or two later, Vernal was no longer in sight. The only warning he got of the incoming elbow strike coming for the back of his head intended to slam him down facefirst into the ground was his aura alerting him of danger.
The blow knocked him to the ground.

This whole thing was getting out of hand. He couldn't focus on messing up the people on this stret with Vernal breathing down his neck.

"Sorry Char.~"

Placing his hands on the ground, mist covered and obscured Blanche from view. Grabbing his pistol from where it'd been tossed, he burst from the mist on a sprint right towards the bar. Once he crossed the threshold, he knew things were either gonna turn to shit or improve. You had to be optimistic when things looked bleak. As he slumped against the side of the wall beside the doors leading into the bar, the mist started to fade and Vernal could see her wrinkles fading away along with the others on the street slowly turning back to normal. "You're right, y'know? No semblances, no weapons." He holstered his pistol. "Just a straight up brawl, huh?"


'Course semblances won't work now that I'm standing here but if I take her down then I can just restart 'Beyond the Years.' '

He could hear the humming coming from Riot Breaker after having approached the bar. Which meant things were really getting underway.

Time to settle this.​
“So uhhhh, what now...?”

"I leave." Eve answered distractedly, her back to Ilia as she shrugged on her jacket and started zipping it up. Which wasn't to say she didn't feel better than she had in a long time, having pointed out she wasn't some Atlesian schoolgirl and continued playfully bullying/topping her for the next fifteen minutes. Her rebuilt aloofness was just who she was, and past that some of the other notes they hit on during their conversation had her... thinking about things.​

"I leave." Eve answered distractedly, her back to Ilia as she shrugged on her jacket and started zipping it up. Which wasn't to say she didn't feel better than she had in a long time, having pointed out she wasn't some Atlesian schoolgirl and continued playfully bullying/topping her for the next fifteen minutes. Her rebuilt aloofness was just who she was, and past that some of the other notes they hit on during their conversation had her... thinking about things.​

"...Right. Yeah." That made all the sense. As good as that had felt, as much as she might have enjoyed just being wrapped up in a hug for however long it could be extended...nothing lasts forever. Least of all dreams or fantasies, and truth be told some part of her still wasn't convinced this wasn't one of those. Just...the surreal nature of it all had that part of her thinking that way. She didn't dare say that out loud though, instead moving to go grab her own outfit and pull it on. "I guess this is goodbye for a while, huh?"
Placing his hands on the ground, mist covered and obscured Blanche from view. Grabbing his pistol from where it'd been tossed, he burst from the mist on a sprint right towards the bar. Once he crossed the threshold, he knew things were either gonna turn to shit or improve. You had to be optimistic when things looked bleak. As he slumped against the side of the wall beside the doors leading into the bar, the mist started to fade and Vernal could see her wrinkles fading away along with the others on the street slowly turning back to normal. "You're right, y'know? No semblances, no weapons." He holstered his pistol. "Just a straight up brawl, huh?"

"...Fine by me." She spat when she caught sight of him again, after appreciating the fact that her skin was smoothing out once more. Good. She was too damn young for those wrinkles. "I mean, it's not like I had any legit weapons this whole damn time, so why the hell not. Just me throwing these hands, and you, going to catch them." She strode through what remained of the mist to approach him, cracking her knuckles as she did so. Though she neared him, she didn't actually get close enough to launch another attack quite yet...and wasn't going to, seemingly fine with letting him make the first move.​
"...Right. Yeah." That made all the sense. As good as that had felt, as much as she might have enjoyed just being wrapped up in a hug for however long it could be extended...nothing lasts forever. Least of all dreams or fantasies, and truth be told some part of her still wasn't convinced this wasn't one of those. Just...the surreal nature of it all had that part of her thinking that way. She didn't dare say that out loud though, instead moving to go grab her own outfit and pull it on. "I guess this is goodbye for a while, huh?"

"...I guess we'll see."

She didn't really know how to answer, nor what she could possibly do or say to make this part any less awkward. She straightened up once fully clothed again, brushing stray ice chips off her shoulders and moving closer to Ilia to do the same, gaze lingering on the exposed part of the chameleon's back for a few seconds when it fell there before she moved to pull her zipper up for her.

"Um... should we swap numbers, or..." :|​

"...I guess we'll see."

She didn't really know how to answer, nor what she could possibly do or say to make this part any less awkward. She straightened up once fully clothed again, brushing stray ice chips off her shoulders and moving closer to Ilia to do the same, gaze lingering on the exposed part of the chameleon's back for a few seconds when it fell there before she moved to pull her zipper up for her.

"Um... should we swap numbers, or..." :|​

"Oh, hey thanks for that. The zipping up, I mean. As for numbers...I dunno, should we? Is that a thing now? I feel we just...skipped a lot of stuff here. I suppose if you want to!"
"Oh, hey thanks for that. The zipping up, I mean. As for numbers...I dunno, should we? Is that a thing now? I feel we just...skipped a lot of stuff here. I suppose if you want to!"

"...No. Uh, you're probably right." Her face fell and she huffed, taking a larger than necessary step away from Ilia as she tried and failed to puzzle out a good closer. She couldn't, and what she eventually settled on was about as profound as could be expected from her.


And thus did she hastily leave.​
Last edited:

"...No. Uh, you're probably right." Her face fell as she huffed, taking a larger than necessary step away from Ilia as she tried and failed to puzzle out a good closer. She couldn't, and what she eventually settled on was about as profound as could be expected from her.


And thus did she hastily leave.​

"...Yeah." It was probably for the best. Not just with the whole Shadow Fang thing, either. Whatever this had been, it...couldn't last. Couldn't be a real thing. She'd have to go home one day, hopefully sooner rather than later and then...well, this better and hotter version of Adam would be somebody she'd never talk to again. Not from a whole universe away. "See you." She replied to Eve's back as the redhead hurriedly departed, really not that much better a farewell in this situation. Then there was nothing but silence as Ilia lingered in the mine by herself for a while, for reasons. She wasn't sure how long she stayed. Could have been 10 minutes. Could have been an hour, of just her sitting there, her thoughts running wild. Eventually, though, she did stand up herself, striding for the way out.​
"Nobody likes a liar, little lady. I asked if you wanted to fight and you shook your head. Jeez, you trying to break my neck with all that tumblin??"

Still, those were some pretty classy moves. Someone with more grace like Vanile might have appreciated it more. Char was a lot of things but he would never have put graceful and or nimble as one of them. Brushing himself off, he scoffed. "You're not half bad, y'know? Most people usually run when they figure out what I've done. You know what that is, don't you? You seem like a smart kid." He drew Riot Breaker from it's scabbard and the humming began anew. "Manipulation of the elements, illusions, tricks of the mind, whatever. It's all kaput, zilch, im-po-tent now. In other words you better be damn good with that parasol because..." He tucked the scabbard away and watched as the hallway was illuminated by the shine of the electricity surging from Riot Breaker's blade. "Your semblance is worth about jackshit and jack left town."

Fighting in a relatively tight space like this hallway hadn't been his first choice. He was hoping to find and fight Black's kid and his friends in a wide open space like the front end or something. IIn a hallway there was no dancing around it. Things were going to get wrecked and that really pained him.

Ah well, he'd have Blanche take the bartender out on a date and pay for the damages once all was said and done. His partner was good at smoothing things over like that.

'Speakin of Blanche, what the hell could be the problem out there? Half this street should have been geriatrics by now. Yet I don't even hear him yelling.'

He knew his partner's semblance needed some time to get rolling. The mist needed to spread and it got the most effectiveness out of non-fighters/civilians. If anything had gone wrong like a drunken bandit sticking her nose in their business...Well, he was gonna be occupied for the time being. He'd just have to hope that Blanche could handle things himself for a bit.


"Three minutes. Three minutes is my prediction."

He spread his feet apart and started to sprint down the hall towards Neo, the humming growing louder as he dragged Riot Breaker's blade across the wall, streaks of electricity flowing along the tears in the wood as he did so. Once he drew close enough, he swung downwards with the blunt side of Riot Breaker to try and induce an electric shock through contact alone. Cold-blooded as these kids apparently were to off Malachite, Char didn't know how to explain it but unless his hands were tied? He didn't really wanna kill the kid. He'd been mostly joking before but if he'd taken that tumble the wrong way in a one-in a million-chance, he could have broken his neck.

Besides, they were here to see if they were worth recruiting right? The last thing he wanted was to off em before the fun really got underway!

"Show me your stuff, kid! C'MON!!!!"

Neo's smile never left her face as Char informed her she was a liar and was about to get absolutely rocked, her only response for most of it a soft nod of acknolwedgemnt at the fact that her semblance was currently gone. If it was any particular bother to her, it didn't show. As char raised his three fingers, Neo's head cocked to the side, and the grin took a more amused bent as she slipped a hand into her pocket and pulled out her scroll with a flourish and tapped a few dozen buttons as Char spoke, before she flicked it around to show the hitman the screen


The moment he took a step forward she pressed the start button, and the timer ticked down to 2:59 as it began its descent at the same time the scroll started to play music.

The scroll was flicked to slide across the floor behind her just in time for her to spin her grip on the parasol and hold i from both ends to catch the blade as it came crashing down on her. She gritted her teeth and unwillingly bent her knees as the blade struck her block, and they both got the valuable insight that the man was much stronger than she was. But no electricity coursed through the parasol itself; the dust treated fabric that made up the umbrella section was made to endure both elements and claws. She hopped and pushed off the block to send herself backwards a few feet, before she leaped back forwards at an angle to push herself off the wall again once more with a flying kick for Char's head at the same moment the music kicked into heavy gear.


Neo's smile never left her face as Char informed her she was a liar and was about to get absolutely rocked, her only response for most of it a soft nod of acknolwedgemnt at the fact that her semblance was currently gone. If it was any particular bother to her, it didn't show. As char raised his three fingers, Neo's head cocked to the side, and the grin took a more amused bent as she slipped a hand into her pocket and pulled out her scroll with a flourish and tapped a few dozen buttons as Char spoke, before she flicked it around to show the hitman the screen


'What a cocky little shit...'

He loved it!​
The scroll was flicked to slide across the floor behind her just in time for her to spin her grip on the parasol and hold i from both ends to catch the blade as it came crashing down on her. She gritted her teeth and unwillingly bent her knees as the blade struck her block, and they both got the valuable insight that the man was much stronger than she was. But no electricity coursed through the parasol itself; the dust treated fabric that made up the umbrella section was made to endure both elements and claws. She hopped and pushed off the block to send herself backwards a few feet, before she leaped back forwards at an angle to push herself off the wall again once more with a flying kick for Char's head at the same moment the music kicked into heavy gear.

As their weapons met and it was clear who the stronger of the two was, Char couldn't help but laugh.

He'd come here knowing it'd be a challenge. Shitbag he may have been but Black had been chosen to be one of the Boss's Elite Guards. At least until he went and fucked off. Maybe little pinky here did him in? ....Nah. If this kid was a killer she'd have tried going for a neck snap on the first tumble she'd made him take. The vibe he was getting here was a kid who was full of herself until she wasn't. Reminded him too much of his teenage years if he was being honest. Getting into scraps with your peers and turning off their semblances may have been handy but it didn't mean jack if you didn't have the skills to capitalize on such a weakness. He'd worked his ass off to get into the Ashes at all, let alone be seen as worthy enough to join the illustrious(at the time) Hitman Team.

He didn't care what that bitch said or what the others thought of him. He didn't need their scorn and he didn't need Blanche's pity. He could fight on his own with or without the Null Zone backing him up. "Tick tick tick tick, kid." He cackled as Neo jumped back and Riot Breaker's blade smashed into the floor smashing the floorboards and charring the wood itself. "Aw, now look at what you made me do!" He teased playfully. Ugh, this place was gonna end up looking like a tornado blew through if they didn't get into a wider space.

Somehow he doubted lil pinky was gonna let him out of her sight.

Ripping his blade free of the hole he'd made, he watched with eager interest as Neo moved to make her next attack.


"Yeah kid, that's what I'm talking about! C'mon! Show me that you're worth a damn!"

She moved to jump in and Char quickly raised Riot Breaker and held the blade in close. As Neo's foot threatened to kick the blade from his hands, his grip around it's hilt only grew tighter as did the maniacal look in the hitman's eyes. Finally, he'd found someone who just shut up and focused on the fight. Too many people went and ran their mouths off as they brawled and he showed them up everytime. It didn't make for an enjoyable fight even if the paychecks that cleared brought a twinkle to his eye. The humming that seemed to reverberate across the length of the hallway grew in decibels as a sudden jolt sought to send Neo flying back against the wall she'd bounced off against.


Without so much as a second of wasted movement, once Neo's feet were touching the floor, Riot Breaker lashed out once more. The sword bit into the wall opposite to the one that he'd already marred and with a ferocious yell, he ripped it down the path to try and catch Neo in the side with it. Splinters of all shapes and sizes flew through the air as Char grinned at the handiwork he was leaving behind in real time. To think he hadn't even found the kid yet but one of his buddies instead.

He may have carried the moniker of a rat but he was standing his ground like a man!


"...Fine by me." She spat when she caught sight of him again, after appreciating the fact that her skin was smoothing out once more. Good. She was too damn young for those wrinkles.
Watching as the wrinkles faded and Vernal slowly returned to looking more like a trashy 20-something year old, he couldn't stop a snicker.


"Hehehe, you sure? After what you went through with my semblance, I'd be more worried about you breaking a hip, 'Grandma.'" He mocked but even as blood ran from his nose and continued on down his face, his tone was merely playful if nothing else. It sucked getting punched in the nose and for the life of him, he couldn't understand what Vernal's goal was here other than to maybe(?)help out Black's kid and his buddies? But life was too short for personal grudges. You lived angry and you died angry in cases like that and that kind of living wasn't really any kinda life at all in his eye. Watching as Vernal approached, he looked down at the blood droplets that were now staining his suit and jacket. "Ah geez...and I just had these drycleaned." Guess he could scratch out asking Callie out for another date if he :

A: Busted up the outside of her bar while Char wrecked the inside

B: Let Char pay for the damages.

C: Asked her out looking like a blood-drenched slob. Ugh, what ladies digged that?

Eh, the charm game was still strong! He'd just have to wipe away some of the blood and buy her some gifts. Ladies loved gifts.
"I mean, it's not like I had any legit weapons this whole damn time, so why the hell not. Just me throwing these hands, and you, going to catch them." She strode through what remained of the mist to approach him, cracking her knuckles as she did so. Though she neared him, she didn't actually get close enough to launch another attack quite yet...and wasn't going to, seemingly fine with letting him make the first move.

Ugh, this was such a shame now that he got a good look at her.

She looked like she'd fit in just fine with Violet, maybe not Vanile, but his foul-mouthed comrade would have definitely appreciated someone like this chick. It was just too damn bad that they had to meet up and fight like this. Maybe they could grab a couple drinks once this was all said and done. This was just business after all, no hard feelings one way or the other. Char and him hadn't even come with the intentions of killing anyone! Not unless the kids turned out to be a whole group of schmucks.

In all likelihood though, chances were that if this chick was friends with Black's kid? The only reception he'd get from her would come in the form of a punch or kick.


"To what could have been.~"

Pulling off his jacket, Blanche let it drop to the ground. The second the fabric hit the ground, he closed the distance between the two of them. His fist cocked back to try and sock Vernal right in the face. Fighting barehanded without activating his semblance was always a weird feeling. More so now that he'd willingly stepped into Char's Null Zone. ...Oh man, he really hoped this went well or Char was gonna be sooooo pissssssed!~
The next sixteen hours went by in a blur, because I wanted them to and because it didn't seem like any further actions were forthcoming. The more crowded areas of the bunker started to empty out around noon the following day, other competitors forming strategies and withdrawing to seek out secluded areas to begin their hunt. Whatever the various did to prepare themselves during that time, as sunset drew near the next day every individual android once again ceased performing its duties to sputter into a state of eerie immobility, speaking with the voice of one.

"The preliminary round will commence in fifteen minutes. A map of the facility has been automatically downloaded to your scrolls. To enforce the spirit of the partnering mechanic, for the first three hours all unpartnered competitors within a 100 yard radius will be visible as anonymous blips on these maps; So think carefully on whether it's worth seeking out that special someone as others secure the advantage by pairing with whomever's closest. Competitors who fail to secure a minimum distance of 100 yards from other players upon commencement will receive an automatic disqualification, as will groups with prior affiliations who attempt to spread out across a single floor. The victor will be determined by the measure of your souls, not crude attempts at bending the rules. Win or lose, glory awaits those who survive."

There was a chime, and a timer counting down from fifteen appeared in place of the grinning cat avatar on the droids' visors.

"For those who cannot, know that the pit will remember your sacrifice."
Yang's suite was awesome. The end.

Or in more descriptive terms, it was almost Weiss levels of fancy. The platinum level was the largest in the bunker, and in truth it bore more resemblance to an entire apartment than a room; admittedly one lacking in any kind of personal flair, but it made up for that by having every amenity one could need for a private room and more than a few nobody possibly could. Gladiatorial statues, fountains, a queen-sized bed and a whole ass hot tub built into the floor were just some of what was on offer, and the list went on. A terminal hooked up to the flatscreen had numerous records and footage of prior tournaments, with individual competitors sorted by name.

There were only two indicators in the entire place of prior inhabitancy. One was a dartboard hanging on the wall across from her bed, which had a picture of this world's Ruby pinned to it and riddled by numerous darts with a focus around the eyes. The other was a solitary box tucked away under the bed in a corner, and unless she had any particular use for cuffs, blindfolds, or an extremely yellow ball gag (among other things) it was probably best not to touch any of its contents or think about them ever.


Yang let out a low whistle as she planted her free hand against her hip and took the room in. She was one of the good guys, but if all these criminals and heartless masterminds kept putting her up in rooms like this she might have to rethink her priorities.

Is what she would think if this room wasn't just going to be her first stop in a violent bloodbath of a battle royale tomorrow.

She huffed and let out a quiet "alleyOOP!" as she heaved the android still across her shoulders in a perfect arc for the bed and stretched her arms, finally letting some of the tension leave her muscles. Tactically, It probably would've made a lot more sense for her to mingle some more downstairs; get a sense for what kinda competition she was in for, scout potential prey and get some alone time to talk with the others about partnering up, but emotionally she was having way less fun playing pretend monster than she thought she was going to. It would've been one thing if all this took was playing tough and growly and turning the smack talk up another few degrees, but seeing the other Ruby prowling around downstairs put a serious dent her enthusiasm, and having a genuine moral dilemna about potentially blowing her cover by not sleeping with a call girl kicked said enthusiasm off the side of a cliff. She just needed a few hours to let go of the anger she'd made herself stew in.

It was gonna be harder than she thought, she realized as she flopped into a chair and took a deep breath. It was always easier to work herself up than bring it back down, and there was plenty to be angry about these last few months; being torn from half her team and dumped in Remnant TWO for still no discernable reason, this whole debacle with this other Weiss, her mom disappearing again, when she finally had something important to do that wasn't selfish in teaching Cinder, before they ever got to even resolve what... what happened, how stupidly messed up Blake was in this hellhole, the fact that these kids had to lose someone too, the absolute LUNATIC who was wearing her face and-

She blinked as she heard a cracking noise, and winced as she looked down at the chair's arms, both side broken straight off as her hands had started to unconsciously tighten.


She gingerly picked the pieces up and put them in the chair before she just sort of... pushed it haphazardly over to the wall. Distraction. She needed a distraction.

Guess old fight vids it was.


At some point in those sixteen hours, after she hit her limit of , Yang had caved. In her defense, as obviously fake as the android was, she was really pretty in a sci fi pop star sorta way, and it had been literally months since she'd had any sort of affectionate contact from someone who wasn't her sister. And if anyone wasn't gonna judge her for asking her to hold her in her sleep, it was gonna be the android who she had administrative access for who she just straight up told not to do that.

In retrospect that was a miserably bad idea. For a being of metal the barbot had been a surprisingly adept cuddler, and for the first time in what felt like a month Yang had a genuinely peaceful sleep after she got over how absolutely lame anyone else definitely was gonna find the sequence of events that led to this travesty. The problem came when she got the same announcement as everyone else, fifteen minutes before all hell was supposed to break loose, except unlike everyone else she got it straight in the ears from a robot who had her in a frozen death grip, its faulty programming defaulting the announcement to its satan voice protocol

All this coming full circle to her staring up at the wall she'd speared the android through in a panic, both hands covering her face in abject remorse. Sure, she wasn't a real person, but like... man....

"I am.... so sorry" She whispered, before she rubbed her face and jogged over to her scroll.
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Pulling off his jacket, Blanche let it drop to the ground. The second the fabric hit the ground, he closed the distance between the two of them. His fist cocked back to try and sock Vernal right in the face. Fighting barehanded without activating his semblance was always a weird feeling. More so now that he'd willingly stepped into Char's Null Zone. ...Oh man, he really hoped this went well or Char was gonna be sooooo pissssssed!~

The fist hit dead on, slamming into her nose and making her blue aura shimmer with the blow, but instead of getting knocked back she stepped forward. Her lack of attempting to dodge or block that blow had been for a reason...namely to get a good chance at grabbing that arm and violently wrenching it in closer, intending to dislocate the limb entirely.​

"The preliminary round will commence in fifteen minutes. A map of the facility has been automatically downloaded to your scrolls. To enforce the spirit of the partnering mechanic, for the first three hours all unpartnered competitors within a 100 yard radius will be visible as anonymous blips on these maps; So think carefully on whether it's worth seeking out that special someone as others secure the advantage by pairing with whomever's closest. Competitors who fail to secure a minimum distance of 100 yards from other players upon commencement will receive an automatic disqualification, as will groups with prior affiliations who attempt to spread out across a single floor. The victor will be determined by the measure of your souls, not crude attempts at bending the rules. Win or lose, glory awaits those who survive."

There was a chime, and a timer counting down from fifteen appeared in place of the grinning cat avatar on the droids' visors.

"For those who cannot, know that the pit will remember your sacrifice."

15 minutes...there was only 15 minutes left and Nora still had no idea who to try to team up with...or if it was just fine if she didn't try to pair up with someone specific and just went for the convenient answer of whoever was closest. Even if it was a random person, well, it would be better than being tracked on those maps. Or so she hoped it would be, as the Valkyrie scurried to run for a different floor from the others. Her energetic dash took her right past Robyn, who was not yet moving. Her eyes were focused on her scroll as she studied the map in great detail. When she was satisfied she wouldn't get lost, she slid it into a pocket and mentally prepared herself for the fighting that was to come. She could only hope that whoever she got paired up with could keep up with her.

Crimson eyes blinked at the announcement. Had the time really flown by that fast? No matter. She'd already taken steps to isolate herself. Raven didn't make any move to get up. She just continued to sit there in an almost lotus position, like she was meditating. She wasn't though. She ran the whetstone across her sword a few final times, making sure it was as ready as possible. When that was done, she tossed the stone aside and simply continued to sit there, counting down the seconds. Whatever was to happen, she believed herself ready.​
All this coming full circle to her staring up at the wall she'd speared the android through in a panic, both hands covering her face in abject remorse. Sure, she wasn't a real person, but like... man....

"I am.... so sorry" She whispered, before she rubbed her face and jogged over to her scroll.

"G-g-groveling d-d-detected. En-en-engaging package six: dddddooooooooooominaaaaaaaatr-tr-trix...*" The auraless and therefore absolutely mangled bardroid began, but perhaps mercifully died before it could proceed. Unfortunately death for this particular model apparently meant continuing to attempt to rise on mangled components as its jaw opened wide and the Satan protocol lapsed into a neverending death rattle of "10101010101010010100001010101010101010101010010101001-"

The bunker map dropped to her scroll was identical to the one any of the androids would project if requested, a facility resembling a skyscraper only built down into the tundra as opposed to up into the skyline. It was thirty stories deep, with the primary form of navigation being the six elevator shafts built at equidistant points throughout and maintenance stairwells on either end primary intended for use by the androids. The topmost floor was labeled EXIT, grayed out to signify its currently inaccessible state, and the one directly beneath it was labeled PLATINUM, highlighted to signify it was the one she currently occupied. The next two levels were marked ARRIVALS (WENDIGO ENTRY POINT), while a significant percentage of the subsequent floors were blocked off as QUARTERS. The next level of note was BAR/RECREATION, where she had abducted her nap partner/victim from, and following that were TRAINING, ARENA, POOL, LIBRARY, ADMIN, another block of floors labeled MAINTENANCE, and finally the very bottom level marked CONTAINMENT (THE ENTITY).

The hundred yard radius was indicated by a green circle, though its ability to pick out other combatants appeared limited to her current floor rather than extending above or below. Her own blip was green and positioned at the very center of the circle, and five others (with a contrasting red hue) milled about within her map's detectable range, one almost immediately disappearing as it crossed over the circle's threshold. The others were static, most likely waiting to see how their fellow platinum-caliber favorites proceeded; based on the room size and their spacing, most occupied suites of their own.

All save one, who according to the map could well have been in the corridor right outside hers.​


It'd been something of a sleepless night for the erstwhile reporter.

The image he'd been shown before being dragged here still weighed heavily on him. Whether he wanted it to or not. He hadn't been lying back when he'd spoken infront of his fellow Resistance members and he wasn't going to lie now that he stood here shoulder to shoulder with veterans and killers. He didn't deserve to be here. It wasn't fitting for a man like him at all. But as he toiled away in his quarters making sure his costume lacked any tears or rips, that his knife had been maintained and so on. Although he'd hardly spoke a word to any of his colleagues since arriving here, he felt a pain in his chest that wasn't sure to go away anytime soon. At the core of his being, he was scared of the possibility of being severely injured or even killed.

It was a human enough reaction to have. Despite the ghoulish visage his attire gave off, that's all he was at the end of the day. A mere man trying to do his best for the place he called home. When he'd joined the Resistance, it'd always been something of an unanswered question in the back of his mind: Was he willing to die for what he believed in? Given the various skirmishes and more recently their shivering defeat by Weiss, it'd been something to think over. At least against opponents with such overwhelming power violence simply wouldn't get them anywhere fast. Despite what a few among their number may have believed.

Even as he thought that however, he knew he couldn't stand idly by while those from another world agreed to compete in this bloodthirsty farce of an event. To risk life and limb for a world, for people, not of their own world and whom they'd likely never see again. It spoke to him on a level he could write a hundred articles about.

'Well, perhaps not that many.'

Needed to keep an ego in check after all.

As the announcement reached his ears, he let out a soft hum.

Tucking his scroll away within his cloak, he gripped tightly onto the hilt of Poisonheart. He wasn't going to get anywhere fast by himself.If he wanted to stand even a chance of winning, no, surviving, he'd need to partner up and fast. His door opened and he cascaded along the floor like a phantom.


'I'd said before I was afraid. Well, I'm sure I thought it. But I can't be. Not anymore.'

Feelings like that only served to act as a distress beacon to the Grimm. One...or even two he could handle. But a whole crowd of them...?

'I'd die.'

It wasn't him being sad. It was him being realistic. He wasn't a huntsman. He was doing this because he believed he needed to. To support those who were willing to lay down their lives just as he was.


It was about time.

Sitting around never really suited him. Anyone who didn't know him may have written it off as a case of the jitters.

It wasn't anything so innocent.

As a member of the Boss's Elite Guard, not much came up that he really needed to be concerned about. Which meant that he didn't get as many opportunities to strut his stuff. It was in a conversation with a run of the mill grunt in the Narcotics Team. Satin and him had gotten into a discussion about how some drugs often end up left their users looking like shadows of their former selves. Having avoided drugs for the most part himself growing up, Satin added his own flair into the conversation. Burns often left people hideous disfigured. If the injury was bad enough, the victim would need skin grafts and intensive therapy and even still their life may never be the same as it was before.

There was one scent you'd never forget.

Burnt flesh.

Tucking his hands in the pockets of his jeans, Satin walked down the hall with a casual air.

But his facial appearance was anything but.


Time to see who he'd end up bumping into~



The night for the Masque been spent between routine maintenance on her weapons and arm.

She'd already given them a lookover yesterday but it helped get her mind off the elephant in the room.

Depending on how this played out, she'd have to fight Yang.

Given what she'd put the girl through in their shared past, it left something of a sour taste in Ruby's mouth. Not at all like the sweetness of when she'd stolen a kiss back at the motel. For once in her life she'd found purpose. To discover what kind of person she could truly be while not residing under Ozpin's thumb. The last time they'd 'talked', Yang's arm had proved to be more horrific than any Grimm that Ruby had encountered before. It shrugged off the effects of her eyes as though it were nothing. If it hadn't been for the use that she provided to Ozpin at the time, Ruby was sure she'd have lost an eye that night.

As it turned out, a bloody tournament wasn't the best of places to open up about your feelings. Least of all when a 'sorry' wasn't going to cover years of mental and physical bullying and trauma. Ruby had recognized that she'd done wrong and wished to atone but somehow she doubted Yang would be receptive. Which meant that when they met, they were likely going to have to fight and it'd be for keeps.

She strapped Cinder's sword to her back.

Then so it would be.


She vanished in a trail of rose petals down the hall.


" ...Mm..."


Fifteen minutes was too long if she was being honest.

She'd been so enthusiastic back in the meeting room. It was perhaps the first time for her fellow Shadow Fang to have seen her so excited. Even when she'd fought and killed the previous owner of the Tiger moniker, she didn't seem happy or overjoyed or even relieved at the end-result. It was something that needed to be done for her to get the position and so she did it. Feelings had never entered the equation at any part of it. But something like this spoke to her as a person. For years since she was a little girl, she was seen as a freak. Demure and cute as a button but capable of engrossing her muscles to grotesque proportions and hurling boulders and cars as if they were nothing but a rotten matchstick.

Whatever challenges that lay before her didn't seem to bother the feline at all.

Grimm, machines, other fighters?

Bring them on and more.

Pulling her mask off and tucking it away, she actually cracked a smile.


"Perhaps here I'll finally be used to go beyond even....100%."

One could only hope right?



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As their weapons met and it was clear who the stronger of the two was, Char couldn't help but laugh.

He'd come here knowing it'd be a challenge. Shitbag he may have been but Black had been chosen to be one of the Boss's Elite Guards. At least until he went and fucked off. Maybe little pinky here did him in? ....Nah. If this kid was a killer she'd have tried going for a neck snap on the first tumble she'd made him take. The vibe he was getting here was a kid who was full of herself until she wasn't. Reminded him too much of his teenage years if he was being honest. Getting into scraps with your peers and turning off their semblances may have been handy but it didn't mean jack if you didn't have the skills to capitalize on such a weakness. He'd worked his ass off to get into the Ashes at all, let alone be seen as worthy enough to join the illustrious(at the time) Hitman Team.

He didn't care what that bitch said or what the others thought of him. He didn't need their scorn and he didn't need Blanche's pity. He could fight on his own with or without the Null Zone backing him up. "Tick tick tick tick, kid." He cackled as Neo jumped back and Riot Breaker's blade smashed into the floor smashing the floorboards and charring the wood itself. "Aw, now look at what you made me do!" He teased playfully. Ugh, this place was gonna end up looking like a tornado blew through if they didn't get into a wider space.

Somehow he doubted lil pinky was gonna let him out of her sight.

Ripping his blade free of the hole he'd made, he watched with eager interest as Neo moved to make her next attack.


"Yeah kid, that's what I'm talking about! C'mon! Show me that you're worth a damn!"

She moved to jump in and Char quickly raised Riot Breaker and held the blade in close. As Neo's foot threatened to kick the blade from his hands, his grip around it's hilt only grew tighter as did the maniacal look in the hitman's eyes. Finally, he'd found someone who just shut up and focused on the fight. Too many people went and ran their mouths off as they brawled and he showed them up everytime. It didn't make for an enjoyable fight even if the paychecks that cleared brought a twinkle to his eye. The humming that seemed to reverberate across the length of the hallway grew in decibels as a sudden jolt sought to send Neo flying back against the wall she'd bounced off against.


Without so much as a second of wasted movement, once Neo's feet were touching the floor, Riot Breaker lashed out once more. The sword bit into the wall opposite to the one that he'd already marred and with a ferocious yell, he ripped it down the path to try and catch Neo in the side with it. Splinters of all shapes and sizes flew through the air as Char grinned at the handiwork he was leaving behind in real time. To think he hadn't even found the kid yet but one of his buddies instead.

He may have carried the moniker of a rat but he was standing his ground like a man!


Neo gritted her teeth as the electricity jumped to her and the force knocked her backwards, her aura flaring as the energy coursed through her. Her feet hit the ground and almost immediately left it again as she dived straight down and forwards, slipping underneath Char's vicious swing as the splinters flew over her head. Even for her size there was barely any room between Char and the wall, but she slipped past with graceful ease at the same moment Char felt something hook around his leg.

Neo Yanked her umbrella upwards as she stood out of her roll, intending on pulling Char's leg out from under him with the handle of Hush, before twirling it back around in her hands, flicking the blade out of the top, and twisting towards Char's fallen form to impale it into his aura from above if he'd fallen.

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