• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Frankly even she felt a little intimidated at the sight, the guy looked even more ominously scary than even Tyrian had with those psycho expressions of his. Even so, she did her best to not let it show as she bounded over towards the guy in a friendly manner. "Hey there! You need a partner, mister...?"

"You will not need a partner. What you will need is a tomb."

He spat, pure, seething hatred forced out through clenched teeth. Bloodshot yellow eyes flared wider than ever as he stared at the huntress without blinking, a dangerous energy crackling faintly in the air more subtly but no less potently than her lightning had as he marked her for death.​

"You will not need a partner. What you will need is a tomb."

He spat, pure, seething hatred forced out through clenched teeth. Bloodshot yellow eyes flared wider than ever as he stared at the huntress without blinking, a dangerous energy crackling faintly in the air more subtly but no less potently than her lightning had as he marked her for death.​


Well his intimidating aura just shot up by roughly a 1000% in that moment, but she continued to brush it off. "Okkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, so that was ominous, but hey, don't count me out yet, Mister Creepy Eyes!" She settled on that in place of any name since he didn't want to give her one. The guy certainly lived up to the kind of reputation she'd come to expect. He could be one valuable partner! Just had to make eye contact and boom, done deal! She lowered her eyes to study his weapon in greater detail. "That looks...kinda lame. What's it do?"
He put his hands up and looked around the empty room with a shrug.

"Right, so I have no idea what you're getting at and I'm not about to have a partner I can't quickly communicate with in the heat of battle, so if you'll excuse me." She got out of her seat and moved to leave.​

Well his intimidating aura just shot up by roughly a 1000% in that moment, but she continued to brush it off. "Okkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, so that was ominous, but hey, don't count me out yet, Mister Creepy Eyes!" She settled on that in place of any name since he didn't want to give her one. The guy certainly lived up to the kind of reputation she'd come to expect. He could be one valuable partner! Just had to make eye contact and boom, done deal! She lowered her eyes to study his weapon in greater detail. "That looks...kinda lame. What's it do?

Twin blades popped out from the sides of both ends of the hilt at an agitated twist of its mechanism, and arcs of unstable dust energy streaked all along the blade's perimeter before consuming them completely as the spectral figure started to rise.

"Kills you. Begone, lest we see whether my forbearance for the rules is outweighed by my impatience for your prattling."

"Right, so I have no idea what you're getting at and I'm not about to have a partner I can't quickly communicate with in the heat of battle, so if you'll excuse me." She got out of her seat and moved to leave.

He followed for the lulz.​
Twin blades popped out from the sides of both ends of the hilt at an agitated twist of its mechanism, and arcs of unstable dust energy streaked all along the blade's perimeter before consuming them completely as the spectral figure started to rise.

"Kills you. Begone, lest we see whether my forbearance for the rules is outweighed by my impatience for your prattling."

"Alright nevermind I take it back that's an awesome weapon like really really really cool but hey message well and truly received you aren't in the market for partnering up with me I got it 100% Imma just scratch you off the list there Mister Creepy Eyes but don't take it too personally it was still sorta nice to meetcha take care good luck and all that okay byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee."
She hardly stopped for even half a second to take a breath through saying all that, nervously throwing up double finger guns over at him...and then hurriedly dashed away back over to the other side of the arena.

"SO HEY!" She yelled up at Daisy Dukes. "Random question but do you know anyone looking for a partner?"
"Alright nevermind I take it back that's an awesome weapon like really really really cool but hey message well and truly received you aren't in the market for partnering up with me I got it 100% Imma just scratch you off the list there Mister Creepy Eyes but don't take it too personally it was still sorta nice to meetcha take care good luck and all that okay byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee." She hardly stopped for even half a second to take a breath through saying all that, nervously throwing up double finger guns over at him...and then hurriedly dashed away back over to the other side of the arena.

"SO HEY!" She yelled up at Daisy Dukes. "Random question but do you know anyone looking for a partner?"


"What're we, s'pposed ta just be buddies now?? Dontcha even REMEMBER that I'm the gal who served ya in the bar??? Aren't ya surprised ta see me?????? HELLO???????? IT WAS YESTERDAY???? YOU 'N THE FREAKY MASK GUY RAN OUT ON YER BILLS??????? WHAT, YER HIGH-AND-MIGHTY PRUDE FRIEND CAN TOSS A WHOLE STACK MY WAY JUST ON SOME WEIRD HUMANITARIAN FLEX BUT YA CAN'T PAY FER A COUPLA SODAS?????????????"

She bellowed back til she was blue in the face, eventually so loud it was like she was right next to Nora despite being like half the length of a football field away.


"Don't involve me in these conversations."

He chased her all around the floor like a Scooby Doo montage before eventually leaving her be, having wasted a bunch of her time.

"Five minutes until preliminary round commencement." Intoned a nearby android.​

He chased her all around the floor like a Scooby Doo montage before eventually leaving her be, having wasted a bunch of her time.

"Five minutes until preliminary round commencement." Intoned a nearby android.​


Caution to the wind then on trying to find a suitable partner, it seemed. Whoever she made eye contact with first, then...​

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"What're we, s'pposed ta just be buddies now?? Dontcha even REMEMBER that I'm the gal who served ya in the bar??? Aren't ya surprised ta see me?????? HELLO???????? IT WAS YESTERDAY???? YOU 'N THE FREAKY MASK GUY RAN OUT ON YER BILLS??????? WHAT, YER HIGH-AND-MIGHTY PRUDE FRIEND CAN TOSS A WHOLE STACK MY WAY JUST ON SOME WEIRD HUMANITARIAN FLEX BUT YA CAN'T PAY FER A COUPLA SODAS?????????????"

She bellowed back til she was blue in the face, eventually so loud it was like she was right next to Nora despite being like half the length of a football field away.


"Don't involve me in these conversations."

"Sure why not, no I didn't forget unless you told me your name in which case I forgot one bit, no...am I supposed to be surprised seeing you here? I mean you ran with that crowd so I kinda figured you would belong here...and yes yesterday was nice but hey don't blame me for that, Grey said he would cover it! If he failed to do so that's all on him not ME! Go demand him to pay up!! I'm not the cheapskate reporter!!!" All that said she took a breath and nodded in thanks, though it was probably difficult to see from that distance. "A girl in a tiara, eh?" Nora tilted her head, thinking about that description before apparently deciding it was worth checking out at least. The small ginger braced her legs, both generated and fed some electricity into those limbs and supercharging them...and then just straight up jumped, a leap that took her right up to the balcony the pair were on, landing just behind them. Hardly a second passed from the sound of her landing before she slid up to the larger of the two. "Please point me in the right way, Cooooookie. Pretty please?"

Puppy dog eyes engaged.​
"Sure why not, no I didn't forget unless you told me your name in which case I forgot one bit, no...am I supposed to be surprised seeing you here? I mean you ran with that crowd so I kinda figured you would belong here...and yes yesterday was nice but hey don't blame me for that, Grey said he would cover it! If he failed to do so that's all on him not ME! Go demand him to pay up!! I'm not the cheapskate reporter!!!" All that said she took a breath and nodded in thanks, though it was probably difficult to see from that distance. "A girl in a tiara, eh?" Nora tilted her head, thinking about that description before apparently deciding it was worth checking out at least. The small ginger braced her legs, both generated and fed some electricity into those limbs and supercharging them...and then just straight up jumped, a leap that took her right up to the balcony the pair were on, landing just behind them. Hardly a second passed from the sound of her landing before she slid up to the larger of the two. "Please point me in the right way, Cooooookie. Pretty please?"

Puppy dog eyes engaged.

Hazel and Gretchen both saw a more clustered array of blips on their own scroll maps as they navigated the gym and library levels respectively, though each individual level was still expansive enough that they managed to sequester themselves to the mandated distances comfortably enough. Hazel noted that the dojo he had meditated with the wolf-man in still held a single lone blip, but surely the fearsome figure he had witnessed the day before hadn't remained in his state of darkened meditation without ever once departing for food, water or rest of any kind. Right?

The library was perhaps the most complex labyrinth of any of the floors, and Gretchen had found herself able to peruse the prior tournament records and footage in much the same manner Yang had via its many terminals. It was relatively easy to find a private corner without any other competitors breaching her radius, though before long she found herself approached by a single hovering maintenance bot that hovered over to her and ejected a single laminated keycard from a slot on its chassis.


The automated voice was echoed all throughout the facility, as no matter how secluded an area each individual competitor had attained for themselves they were approached by the nearest automaton and offered their starting card with an identical announcement before it hovered, stomped or crawled away again.

Hazel rested upon the broad weight lifting bench's surface, idly absorbing his surroundings within the bounds of the circumference displayed on his scroll and those inside it. Prominently, the person he encountered in the dojo came to mind as their presence was noted. The intensity of their encounter-- Hazel and the masked figure-- hadn't dissipated, an inviolable first impression of sorts successfully etched into his being. These crimson eyes absolutely brimmed with an intense sensation that it took a couple of hours for Hazel to work out what it was. Hunger. An intractable emptiness that could never be satisfied, an unrelenting void never to be filled, and it was all the more terrifying when you realized that this individual controlled themselves exceptionally well in spite of that.

Or perhaps that was merely the impression they intended to instill in him.

Regardless, Hazel found himself occasionally checking their position as well as those that lied within the radius of his zone, if there were any others. It wasn't so much as anxiety that compelled him to repeat the act, merely an exercise in caution. After all, he admittedly had been fairly lackadaisical about arriving at a plan which might very well have been injurious to their efforts.

As for the other Rainart...

It had started with Gretchen, and the mercenary had worked his way down the list one by one as they each found themselves with a second shadow at one time or another in the leadup to the carnage. Mind games, analytic tactics or just boredom; whatever the motive, he wasn't saying.

That entire experience was creepy and was the sole cause of why she kept looking over the shoulder even with the wall to her back in the labyrinthine library. In the hours that passed, Gretchen meandered the premises before settling into the library, her curiosity overriding her idle thoughts with a missive to maaaaaybe get some details on the contestants of this place. There had to have been a few who were repeats, right? And it was in short order-- relatively speaking after viewing a solid portion of the library's databanks in regards to the contests-- that she ascertained one thing for certain.

That freaking clown was super creepy and someone to avoid at all costs considering their victories. And not only that, out of the spirit of not being disingenuous, the same extended to the Dragon. I mean, Gretchen knew it wasn't that Yang but nonetheless, the act was maintained with faux alarm in her features from the recognition. Maybe there were a few other contestants she could have eked out from the crowd of sixty four if she had taken stock of them all but that wasn't really feasible and she much preferred not to paint a target on her back.

Which probably was a subconscious component as to her clever traps left in strategic positions within the aisles, in the shelves, and nooks and crannies of the position she took up. The likes of the aforementioned leading contestants combined with the foreknowledge that many a fighter here were liable to be potent for a menagerie of reasons stemming from semblance to equipment to sheer skill and some combinations thereof. Be that as it may, having bemoaned the idea of the library becoming collateral damage in the ensuing fighting, she prioritized her own life and it was always preferable to stack the deck in her favor.

That said, she noted the presence of a few others within the library as the time counted down. Or, rather, had the time told to her complete with a laminated keycard ejected her way, elicting a meek yelp from Gretchen before her features adorned a burning glare that was super ineffective on the automation simply performing its functions.

"Thanks, you hunk of junk!" ... "Wait, no, come back could you repeat the rules just so I don't make any mistakes--" Her eyes hadn't strayed far from the scroll, a red blip on its screen indicating its telltale approach towards her own position, complete with heavy metallic footfalls, for some reason. Did they not know the rules or something-- well, there was ten minutes left but still it was disconcerting recognizing that a group of cimrson pixels bound in a circle purposefully approached your position, especially with the context of the circumstances well in mind.

She gazed away from the scroll and the automaton-- if it even acquiesced to her query at all-- and captured with amber eyes the lateral silhouette of an imposing figure, clad in segmented steel components overlaying treated leather and synthetic fabric that composed the base uniform of their outfit. The posture it adhered to was eerily rigid, which combined with the distance Gretchen viewed the entity down the aisle's length, cemented that there was not one iota of kinetic movement whatsoever. The notion was deftly betrayed by the sharp hissing exhalation of the ventilatory system that stemmed from the forefront of its chestplate, a tubing series that clearly attached to the sealed faceplate above with a one each rung around either side of the neck to the canister squarely contained inside its own armored compartment that rested against their back.

Gretchen didn't dare to say anything for a minute, eyes kept wide open even with the niggling threat of dehydration becoming greater with the passing of each second as she intended not to miss a single thing. Another minute and they began to mist something fierce, a murmur born of discomfort from the act stifled through willpower before she finally relented with a hesitant blink of the eyes, a suitable prying greeting sent their way.

"... Think you've got the wrong person, dude, can I help you or...?" She said so casually in a matter of fact tone that it dawned on her how asinine it really sounded all things considered.

Their response was nigh immediate, a complete shift of ninety degrees clockwise saw a pair of unrelentingly blazing red eyes-- clearly light filtered through a deep ruby red optics of some kind-- levied for Gretchen as she found herself affixed in a stare as if she were painstakingly scrutinized by the Cerberus guard dog of Hell down to the most minute, molecular detail.


It struck the typically unabashed Gretchen silent, her hand instinctively gliding for Dearth with her instincts heightening in tandem with the fight or fly stimulus her body experienced. It maintained the stare for a moment more... before abruptly stepping back whence it faced, its motions seemingly mechanical as it departed, its heavy footsteps now diminishing in their volume with the final telltale sign of their complete departure being that of their blip disappearing from her scroll.

Gretchen finally took a breath and uttered a "What the fuck?"

This really was nothing like the Academy.
Hazel rested upon the broad weight lifting bench's surface, idly absorbing his surroundings within the bounds of the circumference displayed on his scroll and those inside it. Prominently, the person he encountered in the dojo came to mind as their presence was noted. The intensity of their encounter-- Hazel and the masked figure-- hadn't dissipated, an inviolable first impression of sorts successfully etched into his being. These crimson eyes absolutely brimmed with an intense sensation that it took a couple of hours for Hazel to work out what it was. Hunger. An intractable emptiness that could never be satisfied, an unrelenting void never to be filled, and it was all the more terrifying when you realized that this individual controlled themselves exceptionally well in spite of that.

Or perhaps that was merely the impression they intended to instill in him.

Regardless, Hazel found himself occasionally checking their position as well as those that lied within the radius of his zone, if there were any others. It wasn't so much as anxiety that compelled him to repeat the act, merely an exercise in caution. After all, he admittedly had been fairly lackadaisical about arriving at a plan which might very well have been injurious to their efforts.

As for the other Rainart...

It was him.

The kid who'd punched her through a wall back in Mistral.

The only one who'd been able to land any kind of blow on her at all for that matter.

It wasn't something she'd forget so quickly. From what little she'd gathered, he obviously didn't care for the Shadow Fang or those affiliated with it. Fair enough, she didn't expect a human to understand. Personal feelings didn't need to enter the equation anyhow. All that mattered was fighting to your heart's content using all of your might. Their skirmish hadn't lasted long but he had potential within him. Perhaps he just needed someone to draw it out of him. Growing up Tiger hadn't exactly had a figure like that herself. Training to control and harness your strength came after trial and error. Only in her case 'error' meant if she'd accidentally mangled someone or demolished a chair or table with the slightest of taps.

As Hazel kept his focus on the perimeter, he might have noticed the shadow that grew to loom over him with each passing moment.


"The boy from Mistral. Are you going to punch me through another wall?"

It struck the typically unabashed Gretchen silent, her hand instinctively gliding for Dearth with her instincts heightening in tandem with the fight or fly stimulus her body experienced. It maintained the stare for a moment more... before abruptly stepping back whence it faced, its motions seemingly mechanical as it departed, its heavy footsteps now diminishing in their volume with the final telltale sign of their complete departure being that of their blip disappearing from her scroll.

Gretchen finally took a breath and uttered a "What the fuck?"

This really was nothing like the Academy.
A voice called out once the other masked figure had departed.

The voice was quiet.

The pitter-patter of boots against the floor followed it.

"That was quite the intimidating figure, wasn't it?"


"Hello Gretchen."

Prisma had reacted to Yang's silence with a knowing titter, strolling past with eyes lazily drifted shut and extending a playful offer to look for him by a particular elevator once the carnage began. Cookie, meanwhile, tossed a squirming barmaid over her shoulder and used her hulkish levels to leap off to another level with an even stronger burst of force and momentum than Nora had, and the rest were left to make their final preparations and enact their isolation strategies as the final countdown timer kicked into effect.


On the arrivals level, Qrow watched with morbid anticipation as the androids made their final preparations of the hangar door the Grimm were meant to be arriving through, corvid eye gleaming as he spotted the only other guy cocky enough to be on potentially one of the most hazardous floors at the starting whistle. The jaded huntsman's first instinct was to get a look at just what species of Grimm it was they were gonna have to deal with and plan around that; given how many experienced pros he recognized here he was surprised to find out so few had had the same idea, but he guessed the fact that they were crooked enough to be in a place like this meant they'd let their inclination drift from huntsman to criminal somewhere along the line. It wasn't such a big surprise they were all focused on the other human combatants when he thought of it that way, but the seasoned warrior didn't exist who Qrow hadn't encountered dozens of Grimm old, big or just outright nasty enough to make dinner of in less than a minute flat if they acted alone. He didn't care enough about all this deathmatch bullcrap to dismiss them as the true, main threat.

It looked like this other guy couldn't have been any more opposite in his thinking, though. Come to think about it, didn't he know him from somewhere...?



The young man proudly sauntered up to the spacious hatch the creatures of Grimm would soon make themselves known through, armor paired nicely with the ubiquitous gray offered by the bunker as he hefted his trusty mace over his shoulder and smirked. This was it. His long, storied journey was about to smash through its first major roadblock. Against all odds, it had only taken a few weeks to awaken from the coma he was left in after the Beacon attack, one of the many cut down in the noble effort to defend his school and home. The world he awoke to had been a cruel one. His friends, his team, they were all dead. Cut down by that mangy, flea-bitten gaggle of animals from Menagerie, animals who had gone feral and now needed putting down.

So he had started training. Fueled by the fires of revenge, he tore through his constraints from the Beacon days and shattered limits he never even knew he had. He unlocked his semblance in those first few days; it was a doozy, as he'd always known it would be. And he was gonna use it to make every single one of those mutts pay. It had been baby steps, at first. A nondescript van driven at night through the streets of Vale, watching faunus with whatever shitty little service job they managed to carve out for themselves get off late shifts, tailing them the entire way home just to make them feel the kind of fear all of Remnant felt that night. He could only wonder how many had been there that night. How many informants those mongrels had needed to almost bring their kingdom to its knees, just like they actually did to Mistral just a few days later. They were everywhere. Hell, his own faunus classmates probably had something to do with it.

Those were just baby steps. Once he realized he had the nerve, even the taste for it, stalking had rapidly become something far more dangerous, bricks thrown through windows and threatening notes pinned to doors. The cops said they'd look into it, 'but there was just so little they could do about it in today's climate'. Their main advice was to lock their doors, call if they had reason to believe someone was on their premises, and try to keep their heads down until the volatile situation in world affairs died down. Ha! The way the young man saw it, they were all cheering him on. They didn't have shit on him anyway.

So he kept going. It wasn't long before he tailed his first faunus down a darkened street they didn't make it off in one piece, the man doing his civic duty in a world that seemed to have lost its mind. Case in point, the bitch in charge in Atlas. Oh, sure, she'd always talked a big game when it came to condemning the various organizations who made targets of her family, but she'd always made a point to stress the reprehensible actions of a few violent paramilitaries didn't represent the will or the wishes of those faunus living in the four kingdoms. If it wasn't for her soft stance against them, if it wasn't for her slow but steady progress in navigating her board of directors to undo her father's work to ensure the faunus stayed where they belonged, none of this would ever have happened.

Which brought him all the way to here. The crowds he fell in with hadn't escaped the note of Jabberwocky's talent scouts, and if he won this dumb tournament he'd have everything he needed to start making some real change around here. He had a promise to keep to some dead friends. A Winchester was only as good as his word, after all.




Nah, he didn't know this bitch.

Still a crow, albeit one making the above expression, the semi-estranged uncle observed closely as the guy swung out his mace a few times in cocky preparation for whatever Grimm were about to come his way. What this dumbass's game plan even was, he had no idea. He looked like the worst huntsman ever.


All across the bunker, contenders felt their adrenaline spike as the androids counted down in unity. Most had secured a certain distance from them at this point, with much of the field having lost themselves in the labyrinth of maintenance floors near the bottom of the facility for ease of clearing their radius. Winter stood atop the lifeguard's perch in the largest of the leisure floor's numerous pools, a curt frown on her face as numerous lesser Grimm spread across the facility in search of the most practical cohorts. As well as to provide a sense of who to avoid.


Cobalt was just whistling merrily atop one of the largest shelves in the labyrinthine library, thumbs hooked under their belt and gyroscopic eyes immediately focusing on the most minute of movements with a whir.


The killer clown leaned against the wall by the elevators with a desensitized smirk, arms folded as his anticipation grew.


In the arena, the fearsome demon in the black veil stood up and started to descend from the bleachers, double-sided hardlight saber crackling as he expertly flourished it once from one grip to the other behind his back.


There was no clarifying announcement or informative speech given once the countdown ended. Several things did happen, though. Every one of the bunker's comfortable, daylight-emulating fluorescent bulbs went dead, plunging every room and floor into pitch darkness for a few tense seconds before the auxiliary system came on to tint everything a deep red. A siren simply started to blare through every speaker in the facility, with enough volume and repetitions that it was becoming a harsh screech in the ear canal of all who heard it by the time it finally subsided a full minute later.

And finally, all hell broke loose.

A series of clicks, foldings and contractions occurred across the chassis of every single one of the legion of androids that mostly avoided the more expansive areas but prowled virtually every one of their connective hallways in legions, the figures that arose far more fearsome than the user-friendly and nondescript look of before.


There were a handful of brazen souls expecting fodder on the level of the Atlesian Knights who lost their lives in those opening moments. Those were the units of an army, cost-efficient to construct and mass producible while still being top-of-the-line. These were something else. Privately funded cybernetic nightmares, the product of one of many Atlesian-born geniuses who somewhere along the way decided lending their talents to the underworld was a more prosperous choice than dedicating themselves to the military or progress. They were the kinds of enforcer bots a crook might dump their entire life savings into a single unit of if they were expecting huntsman or huntress interference during a major score, and plenty of unremarkables in the profession had met their ends trying to fight a single one of these things.

Even for the prodigious like those here, trying to take on any more than a half dozen at a time was pushing it. The droids instantly started firing indiscriminately at any competitors in range, hardlight beams projected from narrow openings in their right palm even as they charged those close enough with the claw-like digits their left extremities had locked into.

Back at Arrivals, Cardin grit his teeth and grimaced as the siren's harsh screech drilled holes in his skull. The hangar door started to rise, and the moment a wide enough gap had formed something snarling pounced at him from the shadows so abruptly and rapidly he was barely able to swing his mace in time to keep five hooked talons from raking across him, warned only by his aura.


The Grimm twitched and spasmed as it staggered to its feet, by all accounts apparently no more than a shriveled, emaciated husk, barely larger than your average humanoid. Cardin sneered. Really? He didn't recognize the species, but this was the nasty strain of Grimm they were told to expect? He'd killed beowolves more fearsome than this thing. It hunched up and pounced again, Cardin sneering as he once again readied his mace to batter it back. Then he blinked as the expected clash never happened, having... lost sight of it somehow?

He heard hissing from the ceiling above him, but it was too late to do anything about it as the creature sprang off the ceiling it had leaped to and instead struck the boy from an entirely unexpected angle, angular claws digging gouges far deeper than he'd expecting across his aura as he staggered forward and whirled. But it was already gone again, having again leapt away with blindingly sudden movements again as it bounced back from another random angle courtesy of the wall it alighted against, again raking its weapons across his back.

Qrow's reaction, in the meantime, had been the polar opposite, and as he caught his first glimpse of the monsters they were gonna have to deal with his bird's eye widened as far as its physiology would allow.

"Ohhhhh, crap."


That was bad. That was really bad. That was a good five or six levels of huntsman magnitude above the horde of centinels or polar ursas he'd been expecting. These things might not have looked like much of a threat, but they were a jumping, hissing, frenzied whirlwind of claws and death, always traveling in swarms, always crawling and scrambling over one another in a race to eviscerate whatever their unfortunate target was.

And that wasn't even the worst part. They were fast. They could whittle a developed aura down in seconds. Entire towns disappeared in under an hour when a pack of five or more of these things rolled through, and there were a whole lot more than five currently scampering under the door and up the walls as it continued to slowly grind open. Powerful legs let them jump from floor to wall to ceiling with as much unpredictable spontaneity as grasshoppers, and the sheer lack of rhyme or reason in their attacks could disrupt even veterans of the huntsman trade as they struck at blinding speeds from every angle. That mace guy was already a goner. Qrow's bird form barely outpaced his screams as he lost his footing the moment a second of the creatures targeted him, meeting a suitably inglorious end under the claws of the only non-human species he ever needed concern himself with.

Those same monstrosities were already scampering down the maintenance stairway a couple of minutes later, a teeming, screeching tidal wave that swept across the floor, walls, and each other alike as they followed their draw to negativity to the other levels. They could all feel a particularly strong one radiating from the very bottom end of the bunker, where the locks on a single, more nondescript door marked CONTAINMENT had all disengaged with a pressurized hiss, and a quiet, ghastly wail that sounded more human than grimm started to echo from darkness as something was freed from its captivity.

What the rest of the competitors did and where they went from there was in their hands, bolstered by the availability of their scroll's map and whatever their own individual gameplans were.​
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Cookie, meanwhile, tossed a squirming barmaid over her shoulder and used her hulkish levels to leap off to another level with an even stronger burst of force and momentum than Nora had, and the rest were left to make their final preparations and enact their isolation strategies as the final countdown timer kicked into effect.



The thunder child spat in the general direction of where the two had gone, sticking out her tongue afterwards before Valkyrie spun on her heel, annoyed grumbling escaping her lips as she stomped off. It wasn't much to go on, and she had no idea how well this tiara girl could match up with her as a partner but at this point? If he were here, she would have settled with having Brosel as a partner! If I was a tiara girl, where would I be...? Detective Nora was on the case.​

There was no clarifying announcement or informative speech given once the countdown ended. Several things did happen, though. Every one of the bunker's comfortable, daylight-emulating fluorescent bulbs went dead, plunging every room and floor into pitch darkness for a few tense seconds before the auxiliary system came on to tint everything a deep red. A siren simply started to blare through every speaker in the facility, with enough volume and repetitions that it was becoming a harsh screech in the ear canal of all who heard it by the time it finally subsided a full minute later.

And finally, all hell broke loose.

Across two different levels, two swordswomen simultaneously rose in an unknown and unplanned display of coordination as they were bathed in the ominously intense red light. Whatever feelings or trepidations either had felt up until that moment had been buried, both standing tall with their game faces on. It was time to go to work. One briefly checked out the new armored gauntlets she wore and the hidden weapons within before smirking and drawing the twin swords off her back. They were not the two blades she had used for most of her life, but they had their own charm and uses.


"And so it begins." Raven softly commented to herself, one hand moving to tightly grip the handle of her own sword. She waited until the terrible sound of the siren ceased before she glanced left and right down the hallway she stood in, contemplated it for a moment before deciding on a direction as she started going right. Time to find a partner. Tock, on the other hand, only got a few steps along on her own path before one of those things stepped around the corner a couple dozen yards away.​

The croc stopped in her tracks for a moment, head tilted as she took in the thing's new appearance. Oh, it was leagues way more intimidating, she had to give it that much. But Tock was not frightened by the sight, having lived to see much more terrifying things. After all, if one was to describe Ozpin as bluntly as possible...him being the embodiment of fear would be a great place to start. All the things he had orchestrated, built...all that she'd seen over the years...this freaky looking machine paled in comparison. The faunus charged in a burst of blinding speed, howling a vicious war cry with every step and weaving past a couple hardlight beams it shot before she had closed the distance, slicing away at the robot with the high quality blades the distinguished councilwoman Schnee had given her.

As well built as the unit was, Tock was simply too formidable and fast for a single one to really hold its own, and soon enough the scraps that remained littered the floor. That done, she slowly edged her head around the corner, just enough so that she could glimpse down that way. Welp. There's a lot more. Her head quickly ducked behind the corner again as several beams shot her way. She took a deep breath before she rushed out of cover to deal with the rest of the dismantled bot's friends.​

What the rest of the competitors did and where they went from there was in their hands, bolstered by the availability of their scroll's map and whatever their own individual gameplans were.

Now that Tom Selleck had well and truly gone away...that still left Robyn short a partner. As the lights changed, as the siren screeched, as the screams of the dying and sounds of combat and wailing of the grimm all echoed throughout the place, the leader of the Happy Huntresses hurried along, her attention split between glancing further at the scroll map and staying aware of her surroundings. Her crossbow rested at the ready for any sudden foes as she went. Partner up with somebody, reach the top and scoop up a few cards along the way. You got this. You were top of your class at Atlas Academy for a reason. Her thoughts were decidedly of the self-motivating variety, save for one.

Please, potential partner...don't be that lap dancer.

Unaware as she was that the waitress already had one.​
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There was no clarifying announcement or informative speech given once the countdown ended. Several things did happen, though. Every one of the bunker's comfortable, daylight-emulating fluorescent bulbs went dead, plunging every room and floor into pitch darkness for a few tense seconds before the auxiliary system came on to tint everything a deep red. A siren simply started to blare through every speaker in the facility, with enough volume and repetitions that it was becoming a harsh screech in the ear canal of all who heard it by the time it finally subsided a full minute later.

And finally, all hell broke loose.

A series of clicks, foldings and contractions occurred across the chassis of every single one of the legion of androids that mostly avoided the more expansive areas but prowled virtually every one of their connective hallways in legions, the figures that arose far more fearsome than the user-friendly and nondescript look of before.


There were a handful of brazen souls expecting fodder on the level of the Atlesian Knights who lost their lives in those opening moments. Those were the units of an army, cost-efficient to construct and mass producible while still being top-of-the-line. These were something else. Privately funded cybernetic nightmares, the product of one of many Atlesian-born geniuses who somewhere along the way decided lending their talents to the underworld was a more prosperous choice than dedicating themselves to the military or progress. They were the kinds of enforcer bots a crook might dump their entire life savings into a single unit of if they were expecting huntsman or huntress interference during a major score, and plenty of unremarkables in the profession had met their ends trying to fight a single one of these things.

Even for the prodigious like those here, trying to take on any more than a half dozen at a time was pushing it. The droids instantly started firing indiscriminately at any competitors in range, hardlight beams projected from narrow openings in their right palm even as they charged those close enough with the claw-like digits their left extremities had locked into.

So, things were finally getting started.


" Bout damn time."

His jacket hung loosely over his lean frame as Satin caught a glance of one of the machines set to attack him and the other competitors. The tech wasn't anything to shake a stick at. If you were an incompetent tool that is. Luckily for him, Satin didn't fit that criteria. The underside of his jacket began billowing as Satin formed the innocuous 'finger gun' gesture and quietly took aim at one of the machines from around a corner. A small dollop of blue flame appeared at the edge of his fingertip and the gangster's right eye began to close. Wasn't much use to him being blind in that one after all. Still, it helped him focus better if it was shut. Some kind of mental tic he hadn't quite worked out. He needed complete and utter focus for this initial shot. Test to see how durable these things were, put em through the paces so to speak. If he goofed or his aim was even slightly off, the trajectory flawed in some way. The thing would pinpoint him and it wouldn't be long before he'd be swarmed from every angle by the things. Couldn't have that til he had some kind of idea on what he was dealing with.

He took aim and watched as a hardlight beam tore a chunk out of the wall parallel to his current position.

He fired.

The shot colided with the torso of the machine and Satin watched as the 'Azure Nightmare's' flame spread along it's metallic frame. Given the machine's almost skeletal like composition, it appeared as if some kind of demon was writhing through the fire as it continued to spread with every step. It continued truding forward despite itself, the clicks and creaks with every move becoming just as haunting as the burning visage before him. A bemused smirk spread across Satin's features.


"Not bad, not bad. How's about we turn up the heat?"

He mused as his left hand erupted into a sudden surge of blue flames coating it. Judging by the burns lining across his body, one could easily stand to reason that learning to handle 'Azure Nightmares' had been something of a tremendously dangerous task. You'd never hear it straight from the source's mouth but for the longest time his semblance had been somewhat frightening even to him growing up. Others could see beauty in their semblances and took pride in them. They were what helped you stand out. What made you unique among your peers. You could do this and they could do that. What was beautiful about fire? Especially a fire that burned hotter than any other? If left unchecked it'd destroy everything in it's path until it eventually just...burned out.

It'd taken him over 22 years to come to terms with his semblance. Now? He could see the beauty in his fire.

The way it lit up people's faces as it melted and boiled their flesh.

Rearing back his arm, the flame started to spread along his limb.


The fire lashed out like a burning wall, engulfing and throwing back the growing crowd of machines that'd been alerted by Satin's initial attack. The flooring and walls on either side of them had been completely scorched charred black asa crisp. Holding his hand out, Satin didn't let up. Not until he could see his flames bursting through the eyesockets of these things. As smoke started to trail through the hallway, Satin finally relented and tucked his hands away in the pockets of his jacket. Guess he'd better go find a partner or whatever. Working on his own was much more his style but rules were rules so he'd just have to suck it up.

Sparing the briefest of glances over his shoulder before he continued on, he scoffed.


"Guess Jabberwocky should have shelled out more lien..."

Then he was gone on a search for his partner to be.~


It was finally that time.

Just like at Beacon, she'd had an obligation.

One she'd see through to the end no matter what.

As the siren droned on, Ruby raced through the halls, Crescent Rose at the ready.

It'd truly, truly, been too long since she'd been able to use her beloved weapon in combat.

Vanishing in a trail of rose petals as a hardlight beam soared through where she'd been standing. She reappeared with her scythe raised overhead, her eyes widened and full of one thing.


"And so it begins." Raven softly commented to herself, one hand moving to tightly grip the handle of her own sword. She waited until the terrible sound of the siren ceased before she glanced left and right down the hallway she stood in, contemplated it for a moment before deciding on a direction as she started going right. Time to find a partner.

The opening minutes were characterized by the combatants largely keeping to themselves, flitting around the edges of each other's radius rather than actively pursuing as they got a sense for what they were in for. Nobody was high on the prospect of partnering up with some unknown either, and the radars were largely being used to give each other a wide berth so they could seek out prior contacts of alliances formed during the buildup. Factoring in the caution she had to exercise around groups of android too dense to be worth the risk of taking on solo, she went the first ten or fifteen minutes of the contest without coming across either friend or foe until the telltale sounds of combat from a few corridors away caught her attention.


She rounded the corner to the sight of Qrow locked in heated combat with a trio of the death bots, intense focus honing his every movement as Harbinger's blade spun around in overtime to fend off their surprisingly swift built-in electric prods. Two more were already scrap at his feet, but more pressing were the three more who came stomping around the corner at the other end of the corridor, raising their palm cannons in perfect sync as they prepared to blitz the entire hallway indiscriminate of their mechanical allies. Qrow's stylish, spin-heavy style meant he did see them, but his focus was immediately split given he also saw Raven coming from the other side of the hallway.

"Crap! Seriously?!"

That was just his luck. :|

Her head quickly ducked behind the corner again as several beams shot her way. She took a deep breath before she rushed out of cover to deal with the rest of the dismantled bot's friends.

Tock, like many of the other fighters scattered across the facility's thirty floors, was discovering firsthand the true headache dealing with the androids head-on posed. The sheer volume of them required to oversee upkeep of such an elaborate bunker presumably built in the middle of Solitas's frozen wastes was astounding, worthy of consideration even when they were in their more docile states. While participants with particularly destructive semblances like Satin had an easier time managing their numbers, those with a melee specialty like her were in rapid danger of becoming overwhelmed as more and more were drawn by the cacophony of battle, cutting off avenues of escape.

It was getting to the point where she was having to serious consider using her semblance when a bot that had been issuing harsh, grating strings of commands in binary suddenly had its voice silenced by a sword skewering it through the back of its jaw, only for its palm gun to swing up in an effort to fire on whoever was assailing it. A single twist and an extra push for force had the blade shove all the way through and impale the appropriate wrist as well, the black-clad figure who had appeared effortlessly swinging it around to unleash the unstable dust beams it started spamming on its brethren to cull the herd. He wordlessly dipped, wrenched, and flung the android over his shoulder at Tock, but her subsequent evasive maneuver saw it impact the last of the machines accosting her instead and gave her a sufficient opening to finish them off.

DS_296_SnakeEyes Commando coloured.jpg

When she looked back over, Snake Eyes Selleck the man in black stared at her with his customary ghoulishness, plain from how conspicuously he was standing that his eyes had met hers below their tinted goggles. He wordlessly flicked her a thumbs up.

Now that Tom Selleck had well and truly gone away...that still left Robyn short a partner. As the lights changed, as the siren screeched, as the screams of the dying and sounds of combat and wailing of the grimm all echoed throughout the place, the leader of the Happy Huntresses hurried along, her attention split between glancing further at the scroll map and staying aware of her surroundings. Her crossbow rested at the ready for any sudden foes as she went. Partner up with somebody, reach the top and scoop up a few cards along the way. You got this. You were top of your class at Atlas Academy for a reason. Her thoughts were decidedly of the self-motivating variety, save for one.

Please, potential partner...don't be that lap dancer.

Unaware as she was that the waitress already had one.
Sparing the briefest of glances over his shoulder before he continued on, he scoffed.


"Guess Jabberwocky should have shelled out more lien..."

Then he was gone on a search for his partner to be.~

Robyn and Satin met the worst fate of all.

Each other. :|

Specifically, Robyn's more concealing movements and attention to her map meant she came across him as he confidently sauntered around and blew stuff up, spying him from around a corner in time to witness his combustive handling of another two bots and free to deal with the blatantly powerful man however she liked. On one hand, getting the drop on him like this offered an opportunity to both secure her second of three required cards and eliminate a daunting prospective opponent in the tournament's later rounds; on the other, such a specimen could also have made for a valuable partner.

The choice was hers.



The thunder child spat in the general direction of where the two had gone, sticking out her tongue afterwards before Valkyrie spun on her heel, annoyed grumbling escaping her lips as she stomped off. It wasn't much to go on, and she had no idea how well this tiara girl could match up with her as a partner but at this point? If he were here, she would have settled with having Brosel as a partner! If I was a tiara girl, where would I be...? Detective Nora was on the case.

Detective Nora hit the first major roadblock in her investigation as her ears barely registered a second noise approaching under the cover of deafening sirens once the countdown ended, rapidly gaining in volume as whatever it was homed in on her location with targeted precision.

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She barely avoided the dust-imbued bladestaff as it embedded in the wall inches from her skull, its superheated edges effortlessly melting through the steel alloy as it was yanked out by an invisible force as suddenly as it appeared. Said force promptly had it spinning all the way back across the span of the arena, straight into the grip of the figure she saw as a small dot in the distance⁠—One that was rapidly growing, focused as it was in a mad dash straight for her.


She couldn't see those eyes. Not from this distance. But somehow it was like she could feel them, and with his prior disposition and the nature of his frenzied sprint for her it was hard to imagine an eventuality where he had any intention of letting hers meet them.

Her pestering of him had not yielded her a partner, but it had given him his first target.

Just like at Beacon, she'd had an obligation.

One she'd see through to the end no matter what.

As the siren droned on, Ruby raced through the halls, Crescent Rose at the ready.

It'd truly, truly, been too long since she'd been able to use her beloved weapon in combat.

Vanishing in a trail of rose petals as a hardlight beam soared through where she'd been standing. She reappeared with her scythe raised overhead, her eyes widened and full of one thing.



Ruby found herself on the lower levels of the maintenance block, seemingly no luck in scouting other competitors to be had down this deep. Plenty of robots though. A majority of her opponents/prospective partners appeared to have chosen higher floors to begin their preliminary on, and she hadn't spent too long wandering when she was reminded why.

These floors, labyrinth of pipes, steam and droid repair units as they were, were the ones positioned right above the containment level. The maze separating that supposedly awful Grimm Jabberwocky had described from the residential floors. She heard something, echoing faintly through the darkness from a particular corridor branching off from the intersection she found herself at. It could've been one of two things; the first was simple release of steam from a pipe somewhere, generating a whistle that was shrill and warbling as it reverberated off the metal walls.

The other possibility was the ghastly wail of an old woman. Or an impersonation of one. Whatever it was, her neck started to tingle as its hairs all stood up at once.​
She rounded the corner to the sight of Qrow locked in heated combat with a trio of the death bots, intense focus honing his every movement as Harbinger's blade spun around in overtime to fend off their surprisingly swift built-in electric prods. Two more were already scrap at his feet, but more pressing were the three more who came stomping around the corner at the other end of the corridor, raising their palm cannons in perfect sync as they prepared to blitz the entire hallway indiscriminate of their mechanical allies. Qrow's stylish, spin-heavy style meant he did see them, but his focus was immediately split given he also saw Raven coming from the other side of the hallway.

"Crap! Seriously?!"

That was just his luck. :|

Her gaze was pointedly kept from even the slimmest chance of meeting his eyes a split-second after she recognized who exactly it was fighting before her. While it was true that of all the potential partners to have, he was easily the best option...he'd asked for space. To be left alone. She had been doing her best to give him that much, out of respect. And out of...well. She'd already lost one brother. She had no desire to push another one away by being overbearing. A moment after that a portal snapped up into existence behind her and she immediately stepped through, vanishing from sight at that end of the hallway seemingly like she had just turned tail and ran and left him to deal with all those death bots himself.

She hadn't.

The other end of that portal to Qrow's general position popped up, by design, right behind that trio of death bots readying to open fire with their palm cannons without a care for their fellow machines. Even before she had fully stepped out of the portal, she was already on the attack. Omen shot out of its scabbard with great speed, striking the rearmost of the three in the back of its mechanical head. Raven moved just as swiftly, grabbing hold of the blade as it bounced off, using her speed and whatever element of surprise she'd gained by suddenly being behind them to great advantage. Omen was a blur of red as she moved with the intent to leave the trio as nothing more than a scattered mess of bits and pieces across the hallway's floor, all the while attempting to either keep her eyes from making contact or keep her back to Qrow.​

Tock, like many of the other fighters scattered across the facility's thirty floors, was discovering firsthand the true headache dealing with the androids head-on posed. The sheer volume of them required to oversee upkeep of such an elaborate bunker presumably built in the middle of Solitas's frozen wastes was astounding, worthy of consideration even when they were in their more docile states. While participants with particularly destructive semblances like Satin had an easier time managing their numbers, those with a melee specialty like her were in rapid danger of becoming overwhelmed as more and more were drawn by the cacophony of battle, cutting off avenues of escape.


She was good. Real good. But the amount of them that had initially been there, and the more that kept coming drawn by the sounds of fighting, it was like fighting against an ocean. She moved as fast as she could, slicing away with both blades to sever limbs, decapitate heads and stab straight through torsos like a small whirlwind of death yet even the cockiest part of her could not deny that her back was being pushed against the wall with how many were charging onto the scene and how well they were faring in melee combat like this. With each passing moment, the more likely it seemed that either she'd have to be forced to use her semblance or, even worse, accept that her first demise and coming back would be at the hands of these infernal bots.

How insulting.

"Can. You. Kindly. Fuck. The. Hell. Off--"

when a bot that had been issuing harsh, grating strings of commands in binary suddenly had its voice silenced by a sword skewering it through the back of its jaw, only for its palm gun to swing up in an effort to fire on whoever was assailing it. A single twist and an extra push for force had the blade shove all the way through and impale the appropriate wrist as well, the black-clad figure who had appeared effortlessly swinging it around to unleash the unstable dust beams it started spamming on its brethren to cull the herd. He wordlessly dipped, wrenched, and flung the android over his shoulder at Tock, but her subsequent evasive maneuver saw it impact the last of the machines accosting her instead and gave her a sufficient opening to finish them off.

She did so with gusto.​

When she looked back over, Snake Eyes Selleck the man in black stared at her with his customary ghoulishness, plain from how conspicuously he was standing that his eyes had met hers below their tinted goggles. He wordlessly flicked her a thumbs up.

Only after did she turn to look over at the guy who'd come to her aid, looking over him with a scrutinizing eye. "Sure, you'll do." She didn't much care about who she got saddled with. She didn't offer any thanks or nothing before she just immediately turned away and kept on walking forward.
Robyn and Satin met the worst fate of all.

Each other. :|

Specifically, Robyn's more concealing movements and attention to her map meant she came across him as he confidently sauntered around and blew stuff up, spying him from around a corner in time to witness his combustive handling of another two bots and free to deal with the blatantly powerful man however she liked. On one hand, getting the drop on him like this offered an opportunity to both secure her second of three required cards and eliminate a daunting prospective opponent in the tournament's later rounds; on the other, such a specimen could also have made for a valuable partner.

The choice was hers.


Her stare was contemplative as she looked on. She didn't move further from the corner she was peeking around but a moment later she did fire two bolts to ricochet off the walls on their way to hit the man in the head.​

Detective Nora hit the first major roadblock in her investigation as her ears barely registered a second noise approaching under the cover of deafening sirens once the countdown ended, rapidly gaining in volume as whatever it was homed in on her location with targeted precision.

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She barely avoided the dust-imbued bladestaff as it embedded in the wall inches from her skull, its superheated edges effortlessly melting through the steel alloy as it was yanked out by an invisible force as suddenly as it appeared. Said force promptly had it spinning all the way back across the span of the arena, straight into the grip of the figure she saw as a small dot in the distance⁠—One that was rapidly growing, focused as it was in a mad dash straight for her.


She couldn't see those eyes. Not from this distance. But somehow it was like she could feel them, and with his prior disposition and the nature of his frenzied sprint for her it was hard to imagine an eventuality where he had any intention of letting hers meet them.

Her pestering of him had not yielded her a partner, but it had given him his first target.


"Seriously, guy?? I say a few words to you and you come at me like that???" Nora grumbled, but well, she supposed it was inevitable. This tourney was a deathmatch, and it was filled with the worst kinds of scum...so sooner or later she'd have come across somebody who madly wanted to kill her, as this unknown scary faunus guy clearly wanted to, just as she absolutely did not want to die. As he neared, she fired to cover as much of the arena as she could manage with grenade fire, uncaring about any collateral damage that came from her repeatedly pulling that trigger.​
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Her gaze was pointedly kept from even the slimmest chance of meeting his eyes a split-second after she recognized who exactly it was fighting before her. While it was true that of all the potential partners to have, he was easily the best option...he'd asked for space. To be left alone. She had been doing her best to give him that much, out of respect. And out of...well. She'd already lost one brother. She had no desire to push another one away by being overbearing. A moment after that a portal snapped up into existence behind her and she immediately stepped through, vanishing from sight at that end of the hallway seemingly like she had just turned tail and ran and left him to deal with all those death bots himself.

She hadn't.

The other end of that portal to Qrow's general position popped up, by design, right behind that trio of death bots readying to open fire with their palm cannons without a care for their fellow machines. Even before she had fully stepped out of the portal, she was already on the attack. Omen shot out of its scabbard with great speed, striking the rearmost of the three in the back of its mechanical head. Raven moved just as swiftly, grabbing hold of the blade as it bounced off, using her speed and whatever element of surprise she'd gained by suddenly being behind them to great advantage. Omen was a blur of red as she moved with the intent to leave the trio as nothing more than a scattered mess of bits and pieces across the hallway's floor, all the while attempting to either keep her eyes from making contact or keep her back to Qrow.

With far more effort she could've done it without, but with the element of surprise and the robots' lack of fortitude compared to what aura could provide she met little resistance as she hacked the units to pieces, though its individual pieces didn't stop moving until she destroyed the processor in the skull acting as a brain. She heard a crunch behind her as one of Qrow's tarnished boots stomped out the head of the last bot left moving on his end, cloak still swaying as the rest of his form came to an abrupt stop at the end of his scythe tornado and stared at her back with a conflicted frown. Probably best he skipped the particulars of why he was here.

"...This could mean a brand of pizza here for all I know, but in my world the Grimm ol' jibberjabber set loose are called wendigo. Be some of the nastiest in this region, if they didn't like to dig down and hibernate so much. If there were ever a night my semblance was gonna screw somebody over..."

At the same time, a huntress as accomplished as he was was one of the best options for rallying any kind of force capable of actually fighting these things, or more strategically giving the rest of the familiars he'd seen wandering the scoop on how to avoid them. If Nora or Yang doing her cosplay or whoever else assumed they weren't any more of a threat than the types of Grimm prowling around the Emerald Forest and went in swinging then they weren't gonna fare any better than that mace guy. His tone was apologetic, and he growled in primarily self-directed frustration as he turned away.

Only after did she turn to look over at the guy who'd come to her aid, looking over him with a scrutinizing eye. "Sure, you'll do." She didn't much care about who she got saddled with. She didn't offer any thanks or nothing before she just immediately turned away and kept on walking forward.

He had already skulked off into the shadows himself, intent on making full use of the fifty meter range partners could function at without running the risk of disqualification.


"Seriously, guy?? I say a few words to you and you come at me like that???" Nora grumbled, but well, she supposed it was inevitable. This tourney was a deathmatch, and it was filled with the worst kinds of scum...so sooner or later she'd have come across somebody who madly wanted to kill her, as this unknown scary faunus guy clearly wanted to, just as she absolutely did not want to die. As he neared, she fired to cover as much of the arena as she could manage with grenade fire, uncaring about any collateral damage that came from her repeatedly pulling that trigger.

Nora couldn't help but feel cheated of the customary satisfaction she drew from blowing stuff up by the time her cylinder clicked empty, and what she saw as the smoke cleared cleared up any questions as to why.

The ominous figure was still advancing, one fist clenched and raised, and suspended in the air around him were each and every one of the grenades the huntress had fired close enough to him to be a threat. Beyond his pace slowing from the sheer volume of them he hadn't been deterred in any way, and the few androids who found themselves hovering in similar positions after having rushed in to attack such an obvious target all found themselves annihilated by a heart bomb apiece as he splayed the hand wide and launched them out in all directions with Goodwitch-level telekinetic precision.

Each warranted no more than a single grenade, which left him free to volley the majority of them right back at Nora herself before his bladestaff again came hurtling through the smoke like a helicopter blade. It caught the bruiser off balance from her first dodge, its ceaseless spinning digging a rapid series of white-hot slashes against her aura before the psychokinesis guiding it yanked it back once more, into the hand of a killer whose breakneck pace was bringing him unnervingly closer with each passing second.​
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With far more effort she could've done it without, but with the element of surprise and the robots' lack of fortitude compared to what aura could provide she met little resistance as she hacked the units to pieces, though its individual pieces didn't stop moving until she destroyed the processor in the skull acting as a brain. She heard a crunch behind her as one of Qrow's tarnished boots stomped out the head of the last bot left moving on his end, cloak still swaying as the rest of his form came to an abrupt stop at the end of his scythe tornado and stared at her back with a conflicted frown. Probably best he skipped the particulars of why he was here.

"...This could mean a brand of pizza here for all I know, but in my world the Grimm ol' jibberjabber set loose are called wendigo. Be some of the nastiest in this region, if they didn't like to dig down and hibernate so much. If there were ever a night my semblance was gonna screw somebody over..."

At the same time, a huntress as accomplished as he was was one of the best options for rallying any kind of force capable of actually fighting these things, or more strategically giving the rest of the familiars he'd seen wandering the scoop on how to avoid them. If Nora or Yang doing her cosplay or whoever else assumed they weren't any more of a threat than the types of Grimm prowling around the Emerald Forest and went in swinging then they weren't gonna fare any better than that mace guy. His tone was half-apologetic, and he growled in primarily self-directed frustration as he turned away.

Omen sheathed with a comforting sound the moment after the last of the machines got stabbed through its mechanical skull and sent it off to machine heaven. With that matter taken care of...her eyes widened and her shoulders tensed when she got informed about exactly what kind of grimm had been unleashed in this hellhole, though her expression went unseen. Her head tilted slightly to the right to indicate she was listening even as she didn't look at him. There was a low exhale of breath before she spoke. "...I realize you wanted me, or us rather, to give you space. I've been keeping my distance. I didn't choose to seek you out, didn't intend to stumble upon you, and if you'd rather find another...I can walk away now. We haven't made eye contact, and we can pretend we didn't encounter each other. But..." She didn't actually say anything following that hopeful "but", her voice trailing off instead of spitting out all the things she wanted to say.

That they made a damned good team. That their odds were best with each other instead of some stranger, and that she was more than willing to take her chances with the unpredictable nature of his semblance. That they would be a better help to their other allies together. That...it would be more like the old days she treasured, just like when they got involved in that grimm attack on the train. Any logical or emotional points like those went unsaid. Instead of any of it, she only continued with:

"It's your call."

She stood as still as a statue, her eyes moving from spot to spot as she looked ahead, making sure she stayed alert and that nothing got the jump on her.​

He had already skulked off into the shadows himself, intent on making full use of the fifty meter range partners could function at without running the risk of disqualification.

He seems like a winner. Effective yet quiet. The right combination to give me room to--

"-to speak, yeah, I fucking get it." Tock muttered angrily under her breath as she interrupted the Sienna in her head. I wish you wouldn't.

No can do, I'm afraid. You can try hiding it from everybody else, but we're here and there is no escaping from that.

Her scowl deepened as she pushed on forward, on the lookout for any poor fallen assholes to take a card from.​

Nora couldn't help but feel cheated of the customary satisfaction she drew from blowing stuff up by the time her cylinder clicked empty, and what she saw as the smoke cleared cleared up any questions as to why.

The ominous figure was still advancing, one fist clenched and raised, and suspended in the air around him were each and every one of the grenades the huntress had fired close enough to him to be a threat. Beyond his pace slowing from the sheer volume of them he hadn't been deterred in any way, and the few androids who found themselves hovering in similar positions after having rushed in to attack such an obvious target all found themselves annihilated by a heart bomb apiece as he splayed the hand wide and launched them out in all directions with Goodwitch-level telekinetic precision.

Each warranted no more than a single grenade, which left him free to volley the majority of them right back at Nora herself before his bladestaff again came hurtling through the smoke like a helicopter blade. It caught the bruiser off balance from her first dodge, its ceaseless spinning digging a rapid series of white-hot slashes against her aura before the psychokinesis guiding it yanked it back once more, into the hand of a killer whose breakneck pace was bringing him unnervingly closer with each passing second.


Oh. Crap.

That was some Professor Glynda like moves, and none of it spelled good things for her. The grenades that got flung her way just made that even more obvious. The first explosive or two she managed to avoid but the third slammed into her and sent her flying back from the force of the blast. The others peppered her general area after and then through the resulting smoke that blade raked repeatedly against her aura, pink crackling and shimmering with each slash before it got pulled back. Alright, this really wasn't going well. Not at all.

Magnhild shifted into warhammer form and she quickly slid in one grenade in a brief reload as he caught his bladestaff, and she dug in her heels as his rapid charge resumed. Lightning sparked about her as she generated electrical energy inside and forced what she could in that brief time into a boost for striking power, and roughly about two seconds before he got in range to slice at her with that staff, she brought her hammer down. Not on him directly, but on the floor of the arena between them as she sought both to cave in that floor some, as well as have the force of her strike blow him back a ways and hopefully disorient him. Immediately after that she flung her weapon straight up as hard as she could, and rather than pull the hammer back down to her, the purple glow on her gauntlet instead brought her up into the air in pursuit of her hammer.

Her fingers curled up around its hilt, and by that time she was a few levels above where she had been and thanking from the bottom of her heart that this arena stretched across multiple levels like that. Her finger pulled Magnhild's trigger with the intent of having the sole grenade she'd managed to load up propel her through the air towards a balcony to land on...and then run the hell away.

To heck with fighting somebody who can throw things around like Glynda!!!

It was him.

The kid who'd punched her through a wall back in Mistral.

The only one who'd been able to land any kind of blow on her at all for that matter.

It wasn't something she'd forget so quickly. From what little she'd gathered, he obviously didn't care for the Shadow Fang or those affiliated with it. Fair enough, she didn't expect a human to understand. Personal feelings didn't need to enter the equation anyhow. All that mattered was fighting to your heart's content using all of your might. Their skirmish hadn't lasted long but he had potential within him. Perhaps he just needed someone to draw it out of him. Growing up Tiger hadn't exactly had a figure like that herself. Training to control and harness your strength came after trial and error. Only in her case 'error' meant if she'd accidentally mangled someone or demolished a chair or table with the slightest of taps.

As Hazel kept his focus on the perimeter, he might have noticed the shadow that grew to loom over him with each passing moment.


"The boy from Mistral. Are you going to punch me through another wall?"


In retrospect, the only reason their altercation had gone over well was due to the fact Hazel had managed what she'd done to him just now, taken her by surprise. By all rights, it was generous of her to laud the Mistralian for. As they liked to say, turnabout's fair play, though the difference here was Tiger hadn't moved to strike Hazel immediately, which was what formulated the lack of physical response with the verbal at her query.

That and he didn't really know who'd said it until he chanced checking his six, a second taken to recognize whom the sinewy physique in conjunction with the platinum blonde hair and cat ears belonged to.

"... The Tiger."

It made perfect sense the Shadow Fang would deploy members here, the ultimate reward was just too enticing for them to pass over and why would they, it was the proverbial key to the sordid past of Weiss Schnee they would gleefully utilize to undermine her standing in every respect alongside dismantling Atlas, if their motives in prior operations were anything to go by. Be that as it may, there wasn't exactly an alliance of sorts between the councilwoman and the resistance so it wasn't enough to coerce Hazel into a confrontation with one of the Shadow Fang's own though that hardly meant he ignored their transgressions. But then, Hazel also doubted that someone like Tiger was here to debate rigorously the philosophical differences between her peers and his own on the face of it all.

"Poor timing for a social call, only a few minutes. Less than that." His eyes dared to check the dojo's inhabitant once more before he continued along. "Sizing the opposition up at the last moment... or looking for a partner?"

Had she come alone?

The thought was discomforting enough that he visibly shifted, contemplating the idea of cooperating with the faunus that could have deftly ended his life in Argus.

A voice called out once the other masked figure had departed.

The voice was quiet.

The pitter-patter of boots against the floor followed it.

"That was quite the intimidating figure, wasn't it?"


"Hello Gretchen."

There definitely was a bloodcurdling screech at Grey's sudden appearance.

"Oh my god, Grey, I thought you were another one of them!" The huntress hissed, before allowing herself to collapse into a shuddering mess that was as fleeting as it came, recouping her composure as she leapt to standing, deftly moving onto a different matter entirely.

"But good timing-- kind of-- you got a partner? Quick, I need to know and also you should be aware, I left traps around my proximity. How did you and that guy avoid them, maybe I'm actually bad at this."

Also because, yeah, time winding down and the rule of maintaining the minimum distance at the tourney's start.

Winter stood atop the lifeguard's perch in the largest of the leisure floor's numerous pools, a curt frown on her face as numerous lesser Grimm spread across the facility in search of the most practical cohorts. As well as to provide a sense of who to avoid.

There definitely was a blip at the edge of zone as displayed on her scroll, an errant dot that momentarily crossed the threshold, halted as it realized the situation, and retreated.

There was no clarifying announcement or informative speech given once the countdown ended. Several things did happen, though. Every one of the bunker's comfortable, daylight-emulating fluorescent bulbs went dead, plunging every room and floor into pitch darkness for a few tense seconds before the auxiliary system came on to tint everything a deep red. A siren simply started to blare through every speaker in the facility, with enough volume and repetitions that it was becoming a harsh screech in the ear canal of all who heard it by the time it finally subsided a full minute later.

And finally, all hell broke loose.

A lot of things depended on prior circumstances mainly because I'm slow as fuck, culminating in both siblings maneuvering out slowly in search of partners respective of said circumstances or otherwise while fending off attacks from the homicidal mecha zombies which was etched in Gretchen's memory as nightmare fuel.
Omen sheathed with a comforting sound the moment after the last of the machines got stabbed through its mechanical skull and sent it off to machine heaven. With that matter taken care of...her eyes widened and her shoulders tensed when she got informed about exactly what kind of grimm had been unleashed in this hellhole, though her expression went unseen. Her head tilted slightly to the right to indicate she was listening even as she didn't look at him. There was a low exhale of breath before she spoke. "...I realize you wanted me, or us rather, to give you space. I've been keeping my distance. I didn't choose to seek you out, didn't intend to stumble upon you, and if you'd rather find another...I can walk away now. We haven't made eye contact, and we can pretend we didn't encounter each other. But..." She didn't actually say anything following that hopeful "but", her voice trailing off instead of spitting out all the things she wanted to say.

That they made a damned good team. That their odds were best with each other instead of some stranger, and that she was more than willing to take her chances with the unpredictable nature of his semblance. That they would be a better help to their other allies together. That...it would be more like the old days she treasured, just like when they got involved in that grimm attack on the train. Any logical or emotional points like those went unsaid. Instead of any of it, she only continued with: "It's your call."

She stood as still as a statue, her eyes moving from spot to spot as she looked ahead, making sure she stayed alert and that nothing got the jump on her.


"Wouldn't exactly say I wanted this, Ray. It's just my life."

And with that life came the frustration. His total inability to explain the nature of his existence to anyone who didn't have a lifetime of context backing it up, to counter their well-meaning optimism with the cold, harsh reality of his own personal timeline up to now. One where more friends, acquaintances, and allies-by-circumstance than he could count had paid the price for not giving him a wide berth, for dismissing his concerns about his own semblance as nothing more than jaded cynicism or anxiety brought on by what a mopey debbie downer he was. And like a total moron, he had let them. Even though he was the only one who'd ever been in a position to know, and probably the only one who ever would.

And in spite of all of that... she didn't even have to make her own points aloud for them to already be weighing heavily on his own mind. This was gonna turn into an unmitigated slaughter if someone didn't warn enough of their own about the tidal wave of teeth and claws coming their way, and he hadn't seen many qualified and non-crooked huntsmen or huntresses kicking around likely to take up the task themselves over getting a leg up on their competition. In other circumstances he might've still been too stubborn to consider it, but for as much as they were fully fledged huntresses now and all the fact that he still very much felt some kind of duty of care towards the younger generation from his own world gnawed at him too much not to mull it over.

"...Not sure how much better it is if I offload my curse on some other poor schmuck instead of someone with at least some idea what they're in for. But I have one term, and don't try to argue or haggle me down from it. If at any point things take a turn and it looks like I'm in a tight spot... you go. Ditch me. Believe me, I'll be fine. I wouldn't exactly say luck's always on my side, but it's never on the side of anyone trying to put the hurt on me, and if you make a habit of jumpin' to my rescue like you did just now... Well, one of us is gonna end up dead."

He was happy to leave it implicit who he intended that to be if it came down to it. He didn't turn to face her yet, but neither did he walk away as he stood there, stoic.


Oh. Crap.

That was some Professor Glynda like moves, and none of it spelled good things for her. The grenades that got flung her way just made that even more obvious. The first explosive or two she managed to avoid but the third slammed into her and sent her flying back from the force of the blast. The others peppered her general area after and then through the resulting smoke that blade raked repeatedly against her aura, pink crackling and shimmering with each slash before it got pulled back. Alright, this really wasn't going well. Not at all.

Magnhild shifted into warhammer form and she quickly slid in one grenade in a brief reload as he caught his bladestaff, and she dug in her heels as his rapid charge resumed. Lightning sparked about her as she generated electrical energy inside and forced what she could in that brief time into a boost for striking power, and roughly about two seconds before he got in range to slice at her with that staff, she brought her hammer down. Not on him directly, but on the floor of the arena between them as she sought both to cave in that floor some, as well as have the force of her strike blow him back a ways and hopefully disorient him. Immediately after that she flung her weapon straight up as hard as she could, and rather than pull the hammer back down to her, the purple glow on her gauntlet instead brought her up into the air in pursuit of her hammer.

Her fingers curled up around its hilt, and by that time she was a few levels above where she had been and thanking from the bottom of her heart that this arena stretched across multiple levels like that. Her finger pulled Magnhild's trigger with the intent of having the sole grenade she'd managed to load up propel her through the air towards a balcony to land on...and then run the hell away.

To heck with fighting somebody who can throw things around like Glynda!!!

As fueled by hate and bloodthirsty as he obviously was, the fact that her assailant was far from a mindless berserker became apparent as he slowed his sprint in the last few steps to anticipate her own offensive strike. A quick burst of force from his palm gave her the distance she wanted, but it came at the cost of him being disoriented as he whipped his fearsome glare up to where she was being pulled towards her hammer.

He thrust out a hand with the force of a bullet, and she stopped.

There wasn't any deceleration or wind resistance. All her momentum just halted out of nowhere, and rather than being pulled towards it her hammer started falling towards her as the warrior snarled and hurled the crimson helicopter of death towards her suspended position once again.

There definitely was a blip at the edge of zone as displayed on her scroll, an errant dot that momentarily crossed the threshold, halted as it realized the situation, and retreated.


She... hated this entire thing. So much. It was idiotic, crude, thuggish and beneath her. The threats she had trained to deal with were more along the lines of Grimm incursions and plots that threatened to undermine kingdom security than barbaric fighting rings.

But if Weiss was torn down by the work of their mother then she was never going to trust anyone again, least of all someone with white hair and blue eyes. Ironically similar to how Weiss had manipulated the fact that she was Winter's blind spot, their own family had once again turned out to be hers. She huffed as she stared at the edge of her radar and hopped off the lifeguard's perch, smoothly landing on the manticore that shimmered into existence below her and tore its way out of the room with a single mighty beat of its wings.

The leisure complex had been chosen as a tactical aid more than anything, its design a bit more comfortable and spaciously built than the other floors, which allowed her to deftly curve and weave her mount through the blasts volleyed at her by any androids she passed overhead as she set out to scout whoever that had been. It didn't appear as though many had shared her tactical favoring of this floor, and while satisfied with the rough fortifications she had her Grimm erect she had no intention of letting the task of acquiring either keycards or partner grow more and more daunting the more time passed as other competitors secured their own.​
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